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你平時喺屋企做咩嘢休閒活動?(What leisure activities do you

usually do at home?)
Answer: 我平時喺屋企會睇電視、睇書或者聽音樂。(I usually
watch TV, read books, or listen to music at home.)
2. 你對畫畫有冇興趣?(Are you interested in drawing?)
Answer: 我對畫畫有興趣,我喜歡用顏料和畫筆創作不同的圖畫。
(I am interested in drawing. I enjoy creating different pictures
using paints and brushes.)
3. 你最鍾意嘅廣東話詞語係乜嘢?(What is your favorite
Cantonese phrase?)
Answer: 我最鍾意嘅廣東話詞語係「食飯啦」,因為食飯係廣東
文化中非常重要嘅一個活動。(My favorite Cantonese phrase is
"sik faan laa," which means "let's eat." Eating is an important
activity in Cantonese culture.)
4. 你平時喜歡去邊度食飯?(Where do you usually like to eat?)
Answer: 我平時喜歡去街市或者小食店食飯,因為可以品嚐到地
道嘅廣東菜。(I usually like to eat at street markets or small
eateries because I can taste authentic Cantonese cuisine there.)
5. 你對傳統文化有冇興趣?(Are you interested in traditional
Answer: 我對傳統文化有興趣,我喜歡了解傳統節日、習俗以及
傳統藝術形式。(I am interested in traditional culture. I enjoy
learning about traditional festivals, customs, and art forms.)

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