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How Does It Feel? The Development of the

Experience of Creativity Questionnaire

Barnaby Nelson & David Rawlings

To cite this article: Barnaby Nelson & David Rawlings (2009) How Does It Feel? The
Development of the Experience of Creativity Questionnaire, CREATIVITY RESEARCH JOURNAL,
21:1, 43-53, DOI: 10.1080/10400410802633442

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Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1040-0419 print=1532-6934 online
DOI: 10.1080/10400410802633442

How Does It Feel? The Development of the Experience

of Creativity Questionnaire
Barnaby Nelson and David Rawlings
Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Australia

Creativity research has tended to neglect the phenomenology of the creative process.
This article addresses this by describing the development of the Experience of
Creativity Questionnaire (ECQ), designed to measure experiential (Part A) and
existential (Part B) dimensions of artistic creativity. The questionnaire items were
generated on the basis of an earlier qualitative investigation. Participants were 100
artists, from diverse fields of the creative arts. Two Maximum Likelihood factor ana-
lyses with Promax rotation were performed on the items comprising the initial ECQ,
resulting in 6 factors in Part A and 3 factors in Part B. Factor analyses were then
performed on a reduced number of items, providing the basis for 5 scales in Part A
(labeled Distinct Experience, Anxiety, Absorption, Power=Pleasure, Clarity=
Preparation) and 3 scales in Part B (Transformation, Centrality, Beyond the Perso-
nal). The scales demonstrated acceptable reliability, ranging from .82 to.60 (Guttman
coefficient). Use of the ECQ in future research will facilitate further investigation of
the phenomenology of the creative process and afford greater integration of research
paradigms in creativity research.

Recent commentators on creativity research have creativity, because they are well suited to exploratory,
observed that there is a need to extend research into generative research that attempts to approach a con-
the phenomenology of creativity (Bindeman, 1998; struct on its own terms rather than test a particular
Conrad, 1990; Melrose, 1989; Nardone, 1996; Reinders, theory or model of the construct (see Guba &
1992; Sass, 2001). That is, the field needs to develop Lincoln, 1994; Smith, Harrè, & Van Langenhove,
a fuller understanding of how the creative process 1995). Useful qualitative research into the phenomen-
is experienced, what its ‘‘lived meaning’’ is for the ology of creativity has been conducted in recent years
individual. Sass remarked: (Henderson, 2004; Mace & Ward, 2002; see Nelson,
2005 for a review).
In the absence of such studies, there is a sense in which However, it is also important to be able to link
we literally do not know what we are talking about (or phenomenological findings with other approaches in
looking at, or counting up in our research studies) when creativity research. This may be particularly relevant
we speak of creativity, creative psychological processes, in creativity research, as opposed to other areas of psy-
or certain types of psychopathology. (p. 42) chological research, due to the apparent splintering of
endeavors in the field of creativity research, with a lack
Qualitative approaches are the most appropriate of dialogue between the approaches. Mayer (1999),
means of developing a good understanding of the Mumford (2003), and Russ (1993) have all maintained
phenomenology of creativity, particularly in the that there is a need for models that draw on diverse
early stages of research into a particular question of research approaches in order to stimulate new perspec-
tives and theoretical conceptualizations, and which piece
Correspondence should be sent to Barnaby Nelson, ORYGEN together an overall picture of creativity. It is unlikely
Youth Health Research Centre, University of Melbourne, 35 Poplar that a satisfactory comprehensive model of creativity
Rd. (Locked Bag 10), Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia. E-mail:
can be developed without a thorough exploration of

