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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 4

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 85% of Grade VI - pupils will be able to:
A. identify various types of weather (Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy, Snowy, Warm, Cold,
Windy) using key vocabulary and the instruments to measure the weather,
B. discuss the components and the instruments to measure the weather,
C. appreciate the importance of using weather tools in monitoring the weather

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: The Weather on Earth

B. Reference: Science in Real Life for Kids
C. Instructional Material: Power Point Presentation, Pictures and Video

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students Activity
A. Preliminary Activity

Good Morning Class! Good Morning Teacher!

Let’s all stand up and pray
(call one pupil to lead the prayer) The chosen pupil will stand up.
Okay for checking of attendance, please say
present when I call your name. Yes Teacher.
“Very good, everyone! all of you are present.”
“Are you ready for today’s lesson?” Yes Teacher
“Okay, great! But before that, can I see your
smile? Smile everyone! Always remember
that we should start our day with a smile." All the pupils will smile
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Before we proceed let me introduce my three

classroom rules.

First is the eyes, I’ll show this picture to you

because when I am discussing I want you to
look in the teacher in front.

Second is Ear, I’ll show this picture to you

because I want you to listen to me while I am

Last are hands, so if you want to talk, ask

question or answer my questions just raise
your hands.

Is that clear? Yes, Teacher

Before we proceed to our next topic let us first
have a quick review of the last topic we have

Anyone? Our last topic is about the water on

That’s correct very good!

Now let’s have these exercises

Raise your hand if you know the answer to my
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

questions about water on earth, understand?

Yes, Teacher
1. 97% of water with high salt content?
2. Topmost part of an aquifer? Pupils raise their hands and answers
3. 3% of body freshwater? the said questions.
4. Water without salt content?
5. Biggest body of saltwater?

Very good everyone!

B. Motivation
“Before we start our discussion, let us first
watch this short video. Listen carefully
because it is related to our lesson for today. Yes, Teacher
The video is all about the weather
What is the video all about?

Very good! It is all about the weather.

Now, can you look outside the window and

describe the weather that you can see or feel
right now?

The teacher will call some pupils to answer.

Is there a sun or is there a rain in your place?

What do you think is the weather for today?

Very good everyone!

C. Lesson Proper
So our lesson for today is all about the
different kinds of weather on earth.

“Okay, to start, let us first define what is the

weather? Weather is what the sky and the air
outside are like, such as sunny, rainy, windy,
stormy, and cloudy.”

Weather is the condition of the atmosphere

over a short period of time.

The atmosphere is the layer of air that

surrounds the earth. The science that deals
with the study of weather is called
meteorology. A meteorologist is a scientist
that studies the weather and gives a forecast
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

or projections on how the weather will be in

the future.

Components of Weather

Different places on Earth have different kinds

of weather. The weather in your place maybe
sunny but in other places, it may be windy or
rainy. This is due to several components, or
parts, that make up the weather in a place at a
particular time.

Weather is made up of six components: air

temperature, atmospheric pressure,
cloudiness, humidity, precipitation, and

Air temperature
Pupils will read
Air temperature refers to the hotness or
coldness of the atmosphere. The heat of the
sun and the wind affect the temperature in a
place as they cause temperature to either
arise or go down.

Atmospheric Pressure

Atmospheric Pressure is the force exerted Pupils will read

by the weight of the atmosphere. It is primarily
affected by the temperature of the air. When it
warms, the air expands and becomes lighter.

Meteorologist use an instrument called

barometer to measure atmospheric pressure.
There are two commonly used kinds of
barometers: mercury and aneroid.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A mercury barometer is a glass tube about

91 cm long and filled with mercury. The level
of the mercury in the tube indicates the
atmospheric pressure in a place. The mercury
rises when atmospheric pressure increase and Pupils will read
goes down when atmospheric pressure

An aneroid barometer is an air-tight metal

instrument that is very sensitive to changes in
atmospheric pressure. Unlike the other type, it
does not use mercury. Pupils will read


Look at the sky in the photograph. What do

you see? How will you describe the shapes
that you see in it?
Pupils raise their hands and answer.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

We see the sky.

Shapes of clouds


The “shapes” that you see in the photograph

are clouds. A cloud is a mass that you see in
the sky. It is made up of billions of tiny water
droplets that are grouped together.

Different kinds of clouds indicate different

types of weather.

Cirrus Clouds appear white and featherlike.

They indicated fair to pleasant weather.

Cumulus clouds look like fluffy balls of

cotton. They also indicate fair weather.

Stratus clouds can be seen low in an area

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

and seem to cover the entire sky. They are

gray in color and indicate a drizzle or light rain.

Nimbus clouds appear thick and very dark in

the sky. Also known as rain clouds, they
indicate a heavy downpour of rain, hail, or Pupils will read
snow. They also signal the onset of tornadoes.

Scientist use an instrument called

nephelometer to measure the extent of
cloudiness in the skies.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor

in the atmosphere, you were in a place with
high humidity and you sweat a lot, you would
find it very hard to cool off because the Pupils will read
atmosphere is filled with water vapor and there
is no room left in it to absorb your sweat as it

Humidity is measured using an instrument

called psychrometer, which is made up of two
thermometers of the same size. One of these
thermometers is soaked in a wet cloth while
the other is left dry.

