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n m y mh

yz yh yÐ mÐ hm
9 46 49 41 nŷ 35 21 31 h
na 25 29 33 z
47 12 38 48
ya 27 37 23 mz fig. 80
fig. 81 39 47 48 11 yŷ mŷ lÐ Ð ma

In it resides the mystery of Names such as al-Jalīl , al-Jamīl , al-Mujammil , al-Malik , al-Malīk p. 251
, al-Mālik , al-Manān , al-Muhaymin , al-Kāmil , al-Mukmil , al- Kālī , al-Mukallim , al-Munazzil , al-
Muzayyin , Lā ilāh illa Allāh , Mālik al-mulk , Alif lām mīm , Æā' hā' , Amānī , Malī , Zakī , Muzakkī ,
Munīl , Munŷī , Munŷiz , Ilah , and everything that corresponds to these Names and to the set of their
letters, which are ten: a ŷ hz Ð yklmn . And they add up to 175, which is the number of the seven-fold magic
square 1 . Meditate sensibly on these numerical secrets and these literal links, for in them there are marvelous
secrets for those who come to taste a part of the Wisdom inspired by God, to which no one arrives except
those who long for it the most. God, praised and exalted, speaks the Truth, and He guides the Road.



This Name is of enormous value and has a 4 x 4 magic square, in which, however, it is not possible
to apply the secret of harmonic lace ( sirr al-tadājul ) since the letter zay is repeated in it .
Whoever records it while Mars is in his exaltation, acquires power over the enemies of God,
exalted be he!, as well as if he continually recites.
Whoever fears to resort to one of the princes seeking his help and fears humiliating himself before
him to ask for his needs, should make continuous use of his recitation, because when he does that, God
provides him with whatever he wants without having to humiliate himself before anyone. Whoever makes
continuous use of the ²ikr of His Name “ al-'Azīz ”, God strengthens him after having humbled himself and
gives him security after his fear.

His ²ikr is beneficial to one called 'Abd al-'Azīz. And whoever knows his secret, God beautifies
his interior with Power. Don't you see that this Name alludes to His Name “ Yā Ŷamīl ”, counting the ' yā'
' of the vocative? And it is that it has the number 94, which is an even number of odd, elongated and
defective when adding its divisors 50, which alludes to the letter nūn , which is the center of all occult
science and gift visible, of where all I know humiliates Y asks that of it this needy. Y due to the domain (
istīlā' ) of the Powerful on it visible Y it hidden, its number fold the worth of 'the
19 29 30 16
Governor' ( al-Wālī ) 2 , well the government ( wilaya ) first belongs a the
24 22 21 27
hidden and the second to the visible. The names of its letters add up to 178,
a number that alludes to two glorious Names: 'King' ( Malīk ) 3 and 'Wise' 20 26 25 23

( ©akim ). And this is his magic square: 31 17 18 28

fig. 82
Leemos ‘Malīk’ en vez de ‘Malik’ como en el original, de manera que ambos nombres suman 178.

We do not know which square it refers to, as well as the relationship of these Names with this section.
Name that adds up to 47.

Leemos ‘Malīk’ en vez de ‘Malik’ como en el original, de manera que ambos nombres suman 178.


Whoever undertakes the ²ikr of this splendid Name will not look at anyone without covering him
with respect towards him, making him unable to hold his gaze. It has a 4 x 4 magic square that is composed
using the secret of harmonic lace and while Mars is in its exaltation. Its bearer will be respected by all
people, and everyone who meets him will submit and do his own will. His ²ikr is indicated for one who is
called 'Abd al-Jabbār and also Muse.

It has the number 208 in its pronounced value, and 206 in terms of the value of its written letters.
p. 252
The first of the numbers is even of the even, whose odd results from multiplying an irrational number -
which is 13- by 16, which is four times four. [The 208] is an abundant number whose divisors add up to
226, which alludes to His Name 'the Truthful' ( al-¼ādiq ), counting the article, due to the conformity with
the better of two assumptions that resides in Good 1 .

A certain king said to his wise minister: "Why did God create flies?" And [his minister] said: “To
humiliate tyrants, for they descend upon them, perching on their beards. That is why the flies did not settle
on the one who is totally free from being called a tyrant, and that is our lord Muammad
b. 'Abd Allah, God bless and save you!

You must know, God help us in obedience!, that whoever undertakes his ²ikr until reaching a a
spiritual state derived from it, later engraves it on a copper plate and sends it to the house of a wicked
person, because it will be destroyed . Try to understand that, for it is especially useful for kings, who Yes
it they recite continually, are feared by everybody the that treat of compete with they.

And whoever writes His Name 'the Almighty' ( al-Jabbār ) and 'Lord of Majesty and Bounty' (
®ū-l-jalāl wa-l-ikrām ) on a sheet at any time He pleases and while under purity ritual, and puts it on his
head [under the turban] when sitting among the people, God beautifies him in the eyes of others.
As for his magic square, it is as follows:

51 54 59 44 41 38 45 52 29

58 45 50 55 50 32 39 36 48
24 46 52 30 42
46 61 52 49
22 4 37 44 55
53 48 47 60
47 46 31 43 35
fig. 84 fig. 83

And the names of its letters add up to 368, which is the sum of two glorious Names: 'Victorious'
( Q ā hi r ) 2 Y 'Hidden ( B ā Ð in ). About of to understand.

Sentido incierto.
En ambos manuscritos se lee Ýāhir.


Who writes this Name of sublime essence on the walls of a city or around a house or other building,
writing it around it in ninety-four places while the preacher is in the pulpit during Friday sermon, God,
exalted be !, protect that city or building from any event or threat that occurs during the night.

Whoever arranges it in a 5 x 5 magic square composed by means of the harmonic lace technique
of numbers and letters and being Mars in a moment of exaltation, humiliates thanks to this all arrogant
person, just as if he makes continuous use of his ²ikr .

One of the masters of intuitions mentioned that the person who undertakes his ²ikr gets the
powerful to be guided by him and listen to his words.

It has the number 664, which is an even number of even and odd numbers, and is one of the
defective numbers whose divisors add up to 596, which alludes to two glorious Names: 'Victor' ( Qāhir ) c

and 'Creator' ( F ā Ð i r ).

This number [664] is four times the value of His 'Subsistent' Name ( Qayyūm ), and eight times
the value of His Name 'the Glorious' ( al-Jalīl ) 1 . And the names of its letters add up to 799, a number that
is an allusion to two glorious Names: 'Judge' ( ©akam ) and 'Creator' ( Jāliq ).

His magic square is as follows:

r b wh you m
p. 253
398 38 203 two 23
5 twe 401 36 201
39 199 3 24 399
22 402 37 202 1

fig. 85


East sublime Name it is very Useful for the teachers of the jobs Y plays of the Wisdom 2 , so to
like the works of corruption.
Whoever records it on a seal, the ascendant being one of the zodiacal signs of the fire element,
wears it in a ring and copulates with his wife, she becomes pregnant, God willing, exalted be he!

In the case of this last Name, it is not true, since Ŷalīl adds 73, while 664 / 8 = 83.
With the term ½anā'i' he usually refers to the works of alchemy.

It has the number 731, which is a prime number, and alludes to the letter ²āl 1 . For this reason,
humility ( al-²ull ) before the Creator is indispensable for the creature . And the names of its letters add up
to 964, a number that alludes to a two glorious Names: 'Hidden' ( B ā Ð in ) 'Latest' ( Ājir ) . _

His magic square is as follows: q l a j

597 4 31 99

32 98 598 3

fig. 86 2 599 101 29


This resplendent Name has as a peculiar characteristic that it helps in those jobs that require a long
and constant process, as well as in the preparation of materials and objects that must be given different
shapes. So [su ²ikr ] is profitable for the blacksmith, the carpenter, the jeweler, etc. And to whoever
performs his ²ikr , everything related to the field of forms and models is revealed.
You must know, God guide us!, that whoever undertakes his ²ikr while treating the bodies [of sick
people], has the appropriate medicine in his own hand 2 .

Have the number 213, that it is a number odd, multiple of cousin Y defective to the Add their c
divisors 75, a number that alludes to His Name 'Judge' ( Dayyān ). And it also results from multiplying the
letter ŷīm by alif lām mīm 3 . The ŷīm represents the meeting ( al-jam' ), the alif the beginning ( ibtidā' ),
the mīm the completion ( tamām ), and the lām the link that unites both.
And due to the end of the development of matter that takes place in the act of Creation ( al-bar' ),
the pronunciation of the Name ends with the hamza .
A 3 x 3 numerical square has been composed that is inserted in a literal square

y r a b

53 46 51 63

47 56 60 50

61 49 48 55

fig. 88

fig. 87

Equivalent to the name of this letter.
This is because the root br' to which the name belongs has means 'to heal'.
Ŷim (3) x Alif-lām-mīm (71) = 213.

SECTION FOURTEEN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ABOUT _ Y OUR NAME : _ _ _ TRAINER _ _ _ _ _ ( M u ½ a ww i r )

Whoever makes the ²ikr of this Name of enormous value is provided with all those trades that he
wishes in which it is a question of mixing elements and shaping materials. If your magic square is engraved
on a glass or ceramic seal, you will never go wrong when working with these materials.

If he undertakes his ²ikr who is endowed with a sincere spiritual condition and is firmly instructed
in divine science, meanings intelligible in sensory forms descend upon him, that which is understood by no
one except he who has attained total awareness ( kašf ) and sharp intuition.
And whoever undertakes his ²ikr is provided with everything related to the trades in which he try from to
create forms, such as those that trace figures 1 , those that model glass and ceramics and what looks like
It has the number 342 in its oral value, which is an even number of even and defective, whose
divisors add up 438, number that alludes a two glorious Names: 'Generous' ( Karīm ) _ _ _ _ Y 'Conciliator'
( M u ½ li ¬ ). And it has the number 336 in its written value, a number that alludes to His Name 'Victor' (
Qāhir ) according to the method followed by the lords of the secrets 2 .

The names of its letters add up to 399, a number that alludes to two glorious Names: 'Who bestows'
( Māni¬ ) and 'Venerable' ( Mukarram ).
And its magic square is the following:

r ww ½ m
101 106 99
89 41 199 13
100 102 104
105 98 103 42 92 10 198

11 197 43 91
fig. 90
fig. 89


Whoever harmoniously arranges this noble Name in a square written on a sheet of lead on the last
night of the month, after reciting the Name the number of times of its numerical value, and then carries it
with him, God, exalted be He! hidden from the eyes of every evil person. And if he has a high spiritual
status, with it he becomes invisible in the eyes of the people. That is why it has a magnificent utility in

It can refer to different types of drawings or figures, such as the geometric designs so typical of Islamic art.
unaware of the method to which he alludes, since according to the one used up to now the Qāhir Name
2 We are

adds up to 306. Note that fig. 90 has as perpetual sum 306.

To whom the Truth forces him to witness what he cannot bear to see, that he resort to his ²ikr .
Also he to whom God has revealed the conditions of his creatures and the hidden parts of his secrets and is
not able to hide it, may he seek refuge in God, praised and exalted be He, with the recitation of this Name.

Have the number 1361, that it is a number cousin, it which indicates that the veil with the that God I know
hidden, exalted be he!, it has no fissure. That is why no one knows God except Himself. The names of its
letters add up to 1453, which alludes to two glorious Names: 'Who gives food' ( Muqīt ), 'Restrictor' ( QābiÅ
As for his magic square, it is as follows. God speaks the Truth and He guides the
r a ff g

1001 159 two 199

3 202 998 158

157 999 201 4

fig. 91


Whoever makes the ²ikr of this Name of sublime essence in order to curse an evil person, he is
reprimanded on the spot. And whoever arranges it in a square while Mars is in his exaltation and carries it
with him will defeat everyone who disputes with him and will defeat him with the final tests.

This Name is useful for those disciples while they are in the abode of repression. of nafs Y the
obstruction of the passions earthly. Also it is Useful for who I know I called 'Abd al-Qahhār.

It has the number 311 in its oral value, and 306 in terms of its written letters. the names of their
letters add up 499, it which It constitutes a allusion a two sublime Names, that are 'Creator' ( F ā Ð i r ) and
'Equitable' ( MuqsiÐ ) . _ About of to understand:
This is its square:
r a hh q

11 99 197 4

98 12 3 198

2 199 101 9

fig. 92


When one who walks the Path ( al-sālik ) recites this Name of great value, he sees how the goods
( al-arzāq ) with which God sustains the world are distributed.
And to whomever recites it continuously, God expands his provisions.
In the same way, to the one who writes it while Saturn is in his exaltation, God grants him
everything he asks for.
His ²ikr is very beneficial for the one called Sulaymān and also 'Abd al-Wahhāb.
It is one of the secrets and of the names that comprise various mysteries such as the odd and the
even, since the odd resides in its pronunciation, and the even resides in its writing, since written is worth
14 and pronounced is 19.
The first number is an allusion to His Name 'the Generous' ( al-Jawād ), and corresponds with
said name due to the secrets of the Emanation that resides in it 1 .
The second is a prime number, and in that quality resides a sign of Oneness, so it corresponds to
His Name 'the Only One' ( al-Wā¬id ).
14 is an even number of odd and defective, since its divisors add up to 10, which alludes to the
yā' because it grants the meaning of gifting to the gifted thing 2 .
And his magic square is formed with the sum of the names of his letters, constituting a perpetual
sum of 142, a number that alludes to His Name 'Oh Peace' ( yā Salām ) counting the ' yā ' of the vocative.
And it is the following:
27 31 64 20

63 21 26 32

22 66 29 25

30 24 23 65

fig. 93

p. 256

This sublime and resplendent Name is one of the remembrances of the angel Mīkā'īl 3 , peace be
upon him! To everyone who undertakes his ²ikr God, exalted be He, makes it easy for him to obtain food
and drink. Whoever writes it in a square while the moon is at its peak, God makes it easier for him to obtain
food and what God has separated to sustain him. And in the same way who engraves it on a seal and
constantly recites it on the night of ša'bān 14-15 .
His ²ikr is beneficial to one named 'Abd al-Razzāq and also Yūsuf, and he has a magic square of
magnificent value, which is as follows:

We interpret Emanation as the means by which God extends His gifts.
Uncertain sense.

Angel in charge of supplying the creatures with their sustenance.

what a zz r

fiftee 199 197 4

198 16 3 98

two 99 101 13

fig. 94

It has the number 315 in its oral value, and the number 308 in its written value, so it is one of the to

Names in which the mystery of the even and the odd meets.
As for the number 315, it results from multiplying the first odd number by the first reflexive
number, then the first odd number is multiplied by the first integer, and finally the result of the first
multiplication is multiplied by the result of the second 1 . So its structural basis is alif ŷīm hā' zāy yā' kāf .
And therein resides the erection of the alif , the gathering of the ŷīm , the interior of the hā' and its absent
part, the power of the zāy , the fall of the ŷā' and the structure of the kāf . And due to the repetition of the
zāy in the pronunciation and in the numerical value, what is requested with it is exclusively sustenance,
although obtaining it is difficult. It is a defective number whose parts add up to 311 2 , it which I know
allusion of Your name 'Domineering' ( Qahhār ), well all the that asks the support a someone, humbles
himself before him and is under his domination, God save us from having to humble ourselves before
anyone who is not The!

persevere in open a alone gate

so that the rest of them open before you.
Submit to one Lord
and the rest of the people will humble themselves before you.

And its written value (308), since it is an even number of even and the odd one, which doubles the
value of His name 'the Eternal' ( al-Qadim ) Y quadruple a 'the Protective' ( al-Mawlà ). It is a number
defective whose dividers add up _ 35 6 3 , a l u si o n a your _ Name _ _ _ ' Who in _ I will go _ a he to an i
or n ' ( M a w ½ il ) 4 Y your _ Name _ _ _ ' light ' _ ( Nūr ) 5 , _ _ Y e l o It is unified with the inversion of
its divisors 6 . That is why the craving for sustenance causes people to perish. A man said to ©ātim al-
A½amm 7 : where do you get your food from?, and he said: ﴾ To God they belong the treasures of the
Heavens Y of the Earth. Without embargo the hypocrites No understand ﴿ .

The names of its letters add up to 512, a number that alludes to two glorious Names, which are
'Benefactor' ( Mun'im ) and 'Near' ( Qarīb ).

Uncertain translation, although it seems clear that it multiplies 3 x 5= 15; then 3 x 7 = 21. And 15 x 21 = 315.
According to our calculations, 309.
According to our calculations, 364.
Equals 166.
equals 256.
Uncertain translation.
Abū 'Abd al-Ramān ©ātim al-A½amm (d. 852 AD), celebrated saint born in the city of Balj and disciple of
Šaqīq al-Baljī (A. J, A RBERRY , Muslim Saints and Mystics , Ames: Omphaloskepsis [electronic text], page 193).
Sometimes the masters of secrets harmonize it into a 5 x 5 magic square like this.

68 60 72 64 51
62 54 66 58 75
56 73 65 52 69
55 67 59 71 63
74 61 53 70 57

fig. 95

In the same way, a square will be composed with His 'Sufficient' Name ( Kāfī ), the ascendant c

being the one mentioned above, and then one will stare at one another while reciting the Name. It will be
engraved on the appropriate material for what is desired and the square will also be written on the utensil
with which it was engraved. And he will constantly recite it until he feels the influence to the extent of his
spiritual state, since he will obtain help for what we have mentioned and for whatever he wants, God willing,
exalted be he! It is essential that the moon is in its waxing phase and in a zodiacal constellation of good
omen, and if it is in the ascendant it is more effective. Who completes the actions that must, will be a point
of get that that search, Thank you a God, exalted be!

Y who recites to the run it: ﴾ Of No to have been by the firmness that tea we gave, No had missed
a lot for that tea you would have inclined a little bit towards they ﴿ 1 , ﴾ God gives firmness a the that believe p. 257
by source of the word sign in the life of East world Y in the last ﴿ , ﴾ In that day the men will tell: By where

I know can get away? But No! Nope there will be where hide. That day everybody Iran a stop towards
You Mister ﴿ 3 . As long as you recite the verses with a sincere heart and fully devoted to your aspiration,
you will be worthy of getting what you want. search.

seek shelter in God of the ignorant, ﴾ No take a derision the verses of God ﴿ 4 , Yes You would
reason the dictates of God in his most sacred book, you would curse those who deny the Truth evident.

This is its square:

y f a k
2 19 11 79

22 3 78 8

77 9 21 4

fig. 96

Cor . xvii:74.
Cor . xiv:29.
Cor . lxxv:10-2.
Cor . ii:229


Whoever performs the ²ikr of this sublime Name, God opens a door to that to which he directs his
attention. His ²ikr is useful for those who walk the Path in the first spiritual degrees, and for those who
reach the Union in the last ones. degrees.
It has a 4 x 4 magic square that is composed using the secret of harmonious lace, since its carrier
No you disturbed no affair without that I know you open a gate for fix it.

You should know that whoever has some important need, to use it in a wird , not in ²ikr , doing
that after praying two rak'at on Friday night. Before the first , he will recite the enduring ejaculations ( a l
- b ā q i y ā t a l - ½ ā li ¬ ā t ) 1 yes you _ _ times , _ _ what _ yes or no S ub ¬ a n a Allah , _ _ _ al - ¬amd
u _ _ _ _ li - Llāh , _ _ _ l ā il ā h ill a Allah, Allahu akbar Y The ¬awl wa-la quwa illa bi-llah al-'Ali
al-'AÞim . The will recite before of recite the Fāti¬ay afterwards too. Then he will kneel with his palms on
his knees and recite them in the same way. By getting up too, by bowing down too, and by getting up again
too. And he will do the same in the second ra'kat . In both, he will recite the surah Yā-Sīn and the surah of
Sovereignty. And after pronouncing the taslīma and the ejaculations, he will continuously recite the Name.
Once this is done, he will not ask God for anything that he does not obtain and be granted, this being through
the opening of the prayer with the ejaculations, have you not seen the accuracy of his words?
This is the image of its square:

¬ a tt F
81 799 two 7

3 10 78 798

797 79 9 4

fig. 97

This is one of the Names that are odd both orally and in writing. According to its pronunciation, it c
has the number 889, which is a multiple number of prime, because it results from multiplying 7 by 127. It
is a defective number, whose divisors add up to 135, a number that alludes to His Name 'Who brings closer'
( al-Mudanni ), counting the Article, by the close up ( idnā' ) that entails the opening ( al-fat¬ ).

Its written value is 489, which is like the first number, a multiple of prime and defective, except
that its factor ( Åil' ) is the number three 2 . His aliquots add up to 167, which alludes to His Name 'the p. 258

Guardian of the faith' ( al-Mu'min ), counting ' al '.

As for the names of the letters [of the Name Fattā¬ ], they add up to 602 1 , a number that alludes
to two glorious Names: 'Unbreakable' ( Matīn ) and 'Evident' ( Mubīn ). Check it out, because God tells the
Truth and He shows the way.

In addition to referring to the five ejaculations that follow, this expression designates any devout work in which
God's reward is sought, that is, whose benefit remains forever.
That is, it results from multiplying 3 x 163 (prime number).


To those who undertake the ²ikr of this Name of sublime essence, God, exalted be He, makes them
aware of the most subtle aspects of the sciences and their most hidden secrets.
Whoever engraves it on a sheet of solid mercury when Mercury is at its peak, God makes him
express himself with wisdom and teaches him the sapiential subtleties of mystical knowledge.
Whoever arranges it in a magic square engraved on a sheet of silver when Jupiter is at its zenith,
gains an understanding of what the religious sciences contain.
your _ ² i k r it is ú ti l for _ _ who in _ _ I know call me _ _ 'Ī s à, Y too _ _ _ _ _ for _ _ who in _ _ I
know call me _ _ S u l Ð ā n .
Its magic square is as follows, and it has also been harmonized into a 3 x 3 magic square like

m ī l ‘
40 90 twen
t 29 71 39 11
he im '
72 32 8 38
80 10 60
9 37 73 31

fig. 99
fig. 98

In this Name resides an extraordinary secret for the lords of the Ministry, and it is that the b
Creatures humble themselves before those who understand their secret, the rest of the worlds are at their
disposal, their Control in the universe is strengthened and God, exalted be He, frees them from all
misfortunes and avoids everything that displeases them.
And whoever uses his ²ikr , learns what he was unaware of and wisdom becomes manifest in his words.

The Name has the number 150, which is even odd and abundant when adding its divisors 222, and
this number alludes to His Name 'Lord of Sovereignty' ( Mālik al-mulk ) 2 . Hence, the wise are the kings
in reality, even more so, they are the lords of the sovereignty of the kings. And this is the number in which
the secret of the letter yā' becomes manifest in the three orders, since it is a link, it is a coercive word and
it carries a formal representation and an approach, while none of these three degrees takes place. without
Knowledge, which alone is attributed to Him, meditate on that 3 .

Y Already that the manifestation of the Science belongs a the spirits sanctified, the spirit of the c
angel Ŷabrā'īl is destined to instruct the prophets, being one of the most noble our prophet Mu¬ammad, God
bless him and save!, to whom humility was inspired, for God said: ﴾ It has taught
[an angel] of great power and strength, for he appeared in his true form ﴿ 4 .

In the original, 612.
In the number 222 I know they have included the letters 'to the' of Article. By other side, the Name Malik al
mulk addition 212. 3 Sense uncertain of these words. Our interpretation it is the Next: the Already' that It includes
the Name 'alim represents the secret of the yā' of the vocative ( yā' al-nidā' ). And it is a link (between the person
who questions and who it is questioned), is a coercive word (forces the object of the call to pay attention) and
constitutes a close up formal or conceptual (on both sides for all of this to occur). All this necessarily implies the
knowledge by the subject of the object of its call.
Cor . liii:5-6.

And since the holy spirit that corresponded to 'Īsà 1 , peace be upon him!, was a vestige of the
revelatory breath of Ŷabrā'īl to Ādam, for 'Īsà was the wisest of the prophets knowing the details of the
sciences and the subtleties of Wisdom. And among the noblest of his knowledge was the science of letters,
and that is where his name comes from, since his divine gift ( imma ) resides in it, indicating the letter 'ayn
Science, the yā' the grace of revelation descended, the sin the points of union of what is divided and the
alif the absolute knowledge. And [the name 'Īsà] has the number 141, which is precisely the value of the
Name 'Scholar' ( 'ālim ), but since he had knowledge of hidden things, and that is being 'alīm , then his
name is written with the letter yā' 2 , and thus their number equals 150, which is the value of 'alīm . Meditate
on that, for God speaks the Truth and He guides the way.

The names of the letters [of His Name ' Alīm ] add up to 302 , which alludes to His Name ' Seer ' p. 259
( B a ½ ī r ). Y d a d or what _ he to science _ _ _ _ _ _ ( ' ilm ) _ it is u n yes gn or i n heren t e _ _ d e he to
a p a r i e n c i a e xt e r n a _ of him _ ob je t o of knowledge , and that the acquisition of a concept entails
the totality of its visible aspect, that is, it is the acquisition of the external image of the object in the mind,
since the meaning of 'Alīm is necessarily that before whom the essence manifests itself . of each thing in
the totality of its external form as well as in its hidden essence. That is one of the secrets in which the
intensification by the letter wāw is not pertinent , due to its importance and its height that reaches the
extreme of the limits and reaches the totality of existence. So its intensification is only possible through one
of these two options: either with the reduplication of a consonant, as in saying 'allām , which refers to one
who has acquired a large amount of knowledge. Or with the letter yā' , which alludes to the descent into the
revelation of the most subtle details of a notion and the perception of its hidden aspects. Therefore only one
who knows the details of a concept in the same way that he knows its more general aspects, and knows its
hidden aspects in the same way as its visible aspects, is called 'alīm . That is why God said, exalted be he!:
﴾ Above all possessor of knowledge there is a knower ﴿ , so the possessor of knowledge ( ²ū-l-'ilm ) is

the one who knows the general aspects of things and the knower ( 'alīm ) is the one who knows their
particular aspects; the possessor of science is the one who knows the external aspects of things and the
knower is the one who knows their internal aspects; the possessor of science is the one who knows the
evident aspects of things and the knower is the one who also knows their hidden aspects. The meaning of
this yā' has been indecipherable for many judicious people, since the most unknown of His Science are the
most particular aspects, and this is noted in His words ﴾ By over of all holder of knowledge there are a
Knowledgest ﴿ .

And you should know that the superiority of some sages over others is not the result of acquiring
a greater number of knowledge, since if so, he would have said "above all possessors of knowledge there
is a sage who knows more ( 'allām ) . ”, and rather it has to do with the acquisition of the particular notions
of the intelligibles and the hidden parts of their secrets. Now, the multitude of knowledge together with the
detailed knowledge of the same results in wisdom superiority, but without this last type of knowledge,
superiority does not take place. This is the meaning

Cor . ii:86; v:111.
alif maqsūra is referred to in the name 'Īsà, which takes the form of yā' .
2 The
Cor . 12:76.

from the words of God when he said to His prophet Mūsà, peace be upon him!: “ We have a servant at the
intersection of two large rivers, a who call al-Jir, that it is plus wise that you ” 1 . Al-JiÅr No it was wiser
than Mūsà for knowing more things, which is improbable since God has said about Mūsà: ﴾ and we write
for the in the Boards a exhortation for all Y a Explanation for all ﴿ 2 , So that rather, it refers to al-JiÅr
knowing the hidden aspects of things in the same way that he knew their visible aspects. For this reason,
his place was at the point of confluence of two great rivers, which were the river of the visible and the river
of the hidden, so Mūsà knew that al-JiÅr was in possession of a gnosis that he did not possessed.