its phenomenology and the relationship between this informally by the researchers, with the general guideline
level of analysis and other aspects of the construct. of at least weekly involvement (e.g., regular public music
Given that most of the main approaches in creativity performance with daily practice routines, working on a
research have used quantitative methodologies, it would novel several nights a week for the past year, etc.). This
be helpful for the purposes of integrating research find- criterion was used to ensure participants had a reasonable
ings to be able to measure phenomenological aspects of degree of familiarity with the creative process and
creativity. The ability to link phenomenological findings commitment to their artistic activity. None of the
with other approaches would allow such questions to be participants in the earlier qualitative study took part in
researched as: What is the relationship between the the current study. In total, 141 questionnaire packs were
phenomenology of the creative process and different distributed; 41 individuals did not return the question-
personality traits? Does the phenomenology of creativity naire packs.
vary in relation to psychopathological characteristics?
What is the relationship between cognitive processes
involved in creative production and the experience of
the creative process? We have argued elsewhere (Nelson, The questionnaire items were derived from statements
2005; Nelson & Rawlings, 2007) that linking a phenom- made by participants in an earlier qualitative study.
enological analysis with findings from other approaches The earlier study consisted of interviews with 11 pro-
might further elucidate the meaning of these findings. fessional artists (5 musicians, 2 writers, 2 visual artists,
These considerations led to the recognition of the 1 writer=visual artist, and 1 playwright=theatre direc-
need for a questionnaire instrument enabling creative tor). The qualitative analysis in this study focused on
individuals to report on their own creative experiences. themes that were common across participants (the gen-
The present study describes the development of such a eral themes). However, for the purpose of developing
questionnaire, the Experience of Creativity Question- the ECQ, questionnaire items were taken from themes
naire (ECQ), to measure phenomenological aspects of across the whole sample of participants, some of which
the creative process. The purpose of the questionnaire were unique to individual participants. A direct state-
was to measure individual differences in the experiential ment was taken from the interviews to represent each
and existential aspects of creativity that emerged from theme. Statements were used from this level of the qua-
an earlier qualitative study of artistic creativity (Nelson, litative analysis—i.e., the individual rather than the gen-
2005; Nelson & Rawlings, 2006). The experiential eral themes—in order to produce the variance in
dimension refers to the ways in which the artistic crea- responses necessary for a measure of individual differ-
tive process is experienced and the existential dimension ences. Naturally, some of the themes from the individual
refers to the meaning that artists find in being engaged in interviews were also common themes across interviews,
artistic activity, as explicated in the qualitative study. forming the constituents of the general findings. In fact,
The development of the questionnaire is detailed below. all common themes were represented in the themes that
formed the basis of the ECQ. For these reasons, the
questionnaire measures both variable and common
themes in experiential and existential aspects of creativ-
ity. If items had been derived only from the constituents
of the general findings, then it would have been unlikely
As the purpose was to develop a questionnaire that mea- that the questionnaire would generate the variance
sures phenomenological aspects of artistic creativity, indi- necessary for correlational and factor analytic
viduals involved in the various creative arts were the most procedures. However, in the interests of shortening the
appropriate participants. One hundred participants (43 questionnaire and of reducing repetitiveness, items were
males, 57 females) completed the questionnaire as part removed or collapsed together if their content was
of a larger study. Ages ranged from 19 to 69, with a mean judged to be very similar in nature (e.g., ‘‘While creat-
age of 34.69 years (SD ¼ 11.20 years). Participants were ing, I experienced a state of rapture, which was
recruited through contacts of the researchers and through almost like being in a trance’’ and ‘‘The entire creative
advertisements placed in various locations, including art process was characterized by being in a deeply absorbed,
schools and studios, a music school, a writer’s centre, flowing state.’’)
and a writer’s newsletter. The criteria for inclusion in
the study were that the individual had been regularly
Pilot Study
involved in an area of the creative arts for at least the pre-
vious 2 years and that he=she was over 18 years of age. It A pilot study was conducted on this shortened list
was not necessary for participants to be professional of items. Three artists, none of whom were included
artists. The regularity of involvement was judged in the final sample, completed the preliminary

questionnaire independently and were then asked the Likert scale ranging from 1 (definitely not relevant) to 5
following questions in written form: (highly relevant).

1. In what ways do you think this questionnaire Procedure

might be changed?
2. Did you have difficulty understanding any of the The participants were mailed the ECQ, along with sev-
items? eral other questionnaires used in the larger study (see
3. Is there enough range and variety in the Nelson, 2005). Participants were asked to complete the
questions? questionnaires at their convenience and to mail them
4. Do you feel that your experience of and the mean- back in a reply-paid envelope within 2 weeks of receipt.
ing you find in being engaged in artwork were
represented in these items?
Feedback from these questions resulted in substantial
The analysis of the ECQ consisted of initial factor ana-
changes to the wording of items in order to increase
lyses of the ECQ items in order to determine its factor
their clarity. Two participants had difficulty responding
structure and then, following exclusion of several items
to some items due to multiple ideas being expressed in
based on these analyses, a second set of factor analysis
single items: They agreed with one aspect of the item,
in order to produce sub-scales of the ECQ.
yet disagreed with the other. Rather than changing the
item itself, which might have transformed the specific
meaning of the theme that the item represented, the fol- Initial Factor Analysis of the Experience of Creativity
lowing sentence was added to the introduction of the Questionnaire (ECQ)
questionnaire: ‘‘You might relate to some aspects of
Separate factor analyses were performed on Part A and
the statement but not others—just use the number that
Part B of the ECQ. There were no missing data.
comes closest to your experience (there is an opportunity
to elaborate on your experience below).’’ The pilot study
participants agreed that their experience of and the Part A. The 56 items of Part A (ECQ-A) were first
meaning they found in artistic activity were represented factor-analysed using the Maximum Likelihood (ML)
in the questionnaire items. Statistical results from the method of factor extraction. Three criteria were consid-
pilot study showed variation in item response, which ered when deciding on the number of factors to rotate.
further indicated the utility of the ECQ as a measuring First, the scree-plot of eigenvalues was examined. Addi-
instrument. tionally, Horn’s (1965) parallel analysis method was
The original version of the ECQ was divided into used. This method generates a large number of random
three sections: Part A (56 items) measured the experi- correlation matrices with the same number of variables
ential dimension of the creative process; Part B (27 and sample size as the actual matrix, and then compares
items) measured the existential dimension of the crea- eigenvalues in the observed matrix with mean eigenva-
tive process; Part C was a qualitative section, inviting lues in the random matrices. Simulation studies have
participants to describe elements of the creative pro- found this method to be the most consistently accu-
cess that they felt were neglected by the questionnaire rate of the various rules for deciding on the proper num-
or on which they would like to place particular ber of factors (Finch & West, 1997; Zwick & Velicer,
emphasis. 1986). Finally, the meaningfulness of the various alter-
The instructions for Part A (see the appendix) asked native factor structures was to be used as a criterion in
participants to think of an occasion when they were determining the number of factors. These criteria were
producing ‘‘good, creative work.’’ The purpose of this employed in all analyses.
was to focus participants on the experience of the The first 10 eigenvalues in the analysis of Part A were:
creative process, rather than the experience of artistic 9.54, 5.20, 2.82, 2.64, 2.48, 2.25, 1.87, 1.78, 1.65, 1.57. A
activity per se. Ratings were made on a 5-point Likert scree-plot of these items suggested a 6-factor solution,
scale ranging from 1 (definitely not my experience) to 5 with a clear ‘gap’ appearing between factors 6 and 7.
(very much my experience). Part B asked participants This was supported by parallel analysis, which indicated
to rate the relevance of a series of statements made by a critical eigenvalue of 2.04.
artists to the ‘‘meaning or personal significance’’ they Oblique rotation was carried out because of the
find in being engaged in artistic activity. In this section, theoretical relatedness of the factors. Six factors were
participants were asked to think of their artistic activity rotated using the Promax method, which has advantages
generally, rather than the particular occasion on which over other oblique methods in terms of the general
they reflected in Part A. Ratings were made on a 5-point robustness of the solution it provides (Loehlin, 1998).

