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English IV


Taryns Elizabeth García Ramos


Arévalo Pérez, Fiorella

Medina García, Jadde Celeste

Chiara Quispe, Ana Belén

García Gabriel, Gustavo Néstor

ICA – 2023

Dialogue number 1 takes place at the D' Mendoza restaurant, where the owner
calls his team to discuss the decrease in sales and the number of customers in
recent months. The problem identified is the marketing and advertising strategy
of the business. Throughout the dialogue, team members propose various
solutions to address this problem, such as improving the promotion of the dishes,
the visual presentation of the food, taking advantage of customer opinions and
reviews, implementing special promotions, collaborating with influencers and
food bloggers, and take advantage of the database of existing customers.

Dialogue number 2 takes place in the Yanbal company, where the owner and his
team discuss the problems that have arisen in relation to skin care products. It is
mentioned that the marketing and advertising strategy has not been effective,
which has led to a decrease in sales. During the conversation, issues such as
lack of product visibility, aggressive advertising campaigns by competitors, supply
issues, and difficulties in conveying product benefits to customers are highlighted.
The team proposes to form a multidisciplinary team to analyze the current
strategy, improve supply, train the sales team and carry out more aggressive
advertising campaigns.

In both dialogues, marketing and advertising strategy plays a vital role in

addressing business problems. Proper promotion of products and services,
improving visibility, taking advantage of customer opinions, implementing special
promotions and collaborating with influencers are some of the proposed
solutions. Additionally, the importance of evaluating and measuring results is
highlighted to make adjustments if necessary. These actions are essential to
attract more customers, regain market position and achieve commercial success.

Owner: Good morning everyone. I have brought you together today to discuss a
concerning situation in our business. Sales and the number of customers have
decreased drastically in recent months. I think the problem is in our marketing
and advertising strategy.

Administrator: Thanks for addressing this topic, boss. I think one of the problems
is that we have not been properly promoting our food items on the menu and the
à la carte dishes. Our customers are not aware of the wide variety of delicious
options we offer. We need to find ways to highlight our dishes and make them
look more attractive.

Cook 1: I agree. Additionally, we could consider improving the visual presentation

of our dishes. The food should look appetizing and tempting in the photos we
share on social media and on our website. A good image can arouse the interest
of customers and make them want to try our dishes.

Waiter 1: I also think we could take better advantage of the positive opinions and
reviews of our satisfied customers. Many people rely on the recommendations of
others when choosing a restaurant. We could encourage our customers to leave
online reviews and share their experiences on social media. This would help build
trust and attract new customers.

Owner: Those are great suggestions, guys. Also, we could consider some special
promotions to attract more customers. For example, we could offer discounts on
certain days of the week or launch a special seasonal menu to create
expectations and generate interest in our gastronomic proposal.

Administrator: We could also collaborate with local food influencers or bloggers.

By inviting them to our restaurant and allowing them to try our food, they would
be able to share their positive experiences on their platforms and reach a wider
audience. This would help us increase our online visibility and attract new

Cook 2: I like the idea of collaborating with influencers. We could even offer
special events, such as theme nights or tastings, to appeal to different groups of
people and create a special and memorable atmosphere. Additionally, we could
improve our social media presence by sharing photos and videos of the events
and special dishes we offer.

Waiter 2: We could also leverage more of our database of existing customers.

We may send you email newsletters with exclusive promotions, special menus or
upcoming events. This would remind them of our existence and give them
incentives to visit us again.

Owner: Excellent ideas, everyone. I am excited by the solutions we have

proposed. I believe that if we implement these strategies effectively, we will be
able to overcome our marketing and advertising problems. Let's work together to
carry out these ideas and make sure we measure and evaluate the results to
make adjustments if necessary. I am sure that together we can achieve a great
change and attract more customers to our beloved restaurant D' Mendoza. Let's
do it!


1. Marketing Strategy: Plan or approach designed to promote and sell products

or services.

2. Advertising: Action of publicizing a product or service through the media to

attract customers.

