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Education Vocabulary

1. absentee | Noun | C2 | ​a person who is not at a place where they were expected to be
2. absenteeism | Noun | C2 | the practice of staying away from work or school without good
3. access course | Noun | C2 | a course that prepares students for further education or
4. ace | Verb | C2 | to perform extremely well in something, especially an exam
5. ACT | Abbreviation | C2 | American College Testing (a standardized test used for college
admissions in the United States)
6. alma mater | Noun | C2 | the school, college, or university that someone formerly
7. alumna | Noun | C2 | a female former student or graduate of a particular school, college,
or university
8. alumni | Noun | C2 | former students or graduates of a particular school, college, or
9. alumnus | Noun | C2 | a male former student or graduate of a particular school, college,
or university
10. AS (level) | Noun | C2 | Advanced Subsidiary (a British school-leaving qualification)
11. BA | Noun | C2 | Bachelor of Arts (an undergraduate degree)
12. bachelor | Noun | C2 | an undergraduate degree
13. blazer | Noun | C2 | a jacket that is part of a school or college uniform
14. boarder | Noun | C2 | a student who lives at a boarding school
15. BSc | Noun | C2 | Bachelor of Science (an undergraduate degree)
16. BTEC | Noun | C2 | Business and Technology Education Council (a vocational
qualification in the UK)
17. bunk off | Phrasal Verb | C2 | to stay away from school or work without permission
18. bunk off school | Phrasal Verb | C2 | to stay away from school without permission
19. bunk off work | Phrasal Verb | C2 | to stay away from work without permission
20.bursary | Noun | C2 | a monetary award given to a student to help with education costs
21. capstone project | Noun | C2 | a culminating project or experience that integrates
knowledge and skills gained throughout a course of study
22. catchment area | Noun | C2 | a geographic area from which students are eligible to be
admitted to a particular school
23. chancellor | Noun | C2 | the head of a university or college
24.chapel | Noun | C2 | a room or building used for Christian worship, especially in a school
or college
25. clearing | Noun | C2 | a system used in the UK to match students without a university
place to available courses
26. co-education | Noun | C2 | a system of education where both male and female students
attend the same institution
27. co-educational | Adjective | C2 | describing an institution that admits both male and
female students
28. collegiate | Adjective | C2 | relating to or characteristic of a college or university
29. colloquium | Noun | C2 | a seminar or short course for professionals or students

30. commencement | Noun | C2 | a ceremony at which degrees or diplomas are conferred,
especially at a college or university
31. commit | Verb | C2 | to apply to join a particular college or university
32. Common Core | Noun | C2 | a set of academic standards in mathematics and English
language arts/literacy adopted by many states in the United States
33. common room | Noun | C2 | a room in a school or college for the use of students or staff college | Noun | C2 | a two-year college that provides affordable higher
education and vocational training
35. comprehensive | Adjective | C2 | describing a secondary school that admits students of
all abilities
36. comprehensive | Noun | C2 | a secondary school that admits students of all abilities
37. conservatory | Noun | C2 | a college or school for the study of music or other arts
38. convocation | Noun | C2 | a ceremonial assembly of members of a college or university
39. core competency | Noun | C2 | a skill or ability that is essential for someone to perform a
job or task effectively
40.corporal punishment | Noun | C2 | physical punishment, such as caning or spanking, used
as a disciplinary measure in schools
41. crammer | Noun | C2 | a person or institution that prepares students for exams by
intensive study or coaching | Noun | C2 | a unit of value awarded for completing a course or subject, used to
measure progress toward a degree or qualification
43.crib | Noun | C2 | a translation or notes used illicitly to help with an exam or assignment
44.crib | Verb | C2 | to use a translation or notes illicitly to help with an exam or assignment
45.cross-disciplinary | Adjective | C2 | involving or combining two or more academic
46.CTC | Abbreviation | C2 | City Technology College (a type of state-funded secondary
school in the UK)
47. cum laude | Adverb | C2 | with honor or distinction (used in referring to an academic
degree or award)
48.curricular | Adjective | C2 | relating to a course of study or curriculum
49.custodian | Noun | C2 | a person responsible for the maintenance and security of a
building, such as a school
50. day school | Noun | C2 | a school where students do not live on the premises
51. dean | Noun | C2 | a senior member of the faculty or staff at a college or university,
responsible for a particular area or department
52. decolonize | Verb | C2 | to remove or address the effects of colonialism in a curriculum or
53. demerit | Noun | C2 | a mark or penalty given for unsatisfactory behavior or
performance, such as in a school or college
54.disciplinary | Adjective | C2 | relating to the maintenance of discipline or the
enforcement of rules and regulations, such as in a school or college
55. ditch | Verb | C2 | to stay away from school or classes without permission
56. don | Noun | C2 | a senior member of the teaching staff at a university, especially at
Oxford or Cambridge
57. drill | Noun | C2 | a repetitive exercise or practice used to reinforce learning