Briefly, the first factor referred to the creative process as noted, ECQ-Part A produced a 6-factor rotation. Items
a distinct change in experience, the second to absorption were removed that had low loadings, had cross-loadings
in the artistic activity, the third to anxiety generated by greater than .3, or had cross-loadings almost as high as
the activity, the fourth to feelings of control and plea- the target loadings. Subscales were produced based on
sure, the fifth to a sense of certainty about the work, this approach, and reliability analyses conducted on
and the sixth to spiritual aspects of the process. these subscales. The reliability analyses resulted in a
small number of additional items being removed. Two
items were also removed due to a lack of variance in
Part B. The 27 items of Part B (ECQ-B) were factor-
responses on these items. The criterion used for judging
analysed using the Maximum-Likelihood (ML) method
lack of variance was if less than 10% of responses were
of factor extraction. The first 10 eigenvalues in the ana-
in the disagree=disagree strongly or agree=agree strongly
lysis were: 7.72, 2.17, 2.05, 1.55, 1.40, 1.13, 1.03, 1.01,
categories. In total, 8 items were removed.
.92, .88. A scree-plot of these items suggested a 3-factor
Factor analysis was carried out on the remaining 48
solution, with a clear ‘gap’ appearing between factors 3
items in Part A, using the same methods as in the initial
and 4. This was supported by parallel analysis, which
factor analysis. The first 10 eigenvalues obtained for this
indicated a critical eigenvalue of 1.70.
analysis were: 8.64, 4.51, 2.62, 2.52, 2.33, 2.02, 1.71,
As with Part A, oblique rotation was carried out, with
1.49, 1.38, 1.37. The parallel analysis method now speci-
the three factors rotated using the Promax method. Briefly,
fied a critical value of 2.24, suggesting five factors. This,
the first factor referred to the centrality of artistic activity
combined with examination of the (somewhat ambigu-
in the individual’s life, the second to the potential of the
ous) scree-plot of eigenvalues and the low reliability of
creative process to inspire and educate, and the third to
the sixth factor (alpha ¼ .60), led to the extraction of five
an allegiance to an artistic or cultural tradition.
factors. The loadings on each of the five factors are
Factor analyses were also performed across all of the
presented in Table 1, with items loading less than .3
ECQ items and on the combined 9 factors of the ECQ-A
removed. The item numbers in the table are as in the
and ECQ-B, in order to investigate the possible
initial ECQ. Together, these 5 factors explained
existence of higher order factors. However, these factor
42.94% of variance in ECQ-A scores. There were several
analyses were not conceptually meaningful and are
moderate correlations between the five factors, as repre-
therefore not reported.
sented in Table 2.
Items were retained in a factor if they had loadings
Part C. Part C of the ECQ allowed for an open-ended greater than .3. In the case of cross-loadings greater
written response from participants. Forty-seven of the than .3, the item was retained in the factor on which it
full sample of 100 participants responded to this section had a higher loading and removed from the lower-
of the questionnaire. However, these responses were not loading factor(s). This included negative loading items.
formally analyzed due to the fact that they were, on the The negative loading items that were retained (items 15
whole, fairly cursory and offered points of clarification, and 29) were interpreted in an inverse direction. Three
elaboration, or emphasis rather than introducing ele- items were deleted due to low loadings (<.3) and 1 item
ments that had not been covered in the questionnaire was deleted due to high cross-loadings (>.41 on both
items. The unanimous impression from these responses factors), resulting in a scale of 44 items in total.
was that participants were able to identify their experi- The five factors in the final version of the ECQ-
ence of artistic creativity in the questionnaire items. This Part A are largely unchanged from the first five factors
is further indication of the ECQ being a useful instrument in the initial factor analysis, apart from the reversal of
for assessing experiential and existential dimensions of Factors 2 and 3. The factors, interpreted on the basis
artistic creativity. However, given that only 47% of of the highest loading items, are briefly described in
the sample responded to this section, it is noted that the following.
the responses are not representative of the sample as a
whole. 1. The first factor involved items that portrayed the
creative process as distinct from everyday experi-
ence. This change from everyday experience had
Development of the Final Experience of Creativity
a variety of aspects to it, including a loss of self-
Questionnaire (ECQ)
awareness, a breakdown of boundaries, a sense
A final version of the ECQ was developed on the basis of contact with a force beyond the individual
of the factor analyses reported above. In the develop- self, and a confidence and effortlessness about
ment of this version, the pattern matrices of the two fac- the artistic activity. Although the items generally
tor rotations (ECQ-Part A and ECQ-Part B) reported in indicated a greater affective intensity, the change
the factor analyses were taken as a starting point. As in experience also existed as a stabilization of

