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Vocabulary Enrichment.

With your dictionary, find the meaning of each word below as used in the selection. Use
the word in a sentence.

1. Gender-based- Pert. to individuals of only one sex, i.e., only to women or only to
men, but not to both.

Sentence: The competition was very gender-based which makes the people

2. Sexual Harassment- behavior characterized by making unwelcome and

inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances in a workplace or other
professional or social situation.

Sentence: People who do sexual harassment must be punished by the law.

3. Misogynistic - strongly prejudiced against women

Sentence: When I knew that my friend was a misogynist, I stay away from him.

4. Innuendos - an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or

disparaging one.

Sentence: His innuendos made many people hate him.

5. Perpetrator - a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.

Sentence: The perpetrator was caught because of the police investigation.

Comprehension Questions.

1. President Rodrigo Duterte signed into law Republic Act No. 11313 (known
as the “Safe Spaces Act”). F
2. RA 11313 law has a more comprehensive coverage than the Anti-Sexual
Harassment Law. F
3. Giving any statement that has made an invasion on a person’s personal
space or threatens the person’s sense of personal safety is punishable under this
law. F
4. The term “sexual harassment” is highly contested. F
5. Educational institutions are often viewed as “second homes” and educators
as “second parents”. That students feel and are “safe” in these “second homes” is
just assumed and not readily questioned. The notion that “second parents” can
abuse their “children” is also often deemed unthinkable. The “home,” after all, is
widely considered to be the safest of all spaces. O
6. The law covers streets, roads, alleys, markets, parks and similar places.
It also considers privately-owned places that cater to the public as public
spaces including buildings, malls, restaurants and cafes, bars and clubs,
cinemas, salons, resorts, and other places of recreation. F
7. Schools and universities thus have to break the stigma – and the
silence – that often accompany experiences of sexual harassment. F
8. RA 11313 law’s IRR has defined terms such as: Gender identity and/or
expression; homophobic remarks or slurs; misogynistic and sexist remarks or
slurs; and transphobic remarks and slurs. F
9. The law has the potential to facilitate a change in mindsets about
violence against women, GBSH, women’s and LGBTQIA+ rights. It is a step in
the right direction as it requires strong public education on the law, the
conduct of gender sensitivity seminars for the various government offices,
including local government units, that are mandated to implement this law. F
10. For the Bawal-Bastos law, the element of “moral ascendancy” is not
considered. For example, if the subordinate is the one who sexually harasses
his/her boss, the subordinate can be held liable under the Bawal-Bastos law. F

ACTIVITY 2. From the pool of words below, classify the given terms based on
the table given.

Specific acts punishable under the RA11313 Bawal Bastos Law

1. Gender-Based Streets and Public Spaces Sexual Harassment

2. Gender-Based Online Sexual Harassment
3. Qualified Gender-Based Streets, Public Spaces and Online Sexual
4. Qualified Gender-Based Streets, Public Spaces and Online Sexual
5. Qualified Gender-Based Streets, Public Spaces and Online Sexual
6. Catcalling;
7. Name calling
8. Staring/Gazing at others
9. Unwanted invitations; Requesting for personal details
10. Taking a picture of a fellow passenger inside a jeepney, without the
11. An act or series of acts involving any unwelcome sexual advances,
12. requests or demand for sexual favors or any act of sexual nature,
13. A conduct of sexual nature affecting the dignity of a person
14. conduct that is unwelcome and pervasive and creates an intimidating,
hostile or humiliating environment for the recipient
15. sexual harassment committed between peers and those committed to a
superior by a subordinate, or to a teacher by a student, or to a trainer by a

Considered “public spaces” under RA11313 Bawal Bastos Law

1. Streets and alleys
2. public parks; public markets
3. transportation terminals
4. spaces used as evacuation centers
5. public utility vehicles and private vehicles covered by app-based
transport network services (like Grab)

Considered Gender-Based ONLINE Sexual Harassment

1. sharing pictures in social media without consent
2. unwanted sexual misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic and sexist
remarks online
3. cyberstalking and incessant messaging;
4. uploading and sharing photos, videos or any information without the
5. impersonating identities of victims online; posting lies about victims to
harm their reputation;

ACTIVITY 3. Writing Activity. Analyze the following statements and determine

if it is based on fact or opinion. Apply the signal words/phrases for Fact or
Opinion in your explanation.

1. The report confirms that harassment is not merely about giving or taking offense.
It is a form of power play.
2. The report confirms that gender-based sexual harassment can, and do happen
3. This means that it doesn’t matter what are the intentions of the person doing the
act. What matters according to the law is the feeling or reaction of the person
based on the another person’s doing.
4. I agree to this punishment because those people who commit sexual harassment
in these places should be expelled and should be blocked in any places like this
if they try to enroll in other places.
5. Many said that a good law can be wasted if those who should implement it do
not do it properly, and when those who should benefit from it do not know the
Performance Task 1

Catcalling is an example of a scenario under the Bawal Bastos Law. This

happened to me several times, and it was done by gays. I have nothing against the
LGBTQ community and accept them in great respect. Whenever I go out to buy
something, especially in the evening, I was harassed by a lot of people who catcall me
and even force me to commit immoral things. This type of person tarnishes the dignity of
LGBTQ individuals because many of them are misunderstood as a result of their actions.
My strategy for dealing with this circumstance is to simply ignore them and rush home.

Performance Task 2

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