You who study these words, focus your efforts on expanding your knowledge 3 , for this is what
God, praised and exalted be He, ordered His prophet to ask for with His saying: ﴾ Say: Lord! Grant me
more knowledge ﴿ 4 . Meditate on these spiritual words and dispose of these divine subtleties, of these gifts
of faith and of these sources of light, because you will find immense happiness in those knowledges that
contain allusions, and God is the most wise!


Whoever performs the ²ikr of this sublime Name is dominated by Majesty and reverential Fear, d
without tolerating the company of anyone. Whoever composes it in a square engraved on a lead tablet when
Saturn is in his exaltation and recites it the number of times of its numerical value, and finally says: "My
God, suppress the heart and interior of So-and-so", is attended your request quickly. But if it is an evil
person or he has doubts when invoking, it will happen to him. And this Name belongs to the invocations of
'Azrā'īl 5 , since in it resides the secret to seize the spirits.
You have a magic square of magnificent value, this is the way of its arrangement. And you can
also arrange your literal magic square together with your numerical ternary square as follows:

©asīb Ŷamīl Mu¬īÐ Ŷalīl

p. 260
66 74 79 84

fig. 100 75 69 81 78

82 77 76 68

225 228 232 218

fig. 101 231 219 224 229

220 234 226 223

fig. 102 227 222 221 233

Bujārī, no. 119, 3149; Muslim, no. 4385; etc.
Cor . vii:145.
Lit. “in being 'allām ”
Cor . xx:111.
Angel in charge of collecting souls and taking them to their final destination.

You must know, God guide us to his obedience!, that when you want to suppress the spirit of a a

person, undertake the ²ikr of this Name and name the person you want to disturb, because that will happen
in the shortest period of time. Try to understand, and do not think that the influence of the Name will take
place by invoking it just for a while, for if someone recites the Prostration surah for a short hour, he enters
into harmony with some of his spiritual beings or angels ( 'awālim ), but if he recites it for much longer, all
his angels are present, reminiscing about God with him, and it is at that moment that he will perceive its
influences on himself and on the rest of the universe, to the extent of his spiritual presence, his purity and
his determination.

This Name has the number 903, and it is a number that represents the gathering ( al-jam' ) that
results from grasping or restraint, and the darkness ( al-Þulma ) that results from narrowness 1 . It is an odd,
elongated and defective number, since its divisors add up to 505. Said number alludes to His 'Righteous'
Name ( Rāšid ), Y it result of that Name by that the done of grab ( qabÅ ) with our own hands goods is a
sign of wisdom ( rušd ) [by our deeds], since this is also what follows from His words, exalted be!: ﴾ Yes
you find in they sanity, deliver them their estate ﴿ 2 .
His letter names add up to 1010, which alludes to His 'Enriching' Name ( Mugnī ).

The pioneers of the secrets said that the Koran will rise with all its letters for 903 years, leaving c
97 years for the thousand, in which the exemplary ones ( al-am£āl ) will gradually disappear until it is no
longer on the face of the earth. whoever knows God, exalted be he! The lords of lights said that when time
reaches the number of that Name, the signs indicating the arrival of Judgment Day will appear. And the
lords of Information said that this is the number of years remaining for the arrival of that Hour, and the
years that the religion ( mile ) of the Muslims will exist, God allow it to last as long as the heavens and
earth exist! Earth!
And this is the secret figure in which the history of the Islamic community was dated:

p. 261

fig. 103

The initials of al-jam' and al-Þulma add up to 903.
Cor . iv:6.

SECTION TWENTY - SECOND ABOUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S U NAME : _ _ _ _ ' WHO IN E X T I E N D E THE
SUSTAINABILITY _ _ _ _ _ ( B ā if Ð ) to

Whoever recites this secret Name and this hidden mystery while in fear finds security, and if he
is in sorrow he glad.
Whoever engraves it on a stamp in the first hour of Friday, their joy and joy increase, their worry
and anguish disappear, and everyone who sees it feels affection for it.
If performed by his ²ikr who has a sincere spiritual condition, God extends his sustenance
before him physical Y spiritual Y revives its heart with the Spirit of the science divine.

This Name is one of the recitations of the angel Isrāfīl, upon him be peace!, for in him the mystery
of resuscitation 1 is reflected
, in the same way that in His Name 'Who shortens or restricts' ( QābiÅ ) is
manifested the mystery of death ( al-imāta ). And his ²ikr is indicated for whoever is called Ma¬mūd.
Y you should to know, God us guide!, that who undertake its ²ikr , the spirit of East Name I know
makes b
easily attainable by stretching out on him in his sustenance, even if he is poor. And if he constantly recites it until
he reaches a mystical state derived from the Name, he is pleased by his spiritual beings ( 'awālim ) and its
sublime effects come upon him, and this is due to alluding to His 'Near' Name. ( Qarib ) 2 .
It has a magic square of rapid effect and of sublime essence that is arranged in a 3 x 3 numerical square,
inserted in a 4 x 4 literal square, and this is the following:

fig. 104

Have the number 72: the two alludes a the causality ( sababiyya ) Y the 70 alludes a the essence ( 'ayn )
of the c
object and its permanence. It is an even number of even and odd, abundant due to the sense of separation
that resides in the shape of its letter sin . And its divisors add up to 123, which alludes to the numerical
value of 'security' ( al-amān ), since the one to whom God extends his sustenance gives him security, while
the one whose sustenance is restricted fills him with fear.

Isrāfīl is the angel in charge of blowing the horn so that the dead can be resurrected on Judgment Day.

We ignore the criteria used to obtain said equivalence.

The names of his letters add up to 246, a number that is equivalent to His Name 'the Pure' ( al-
Æāhir ), for the liberation from earthly bonds that ritual purity entails, which is contrary to spiritual
contraction ( qabÅ ). Meditate on that, for God speaks the Truth and He shows the way.


This Name of great essence is useful to curse a sinner and to exterminate a wicked one. It has a
magic square of great value and it has the number 1481, which is a prime number, because the gloom ( jafÅ
) [of the spirits of sinners by God's command] 1 is a wall without a breach, a darkness devoid of light and
an insurmountable narrowness.
The names of his letters add up to 1598, which is the sum of two of his glorious Names: 'Helpful'
( Mugī£ ) and 'Majestic' ( Mājid ).
This is your magic square: Å f a j
599 2 79 801

78 798 602 3

4 601 799 77 fig. 105


Whoever performs the ²ikr of this highly-essential Name, God, exalted be He, elevates and exalts
his mention among creatures. And if he is endowed with a correct Path and Harmonization ( tajalluq ),
justice is inspired in all his activities.
It has the number 351, complex number, elongated and defective when adding its divisors 209,
value of Their Name 'Equitable' ( MuqsiÐ ) , _ because the elevation it is the act of do get something to the
extreme of equilibrium ( 'adl ), which is equity.
Their letter names add up to 525, which is the value of two noble Names: 'Lord of Sovereignty' (
Mālik al-Mulk ) and 'Near' ( Qarīb ).
His magic square is as follows:

' F a r
199 two 79 71

78 68 202 3

4 201 69 77

fig. 106

v. Cor . lvi:3: ﴾ will lower a some Y will raise a others [in the Day of Judgment] ﴿ . notice that the verb 'raise' ( rafa'a )

corresponds to the following Name divine.


This is a resplendent Name and a dazzling secret, and everyone who is despised, by performing
his ²ikr is magnified, and everyone who is ignored becomes visible to others. It is one of the sublime Names
because in it resides the strengthening of the aspiration ( himma ) 1 and the help to free oneself from natural
Whoever harmonizes it in a magic square and carries it with them is loved by all the people and
drives away every sinful tyrant and every rebellious demon, as it is one of the most sublime invocations of
the believers.
And you should know that if the servile person undertakes his ²ikr , he magnifies himself, and if
the person with weak aspiration undertakes it, his spirit is strengthened and God, exalted be He, helps him
with perpetual strength and exalted magnificence, so who is loved by the people and drives away every
sinful tyrant and every demon rebel.

It has the number 124, which is an even and odd number, and defective when adding its divisors
100 , what _ a l u d e d e between _ _ _ he does letters behind _ _ d e f i gu ra re d on da ( ¬ u r ū f a l - i ¬ p. 263
ā Ð a ) a he to letter _ _ _ qā f . _ It 's a it 's one to letter _ _ _ what does it indicate _ _ he to p r e v a l e n c
i a ( Þu hūr ) _ _ through _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he to force _ _ _ Y the sun _ _ _ _ ab s o l u t _ _ ( a l - i ¬ ā Ð a ) 2 . Y e
qu i v a l e a do s n o b l is Names, which are 'Sovereign' ( Malīk ) and 'Fulfiller' ( Munjiz ), for no one is
capable of revealing the true essences of things ( al-a'yān ) except Who is the Possessor of all and Your
Sovereign, Who fulfills the promise to the people of Friendship concerning prevalence and bestowed
magnificence, What said God, exalted be!: ﴾ For do it prevail on all the the rest shapes of adoration,
though them disgust a the disbelievers ﴿ 3 .
The names of its letters add up to 228, a number that alludes to two sublime Names:; 'Deity' ( Ilah
) and 'Lord' ( Rabb ). And its square is the following:

22 42 44 16
32 28 26 38
24 36 3. 4 30
46 18 twe 40

fig. 107


Whoever undertakes the ²ikr of this Name of sublime essence, God, exalted be He, makes the
powerful and people whom He wants to humble themselves before him.
His ²ikr is very convenient for someone who cannot control his beast of burden or cannot deal with
any of the creatures.

In its mystical value, the aspiration designates the attention of the heart and its firm intention to reach
perfection (N URBAKHSH , Sufi Symbolism , i, p. 259).
Alluding to the following Koranic quote.
Cor . ix:33.

Whoever undertakes the ²ikr of this Name, let him do so after fasting for three days, the last day
being a Thursday. Then he will fast on Friday night and pray two rak'ats , both with the Fāti¬a, and at the
time of prostration in each of them he will recite this Name one hundred times. And after pronouncing the
final greeting, he will recite the Name a thousand times and say: "Oh Who humiliates, make him humble
himself before me So-and-so son of So-and-so", because really that person will lower himself before him
and no one will cross him in matter some.

And you should know that whoever recites it with the purity of the mystical moment and the
attention of the spiritual momentum, the strength that resides in him is granted, but he will not achieve
anything if sincerity in Attention ( al-tawajjuh ) does not take place.

S UTILITY : when the people of intuitions witnessed with the ears of their hearts the letter b
²āl _ _ of the modesty ( a l- ² ull ) So What the position that occupied regard a the l ā m of the Subtlety (
a l-lu Ð f ) and their bond with her, they understood that there is no way to reach Him except through the
path of humility. So they stooped down to being like dogs eating from dumps, and that made them get that
magnificence that doesn't stop or stop. And finally they got rid of the imposition of having to humble
themselves before someone who is not God when they came to know a Faith and witnessed a Benevolence
according to which God is the only one who humiliates.

The number 800 corresponds to this Name, an even number that indicates the oddness in a nucleus c
( lubb ) resulting from multiplying an elongated number by a squared number, and it is one of the abundant
numbers, since its divisors add up to 1096 1 . With the six he alludes to the greatness ( 'ulw ) of the letter w
ā w , with the ninety a the eternity ( ½ a ma dā ni yy a ) _ _ of the ½ād , _ _ Y with the one thousand to the
predominance ( gā lib a ) _ of the gayn and its covering ( gamm ). And when [ gayn ] is the first, then the
wealth ( ganāt ) of man results from this, as this number [1096] is equivalent to the letters mīm , gayn ,
nūn and wāw , when the letters mīm , gayn and nūn are of His Name 'Enricher' ( Mugnī ), in which we do
not count the letter yā' due to his descent, since He is the one who descends before someone making him
humble himself. So the letter wāw becomes the substitute for yā' , thus indicating the richness of whose
characteristics results in the ability to humiliate. Meditate on that, because God guides whoever he wants
towards the right path.

And the names of the letters of this Name add up to 892, a number that is equivalent to two glorious
Names: 'Lord of strength' ( ®ū-l-Quwa ) and 'Majestic' ( Māyid ), since the decisive force corresponds to
this Name. , and has a magic square of sublime power and enormous benefits. And it is the following:
p. 264

157 160 333 ‘Alīm

332 151 156 161

152 335 158 155

159 154 153 334 fig. 108

Uncertain translation. Note that the word lubb is worth 32, and 32 x 5 2 = 800. On the other hand, when adding
its divisors it does not take into account the factors 32 and 25 (5 2 ).


This Name of sublime essence is very useful if its ²ikr is undertaken at the end of each invocation,
since whoever recites it continuously at that moment is listened to. It is one of those excellent recitations
that whoever performs it continuously never finds his invocation rejected.
Whoever composes it in a magic square while the moon is at its peak while performing his ²ikr ,
obtains that his words are always heard, and for this reason his invocation is useful for orators and preachers.
It is also useful for whoever is called Mas'ūd, since this divine Name has the number 180, which
is an even number of odd and abundant when adding its divisors 266 1 , a number that is equivalent to two
glorious Names, that are 'telling' ( Qā'il ) and 'Inspiring' ( Mulhim ) 2 . Is relationship have place Already
that the noun 'listener' is inextricably linked to that of 'speaker', and since the listener only acquires meaning
through inspiration ( ilhām ), which constitutes the teaching of the meanings of the one who is listened to,
the presence of the Inspirer in this is necessary. dwelling.

Given that the Moon it is the place epiphanic of Name 'the Saying', well in its sphere I know
established b
Ādam, since he is the owner of the science of Names. And in it is the House of Magnificence ( bayt al-
'izzat ) 3 , which is the chest of the Koran. And since the moon is the fastest moving star, it is also the
epiphanic place of the Name 'the Presto' ( al-Sarī' ), from where both the names Qamar and Sarī' are
equivalent to 340. And since 'the Listener' it is inextricably linked to the 'Dicente', with the names of its
letters it alludes to its epiphanic place, which is the moon, and to the Name manifested in it, which is 'el
Presto' 4 . Meditate on that, for God speaks the Truth and He guides the way.
As for the names of his letters, they add up to 351, a number that is equivalent to His Name 'Who
extols' ( Rāfi' ). This is the image of its square:

‘ i m s
39 61 69 11
62 42 8 68
9 67 63 41
fig. 109

SECTION TWENTY - EIGHTH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ABOUT _ S U NAME : _ _ _ ' VI D E N T ' ( B a ½ ī r ) c

Whoever undertakes the ²ikr of this Name of great value, God, exalted be He, grants insight into
matters, and if he is in a sincere spiritual condition, no matter concerning the earthly will be hidden from

It appears as such in the manuscripts, and according to our calculations there are 366.
According to our calculations both Names add up to 256.
N URBAKHSH , Sufi Symbolism , ii, p. 355: "The house of Magnificence represents the heart that has reached
the abode of Gathering, finding itself in the state of annihilation in God."
They would not be the names of the letters of 'Hearer' / Samī' , which add up to 351, but those of 'Oído' / Sam' (340).

It has the number 302, which is even odd and elongated. With the two he indicates the cause ( al-
sabab ), while with the three hundred he alludes to the letter šīn of the Vision ( šuhūd ), since He is the
cause of being witnessed, and for this reason His words are the most evident of comparisons , which only
constitutes the shell ( al-qišr ) 1 .
It is a defective number whose divisors add up to 154, a number that alludes to His 'Eternal' Name
( Qadīm ), since He was, praised and exalted be He, the Seer before forms existed.
Its square is like this:
r i ½ b
p. 265
89 3 199 11

4 92 8 198

9 197 5 91
fig. 110


Whoever performs the ²ikr of this Name of sublime essence sees his orders fulfilled, so his
²ikr is very useful for judges and rulers. This is one of the most hidden secrets.

He has the number 68, which is an even number of the odd and even number, and is one of the
defective numbers, whose divisors add up to 58. This number alludes to His 'Pre-Eternal' Name ( Azalī )
and to His 'Beloved' Name ( Ma¬būb ), for the alluded object that makes manifest the letter ¬ā' in its
pronunciation as well as in the global value of the Name and in the sum of its divisors 2 .

Their letter names add up to 201 in one way, and 200 in another 3 . The first of both numbers is b
equivalent to His Name 'Benefactor [in granting entrance to Paradise]' ( Mun'im ) and also to His Name
'Savior' ( Musallim ) and to His Name 'Truthful [in what he promised]' ( ¼adūq ), and all of them are
Names related to the Justice of God. The second number of them is equivalent to His Name 'Defe n s o r' (
' Ā ½ i m ), a your _ Name _ _ _ ' Who in _ f a vo rece' ( N ā f i ' ) Y a your _ Name _ _ ' Who in _ c o n
ce d e your _ fa vo r ' ( FāÅil ), Y these three Names constitute a evaluation plus clear [of concept of Name
©akam ] that the three first 4 .
¬ 28 30 b
And this Name has a magic square of enormous value:
18 14 12 24
10 22 20 16
32 d w 26

fig. 111

With “His words” he refers to the Law or the Koran, and the shell ( qišr ) precisely symbolizes the Law, or
the words and phrases against their internal meaning (N URBAKHSH , Sufi Symbolism , ii, p. 308) .
It refers to the fact that the ¬ā' (8) is perceptible in the pronunciation of the Name, as well as in the numbers
58 and 68, and is the first letter of Love ( ¬ubb ).
That is, whether or not the hamza (1) of the name ¬ā' is counted .
The evaluation involves perceiving the lights of the Attributes (Names) from the windows of Their Acts (N
URBAKHSH , Sufi Symbolism , vi, p. 60).


Whoever invokes with this sublime Name to curse an evil person, this person is punished in the
If a judge undertakes to carry out his ²ikr , God, exalted be He, inspires him with justice. And his
qikr is indicated for one who is called 'Abd al-Mu'min.

It has the number 104: the four is indicative of perpetuity ( al-dawām ), and the 100 is indicative
of the sun _ _ _ _ ab s o l u t _ _ ( a l - i ¬ ā Ð a ), well it is all _ _ king what _ it is fair _ _ _ _ in s u govt
n o _ _ I know perpetual _ _ _ _ _ _ in the be able to and expand your domain. And the subjects become
irritated and the reigning dynasties fall when many injustices take place.

This is an even number of the even and the odd, and abundant when adding its divisors 106, a
number that is equivalent to His Name 'Who frees' ( Munŷī ) and to His Name 'Loyal' ( Wafī ), because
whoever is just behaves with loyalty to his subordinates, he is free from derision and his subjects are free
from injustice. Said God, exalted be!: " David! tea we have done Our vicar in the Earth, judge well come
in the mens with the TRUE Y No follow the wishes, Already that tea would divert of road of God; certain
those that I know misplace of path of God will have a violent punishment by have forgotten of Day of the p. 266
Count ” .
And this Name has a magnificent magic square, whose image is this:

17 37 39 11

27 23 21 33

19 31 29 25

41 13 15 35 (fig. 112)

A NECDOTE : When a judge offered its cushion ( w isād a ) 2 _ _ a 'Umar [b. al-Ja ÐÐ āb], God
Be satisfied with him! He said: "This is the principle of injustice", meaning that whoever calls himself a
judge should not have favorable treatment with some people to the detriment of others, favoring their desires
and personal interests, because at not being impartial gives rise to a situation marked by injustice.

SECTION _ _ _ _ THIRTIETH _ _ _ _ _ FIRST ABOUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S U NAME : _ _ _ _ ' S U T I L ' a

( L a Ðī f )

This Name of marvelous essence, of sublime power and quick response is very useful to alleviate
restlessness in distressing moments, and its ²ikr serves well the prisoners and the imprisoned, and also
whoever suffers intense pain.

Cor . xxxviii:25.

The e xp r es i o n ' a rr or j a r ( Ð a r a ¬ a ) and he c o jí n ' sign _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or offers _ _ u n c or jin to him i n v itado _ _ _ e n
signal _ _ _ d e courtesy . _ _ _ _ _

And whoever sees himself dominated by the mastery of his natural appetites and habits and strives in his
²ikr , God, exalted be He, makes it easy for him to get rid of them and purify himself. And his ²ikr is
indicated for whoever is called ¼āli¬.

This Name has the number 129, which is an odd and elongated number that results from
multiplying 3 by 43. And it is one of the defective numbers when adding its divisors 47, which is equivalent
to His Name 'the Ruler' ( a l- W ā lī ), by the subtlety either benevolence ( a l-lu Ð f ) that have place in the
act of rule ( tawallī ); and also His Name 'Initiator' ( Mubdi' ), for what it entails regarding the verdict of
creation ( a l - f i Ð r a ), Y of there that be a number cousin multiplied by three.

His letter names add up to 172 1 , which is equivalent to His Name 'Who Approaches' ( Muqbil ).
He was cautious with it, because God speaks the Truth, He shows the way and guides those who turn to
Him. Y in all it there are a secret wonderful for solve the difficulties.

And you should know, God guide us!, that the Name 'the Subtle' is very quick when it comes to b
alleviating restlessness in distressing moments, because without the need to add any other Name its
prodigious effects become visible. Whoever performs his ²ikr having some kind of ailment in his body or
soul, God makes that pain cease during his recitation. And everyone who recites it, finding great restlessness
in his soul, sees that matter represented in his imagination. And if he continues with his ²ikr while perceiving
that idea, he witnesses it being resolved and erased, leaving not a single detail to cause him fear. So in all
this there are wonderful secrets and matters prodigious

And to this noble Name corresponds square of enormous value and sublime nature, and it is the
f ī Ð l
31 8 11 79

12 82 28 7

6 29 81 13 fig. 113


This elevated Name and this resplendent secret is very useful for those who want to know the
hidden part of some matter, revealing themselves in their dreams or in their wakefulness. And whoever
harmonizes it in a magic square while Mercury is in its exaltation, discovers matters magnificent.

And you should know that those who undertake their ²ikr for seven days come into contact with a
spirituality that will inform them of everything they want, such as what happened that year, the news related
to the king, or those hidden things that nobody knows about.

They add up to 173 according to our calculations.

Have the number 812, that it is a number pair of odd, Y abundant to the Add their dividers 868, to
number that is equivalent to two glorious Names: 'Creator' ( Jāliq ) and 'Immense' ( Wāsi' ), for no one
knows the true reality of things except God, Who encompasses them all in knowledge and Who has created
them, ﴾ should I not know Who has created and is the Subtle, the Clever? ﴿ 1 .

The names of His letters add up to 820, a number that alludes to His Names 'Last' ( Ājir ) and
'Unique' ( Wā¬id ). And as far as his magic square is concerned, this is his image as you can see:

r Yo b j
599 3 9 201

8 198 602 4

5 601 199 7

fig. 114


Whoever pronounces this Name of sublime essence in the presence of a powerful person who is
angry, will calm their anger, in the same way as that of any other angry person.

And whoever composes it in a square when the moon is at its zenith and carries it with him, his
character becomes benevolent, his soul is ennobled, people desire his friendship and he finds himself safe
from evils and worries in moments of difficulty.

This is one of the Names whose value only the Gnostics come to estimate. And whoever performs
his constant recitation, gets what he wants through persuasion. Try to understand that.

Have the number 88, that it is pair of pair of pair Y of odd, Y it is one of the numbers abundant c
by adding their divisors 92, a number that is equivalent to His Name 'Security' ( al-Amān ). That is one of
the Names to which Mu-ammad gave special importance, and for this reason he is the source of security (
amana ) of his companions in this life and in the next 2 . And he is also the source of peace for his people
in this life, for it its appeal a God it was: “ God Own, guide a me village, well they No they know ” 3 . Y
this it is the reason by which the Name of Prophet equals, in the worth of their letters written, a Their Name
aman .

Cor . lxvii:14.
Cf. Muslim, no. 4596; A-mad, no. 18745.
This is a variant of the well-known ¬adī£ (Bujārī, no. 3218, 6417; Muslim, no. 3347, etc.), in which the Prophet
tells 'Abdullah in a vision the story of a certain prophet who had been beaten by his people, and who, with a bloody
face, asked God for forgiveness from that people who were hostile to him, a story that inevitably reminds us of the
Prophet of Christianity.

The names of the letters of His Name ©alīm are equivalent to two numbers depending on the
value attributed to them 1 : [counting the hamza ] they add up to 183, which is equivalent to His Name 'Who
perpetuates' ( al-mubqī ) including the article. According to the second criterion, they add up to 181, which
is equivalent to His Name 'the Knower' ( al-'Alīm ) with the article, and His Name 'Who unites' ( Mu'allif
) without it.
And it has a magic square of enormous heat, whose layout is as follows:

m Yo he ¬
5 33 elev 39
12 38 6 32
31 7 41 9

fig. 115


Whoever undertakes the ²ikr of this red sulfur and this supreme lodestone, God grants constant
glory and magnificence in the eyes of the people, eclipsing those who rival him in gravity. And if he is
endowed with a sincere spiritual condition and total attention ( tawajjuh ), he witnesses the Decree of God
occupying beings, so that he perceives the Decree in each creature, God, praised and exalted, knows it!

And you must know, God help us to obey Him and understand the secrets of His Names!, that to
whomever performs a constant ²ikr of this Name, God grants constant magnificence, he is loved by all who
see him and becomes important to others. people's eyes.

It has the number 1030 2 , which is an even number of the even and abundant, due to the amplitude a
that results from sublimity ( al-'uÞm ). Its divisors add up to 1096, adding to the base wāw, 'ayn, gayn : 3

the wāw is for elevation ( 'alw ) towards those concepts that encompass existence in terms of superiority 4
; the 'ayn it is a symbol of the appearance Y the gayn symbolizes the concealment, Y praised be That that I
know hidden in the intensity of its manifestation! And the 'ayn and the gayn are a 'Sufficient' Name ( Ganī
), so the light of light takes place. And the yā' whose visible part is the gayn 5 is made to descend
. And the
consideration of the rest of the values of this Name, as well as the common denominator of its divisors,
takes place just as it is extracted by means of the reduction term. However, this warning will have obtained
sufficiency who hears and witnesses the Truth 6 .

Taking into account or not the hamza of the letters ¬ā' and yā' .
So in the original, and the correct would be 1020.
Uncertain sense. On the other hand, the sum of the divisors of 1030 is 841 (or 2021 of 1020).

Uncertain translation.
Uncertain translation.
Cor . 1:37.

And the names of His letters add up to 1132, which alludes to two of His glorious Names:
'Victor' ( Gālib ) and 'Giver' ( Māni¬ ). And the following is your magic square:

168 160 377 164 151

162 154 166 158 380
156 378 165 152 169
155 167 159 376 163
379 161 153 170 157

fig. 116


Whoever performs the ²ikr of this glorious Name, God protects him from what he fears, being in
his custody. His ²ikr is indicated for those repentant who are overwhelmed by melancholy, or for those who
want to know some secret of travelers ( al-sālikūn ).

And you must know, God help us to obey him!, that in this Name resides an extraordinary secret
to appease the wrath of kings, since whoever is hated by any of them, if he constantly recites it and goes
before his presence, will be at risk. save from his wickedness and appease his wrath.

It has the number 1286, which is an even number of the odd and defective when adding its divisors c
646, a number that alludes to His Name 'Who makes odd' ( Mawtir ) , since He, praised and exalted be
He!, is Odd while the essence of the name is even. And it is one of the Names that express its numerical
values with its letters 2 .

His letter names add up to 1355, which alludes to two of His glorious Names, which are 'Lord of
the Throne, Majestic' ( ®ū-l-'Arš Mājid ).
And its square is the following:

p. 269
r or F g
79 1001 199 7

1002 82 4 198

5 197 1003 81

fig. 117

In the original ' Mūsir '.
It means that in the number 1286 each figure represents one of the letters of the Name: 1000 ( gayn ) 200 ( rā'
) 80 ( fā' ) and 6 ( wāw ).