Pattern Matrix Following Maximum Likelihood Extraction and Correlations Between the Five ECQ-Part A Factors
Promax Rotation of Items in the Final ECQ-Part A
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5
Item F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Factor 1 —
20 .727 Factor 2 .28 —
21 .703 Factor 3 .51 .08 —
39 .667 Factor 4 .51 .03 .57 —
41 .501 Factor 5 .14 .04 .36 .40 —
2 .498 .356
11 .490
6 .454 .356
2. This factor included items that related to a sense
3 .432
4 .397 of anxiety and vulnerability to the experience of
7 .380 .340 the creative process. Although this seemed to refer
8 .712 particularly to the emotional state after the pro-
13 .702 cess, the factor also included items that suggested
10 .694
a sense of vulnerability during the process and
12 .589
24 .474 .381 anxiety before and at the start of the process. This
14 .445 factor was called anxiety.
15 .351 .374 3. This factor included items that indicated being
16 .349 deeply absorbed in the artistic activity and
9 .716
experiencing a state of inspiration. A sense of
17 .708
5 .654 freedom and close connection with the work
18 .641 and with self was present. The factor included a
19 .550 sense of discovery and being receptive to the art-
22 .301 .540 .300 work, rather than having a clearly defined sense
23 .499 .316
of the direction of the work. The items also sug-
36 .477
31 .303 .457 .404 gested a ‘‘movement’’ between deep absorption
25 .388 .404 and a more critical, self-conscious state. This fac-
26 .301 .629 tor was called absorption.
27 .564 4. The major themes of this factor were a sense of
40 .564
control, power, and pleasure during the creative
44 .547 .388
29 .402 .518 process. Several items also reflected the role of
30 .409 .497 analytical mental processes. This factor was called
32 .454 power=pleasure.
33 .453 5. The items in this factor concerned feelings of
34 .408
certainty and clarity about the direction in which
35 .301 .407
37 .393 the artistic activity should proceed. This sense of
38 .308 .386 .322 certainty and clarity included the meaning or pur-
42 .853 pose of the piece of the work. The factor also
28 .510 referred to cultivating an appropriate mood
1 .461
for the creative process. The factor was named
43 .321
Note. Item numbers are as in the final version of the ECQ. Items
with loadings of less than .3 have been removed. Items with loadings Despite its brevity (4 items), the last factor, clarity=
above .3 that do not appear in the final ECQ are written in full text.
preparation, was employed as the basis of a separate
subscale due to its reasonable (though somewhat low)
reliability and the fact that it is conceptually meaningful
emotional state. The items suggested a sense of and represents an element of creative experience not
heightened awareness and heightened technical covered by the other factors.
and expressive abilities. It is noted that the spiri- The items in these five factors make up the five
tual dimension of the findings of the earlier subscales of Part A of the final version of the ECQ.
analysis, originally represented in Factor 6 of Table 3 presents the means, standard deviations, and
that analysis, is now most strongly represented Guttman model reliability coefficients for the ECQ Part
in this factor. The factor was labeled distinct A subscales. No significant differences were found
experience. between means based on gender.

Means, Standard Deviations, and Guttman Reliability Coefficients for Pattern Matrix Following Maximum Likelihood Extraction and
the Experience of Creativity Questionnaire (ECQ) Part A Subscales Promax Rotation of Items in the Final ECQ-Part B

