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The Structure of Motivation for Mechanical Engineering Study at University of


Conference Paper · October 2015


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2 authors:

Damir Miloš Nikša Dubreta

AMS University of Zagreb


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Nikša Dubreta1*, Damir Miloš2
1Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2 Department of Sociology, Catholic University of Croatia

* Corresponding author e-mail:,

Accordingly, the main objectives of our research
The paper aims to explore freshmens' reasons to
are aimed to explore freshmens' reasons to study
study mechanical engineering at University of
mechanical engineering at University of Zagreb in
Zagreb. These reasons are framed mostly in terms
terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. In addition, the
As a matter of empirical and theoretical concern
paper examines elements of motivational structure
which is thoroughly established in psychology,
with respect to the selected independent variables
research on motivation is also frequently used in
of the sample. The obtained results indicate
the field of engineering education, although some-
relative significance of some independent variables
times with poor conceptual background [5]. While
and slightly more pronounced importance of intrin-
concentrating on structure of students' motivation
sic motivation.
for engineering study, most of these studies tried
to explore students' inclination toward engineering
Keywords: in terms of quasi-conceptual opposition between
Students of mechanical engineering, extrinsic moti- extrinsic (security, salary or social position) and
vation, intrinsic motivation, motivational structure intrinsic (interest in engineering or work autonomy)
motivation. Extrinsic motivation reffered to some-
1. Introduction one's activity oriented toward different utilitarian
aims of relativelly wide spectre - from ascribed im-
Through the last couple of decades, students' portance to utility itself. On the contrary, intrinsic
interest in engineering study has closely motivation reffered to activity independent on
corresponded to fluctuations in socio-economic external influence, and which stemmed from inte-
development of late industrial societies. Up to rest for activity itself and was related to corres-
2000., this interest was decreasing due mostly to ponding enjoyment [6]. However, both types of
the factors of deindustrialisation and to the rising motivation have been integrated into more sophis-
precarious character of employment with the ticated models raised in expectancy theory, theory
corresponding uncertainty in terms of individual of task's importance, and theories in which moti-
professional career and individual biography [1]. vation is associated with cognition and volition [7].
With the beginning of economic crisis in developed In our research we have partly relied on theore-
world in 2000s and clearly expressed orientation tical approach of Deci et al [6] since they indicated
toward reindustrialisation interest in engineering a need to differ between several levels along the
had start to rise again. However, it unevenly continuum of extrinsic motivation including not only
affected different strains in STEM field and it's "pure" type (external regulation), or couple of
corresponding accademic programs [1]. transitional types (introjected and identified regula-
Also, as related research indicates [2], number tion), but also its the most developed type (integra-
of long-standing factors inherent to academic engi- ted regulation) where externally regulated activities
neering curriculum were identified as discouraging by their character were integrated into "individuals'
with regard to students' interest in engineering coherent sense of self" [6]. Although this last type
study. Predominantly narrow disciplinary focus, brings closer to intrinsic motivation, it is identified
excessive abstraction of the studies and difficulties in terms of extrinsic motivation because the speci-
in understanding engineering as a social enterprise fic interest in an activity is not fully internally indu-
are singled out as main potential barriers to ced [6]. This conceptualisation confirms analytical
attracting the best and the most creative freshmen usefulness of so called transitional types which on
[3]. However, as Matusovich at al. [4] pointed out, the scale of extrinsic motivation gradually get
general understanding on students' motivation to closer to intrinsic motivation. On the contrary,
enter engineering study was still relatively poor. In possibilities to operationalize intrinsic motivation
other words, just mentioned socio-economic and are reduced to its ideal-type extreme.
curriculum factors needed to be upgraded by
research of the structure of motivation of future
engineering students.
2. Sample and Method this study"); 2) Orientation towards work and
career (represented with two indicators: "I started
The research participants were the first year
this study primarily due to the possibility of quick
students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
employment" and "I started this course primarily
at the University of Zagreb. During the first week of
due to the possibility of fast career advancement");
class in autumn 2014, 227 freshmen filled our
2) The importance of the professional reputation in
questionnaire. In proportion with the number of
society (one indicator: "I find this study attractive
students enrolled (435), the questionnaire compri-
mostly because of the engineers' professional
sed students of all majors. In this respect, the
reputation in society"). Questions asked are sorted
sample can be considered as representative.
by similarity into three meaningful categories. All
In this paper we used descriptive and inferential
the questions were presented 1-5 Likert scale
statistical methods.
where 1 means "Strongly disagree" and 5 "Strong-
The descriptive statistical methods were used
ly agree".
for describing the sample and the independent
The variable which points to levels of intrinsic
variables Besides that, inferential statistical
motivation consists of answers to the following
methods were used in accordance with the goal of
questions: "I started this study because I am
the research. Series of t-tests and One-way
primarily interested in the field of science and
ANOVAs were made.
technology", "I have started this study mostly by
Independent variables consisted of 186 male
being attracted by gaining new technical
students (82%) and 40 female students (18%). With
knowledge", "I have already shown a preference in
regard to high school, there were 185 gymnasium
repairing different devices" "I enjoy solving
students (82%) and 40 students who came from
mathematical problems", "Engineering is the
technical school (18%). 51 students estimated their
official name for the hobbies I enjoy," "I prefer to
family income as above average (28%), while 64
deal with things rather than people." Responses
students estimated family income as average
were noted in the same manner as in elements of
(33,%), and finally 74 students estima- ted family
extrinsic motivation. Because of the greater variety
income as bellow average (39%). With regard to
of indicators than in the previous case we did not
parents' education, 89 (41%) students have
extract them into the common categories.
mothers with high school education contrary to 126
Table 1 shows that among individual extrinsic
students whose mothers had college degree
motives the possibility of fast career advancement
(59%). Finally, 97 students had fathers with high
and the possibility of quick employment dominate.
school (45%), while 118 (55%) students had
Category "Job and Carrer" in which they are
fathers with college degree.
summed up consequently shows the highest value.
They are followed by a well-paid job and pro-
3. Results
fessional reputation in society. The table also
The first variable which represents the extrinsic shows that individual variables are summed up in
motivation to study engineering is an aggregate of corresponding category including their hierarchy.
the next categories: 1) The desirability of high The most important element of extrinsic motivation
salary (represented with two indicators in the for our respondents is job and career. Professional
questionnaire: "I joined this study primarily due to reputation is estimated as the next in importance,
possibility to find a well-paid job" and "Above- while potential financial benefits (salary and well
average salary is the main factor for my choice of paid job) rank last. As it can be seen overall score
on a scale of extrinsic motivation is 3.41.