Whoever performs the ²ikr of this sublime Name, Truth and creation thank him for his good deeds
and help him to perform the benevolent deeds he wishes. Through his ²ikr divine favors are reaffirmed and
those who have distanced themselves from them are made to return.
In this Name reside secrets for the masters of the visionary revelations, who witness them as their
Realization ( ta¬aqquq ) takes place.

It has the number 526, where the six alludes to height ( al-'alw ), the twenty is an allusion of place
which then takes place, and the five hundred alludes to the fruit ( £amara ) of each action, which is the
extreme degree of its manifestation. It is an even number of odd, elongated and defective, since its divisors
add up to 266. Said number alludes to His Name 'Prosperity of the devotee' ( Nu'm al-dayyān ), having in
it a clear allusion to the increase of the alms accepted by God ( t a r bi y a a l- ½ a d a q a ) 1 , of the the same
way that each one feeds his foal or the newborn camel, thus making it grow 2 .

The names of His letters add up to 675, which number is equal to two of His glorious Names
[added together]: 'Forbearing' ( Sattār ) and 'Generous' ( Ŷawād ).
And the following is your magic square:

r ū k š

19 301 199 7

302 22 4 198

5 197 303 21 fig. 118


Whoever performs the ²ikr of this glorious Name, God honors him to the point that he does not
have to humble himself before anyone other than Him, and he is loved by everyone who sees him. If you
are endowed with a good spiritual condition, God strengthens you with His help, endows you with the
eloquence of Wisdom and makes you aware of the finer details of the sciences. And his ²ikr is very useful
for one who is called 'Alī, God, praised and exalted, knows better!

And you should know that a certain teacher, God have mercy on him!, said that whoever surrenders
to his ²ikr , God extols his power, elevates his honor, is loved by all, whoever is hostile to him submits to
him, and perceives in the course of his life the dignity and in himself the superiority. And in it resides an
extraordinary secret for teachers, sages and students of high sciences and sublime matters.
That is to say, those good deeds with which the favor of God is earned, who is 'the Grateful One'.
Alluding to the words of the Prophet (Muslim, no. 1684; Ibn Māja, no. 1832, etc).

If 'the Exalted' ( al-'AÞīm ) is added to this Name, it becomes one of the most magnificent
invocations and one of the most perfect mysteries. And you must know that whoever harmonizes both
Names in a square, engraving it on a gold seal that he will carry with him and perfuming it with an aloe and
amber stick, really whoever sees him bows before him. Kings were already doing it from the time of al-
Saffā¬ 1 to the present day, and God was consolidating his kingdom and extending his domain.

They asked al-Ma'mūn 2 : "What would you do if the Persian kings came for you?" Then he took
out a seal in which both Names were harmonized and said: "They would have no power over us while this
square is with us." It is the following square, and the appropriate time to compose it is at the height of [...]:
p. 270

m ī Þ ‘ ī l ‘
Þ ‘ ī l ‘ m ī
ī l ‘ m ī Þ ‘
‘ m ī Þ ‘ ī l
ī Þ ‘ ī l ‘ m
‘ ī l ‘ m ī Þ fig. 119

l ‘ m ī Þ ‘ ī

And this glorious Name has the number 120. The twenty is a symbol of the manifestation in the
high place, and the hundred is a symbol of the concealment through what is manifested in it, together with
the absolute dominion. ( a li ¬ ā Ð a ), well said God: ﴾ Y God behind _ _ _ of they the r ode to . This it is one
to p r edic a tion glo r ios to on a preserved table ﴿ 3 . And since His manifestation in everything constitutes
its existence and His concealment constitutes His elevation, then this is the result of His wisdom ( ¬ikma
). And since the numerical value alludes to His characterization with Wisdom, for God has described with
wisdom that whose attribute is altitude. Said God, exalted be he!: ﴾ It is found in the Mother of the Book,
before Us it is elevated, wise ﴿ 4 .

Said number is even from even and odd and abundant, whose divisors add up to 240, which is
double 120, as if it were said 'Alī 'Alī , or 'Alī huwa al-©akīm . Meditate on that, because God grants His a
favor to whoever He wants, God is Immense, Omniscient.
The names of his letters add up to 212, a number that is equivalent to His Name 'Lord of
Sovereignty” ( malik al-mulk ). Y is it is the way of provide its square magical:

29 32 37 22 39 44 37
38 40 42
36 23 28 33
43 36 41
24 39 30 27
fig. 120
31 26 25 38 fig. 121

Abū-l-'Abbās al-Saffā¬, first 'Abbasid caliph (749-754).
Seventh 'Abbasid caliph (813-833), and son of the famous Harūn
Cor . lxxxv:20-22.
Cor . xliii:3.


Whoever performs the continuous ²ikr of this Name, everything becomes insignificant to him, and
everyone who sees him loves and respects him. It is one of the recitations that are performed when appearing
before kings and the powerful, because their souls are dwarfed before His greatness.

He has a 4 x 4 magic square that is highly effective, and it goes like this:
And said Name has the number 232, which is even of even and
r ī b k
odd, and defective when adding its divisors 116. Said number alludes to
19 3 9 201
His 'Strong' Name ( Qawī ). And the names of His letters add up to 316,
which equals two of His glorious Names, which are 'Seer' ( B a ½ ī r ) 8 198 22 4

'finder' ( W ā ŷ id ). God He says the TRUE Y The sample the way. 5 21 199 7

fig. 122


Whoever performs the continuous ²ikr of this sublime Name during a journey, God protects him
until he returns home.
Whoever arranges it [in a magic square] on a sheet of silver while Jupiter is at its peak, any place
where he places it will be safe from what he fears may happen.
Whoever recites it continuously is protected in all circumstances.

And you should know that this Name is quick to respond when it is recited by the person who is a
afraid on trips, not failing to recite it as he passes through dangerous places, because God does not allow
him to be exposed to what is harmful to him. I myself, finding myself in dangerous areas of robbers and
looters, have surrendered to their ²ikr , and have seen prodigious things by the work of God that no one
could ever understand.

Whoever engraves it on a silver seal that they will carry with them, harmonizing [in a square] their
numerical values and their letters inserted in the seal, nothing bad can happen to them, even if they sleep in
the places where wild animals live. To this he must add the recitation “O Guardian, protect me”. As for the
square of the letters and the numerical square, they are the following:

223 226 333 216 Þ ī f ¬

332 217 222 227 f ¬ Þ ī
218 335 224 221 ¬ f ī Þ
225 220 219 334 ī Þ ¬ f

fig. 124 fig. 123

And whoever fears that something may happen to him that he cannot bear, well, let him recite
continually. b
And he will not stop carrying [the square] with him who fears something.
Y I know us he has transmitted in a ¬ a dī £ reliable ( ½ to ¬ ī ¬ ) that who recites the ayah of Throne
to the leave your home, nothing bad can happen to you until you return 1 .

Said al-Kirmānī 2 : "Whoever gives part of his goods as alms to the poor before leaving home,
distributing them among seven needy, because that will be the reason for his safety on the road." Meditate
on that, because God is the One who grants help and success in what pleases him.

A group of people came across a man sleeping in a lion's den with his horse grazing beside him,
so they woke him up and said, "Aren't you afraid to sleep in a place like this, where animals roam?" wild?".
Then he raised his head and said: "I am ashamed to fear who is not He."

Y a who achieves the Realization ( ta¬aqquq ) through East Name of sublime can, God I c
protects in all his circumstances, as told of Abū 'Alī b. al-Daqqāq , God be pleased with him!, who said:

“A certain devout person inherited ten thousand dinars, and he said: My God, I need that money, but I can't
find a proper way to keep it, so I give it to you to You, so that you can return them to me as I need them”.
Then he gave them as alms to the poor and imposed poverty on himself. And that man never needed
anything during his life, because when he needed something God allowed him to get it”.

This Name has the number 998, from which the letters ¬ā' and Þā' are indispensable in it 4 . It is
an even number of odd and defective, whose divisors add up to 502. And 502 is equivalent to two glorious
Names, which are 'Very Dear' ( ©ibb ) 'Compassionate' ( Šafīq ). And the letters of their Names add up to
1002, which is equivalent to two glorious Names: 'One' ( A¬ad ) and 'Custodian' ( ©āfiÞ ).
And it has a square of great value and excellent benefit, which is made up through the harmonious
fitting of its Names and letters. This is his figure, as you can see:

Þ Yo F ¬

7 81 9 901

12 902 6 78

79 5 903 elev
fig. 125

We did not find such a tradition.
A-mad b. 'Abd Allāh al-Kirmānī (10th-11th c.), prolific author and famous theorist of Ismā'īlī philosophy.
Abū 'Alī al-Daqqāq (d. 1016), famous Sufi šayj , founder of a jānaqa in Nisābūr, where he taught mystics as
notable as al-Qušayrī or Abū Sa'īd.
Since the number ninety results from joining the fā' and the yā' , while the nine hundred and the eight correspond to
a single letter ( ¬ā' and Þā' respectively).

It is necessary to write on all four sides of the square: ﴾ God is the best protection and He is the p. 272

most Merciful of the merciful ﴿ 1 . Sometimes some connoisseurs of the secrets of the letters and the effects
of the wrappers compose it in the following way, God is wiser!

fig. 126


Whoever carries out the continuous ²ikr of this Name of sublime power, becomes a temple in
which Creation and Decree are erected, making it impossible for anything that he may need to be denied,
since that will find its basis in him.
It is one of the recitations of the people of the Union who practice long fasts, because by reciting
it constantly they do not feel hungry.

A sign that confirms the truth of this Name are the words of the Prophet, God bless him and save!:
" I am not like one of you, for my Lord feeds me and gives me drink " 2 .

This Name has the number 550, which is odd, elongated and defective, since its divisors add up to b
519 , a number that alludes to two of His glorious Names, 'Unique' ( Wā¬id ) and 'Unbreakable' ( Matīn

), by the Oneness that resides at the base ( qiyām ) of all things. And to both Names corresponds what it
does for its imparity, except for His Name derived from both 4 .

His letter names add up to 683, which is equal to two of His glorious Names: 'Creator' ( Mūŷid )
and 'Avenger' ( Muntaqim ). And it has a square of magnificent value, which is as follows:

Cor . xii:64.
©adī£ well known (Bujārī, no. 1827, 1828, etc.; Muslim, no. 1846, 1847, etc.), in which however the Prophet forbade
uninterrupted fasting to his companions, reserving for himself the possibility of doing so for Your condition
spiritual close to God.
Not counting the divisors 22 and 25 (22 x 25 = 550), so they would add up to 566.
Uncertain sense.

115 107 119 111 98
109 101 113 105 122
103 120 112 99 116
102 114 106 118 110
121 108 100 117 104 fig. 127


Whoever performs the continuous ²ikr of this sublime Name always has provisions, his problems
are solved, his prayers are attended to and everything he asks of God is granted, because in him resides an
allusion to the Supreme Name of God. And if he constantly recites it, the accountant is never wrong in his
results and is exact in his calculation. And who fears the result of Evaluation ( mu¬āsaba ) 1 , Yes it recites
continually God you pound of that punishment ( 'āqiba ) that fear, by the blessing of this exalted Name and
of this subtle secret.

Shaykh Zayn al-Dīn al-©āfī 2 , God have mercy on him, said that whoever arranges this noble a
Name in a 4 x 4 square by means of the secret of harmonic lace while Venus is in her exaltation, or in the
first Friday the , in an agate stone, then he sets the stone in a ring and recites the Name over it twenty
times every day, whenever a person sees him, he will love him and God will make him obey him and make
his heart lean towards him, because in this Name resides an extraordinary secret to acquire magnificence,
respect, gravity and solemnity. This is your image:

b ī s ¬
9 59 11 1

12 4 6 58

57 7 3 13
fig. 128

has _ _ _ _ the number _ _ 8 0 , yes _ _ what _ it is one or d e he or s Names _ _ _ yes pm he is ( b

bas ī Ð a ) , _ Y me _ I mean _ _ _ with or without ' si m p l e s ' to those Names whose numerical value is
equivalent to that of a single letter, such as this Name which is equivalent to the letter fā ' , _ why _ _ _ he
to b a s e d e what in _ _ cal c u l a _ it is he to an i or n either addition _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a l - ŷ a m ' ) Y he to
i n c l u si o n ( i ¬ ā Ð a ), Y This entails the exact enumeration of the dispersed parts of a set by means of
their absolute perception . and only equals a the fa' because that the calculation ( al-¬asb ) it is the extreme
that To stop a the exact of

The term mu¬āsaba acquires a particular dimension in Sufi authors such as al-Gazālī, where it means, on the
one hand, the recounting of good and bad actions on Judgment Day, and on the other hand, the internal recounting that
one makes of them, comparable to the examination of conscience (v. R. D ELADRIÈRE , “Mu¬āsaba”, in EI 2 ).
Authority that we have not been able to identify, who will be quoted on several occasions with variants in the
reading of his nisba (al-©āfī / al-Jāfī / al-Kāfī). It is highly probable that this is Zayn al-Dīn al-J wāfī or al-Jawāfī (d.
1435), Sufi leader and founder of the Zayniyya, as can be seen much later than the time of al-Būnī and whose mention

is omitted the
Berlin manuscript as well as the popular editions of the work, both on this occasion and on subsequent ones in which
it will be cited throughout this chapter.
Hour of Venus.

who differ, since the calculation excludes disagreement in the estimate ( al-mutašājira ) 1 . And this Name
also has the meaning of 'Who is enough' ( al-Kāfī ) 2 , since sufficiency is the extreme that separates the
one who is satisfied from the one who is self-sufficient.

It is one of the abundant numbers, since its divisors add up to 106, which alludes to His Name c
'Savior' ( Munaŷŷī ), due to the liberation ( al-injā' ) that sufficiency supposes, that is to say, the liberation
of not having that need of the the rest. Y the sense of Count ( a li ¬ ½ ā ' ) have that watch with the deal
generous that will be received by virtue of its result, as God said: ﴾ God will save those who have been
fearful by virtue of their achievements ﴿ 3 .
And to God belongs the merit of saying:

They evaluate us and are exhaustive.

Then they are generous and release us.
This it is the brand that the Sirs impose
on the slaves that are docile.
my heart tells me
and my tongue is
truthful: whoever dies a
in Hell it will not burn.

[And the number 106] also alludes to His Name, exalted be He, 'Causing One' ( Musabbib ), since
He who keeps account of your acts, thereby determines a means by which His superiority is manifested to
you, or good His justice. This is why the letter bā' that results from the mediation ( al-tasabbub ) takes
place at the end of His Name al-©asīb , since His exhaustive calculation is a means to manifest superiority
or justice.

It is also equivalent to His Name 'Loyal' ( Wafī ` ), because really Whoever keeps track of your
acts compensates you to the extent of these, especially when He already knows the defective acts and those
that increase the weight of your good behavior before they you yourself make the internal count of them.
And the calculation of countable things is equivalent to the weighting of things that are measured according
to their weight, so that needs Who is exact in his measurements ( al-Wafī ), whose Name is opposed by
definition to the defective or deficient measurement . And if we take the Name al-©asīb in the sense of al-
Kāfī , then the meaning of His Names al-Musabbib and al-Wafī is evident.

Regarding the names of its letters, following a criterion 4 add up to 143, which is equivalent to His
p. 274
Name 'Who clarifies [the details]' ( Mubayyīn ), due to the detailed exposition ( al-tabyīn ) that the
enumeration entails ( al- ¬asb ). And also to His Name 'Whoever settles debts' ( al-Musaddid ) including

In other words, there can be no divergence in the estimate of what can be counted or measured.
Or 'Who gives with sufficiency'.

Cor . xxxix:58. That is to say, that God exhaustively counts the actions to reward each one in its exact
Not taking into account the final hamza of the letters bā' and yā' .

article, and both Names have to do with counting ( al-¬asb ). Said number increases one to His Name al-
Kafī , Y I know does pair with Their Name 'Who gathers' ( al-Mujmil ) 1 , by the meeting that entails the

As for the second criterion to add its letters, it results in 146, which is equivalent to the Name in
which the satisfaction of the deficiencies of each person resides, which is 'My God' ( Allāhumma ); Y also
to the Name that concedes the same, that it is 'God I Enough' ( ¬asbiya-Llah ). This as regards the meaning
of sufficiency, and as regards the sense of enumeration, since this alludes to the set of justice that resides
in the enumeration.
Meditate on what I have pointed out in this section, because God speaks the Truth and He shows the way.


Whoever surrenders to the ²ikr of this noble Name, exalts himself in the intuitions of the hearts
and is respected by those who see him.
Whoever engraves it [on a seal] at the appropriate time and carries it with them, subdues all
powerful oppressors thanks to it, since its effect on what is hidden from you is the same as it exerts on what
is visible to you. Consider well what I am pointing out to you, because God grants His favor to whom He
wants, He is the Lord of Immense Favor.

His ²ikr is indicated for one who is called 'Abd al-Jalīl. And Shaykh Zayn al- Din said al-Jafi, oh god
have it in His Glory!, that in this Name resides a splendid secret to obtain respect and glory, and whoever
performs his continuous ²ikr no one can stare at him because of the respect he imposes, every evildoer when
seeing him feels fear and respect when he finds himself in front of him to him, and as long as the secret of
the Majesty resides in his heart, he will not be able to bear his gaze. So it is also very useful for combat and
for the commanders of the armies. Try to to understand.

It has the number 73, which is a prime number, since certainly the meaning of 'el- c
Majestic' ( al-Ŷalīl ) in His integrity and in His kindness in which there is no crack. And in it appears the
letter ŷīm alluding to the Meeting ( al-jam' ), where the 'ayn alludes to the Manifestation ( al-Þuhūr ), so
that in al-Jalīl the meanings of His Names 'Whoever gathers together' ( al-Ŷāmi' ) and 'the Exalted' ( al-
'AÞīm ). For this reason, the names of its letters add up to a higher number that is 134, or it is equivalent to
His 'Eternal' Name ( ¼amad ), to His Name 'Who gives profit' ( Mufīd ) and to His Name 'Savior' ( Munŷī
) including the article, for the Majestic is the One in whom refuge is sought to obtain all right Y for get rid
of all wrong: “ Pray constantly saying: oh Mister of the majesty and the Generosity! 2 . _
And its magic square is the following:

Al-Kāfī equals 142 and al-Mujmil equals 144.
Al-Tirmi²ī, no. 3447, 3448; A-mad, no. 16935.

18 twe 24 10
23 elev 17 22
12 16 19 16

twe fifte 13 25
nty en
fig. 129


Whoever surrenders to the ²ikr of this sublime Name, God grants sustenance without fatigue. Y
Yes a the I know they add the Names 'the Generous' ( a l- W a hh ā b ) Y 'Who gives with largesse' ( ® ū-l-
Ð a w l ), its recitation is one of the most extraordinary, because if the person with meager means of
subsistence and the one who has befallen poverty is given to the ²ikr , God will provide without limitation.

And whoever writes these Names and wears them hanging, will not conceive of the way in which
God facilitates all the things he desires, obtaining them without effort, in everything that has to do with
states, words, acts, etc. And those noble Names have a magic square of magnificent value and rapid
effectiveness, which is the Next:

mun'im Wahhab Karim
Wahhab Karim mun'im
Wahhab Karim mun'im
Karim mun'im Wahhab

fig. 130

Said the sun of the scholars and the tongue of the wise, Abū 'Abd Allāh Šams al-Dīn Mu¬ammad a

b. Ya'qūb al-Kūfī 1 , God have mercy on him!: "Whoever continually recites this Name finds increase in all
his circumstances and God, exalted be He, extends his favor to him in the visible and in the hidden", for it
is one of the most sublime Names, and it is very profitable for one who constantly recites it until reaching
the spiritual state derived from it. In the same way, to those who write it and take it with them, God extends
their sustenance , dignifies and benefits them , since it is one of the hidden secrets to which only access d in
he or s detached _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a l - a f rād ) _ _ why _ _ he to p erfec t i o n _ d e s u sun _ _ _ _ ( ¬ a y
Ð i yy a ) , he to a mp lit u d of its ambit and the diffusion and extension of its more subtle parts through the
total integrity and perfection in all the levels.


His ²ikr is beneficial to the one called 'Abd al-Karīm, and he has the number 270, which is an even b

number of odd and abundant. Its divisors add up to 454 and add 184 to the base, a number that is equivalent
to Their Name 'Indulgent' ( ¼afū¬ ), by the generosity that result of sorry. Y have a square magic of
enormous value and sublime essence:

m ī r k
21 199 11 39
8 38 22 202
201 23 37 9
fig. 131

The names of its letters add up to 403, a number that is equivalent to two glorious Names: 'Lord' (
Rabb ) and 'Who dispenses' ( Mu'āfī ). And you should know that the numbers are spirits and the letters
are figures ( ašbā¬ ), and whoever harmonizes the literal square and the numerical one in a single square,
this one is faster and more effective in the answer. Try to understand that, for God speaks the Truth and He
shows the way.

fig. 132 TO
p. 276

Whoever surrenders to the ²ikr of this sublime Name finds himself protected in all his acts and
circumstances. It has a magic square of enormous value and sublime essence that will be composed when
the moon is at its peak, since its bearer will find shelter and protection in the visible and the hidden.

And you must know that if His Name 'the Guardian' is recited 4440 times each day for forty days,
during which fasting, ritual purity and total aspiration will be maintained until being dominated by a
spiritual state derived from it, the angels of the Name glorify God together with him. And if he enters a
place where there is a talisman, it dissolves and nullifies its effects.

It has the number 312, which is an even number of the even and the odd, and it is abundant when
adding its divisors 528, a number that is equivalent to two glorious Names: 'Living' ( ©ayy ) and

( Matin ). And the names of His letters are equivalent to two of His glorious Names: 'King' ( Malik ) and
'Ruler' ( Qahhār ) 1 .
And its magic square is the following:

b Yo what r
199 101 9 3

12 4 198 98

99 197 5 elev

fig. 133


This resplendent Name and this supreme secret is very useful to obtain the response in the
invocations, and it is essential that it be added to all the Names with which one intends to pray in prayer.
Whoever arranges it in a magic square on Friday while the preacher of the sermon is in the pulpit
and then recites it constantly until sunset, will not ask God for anything,
exalted be he!, that he does not grant him.

Have the number 55, number odd Y defective to the Add their factors 17, it that alludes a his c
Name 'Evident' ( Bādī ), that is, 'Visible' ( Ýāhir ), for the descent of the means that resides in the plane of
the Reunion resulting from the meaning of the Manifestation ( al-Þuhūr ). This number 55 alludes with its
five entities ( huwiyyāt ) a the five presences ( al-¬aÅarāt al-jams ) 2 . Their lyrics he has' 3 alludes to the
flat of the Meeting through the Name hidden; Y its lyrics nūn 4 alludes a the presence of Help ( al-madad ).

As for the names of his letters, they allude to His Name 'Courteous' ( Mu¬āsin ) and 'Who feeds'
( M u Ð ' im ) 5 , Already that add up 159. Y its square it is the Next:

aad 16 tw 6
Wā¬id 7 12 17

8 22 14 Huwa

fift 10 9 twenty
ee one

fig. 134

Their letter names add up to 396.
On this notion developed by Ibn 'Arabī and other authors, v. HUGHES , Dictionary of Islam , p. 169.
Understand “your number 5”.
In the original “ nūr” ', and we correct that it must refer to 50 ( nūn ) of the number 55.
We correct both Names of the original reading.


Whoever surrenders to the ²ikr of this noble Name, God extends his sustenance, his qualities and
his knowledge, and makes his soul rise at the moment of his death, since it is one of the Names of sublime
power for those who are aware of its value. Its bearer will not be in any narrowness without finding the
breadth, and God will put a relief and a way out in all his affairs.

Shaykh Zayn al-Dīn al-©āfī said : “Whoever performs the ²ikr of this resplendent Name and this
high and brilliant secret, God extends his sustenance, ennobles his temperament, spreads his secret and
opens his chest, for he is one of the most sublime Names for those who know their power”.

Whoever arranges it with its separate letters in a 4 x 4 magic square while the moon is growing, a

invokes it after reciting the Fāti¬ and takes it with them, God makes difficult matters easier for them and
broadens their means of subsistence. And in it resides a wonderful secret for kings, princes, rulers and
ministers, because every sovereign who constantly recites it gets his kingdom extended and his words are
obeyed. Try to understand.

It has the number 137: seven is for the liberation of narrowness; thirty is by the consecutive order b
of all the Names in the breadth of their union; and the hundred is for His absolute dominion and His
manifestation. Therefore, in this number they gather from the first of the manifested Names to the most
extreme of them in the divine descent ( tanazzul ) 1 , which is actually the last of them in manifestation.
Both Names are 'Deity' ( Ilāh ) and 'Sovereign' ( Malīk ) 2 . And when its equal is added to this number, it
results 'Who widens his heart' ( Wāsi' qalba-hu ), and in the same way results 'His heart is immense' (
Qalbu-hu wāsi' ) 3 , and that is an allusion to Mu¬ammad, God bless him and save!, since he is the
"believing servant" whom he mentions in His words, exalted be he!: " Contains me the heart of me servant
believer ” 4 . Y it is a number cousin, because the sense external of the expression it is conditioned by the
circumstances of place and time, from which its manifestation varies depending on that of the rest of things.
And in this sense, integrity is more certain than dispersion, since God is the One Who remains pure and
free to take place or for something to take place in Him. These are some noble allusions that you will
understand through experiences. subtle.

A NECDOTE : Whoever witnesses the Greatness ( al-'aÞama ) says: "I have not seen anything that d
God was not behind." And whoever witnesses the Immensity ( al-wasa' ) says: “I have not seen anything
before which God was not present”, since the essence that is the hidden part of the Greatness is the visible
part of the Immensity. Therefore Greatness is like a veil ( izār ). Meditate on that, for it is one of the subtle
concepts of Oneness.

The descent or descent represents the manifestation of the Being in the hierarchy of archetypal determinations
(N URBAKHSH , Sufi Symbolism , iv, p. 170)
Which are worth 37 and 100 respectively.
Both expressions add up to 274, which is twice 137.
We do not find this tradition in the cited collections.

The names of its letters add up to 374, a number that alludes to the sphere of the Spirit ( falak al-rū¬ ) 1
because of the breadth of its scope, and God said: ﴾ The day when the Spirit and the angels line up ﴿ 2 .

This is your magic square: ‘ s ā w

5 2 59 71
58 68 8 3
4 7 69 57 fig. 135


Whoever surrenders to the ²ikr of this brilliant Name and this resplendent secret of God,
Exalted be he! Wisdom inspires him in the most subtle details of the sciences and teaches him the
singularities of concepts and the subtleties of allusions, for he is one of the Names of enormous power.

Whoever arranges it harmoniously in a magic square during the first hour of Wednesday while
Mercury is in his exaltation, writes it down on suitable material and carries it with him while performing
his ²ikr and being in harmony with the conduct of the wise and their habits, for the divine emanation is
doubled over him and the sources of Wisdom ( al-¬ikma ) flow from his heart towards his tongue. But the
use of this Name has as an indispensable condition the purity ( tazkiya ) of the soul, for God said, exalted
be He!: ﴾ God has truly granted believers a grace by sending them a Delivery courier stepped out of
they themselves that them recites Their signs, the purifies Y the teaches the book and the Wisdom ﴿ 3 ; Y
said: ﴾ The it is Who he has done arise for the illiterate a Delivery courier that it is one from them, Y
that them recites Their signs, the purifies Y them teaches the Book Y the Wisdom ﴿ 4 .

