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To insert references in Harvard style and bibliography, you need to follow

some general rules and formats for different types of sources. You can use the
web search results I found for you to learn more about the Harvard
referencing style and see some examples. 1 2 3 4

To identify and explain any five protective intelligence agencies or

professionals networks and intelligence sharing agencies, you can use the
following information:

● Protective intelligence is an investigative and analytical process used

to proactively identify, assess, and mitigate threats to protectees. It
involves collecting and analyzing data from various sources, such as
social media, open source intelligence, human intelligence, and physical
security. Protective intelligence programs are often implemented by
government agencies, corporations, and private security firms to protect
their leaders, employees, assets, and reputation. 5

● Intelligence collaboration is the process of sharing and coordinating

intelligence information and analysis among different agencies,
organizations, or countries. It aims to enhance the quality, timeliness,
and relevance of intelligence products and services, and to avoid
duplication and gaps in coverage. Intelligence collaboration can occur at
various levels, such as strategic, operational, and tactical, and across
different domains, such as national security, law enforcement, and
competitive intelligence. 6

● Interagency collaboration is a specific form of intelligence

collaboration that occurs when two or more government agencies work
together to achieve a common goal. For example, federal, state and
local law enforcement agencies work together to share intelligence and
investigate potential threats to prevent terrorist attacks. Interagency
collaboration can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
government operations, as well as foster trust and cooperation among
different stakeholders. 7
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● Intelligence sharing is the act of disseminating intelligence information
and analysis to authorized recipients, such as other agencies,
organizations, or countries. Intelligence sharing can be formal or
informal, bilateral or multilateral, and based on various agreements,
protocols, and mechanisms. Intelligence sharing can enhance the
situational awareness, decision making, and action taking of the
recipients, as well as foster mutual understanding and support. 8

● NOFORN is an intelligence classification marking that indicates that the

information is not to be shared with foreign nationals or governments. It
is used to protect sensitive sources and methods, as well as national
interests and security. However, NOFORN can also limit the intelligence
collaboration and sharing among allies and partners, and create barriers
to collective security. Therefore, some experts have proposed solutions
to increase intelligence sharing among allies, such as creating a new
classification level, establishing a common framework, and enhancing
trust and transparency. 9

I hope this helps you with your assignment. If you have any other questions,
please feel free to ask me. 😊

1. Harvard Style Bibliography | Format & Examples - Scribbr
2. Free Harvard Referencing Generator [Updated for 2024] - MyBib
3. What Is Harvard Referencing Style? Tips and Formatting - Grammarly
4. Harvard Referencing for Journal Articles | Templates & Examples - Scribbr
5. Getting Proactive with Protective Intelligence
6. INTEL - Collaboration - Intelligence
7. Importance of Interagency Collaboration in National Security
8. Intelligence sharing - Wikipedia
9. Beyond NOFORN: Solutions for increased intelligence sharing among ...
10. Intelligence Information Sharing - Homeland Security

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