Table 1. Elements of extrinsic motivation.

Means by Overall
Individual variable Mean SD Category SD
category Mean
Opportunity to get a job quickly 3,53 1,0
Job and career 3,57
Possibility to have fast career 3,60 1,01
Possibility to get well paid job 3,44 1,08 3,41 0,80
Salary 3,26
Possibility to have sallary above average 3,08 1,11
Engineers' reputation in society 3,38 1,14 Reputation 3,38

When it comes to the issues of intrinsic moti- follows immediately behind them. Finally, all of
vation (Table 2), it is evident that students put the them are followed by tendency to repair various
highest scores to issues which indicate the impor- devices and the latest two are engineering as a
tance of the interest in science and technology and hobby and preference to deal with things rather
of gaining new technical knowledge. Hierarchically, than people.
inclination towards solving mathematical problems

N. Dubreta, D. Miloš 132

Table 2. Elements of intrinsic motivation.
Individual variable Mean SD SD
Primarilly interest in science and technology 4,46 0,67
Attracted by new technical knowledge 4,09 0,8
Inclination to fix devices has always existed 3,56 1,06
3,72 0,56
Engineering as career name for own hobbies 3,23 0,97
Rather being involved in things than in people 3,22 1,14
Enjoying in solving mathematical problems 3,75 1,05

It is easy to notice that the total score on the independent variables. Independent variables used
scale of intrinsic motivation (M = 3.72, SD = 0.55) are: Sex (M/F), High school (technical or gymna-
is higher than in the case of extrinsic (M = 3.41, SD sium), monthly income per capita (below average,
= 0.80) and testing of their differences (paired average or above average), mothers' education
samples) showed a significantly higher intrinsic (high school or college) and fathers' education
than extrinsic motivation (t = -4502, df = 226, p = (high school or college).
0.000). When it comes to extrinsic motivation, it's each
In a few words, students are remarkably more component is observed particularly with regard to
intrinsically than extrinsically motivated. In the first social groups represented in the independent
type of motivation interest in science and tech- variables. Table 3 indicates that overall extrinsic
nology, new technical knowledge, enjoying math motivation rises as the parents' educational level is
and experience in repairing devices dominates smaller. In both cases - mother's and father's
while in the second (extrinsic) quick employment, education - significanrt difference was found. Also,
fast career advancement, good salary and as it is visible in Table 3, father's education is
professional reputation in society prevail. expressed by greater significance. With regard to
We also tested differences in the components of other independent variables we found no
the both types of motivation with regard to significant differences.