The difference in the readings of

thermometers is the amount of humidity in the

Precipitation is any form of water that returns

to the surface of Earth. Water droplets may fall
down as rain, hail, sleet or snow.

Rain is precipitation in the form of liquid water.

A raindrop measures about 0.5 millimeters Pupils will read
(mm) wide or smaller. A drizzle is very light
rain, in which the raindrops are very small.
They are smaller than rain drops. They fall to
the ground from low stratus clouds.

Hail appears as irregular ball-like lumps of ice

that are produced by cumulonimbus clouds.
Each lumps measures about 5mm or more
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Snow falls from the clouds as ice flakes. It is

formed when the temperature is at low or
below freezing, that is, at 0°C or 32°F and
when there is only a minimum amount of
moisture in the air, Snow falls to the ground
when the temperature is at or below freezing.

The instrument that is used to measure the

amount pf precipitation that falls in a place is
called. Precipitation gauge

It is also known as a rain gauge.

During the daytime the suns heat is absorbed

by the sea, with land absorbing heat faster.
During the night the land cools quickly while
the sea becomes relatively hotter. The
difference in temperature of the land and seas
cause or produced wind.

The Monsoon is a kind of seasonal wind that

brings cold temperature with it. Wind coming
from the northeast brings the northeast
monsoon. And cold weather monsoon and
rainy weather. Pupils will read

The wind vane is a device that is used to tell

the direction of the wind. It is usually in the
form of an arrowhead pointing in the direction.
From which the wind is blowing.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

The anemometer is an instrument used to

measure the speed of the wind. It is made up
of cups that catch the wind spin around,
indicating how fast the wind is moving. When
the wind blows hard, the cups of the
anemometer moves fast.

Do you understand our lesson for today?

Again we discussed about weathers and the

clouds that indicates different types of
weather, can you name one?
Yes, Teacher
(The teacher will call some pupil to answer)

Stratus clouds for light rain

Good job, everyone. All of you are
great. You listened carefully to our lesson, Nimbus clouds for heavy rain, snow
very good! or hail
Give yourself 5 claps!

Do you have any questions in our topic for

today? Pupils will clap 5 times

D. Application None, teacher

For me to know if you really understand our

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

lesson, let us practice. Let us answer the

following. Just raise your hand if you want to
answer. Do you understand?

All you have to do is to identify what weather,

clouds is shown in the picture. Yes, Teacher

(Pupils will discuss the components

of the weather stated)

What do you think is the weather

shown in this picture? Is it a sunny, stormy
day? Pupils raise hand and answer stormy
Very good! It is stormy day.

Next, we have this picture.

Sunny weather!

What weather is shown?


Next picture. What type of components do you

think indicate this weather?
Precipitation gauge
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

(The teacher will call some pupils to answer).

Correct! It is nimbus clouds that indicate

snowy weather.

Next picture. What cloud do you think is this? Its Cirrus cloud!

Cirrus Cloud
Correct! Cumulus cloud
Stratus cloud
Very good, Nimbus cloud

E. Generalization

So now class, who can tell me the different

types of clouds that indicate different weather? Air Temperature

(Teacher will call some pupil)

Correct! The student answers

The six components of weather are
This refers to hotness or coldness of the Air temperature, atmospheric
atmosphere pressure, cloudiness, precipitation,
and wind.
Yes, Eunice.

Very good!

What are the six components of weather?

(Teacher will call some pupils)

Yes, Teacher
Very Good, everyone! All of you are great,
because of that, I will give you three stars.

Always remember that weather is what the sky

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

and the air outside are like. We have different

kinds of weather such as: sunny, rainy,
cloudy, windy, stormy, cold and snowy.
Always remember that God created the world
and everything in it so we must learn to
appreciate them.

IV. Evaluation

For your activity, kindly get your science notebook and ballpen. Let us answer
the following questions.
A. Match the components of weather in column A with a weather instrument in
column B. Write only the letter of the answer on the line before a description.
_____1. Shows wind direction A. Anemometer
_____2. Shows speed of wind B. Thermometer
_____3. Measures extent of cloudiness C. Barometer
_____4. Measures Humidity D. Nephelometer
_____5. Measures atmospheric pressure E. Psychrometer
_____6. Measures air temperature F. Wind vane
_____7. Shows prevailing atmospheric G. Weather Chart
_____8. Measures Precipitation H. Aneroid Barometer
_____9. Barometer without mercury I. Weather Map
_____10. Report on weather in particular J. Rain gauge

B. Read each statement below. If it is correct, write true on the line before the
statement. If is wrong, write false and underline the incorrect part of the
statement. Write the necessary correction on the line provided.
__________1. Thunder indicated rain.
__________2. It is safe to play outdoors during bad weather.
__________3. Do not wade through flooded streets.
__________4. Wearing light-colored on warm days can make you feel cooler.
__________5. Listening to weather reports and forecast is a waste of time.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

V. Assignment
Name each picture that the Meteorologist uses as an instrument.

1. 5.

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