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A collocation involves the combination of words
that are frequently used together. For example:
Let’s take some photographs of the animals
I spent some money at the pet shop
He does his homework after feeding his parrot
She always makes the bed before walking her

1. Write words that can match these verbs. Use the following list.

a decision – a meeting – a photo – the dishes – a break – an exception – the night – a

headache - homework – a party – your job – an exercise – a choice – friends – a bad time
– a cold – my time – a shower – a look

Make Do Have Spend Take

2. Select the correct word in these sentences about Mark and Natalie.

1 Natalie made / spent some time looking at penguins.

2 Natalie did / made her homework when she got home from the
. zoo.
3 Mark did / took some shopping for his mum the next day.
4 Natalie said, “Can you wait a minute? I need to make d a phone call”.
. / o
5 Mark took / made his exams last week.
6 Natalie did / made a cake the next day.

3. Answer the following questions with your own information.

1. When do you do your homework?

2. Do you know how to make a cake?

3. How much money do you spend on

4. Where do you take the bus to go to the
5. What time do you usually have a shower?

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