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Traditions and Rituals during Holi

Colorful Celebrations
The festival is marked by exuberant public gatherings during which participants
throw and smear each other with colorful powders and water. The atmosphere is
filled with laughter, music, and dance as people join in the festivities,
disregarding social norms and barriers.
Ritual Bonfires
On the eve of Holi, people gather around large bonfires known as "Holika
Dahan." These bonfires symbolize the victory of good over evil and are a
reminder of the omnipresence of the divine power, encouraging people to let go
of past mistakes and forgive others.
Traditional Sweets
During the celebrations, traditional sweets and delicacies are prepared and
shared among friends and family. One of the most popular treats is "gujiya," a
sweet dumpling filled with khoya, nuts, and raisins, symbolizing the sweetness
and joy of the festival.
Social Harmony
Holi transcends social barriers as people come together to celebrate, fostering
unity and joy.
_Traditions and Rituals during Holi
Có thể gồm những ý này
+Colorful Celebrations
+Ritual Bonfires
+Traditional Sweets
+Social Harmony

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