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General Overview:

Catch-Up Subject: General Biology 2

Grade Level: Grade 11

Quarterly Theme: National and Global Awareness

Sub-theme: Intercultural Relations

Subject Integration:

1) Subject: History

- Connection: History studies can be integrated to provide a context for the

intercultural relations theme. Understanding the historical interactions between
different cultures can enhance students' appreciation for diversity and the importance
of cultural exchange in shaping societies.

2) Subject: Geography

- Connection: Geography can be connected by exploring how different

environments influence plant development. By studying the geographical factors that
affect plant growth, students can gain a deeper understanding of the interplay
between nature and culture in various regions.

3) Subject: Social Studies

- Connection: Social Studies can reinforce the theme of intercultural relations by

examining the social structures and traditions that impact plant development
practices in different communities. This integration highlights the interconnectedness
between cultures and their environment.
II. Session Outline:

Session Title: Exploring Plant Development Across Cultures

Session Objectives: Explain processes in plant development

Key Concepts: Understanding how cultural practices influence plant development is

essential in appreciating the diversity of agricultural techniques and the impact of
intercultural exchange on plant growth.

III. Teaching Strategies:

Introduction and Warm Up:

Activity Title: Plant Diversity Icebreaker

Description: Introduce students to the concept of plant diversity by discussing the

variety of plants used in different cultures for food and medicine.

Duration: 10 minutes

Materials: Images of diverse plants, whiteboard


1. Show images of various plants from different cultures.

2. Ask students to identify any plants they recognize and share any knowledge they
have about them.

3. Discuss the importance of plant diversity in different cultures for nutrition and

Concept Exploration:
Activity Title: Cultural Plant Practices Presentation

Description: Students research and present on how different cultures approach

plant development and agriculture.

Duration: 20 minutes

Materials: Research materials, presentation tools


1. Assign students different cultures to research regarding their plant development


2. Students prepare short presentations highlighting the techniques, traditions, and

significance of plant cultivation in those cultures.

3. Presentations should focus on how cultural practices impact plant growth and


Activity Title: Plant Cultivation Simulation

Description: Engage students in a hands-on activity simulating different cultural

approaches to plant cultivation.

Duration: 25 minutes

Materials: Seeds, soil, planting containers, gardening tools


1. Divide students into groups, each representing a different cultural approach to

plant cultivation.
2. Provide materials for planting and instruct students to simulate the planting
techniques of their assigned culture.

3. After planting, discuss the differences in approaches and the potential impact on
plant development.


Activity Title: Cultural Plant Development Journal

Description: Have students reflect on the session by writing in a journal about their
insights on how culture influences plant development.

Duration: 10 minutes

Materials: Journals, writing tools


1. Encourage students to write about what they learned regarding cultural

influences on plant development.

2. Ask them to reflect on how understanding intercultural relations can enhance

their appreciation of plant diversity.

3. Conclude by discussing the interconnectedness between culture, agriculture, and

plant development.

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