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Date: _______

Full names: _Kimberley Tapia

Possessive adjectives, pronouns, nouns worksheet

1. Write the possessive pronouns (mine – yours – his – hers – its – ours - theirs)

The books are (I) The books are mine


2. The dog is (we) The dog is ours

3. The motorcycle is (he) The motorcycle is his

4. The car is (They) The car is theirs

5. The boots are (she) The boots are hers

6. The ball is (you) The ball is yours

7. The cherries are (he) The cherries are his

8. The chair is (I) The chair is mine

9. The drinks are (yuo) The drinks are yours

10. The cookies are (They) The cookies are theirs

2. Find and highlight the possessive pronouns

a. Is this jacket yours?

b. No, It isn’t. Mine is that one.

c. That big dog is theirs.

d. My shoes are black. Hers are blue

e. Whose shirt is this? It’s his

f. Alan is a friend of ours.

g. Peter cat is black. Mine is brown.

h. That house on the left is ours.

i. My son is fine. How is yours?

j. Our cousins are rich. Theirs are poor.

3. Fill in the blanks with possessive adjectives or possessive pronouns

Is this teddy your (you)? No, it's hers (she).

This is his hat (he). That one is hers (she).

This is theirs (they)goat. The goat ate its (it) food.

Their (they) house is big. Our (we) is very small.

This is my (I)seat. That one is yours (you).

Can I use your (you) racket? Mine (I) is broken.

Their (they)dog is at the vet because it has hurt its (it) tail.

My (I)car is very good but yous (you) is better.

This is their (they) street. Ours (we) is over there.

Her (she) dress is red. Mine (I) is blue.
4. Rewrite the sentence with the correct possessive noun

1. That book belongs to my friend a. friend’s It’s my friend´s book.

b. friends’
2. That’s the house where my friends a. friend’s That’s friend´s my house
live. b. friends’
3. That car belongs to the family next a. neighbors’ It’s my Neighbor’s car.
door b. Neighbor’s
4. I always ask my teacher to help me a. teachers’ I ask for my teacher’s help.
b. teacher’s
5. My friend goes to a school just for a. girl’s She goes to a girl´s school.
girls. b. girls’
6. What does you teacher think about a. teachers’ What’s your teacher´s opinion?
your progress? b. teacher’s
7. Our cat always sleeps on that chair. a. cat’s It’s the cat´s chair.
b. cats’
8. The part was organized by Susan a. Susans’ It was Susans´s party.
b. Susan’s
9. That belongs to my bests friend a. best friends’ That’s my best friends’ bike.
b. best friend’s

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