Distinct Power= Clarity= Item F1 F2 F3

Experience Anxiety Absorption Pleasure Preparation
5 .833
Men (n ¼ 43) 12 .636
Mean 31.33 22.26 39.74 41.60 13.60 2 .575
SD 7.56 6.77 7.25 8.43 3.39 11 .474 .311
Women (n ¼ 57) 3 .460
Mean 29.16 20.12 39.28 39.95 13.42 15 .424
SD 8.30 6.00 6.46 7.50 3.36 9 .351
Total sample 6 .736
Mean 30.09 21.04 39.48 40.66 13.50 1 .724
SD 8.02 6.40 6.78 7.92 3.35 8 .495
Guttman .81 .79 .82 .80 .60 10 .478
reliability 13 .446
coefficient 4 .441 .355
18 .418
14 .352
16 .310
The same process was applied to ECQ-Part B. Five 17 .433
items were removed from the ECQ-Part B items based 19 .393
on the procedures mentioned above. Two of these items 7 .372
were Hayward cases. This resulted in 22 items being Note. Item numbers are as in the final version of the ECQ. Items
included in the factor analysis. A factor analysis was with loadings of less than .3 have been removed.
conducted on these items, using the same methods as
in the initial factor analysis. The first 10 eigenvalues
obtained for this analysis were: 6.62, 1.82, 1.65, 1.41, 2. The dominant theme of this factor was of a need
1.11, 1.04, 1.00, .92, .83, .79. The parallel analysis to engage in artistic activity and of the centrality
method now specified a critical value of 1.73, although of artistic activity in the individual’s life. The
the scree plot was somewhat ambiguous and the residual factor included a sense that the creative process
correlation matrix indicated the presence of a third fac- provides a quality of experience and sense of satis-
tor. Following exploratory analyses using both two and faction not present in other areas of life. It
three factors, it was decided, for reasons outlined below, included items concerned with artwork as provid-
to extract three factors. The loadings on each of the ing the individual with meaning and purpose, with
three factors are presented in Table 4, with items loading the individual becoming anxious when not
less than .3 removed. The factors showed moderate engaged in artwork, and of the addictive quality
intercorrelations. The strongest correlation was between to the experience of the creative process. Other
Factors 1 and 2 (r ¼ .56), followed by Factors 1 and 3 items referred to a spiritual dimension and
(r ¼ .44) and Factors 2 and 3 (r ¼ .41). ‘healing’ quality to the creative process, to joy as
The three factors, interpreted using the highest a primary motivation for the creative process,
loading items, are summarized in the following. The and to self-discovery associated with the creative
factors are similar to the factors that emerged in process. This factor was called centrality.
the initial factor analysis, but with some changes in 3. This factor emphasises the meaning associated
emphasis and order. with aspects of artistic activity of a less personal
nature. It includes items that reflect a concern with
1. The first factor refers to the transformative effect the context of artwork, such as interpersonal ele-
of artistic creativity, particularly due to the nature ments of artwork (e.g., communication and rebel-
of the experience associated with the creative lion), and exploration of artistic possibilities. This
process. This transformation can occur through factor was named beyond the personal.
artistic creativity’s ability to broaden experience
and provide confidence in one’s own subjective The items in these three factors make up the subscales
experience, and through its healing quality. The of Part B of the ECQ. Three items were deleted from the
factor emphasizes creativity as a powerful force pool of items due to low loadings, resulting in a scale of
in the individual’s life that enables a deeper 19 items in total. Factor 3 was subsumed into Factor 2
engagement with self and world. This factor has when a 2-factor rotation was explored. However,
been named transformation. Factor 3 was preserved as a separate subscale because

TABLE 5 displayed a low loading (<.3) on both factors. The

Means, Standard Deviations, and Guttman Reliability two factors displayed a moderate correlation (r ¼ .46).
Coefficients for the Experience of Creativity Questionnaire (ECQ)
Part B Subscales
The final ECQ is presented in the appendix.

Beyond the
Transformation Centrality Personal DISCUSSION
Men (n ¼ 43)
Mean 25.51 34.42 11.88 This article describes the development of a question-
SD 6.45 6.31 2.89 naire, the Experience of Creativity Questionnaire
Women (n ¼ 57) (ECQ), designed to measure phenomenological aspects
Mean 26.91 32.54 10.89
of artistic creativity. Although information on the valid-
SD 5.27 6.91 2.76
Total sample ity of the instrument is still lacking, and might provide a
Mean 26.31 33.35 11.32 direction for future research, the ECQ provides reliable
SD 5.81 6.69 2.84 measures, including reliable subscales, of both experien-
Guttman reliability .78 .81 .60 tial and existential aspects of the creative process.
It should be noted that the attempt to develop a
questionnaire to measure phenomenological aspects of
creativity is not an attempt to gear study of the phenom-
it was found to have acceptable, if somewhat low, relia- enology of creativity in the direction of quantitative
bility (Guttman ¼ .60), to be conceptually meaningful, methodologies. Rather, it is an attempt to provide a tool
and to represent aspects of the construct not covered for addressing research questions concerning the rela-
by the other factors. Table 5 presents the means, stan- tionship between the phenomenology of creativity and
dard deviations, and Guttman model reliability coeffi- other aspects of the construct that might most appropri-
cients for the ECQ Part B subscales. No significant ately be addressed in quantitative terms. Qualitative
differences were found between means based on gender. investigation remains the most appropriate means of
A number of significant correlations were found further elucidating the phenomenology of creativity. It
between the ECQ scales themselves, as summarized in is hoped that the existence of a questionnaire to measure
Table 6. With regards to the Part A scales, distinct phenomenological aspects of the creative process will
experience, absorption, and power=pleasure each dis- not only encourage research into this dimension of crea-
played small-moderate correlations with other Part A tivity but also lead to greater integration of research
scales, yet the anxiety and clarity=preparation scales dis- paradigms in creativity research.
played negligible correlations with other Part A scales. The qualitative investigation of the existential dimen-
This suggested two groupings of factors in ECQ-Part sion of artistic creativity on which Part B of the ECQ is
A. A rotated factor analysis of the five Part A scales sup- based was a preliminary investigation of this dimension
ported this interpretation. In this factor analysis, of creativity (see Nelson, 2005). Therefore, this section
absorption (loading following rotation ¼ .54) and of the ECQ should also be regarded as preliminary
power=pleasure (.83) loaded on the first factor, with and ready for revision on the basis of further investiga-
anxiety (.82) loading on the second factor. Distinct tion of existential aspects of the creative process.
experience displayed a similar loading on both factors The ECQ was developed on the basis of a study of
(.41 and .45 respectively), and clarity=preparation artistic creativity. It is, therefore, most appropriate to