58. DT | Noun | C2 | Design and Technology (a school subject that involves designing and
making products)
59. EdTech | Noun | C2 | Educational Technology (the use of technology in education)
60. elective | Adjective | C2 | describing a course or subject that a student can choose to
study, as opposed to a required course
61. elective | Noun | C2 | a course or subject that a student can choose to study, as opposed
to a required course
62. eleven-plus | Noun | C2 | an examination taken by children in some parts of the UK to
determine entry into a grammar school
63. ELL | Noun | C2 | English Language Learner (a student who is learning English as an
additional language)
64.endowment | Noun | C2 | a fund or revenue source that provides financial support to a
college or university
65. entrant | Noun | C2 | a person who is applying or has been accepted to join a college or
66. ESOL | Abbreviation | C2 | English for Speakers of Other Languages (a type of English
language course)
67. examinee | Noun | C2 | a person taking an examination or test
68. exeat | Noun | C2 | permission for a student to leave a boarding school for a period of
69. expulsion | Noun | C2 | the dismissal or removal of a student from a school or college,
usually as a punishment
70. extension | Noun | C2 | a course or program that provides additional education or
training beyond the basic curriculum
71. extramural | Adjective | C2 | relating to activities or courses that are outside the regular
curriculum or program of study
72. fellow | Noun | C2 | a member of a group of scholars or researchers at a college or
73. final | Noun | C2 | an examination that is taken at the end of a course or program of study
74. first | Noun | C2 | the highest academic honor or degree, such as a first-class degree
75. first class | Noun | C2 | the highest academic honor or degree
76. flipped classroom | Noun | C2 | a teaching approach where students learn content at
home and engage in activities or discussions in class
77. flunk | Verb | C2 | to fail an examination or course
78. foundation course | Noun | C2 | a preparatory course that provides basic knowledge and
skills for further study or training
79. frat | Noun | C2 | an informal term for a fraternity (a social organization for male students
at a college or university)
80. fraternity | Noun | C2 | a social organization for male students at a college or university
81. fresher | Noun | C2 | a student in their first year at a college or university
82. freshman | Noun | C2 | a student in their first year of study at a college or university
83. freshwoman | Noun | C2 | a female student in their first year of study at a college or
84.GED | Noun | C2 | General Educational Development (a test that certifies high school
academic skills in the United States)

85. geometry | Noun | C2 | a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and
relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids
86. GMAT | Noun | C2 | Graduate Management Admission Test (a standardized test used for
admission to graduate business programs)
87. grade inflation | Noun | C2 | the tendency to award higher grades than students' work
deserves, resulting in an upward shift in the distribution of grades
88. grade point average | Noun | C2 | a numerical value representing a student's overall
academic performance, calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned
by the total number of credit hours attempted
89. grant-maintained | Adjective | C2 | describing a school or college that receives funding
directly from the government rather than from a local authority
90. guidance counselor | Noun | C2 | a professional who provides academic, career, and
personal counseling to students in a school or college setting
91. gymslip | Noun | C2 | a type of dress worn as part of a school uniform, especially by girls
92. head boy | Noun | C2 | a male student chosen to represent and lead other students in a
93. head girl | Noun | C2 | a female student chosen to represent and lead other students in a
94.headmistress | Noun | C2 | the female head teacher or principal of a school
95. headship | Noun | C2 | the position or office of a head teacher or principal in a school
96. home economics | Noun | C2 | a subject that teaches skills related to running a
household, such as cooking, sewing, and budgeting
97. honor | Noun | C2 | an award or distinction granted in recognition of academic
achievement or merit
98. honour | Noun | C2 | an award or distinction granted in recognition of academic
achievement or merit (British English spelling)
99. Hons | Abbreviation | C2 | Honors (a higher level of academic achievement or distinction)
100. house | Noun | C2 | a subdivision of students within a school or college, often used for
organizing competitions or activities
101. housemaster | Noun | C2 | a teacher responsible for the supervision and welfare of
students in a particular house or dormitory at a boarding school
102. inclusive education | Noun | C2 | an approach that promotes the inclusion of students
with disabilities or special needs in mainstream classrooms and schools
103. infirmary | Noun | C2 | a room or building in a school or college that provides medical
care for students
104. interdisciplinarity | Noun | C2 | the combining of two or more academic disciplines or
fields of study
105. interdisciplinary | Adjective | C2 | involving two or more academic disciplines or fields
of study
106. invigilate | Verb | C2 | to supervise students during an examination or test
107. invigilation | Noun | C2 | the process of supervising students during an examination or
108. invigilator | Noun | C2 | a person who supervises students during an examination or