3. Sales: Activity of promoting and selling products or services to customers.

4. Menu: List of dishes and drinks available in a restaurant.

5. Menu: Printed menu that shows the dishes and prices in a restaurant.

6. Variety: Diversity or wide range of options available.

7. Attractive: That is interesting or pleasant to the eye or taste.

8. Visual presentation: Way in which a plate of food is displayed or presented


9. Social networks: Online platforms where people share information and connect
with others.

10. Reviews: Opinions or comments about a product or service left by customers.

11. Special promotions: Temporary offers or discounts to attract customers.

12. Influencers: People with a large number of followers on social networks who
can influence the purchasing decisions of others.

13. Food Bloggers: People who write and share content related to food and
restaurants on their blogs.

14. Database: Organized collection of information about customers and their


15. Measure and evaluate: Analyze and examine the results obtained to
determine the effectiveness of a strategy or action.

Owner: Good morning everyone. Thank you for being here today. As you know,
we have been facing some problems in our company Yanbal regarding our skin
care products. It appears that our marketing and advertising strategy has not
been effective and this has affected our sales.

Partner: It is true, we have noticed a significant decrease in sales and it is

important to address this situation urgently. We need to find solutions that allow
us to recover our position in the market.

Administrator: I agree. We have analyzed the data and have identified that our
marketing strategy has failed to reach our target audience effectively. We need
to review our tactics and find innovative ways to promote our products.

Sales Staff: As part of the sales team, I can tell you that we have received
feedback from customers about the lack of visibility of our products. We have also
noticed that the competition has been launching more aggressive advertising
campaigns, which has left us behind.

Supply Staff: Additionally, we have had problems with the supply of some skin
care products. This has impacted our ability to meet demand in a timely manner,
leading to customer loss.

Field Staff: From my experience in the field, I can tell you that our sales
representatives are having a difficult time conveying the benefits of our products
to customers. We need a clearer and more effective marketing strategy that
highlights the benefits of our skincare products.

Owner: Thank you all for your comments. It is clear that we need to take
immediate action to address these issues. I propose that we form a
multidisciplinary team that includes representatives from each department to
work on concrete solutions.

Partner: I agree. This team will have to carefully analyze our current marketing
and advertising strategy, identify areas for improvement and propose new tactics
that will help us regain our position in the market.
Administrator: Additionally, we must ensure that we have an adequate supply of
skin care products to meet demand in a timely manner. This involves improving
our supply chain and establishing strong relationships with our suppliers.

Sales Personnel: We must also train our sales team so that they can effectively
convey the benefits of our products to customers. This includes providing them
with up-to-date information and appropriate sales tools.

Field Staff: I agree. In addition, we must consider the possibility of carrying out
more aggressive advertising campaigns and using different communication
channels to reach our target audience effectively.

Owner: Excellent. I am excited to see how this team will work together to
overcome these challenges. I am confident that with our combined skills and
experience, we will find innovative and correct solutions that will allow us to regain
our position in the skin care products market.


1. Target audience: Demographic group to which a marketing campaign or

strategy is directed.

2. Marketing strategy: Plan that defines the objectives and actions to position a
brand in the market.

3. Advertising campaigns: Set of actions to publicize a brand or product through

mass media.

4. Communication channels: Media used to transmit a message, such as social

networks, billboards, television, etc.

5. Positioning: Perception that consumers have of a brand compared to the


6. Sales: Actions to complete the purchase of a product by customers.

7. Visibility: Degree to which a product or service is known by consumers.

8. Competition: Other brands that offer similar products or services.

9. Demand: Quantity of a product or service required by the market in a period.

10. Supply: Actions to ensure the availability of goods, inputs or resources.

11. Supply problems: Difficulties in the supply of products or inputs.

12. Customers: People or organizations that acquire goods or services from a


13. Multidisciplinary team: Group made up of professionals from different areas.

14. Solutions: Measures and actions proposed to resolve a problematic situation.

15. Innovation: Implementation of new ideas or options different from existing


Diferencia entre marketing y publicidad (+ ejemplos). (s/f). Entel Comunidad

Empresas. Recuperado el 27 de septiembre de 2023, de


Indica Peru. Recuperado el 27 de septiembre de 2023, de

Yanbal - Cambiamos vidas. (s/f). Yanbal. Recuperado el 27 de septiembre de

2023, de

Yon, D. (2022, mayo 20). Disminución de ventas en una empresa - Más que
conectados. Más que conectados; Gravity.

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