And the šaykh Zayn al-Dīn al-©āfī 5 said , God have mercy on him!: “Whoever performs the ²ikr of
this Name, God, exalted be He, makes him aware of the mysteries of Wisdom, teaches him the most subtle b
matters of mystical knowledge, reveals the subtleties of concepts and makes him understand the realities of
the most repeated secrets ( al-ma£ānī ) 6 , since this is one of the best kept secrets and the preserved effects”.

Whoever composes it in a magic square on a sheet of solid mercury while Mercury is in his
exaltation, is granted the understanding of the knowledge of Wisdom. Their

Equivalent to these two words without counting the alif of the article.
Cor . lxxviii:38. Normally 'the Spirit' is understood to be the angel Gabriel.
Cor . iii:148.
Cor . lxii:2.
The original (ms. base) reads al-'Āfī. The ms. B omits mention of this author and instead reads “Said the šayj
Amad al-Buni”.
In allusion a Cor . 15:87: “ Really tea we have given seven of the plus repeated Y the Koran great ”, the seven repeated
I know usually interpret What the verses of the sura al-Fatia .

recitation is very profitable for the learned ( al-¬ukamā' ), and in it there is also an extraordinary secret
for the government ( al-wizāra ).
m ī k ¬
The following is your magic square:
7 21 9 41
12 42 6 18
19 5 43 11
fig. 136

Have the number 78, that it is pair of odd Y abundant to the Add their dividers add up 90, it which c

alludes to His Name 'King' ( Malik ), for Sovereignty is the lowest of the descents ( tanazzulāt ) 1 of Wisdom.

The letters of their names add up to 211 following one criterion and 213 following another 2 .
Following the first criterion, it is equivalent to His Name 'Who makes the dawn break' ( Fāliq ), to His
Name 'Producer' ( ¼āni' ), a 'the Teacher' ( al-Mu'allim ), 'the Listener' ( al-Sami' ) Y 'the That teaches' ( al-
Mulqī ) 3 , whose senses are obvious. Following the second criterion, it is equivalent to His Name 'Creator'
( Bārī' ), due to the wise verdicts ( al-a¬kām ) that reside in the act of creating ( al-bar' ), whose meaning
is to arrange matter to adopt the forms, and this is the result of the Wisdom divine.

SAPIENTIAL UTILITY : The wise ( ¬akīm ) sees immensity in narrowness, while who is d
codified ( ma¬kūm ) by the Decree ( ¬ukm ) sees in the immensity narrowness: ﴾ To whom God does not
give light, he will not find any light ﴿ 4 in Science nor in decrees, ﴾ and to whom Wisdom is given, much
good has been given, but only the possessors of judgment do not reconsider ﴿ 5 .

And you must know that each ²ikr confers on whoever performs it, recites all the virtue that [said
Name or Attribute recalled] contains, provided that its reality has been fully understood. Try to understand,
because only the detached ( al-afrād ) are in a position for that to take place. So reason, because the allusion
does not need further clarification, God tells the Truth and He shows the way.


Whoever undertakes the ²ikr of this lodestone and this attractive ruby is loved by the whole world,
God reaffirms affection towards him in the hearts of creatures and reaffirms his heart, for it is one of the
most beautiful invocations.

On the Descent, v. above, p. 346, no. 1. The Sovereignty (Mulk) is the realm of the lower world (below the
Malakūt and the Ŷabarūt), therefore it supposes the longest Descent of the Wisdom.
That is, counting or not the hamza .
These last three Names include the article in the computation.
Cor . xxiv:39.
Cor . ii:268.

Who arranges in a 4 x 4 square His Name 'Lover' and His Name 'Who calculates everything' (
©asīb ) making a perpetual sum of 96, and inserts in said square another 3 x 3 whose center is His Name p. 279
'Generous' ( Ŷawād ), no one will look at the bearer without loving him. Whoever wants to compose this
enormously valuable magic square should do it in the first hour of Friday while Venus is in its exaltation,
then he will perform the ²ikr of said Names, since he will really see prodigious things, since the effects of
this figure are of great effectiveness in the realm of love.

And you should know that whoever writes this

Name 35 times on a white silk canvas while the moon is in
its mansion and in a favorable conjunction with Jupiter, if
he carries it with him, he receives the love of hearts. And
whoever undertakes his ²ikr and also recites the Name 'the
Eternal' ( al-Dā'im ), the grace of God is perpetuated in
It is convenient that the bearer of his square is in
a state of ritual purity and fasting. This is his figure:

fig. 137

Sometimes some teachers are made up of
this way:
It is a very noble recitation, so try to hide it. And a
certain teacher mentioned that whoever performs his
²ikr until a spiritual state derived from it dominates him, all
who see him sympathize with him in his nature and love
him in their intimate consciousness, since God revives his
heart and interior with the Spirit of Love ( alma- abba )
and beautifies his outside with the secrets of
Affection ( al-mawadda ).
fig. 138

Who arranges a 4 x 4 magic square with the values of the names of their letters b
writing it in the first hour of Friday, and then performing the ²ikr until sunset, no one will look at it without
feeling affection for it, for therein lies an extraordinary secret and a marvelous meaning for attracting hidden
essences and spirits and to captivate the visible essences and forms. It is the ²ikr of the lords of Beauty and
of those who drink from the source of Love and sit on the rug of Affected, perhaps No you see that their
letters correspond with the of Budū ? 1

Name by which the 3 x 3 magic square is known, in whose corners the letters bdw ¬ (2 4 6 8) appear, with
which the words ¬ubb (love) and wudd (affection) are formed, and to which numerous properties were attributed. (v.
DB MACDONALD , “Budū¬ ” in EI 2 , Suppl., p. 153).

His letter names [add to 96 and] equal His 'Desired' Name ( Sūl ), and their divisors [add to 22
and] equal His 'Dear' Name ( ©abīb ), try to understand. And its square is the following:

fig. 139

This noble Name has the number 20, which is even of even and odd, and corresponds to the Name p. 280
'Guide' ( Hādī ). And it is one of the noblest numbers, since it results from multiplying the first cubic
number ( muka''ab ) by the next number after it 1 . It is an abundant number whose divisors add up to 22,
which alludes to His Name 'Beloved' ( ©abīb ), since love is the fruit of affection: " one has affection then
one they want ” 2 .

The names of its letters add up to 96, which is equivalent to His 'Desired' Name ( Sūl ), since the a
Beloved and the Lover is the Desired, and when the constancy ( wudd ) of love takes place, the search
results from it. ( a l- Ð a l a b ), it which it is fruit of the effects of Their Name 'Seeker' ( Æā lib ) . meditate it's,
for God grants His favor to whomever He wants, God is Immense, Omniscient.

And to the question of what is love ( al-ma-abba ) we will answer that it is the purity of affection
( al-mawadda ). It is also said to be the constant sympathy or inclination ( al-mayl ) with the heart
passionately in love, resulting from the confluence of four terms: affection ( al-¬ubb ), affection ( al-wudd
), passion ( al -'išq ) -which is vehemence in love- and falling in love ( al-šagafa ), which is the annulment
of one's own will in the will of the Beloved and total dependence on Him.

would be the result of multiplying 4 x 5. So it should say the first square number.
Apparently he quotes an ¬adī£ of the Prophet, but we do not find such an expression among the collections of
his sayings.


The recitation of this Name of sublime essence is very profitable for kings, because when they
constantly recite it, their kingdoms are enlarged; and it is also useful for leaders and their successors.
Whoever performs his continuous ²ikr until a spiritual state derived from it dominates him, his
words never find a reply. And his is never indicated for one who is called 'Abd al-Majīd.

Shaykh Zayn al-Dīn al-Jāfī 1 said , God have mercy on him!: “If he surrenders to the ²ikr of this
noble Name who is in a sincere spiritual condition, God helps him to do what is right, revives his spirit with
the light of mystical knowledge, strengthens its interior with the subtleties of secrets and provides its
sustenance without being able to perceive it.
It has a magic square whose layout is as follows: 18 23 16

17 19 21

22 15 20
fig. 140

Through it, the treasures that the earth hides are made visible and the secrets that the symbols c
contain are discovered.

It has the number 57, where seven is an allusion to the fact that He is free from all the impositions
that lordship implies. And no one is exempt from said impositions except those who do what they want,
which is only possible in Him. And fifty is an allusion to the fact that in His hand is the center ( madār ) of
all things, and that is one of the characteristics that only correspond to Him, praised and exalted be! It is an
odd, elongated and defective number, whose divisors add up to 21 2 , a number that alludes to the alif of the
permanence ( al-iqāma ) Y a the kaf of the word ( al-kalima ).

As for the names of its letters, they add up to 190 d

following one criterion and 188 following another 3 . The

first number equals His Name 'He is Allāh, the One, the
Being Necessary" ( Huwa Allah al-Wā¬id Wājib al-wujud
); and the second is equivalent to His Name 'Lord of all' (
Mawlà al-kull ).
And its literal square and its numerical square p. 281
have been harmonized in a single square, and its figure is

fig. 141

In the original “al-'Āfī”.
According to our calculations, it adds up to 23, although the following indications agree with 21.
It should be 189, as it depends on including or not including the hamza of the letter yā' in the computation.


This supreme Name and this glittering secret is beneficial to the person whose resolve to undertake
some matter has weakened, and whoever performs his ²ikr is prompted to do good.

A certain wise man said that it is for the reception of life and health in the bodies as well as for the
conservation of the vital forces. If you want the same, wear clean clothes, perfume yourself with the aroma
of the aloe sticks and the carnation, and recite the Name in a state of abstinence and purity of heart until
you obtain a spiritual state derived from it, because God will really provide you with life force and will
make your will towards devoted actions.

Said šayj Zayn al-Dīn al-Jāfī 1 , God rest his soul!: “Whoever engraves this sublime Name on a
lead sheet in the first hour of Saturday, then recites the Name four thousand eleven times while staring at
its shape written, and then says: "Oh Saturn, I order you such and such a thing", because really that will
happen quickly, thank God, praised and exalted be!”
And its magic square is the following:
143 146 149 135

148 136 142 147

137 151 144 141

145 140 138 150 fig. 142

It has the number 573, where the 'ayn and the £ā' remain unchanged 2 , while the bā' of the b
cause ( al-sabab ) is received by the alif , which is the origin of the causes, so that the jim 3 appears, which
symbolizes the Meeting ( al-jam' ) Y the unification of cause with it caused.
And it is an odd and defective number when adding its divisors 195, a number that is equivalent
to His Name 'Sincere' ( ¼ādiq ) and His Name 'Lord of lords' ( Mawlà al-mawālī ).


Whoever performs the continuous ²ikr of this great Name obtains Observation ( al-murāqaba ) as
a fruit. in its withdrawal spiritual ( jalwa ) Y in the exit of its withdrawal spiritual ( ŷilwa ) 4 . Y Yes it is
holder of a n I 've been _ _ d e harmonizing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( t a j all uq ) , what is it _ _ he and p r o voca _
he to i n mer si o n d e s u a l m a e n the bautismo _ _ _ _ _ ( ½ i bg a ) of Unity and temperance, so that he
is safe from excess and excess in the temperaments of his nafs .

On this occasion it reads “al-Kāfī”.
It means that in the number 573 the only number that is the result of the sum of two or more letters is 3, while
500 and 70 correspond to a single letter, 'ayn and £ā' respectively.
The number 3 of 573.
See above, p. 121, no. 6 and 7.

It is one of the excellent invocations, and a certain sage said that it is very useful for those who p. 282

wish to reach the degree of martyrdom ( al-šahāda ) 1 . I myself advised a certain alfaqui to recite it and he
got it on the spot. And whoever possessed the science of the Guide said that whoever writes it on a sheet of
paper the first hour of Friday the number of times of its values manifested by the Lord of lights and places
it on his heart without anything between the two, will be witness of the spiritual figures ( al-ašbā¬ ) with
all their excellence and kindness, their mouths will speak to him with their sanity and intelligence, and God
will provide him with dignity, respect, magnificence Y beauty, well it is one of the secrets plus hidden.
It has a magic square of enormous value, and it is the following:
m ys Ðh khy‘½
13 196 39 71
197 16 68 38
fig. 143 69 37 198 15

[This Name] has the number 319, which is a prime number, due to the meaning of the promise that a

is found in it, and in which there is no room for division: ﴾ Say: God is enough for me as a witness between
you and me ﴿ 2 .

As for the names of its letters, [they add up to 414 and] this alludes to His Name 'Who makes ships
sail' ( Mujrī al-fulk ), for ships sail under the gaze of God, may He be exalted! and as conveyed in His
words: ﴾ and sailed under Our gaze ﴿ 3 . Try to understand that and you will prosper.



Whoever performs the continuous ²ikr of this Name of powerful essence, God gives him firmness
in the acts of obedience, makes the realities of things to be discovered before him, makes him aware of the
most hidden aspects of the mysteries, makes hate lies and make your words irrefutable and elevated. It is
one of the Names of sublime power, because with it God reaffirms believers in their faith.

Who makes up his square, the ascendant being one of the fixed zodiac signs on some machinery
in which he wants to fix an object or piece or make it resistant, since God fixes it firmly.
This will take place after reciting the Name until a spiritual condition
Awwal 63 65 Ilāh
derived from it seizes the subject of the ritual. And it will have to be
53 49 47 59
written on the four sides of the square ﴾ And what is beneficial to men
45 57 55 51
remains in the land ﴿ 4 . The square is as follows:
Mu¬īÐ 39 41 Kāfī

fig. 144
On Martyrdom as a spiritual degree v. N URBAKHSH , Sufi Symbolism , iii, p. 114.
Cor . xiii:44; xvii:96.
Cor . liv:14, referring to Noah's ark.
Cor . xiii:19.

It has the number 208 according to its oral value, and 108 in its written value. The first number is c

even from even and odd, and abundant when adding its divisors 432, and that number is equivalent to two
of His glorious Names: 'Eternal' ( ¼amad ) and 'Patient' ( ¼abūr ), for the secret of the adaptation to the
corporeal that resides in the lyrics ½ād . _ _
The second number is even from even and odd, and abundant when adding its divisors 172, a
number that equals a Their Name 'Who this next' ( Muqbil ). Y East it is its square magical:

24 27 40 17

29 18 23 28

39 42 25 22

26 21 20 41
fig. 145

p. 283

Whoever performs the continuous ²ikr of this sublime Name, God fills and enriches him in such a
way that he will not need to procure means of subsistence, being provided without limitation. And if he is
endowed with a sincere spiritual condition, he feeds on the Self ( al-kawn ). Its ²ikr is indicated for whoever
is called Mu¬ammad, and it has a magic square whose figure is as follows:
Æayyib 26 Wā¬id

Hādī ©abīb 24
fig. 146 25 ©ayy Æabīb

And by joining its numerical harmonic square and

its literal square in a single square, the following figure

It has the number 66, which is even odd and long. a

And it is one of the specific Names of Mu-ammad and of
the family of Mu-ammad. That is why God referred to him
in the earlier revealed books as 'the Keeper' ( al-
mutawakkil ). And the association of this Name and its
peculiar relationship with the Prophet, God bless him and
save!, resides in the fact that his name has its numerical
value, since Allah is worth 66, Wakīl 66, and the sum
of both of them it is 132, that it is precisely the worth of its Name fig. 147

And the number 66 is abundant because its factors add up to 78, which alludes to His Name 'Wise'
( ©akīm ), because if the organizer were not wise, he would not put things in their place, and the following
verses are said about that :

If you need to delegate to someone,
Delegate to a wise man and do not order him anything.

And the sum of the divisors of each of the Names [ Allāh and Wakīl ] add to their base 12, and a
that is one of His Names, exalted be He, 'very Dear' ( ©ibb ) , and it is also one of the proper names of the
Prophet, God bless and save you! And if the excess of each of the two Names is added with respect to their
base, this results in 24, and it is the name of the prophet 'and his beloved' ( wa-¬abību-hu ) 2 , so that the
sum of the numerical values of 'Mu¬ammad' and ' wa-¬abību-hu' , it is the same number that result of Add
Allah ©ibb Y wakil ©ibb 3 .

And the names of the letters [of Wakīl ] add up to 197, which is equivalent to His Name 'the
Subsistent' ( al-Qayyūm ) including the article, for the management ( al-qiyām ) that entails the direction
of a matter ( al- wikāla ).


Whoever invokes this Name of enormous value repeatedly acquires strength to bear the visible
and internal burdens, his spirit is strengthened and he acquires capacity for anything, as it is one of the
recitations of the angel 'Azrā'īl. It is very beneficial for those who bear the weight of great loads, and its
²ikr is indicated for those who are called Mūsà, it being convenient to add His Name 'Inventor' to it. (
p. 284
Mubdi' ), Y also it is indicated for who I know I called Yūnus.

And you should know that whoever performs his continuous ²ikr will not run out of strength in the
middle of a trip, as long as he continues to recite it and carry his magic square, which is as follows:

31 34 37 24

36 25 30 35

26 39 32 29

33 28 27 38 fig. 148

It has the number 126, an even number of odd and abundant, since its divisors add up to 186, a a
number that is equivalent to a magnificent recitation ( ²ikr ), since nothing can weaken anyone who
undertakes it, and it is "God this with me" ( Allah ma'ī ). This it is it that gives a to understand its worth
numeric oral.

Regarding its written numerical value, it is equivalent to 116, an even number of the odd and
defective when adding its factors 94, a number that is equivalent to His 'Mighty' Name ( 'Azīz ), and
therefore the

In the original it reads “ a¬abb ”, which would add 13, or 11 without counting the double bā' .
Following the usual numbering method, this word would be worth 33, half the name Allāh . But

In order to pretend that it is worth 24, he should have used that method according to which all the letters correspond
to a value in the degree of the units (30, 300, 3000 = 3), by it that Already' it would be worth 1 Y the addition of all
the letters would give 24.
132 + 24 = 78 + 78 = 156.

Might is always accompanied by strength. The first number [116] is equivalent to Musà and the second
[126] to Yūnus.

The Names of their letters add up 206, it that alludes a Their Name 'Omnipotent' ( jabbār ), Y it is
the manifest value of “Mūsà”. And if we count 218 1 , it is equivalent to His Name 'Who makes repentance'
( M u ½ f i ¬ ), Y it is the v a l o r manifesto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in “ Yūnus ” .

Y you should to know that who I know find in the flat spiritual of Their Name 'Strong' this in a b
level closer to the Presence and its contemplative vision ( šuhūd ) is more perfect, so it is very suitable for
those whose ability to confront the Truth is weak, from where the meaning of the Name takes place. That
is why Mūsà said: ﴾ My brother Hārūn is more eloquent than I: send him with me What assistant that
confirm my words, well Really I fear that I deny ﴿ 2 , ﴾ mate to one of they Y I fear that I kill ﴿ 3 , ﴾ Y Muse
He felt fear in its inside ﴿ 4 , ﴾ they said: Mister our, we fear that the Pharaoh I know precipitate against
us either I know rebel ﴿ 5 . Y said the Prophet, God you bless and hail!: “ in the inside of Yūnus b. matta
there was a men weak ” 6 . notice What both of them were thrown to the waters, one in the darkness of the
basket ( al-tābūt ) and the other in the darkness of the whale's belly 7 . Try to understand and you will
prosper, God willing, exalted be!


Whoever surrenders to the ²ikr of this Name of enormous value will not weaken his forces in any
matter that is arduous and exhausting. His ²ikr is suitable for those who fear that their forces will fail when
undertaking some matter. And if the Name 'the Strong' ( al-Qawī ) is added to it, whoever bears the weight
of great loads.
And you should know that whoever invokes him continuously until he masters a spiritual condition
derived from it, will really be respected and will be endowed with strength, courage, authority and
manificence, having in it an extraordinary secret to subdue the will of kings.

It has the number five hundred, even number of odd and abundant when adding their divisors d
592, adding to the base the amount equivalent to His Name 'Security' ( Amān ), because in robustness ( al-
matāna ) is the security of not losing strength. For this reason, the nūn supposes the extreme of existence in the
that the Manifestation takes place 8 . Said God, exalted be he!: ﴾ It is the best of all that you have used. It
is strong, confident ﴿ 9 , and said, glorified and exalted be!: ﴾ It is true that we offered the

Counting the name of the reduplicated yā' .
Cor . xxviii:34.
Cor . xxviii:33.
Cor . xx:66.
Cor . xx:44.
We do not find the hadith . in the aforementioned collections.
Alluding to Cor . xx:38 and xxi:87 respectively.
Uncertain translation.
Cor . xxviii:26.

responsibility of faith (al-amāna) to the heavens, the earth and the mountains, but they did not want to
assume it, shaken by it. However, the man assumed it ﴿ 1 . And the heavens, the earth and the mountains
refused to assume it and were afraid of it because if they had strength, they would not have robustness,
which is the security ( amāna ) of not running out of strength. And then he said: ﴾ However, the man
assumed it. Really the man is unfair ... ﴿ with himself for assuming the burden of what no force can bear,
﴾ ... and ignorant ﴿ because his strength is exhausted due to his lack of security ( amāna ) .

And the names of his letters add up to 608, a number that is equivalent to two of his glorious
Names [added], which are 'Revered' ( Mukarram ) 'Provider' ( Razzāq ).
This is its square:
n ī t m p. 285
399 41 49 11
42 402 8 48
9 47 43 401
fig. 149


Whoever surrenders to the ²ikr of this shining Name and this resplendent secret is under the
protection of God and is close to Him, since it is one of the recitations of the angels of the elevated presence,
a the that I know call cherubs ( al- karrūbiyyūn ).

Whoever constantly performs his ²ikr finding himself fulfilled in its meaning, which is the
suppression of the mediators [between God and the realized one], reaffirms himself in the spiritual abode
of Friendship ( wilāya ). And you must reveal to the one who performs his ²ikr all the conditions ( a¬wāl
) of the creatures he wishes to know.

Have the number 56 in its worth oral, Y 46 in its worth written. The first number it is pair of pair and b
the odd, and abundant when adding its divisors 60, a number that is equivalent to His Name 'Who makes
permissible' ( Mubī ), well to the vanish the mediators Come in the Y God I know the he has permitted know
it that it would be to another forbidden.

As for the second number [46], it is an even and defective number since its divisors add up to 26.
This alludes to a glorious Name that is one of the praises ( a²kār ) of those who are in the highest degrees
of Oneness. , and they are the words “One, One” ( A¬ad A¬ad ), so al-Walī results from the fact that its
dividers and parts express that remembrance.

Cor . xxxiii:72.
On this term and its interpretations in the present verse, v. EW L ANE , Lexicon , sv “ amāna ”.
It can also mean 'Protector' or 'Friend', senses that will be present in the following indications about the ²ikr of
this Name and its numerical value.

And the names of his letters add up to 96, a number that is equivalent to His Name 'the Judge' ( al-
Dayyān ), including the article. Try to understand, because his ²ikr is also very useful for someone called
Mu¬ammad 1 .
Its square is the following: 13 16 21 6
20 7 12 17
8 23 14 11
15 10 9 22
fig. 150


Whoever performs the constant ²ikr of this Name is praised for his qualities, thanked for his acts
and exalted by all people. Whoever writes it the number of times its numerical value in a container and
gives [its filter] to drink to those who suffer from illness, God, exalted be He, makes them heal. And his
²ikr is indicated for whoever is called Mamud.

And you should know that the one who realizes himself with this Name is of praiseworthy
temperament, and the one who fully reveals it [its meaning], is the most praiseworthy person of all. d
Mu¬ammad, God bless and save!, is the epiphanic symbol of Praise ( al-¬amd ), which is the beginning
of the Book of Existence 2 such Y What the same said: “ I first that I think God it was me light ” 3 , well all
the, God it bless Y hail! is the Praise with which Truth, exalted be He, began the Book of Existence. This is
important, because if [Existence] did not begin with Praise to God, who is the most praised ( Mu- ammad
) of his creatures and the most commendable ( A-mad ), it would not have prosperity 4 . And for this reason p. 286
also his prayer is the last of the prayers of the prophets, by His decree: ﴾ And at the end of his sentence:
The praises a God, Mister of the worlds! ﴿ 5 . So that the Prophet it is the opening Y the stamp of the
Existence, since it is Praise, which in turn is that with which Truth began the Book of the Beginning ( al-
ibdā' ) and with which it also began the Book of the Return ( al-i'āda ). As the Prophet said: “ I am the a
first in view of the that the Earth I know will open ” . By it it was distinguished the Prophet with the sura
of the Praise, which is the Fāti¬a of the Book, His glorious Book that comes from a treasury ( kanz ) under
the Throne 7 , which is only opened with his name A¬mad. Try to understand these luminous delights and
these eternal secrets, for you will derive immense pleasure in knowing the gifts of faith and paradisiacal
concepts. God tells the Truth and He shows the road.

Mu¬ammad in its written value is equal to 92, double 46.
That is, the first verse of the Qur'an: ﴾ Praises to God, Lord of the worlds ﴿ .
We did not find this tradition.
In allusion to the ¬adī£ picked up by ibn Maya ( 1884) either A-mad ( 8355): “ everything affair important that
No it starts with the praise a God lacks of prosperity ”.
Cor . x:10.
Ibn Maja, no. 4298; A-mad, no. 12013; Al-Dārimī, nº 52. It refers to the Day of the Resurrection, in which the
earth will split, leaving open the graves of men (cf. Cor . xix: 91; 1: 44), and they will return to life, or else your life
will be created anew, so it is also the Book of the Return or the Recreation of life.
A¬mad, no. 16686, 16803, etc., where the Prophet says that the final (two) verses of the sura of The Cow were
granted to him from a "treasure" that was under the Throne. And in Al-Dārimī no. 3250, 3256; and A-mad, no. 7625,
etc. He says that he took the expression " Lā quwwa illa bi-l-llāh " from said treasure.

This Name has the number 62, an even number of odd and abundant, whose divisors add up 34 1 , b
which is equivalent to the words “He it is Who heals” ( Huwa Æabīb ).
His letter names add up to 147, which is equivalent to the words “He is Keeper of the Faith” (
Huwa Mu'min ), either interpreting it of other way 2 equals a 'Custodian' ( Muhaymin ) either a 'Who group'
( al-Ŷāmi' ). Y by it that respects a its square magical, well it is of the Next way:

15 18 21 8

20 9 14 19

10 23 16 13

17 12 11 22 fig. 151

SECTION FIFTY - EIGHTH ABOUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S U NAME : _ _ _ _ _ ' WHO LISTS _ _ _ _ _ ALL ' _ ( M u ¬ ½
ī) c

Whoever performs the continuous ²ikr of this Name of sublime essence, God, exalted be He, makes
him feel the effects of Observation ( al-murāqaba ) 3 . And his ²ikr is indicated for the one whom he also
you be poignant the ²ikr of Their Name 'Who calculate all' ( al-©asib ), except that the security of the bā'
in that Name makes its meaning less threatening and less pressing [on the servant] 4 .

It has the number 148: eight is for perfection ( al-kamāl ) , forty for totality ( al - t a mām ) Y the
10 0 it is why _ the domain _ _ _ _ _ ab s o l u t _ _ ( a l - i ¬ ā Ð a ), while _ _ _ _ _ what _ al - M u ¬ ½ ī
_ it is Who in _ _ you e n e you or you _ and absolute mastery of everything [in His enumeration]. It is an
even number of even and odd. Y is deficient in adding s u s d i v is o res 118 , he or what _ _ e qu i v a l e
to the p r op i o Name _ _ _ M u ¬ ½ ī for _ he or s masters _ _ _ _ _ d e he or s secrets 5 , _ _ _ _ Y to 'living
Sovereign' ( ©ayy Malik ) for the teachers of the lights, Y it's it is by the perfection that result of life and
the absolute mastery that results from the sovereignty.