109. Ivy League | Noun | C2 | a group of eight highly prestigious universities in the
northeastern United States
110. Ivy League | Adjective | C2 | relating to or characteristic of the Ivy League universities
111. janitor | Noun | C2 | a person employed to clean and maintain a building, such as a school
or college
112. J.D. | Noun | C2 | Juris Doctor (a professional degree in law)
113. K-12 | Adjective | C2 | relating to or encompassing the entire range of grades from
kindergarten through 12th grade (primary and secondary education)
114. language laboratory | Noun | C2 | a room or facility equipped with audio or video
equipment for teaching and learning languages
115. lector | Noun | C2 | a university teacher or lecturer
116. lectureship | Noun | C2 | the position or office of a lecturer at a university or college
117.liberal arts | Noun | C2 | a program of study that includes subjects such as literature,
philosophy, languages, and history, aimed at providing a broad general education
118. lifelong learning | Noun | C2 | the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of
knowledge and skills throughout one's life
119. linguistics | Noun | C2 | the scientific study of language and its structure, including
the study of morphology, syntax, phonetics, and semantics
120. locker room | Noun | C2 | a room with lockers where students can store their
belongings and change clothes, typically for physical education classes or sports
121. lollipop lady | Noun | C2 | a person employed to assist children in crossing the street
safely near a school
122. lollipop man | Noun | C2 | a person employed to assist children in crossing the street
safely near a school
123. magna cum laude | Adverb | C2 | with great honor or distinction (used in referring to
an academic degree or award)
124. magnet school | Noun | C2 | a public school that offers specialized courses or
curricula and attracts students from a wider geographic area
125. Makaton™ | Noun | C2 | a language program that uses signs and symbols to help
people with communication difficulties
126. make-up | Noun | C2 | an additional or supplementary examination or assignment
given to a student who missed the original one
127. mark down | Phrasal Verb | C2 | to give a lower grade or mark to a student's work or
128. matric exemption | Noun | C2 | an exemption from certain academic requirements
that allows a student to enroll in a university or college (used in some countries)
129. matriculate | Verb | C2 | to enroll as a student at a university or college
130. matriculation | Noun | C2 | the act of enrolling as a student at a university or college
131. matron | Noun | C2 | a woman responsible for the supervision and welfare of students
in a boarding school or dormitory
132. merit | Noun | C2 | a mark or grade awarded for academic achievement or
133. minus | Adjective | C2 | describing a grade or mark that is below average or
134. mistress | Noun | C2 | a female teacher, especially in a private school

