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(1) When I finished in class 11, I have started to find some information for my work which is

relative with Biology in the future. (2) By chance, I save "Biotechnology" subject. (3) After I
learned about it in the Internet, I am really into this subject. (4) I see that Biotechnology
have a vital role in the community, especially which is in the science. (5) I am a great fan of
researching, studying and so on, and another thing relative with Biology and Technology, so
this is the mainly reason for me who decide to choose Biotechnology for my undergraduate
degree. (6) I am trying study and look for references that is helpful to my subject. (7) I hope
my dream of becoming a scientist will come true soon.
(1) When I finished in class 11, I have started to find some information for
my work which is relative with Biology in the future. (2) By chance, I save
"Biotechnology" subject. (3) After I learned about it in the Internet, I am
really into this subject. (4) I see that Biotechnology have a vital role in the
community, especially which is in the science. (5) I am a great fan of
researching, studying and so on, and another thing relative with Biology
and Technology, so this is the mainly reason for me who decide to choose
Biotechnology for my undergraduate degree. (6) I am trying to study and
look for references that is helpful to my subject. (7) I hope my dream of
becoming a scientist will come true soon.
(1) When I finished in class 11, I have started to find some information for
my work which is relative with Biology in the future. (2) By chance, I save
"Biotechnology" subject. (3) After I learned about it in the Internet, I am
really into this subject. (4) I see that Biotechnology have a vital role in the
community, especially which is in the science. (5) I am a great fan of
researching, studying and so on, and another thing relative with Biology
and Technology, so this is the mainly reason for me who decide to choose
Biotechnology for my undergraduate degree. (6) I am trying to study and
look for references that is helpful to my subject. (7) I hope my dream of
becoming a scientist will come true soon.
(1) When I finished in class 11, I have started to find some information for
my work which is relative with Biology in the future.

 After finishing class 11, I started searching for information to orient my

future career. I focused on the information on the Biology aspect.


 After finishing class 11, I started to search for information relating to

Biology, which might be helpful for my future career.

(1) After finishing class 11, I started to search for information relating to
Biology, which might be helpful for my future career. (2) I found some
interesting information on the "Biotechnology" subject by chance. (3) After
learning about it on the Internet, I was really into this branch. (4) I saw that
Biotechnology could have vital roles in human existence, with various
applications. (5) Moreover, I was a great fan of researching, studying, and
other activities relative to Biology and Technology. These facts explained the
choice of Biotechnology for my career.

(6) I am now trying to study and look for references that are helpful to my
subject. (7) I hope my dream of becoming a scientist will come true soon.

Subject + Verb + Object

Ex: Mangroves offer various kinds of ecosystem services to humans.


Subject + to be + Verb-past participle + by + Object

Ex: Coastal pollution is mostly caused by human activities in nearby urban.


Common name: Parrot fish

Family: Scaridae (The parrot fish does not

represent only one species but a family
composed of ca. 95 species.)

Diet: Herbivore, Omnivore

Average life span in the wild: up to 7 years

Size: 1 to 4 feet (relative to a teacup)

Coral Diet

Its diet consists primarily of algae extracted from chunks of coral ripped from a
reef. The coral is pulverized with grinding teeth in the fish's throats in order to get
to the algae-filled polyps inside. Much of the sand in the parrotfish's range is
actually the ground-up, undigested coral they excrete.

Coloring and Sex

There's its sex, which they can repeatedly change throughout their lives. Their
coloration and patterns, which are a classification nightmare, vary greatly, even
among the males, females, and juveniles of the same species.
Nighttime cocoon
Finally, there are pajamas. Every night, certain species of parrotfish envelope themselves in a
transparent cocoon made of mucous secreted from an organ on their head. Scientists think the
cocoon masks their scent, making them harder for nocturnal predators, like moray eels, to find.


Close relatives of the wrasse, parrot fish are abundant in and around the tropical reefs of all the
world's oceans. There are about 80 identified species, ranging in size from less than 1 to 4 feet in

As Food

Their meat is rarely consumed in the United States but is a delicacy in many other parts of the
world. In Polynesia, it is served raw and was once considered "royal food," only eaten by the king.
Word class


Read the whole

sentence/paragraph to
guess the word’s meaning.
next week!

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