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Research is a systematic and methodical investigation or inquiry aimed at discovering, interpreting,
and expanding knowledge in a particular field of study.

1. b) Knowledge Advancement: Research contributes to the expansion of human

understanding and knowledge in various fields.

2. Problem Solving: It helps address and solve complex issues, providing evidence-based

3. Innovation: Research drives technological and scientific innovation, leading to progress and

4. Decision-Making Support: Policymakers and professionals rely on research findings to

inform informed decision-making.

5. Economic Development: Research fosters economic growth by driving technological

advancements and improving efficiency.

6. Health Advancements: Medical research leads to the development of new treatments,

drugs, and healthcare practices.

7. Global Collaboration: Research promotes international cooperation, allowing the exchange

of ideas and expertise for global challenges.

 c) Population: The entire group that is the subject of the study and includes all individuals or
elements sharing a common characteristic.

 Sample: A subset of the population selected for the actual study, with the aim of
representing the larger population in a research investigation.

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