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To begin, I am going to make my App known a little. It is used to meet people while you
learn for free from the skills of others, while they learn from yours.

So that you can understand it better, I am going to give an example, if my great skill is
cooking, on my board I will put examples of my recipes and I will be able to add photos or
videos of my specialties and if your great skill is dancing, you will do the same with
dances. . That you are more familiar. In the event that I am interested in your board, I will
like your profile and if you are interested in mine you will like it back, therefore we will
match and we can explain each other's interest to each other without having to pay
someone to teach us and in the process we can meet someone who has similar interests to

The same will happen with languages, since it is aimed at people from all over the world
and we can help each other understand basic concepts of each other's language, both of
us benefiting.

My marketing technique was to advertise through ads on different platforms, both on

social networks such as Instagram and Tik Tok, as well as on Spotify.

I hope you have understood the concept so that you can use it and it will help you, all of us
who have a lot of ambition but not so much budget!

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