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"AI for Everyone" is a popular title used by various authors and

organizations to promote accessible AI education. Here are a few potential sources
beyond Andrew Ng:

 Online Courses: Several platforms offer courses titled "AI for Everyone" by
different instructors. Look for these on platforms like:
o Coursera: Explore courses under the "Data Science" or "Artificial
Intelligence" categories. You might find "AI for Everyone" courses by
different instructors.
o edX: Similar to Coursera, search for "AI for Everyone" courses on edX.
You might encounter variations like "Introduction to Artificial
Intelligence for Everyone."
o Udacity: Udacity might offer introductory AI Nanodegrees or courses
titled "AI for Everyone."
 Books: While not as common as courses, some authors might have written
books with similar titles. Search online retailers or library catalogs for titles
o "AI for Everyone: A Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence" by
[Author Name]
o "Demystifying AI: AI for Everyone" by [Author Name]
 Organizations: Organizations promoting AI literacy might use "AI for
Everyone" as a tagline or program name. Look for websites of organizations
o AI for All: This global movement focuses on AI education and
awareness. Their website ( might have resources
aligned with "AI for Everyone."
o The Future of Life Institute: This institute explores the potential
benefits and risks of technological advancements like AI. Their website
( might have resources promoting general AI

Remember: When searching for "AI for Everyone" resources, consider the level of
detail you're looking for. Courses typically offer structured learning, while books
provide self-paced exploration.

By exploring these options, you'll likely find a variety of resources on AI that cater to
different learning styles and interests, all aiming to make AI accessible to everyone.

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