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Group : 10
Room : 510
Facilitator : dr. Sayid Ridho, Sp. PD.

Trigger :1
Date : Monday, 01 April 2024
Discussio Time :07.00-09.40

No. Student name No. Student name

1. Setyawan Agnis Putra 8. Siti Ananda Zhafirah
2. A. Yudhistira Prasetyo 9. Nuraida Zahra Salsabila
3. M. Farhan Alfaresi 10. Kalila Rafa Zahra
4. M. Fakhri Akbar
5. Syifa Masyhuroh
6. Rafina Khairunisa
7. Azkiya Alika Putri Ahmadi
Andi, 19 years old and his friend Rama, 18 years old are currently preparing to climb Mount Ijen in Banyuwangi.
The two of them were ready at the initial climbing point at 00.00 and were expected to reach the top of the Ijen
crater at 04.00 to coincide with the morning call to prayer. Andi is a nature-loving student who is used to climbing
mountains and doing rock climbing, while for Rama this climb is his first time. Both of them wore thick jackets on
this climb because the temperature in the valley can reach 5-10 degrees Celsius, and lower when they reach the
peak. At the start of the climb, Andi and Rama chatted a lot with each other without any problems. However,
after reaching 1.5 km of the journey, Rama started to pant, but Andi could still breathe well even though the road
started to rise. After passing the 2nd check point, there was a sharp incline of 500 meters and Rama had great
difficulty breathing, Andi started to pant but was still able to carry out his activities well. Finally, after 3 hours of
climbing, they reached the top of the Ijen crater. Rama reached the top with heavy breathing and his heart
pounding fast. Even though Andi was also panting, his breathing pattern quickly returned to normal. Rama also
wanted to measure his oxygen saturation using the fingertip tool in his backpack.
Addition :
- Andi regularly runs in the morning for about 1 hour 3 times a week for the last 1 year
- Rama's oxygen saturation results were 98% and Andi's were 99%

- Fingertip device: a medical device used to measure oxygen levels in the blood by wearing it on the tip of the
- Oxygen saturation: the level of oxygen in the blood bound to hemoglobin


- Andi and Rama climbed the mountain together at 00.00 and were estimated to reach the peak at 04.00. They
wore thick jackets because the temperature in the valley reached 5-10 degrees.
- Andi, 19 years old:
o nature lover student who is used to mountain climbing and rock climbing
o I regularly run in the morning for about 1 hour 3 times a week for the last 1 year
o After reaching 1.5 km of the journey Andi could still breathe well
o After passing a sharp incline of 500m, Andi started to gasp for breath but was still able to carry out his
activities well
o After 3 hours he finally reached the top, Andi was panting but his breathing pattern quickly returned to
- Rama, 18 years old:
o First time climbing
o After reaching 1.5 km of the journey, Rama started panting
o After climbing a sharp incline for 500m, Rama had great difficulty breathing
o After 3 hours, he finally reached the top, Rama's breathing felt heavy and his heart was beating fast,
then he measured oxygen saturation with a fingertip
1. Why did Rama gasp for breath, his breathing felt heavy, and his heart pounding when he reached the top?
2. Why can Andi regulate his breathing pattern better than Rama even though he is panting when he reaches
the top?

1. Andi doesn't get out of breath easily because he is used to climbing, climbing cliffs and regularly jogging in the
morning so his lungs have adapted to the air pressure in the mountains and his respiratory muscles are stronger.
2. Rama was breathing hard because he wasn't used to climbing mountains so his body wasn't used to it and he
experienced hypoxia
Things to know (questions): What is known:

Subject matter that must be studied (Learning References used:

issues): - Ebook
1. What is the embryology of the respiratory system? - Lecture material from the lecturer
2. What is the anatomy of the respiratory system
(associated muscles)?
3. What is the histology of the respiratory system?
4. What is the physiology of the respiratory
mechanism (ventilation, diffusion, perfusion, normal
values, lung function, influencing factors,
respiratory center/control, air exchange)?
5. What is the biochemistry of the respiratory system
(the role of O2 and CO2 in the body, the role of
6. How do differences in air pressure affect breathing
7. Why and what happened to Andi and Rama's
breathing while climbing the mountain?
8. How does exercise affect breathing?
9. What is normal oxygen saturation and factors that
influence it?
10. How does IMDB relate to triggers?
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