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AI for Everyone by Andrew Ng refers to two possible resources:

1. Courses: Andrew Ng is a prominent figure in the field of artificial intelligence

and has created several online courses aimed at making AI accessible to a
wider audience. One possibility is that "AI for Everyone" refers to a general,
non-technical course offered by Andrew Ng on platforms like Coursera or
DeepLearning.AI. These courses typically focus on the fundamentals of AI, its
applications, and its impact on society. They are designed for learners with no
prior knowledge of AI.
2. Specific Course: There might also be a specific course titled "AI for
Everyone" created by Andrew Ng. It's difficult to say for sure without more
context. You can try searching for "AI for Everyone Andrew Ng" on platforms
like Coursera, DeepLearning.AI, or other online learning platforms to see if
such a course exists.

Here's how to find out more:

 Search Online Learning Platforms: Look for "AI for Everyone Andrew Ng"
on Coursera, DeepLearning.AI, edX, or other online learning platforms you
know of.
 Andrew Ng's Website: Visit Andrew Ng's website
( to see if there's any mention of an "AI for
Everyone" course.
 Social Media: Check Andrew Ng's social media profiles (e.g., LinkedIn,
Twitter) for any announcements or mentions of an "AI for Everyone" course.

If you can provide any additional details about where you encountered the term "AI
for Everyone Andrew Ng," I might be able to provide a more specific answer

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