Table 3. Differences in levels of overall extrinsic motivation (EM) with regard to independent variables.
EM Overall EM Overall
Mean Difference sig.
Male 186 3,35 0,82
Sex n.d.
Female 40 3,59 0,69
Gyumasium 185 3,38 0,77
High school n.d.
Technical high school 40 3,55 0,93
Bellow avegage 74 3,50 0,76
Income Average 64 3,38 0,80 n.d.
Above average 51 3,41 0,86
High school 89 3,54 0,79
Mothers' education 0,017
College 126 3,30 0,79
High school 97 3,57 0,66
Fathers' education 0,003
College 118 3,25 0,87

Detailed analysis of specific extrinsic motivation across all independent variables except parents'
components (Table 4) shows that the element of education. In discussion we shall concentrate on
job and career in extrinsic motivation is more elements which proved to be consistent in both,
important to female than to male students. the overall and the detailed differences in extrinsic
Similarly, students who came from technical high motivation.
schools found professional reputation of engineers With regard to the issue of intrinsic motivation
more important than the students who came from the same procedure as in the previous case was
gymnasium. Among income groups there is no repeated. However, because of the variables'
difference in any of the components. On the other diversity they were more difficult to be summed up
side, students with less (high school) educated in a category of higher order so that was not done.
mothers consider job, career and salary more Table 5 shows that there are no significant
important than students whose mothers have differences in terms of any single independent
college diploma. Finally, students with less variables when considering the overall intrinsic
educated fathers gave more importance to all three motivation. More precisely, it can be said that the
components of extrinsic motivation (Job and difference in overall intrinsic motivation between
Career, Salary, Professional reputation) than those the sexes doesn’t exists. Likewise, there is no
students whose fathers have college degree. difference regarding the high school, family income
Finally, It is noticable that salary as the component or level of parental education.
of extrinsic motivation showed no differences

N. Dubreta, D. Miloš 133

Table 4. Differences in components of extrinsic motivation (EM) with regard to independent variables
and Salary Professional Professional
N and Salary
career sig. Reputation Reputation sig.
Male 186 3,51 3,23 3,33
Sex 0,046 n.d. n.d.
Female 40 3,81 3,38 3,58
High Gymnasium 185 3,58 3,24 3,31
n.d. n.d 0,048
School Technical school 40 3,58 3,38 3,70
Bellow average 74 3,60 3,43 3,46
Income Average 64 3,46 n.d 3,24 n.d 3,42 n.d.
Above average 51 3,67 3,21 3,35
Mothers' High school 89 3,70 3,42 3,51
0,048 0,034 n.d.
education College 126 3,46 3,13 3,29
Fathers' High school 97 3,71 3,45 3,55
0,02 0,004 0,049
education College 118 3,43 3,06 3,25

Table 5. Differences in levels of overall intrinsic motivation (IM) with regard to independent variables
IMO Difference
N IM Overall Mean SD
Male 186 3,71 0,53
Sex n.d.
Female 40 3,79 0,64
Gyumasium 185 3,72 0,56
High school n.d.
Technical high school 40 3,74 0,55
Bellow avegage 74 3,77 0,49
Income Average 64 3,72 0,56 n.d.
Above average 51 3,73 0,61
High school 89 3,68 0,59
Mothers' education n.d.
College 126 3,62 0,53
High school 97 3,65 0,55
Fathers' education n.d.
College 118 3,74 0,55

Detailed analysis of specific intrinsic motivation firmed by testing the differences between overall
components (Table 6) shows that the students with means in extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and it
more educated fathers show more interest in indicates statistically significant higher value of
science and technology than students with less intrinsic motivation indicators.
educated fathers. In three variables: “Gaining new To some extent, this finding corresponds to
technical knowledge", "Experience in repairing de- results found in similar studies conducted in Cro-
vices" and "Dealing with things rather than people” atia. It is consistent with findings in research done
there is no differences between groups of indepen- by Kesić and Previšić [8] who compared the mo-
dent variables. Students with below-average family tives for enrolling into faculties of economics and
income (M=3,96, SD=0,867) enjoy in mathematics electrical engineering. Although their two-factor
more than students with above-average family motivational structure corresponded to a simplified
income (M=3,47, SD=1,255), and it was confirmed matrix of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, their
by One-way ANOVA F(2, 188) = 3,372, p=0,027. findings indicated primary importance of intrinsic
Students with more educated mothers prefer engi- motives not only in process of study-enrolment
neering as a hobby more than those who have less decision making, but also in students' images on
(high school) educated mothers. Also, contrary to their own future profession. Also, our finding is re-
common perception on gendered nature of diffe- latively consistent with those in Potočnik's research
rences with regard to inclination toward natural sci- [9]. Despite some differences in sample, metho-
ences' school subjects such as math, physics etc., dology and overall results (she researched the
we found that female students enjoy in solving students' motives for enrolling at the University of
mathematical tasks and problems much more than Zagreb and she combined qualitative and quanti-
their male colleagues. tative approach), it was determined that the majo-
rity of students, including those studying technical
4. Discussion sciences, have a prevailing interest in the studies,
while independent variables such as gender, age
Considering the main objectives of this enrolled
and years of study do not represent relevant
the study of mechanical engineering and naval
architecture at University of Zagreb in 2014, was
primarily intrinsically motivated. This finding is con-