And know, God guide you!, that all the Names that precede in this chapter from Their Name of
he Merciful' ( al-Ra¬īm ) up to His Name 'the Praiseworthy' ( al-©amīd ), the scope of its meanings is related
first of all to man's ties with God ( al-asbāb ), as 'the Giver' ( al-Wahhāb ), 'the Generous' ( al-Karim ), 'the
Supplier' ( al-Razzaq ) Y the that I know they look like a they.
And on the other hand the meanings related to knowledge, such as 'the Knower' ( al-'Alīm ), 'the O y e n t
e' ( a l - S a m ī' ) , the seer _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a l - B a ½ ī r ), 'the I knew _ _ _ _ ( a l - © a k ī m ), etc. , _ Y the
together _ _ _ _ _ _ d e y'all _ _ they 're _ _ it closes _ with 'the Worthy of praise' ( al-©amid ).

Then it should say defective and not abundant.
Not counting the hamza .
See above, p. 121, no. 6.
While the meaning of this Name is 'Whoever keeps score and enumerates all the actions of man':
﴾ They did not expect to be held accountable [...], but we recorded everything in a book ﴿ ( Cor . lxxviii:27-29).
5 I do not know the criteria used to find this equivalence, although
the value of sīn has probably been given to ½ād .
In how much to the cluster that understands the Names since 'Who enumerate all' ( al- M u ¬ ½ ī ) _
up to 'the Tolerant' ( al-¼abūr ), since all his Names are either in the degree that symbolizes impotence ( '
a ŷ z ) of servant of God 1 , What it is manifest in Their Name al - M u ¬ ½ ī , Y What will remain clear in His p. 287
Name 'the Initiator' ( al-Mubdi' ), in 'the Recreator of life' ( al-Mu'īd ) and the rest of the Names up to 'the
Tolerant' ( al-¼abūr ); or else in the realm of Gnosis as will be shown to you in His Name 'the Guide' ( al-
Hādī ).
And it is as if God began with everything in which creatures apparently have a part
-even if it is through prayers-, and then it will end with what the creatures have no choice in and what they
are openly unable to alter, such as the beginning, the return, the resurrection and the death. Meditate on
that, God is wiser!
y ½ ¬ m
His letter names add up to 205, which is equal to two of his glorious 43 5 89 11
Names 'Mighty' ( 'Azīz ) and 'Sufficient' ( Kāfī ). And its magic square is the 88 12 42 6
following: 7 41 9 91

fig. 152


Whoever invokes this luminous Name continuously, the hidden aspects of things end up being
revealed to him, God grants him the gift of expressing himself with Wisdom and everything that thanks to
him happens to any person will be whatever he wishes, since he is one of the glorious Names for whoever
wants to fulfill their objective in the world of the Being.

Whoever undertakes his ²ikr makes his actions correct and lasts, and his ²ikr is useful for whoever
starts something. And you must know, God guide me!, that whoever surrenders to his ²ikr becomes familiar
with the resplendent sciences, speaks with Wisdom and expresses himself through symbols.

It has the number 56, which is equivalent to 'the Nearest' ( al-Walī ). And said Name in relation to b
'the Initiator' occupies the same place as 'the Organizer' ( al-Wakīl ) in relation to His name Allāh 2 . That
is why it results from adding the first two His Name 'Who makes evident' ( Mubayyin ), because by means
of proximity and the beginning, which is the beginning of the visible appearance of something, everything
becomes evident and remains defined.

His letter names add up to 141, which alludes to His Name 'Scholar' ( 'Ālim ). And as for its noble
square, it is the Next:

That is, the inability to exist and subsist without God, as well as the inability to resist His decrees.
That is to say, that Walī is equivalent to Mubdī' in the same way that Wakīl is equivalent to Allāh , and also
both Names Walī and Wakīl denote the meaning of governing and organizing the world.

8 13 34 1

33 2 7 14

3 36 11 6

12 5 4 35
fig. 153


Whoever undertakes the ²ikr of this noble Name makes everything that is corrupt return to its ideal
state and brings back everyone who left. And if it is arranged in a square, the ascendant being one of the
transitory zodiacal signs ( munqaliba ), it is hung in the wind and the subject of the ritual remains all night
reciting the Name with the purpose of bringing back a fugitive or someone who has gone on a journey. ,
because said person returns to the place from which he left, God willing, exalted be he! And a certain wise
man said that whoever recites it constantly brings back to his memory everything that I forget.

It has the number 124, which is even from even and odd. And it is a defective number when adding
its divisors 100, which is equivalent to His Name 'Sovereign' ( Malīk ), because no one can restore things
after they have disappeared except their sovereign or owner. That is why the Truth, praised and exalted be
He, is manifested through His Name 'the King' ( al-Malik ), since this implies the truth of the Day of Return.
And said number also alludes to the letter qāf for the absolute domain that resides in the end reached by the p. 288

descent of the preliminary manifestation ( al-badā' ) 2 .

d ī ‘ m
69 41 3 11
The names of the letters of this Name add up to 266, a number that is
42 72 8 2
equivalent to two of its glorious Names: 'Sovereign' ( Malīk ) and 'Subsistent' (
9 1 43 71
Qayyūm ). And its magic square is the following:

fig. 154


Whoever invokes this resplendent Name continuously, God revives him with the Spirit of Oneness,
and thereby gives life to everything, for it is one of the recitations of the angel Isrāfīl 3 .
And you should know that whoever performs the ²ikr of this Name, God revives his heart and
makes the strength of his interior manifest on his exterior, since in him there is a bond that unites him to
His Name 'the Living' ( al -©ayy ).

Also 'Who makes return'.
The preliminary manifestation represents the descent of divine emanations and lights into the heart of the Gnostic
(N URBAKHSH , Sufi Symbolism , iv, p. 47).

Angel in charge of blowing the horn causing the dead to rise from their graves.

Whoever engraves it on a steel seal at the time of the Friday prayer and carries it with him, God
revitalizes his value and his memory ( ²ikr ), magnifies his power, and through the grace of God the person
sees what he is unable to see. describe.

East Name have a square magical that know the Sirs of the secrets; Y have the b
number 68, which is an even number of the even number and the odd and defective number, since its divisors add
up to 58, which is equivalent to His 'Pre-Eternal' Name ( Azalī ). And the names of its letters add up to 144,
which alludes to His Name 'Who gives power' ( Muþizz ), due to the consolidation ( al-i'zāz ) that resides in the
act of returning the
life, and the degradation ( al-i²lāl ) that entails the imposition of death. This is the image of the square:

16 19 24 9

23 10 15 20

11 26 17 14

18 13 12 25 fig. 155


This Name is of a grandiose nature for whoever wants to put an evil person to death and wants to
exterminate sinners, since everyone who constantly recites it while cursing an evil person gets them killed
on the spot. And it has a magnificent influence to attenuate impure desires.
Whenever someone undertakes his ²ikr until he is seized by a spiritual state derived from it, and
after that he mentions the name of the person whose death he wishes, God, exalted be He, causes him to
die immediately.

It has the number 490, an even number of odd and abundant, since its divisors add up to 536, a
number that equals a 'the Better Protective' ( Ni'ma al-mawlah ) two times 1 . Y the Names of their letters
add up 592, it that equals a two of Their glorious Names: 'Peace' ( Aman ) 'Unwavering' ( Matin ).
And its magic square is the following:

103 95 107 99 86 p. 289

97 89 101 93 110
91 108 100 87 104
90 102 94 106 98
109 96 88 105 92

fig. 156

Ni'ma al-mawlà equals 268.


Whoever constantly performs the ²ikr of this Name of great value until he is in harmony with the
spirits, increases in his subsistence ( baqā' ) 1 in the terrestrial world and God, exalted be He, revives his
heart with the Spirit of Oneness . It is one of the recitations of the angel Ŷabrā'īl, and his ²ikr is indicated
for whoever is called Idris.

This Name has the number 28, which is even from even and odd, and is the second perfect number
( tām ) . The perfect numbers are more noble than the abundant and the defective ones, as well as being

very scarce, since there will not be more than one perfect number in each degree, said number constituting
the life of the corresponding numerical degree: in the degree of units, 6 , in the tens degree 28, in the
hundreds degree 296, which is equivalent to the name of the prophet, God bless him and save!, 'Messenger'
( Rasūl ) 3 ; and in the degree of thousands the 8128 4 .

And returning to what is manifested in number 28, since Life is the limit b -end
of perfection, there can be no addition or deficiency in it 5 . If that perfection were capable of being increased
_ no _ I would be _ perfect , _ _ why _ he or what _ _ no _ I would be _ life ; _ _ Y yes _ hub i was in
she is _ d ef i c i e n c i a ( n to q ½ ), to that it would entail death to the same extent that the deficiency
occurs. And therefore the number 28 results from multiplying the first complete number ( kāmil ) 6 by the
first square number ( murabba' ). And this is also the number of the letters of the aliphato, which constitute
the perfection of Existence; and it is the number of lunar mansions that are perfectly distinguishable in the
superior sphere and that make the divine Decree descend to the level at which the letters are articulated.
The secrets of this number are numerous, and it is not appropriate to list them all in this summary. In general
terms, we will say that everything that results from 'the Living One' is Life.

This by it that respects to the worth numeric oral of their letters. Y in how much a its worth written
, since this Name is composed of two letters: ¬ and . This adds up to 18, which is an even number of odd and
abundant, well their dividers add up twenty-one. Y East latest number result of multiply the first number
odd by the first complete number ( kāmil ), so what was previously multiplied by the absolute inclusion
symbolized by the dāl is now multiplied by the grouping sense ( jam'iyya ) of the ŷīm 7 .

This number [21] is seven less [to the previous number 28], and these seven are the spiritual
realities of the letters that are found in the lowest degree, in which the Life of the

Subsistence is the opposite Path to that of annihilation ( fanā' ), and implies being with God and with the
world, while annihilation implies being alone in God (concepts analogous to sobriety and drunkenness).
That integer and positive number equal to the sum of its divisors: 28 = 14 + 7 +4 +2 +1.
Note that the third perfect number is 496, and not 296, although it is effectively equivalent to “ Rasūl ”.
Both manuscripts read 912.
Since 28 is neither abundant nor defective.
I do not know the properties that define the complete number, but it undoubtedly refers to 7.
It refers to the fact that the 7 that was previously multiplied by 4 to obtain 28 is now multiplied by 3 to obtain
21. It also refers to the fact that if 4 x 7 is multiplied before, mediating 3 between the two numbers, then now 3 is
multiplied x 7.

longevity ( al-ta'mīr ) 1 implying the physical decline ( al-naks ) that takes place in creatures, just as Allah,
may He be exalted, said: ﴾ To whom we give a long life we diminish his constitution ﴿ 2 . For this reason,
the Fāti¬a is free of these letters 3 and in it there are twenty-one letters.

His letter names add up to twenty 4 , which is equivalent to His Name 'Guide' ( Hādī ), and his
magic square is as follows with the names of his 5 letters :
25 28 31 ¬y
30 19 24 29
20 33 26 23
fig. 157 27 22 21 32


Whoever performs the ²ikr of this sublime Name, God sustains him internally and externally, and
if he performs it, he is the possessor of a sincere spiritual state, because God makes him the pillar that
sustains all things.

He has a magic square of enormous value and well known to the lords of arrangement ( al - t a ½ r
ī f ). Y its ² i k r it is indicated for who I know I called Yusuf, having in it the verification of a Truth that is
not hidden from him who is endowed with intelligence.

And you must know that the eternal Subsistence ( al-qayyūmiyya ) is the exclusive attribute of a
exalted be!: ﴾ Who it remains on each soul attentive a it that acquire? ﴿ 6 , ﴾ God behind of they surround
them ﴿ 7 , ﴾ He is with you wherever you are ﴿ 8 , ﴾ East and West belong to God; wherever that you come
back, over there you will find the face of God ﴿ 9 , ﴾ the that tea they have jury fidelity, I know the they have
actually sworn to God; the hand of God was on his hands ﴿ 10 , ﴾ Is it that they do not know that God
accepts the return, in repentance, of his servants and that he takes into account what is given with
generosity? ﴿ 11 , ﴾ neither even you threw your when you threw, otherwise that it was God who pulled ﴿ 12 . “
in TRUE the

That is, the earthly life that God prolongs according to His will.
Cor . xxxvi:67.
On the seven missing letters of the Fāti¬a ( fā' , ŷīm , šīn , £ā' , Þā' , jā' , zāy ), see chap. XIII.
This time without counting the hamza .
Despite what has been said regarding the names of its letters (which add up to 20), the ms. The base presents a
square whose perpetual sum is 102, a number that is equivalent to three times 34, and 34 would be the value of the
names of its letters added, but counting the hamza as 1 and counting the yā' twice as it is reduplicated. On the other
hand the ms. B contains a different square whose perpetual sum is 34 (see Annex II, p. 502).
Cor . xiii:33.
Cor . lxxxv:20.
Cor . lvii:4.
Cor . ii:114.
Cor . xlviii:10.
Cor . ix:105.
Cor . viii:17.

alms just in the palm of the hand of Clement ”. “ I was sick Y No I you visited ” 1 . “ No am Me who I
know holds responsible of you, otherwise God ” 2 , “ I am Their ear Y Their view ”.

Y Their Name 'the subsistent' ( al-Qayyum ) it is the clear expression of ambit of Their oneness b
embracing each of His Names, each visible aspect of Creation, each hidden aspect of His Decree and each
intermediate world: ﴾ Alif-lam-mim. Allah, there is no god but He, the Living, the Subsisting ﴿ 3 ; ﴾ Nope we
have created the Heavens, the Earth Y it that there are Come in both of them otherwise with the TRUE ﴿ 4 . Y
in the same way that the Name of God, exalted be he!, does not establish the possibility of an equal to Him
due to the Singularity that the creatures perceive in said Name, since in the same way it happens with the
Name 'the Subsistent' , which is one of the few Names that God restricted to tongues so that only He can
be designated with them. And it is said that the Supreme Name of God is found in the words ﴾ Your god is
a Unique God, there is no god but Him, the Merciful, the
Merciful ﴿ 5 , ﴾ Allah, there is no god but He ﴿ 6 . And the Supreme Name of God is he who c
when something appears that seems to equal it, because said appearance ends up being erased by trying to
equal His eternal Subsistence, perhaps No it is fake all it that God discard?: ﴾ Nope we have created the
Heavens, the earth and what is between them but with the Truth ﴿ . And living beings die for the perfect
conclusion ( kamāl ) of their life: ﴾ Everything on earth is perishable. But the face of Your Lord, Lord
of the majesty Y the Generosity, it remains ﴿ 7 , ﴾ You you will die Y they they will die ﴿ 8 , all will perish
except God by His divinity, ﴾ there is no god but Allah ﴿ 9 , ﴾ God testifies that there is no god but He ﴿ 10
, ﴾ those gods a the that you invoke No would able of to create a fly neither though I know will gather
everybody they. Y Yes a fly took something from them, they could not get it back ﴿ 11 . All clemency is
little before the Mercy of the Merciful: ﴾ Do you know someone who deserves to have His Name? ﴿ 12 ,
and every multitude is vain before His Oneness, ﴾ And when in the Qur'an you recall the Oneness of your
Lord, they turn their backs with contempt ﴿ 13 .
Y East Name have the number 166, that it is pair of odd Y defective. Their dividers add up 86, c
number that is equivalent to His Name 'Who gives refuge' ( Maw'il ), since everything finds refuge in His
righteousness ( qīma ). And it is also equivalent to His Name 'Innovative' ( Badī' ), since the real value of each
thing it is
its essential reality, and that is its originality ( badī'a ), just as God, exalted be He, said: ﴾ Creator (Badī')
of the heavens and the earth ﴿ 14 . And this number also alludes to the fact that the highest of the Names in
elevation ( iqāma ) is the lowest in their descent ( tanazzul ), and that is His 'Sovereign' Name ( Malīk ) 15

Muslim, no. 4661; A-mad, no. 8874.
Bujārī, no. 6133, 6224; Muslim, no. 3109; etc.
Cor . iii:1.
Cor . xv:85.
Cor . ii:162.
Cor . ii:255; iii:1.
Cor . lv:24-5.
Cor . xxxix:29.
Cor . iii:61; xxxviii:64.
Cor . iii:18.
Cor . xxii:71.
Cor . xix:65.
Cor . xvii:46.
Cor . ii:116; saw:102.

Since 166 is the sum of the highest name ( Allāh = 66) and the name Malīk (100), which is proper to the lower
world of Sovereignty ( mulk ).

All this if we take the oral numerical value of its letters. And if we take its written value, it is
equivalent to 156, which is an even number of odd and abundant when adding its divisors 236, and this
number constitutes everything sustained and erected by God, since it is equivalent to ﴾ Kun fa-yakun ﴿ 1 .

The names of its letters add up to 308, which is equivalent to His Name 'Sustainer' ( Rāziq ), d
because the subsistence ( qiyām ) of each thing resides in the main pillar of its existence, which is
sustenance ( a l- r i z q ). The Next it is its square harmonic, Y a lQ a yyū m _ it is the essence inside of
Sublime ( bā Ð in _ to l - 'AÞīm ) 2 . And we have assembled their numerical and literal harmony into a single p. 291

square like this:

155 160 153

154 qyūm 158

159 152 157

fig. 158

fig. 159

And you should know that 'the Living' ( al-©ayy ) and 'the Subsisting' ( al-Qayyūm ) are two names to
sublime, both are part of the ²ikr of those who reach the divine Presence and it is also one of the recitations
of the angel Isrāfīl, peace be upon him!, and of all the angels in charge of the Horn. Whoever writes both
Names on Friday with the sunrise and facing the Qiblah, if he always carries them with him God revitalizes
his value and his memory ( ²ikr ) even if he is a little-known person, and makes his means of subsistence
prosper even if they are scarce . Try it for yourself.
And whoever composes his magic square, whose perpetual sum is 174, and carries it with him,
witnesses the wonders, and this is the most beautiful of paths. It's this way:

m or Y what ¬y
52 39 19 14 fifty
two 41 Allah 17 48
47 43 fiftee tw 49
33 Fou 64 23 9

fig. 160

Expression mentioned several times in the Koran (ii: 117; iii: 47,59, etc.) and which constitutes the Decree of
God, “ when he wants something, it is enough to say: Be!, and it is ”. The letters of these two words add up to
If we add all the numbers that surround the word Qayyūm in the following square we will obtain the number

1248; by other side, the expression ' bā Ð in _ ' A Þ ī m ' equals a 62 + 1020 = 1082. By latest, 1248 – 1082 = 166
= Qayyūm .

Said al-Kattānī 1 , God have mercy on him!: “I saw the Prophet in a dream, and I said to him: 0
Messenger of God, pray to God that he does not kill my heart. And the Messenger of God said, God bless
him and save!: Say every day forty times "O Living, oh Subsisting, there is no god but You".

And you should know that the one who harmonizes the letters of His Name 'Guardian' ( ©afīÞ )
in a square when the sun is at its zenith, inserts it inside the figure just mentioned and takes it with him,
God,! exalted be!, revitalizes his heart, broadens his livelihood and the protection of his people, his soul
and his possessions. Whoever writes it on any object, it is protected by order of God, praised and exalted!
And whoever comes to know its secret is free from needing anything other than that, since its secret comes
from ineffable perfection and in it resides the Supreme Name of God, the one with which if you pray you
are attended and with which if you ask if you grant.
This is the magic square:

fig. 161

p. 292

Whoever surrenders to the ²ikr of this Name of great power, there will be nothing that he cannot
find if that is his purpose. And with that recitation the travelers of the Path ( al-sālikūna ) find in their souls
the knowledge of the spiritual rapture ( wajd ).

And whoever performs his continuous ²ikr until seized by a spiritual condition derived from it,
finds within himself what neither science nor visible signs can make him known, and reaffirms his steps in
the domain of delicious knowledge ( al-¬ikam al-²awqiyya ). And his ²ikr is very beneficial to someone
called 'Abd al-Wāyid.

It has the number 14, even odd and elongated, but in it there is a noble distinction since it results
from multiplying the first even number by the first complete number ( kāmil ) 1 . And in it is contained the

Abu Bakr Muammad b. 'Alī al-Kattānī, a Sufi saint originally from Baghdād and a resident of Mecca, where
he died in AD 934. C..

twice, and that number [14] is the number of the luminous letters, as well as the number of nights when the
moon is waxing, because those are nights of abundance ( wujd ), and the nights of the waning moon are
nights of loss or absence ( faqd ) 2 . And it is a defective number, since its divisors add up to 10. And this
alludes to the letter yā' , which is the name of the Descent ( tanazzul ) that His words entail, exalted be He!:
“ In Me is his ear and in Me is his view ” 3 . That is why the numerical value of the names of its letters [
212 ] is equiv a l e a you _ _ words _ _ _ _ _ [The it is Who in _ _ d i v i d e ( huw a _ Fā ½ il )] , well it
is in he or s res name d e s u s letters behind _ _ hey _ a d i v isi o n _ ( f to ½ l ) 4 .
As for its square, it is as you can see: dāl ŷīm alif wāw
110 14 34 54
15 113 51 33
52 32 16 112 fig. 162


If a king undertakes the ²ikr of this Name, his kingdom is enlarged, his words are obeyed, and the
hearts of his subjects sympathize with him unanimously. And his ²ikr is indicated for whoever is called
'Abd al-Majid.

It has the number 48, which is a noble number because it results from multiplying the first perfect
number ( tām ) by the first of its digits, and after multiplying the result by the first of its digits 5 . And it is
a number that symbolizes the perfection that completion implies, since it is the quantity that is heard in “
©ā'-Mīm ”, a motto that the Prophet, God bless him and save!, adopted as a war cry ( ši' ār ) 6 , Y ordered
that the day of the battle of u-ud searching the glory of its community ( umma ) 7 , glory that supposes the
integrity of the power ( mulk ), its expansion and its continuity.
Y is an abundant number, between whose divisors there is only an odd number that is the 3rd c
And its divisors add up to 86, which is equivalent to His Name 'Who gives refuge' ( Maw'il ), since he
whose power expands becomes a refuge for those who seek him and a protector for those who resort to
him. And it is also equivalent to His Name 'Innovative' ( Badī' ).

2 x 7 = 14.
From the root fqd : “not to have, not to find, to lose”.
Cf. Bujārī, nº 6021. It refers to the fact that the numerical value of the name of the yā' (12 counting the hamza )
is equivalent to the expression 'in Me / by Me' ( bī ).
We have interpreted that the words that are effectively equivalent to 212 are “ huwa Fā½il ” when referring to
the word f to ½ l . Y we believe that with "the division" in the Names of the letters I know refers a that Yes we divided
the Name in half, we are left with two pairs of letters that add up to 7 each ( wā / ŷd ).
That is, it is obtained by multiplying the first perfect number (6) by the first of the digits of 48: 6 x 4 = 24; and
then multiply the result by the first of its numbers, 24 x 2 = 48.
In allusion to the ¬adi£ picked up by abu Dawud, no. 2230, al-Tirmi²ī, no. 1605; etc.: “ Yes the enemy you attack
by the night, that your scream of war be “ ©ā' mim!", well No will be aided ”. ©ā' mim equals a 48.
The Battle of U¬ud (AD 625), where the Muslims were defeated by the Meccans, was the last serious military
setback suffered by the fledgling Islamic community. In the Qur'an, this defeat is usually interpreted as the moment
when the true believers ( umma ) distinguished themselves from the infidels.

And it has a noble magic square composed of the values of its letter names, and it is as follows:

Dāl Mūŷid Kāfī Malik

110 91 34 54

92 113 51 33
fig. 163
52 32 93 112


Whoever undertakes the ²ikr of this sublime Name has an aversion to abundance or multiplicity.
In it resides an extraordinary secret for those who desire the sterility of a man or woman; and it is one of
the recitations [indicated] for notables and rulers.

Said a certain saint to whom God facilitated the achievement of his objectives, God have him in
His glory!: “It is one of the Names closest to the Name of the Sanctified Essence, and for this reason it
appears at the end of the surah of the Cult. And if the Name 'Who gathers' ( al-Jāmi' ) is added to it, then
it is one of the most sublime and glorious recitations.” And his ²ikr is indicated for whoever is called

As regards the ²ikr of both Names 'the One, the Only' ( al-A¬ad al-Wā¬id ), for it is a recitation
of sublime essence for travelers on the Path who depend on the mysteries of Oneness .

Abū 'Abd Allāh al-Kūfī, God rest his soul, said: “The [ ²ikr of] the Name al-A¬ad is indicated for a

the people of self-absorption ( al-fanā' ) who immerse themselves in the essence of the Reunion ( al-jam'
) Y I know consume in the seas of Detachment ( al-tajrīd ). Y in how much a al-Wā¬id , well it is a A very
convenient name for those who seek to be overwhelmed at the Reunion level, since everything they will
witness will be Unique. And to whom God constantly recites it, exalted be He, reveals the secrets of
Oneness. And who harmonically arranges both Names on a sheet on a Sunday ( a¬ad ) in the moment of
the exit of sun, being oriented towards the qiblah, in condition of purity ritual and while he recites both
Names, and after that he hides it under his turban, God, exalted be He, provides him with magnificence,
respect, dignity and greatness”. And this is the one mentioned square:

d ¬ a w d ¬ a
a w d ¬ w d ¬
d ¬ a d ¬ a w
a d ¬ a w d ¬
¬ a w d ¬ a d
w d ¬ a d ¬ a
¬ a d ¬ a w d fig. 164

This Name [ A¬ad ] has the number 13, which is a prime number, because in the concept of b

Oneness there is no room for division.

The names of its letters add up to 102 according to one criterion, and 156 following another. The
first number is equivalent to His 'Evident' Name ( Mubīn ) 1 , since the Unity ( a¬adiyya ) has an evident
meaning linked to the Name Allāh, and for this reason it is found at the end of the surah of the Worship.
And it is also equivalent to His 'Superior' Name ( A'là ), since in this Name resides the height above the
intellective capacities of creatures, since it is a clear expression of the All-encompassing name ( al-Ŷāmi'
And the second number is equivalent to His Name 'Companion' ( Mu'nis ), for in the Unity of
Creation every solitary being finds company: ﴾ He is with you wherever you are ﴿ 2 , ﴾ There is not
confidence of three in the that The No be the fourth ﴿ 3 . By it who find Their company I know isolates of
everything the rest.
½ād A¬ad ilāh huwa
And the following is its composite square with the values of its letter
names: 10 38 12 96

15 97 9 35

36 8 98 14
fig. 165

Said Abū 'Abd Allāh Zayn al-Dīn , God have him in His glory!, in his book ' The treasure of

secrets and jewels of the devotees ' 5 : Whoever arranges in a square these Names of sublime essence and
enormous power, -which are: Allāh , One ( A¬ad ), Unique ( Wā¬id ), Finding ( Wāŷid ), Generous (
Ŷawād ), Bountiful ( Wahhāb ), Living ( ©ayy ), Creator ( Mūjid ), Eternal ( Dā'im ), Close ( Walī ),
Solicitous ( Muyīb ), First ( Awwal ), Lover ( Wadūd ) and Guide ( Hādī )-, and insert that square inside
the square of the sura of the Worship, presence by work of God that which cannot be expressed in words.
And you must know that each of these Names confers to its bearer all the strength of the heart that resides
in its virtue through the light of mystical knowledge and the subtleties of Oneness. And if the possessor of p. 294

a sincere spiritual state surrenders to its recitation, God expands his means of spiritual and physical
sustenance, and everything he asks for will be granted since he is one of the most sublime and perfect
figures by the
benefits and blessings it brings.

