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Have you heard of Andrew Ng's work in Artificial Intelligence?

He's a big name in the

field, and there are a couple of possibilities when it comes to "AI for Everyone" and
Andrew Ng:

 Making AI Accessible: Andrew Ng is known for his commitment to

democratizing AI education. He might have created a general, introductory
course titled "AI for Everyone." This course would likely be offered on a
platform like Coursera or DeepLearning.AI and wouldn't require any prior
knowledge of AI. It would focus on the basics of AI, its real-world applications,
and its impact on society.
 Specific Course Title: It's also possible there's a specific course titled "AI for
Everyone" created by Andrew Ng. Without more context, it's hard to say for

Here's how to find out more:

 Search Online Learning Platforms: Look for "AI for Everyone Andrew Ng"
on Coursera, DeepLearning.AI, edX, or other online learning platforms you
 Andrew Ng's Website: Check Andrew Ng's website
at to see if there's any mention of an "AI for
Everyone" course.
 Social Media: Follow Andrew Ng on social media (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter) and
see if he's mentioned an "AI for Everyone" course recently.

If you can remember where you came across "AI for Everyone Andrew Ng," that
extra detail might help narrow down the specific course or initiative you're interested

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