135. mock | Adjective | C2 | describing a practice or simulated examination or test
136. mock | Noun | C2 | a practice or simulated examination or test
137. moderate | Verb | C2 | to assess or evaluate students' work or performance, often as
part of an examination or grading process
138. moderator | Noun | C2 | a person who assesses or evaluates students' work or
performance, often as part of an examination or grading process
139. modular | Adjective | C2 | relating to a system of education or training that is divided
into separate units or modules
140. monitor | Noun | C2 | a student appointed to assist a teacher or maintain discipline in
a classroom
141.mortar board | Noun | C2 | a flat square cap worn as part of academic dress at
graduations and other ceremonies
142. MSc | Noun | C2 | Master of Science (a postgraduate degree)
143. multidisciplinary | Adjective | C2 | involving or combining several academic
disciplines or fields of study
144. non-attendance | Noun | C2 | the act of being absent from school or college without
145. Ofsted | Abbreviation | C2 | Office for Standards in Education (a government body
that inspects and regulates schools in England)
146. Oxbridge | Noun | C2 | a collective term for the universities of Oxford and Cambridge
in the UK
147. paraprofessional | Noun | C2 | a person who assists professionals in a particular field,
such as a teaching assistant in a school
148. paraprofessional | Adjective | C2 | relating to or involving paraprofessionals
149. Phi Beta Kappa | Noun | C2 | an honor society in the United States that recognizes
academic achievement and excellence in liberal arts and sciences
150. phonics | Noun | C2 | a method of teaching reading and writing based on the sounds
of letters and letter combinations
151. pigeonhole | Noun | C2 | a small open compartment or cubbyhole, often used for
storing or sorting items in a school or office
152. play hookey/play hooky | Idiom | C2 | to stay away from school or work without
153. plus | Adjective | C2 | describing a grade or mark that is above average or satisfactory
154. polytechnic | Noun | C2 | a college or institution that provides technical or vocational
education and training
155. postdoctoral | Adjective | C2 | relating to or involving study or research undertaken
after obtaining a doctoral degree
156. prefect | Noun | C2 | a student appointed to help maintain discipline and order in a
157. preparatory school | Noun | C2 | a private school that prepares students for entry into
another school, such as a secondary school or university
158. prof | Noun | C2 | an informal term for a professor (a teacher at a university or

159. programmed learning | Noun | C2 | a method of teaching that utilizes
self-instructional materials and reinforcement to guide students through a course of
160. prospectus | Noun | C2 | a document or booklet providing information about a school,
college, or university, its courses, and admission requirements
161. provost | Noun | C2 | the chief academic officer of a college or university
162. PSHE | Noun | C2 | Personal, Social, Health and Economic (education), a curriculum
subject that focuses on personal development and well-being
163. PTA | Abbreviation | C2 | Parent-Teacher Association (an organization that promotes
cooperation between parents and teachers)
164. quad | Noun | C2 | a quadrangle (a courtyard or open area surrounded by buildings,
typically on a college or university campus)
165. quadrangle | Noun | C2 | a courtyard or open area surrounded by buildings, typically
on a college or university campus
166. RE | Noun | C2 | Religious Education (a school subject that teaches about different
religions and beliefs)
167. read | Verb | C2 | to study a particular subject or course at a university or college
168. reader | Noun | C2 | a junior academic position at a university, below the rank of
169. readership | Noun | C2 | the position or office of a reader at a university
170. reception | Noun | C2 | the first year of primary school in the UK, for children aged
171.reception class | Noun | C2 | the class or group of students in the first year of primary
school in the UK, for children aged 4-5
172. recess | Noun | C2 | a break or period of rest from studies, typically a short outdoor
playtime for schoolchildren
173. red-brick | Adjective | C2 | describing a university or college that was established in a
major industrial city in the late 19th or early 20th century, often with a focus on
technical and vocational subjects
174. registrar | Noun | C2 | an administrative officer responsible for maintaining student
records and overseeing registration at a college or university
175. resit | Noun | C2 | an opportunity to retake an examination or test that was previously
176. resit | Verb | C2 | to take an examination or test again after previously failing it
177. rubric | Noun | C2 | a set of guidelines or rules used to assess or grade students' work
or performance
178. SAT | Noun | C2 | Scholastic Aptitude Test (a standardized test used for college
admissions in the United States)
179. satchel | Noun | C2 | a type of bag or case used by schoolchildren to carry books and
other supplies
180. SCE | Abbreviation | C2 | Scottish Certificate of Education (a former school-leaving
qualification in Scotland)
181. scholastic | Adjective | C2 | relating to schools, education, or academic study
182. schoolmistress | Noun | C2 | a female head teacher or principal of a school