It will be composed for kings and sultans and to help their allies at the time of the apogee of the
sun; for generals ( al-umarā' ) and soldiers during the exaltation of Mars; for judges and ulema during the
exaltation of Jupiter; for notaries and ministers in that of Mercury; Y for the teachers ( al-mašāyij ) Y the
beggars in the of Saturn. dispose of it with caution, well it is one of the best kept secrets and one of the most
precious jewels, whose axis symbolizes the revered stone ( al-¬ajar al-mukarram ), that it is a of the letters
of Name Supreme of God.

We do not know how he obtains the number 102, or if it is an error, although the equivalence with the name
Mubīn is correct.
Cor . lviii:4.

Cor . lviii:7.
It would be the Zayn al-Dīn al-Jāfī cited above on several occasions.
Kanz al-asrār wa-dajā'ir al-abrār , a work about which we have not found any information.

Y who it write [Their Name Aad ] one hundred times with the intention of do perish a a wicked a

person, God, exalted be He, causes him to die on the spot. And its meaning cannot be explained clearly, but
rather through a symbolism that will be understood by those who usually understand the mysteries of God.
Blessed be God, the Best of creators! Praised be God, Lord of the worlds!
And this is the figure of the square to which allusion was made. Try to understand and you will
prosper, God willing, exalted be!

fig. 166


Whoever undertakes the ²ikr of this sublime Name makes his dependence on created beings
insignificant. And his ²ikr is very convenient for those who practice asceticism and abstinence, to counteract
those needs that are proper to man such as eating, sleeping, etc. And if it is constantly recited by one who
is in a sincere spiritual condition, it causes the needs of creatures to fall upon the.

And you should know that al-¼amad is a very convenient ²ikr for those who base their spiritual
practices on fasting, because whoever does that will not feel hungry at all, as long as they do not introduce
any other ²ikr of this Name.

It has the number 134, an odd, elongated and defective even number, since its divisors add up 70,
he number that is equivalent to His Name 'Who calculates everything' ( ©asīb ), and that a Name that symbolizes
total sufficiency, a concept that is implicit in that of Independence 1 .
His letter names add up to 220, which is equal to His 'Sovereign' Name ( Malīk ) and His 'Firm'
Name ( Makīn ) [together].
q d ¼ā ¼amad
And this is his magic square:
90 135 99 5

136 93 2 98

3 97 137 92 fig. 167


Whoever undertakes the ²ikr of this exalted Name, obtains the ability to make what he wants to
make manifest appear. His ²ikr is indicated for one who is called 'Abd al-Qādir. And in it lies a wonderful
secret for spiritual strength and bodily health.

It has the number 305, which is an elongated number whose factor ( Åil' ) is a cyclic number (
dā'ir ), which is five, uniting internalization and externalization in this proportion 2 . And it is one of the
deficient numbers, since its divisors add up to 67, and this is equivalent to His Name 'Who encompasses
everything' ( M u ¬ ī Ð ), why _ _ the c o n ce p t _ d the sun _ _ _ _ you or you _ ( i ¬ ā Ð a ) what _ _ e n t
ra n a the meaning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d e he to Omnipotence _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( al - qudra ) . Y have a square of
r d ā q
magnificent can that it is the Next:
57 48 88 112
46 115 54 90
2 138 162 3
fig. 168


Whoever surrenders to the ²ikr of this glorious Name, God facilitates all his actions. And his ²ikr
is indicated for the masters of trades and for the employees in artisan works. Also for anyone who wishes
to entrust the work to their subordinates.

For it does not need anything or anyone to subsist, while everything created depends on Him.
Uncertain sense.

It has a noble 5 x 5 square that is composed using the secret of harmonic lace ( altadajjul ), and
it is of enormous power for those who appreciate it at its fair value.

And as for the Names 'the Mighty' ( al-Šadīd ) 'Lord of Strength' ( ®ū-l-quwwa ), 'the Conqueror'
( al-Qāhir ) and 'the Almighty' ( al-Muqtadir ), for they are the Names of dominion, victory and
subjugation, and everyone who invokes with them the evil of an evil person, in the seventh hour of a new p. 296
moon night, in a dark room, with his head uncovered and resting on the ground with nothing intervening
between the head and the ground, and says every hundred times: "Oh Energetic, punish So-and-so for the
evils he has caused me", without specifying anything -because God already knows his works-, [ He will be
punished]. And whoever engraves them in a ring and carries it with him, will see himself covered with a
solemnity that everyone will perceive and even he himself will be able to perceive, so that every powerful
and impious person will feel fear when they see him, as if he felt the divine Majesty overwhelming his
back. while observing who is accompanied by her. Check it out, and this is your magic square:

Muqtadir Qāhir al-quwwa ®ū Šadīd

al-quwwa ®ū Šadīd Muqtadir Qāhir
Šadīd Muqtadir Qāhir al-quwwa ®ū
Qāhir al-quwwa ®ū Šadīd Muqtadir
®ū Šadīd Muqtadir Qāhir al-quwwa fig. 169

And they are indispensable conditions to invoke the punishment of the wicked person that a greater a
punishment is not requested for the evil that he committed and that the person who was wronged by him
invoke it, although it is possible that another person invokes it for the good of the person who has committed
it. been wronged.

Al-Muqtadir has the number 744, which is an even number of even and odd. And it is abundant
since its divisors add up to 1167, a number that is equivalent to two of His glorious Names: 'Victorious' (
Gallāb ) and 'Perpetual' ( Bāqī ). And 744 is a number that triples His Name 'Organizer' ( Mudabbir ),
quadruples 'God is with me' ( Allāh ma'ī ), six times 'Exaltator' ( Mu'izz ), and is twelve times the value of
'Necessary in existence' ( Wājib al-wujūd ) including the item in the computation, or twenty-four times
without including it, as well as His Names 'Who Deters' ( al -Ma¬īd ) and 'Hidden' ( Bā Ð i n ) 1 .

And its square is the following:

r d t q m
98 38 203 2 403
5 401 101 36 201
39 199 3 404 99
402 102 37 202 1

fig. 170

These last two names are equivalent to 62, that is, to 744 divided by 12. See the corrections we have made in

the edition of the Arabic text (p. 296, notes 5 and 6).


Whoever surrenders to the ²ikr of this Name obtains the ability to control the forces of the world
of Omnipotence ( al-qudra ). And whoever arranges it in a square, recites it the number of times its
numerical value and asks for a person to come before him, is attended to on the spot, as it is one of the well-
kept secrets, so he is cautious with it.

It has the number 188 according to its pronounced letters, even number of odd and defective when
adding their dividers 148, it that equals a Their Name 'Who enumerate all' ( M u ¬ ½ ī ). Y valuing its written
letters add up to 184, which is even from even and odd, and defective when adding its divisors 176, which
is equivalent to His Name, praised and exalted be He, 'Who fills' ( Muwassi' ).
And its magic square is the following:

m dd q m

99 41 39 9

42 102 6 38

7 37 43 101
fig. 171

p. 297

Whoever performs the continuous ²ikr of this sublime Name obtains a coercive capacity to dispose
of the forces of the world. And to whoever does as was done with the previous Name, he confers what his
virtue contains. But it is necessary that it is only recited together with 'the Near One' ( al-Muqaddim )
without adding more Names.

And you should know that whoever wants someone to reach their spiritual degree, well, if they
trace a figure of beautiful appearance on a tablet, they will then place the tablet in front of them and observe
it with total concentration and inner purity while reciting "Oh Nearby", until seized by a spiritual condition
derived from it. And when he has seen the figure reciting along with him -so don't run away from it and
continue in that spiritual state for an hour- well, truly your wish will come true, God willing!, especially in
the case of the lords of mystical states. Try to understand that, because it is not possible to clarify more than
what has been said here, God is wiser!

This is a continuation of the section concerning the secret of His 'Near' Name. Ponder what is
hidden from you to the same extent as what is visible, and the field of understanding will expand in you.
Have faith in it, and if a gate of the celestial Kingdom does not open before you through which you can
observe the mysteries, then praise be to the One who pleases the Gnostics with the unveiling of the secrets!
eternal Y withdraw a the that doubt of focus that extends the lights of the Divinity!

This Name ['the Far One'] has the number 1446 in its oral value, and 846 in writing. In how much a b
its oral numerical value, since it is an even number of odd and abundant when adding its divisors 1458,
which alludes to two glorious Names, which are 'Whoever sends the Spirit' ( Mulqī al-rū¬ ) and 'Victor' (
Gālib ) , and exceeds its numerical base with the Name ( Wājib ) 1 .
As for its written numerical value, it is an even number of odd and abundant, since its divisors add
up to 1026, and it increases its base with the value equivalent to His Name 'Whoever sends' ( Mulqī ), 'Who
exempts' ( Muqīl ), 'Whoever destroys' ( Mufnī ) and 'the Hearer' ( al-Samī' ) 2 .

It has a magic square of magnificent power and known to the lords of intuitions. Be cautious with
it, as it is one of the best kept secrets.

r j w m

5 41 199 601

42 8 598 198

599 197 43 7 fig. 172


Whoever continually performs the ²ikr of this sublime Name manages to be one of the advantaged
( sābiq ) in divine favors 3 , God willing! And you should know that whoever recites it continuously until
he finds himself in harmony with one of his spiritual beings ( 'awālim ), remains calm throughout his life.
It has the number 43 in its pronunciation and 37 in its writing. As for its oral numerical value, it is
a prime number, because in the meaning of 'the First' there is no division. And as for 37, well, it was already
mentioned when dealing with His Name 'Deity' ( Ilāh ) 4 .

The names of its letters, following the first criterion, are equivalent to His Name '
( Qadīm ), because of the sense of pre-existence ( qidam ) that Firstness ( awwaliyya ) entails. And
following the second criterion it is equivalent to His Name 'Scholar' ( 'Ālim ), or to 'Dicente'
8 11 16 1
( Qā'il ) 5 , from which it will be evident which of the two criteria is more
16 2 7 12
approximate 6 . It has a noble magic square, known to the masters of control
spiritual ( a lt a ½ r ī f ), Y is it is the form in that I know has: 3 19 9 6

10 5 4 18
fig. 173
Wājib adds 12, which is the difference between the numbers 1446 and 1458.
The four Names are equivalent to 180, the difference between 846 and 1026.
On this spiritual degree, v. N URBAKHSH , Sufi Symbolism , iii, p. 247; I saw, p. 126.
See above, p. 302.
Counting the hamza as a yā' .
Both criteria differ in counting the name of the wāw once or twice, but both have the peculiarity of inverting the
value of the name of the lām (17 instead of 71), so that the equivalences are obtained as follows : alif (111) + wāw (13)
+ wāw (13) + lām (17) = 154 = Qadīm ; alif + wāw + lām (17) = 141
= 'Ālim / Qā'il .

- FOURTH ABOUT HIS NAME : ' LAST ' ( Ājir ) p. 298

Whoever assiduously performs the ²ikr of this sublime Name survives his enemies, God,
exalted be he, he causes him to inherit the land after them, and he causes all who are hostile to him to
And you should know that to those who constantly invoke it, God grants indescribable strength
and help against enemies, and obtains the affection and acceptance of the people.

Whoever writes it on a copper plate in the first hour of Saturday with the waning moon, -or else
acting with full faith and total concentration-, while reciting the Name until perceiving its influence to the
extent of his spiritual state, and then throws the plate to the fire, destroy that evil person who is the object
of it, -or else by reciting His Name for several days, according to what certain ulama 1 affirmed , God be pleased
with them!-.

This Name has the number 802, which is an even number of odd and defective when adding its
divisors 404, which is equivalent to two glorious Names, which are 'Lord' ( Rabb ) and 'Benefactor' (
Mun'im ). And it has a magic square of enormous power, which will be recognized by anyone with
knowledge of the peculiar virtues of Names and the secrets of numbers, and it is in this way:

199 202 209 192

208 193 198 203

194 211 200 197

201 196 195 210

fig. 174


He who constantly performs the ²ikr of this Name, the Truth, exalted be He, makes the hidden part
of things visible, and in this way he will find the hidden treasures. And it has a magic square of sublime
power known by the masters of mystical illuminations for its great harmony. One of them said that whoever
carves it on a sword and fights with it, will be the victor and the victor ( al-Þāhir ) over his enemy,
especially if he has a truthful spiritual condition.

It has the number 1106, which is even odd and defective, since its divisors add up to 814, which
is equivalent to two glorious Names: 'Who gathers everything' ( Ŷāmi' ) 'Incondite' ( Jafī ). The names of
its letters add up to 1222, an allusion to two glorious Names: 'Enricher' ( Mugnī ) 'Revered' ( Ma'būd ).

According to B's manuscript, according to Zayn al-Dīn al-Kāfī himself.

Also 'the Victor'.

Y have a Excellent square magical that know the teachers of the Information ( i ÐÐ il ā ' ), Y is the
226 218 231 222 209
220 212 224 216 234
214 232 223 210 227
213 225 217 230 221
233 219 211 228 215
fig. 175

Y in how much _ _ _ _ a His _ _ Names _ _ _ ' l a light _ _ ( a l - N ū r ) , ' Who in _ e x ti e n c

e the sustenance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a l - B ā si Ð ) Y ' e l Visible' (al- Ýāhir) , as it is the ²ikr of the masters of
visionary revelations. And whoever wants to see something in their dreams, well, they should recite these
Names in a state of purity and in their bed, focusing all their spiritual aspiration on what they want to see
until they fall asleep with the recitation, because they will really see in their dreams the revelation of that,
God, praised Y exalted be, it is plus wise!.

p. 299
SECTION SEPTUAGE SIXTEENTH ABOUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S U NAME : _ _ _ _ '
HIDDEN ' _ _ _ ( B ā Ð i n )

Whoever assiduously performs the ²ikr of this sublime Name is safe from everything that inspires
fear, his soul is calmed, his heart widens and his interior is illuminated. It has been said that whoever
invokes him constantly until the angels of his plane accompany him and perform the ²ikr with him, then he
will not enter any land without his people surrendering to him in devotion and obedience, all the spiritual
beings ( 'awālim ), he is loved by all who see him and the intentions of all who see him are good I called.

In it there are secrets indicated for the people of Oneness and that only they know. And whoever
gathers in a square the numerical and literal secrets of the letters and their names, examines the hidden
meanings of the secrets and their realities. It is one of the noblest recitations for those who perform ascetic
practices: use your recitation according to the rules of such practices, God speaks the Truth and He shows
the way! And his ²ikr is beneficial to whoever is called Muammad.
Said Shaykh Zayn al-Dīn al-Kāfī, God rest his soul!: Whoever writes it on a glass container the
number of times its numerical value with the waxing moon, and then recites it continuously until seized by
a state of derived from it, he erases it with rainwater and drinks from it the same number of days as its
numerical value for the purpose of obtaining visionary revelations and illuminating mystical knowledge,
he obtains them, and does not care about any matter in the world without God, exalted be he!, clarifying it
in his dreams, or resolving it, according to his spiritual condition. Well Yes it is holder of condition spiritual
sincere Y a attention ( tawajjuh ) full, I know withdraw of its
inside the veil of the shell ( ¬iŷāb al-qišr ) 1 that covers its hidden aspect, so that it does not need

The shell is the external knowledge of a concept that covers its hidden meaning and protects its core or lubb
(v. N URBAKHSH , Sufi Symbolism , ii, p. 308).

more clarification since that supposes an unequivocal and undoubted carelessness and an accurate
description and consistent with its reality. Try to understand that symbol, hide the treasure it contains,
reaffirm your conviction and you will prosper, because God has designs, secrets, subtleties and effects in
each of the Names that cannot be conceived through reason, but through what lies beyond. , perceiving it
who distances himself from the study of the intelligibles and directs his attention to the wonderful secrets
and extraordinary influences that lie behind them: ﴾ Above all possessor of knowledge there is a knower
﴿ .

And you should know, God raises you from the steps of the dense entities to the levels of the b
subtle entities!, that every esoteric aspect is its exoteric aspect in relation to the esoteric aspect that resides
in it 2 , so that the Decree is the hidden part of the Creation, and the One who holds the Decree and the
Creation is the hidden part of both 3 . So the concealment of the Decree is symbolic but not real, and the
Hidden is He whose flash of His light makes visible all that is hidden. And just as only He is responsible
for manifestation, only He is responsible for concealment, so that He holds the concealment whose extreme
is unlimited.

East Name have the number 62, number pair of odd Y defective whose dividers add up 34.c _
It alludes a is noble addition that are the words "The it is who fury" ( Huwa Æabib ). Y the Names of its
letters allude to the hidden essence of man, which is his heart 4 , since they add up to 132 5 . So they designate
a heart that is behind the heart of the Koran, whose equivalent expression is Yā'-Sīn 6 ; or they are equivalent
to the heart of the world, whose equivalent expression is Mu¬ammad 7 . It alludes to the former for some
scholars and to both for others. And his Name 'the Hidden' is the source of Oneness and Balance, the heart
is the seat of the manifestation of both, and Mu¬ammad is the most hidden part of the visible part of
Creation and the most visible part of Creation. hidden part of Decree.
And following another criterion, they are equivalent to His Name 'Who seeks [good]' ( al-Munīl ) and
"the Shining One" ( al-Sanī ) 8 .

Its harmonic square is of magnificent value and this is the way in which it is arranged:

15 18 21 8
20 9 14 19
10 23 16 13
17 12 11 22 fig. 176

Cor . xii:76.
That is, there is an esoteric aspect of the esoteric.
Alluding to Cor . vii:53.
Qalb = 132.
Actually they add up to 232, and we ignore the criteria by which you get 132.
Which equals 132.
Which is equal to 132, counting the reduplicated mīm .
Both Names are equal to 130, and the names of their letters should add up to 230 according to this second criterion
( n o account for _ _ _ _ _ _ the h a m z a d e he s _ letters _ _ _ _ bā ' _ Y Ð ā ' ), why _ it what , _ how _ _ _ e n and
he case _ _ previous , _ _ _ _ _ r is ta 10 0 and igno r am o s _ The criteria adopted to obtain said result.


This sublime Name is beneficial for rulers, bosses, successors, teachers, spiritual guides and for
everyone who has power over certain people in any way. Whoever performs his continuous ²ikr constantly
is loved by all creatures; and whoever displays it harmonically in its magic square with the crescent moon
and recites it the number of times of its numerical value in order to obtain authority, obtains it.

It has the number 47, which is a prime number: as for seven, it is due to freedom of action ( t a j a
llu ½ ) -counting the š a dd a - 1 that resides in the government ( wilā y a ) ; _ Y the Fourty corresponds a the a
entire domain ( mulk ) residing therein.
And the names of its letters add up to 207, and it is a number that lies between 'Who restores
[health and strength]' ( al-Jābir ) and 'the Almighty' ( al-Jabbār ) 3 ; and alludes to two glorious Names ,
which are ' S u l Ð ā n ' 'G l o r i o s o ' ( M a ŷ ī d ). Y if i continue _ _ _ or other _ crit e r 4 _ _ _ e qu i v
a l e a your _ Name _ _ _ ' Who in _ _ re st a u ra' ( Ŷābir ). and its square is Next:

11 14 18 4
17 5 10 15
6 20 12 9
13 8 7 19 fig. 177



who continuously performs the ²ikr of this great Name will be above the one who rival with the in
any affair, Y it is Useful for who I know in front a a lawsuit either judgment.
Whoever composes his magic square on a sheet of lead while Saturn is at its peak -or in his mansion
and in favorable conditions-, and recites the Name the number of times its numerical value, thereby
subduing all adversaries, since he is one of the Names of greater can.
It is said that when someone recites it constantly, his adversities are smoothed out and any
difficulty becomes insignificant for him.

And it has a magic square of extraordinary power that is known to the lords of intuitions. Whoever
writes it on a yellow silk cloth with saffron while the moon is at its zenith, recites the Name three hundred
times and carries it with them, will see by the grace of God that luminous dignity and that sovereign
magnificence that letters are incapable of expressing. contain.

The word t a j a llu ½ , counting the l ā m reduplicated (“counting the š a dd a ”), equals a 1150, Y to the Add
those digits equals 7.
We believe that by the letter mīm of al-mulk .
206 and 208 respectively.
Not counting the hamza of the name of the yā' .

This Name has the number 551, which is an odd and defective number, when adding its divisors c

49 , Y e l o e qu i v a l e _ a do s you lift _ _ _ _ _ letters behind _ _ what _ yes or no Ð ā ' Y m m . _ both _

_ letters behind _ _ to you in _ a he to freedom _ _ _ _ either lack ( t a j a l u ½ ) 1 _ _ _ d e re st r i cc i on
es what _ _ i mp li g an he or s d i feren t is _ degrees _ _ _ d e dignity , _ _ _ _ _ _ he or which one _
it is the limit _ _ _ d e the loftiness ( al- ta'ālī ) . Y is a square number, since it results from multiplying the
first complete number ( kāmil ) by itself same.
And the names of its letters add up to 814, an allusion to two glorious Names, which are 'Revered'
( Mukarram ) and 'Who leads on the right path' ( Rašīd ).
Its magic square is as follows 2 : l ā ‘ t m
5 69 399 39 29
68 403 38 28 4
402 37 32 3 67

fig. 178 36 31 2 71 401

p. 301

Whoever assiduously performs the ²ikr of this sublime Name is kindly treated in all circumstances
and gifts and benefits are multiplied in him. Whoever arranges it in a square written on a silver plate with
the Names that derive from it, will not ask God for anything, exalted be he! grant.
Safety for the traveler resides in him, whether by land or sea, because if he is constantly invoked,
God facilitates his objectives, paves the way for him and he is protected among his crew. And when the
wind is unfavorable and annoying for the crew of a ship, if they continually recite it, the favorable wind
reaches them. And you must know, God guide us!, that whoever drinks wine and fornicates with women
frequently, if he recites it seven hundred times every day, he will end up hating everything. that.

It has the number 402 pronounced and 202 written. The first number is even to odd and is a
equivalent to 'the what _ _ fa vo re c e' ( a l - N ā f i ' ) Y 'the Defen s o r ' ( a l -' Ā ½ i m ) 3 ; Y a 'the S
a l v a do r ' ( a l - M u n ŷ ī ) in c l u d e n d _ the article, and 'Whoever profits' ( al-Mufīd ) without the
article, both three times 4 . It is one of the abundant numbers since its divisors add up to 414, which is
equivalent to His Name 'Who makes ships sail' ( Muŷrī al-fulk ).

The second number [202] is also even to odd, and is equivalent to 'the Companion' ( al-¼ā¬ib )
twice. It is a defective number whose divisors add up to 104, which is equivalent to His Name 'Who brings
near' ( Mudnī ) and His Name 'Who designates' ( Ŷā'il ). And as for its square, it is as follows:

Concept that, as explained in the previous section, has a value of 7, a number that multiplied by itself gives 49.
According to the Berlin manuscript, al-Būnī dealt extensively with the following square in his work entitled
'Ilm al -hudà wa-asrār al-ihtidā' .
Both equal 201.
Both equal 134.

50 52 57 43

56 44 49 53

45 59 50 48

51 47 46 58
fig. 179


Whoever constantly performs the ²ikr of this Name, God makes it easy for him to return to his
starting point [in any matter]. It is convenient for every traveler on the Path not to stop reciting it all day
and all night; and in it resides an extraordinary secret to keep flies away from the body.

It has the number 415, an elongated and defective number whose divisors add up to 89, which is
equivalent to our words 'He is Wise' ( Huwa ©akīm ), due to the wisdom that resides in the act of
repentance, as it is a return to point. And in the same way it is equivalent to our words 'He is Most Pure' (
Huwa Subbū¬ ), since the return to the beginning is the return to the place of pure Transcendence ( tanzīh
) where the lights of divine Glory shine ( al-subu ¬āt ). So the repentant one sails in the sea of Glory
through his repentance, and in it his own purity takes place. ( Ð a h ā r a ): ﴾ It is true _ _ _ _ _ what _ _ god
_ _ _ to me to a he or s what _ I know r e p i e n t _ _ Y a he or s what _ I know p u r i f i c a n ﴿ 1 .

The names of its letters add up to 530, which is equivalent to two glorious Names that are
'Excellent' ( Rafī' ) 'Most Holy' ( Qaddūs ) 2 , and it has a magic square of enormous power known to the
holders of the Wisdom of Radiance:

103 106 110 96

109 97 102 107
98 112 104 101
105 100 99 111
fig. 180

- FIRST ABOUT HIS NAME : ' AVENGER ' ( Muntaqim ) p. 302

One who continually recites this sublime Name and then curses some wicked person is punished
on the spot, as it is one of the subduing Names, and one of the recitations of 'Azrā'īl ,
Peace be with him!
It has the number 630, even odd and abundant when adding its divisors 1252. And this alludes to
the words 'He is Strong, Protector' ( Huwa Qawī Ýahīr ). The names of its letters add up to 868, a number
that is equivalent to two glorious Names: 'Lord of Power' ( ®ū-l-Æawl ) 'Innovative' ( Badī' ).

Cor . ii:222.
Not counting the reduplicated dāl letter of Qaddūs .

And it has a magic square of grandiose essence, known to the possessors of Fear and divine
Majesty, and it is the following:
m q t n m
280 71 57 101 121

117 123 0 301 89

22 318 149 140 1

171 18 24 38 379
fig. 181


Whoever constantly recites this resplendent Name is instilled with a love for good customs from
the point of view of morality and also for indulgence. Whoever commits an offense and fears the
punishment of a lord or another person, should recite this Name the number of times the numerical value
of its letters, for God, exalted be He, will save him from what he fears with the blessing of this Name. And
his ²ikr is also beneficial to the one called Yūsuf.

And you should know that the Names 'Who forgives all' ( al-Gafūr ), 'Who pardons' ( al-Gāfir )
and 'Who grants forgiveness' ( al-'Afū ) constitute a series of Names very close in meaning, and their joint
recitation is beneficial to avoid the painful, specifically the spiritual and earthly sufferings: praised be He
who deposited His secrets in Their Names!

1 said
The author of al-Muntajab , God have mercy on him!: "Whoever performs the ²ikr of this
Name will not have any worry, anguish or fear, nor will he suffer the setbacks of fate."

It has the number 162 in its oral value and 156 in its written value. The first is a number pair b
d e i mp ar Y abundant , _ _ _ _ _ _ to the add up _ _ s u s d i v is o res 201 , number _ _ _ _ what _ to you _ _ a
your _ Name _ _ 'Def e n s o r' ( ' Ā ½ i m ) and ' Who in d i v i d e' ( Fā½il ) , _ _ why _ he to p r o t e c t i o n ( a
l - ' i ½ m a ) what _ i m p i d e what _ have _ _ _ _ l ug ar he does consequences _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d sin,
protection that resides in Forgiveness . So 'the Protector' is the result of the 'ayn of Forgiveness ( al-
'afw ), and 'Who separates' is the result of its letter fā' .

And as for its written value, since it is even from even and odd, and it is an abundant number when
adding its parts 236, a number that is equivalent to His words, exalted be He!: ﴾ I know!, and it is ﴿ 2 .

The names of its letters add up to 225, a number that alludes to two glorious Names: 'Unique' (
Wā¬id ) and 'Omnipotent' ( Ŷabbār ). And it has a square of great value that is known to the lords of the

We do not know the author to whom he refers, although it could be Barhān al-Dīn al-Nasafī, (d. 1300 AD) author
of an anthology or Muntajab of a work attributed to al-Gazālī on the ninety-nine Names , titled al - M a q ½ a d a l- a
sn à fī _ š to r ¬ a l- a s m ā ' a l - ¬ usn à (cf. R. MACH , _ C a t a logue or f A r a bic M a nusc r ipts ( And to hud to
Section ) in the Garrett Collection , p. 208, no . 2431-2 ).
Cor . xxxvi:82; ii:117; iii:47 etc

Yūsufi experiences ( al-a²wāq al-Yūsufiyya ) and the lords of the provisions of Beauty, and is as

37 40 49 30

48 31 36 41

32 51 38 35

39 34 33 50 fig. 182

- THIRD ABOUT HIS NAME : ' GODLY ' ( Ra'ūf ) p. 303

Whoever performs the ²ikr this Name of magnificent power, his heart is softened, his spirit is
refined and he shows compassion with the creatures of God, exalted be he!; and when its bearer [of his
square] meets a violent person, his heart softens.
A certain wise man said that whoever invokes this Name continuously until seized by a spiritual
condition derived from it, people feel sorry for his misfortunes and their hearts are inclined towards him.