Correlations Between the ECQ Subscales

A1 DE A2 Anx A3 Abs A4 P=P A5 C=P B1 Trans B2 Cent B3 BP

A1 DE —
A2 Anx .42 —
A3 Abs .42 .21 —
A4 P=P .41 .06 .45 —
A5 C=P .15 .01 .13 .21 —
B1 Trans .40 .19 .62 .38 .32 —
B2 Cent .50 .31 .61 .55 .30 .57 —
B3 BP .28 .13 .66 .63 .15 .57 .61 —

Notes. A1–A5 ¼ ECQ-A scales 1–5. B1–B3 ¼ ECQ-B scales 1–3. DE ¼ Distinct experience. Anx ¼ Anxiety. Abs ¼ Absorption.
P=P ¼ Power=pleasure. C=P ¼ Clarity=preparation. Trans ¼ Transformation. Cent ¼ Centrality. BP ¼ Beyond the personal.

p < .05.  p < .01.  p < .001.

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items, developed on the basis of artistic creative experi- Associates.
ence, are relevant to experiential=existential dimensions Mace, M. A., & Ward, T. (2002). Modeling the creative process: A
of creativity in other domains and, if so, whether similar grounded theory analysis of creativity in the domain of art making.
Creativity Research Journal, 14, 179–192.
factors emerge in these other domains. This line of Mayer, R. E. (1999). Fifty years of creativity research. In R. J. Sternberg
inquiry is of relevance to the specificity versus generality (Ed.), Handbook of creativity (pp. 449–460). Cambridge, UK:
debate, concerning whether cognitive processes and per- Cambridge University Press.
sonality features are congruent or whether they vary Melrose, L. (1989). The creative personality and the creative process: A
across different creative domains (Baer, 1991, 1998; phenomenological perspective. Lanham, MD: University Press of
Plucker, 1998). A similar form of inquiry can be con- Mumford, M. D. (2003). Where have we been, where are we going?
ducted into the convergence or divergence of the experi- Taking stock in creativity research. Creativity Research Journal,
ence of the creative process and the meaning attributed 15, 107–120.
to this process between creative domains. Finally, the Nardone, P. L. (1996). The experience of improvisation in music:
questionnaire could also be used to investigate how A phenomenological psychological analysis. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation, Saybrook Institute, San Francisco, CA.
the experiential and existential aspects of artistic creativ- Nelson, B. (2005). The creative process: A phenomenological and
ity identified in the questionnaire relate to noncreative psychometric investigation of artistic creativity. Unpublished
activities, such as sport, aesthetic appreciation, such as doctoral dissertation, University of Melbourne, Australia.
the experience of music-listening, or to domains related Nelson, B., & Rawlings, D. (2007). Its own reward: A phenomenological
to creativity, such as spiritual experience, thus enabling study of artistic creativity. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology,
38(2), 217–255.
more detailed comparison of these areas. This might be Plucker, J. A. (1998). Beware of simple conclusions: The case for content
achieved by relating the questionnaire to existing generality of creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 11, 179–182.
measures of these other domains or by modifying the Reinders, S. (1992). The experience of artistic creativity: A phenomen-
ECQ to make it applicable to these domains. ological psychological analysis. Dissertation Abstracts International,
A consideration of some importance concerns the 52, 4512.
Russ, S. W. (1993). Affect and creativity: The role of affect and play in
limited number of participants used in the current factor the creative process. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
analysis. A wide range of answers has been given to the Sass, L. A. (2001). Eccentricity, conformism, and the primary process.
question of how many participants are required for a Creativity Research Journal, 13, 37–44.
stable factor analysis. For example, Tabachnick and Smith, J. A., Harrè, R., & Van Langenhove, L. (Eds.). (1995). Rethink-
Fidell (1996) suggested that ‘‘it is comforting to have at ing psychology. London: Sage.
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (1996). Using multivariate statistics
least 300 cases for factor analysis’’ (p. 640; italics in ori- (3rd ed.). New York: Harper Collins.
ginal), although such large numbers are not necessary if Zwick, W., & Velicer, W. (1986). Comparison of five rules for deter-
marker variables have high loadings. Clearly, our sam- mining the number of components to retain. Psychological Bulletin,
ple size was insufficient. Although the factors provided 99, 432–442.
meaningful concepts for interpretation, replication is
required before we can be confident of the stability of
the factor structure. APPENDIX: THE EXPERIENCE OF

