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Changes since version

- fix: copy example with `.pde` main sketch file [aa9b10d6]
- fix: add missing installed version to the platform [4217c000]
- fix: invalid custom board option handling in FQBN [a088ba99]
- feat: cancelable verify+upload [2a325a5b]
- fix: can unset `network#proxy` in the CLI config [347e3d81]
- feat: use Arduino CLI `0.36.0-rc.1` APIs [8e099710]
- chore: switch to version `2.3.3` after the release [48e7bf6b]
- fix(ci): use go 1.21 for the on the fly bin builds [95c4399c]
- fix: no required `programmer` for `debug --info` [4a807ab5]
- fix(security): use `ip@2.0.1` for CVE-2023-42282 [1a98485b]
- Updated translation files [8fe6a812]
- chore: switch to version `2.3.2` after the release [547a6305]
- Updated translation files [ff8c646c]
- fix(security): update all vulnerable dependencies [316e0fd8]
- fix: debug widget layout updates [ca779e5c]
- Use arduino/setup-task@v1 action for Linux build job [74c58017]
- build(deps): Bump arduino/setup-task from 1 to 2 [71bd189e]
- chore: switch to version `2.3.1` after the release [0822ed28]

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