It has the number 281 following one criterion and 286 following another; or also 287 and 292, and a
what happens in this last result is that one is not counted when the alif is hidden , counting instead the wāw
, so we will abbreviate by taking two of these four numbers.
The first number is 286, a number in which the letters of the Name are reaffirmed, being manifest
in their numerical degrees in the same way that they are in their written form 2 . And the knowledge that is
extracted from this equivalence is not found in a different criterion than numerically valuing the Name,
since this number is even to odd and defective when adding its divisors 218 , which is e qu i v a l e a do s
g l o r i o s _ _ Names : _ _ _ ' living ' _ _ _ _ _ ( © ayy ) _ ' Who in _ bless _ _ _ _ ( Mu½allī ) , _ _ _ Y
e l o it is why _ the spirit of perfection that resides in life, and by the reverent inclination imposed by divine
mercy ( ra'fa ) that resides in the prayer.
The second number is 292, which is even from even and odd, and is abundant when adding its
divisors 358, which alludes to two glorious Names that are 'Being' ( Mawjūd ) and 'Clemente' ( Ra¬mān

The names of its letters add up to 297, a number that is equivalent to two glorious Names: 'Sincere'
( ¼ādiq ) and 'Clear' ( Mubīn ). And it has a square of extraordinary value, known to the masters of the
esoteric senses, and this is the way it is arranged:
57 54 61 69 45
67 48 55 52 64
50 62 70 46 58
49 56 53 60 68
fig. 183 63 66 47 59 51
Extract the four values like this: 281 = r ' f ; 286 = rwf ; 287 = r ' wf ; 292 = rwwf .
It refers to the fact that the numerical value of the letters rā' , fā' and wāw is clearly reflected in the degree of

units, tens and hundreds of the number 286.


Whoever performs the ²ikr of this resplendent Name constantly asking for power ( mulk ), God,
exalted be He, grants it. And it has a square of magnificent power which arranges the letters in this way:
mā lk alm lk , and which is composed at the height of the sun. And if the king constantly recites this Name,
his kingdom is perpetuated.

It has the number 212, which is even from even and odd, and is defective when adding its divisors
166, which is equivalent to His Name, praised and exalted be He, 'Subsistent' ( Qayyūm ). And [the 212] is
a number that contains the name of the letter nūn twice 1 , and the name of the ŷīm four times 2 , its half
equals 'Loyal' ( Wafī ) and its fourth part is 'Creator' ( mujid ).
And it has a square of magnificent power that is as follows 3 :

mlk al lk mā
49 42 89 32
43 52 29 88
30 87 44 51 fig. 184


' LORD OF M AJESTY AND G ENEROSITY ' ( ®ū-l-Ŷalāl wa-l-Ikrām )

This glorious, sublime and luminous Name is one of the Names of Majesty, and it has even been
said that it is the Supreme Name of God ( Ism Allāh al-'aÞam ) 4 , and therefore whoever invokes it
constantly God, exalted be!, you concedes all how much ask. Y in the ¬adī£ I know transmits: “ Persevere
[in the invocation] with 'oh Mister of the Majesty Y the Generosity!' 5 . _
Who in _ _ he or e s crib e _ _ in u n c or fre ( ½undūq ) _ in he to first _ _ _ _ hour _ _ d the
thursday , _ _ _ _ _ well it is to what the c or fre will be protected from thieves, God willing, exalted be!
And whoever gazes at its written form and its numerical mystery each day the number of times the
value of its letters while reciting the Name, God, exalted be He, facilitates earthly and spiritual affairs,
according to it that he claimed certain šayj , God East satisfied of the!

This Name has the number 1100, which is even from even and odd, it is abundant, it corresponds a

to the Name 'Enricher' ( Mugnī ) 6 . Their divisors add up to 1504, adding to the base 404, which are their
Names 'Lord' ( Rabb ) 'Benefactor' ( Mun'im ). So wealth or sufficiency is the result of

Nūn = 106.
jim = 53.
Note that the division of the letters in the square does not correspond to the description given a few lines before.
Cf. Ibn Maja, no. 3848.
We did not find such a tradition.
Said Name is equivalent to 1100.

Majesty and Transcendence, and divine favor ( al-in'ām ) is the result of Generosity ( ikrām ), as well as
the ability to enrich. Then 'the Enricher' gathers the attributes of Majesty and Generosity, since only He
Who is rich can make others rich.

And he has a magic square of great value known to the masters of delicious experiences, and this
is the way it is to be arranged:

kram wa-li al-Jalal ®ū

94 707 260 39

708 97 36 259

37 258 709 96

fig. 185

SECTION EIGHTEEN TWENTY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S E X T ABOUT _ _ S U NAME : _ _ _ _ 'E QUI T A T IVO ' ( M

uq if Ð ) b

Whoever invokes this noble Name frequently, the secrets of measures ( al-mawāzīn ) are revealed
to him, he is distinguished by impartiality and singularity, influencing what is outside and inside, and avoids
the evil that resides in excess and the excess

It is one of the glorious Names to be arranged in a magic square at the moment of exaltation of
Mercury, and in it resides an extraordinary secret for those who make and work with scales, God, praised
and exalted, is wiser!

Have the number 209, that it is a number odd Y defective, whose dividers add up 31, either that c
stands for His Name 'Good' ( Æayyib ). And as for the names of its letters, they are equivalent to His Name
'Kind' ( Barr ) Following a criterion, Y a Their Name 'revealer' ( Kašif ) Following another 1 .

Ð yes wha m
99 41 8 61

42 102 58 7

59 6 43 101

fig. 186

They are equivalent to 402 and 401 respectively, and both criteria differ in counting the hamza (1) of the name
Ðā ' .


This glorious Name is helpful in uniting scattered things, and it also belongs to the group of
Whoever has escaped a slave or lost an animal, should recite it continually, for God, exalted be
He, will return that to him, God willing! Do you not see how the letter ŷīm is gathered in it? of the Meeting
( al-jam' ), the alif of the Union ( al-ulfa ), the mīm of affected ( al-mawadda ), Y the 'ayn of the inclination
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a l - ' a Ð f )?

your _ is p e i d a to you _ _ a you _ _ words _ _ _ _ _ 'The it is Who in _ _ e x ti e n e the

sustenance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( H u w a a l - B ā if Ð ) 1 , Y his names _ _ of their letters allude a your words 'The
it is the harmonizer Eternal' ( Huwa al-Mu'allif al-Qadim ) 2 . And you should know that the magic squares
composed of letters are in correspondence with the body and the numerical ones with the spirit, so try to
understand. And this is the figure of 'the Grouper' between its numerical tertiary square and its literal
quaternary square: dispose of it with caution, for it is one of the most secret secrets. nobles.

It has the number 114, which is even odd

and abundant, when adding its divisors 126. This is
equivalent to Their Name 'Strong' ( qawī ), Already
that the Union of the scattered elements and their
transformation into a single entity can only be due to
absolute force, and the grouping attribute of the Day
of Judgment contains twice the numerical value of
'the Glorious' ( al-Majid ) . God, praised and
exalted, knows better!

fig. 187


Whoever invokes this sublime Name repeatedly until he reaches harmony with some of his
spiritual entities ( 'awālim ), God makes him have no need of anything other than Him.
It is a Name of great power, and its ²ikr is of no use to those in the forefront. degrees spiritual,
while that 'the enriching' ( al-Mugni ) it is better for they. Of mode that

This is equivalent to 114.
Which equals 382.
Equivalent to 57 without counting the article.
Other translations can be 'Who is free from all need', 'Self-sufficient', 'Who is self-sufficient', etc.

'the Enough' is one of the Names of Attunement ( al-tajalluq ) and 'the Enricher' is one of the Dependency
Names ( al-ta'alluq ), and at the time 'the Enricher' becomes in a Name of the Harmonization, 'the
Sufficient' will be of the Names of the Realization ( al-ta¬aqquq ) 1 .

It has the number 1070 when pronounced and 1060 when written. Its value in terms of c
pronunciation is an even number of odd and defective when adding its divisors 874, which is equivalent to
two glorious Names, that are 'Who extends the support' ( B ā si Ð ) 'Mister of the Majesty' ( ® ū-l- Ŷ a l ā l ).
And as for its written value, it is even from even to odd, and it is abundant when adding its divisors 1208,
adding a its base numerical the equivalent a Their Name 'Who enumerate all' ( M u ¬ ½ ī ).
And it has a square of great value that the seekers of the Ultimate Wealth will recognize, and it is
the Next:
263 273 274 260

268 266 265 271

264 270 269 267
275 261 262 272
fig. 188

- NINTH ABOUT HIS NAME : ' ENRICHFUL ' ( Mugnī ) p. 306

Whoever continually performs the ²ikr of this glorious Name, God makes that he does not need
creatures, and whoever persists in his ²ikr until he enters into harmony with some of his spiritual entities,
will obtain whatever he desires.

It has a square of great value that will be composed during the exaltation of Saturn, and whoever
carries it with him and recites the Name the number of times the numerical value of its letters, then recites
the Surah of The Morning 2 , and at the end says: " My God, grant me the prosperity that You facilitate to
many of Your servants, and make me able to dispense by Your favor with everything that is not You”, for
if he persists in it for forty days, God sends him whoever teaches him [whatever he wants know] in his
dreams or his waking. And [your square] will also be composed during the apogee of the sun.

I myself mentioned that Name to a friend, advising him to constantly perform his a
²ikr . And said person undertook a spiritual retreat of forty nights remembering the Name, and at the end of
that the roof that was above him opened, forty Iraqi quintals of gold descended and he was told: "If you
wish, we will give you more, and if it is enough for you, it is enough for us”.

Our interpretation of these words is that mystics in lower spiritual states cannot yet be in harmony ( tajalluq )
with the attribute of Self-sufficiency, because at those levels they need or depend on God ( ta'alluq ). And when the
mystic manages to harmonize with 'the Enricher', the 'Enough' becomes one of the Names of Realization ( ta¬aqquq
), which implies a contemplative vision of God and one of the highest spiritual degrees.
Cor . xciii.

And Abū ©āmid al-Gazālī said, May God be pleased with him!, in his Revival of Religious
Sciences 1 , that who He says after the prayer of Friday: "God Own, oh Enough, oh Worthy of praise, oh
Initiator, oh Recreator of life, oh Merciful, oh Lover, make me dispense by what you allow of what you
forbid, and by obedience to You of what offends You, and by Your grace of whom you are not ". Whoever
constantly repeats this sacred recitation, God makes him not need His creatures, Y you provides without
limitation. Y a who continue constantly with is recitation I know you
earthly means of subsistence are multiplied and its provisions enlarged. In the same way, whoever writes
it and wears it, their commercial businesses prosper.

You must know, brother, God send you the supreme wealth and the red sulphur!, that through the b
secrets of the Names and their lights God folds the earth, removes the waters and diverts the winds for
whoever he wants from his most select friends ( awliyā' ). Through them it penetrates into beings and with
them God opens the channel through which Wisdom flows in the heart. And God said, exalted be he!: ﴾
God has the most beautiful Names. Pray with them ﴿ 2 ; and said: ﴾ Call me and I will answer you ﴿ 3 .
And he [the Prophet] said, peace be with the!: “ The destiny only reply a the prayer, Y the longevity only the
provides mercy ” 4 . Y said: “ The prayer it is profitable for it that descended Y for it that No descended ”
; Y said: " The prayer it is the weapon of believer ” 6 ; Y said: “ The prayer it is the essence (mujj) of the
worship ('ibāda)” 7 ; and said: “ To whom a door is opened in prayer, the doors of Paradise are open ”
; and said: “ Whoever does not invoke God, is the object of His anger ” 9 ; and he said: “ God really
loves those who insist persevering in the invocation ” 10 ; and in another ¬adī£ he says: “ God does not
get tired [of granting] until you No you you get tired [of beg him] ” 11 .

East Name have the number 1100, Y it equals a Their Name 'Mister of the Majesty Y the c
Generosity', because His feature, praise be, is Beautiful, and through His wealth He shows Himself
generous. You won't need to delve deeper into it.

The names of its letters add up to 1267, and this is equivalent to

ī n g m
two glorious Names: 'Harmful' (¾ārr ) 'Cunning' ( Makūr ). And it has a
999 41 9 51
square of great value that is known to the holders of the Mosaic secrets (
42 1002 48 8
Mūsawiyya ) . And it is the following:
49 7 43 1001
fig. 189

I¬yā' 'ulūm al-dīn , the monumental work of the famous theologian and mystic al-Gazālī (d. 1111), composed

of forty books, and of which there are numerous editions.

Cor . vii:180.
Cor . xl:60.
Al-Tirmi²ī, no. 2060.
Al-Tirmi²ī, no. 3471; and A¬mad, nº 21033, where the Prophet says that there is no warning that is valid before
what is decreed by God, but that the believer must use prayer to plead for his unfavorable situation.
It is not found in the cited collections.
Al-Tirmi²ī, no. 3293.
In the ms. base we read “ al-Janna ”, while in the ms. B is read “ al-ijāba ”; and it is a variant of
¬adī£ already cited above (Al-Tirmi²ī, no. 3471), which reads “ al-ra¬ma ”.
Ibn Maja, no. 3817; A¬mad, nº 9342, 9789. 10
It is not found in the cited collections. 11 Bujārī,
no. 1083, 1834; Muslim, no. 1302; etc.


Whoever recites this sublime Name continuously, God protects him from everything that inspires
fear. And if someone performs his ²ikr when he wishes to harm one of his slaves, God, exalted be He,
prevents him from doing so and makes him forget him. His ²ikr is very beneficial for the sick and the
convalescent, and also for everyone who is tempted by passions earthly.

It is a Name of enormous value, and its square will be composed while Mercury is in its exaltation.
It has the number 161, which is an odd and elongated number, resulting from multiplying the first complete
number ( kāmil ) by a prime number 2 . Y is defective since its divisors add up to 31, which is equivalent to
His Name 'Okay' ( Æayyib ).
These are the Names in which a determination is interpreted, and they are Names that it is
convenient to gather and use certain 3 .

And this Name has a square of magnificent value that is composed by the secret of harmonious
lace ( al-tadājjul ) and that the masters of these noble secrets will know, so try to understand and you will
prosper, God willing! This is the magic square:
‘ n ā m
2 39 71 49
42 3 48 68

fig. 190 47 69 41 4


This sublime and resplendent Name and this marvelous ²ikr is useful to cause illnesses and diseases
if it is written and recited at the appropriate times for it, or if it is recited with internal concentration.

It has the number 1201 pronounced and 1001 written. 1001 is an odd and defective number whose
d i v is o res um an _ 3 4 3 , he or which one _ e qu i v a l e a d or s g l o r i o s _ _ Names : _ _ _ ' Seer '
_ _ _ _ ( B a ½ ī r ) Y ' Desired ' ( Ma'rab ) 4 . _ _
Their letter names add up to 1117, which equals two noble Names: 300 303 306 292

'Enough' ( Ganī ) 'Glorious' ( Maŷīd ). And it has a square of magnificent 305 293 299 304
power whose shape is as follows: 294 308 301 298

302 297 295 307

fig. 191
Also 'Who hinders or prevents'.
That is, 7 x 23.
We believe that it refers to the fact that said Names must include the definite article when performing the ²ikr
with them.
We do not know the criteria followed to obtain said equivalence, or whether it is an error, since both names add
up to 545 (302 and 243 respectively).

You must know, God help you to understand the meanings of the envelopes and to unveil the c

secrets of the letters!, that the damage is in the measure of knowledge and mastery, so whoever has more
perfect knowledge and mastery can inflict deeper damage. And since Truth, exalted be he, wanted to
distinguish himself with this Name, he made all the damage that he inflicts on something harmful be of
benefit to the one who is damaged [for the second], as far as He is concerned with respect to rewards and
present and future merciful acts.

And if someone has an enemy, and blood predominates in his complexion to such an extent that d
his spirit can barely consist , and in such a way that if he remained in that state he would die that same
night, then his damage is quickly caused. Then his enemy deals him a hard blow with which he makes him
lose blood, his damage being the height of the benefit for that affliction that he does not know and that takes
place in him, since in reality no one afflicts except God, exalted be He! And I affirm that a great number of
evils are repressed with a greater evil, so that the repressing evil supposes a benefit for the one who is
harmed. Try to understand it's.

And Abū 'Abd Allāh Zayn al-Dīn al-Kāfī, God rest his soul, said: Whoever harmoniously arranges p. 308
this luminous Name and this marvelous secret on a lead tablet, in the first hour of Saturday and with the
full moon, then he recites this Name the number of times the numerical value of its letters seven times while
staring at its written figure, and then he asks for the damage of a person, he is attended to immediately,
since extraordinary secrets reside in him for the lords of the mystical states. And even knowing that that
should not be revealed to anyone, extraordinary mysteries and marvelous influences are manifested in them,
because to whom a part of it has been granted, the essence of the lodestone becomes visible to those who
are able to perceive it 2 : God ﴾ He makes the Spirit that comes from His Decree fall on whom He wants
from His servants ﴿ 3 .


In this sublime Name resides the healing of all sick and the relief of all afflicted. Whoever invokes
it continually when finding themselves in a dangerous situation, God, exalted be He, frees them from that.
And if he is endowed with a sincere spiritual condition and perseveres in his recitation until he comes into
harmony with some of his spiritual entities, he will not touch with his hand someone who suffers some
harm without God, exalted be He, makes his evil disappear. And in the same way who composes his square

In medieval medicine, the predominance or excess of one of the four humors (blood, phlegm, anger and
melancholy) in the body is the cause of different diseases, where health lies in the balance of said humors (see A
VERROES , Avicennae Cantica , edited and translated Jaime Coullaut Cordero, Concepción Vázquez de Benito and
Emiliano Fernández Vallina, Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad, 2009 [in press], where there will be a section
dedicated to diseases due to excess blood (vv. 1164 -1196)).
It means that the divine gifts are visible in those mystics, although they are only perceptible by the hearts of their
fellow men in spiritual rank. On the other hand, the lodestone usually symbolizes the Love or Grace of God,
image in which the heart of the mystic is drawn iron (see A. S CHIMMEL , As Through a Veil – Mystical Poetry In
Islam , NY: Columbia University Press, 1982, p. 105).
Cor . lx:14.

magical in a silver seal with the moon in its exaltation, to every sick person who bears said seal God,
exalted be!, heals him.

You should know that it is related to His Name 'Who dispenses' ( Mu'āfī ) 1 , and who makes his b
²ikr is the servant of the Mighty One ( 'abd al-'Azīz ) . The names of its letters are equivalent to two
glorious Names: 'Deity' ( Ilāh ) 'Healer' ( Šāfī ) 3 . And it is convenient to write to the four sides of its square:
﴾ And with the Qur'an we send down a cure and a mercy for the believers ﴿ .

His ²ikr is indicated for whoever is called Qāsim and belongs to the people of divine lights.
And it has a noble harmonic square in which I know
It will have a 3 x 3 numerical square inside a 4 x 4 literal
square. And it will be written while Mercury is in his
exaltation, since its bearer will see the miraculous by
the work of God in regard to internal and external
health, so be careful with it. This square is the Next:

fig. 192

East Name have the number 201, that it is a number odd Y elongate, whose factor ( Åil' ) it is the c

three, which is one of the noblest numbers; and it is also equivalent to the Supreme Name three times 5 . It
is one of the defective numbers, by adding 71 its divisors, which is equivalent to His Name 'Calculating' (
©āsib ). His letter names add up to 428, which is equivalent to 'Terrible in punishment' ( Šadīd al-mi¬āl
) 6 , increasing to the Name they designate 227, which is His Name 'King of kings' ( Malīk al-mulūk ) 7 .
And this is your square magical:
49 52 58 42

57 43 48 53

44 60 50 47

51 46 45 59
fig. 193

Since both Names are equivalent to 201.
Also equals 201.
The names of its letters add up to 428, just like both Names added together.
Cor . xvii:82.
It refers to the name Allāh , which in this case would be worth 67, although it is usually equivalent to 66.
Cf. Cor . xiii:14.
In the original Malik al-mulūk , which would add up to 217.

And whoever composes the name of the Sun in a 4 x 4 numerical square, arranges His 'Living' p. 309

Name ( ©ayy ) inside and carries it with him, his spirit is strengthened and his health is perpetuated. And
this is the aforementioned square:

fig. 194


Whoever continually recites this sublime Name, God, exalted be He, enlighten his heart; and it has
a square of great value, to be composed during the apogee of the sun, as it confers perpetual power ( mulk

And whoever harmonizes in a square His Names 'Favourer' ( Nāfi' ) and 'Light', is a witness of
wonderful things concerning the mystery of the maintenance of Life within and of Sovereignty. externally.

It has the number 256, and it is one of the noble Names whose letters are consolidated in the
numerical degrees of the total number to which 1 is equivalent . It is an even number of even of the even, cubic
and defective with respect to its base by a single digit. It is equivalent to the name of Ŷabrā'īl, peace be
upon him!, and His Name 'Eternal' ( Dā'im ) 'Benefactor' ( Mun'im ). And the names of his letters are
equivalent to His Name 'the Creator' ( a l - F ā Ð i r ) 3 .

Abū 'Abd Allāh al-Æarā'ifī 4 said , God rest his soul!: when some matter is obscure to a person, so
that he is not able to discern right from wrong, or if he is lost , and recites the Name the number of times b
the numerical value of its letters with sincere resolution, God, exalted be He, shows him the way and guides
him to the right.

In other words, 256 is the result of adding 200 ( rā' ), 50 ( nūn ) and 6 ( wāw ).
4 4 = 256.
Add up to 321.
Probably refers to A¬mad b. 'Abdūs al-Æarā'ifī (d. 958), disciple of Ibn Karrām (see CE Bosworth,
“Karrāmiyya”, in EI 2 ).

Said Zayn al-Dīn al-Kāfī, God rest his soul!: Whoever recites it continuously, God makes his
interior shine and illuminates his exterior; and if he is endowed with a sincere spiritual condition, God lights
the Light in his heart, since in his ²ikr there reside some secrets for the lords of the first spiritual degrees,
and in his ²ikr there are some lights of the possessors of the spiritual degrees higher.

And whoever recites it in a dark room with their eyes closed until a spiritual state seizes them
derives from it, they witness wonderful lights filling their hearts. And it is a noble Name whose ²ikr is
indicated for the lords of visionary revelations ( mukāšafāt ).

It has a square of magnificent power known to the people of pure hearts, and it is as follows: c

55 75 77 49

65 61 59 71

57 69 67 63 fig. 195
79 51 53 73

And if His 'Innovative' Name ( al-Badī' ) is added to the ²ikr , and the person recites them in a
state of fasting and inner purity until a resulting spiritual state dominates him, then he truly will not need
the light of the lamp. And it is a ²ikr indicated for the masters of mystical intuitions, God is wiser!


This resplendent Name is beneficial to every traveler on his Path as long as sincerity is found in
p. 310
his search for the Light. And it is one of the Names that does not have its own magic square, and if it is
desired to arrange it in a square, the names of its letters will be used in this way: hā', alif, dāl, yā' .

A certain saint said: whoever recites it constantly is helped by God in all his visible and hidden
circumstances. Whoever composes it in a silver seal while the moon is in its exaltation and carries it with
them is helped in devout acts. And whoever hangs it around the neck of a baby who has difficulties suckling
is guided.

It is one of the glorious Names for those who confuse the way, and if he enters the darkness and
says "Oh Guide, guide me", then he is really guided to the place he is looking for. In it reside extraordinary
secrets for the lords of the spiritual states, and it is one of the recitations of the angel Isrāfīl,
Peace be with him! a

Whoever writes it four times on a grapefruit, in the first hour of Wednesday and with the waxing
moon, then vaporizes it with the leaves of his tree, and recites the Name fifty times every day before it,
since the grapefruit will not really change or change. will never abate, so the chance belongs to the sons of

His ²ikr is indicated for the owners of sincere spiritual states together with God,
exalted be He!, and in it resides a beautiful decree and a glorious mystery for kings and notables, since
every king who recites it until he is seized by a mystical state will be obeyed by the regions ( al-bilād ) and
the servants will submit to his leadership and guidance.

Y in the resides a meaning wonderful for those Travellers ( sālikūn ) that wish ascend b
with his spirit to the world of Subsistence ( al-baqā' ), so try to understand this luminous secret and East
Name divine, ﴾ God concedes Their Sovereignty a who wants. God it is Gorgeous, Knowledgest ﴿ 1 .

This Name has the number 20, which is even from even to odd; and it is abundant by adding its
divisors 22, which is equivalent to His 'Dearest' Name ( ©abīb ). And the names of its letters add up to 165,
a number that is equivalent to His Name 'Who makes one understand' ( Mufhim ), for the clarification
(ifhām) of the path that resides in the divine Guide, a Guide that whoever finds himself in ignorance will
have lost ( al-faim ).
His magic square is as follows:

yā’ dāl alif hā’

110 8 11 36

9 113 33 10

34 9 10 112 fig. 196


This sublime Name is beneficial to one who wishes to display unprecedented ingenuity or work,
and has a square of magnificent power. A certain wise man said that whoever performs the ²ikr of this
beautiful Name will not stop learning new things about the divine Sciences, and God will make the Sciences
emanate from his tongue.

And said Ibn Šahriyār 2 , God rest His glory!, “whoever continually remembers it reaches those
aspects of religious sciences that he hopes to reach. I myself persevered in his ²ikr when I did not understand
anything about the divine Sciences, and not four years had passed when God made Wisdom flow through
my tongue and he saw me speaking of what I did not know before”.

Cor . ii:245.

It has the number 86, which is odd and long, and results from multiplying a prime number by a
prime number 1 , so pay attention to this wonderful secret. And it is a defective number whose divisors add
up to 46, so in them there is elevation ( 'ulūw ) and perfection ( tamām ) 2 , and this alludes to the authority p. 311
of the Intellect First.

And the names of his letters add up to 181, which is equivalent to His Name 'the Knower' ( al-
'Alīm ) including the article, because innovative creation ( al-ibdā' ) can only be the result of profound
knowledge. And it has a large value square which is as follows:

' Yo d b
9 3 43 31

1 35 5 Four

6 38 3. 4 8

fig. 197


This sublime Name must be recorded when the ascendant is a fixed constellation, with the purpose
of preserving those things that are feared to be corrupted.

And you should know that whoever surrenders to his ²ikr will not be affected by any disease during
his life, since what he confers is eternal subsistence ( baqā' ). And every king on earth who performs his
²ikr sees his kingdom consolidate and is safe from catastrophes.

It has the number 113, a prime number that alludes to Oneness ( al-A¬adiyya ) and Royalty (
Malīkiyya ) 3 . And the names of its added letters are equivalent to His Name 'Provider' ( Razzāq ), and
since the Provider is Perpetual, well, there is no need to lament over what is lost.

Yo wh a b
twe 6 51 36
27 4 52 30

56 3 9 Fou
fig. 198

The term 'ulūw is related to the 6 ( wāw ), and tamām to the 40 ( mīm ) of the number 46.
A¬ad (13) + Malik (100) = 113.

