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One of the most significant inventions in the field of biomedical engineering that has

drastically changed human lives is the artificial heart.

The artificial heart is a prosthetic device that's implanted into the body to replace the
natural heart. It's generally used to bridge the time to heart transplantation, or to
permanently replace the heart in case heart transplantation isn't possible.

The invention of the artificial heart has been a boon for cases with end- stage heart
failure, a condition where the heart is no longer suitable to pump enough blood to
meet the body's requirements. Before the arrival of the artificial heart, these cases
had veritably limited options and a poor prognostic.

The development of the artificial heart has converted cardiac care, it has:

Extended Lifespan: For cases with severe heart complaints, the artificial heart has
handed an alternative when transplant options aren't available.

Advanced Cardiac Research: The technology and knowledge gathered from

developing artificial hearts have impulsed further exploration in cardiac treatments
and related biomedical fields.

Eventually, it has handed inestimable perceptivity into the treatment of heart disease
and the operation of patients with severe cardiac conditions.

Biomedical engineers played a key part in the development of the artificial heart.
Their contributions include:

Design and Development: Biomedical engineers were necessary in designing the

mechanical and electrical components of the artificial heart
Testing: Deep testing, both in vitro and in vivo, was carried out by biomedical
engineers to ensure the safety and efficacity of the device.

Innovations in Power Supply: One of the major challenges was creating a solid and
long-continuing power supply for the artificial heart. Biomedical engineers developed
innovative answers for that.

Regulatory Compliance They ensured that the artificial heart met strict medical
device regulations and standards was also part of their function.

In conclusion, the artificial heart is a great case of how biomedical engineering has
profoundly impacted healthcare and helped human lives.

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