N. Dubreta, D. Miloš 134

Table 6. Differences in components of intrinsic motivation (IM) with regard to independent variables
Interest New Inclination to
Interest technical Inclination to
in S&T technical fix devices
in S&T knowledge fix devices
sig. knowledge sig.
Male 4,43 4,11 3,58
Sex n.d. n.d. n.d.
Female 4,60 4,03 3,50
High Gymnasium 4,49 4,09 3,53
n.d. n.d. n.d.
School Technical school 4,43 4,10 3,70
Bellow average 4,47 4,11 3,74
Income Average 4,47 n.d. 4,20 n.d. 3,44 n.d.
Above average 4,57 4,20 3,43
Mothers' High school 4,39 4,13 3,63
n.d. n.d. n.d.
education College 4,50 4,06 3,49
Fathers' High school 4,31 4,14 3,53
0,005 n.d. n.d.
education College 4,57 4,02 3,57
Enjoy Things
Enjoy before Engineering as Engineering as
in math before
in math people hobby hobby sig.
sig. people
Male 3,65 3,18 3,29
Sex 0,003 n.d. n.d.
Female 4,20 3,45 2,98
High Gymnasium 3,77 3,23 3,21
n.d. n.d. n.d.
School Technical school 3,65 3,20 3,35
Bellow average 3,96 3,11 3,23
Income Average 3,77 0,036 3,17 n.d. 3,27 n.d.
Above average 3,47 3,37 3,33
Mothers' High school 3,82 3,09 3,07
n.d. n.d. 0,041
education College 3,68 3,29 3,34
Fathers' High school 3,73 3,08 3,12
n.d. n.d. n.d.
education College 3,73 3,30 3,28

However, it is necessary to clearly point out that independent variables. However, analysis of
finding on importance of intrinsic motivation should particular components of intrinsic motivation
not neglect the importance of extrinsic motivation indicates couple of significant differences. The
since some other research emphasized the most striking is one that stays contrary to the
concurrent importance of extrinsic and intrinsic conventional and traditional values on gendered
motivation [10]. Also, our finding should be related nature of inclinations toward natural and technical
to contextual factors of engineering study itself sciences. We found that female students enjoy in
[11]. as well as to the fact that choice of study is of math more than male students and this finding is
highly contingent character [12]. indicated as the most significant among all other
The structure of each type of motivation differences found in context of intrinsic motivation.
(including their particular components) with regard In corresponding research Jugović [13] indicated
to independent variables allows for discussion of that there were no differences between boys and
the most consistent results. Level of parents' edu- girls when it comes to personal importance and the
cation - including mothers and fathers - proved to assessment of their own abilities in the area of
be significant factor with regard to overall extrinsic science. Although she concentrated on gender
motivation and with regard with to almost all of its differences in the field of physics her findings are
components. Our findings indicate that in both of reference for our research results.
cases students whose parents have high school
degree are significantly more extrinsically motiva- 5. Conclusion
ted to enroll engineering study. In other words, it
seems that students with less educated parents Our findings are consistent with corresponding
strive more for good salary, quick employment and research on students' motivation to enroll different
career advancement. To some extent, this finding - including engineering - academic study programs
corresponds to approaches in which education is in Croatia. Although intrinsic motivation is proved
confirmed as potential factor in social mobility, to be significantly more important in choosing to
although educational system is also proved to be enroll engineering study, analytical usefulness of
important vehicle in context of social class concept of extrinsic motivation in terms of conti-
reproduction. nuum indicated primarily students' need to achieve
At the level of overall intrinsic motivation we their professional choice through education. Diffe-
found no significant differences with regard to rences in components of extrinsic and intrinsic

N. Dubreta, D. Miloš 135

motivation are singled out in some details which
have to be verified in next researches.
Finally, all results should be considered with reg-
ard to the fact that they represent one generation of
freshmen at single engineering faculty in Zagreb.
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