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Human impact on species and ecosystems

Comprehension questions:

1. What are some of the benefits that forests provide? (List 2)

2. What is deforestation?
3. According to the passage, how much faster are species going extinct due to
human activity compared to the natural rate?
4. What is one significant threat to big cat species?
5. What percentage of primate species are in severe population decline?

Paraphrasing and summarizing questions:

6. In your own words, explain why reforestation is a good idea, but also has
7. Summarize the main point of the section titled "Species Decline".
8. How does the meat and dairy industry contribute to greenhouse gas emissions?

Critical thinking questions:

9. Why do you think so many insect species are disappearing?

10. The passage discusses deforestation for animal agriculture. What are some
alternative food sources that could help reduce deforestation?
11. Do you think the benefits of reforestation outweigh the limitations? Explain your
12. What are some of the consequences of a decline in bee populations?


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