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Assignment 3RD

1 ) What is Angular? Why was it introduced? What are the advantage and disadvantage of the angular
? Differentiate between Angular and AngularJS ?

2 ) What is an AOT compilation? What are its advantages? What are Components in Angular? What is
AngularJS controllers ? What is AngularJS scope? What is AngularJS dependency injection ?

3 ) Why should we Need of AngularJS in real web sites, describe in details? What is an ngModule?
What are filters in Angular? Name a few of them.

4 ) What are Directives in Angular ? What are AngularJS built-in directives ? What are AngularJS
custom directives,?

5 ) What are Pipes in Angular ? What is the PipeTransform interface ? What are Pure Pipes ? What are
Impure Pipes ?

6) Explain components, modules and services in Angular.? How are Angular expressions different
from JavaScript expressions?
Assigment 4th
1 Q ) What is MongoDB ? advantages and disadvantages of MongoDB? What are the data types in
MongoDB ? What are some features of MongoDB?

2 ) How to perfrom CRUD operations in the mongoDB ? Explain in details? What is the difference
between MongoDB and MySQL?

3 Explain how to integrate authentication and authorization mechanisms into a Node.js + Express +
MongoDB application. What are some common strategies for implementing user authentication (e.g.,
JWT tokens, sessions) and role-based access control (RBAC) in RESTful APIs?

4 ) Discuss the process of testing API endpoints in a Node.js application. What are some popular
testing frameworks or tools used for API testing, and how do they help ensure API reliability and

5 ) How can you handle typical CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in a RESTful API using
Express.js and Mongoose? Provide code snippets or examples for each CRUD operation.

6 ) Evaluate common API patterns used in RESTful architecture, such as resource naming conventions,
HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), and response formats (JSON, XML). How do these patterns
contribute to building scalable and maintainable APIs?

7 ) Describe the concept of REST APIs and their key principles. How do RESTful APIs differ from
traditional web APIs, and why are they widely adopted in modern web development?

8 ) Explain how to integrate authentication and authorization mechanisms into a Node.js + Express +
MongoDB application. What are some common strategies for implementing user authentication (e.g.,
JWT tokens, sessions) and role-based access control (RBAC) in RESTful APIs?

9 ) What is an API and types of API ? Advantage of API AND ALSO Disadvantage of API ?
What is REST API ? also define it’s method ?

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