REFERENCES Please think of a particular occasion when you were

engaged in your art form and you felt you were produ-
Baer, J. (1991). Generality of creativity across performance domains. cing good, creative work.
Creativity Research Journal, 4, 23–39. Please record what type of creative activity you have
Baer, J. (1998). The case for domain specificity of creativity. Creativity remembered (e.g., painting, performing music, etc.):
Research Journal, 11(2), 173–177. The following are statements based on descriptions
Bindeman, S. (1988). Echoes of silence: A phenomenological study of
the creative process. Creativity Research Journal, 11(1), 69–77.
made by artists, musicians, and writers of their creative
Conrad, S. D. (1990). Toward a phenomenological analysis of artistic experiences. How well do these statements describe feel-
creativity. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 21(2), 103–120. ings or impressions which were part of the experience that

you have remembered? Please respond to the statements as 1 2 3 4 5 15. I believed strongly in what I was
they relate to the particular experience you have in mind, creating, without doubting or questioning myself.
rather than to your experience of creativity generally. 1 2 3 4 5 16. Before the experience, I had a sense
Answer by circling the most appropriate number next of lethargy, congestion, and irritability.
to the description. You might relate to some aspects of 1 2 3 4 5 17. I lost awareness of time and my
the statement but not others—just use the number that physical surroundings.
comes closest to your experience (there is an opportunity 1 2 3 4 5 18. The inspiration continued in response
to elaborate on your experience below). to what was emerging in the creative process
itself—the creative output inspired me to new
Part A creativity, building upon itself.
1 2 3 4 5 19. There was a sense that intuitive, instinc-
1 ¼ Definitely not my experience
tive capacities were becoming more dominant than
2 ¼ Not my experience
reasoning, analytical thought processes.
3 ¼ Can’t decide, or am not really sure what is meant
1 2 3 4 5 20. I had a sense of my personal boundaries
4 ¼ To some degree my experience
breaking down—that I was part of my surroundings.
5 ¼ Very much my experience
1 2 3 4 5 21. The creative process made me feel
1 2 3 4 5 1. I put myself in the mood I wanted more secure, as though it was ‘‘containing’’ my
my creative work to take on. volatile emotional/mental state.
1 2 3 4 5 2. I felt the creative production was 1 2 3 4 5 22. There was a sense of a ‘‘closeness’’
pushing me over a period of time towards an to what I was producing, a greater than normal
emotional collapse. emotional connection with it.
1 2 3 4 5 3. I felt that the source of my creative 1 2 3 4 5 23. I had a sense of being ‘‘in touch’’ with
ideas was located physically in a certain part of myself.
my body (e.g., my chest). 1 2 3 4 5 24. I went ‘‘in and out’’ of two states—one
1 2 3 4 5 4. I experienced a sense of diminishing state of being deeply absorbed, not being aware of
self-control, which was associated with a sense of myself, with there being a flowing ease to the pro-
beauty or pleasure. cess and another state of observing myself, using
1 2 3 4 5 5. There was a sense of exploring what more critical mental processes, with greater effort
emerged in the creative process, rather than having involved in the creative process.
a fixed notion of what I was trying to create. 1 2 3 4 5 25. There seemed to be a breakdown
1 2 3 4 5 6. There was a flowing ease to the process. between myself and what I was creating—I was
I was not paying attention to technical aspects of what I was writing/playing/painting.
the art form. 1 2 3 4 5 26. It was characterized by intense feelings
1 2 3 4 5 7. Before the experience, I became mentally of joy and satisfaction.
still and ‘‘empty,’’ and became quite withdrawn 1 2 3 4 5 27. I felt a sense of power, as though I was
from others. harnessing an energy.
1 2 3 4 5 8. After the experience, I felt vulnerable, 1 2 3 4 5 28. I had a clear sense of which direction
raw, and fragile. the creative expression should go in.
1 2 3 4 5 9. I felt excited by the knowledge that the 1 2 3 4 5 29. I did not feel a sense of release from
creative activity was working well and wanted to reasoning, analytical thought processes.
take full advantage of this while it lasted. 1 2 3 4 5 30. I had a sense of awe at the high levels of
1 2 3 4 5 10. I felt a sense of emptiness and confu- technical skills being brought out of me.
sion when I came out of an immersed, flowing 1 2 3 4 5 31. I had a ‘‘parallel’’ sense of being
state of creative production. absorbed in my creative production and analyzing
1 2 3 4 5 11. I experienced relief that I was removed it simultaneously.
from the world of everyday perception. 1 2 3 4 5 32. There was a sense of the creative
1 2 3 4 5 12. There was a sense of anxiety associated work as fitting in or as having significance within
with ‘‘coming out’’ of an immersed state of crea- a social or historical context.
tive production. I tried to maintain emotional calm 1 2 3 4 5 33. I found that ‘‘forcing’’ the creativity
and waited to become reimmersed in the process. did not hinder the experience.
1 2 3 4 5 13. After the experience, I felt mentally and 1 2 3 4 5 34. After the experience, I felt an inflated
physically depleted and physically tense, combined sense of self, as if there were no limits to what I
with feeling satisfied with what I had done. could achieve.
1 2 3 4 5 14. The experience was quite fragile—there 1 2 3 4 5 35. I had the impression of a creative
was a sense it might ‘‘fall apart’’ at any moment. breakthrough, an ‘‘opening up’’ of expression, as

