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NUCLI IsF Inglês

Teacher Liza Slabihoud

Victória Régia Fabricio Soares


Read the following paragraphs and produce one topic sentence for each. Remember:
- A topic sentence is a single sentence.
- It needs a subject and a verb.
- It has a controlling idea that specifies the main topic, for example
“Dogs are better companies than cats.” In this topic sentence, Dogs is
the topic and ‘better companies than cats’ the controlling idea.
- The topic sentence needs to introduce the rest of the paragraph.

1. “____________________________. First, living in a foreign country helps you

learn another language faster than studying it at school. Second, you can
learn directly about the history, geography and culture of a country. Third, you
become informed about different cultures and different ways of living. Fourth,
the experience makes you appreciate your own land.”

TOPIC SENTENCE: Living in another country can be a good life experience.

2. “_____________________________. First, there is mathematical-logical

intelligence. People with this kind of intelligence become scientists, engineers
and mathematicians. Second, there is linguistic intelligence. People with
linguistic intelligence are good at language, many become musicians and
writers. There is also spatial intelligence and musical intelligence. The spatial
is necessary for architects and artists, and the musical is necessary for
musicians. In short, there is more than one way to be smart.

TOPIC SENTENCE: People are smart in different ways.

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