183. school run | Noun | C2 | the journey made by parents or caregivers to take their
children to and from school
184. schoolyard | Noun | C2 | the outdoor area or playground of a school
185. script | Noun | C2 | a written or printed document, such as an examination paper or
186. second | Noun | C2 | the second-highest academic honor or degree, such as a
second-class degree
187. secondary modern | Noun | C2 | a type of secondary school in the UK that provides a
non-selective education, as opposed to a grammar school
188. second class | Noun | C2 | the second-highest academic honor or degree
189. SEN | Abbreviation | C2 | Special Educational Needs (referring to students who
require additional support or assistance in their learning)
190. session | Noun | C2 | a period of study or instruction, such as a term or semester at a
school or college
191.sick bay | Noun | C2 | a room or area in a school where students who feel ill can rest or
receive medical attention
192. sit | Verb | C2 | to take an examination or test
193. skive | Verb | C2 | to stay away from school or work without permission
194. sophomore | Noun | C2 | a student in their second year of study at a college or
195. sorority | Noun | C2 | a social organization for female students at a college or
196. special education | Noun | C2 | education designed for students with special needs or
197. special school | Noun | C2 | a school that provides education and support for students
with special needs or disabilities
198. staff | Noun | C2 | the group of people employed at a school, college, or university,
including teachers, administrators, and support personnel
199. STEAM | Abbreviation | C2 | Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and
Mathematics (a curriculum that emphasizes these subjects)
200. stream | Noun | C2 | a group of students in a school or college who are studying a
particular subject or course
201. stream | Verb | C2 | to divide students into different groups or classes based on their
abilities or subjects of study
202. studious | Adjective | C2 | characterized by or devoted to studying
203. study hall | Noun | C2 | a designated area or room in a school where students can
study and do homework
204. summa cum laude | Adverb | C2 | with highest honor or distinction (used in referring
to an academic degree or award)
205. swot | Noun | C2 | a person who studies or works hard, especially for exams or tests
206. swot | Verb | C2 | to study or work hard, especially for exams or tests
207. swot up | Phrasal Verb | C2 | to study or revise intensively for an exam or test
208. swot up on | Phrasal Verb | C2 | to study or revise intensively on a particular subject
or topic for an exam or test

209. taunt | Verb | C2 | to mock or provoke someone in a contemptuous or insulting
210. taunt | Noun | C2 | an insulting or mocking remark or action
211. telling-off | Noun | C2 | a reprimand or scolding, especially given to a student by a
212. tell on | Phrasal Verb | C2 | to inform someone in authority about someone else's
wrongdoing or misbehavior
213. tenure | Noun | C2 | a permanent appointment or position at a college or university,
typically awarded to a professor or academic staff member after a probationary period
214. tertiary | Adjective | C2 | relating to education at a level beyond secondary school,
such as at a college or university
215. tertiary college | Noun | C2 | an institution that provides education and training
beyond the secondary level, such as a community college or technical college
216. third | Noun | C2 | the third-highest academic honor or degree, such as a third-class
217. third class | Noun | C2 | the third-highest academic honor or degree
218. third-class | Adjective | C2 | describing the third-highest academic honor or degree
219. trade school | Noun | C2 | a vocational school that provides training in specific trades
or occupations
220. transcript | Noun | C2 | an official record of a student's academic achievements and
courses taken at a school, college, or university
221. varsity | Noun | C2 | the principal team or group representing a college or university
in a particular sport or activity
222. vice chancellor | Noun | C2 | the chief executive officer or head of a university or
223. vice principal | Noun | C2 | a senior administrative officer at a school, second in rank
to the principal
224. viva | Noun | C2 | an oral examination, especially for a doctoral degree
225. viva voce | Noun | C2 | an oral examination, especially for a doctoral degree (from the
Latin phrase meaning "by live voice")
226. VLE | Noun | C2 | Virtual Learning Environment (an online platform used for teaching
and learning)
227. weighting | Noun | C2 | the relative importance or value assigned to different
components or criteria in determining a final grade or score
228. yearbook | Noun | C2 | an annual publication produced by a school or college,
containing photographs, articles, and other information about the year's events and
229. yeshiva | Noun | C2 | a Jewish educational institution that focuses on the study of
traditional religious texts and teachings

End of Document.

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