though I was now able to express material I had 1 2 3 4 5 5. The creative process widens the range of
been unable to previously. my experience, and can therefore stimulate change
1 2 3 4 5 36. There seemed to be an internal logic in myself.
to the creative production. The experience 1 2 3 4 5 6. Producing artwork is the main activity
involved being receptive to this and ‘‘following’’ that gives meaning and purpose to my life. It forms
this logic. the center of my life.
1 2 3 4 5 37. Joy and satisfaction were the main 1 2 3 4 5 7. I see my creative work as a rebellion
driving forces behind the process. against narrowness and dullness.
1 2 3 4 5 38. After the experience, I felt a disparity 1 2 3 4 5 8. My artistic expression (painting, playing
between my own internal state of inspiration music, writing, etc.) allows me to have the type of
and my environment, which struck me as drab experience referred to in Part A more fully than
and ugly. any other activity.
1 2 3 4 5 39. There was a sense in which I was chan- 1 2 3 4 5 9. I find there is quite a strong difference
neling the creative ideas from another source, as between the type of experience I have while
though I was not the origin of the creative ideas. creating and my everyday experience.
1 2 3 4 5 40. There was a sense afterwards that I 1 2 3 4 5 10. Coming into contact with a ‘‘pure’’
had been in similar creative territory to the aspect of myself, and the sense of internal beauty
achievements of eminent people in my field. associated with this, is a major reason for me
1 2 3 4 5 41. The experience had a spiritual or engaging with my art form.
mystical quality, particularly due feeling that 1 2 3 4 5 11. Creative expression is one way of
I was coming in contact with a larger, more validating my subjective experience and can encou-
powerful force. rage others to have confidence in their subjective
1 2 3 4 5 42. I had a very clear image before starting experience.
about what sort of ‘‘world’’ or atmosphere I 1 2 3 4 5 12. There is a sense that the creative
wanted to create. process has ‘‘taught’’ me about modes of
1 2 3 4 5 43. I devoted a considerable amount of experience and about how to engage more deeply
attention beforehand to creating a comfortable with life.
atmosphere for myself. This allowed me to enter 1 2 3 4 5 13. I find a spiritual dimension in the
a creative state more easily. creative process, because I feel I am coming into
1 2 3 4 5 44. I felt a heightened sense of control over contact with a force beyond myself.
my creative expression. 1 2 3 4 5 14. My artistic work gives me strong
feelings of satisfaction that I do not gain from
other areas of my life.
1 2 3 4 5 15. Although the creative process can
Part B introduce elements of uncertainty in my sense of
self, I am compelled towards the self-discovery
Please rate the relevance of the following statements
associated with this.
made by artists to the meaning or personal significance
1 2 3 4 5 16. The satisfaction I gain from my art
you find in being engaged in your art form. This
work is partly from having created a piece of work
time you are not thinking about one specific creative
that endures through time.
experience, but about your art form generally.
1 2 3 4 5 17. I feel that my creative work is one of
Answer by circling the most appropriate number next
the most powerful means I have of communicating
to the description:
with others.
1 2 3 4 5 1. I have found there is a compulsive, 1 2 3 4 5 18. I become anxious and unsettled when I
addictive quality to the experience of being am not devoting time to my creative work.
engaged in the creative process. 1 2 3 4 5 19. There is a sense that I am exploring
1 2 3 4 5 2. I regard my creative pursuits as a means artistic possibilities, the possibilities of my creative
of coping with and dealing with aspects of life, as medium, rather than simply trying to satisfy my
though it gives me greater control over these personal potential.
aspects of life.
1 2 3 4 5 3. There is a ‘‘healing’’ quality to the
creative process due to the type of experience
Part C
I have while engaged in it.
1 2 3 4 5 4. I have a sense of trying to foster the Is there any part of the experience or any aspects of your
tradition of my art form. artwork that aren’t really brought out by any of the

items in the questionnaire? Are there any elements you Anxiety: 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 (reversed), 16, 24.
wish to put particular emphasis on? Absorption: 5, 9, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 31, 36.
(Note that a space is left here to enable detailed comment) Power=Pleasure: 26, 27, 29 (reversed), 30, 32, 33, 34, 35,
37, 38, 40, 44.
Scoring details Clarity=Preparation: 1, 28, 42, 43.
The items in each subscale are listed below.
Calculate subscale scores by summing ratings on each
item. Part B
Transformation: 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 15.
Part A
Centrality: 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18.
Distinct Experience: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 20, 21, 39, 41. Beyond the Personal: 7, 17, 19

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