SECTION NONAGE SEVENTH ABOUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ YOUR NAME : _ _ _ _ _ ' Heir ' _ _ _ _ _ ( W āri
£) b

Whoever constantly performs the ²ikr of this supreme Name in order to obtain something that is
not in his hands, God causes him to inherit it, either at the initiative of the one in whose hands it is, or
because he is forced to do so. And it is a recitation of great power and very profitable for the most important
successors and for the heirs.

Said Abū 'Abd Allāh Zayn al-Dīn al-Kāfī: whoever recites it until he is seized by a spiritual state
consistent with it, becomes a chief of his tribe ( qabīla ), is loved among his relatives ( 'ašīra ), and sees
for the grace of God that which he is unable to describe in terms of the good and prosperity of himself, his
family and what he possesses, since it is one of the best kept secrets.

It has a magic square of sublime power and numerous benefits, and

£ r ā w
it is as follows:
5 2 199 501

It has the number 707, and it is a noble number because it 198 498 8 3 p. 312
symbolizes intensity . ( sidd a ), Strength ( what ww a ), Domain absolute ( i
4 7 499 197
¬ ā Ð a ) Y Perfection ( kamāl ) 1 . And it is odd and defective, since its divisors
fig. 199
add up to 109, which is equivalent to His Name 'the Most Pure' ( al-Subbū¬
) counting the article.

And the names of its letters add up to 826, which is equivalent to two glorious Names: 'Sagacious' (
Jabīr ) 'Generous' ( Ŷawād ). Try to understand.


Whoever constantly recites this noble Name, achieves that all his vicissitudes have a good
conclusion. And whoever arranges it in a square and takes it with him, God makes his spiritual and physical
condition adequate and he does not regret any act.

It has the number 514, which is even odd and defective by adding its divisors 260, which is
equivalent to our words 'He is Compassionate' ( Huwa Rā¬im ). And the names of its letters add up to 608,
which is equivalent to two glorious Names: 'Truth' ( ©aqq ) 'Unbreakable' ( Matīn ).
Y have a square sublime that they will know the teachers of the Information ( a li ÐÐ il ā ' ), Y it is
the following:
d ī š r
299 201 3 11

202 302 8 2

9 1 203 301 fig. 200

I do not know the reason why the 707 corresponds to these concepts.


Whoever performs the continuous ²ikr of this sublime Name, God provides him with firmness in
the face of misfortunes, and he will not find himself unable to finish any work that he has begun. It is very
useful for people who make great efforts and to endure the hardships of exhausting work.

Its square is like that of the rest of the Names, except that it must be composed when the ascendant
is one of the fixed zodiacal constellations. It has the number 298, which is an even, elongated, and defective
number, since its divisors add up to 152, which is equivalent to His Name 'Who perpetuates' ( Mubqī ). So
observe how the seal of the Names is that worthy Name with which God separates the inhabitants of
Paradise from sadness: ﴾ And they will say: Praise be to God!, who has taken away all sorrow, really
our Mister it is Indulgent, Grateful. Who he has done lawful for us the Dwelling of the permanence, Thank
you a Their favour; in she neither the fatigue neither the inability us will affect ﴿ 1 .

Their letter names will be written like this: srmd ī , so pay close attention to the secret c seal of This

Name, for God speaks the Truth and He shows the way.

And he has a magic square of exceptional power, which is indicated for travelers who are in the first steps of the
Path, God knows! better!

r or b ½

89 3 9 197

8 198 88 4

1 91 199 7

fig. 201

Cor . xxxv:34-5.
The names of the letters of ¼abūr add up to 314, and also the letters srmd ī , which form the Name Sarmadī ,



You must know, oh sincere seeker and passionate lover, may God guide you towards the kīmīyā'
of happiness and towards the sīmīyā' of eternal dominion!, that the science of divine Names is an excellent
and illuminating knowledge and a subtle and secret secret. spiritual, in which the most notable Gnostic
saints such as al-Tustarī and al-Šiblī 1 excelled , and who accredited the most outstanding scholars such as al-
Gazālī and al-Rāzī 2 . It is one of the sciences infused by God in its origin and one of the revealing traits in
its disposition. Its reality is the containment of the subtle realities of the eternal Names, and the
confrontation of the Gnostic subtleties of the theophanies of Oneness, which provide the people of the
Gnostic confrontations ( al-tawajjuhāt ) with Singularity, and all those willing to to receive them Stability,
where the Gnostic who has verified the Truth is more apt than the one whose arguments based on ignorance

Said the reflection of the secrets and the pole of the lights, our lord the Messenger of God: “ In the a
science divine resides a part essential preserved, the which only arrive a know the wise men of God, Y
how much you mention of she you result reprehensible a the people of the Magnificence of God ” 3 .

I'm jealous that he looks directly at the sun

without any curtain, because the lover is jealous.

Oh brothers of purity and lovers of loyalty! This is the hidden pearl, the preserved secret, the red b
sulfur and the resplendent ruby, whose allusion is clear to those who know God, since the shell cannot hide
the pearl from anyone. who have been given understanding, while it is hidden from the wicked engrossed
in the books of blindness. The hands of the unbelievers do not harm it and in it reside the sources of the
thirsty. Its parts are the steps of those who walk the Path, so take them diligently if you are able to
understand, do you want something other than witnessing the Truth, or are you incapable of reflection?
Only those who have savored it know its meaning, only those qualified to interpret divine symbols come to
appreciate it in its entirety, and no one inhabits the temples of its lights except those versed in Science.
Apply yourselves in the observance of his perfect decree, since in it resides an exhortation for the worlds 4
, and as for what is obscure of that one, since God is the best Revealer.

Yes the wise men they will contemplate the swinging

of Their Science, it they would wish What
kids with greedy looks.

Abū Bakr al-Šiblī (d. 945 AD), famous Baghdad saint and author of numerous mystical poems.
Fajr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 1149 AD), one of the most influential theologians and exegetes of Islam, and author of
a treatise on the Names of God titled L a w ā m i' a lb a yy in ā t fī - l - a smā ' w a -l- ½ i f ā t .
We do not find this ¬adī£ in the cited collections.
Cf. Cor . saw:90.

And do not think that this luminous Science is pronounced by the tongues or traced with the c

fingers, but that each luminous letter in it is composed of a dark letter, and in it a resplendent notion and a
subtle concept are linked, but with a disposition of wonderful composition and an order of extraordinary
gradation, which you will perceive after revealing sublime knowledge and sacred concepts, after resolving
spiritual symbols and discovering the talismans of the Lordship's treasures, the theophanies of Eternity, the
confrontations of Oneness, the pure sources, the clear springs, the prodigious acts and the sincere breaths.
After understanding revealing mysteries, illuminating influences, Throne allusions, Sufi expressions, Tablet
p. 314
symbols and gratifying signs. And after revealing the peculiarities of the letters, the Hindu figures, the
numerical correspondences, the obscure odd and double concepts, the mystical knowledge and the
illuminating subtleties with which one arrives at the Divine Presence and the singular Unity, without the
journey of a long journey nor the fatigue of a difficult path. Know that, check it, understand it and delve
into it: ﴾ That is the favor of God that He gives to whom wants. God it is Owner of Favour immense ﴿ 1 .

And it is in His essence, exalted and glorified be He, to give Wisdom to whomever He desires,
for He is a
﴾ Who makes the Spirit that comes from His decree fall on whom He wants from His servants ﴿ , and

He descends the Mystery of His Omnipotence on whomever He wants among His friends ( awliyā' ). If
spiritual expansion and the moment are conducive, if harmony and the moment are favourable, if
Providence takes place and Realization accompanies, if you get rid of distractions and the sea of worries,
if you abandon error, confusion, confusion and vulgarity, if you concentrate your scattered mind and
absorbed thought, if you steal from the hours of your years some moments of purity and impose on the days
of your life some lasting moments, then by the virtues of your spiritual understanding appear the promised
brides of my illuminating sign. Those will feel gratitude as they draw back the brides' veil of secrets and
discover the jewels of ideas in the wide glittering meadow and the resplendent brocaded Garden, while
lamenting those who say: there is no earnest friend 3 nor merciful protector.

And even when there is not enough time for it or the obstacle stands in the way of the one who
walks the Path, since from that you have already been granted some pure white brides, some resplendent b
houris, some glittering beauties and some passionate virgins of Yūsufī aspect, impetus Maryamī, musky
fragrance and Meccan luminosity, honest and generous, pure and immaculate, nubile chaste, shining
companions not offended by an opinion, not darkened by a mention, not touched by a thought or approached
by a fancy, because their gem is protected, its secret is preserved, its name is hidden and its jar sealed. Its
theriac is supreme, its red sulfur, its magnetic magnet, its attractive ruby, its fertile meadows, its flowering
trees, its overflowing rivers, its noisy birds, its dazzling lightning, its abundant mana, its resplendent light,
its ascending full moon, its radiant star, its splendorous crescent, its aroma is sumptuous and its beauty

Cor . lxii:4.
Cor . xl:14.
Cf. Cor . xxvi:101.

Its sky is sapiential subtleties and its earth is Gnostic knowledge, its west is secret and its east is lights, its
heart is names and its chest is sparkles, its line is marvelous and its number is extraordinary, its walls are
verses and its fortresses are recitations, its subtleties are illuminating and its revealing teachings. His book
is well guarded and his science preserved. It is touched only by the purified, touched only by the most
consolidated sages in Science, only understood by the most perfect saints, known only by the purest chosen,
only encompassed by the most accomplished and sages. No the reach otherwise the virtuous plus obstinate
﴾ This No it they get otherwise the that have patience, no it get no one except the gifted of a fortune

immense ﴿ 1 .

The kind waver in his course c

and becomes like the lover desiring her passionately.

﴾ That for something like this, those who act ﴿ , ﴾ and let those who yearn put their longing on

it ﴿ 3 .

And as for the virtues of the sublime Qur'an and the wise recitation, well, God willing, I will
dedicate to it a clear and exhaustive section in which the work that can be carried out is verified, so that it
is about to become in the supreme theriac and the resplendent ruby.

You must know, God help us to obey Him and understand the secrets of His Names! That this p. 315

well-guarded Book and this hidden pearl is the secret Science, the sealed mystery, sublime prosperity, the
eternal treasure, the definitive triac and the suitable medicine. It is the key to unraveling its signs and
deciphering the talismans of its treasures, it is the immersion in the seas of its secrets, the extraction of its
unusual pearls from the bottom of its cavities, and the discovery of its literal realities, its numerical lights,
its combinatory virtues, its odd and even particularities, its harmonic figures, its sacred recitations, its
eternal Names, its spiritual secrets and the rest of mysteries known only to the fewest rooted in Science and
the most perfect Gnostics: ﴾ That is the favor of God that he grants to whom he wants. God is Owner of
the immense Favor ﴿ 4 .

Among the sages there are those who limit themselves to exoteric and literal exegesis ( al-tafsīr a
al-lugawī ) without reaching esoteric and prophetic interpretation ( al-ta'wīl al-nabawī ), and what is
manifest is enough for them without what lies hidden. Among them there are those who dive into the
immensity of its waves and find the red sulfur. Among them there are those who go into their caves and
extract the ruby, the resplendent pearl and the green chrysolite. Among them there are those who walk the
abysses of their flanks and collect the ambergris and the humid aloe. And among them there are those that
remain attached to the end of its shores and extract from its fauna the supreme theriac and the fragrant
musk. It is about the Secret on which neither one nor the other can be contradicted, Y the wise men I
know they park in the dwelling of the Enumeration ( a l- ¬ a ½ r ) discarding it

Cor . xli:34.
Cor . xxxvii:61
Cor . lxxxiii:26.
Cor . lxii:4.

incompatible. And it is the solid rope of God 1 , His clear light, His straight path, His firm way and His
eternal word. It is the sea whose wonders do not diminish, whose prodigies are not extinguished, whose
end cannot be conceived and whose conclusion cannot be intuited. It is the hallmark that separates the kind
from the corrupt and the unhappy from the lucky, and it is the Truth to which ﴾ she is not affected by
falsehood on any side. And it is a Revelation whose descent comes from one who is Wise, Praised ﴿ 2 .

Y you should to know that there are four types of wise: the wise whose object of apprehension ( ¬aÞÞ ) it
is God, b
the sage whose apprehension of God is Science and Gnosis, the sage whose object of apprehension is the
path ( al-siyar ) to the Hereafter, and the sage whose apprehension is science to take the path to the
Hereafter. The first is with God and in God, the second goes to God with the Science of God, the third goes
to the Hereafter, and the fourth goes to the science of the Hereafter, as handed down to us from the
Messenger. of God, God you bless Y Hail!, that said: “ The powerful (al-kubarā') I know feel together, the
wise (al-¬ukama') they talk Come in they, Y the scholars (al-'ulama') I know consult ” 3 . The powerful
They are those who have been instructed in God by God, and they are the possessors of the Understanding
of God through God, His Book and the secrets of His creations, because there is a difference between the
understanding, the literal interpretation and the esoteric interpretation, as it says God, exalted be he!: ﴾ I
will remove from My signs (āyāt) those who on earth are filled with pride for no reason ﴿ 4 . Said Ibn
'Abbās, may God be pleased with him!: “[He means] I will deprive them of the understanding of the Koran".

And those versed ( al-'ulamā' ) in the interpretation of the meanings of the Qur'an are of three types: c
the first of these resorts to exoteric exegesis ( tafsīr ), and of the three it is the lowest group. The latter
resort to the esoteric interpretation ( ta'wīl ), and are in an intermediate position. And the third ones are
based on Understanding ( fahm ), and they are the best.
Exoteric exegesis is based on the study, learning and investigation of the doctrines of the ancients.
Esoteric exegesis resorts to God's Guidance and Assistance. And the Understanding and Perception of God
have place through the intellect Y the deduction ( al-qiyas ). So that the holders of Understanding speak for
God, as he said, exalted be He!: " I am his tongue with which he expresses himself - until the end of the

Luqmān al-©akīm 5 said : “The hand of God is in the mouths of the wise, and not pronounce nothing d
without it predisposing them correctly. And Ibn 'Abbās recited: ﴾ Before you we have not sent any messenger
neither prophet ﴿ 6 , neither no storyteller inspired ( mu¬adda£ ), Y they are the people of the Comprehension,
those who speak about the Qur'an with Wisdom.
And it is narrated from one of the Prophet's companions that he said: O Messenger of God, we
found in your reading it that No we find in the our; Y said: “ because you recite externally, while that me

Cor . iii:103 ﴾ Cling all together to the rope of God and do not be separated ﴿ .
Cor . xli:41.
We do not find this ¬adī£ in the cited collections.
Cor . vii:146.
Legendary sage and prophet mentioned in Cor . xxxi:11-18
Cor . xxii:50.

recite internally ” 1 , and what is proposed with this is to give an account of the range of the people of the
hidden sense ( a hl to lb ā Ð in ), it is tell, those that get the Comprehension of God through the secrets
of consideration ( al - tadbīr ) 2 , the lights of reminder ( al-ta²kīr ) 3 and the subtleties of reflection ( al-
tafkīr ) 4 , understanding the different decrees that God expresses in the hidden meanings of his verses.

This well-guarded Book and this hidden mystery is the great ocean to which both come to drink p. 316

thirsty for knowledge. Said God, exalted be he!: ﴾ We have omitted nothing in the Book ﴿ 5 , so there is no
secret that does not involve a good.
Y I know he has transmitted of Prophet, God it bless Y Hail!, that said: “ Every ayah of Koran
have a sense apparent Y of one a seven senses hidden ” 6 .
And the imām 'Alī said, God be pleased with him!: His visible part is admirable ( anīq ), and his
hidden part is the object of an embrace ( 'anīq ) whose wonders are not extinguished and their prodigies do
not cease.

And it is said that there is not a single verse of the Qur'an that does not have seven apparent
meanings and seven hidden meanings, as well as seven allusions, signs, subtleties, details and truths. The
external or apparent _ _ _ it is for _ the common _ _ _ d e he does people , _ _ _ _ _ he or hidden _ _ _ _ it
is for _ he or s chosen _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a l -j a wā ½½ ) , he does a l u si on es yes or no for the chosen of the
chosen, signs are for friends ( awliyā ' ) , subtleties are for the sincere ( ½ a d ī qūn ) , he or s details _ _ _ _
_ yes or no for _ _ _ he or s a m a n t is ( m u ¬ i b ū n ) Y he s _ true it is _ _ _ they belong _ _ _ _ a he or s a
pr o f e t a s .

Afterwards, under each word, even under each letter, there is a turbulent sea of knowledge whose
bottom is violently agitated, and when the witness of the Gnostics and the truthful one of the fearful recites
it, an intelligence is conferred for each letter ( ²ihn ), a thousand understandings correspond to each
intelligence, a thousand insights correspond to each understanding, a thousand considerations correspond
to each insight, and a single one of these considerations does not make the heavens and the earth stand
together 7 . Therefore are His words, exalted be He!: ﴾ Whoever is granted Wisdom has been given an
enormous good ﴿ 8 , that is, the understanding of the Qur'an and its meanings.

A certain sage said: each ayah has sixty thousand concepts, and the [concepts] that remain
uncomprehended are even more numerous. And he said: The final part of the Qur'an contains seventy-seven b
thousand two hundred knowledge.

Said one of the greatest masters of intuition: The essential reality of the Qur'an resides in the force
that guides the heavens, the earth and everything in them, from the day of its existence to the day of its

Nor do we find this ¬adī£ in the cited collections.
Consideration ( tadbīr ) involves evaluating or meditating on the contents of the Qur'an in order to obtain a
clear knowledge of what they mean (Cf. EW L ANE , Lexicon , i, p. 844b, in his translation of Cor . iv:82).
Cor . XL:12 ﴾ But just remember who in everything turns to Him ﴿ .

Cor . x:24 ﴾ This is how we explain the signs to people who reflect ﴿ , among other examples.
Cor . saw:39.
See EW L ANE , Lexicon , i, p. 220c, where he quotes the following tradition " Each verse of the Qur'an has
an apparent meaning and another that requires development ."
Alluding to Cor . xxx:24, ﴾ And among his Signs is that heaven and earth are sustained by His command ﴿ .
Cor . ii:268.

of his return. Therefore, the signs that indicate the arrival of the Day of Judgment suppose the disappearance
of that Truth from the hearts of men and the disappearance of the copies of the Koran, like the folding of
the heavens and the contraction ( qabÅ ) of the earth 1 . Try to understand that, for God speaks the Truth
and He shows the Road.


You must know, may God guide us towards the understanding of His noble secrets!, that whoever
understands the secret of His words: ﴾ And with the Qur'an we send down a cure and mercy for the
believers ﴿ 2 , since in them resides the cure for the external parts ( Þawāhir ) of the bodies 3 , in the same
way that it houses a cure for the spiritual essences of the hearts. Therefore the Messenger of God, God it
bless Y Hail!, alluding a Their words said: “ The healing of me community (umma) it's found in three stuff:
in a ayah of book of God, in the bowl of who practice a Bleeding, either in a tablespoon of honey ” 4 . And
he said, God bless him and save him!: " Whoever does not seek healing in the Qur'an God No it cure ”;
Y said: “ The Koran it is the medication ” 5 . So that considers it's with sanity Y reflect on the pearls that
God deposited in this well-guarded Book and in this preserved secret, hidden in the shells of its letters, as
well as the wonders hidden in the depths of its sea.

Next I will mention, God willing!, in this extensive guide and joyful compilation some of the many
secrets of the sublime Qur'an. And I say, God is the One Who gives success and Who gives revelation and
Said one of the Knowers of God, may God be pleased with them!: Your Bismi-Llāh is equal to
His ﴾ Kun ﴿ . It has a square of magnificent power, and this is the best of the ways in which it is arranged:

Wā¬id Awwal Qayyūm Allāh p. 317

Sayyid ©abīb ‘AÐūf Mālik al-Mulk
Wāŷid Māni‘ Ŷawwād A¬ad
Qadīr Qawwī Malik Muŷīd
Hādī Wahhāb Mun‘im ¼amad
fig. 202
Wālī Mu’īd Badī‘ ¼ādiq

And in it reside excellent virtues to solve difficulties and be persuasive when it comes to
obtaining the means of subsistence.

Alluding to Cor . xxxix:64, ﴾ When the whole earth is in His fist on the Day of Rising and the heavens
folded in His right hand ﴿ .
Cor . xvii:82.
With the term Þawāhir he refers to the physical parts of the body, even if they are not visible, that is, those
that do not belong to the realm of the spiritual.
See above, p. 139.
These last two traditions are not found in the cited collections.

Said al-Husayn b. 'Alī 1 : Whoever writes the Basmala with beautiful script enters Paradise.
And Abū Sa'īd al-Ju²rī 2 said : I heard Ibn 'Abbās say that everything has a basis ( asās ), the basis
of the holy books is the Qur'an, the basis of the Qur'an is the Fāti¬a, and the basis of the Fatia is the Basmala.
So when you suffer or get sick, go to the base and you will be cured, God willing!

One who recites the Basmala 787 times, gazing fixedly at this magic square with the purpose from to
nullify the power of some talisman, nullifies it on the spot.
Whoever recites it the mentioned number of times and then prays for the Prophet, God bless him
and save him!, 312 times, for he will not ask God for anything, exalted be He!, that is not granted. And if
he persists in that invocation, he will be attended to in his prayers.
And a certain wise man said, God have mercy on him!: To whomever recites the Basmala 150
times, God reveals the secrets of Gnostic knowledge and divine sciences, as well as the hidden aspects of
their realities. Try to understand, for God speaks the Truth and He shows the way.

And you should know that whoever constantly recites the Basmala gets the respect of the world upper b
and lower. And whoever knows the secrets that God, exalted be He, has deposited in it and writes it, will
not burn in Hell. In it resides the secret of the Supreme Name of God, and it is the first thing that the
heavenly Calamus wrote on the Tablet. It is that with which God erected the kingdom of Sulaymān, upon
him be peace!, that with which he raised the tree of created beings and that in which he made manifest the
secrets of day and night.

Y who write the basmala of is Clement ÅÀY A n , and next to it the sura of the

j »A I
way 3 , put out the heat of the fire with she.

And whoever writes it on a card and hangs it over someone suffering from toothache, if it hangs
over the ear on the affected side, the pain will subside, God willing!

And it is told of 'Abd Allāh b. 'Umar, may God be pleased with him, who said: Whoever is
n need of something, let him fast on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And when it is Friday, he will perform
ablutions, go to the mosque, give a little or a lot, about the value of a loaf of bread, and the more the better. Then
he will say the Friday prayer and will tell:
“My God, I pray for Your Name, ﴾ Bismi-Llah al-Ra¬mān al-Ra¬īm ﴿ , ﴾ Who is no more god
that The, the Living, the Subsisting ﴿ , a Who ﴾ neither the drowsiness neither the sleep You affect ﴿ 4 . I.
.. you I beg, God Own, by You Name, ﴾ bismi-llah al-Raman al-Raim ﴿ , ﴾ Who No there are plus god
that He, Knower of the hidden and the apparent. He is the Merciful, the Merciful ﴿ 5 . I beseech you by
Your Name whose greatness fills the heavens and the earth, by Your Name, ﴾ Bismi-Llah al-Ra¬mān al-
Ra¬īm ﴿ , Who No there are god otherwise The, in view of Who I know humiliate the faces, ﴾ I know they
will silence the voices in view of the Gracious Y

Grandson of the Prophet and second son of Fatima. Third caliph and legendary figure of Shiism, he died in the
famous battle of Kerbala in 680 AD. c.
Abu Sa'id Sa'd b. Mālik al-Ju²rī (d. 74 hrs), companion of the Prophet.

Cor . lv .
Cor . ii:255.
Cor . lix:22.

you will only hear a murmur ﴿ 1 , and hearts tremble for fear of Him. I beg you, my God, bless our lord
Muammad and the family of our lord Muammad, and meet my need, that it is such Y such stuff". The same
He said: “ no it give a know a the fools, well Some of they invoke Y are cared for ” 2 .

And the Basmala is composed of nineteen letters, and nineteen Names derive from them, which p. 318
are: Allah, the Merciful ( al-Ra¬mān ), the Merciful ( al-Ra¬īm ), the Lord ( al-Rabb ), the Pacific ( al-
Salām ), the Guardian of the faith ( al-Mu'min ), the Custodian ( al-Muhaymin ), the Protective ( al-Sattar
), the Truth ( al-©aqq ), Who gives life ( al-Muyi ), the Known ( al-'Alim ), the Compassionate ( al-©annān
), the Creator ( al-Bāri' ), the Manifest ( al-Mubin ), the benefactor ( al-Mu-sin ), the Full ( al-Malī' ), the
Pious ( al-Râ¬im ), the Calculator ( al-©asīb ). And whoever composes these nineteen Names in a 19 x 19
square, will not ask God for anything that He does not grant, since the Supreme Name of God resides in
him. And it is convenient that it be composed on the night of a day 19, because in this way it is more cash.

It is told of 'U£mān b. 'Affān 3 , God be pleased with him!, who asked the Prophet about the a
Basmala, Y East you answered: “ is the Name Supreme of God, Y its closeness to the Name plus great of
God it is What the that there are Come in the pupil Y the white of eye ”. Y I know narrates of Prophet, God
it bless and hail!, who said: “ The Basmala descended on Ibrāhīm. He recited it when he was on the
catapult plate, Y God made that the fire outside cold and harmless for he ” 4 .
It is related from al-Awzā'ī 5 , God have mercy on him!, that he said: A specter appeared to me
during the
night. I was afraid and recited the Basmala. Then he told me: "You have sought protection in something
great", and He disappeared.

And it is said that each of the letters of the Basmala is the key to one of His Names: the bā ' is the
key d e your _ Name _ _ _ ' Seer ' _ _ _ _ _ ( B a ½ ī r ), he to s in it is he to come and go _ d e your _
Name _ _ 'O y e n t e' ( S a m ī ' ), he to m ī m it is the key of His 'Owner' Name ( Malīk ) , the alif la of
His Name Allāh, the lām la of His 'Subtle' Name ( L a Ð ī f ), he to hā ' _ it is d e your _ Name _ _ _ _ ' Guide
' _ ( Hādī ) , _ _ he to rā ' _ d e ' Supplier ' _ _ _ _ _ ( Razzāq ) , _ _ _ he to ¬ ā ' d e ' I knew ' _ _ _ ( © a k ī
m ) , the mīm of 'Unbreakable' ( Matīn ), the nūn of 'Light' ( Nūr ), the alif of 'One' ( A¬ad ), again the lām
of ' S u til ' ( L a Ð ī f ), he to rā ' _ d e ' B e n i gno ' ( R a ' ū f ); he to ¬ ā ' d e ' Comp a si vo ' _ ( © a n n )
, _ _ he to and ā ' d e ' [ Who ] _ _ _ _ d ec i d e ' ( yaqÅī ), and the mīm of 'Near' ( Muqaddim ). All of
them make up a prayer to God that is beneficial when undertaking any matter. Whoever harmonizes their
numbers and letters in a single square, sees as the work of God that which lacks qualifications. And who
knows his power, does not need the rest of the things, well in the resides the Name Supreme of God. Y is it
is the way in that I know has:

Cor . XX:105.
I can't find?.

Third Caliph of Islam (644-55).
I can't find the saying, and it alludes to Cor . xxi:68.
'Abū 'Alī al-Awzā'ī, Sufi master author of a work on “the sciences of allusion”, mentioned by al-Kalābā²ī (see
AJ A RBERRY , The Doctrine of the ¼ūfīs , Cambridge University Press, 1935, page 13).

And if we go into length talking about the c

subtleties, marvels, prodigies and knowledge that the

Basmala contains, we would lack time and it would
not be possible for us to explain the value of any of
the secrets of Lordship and any of the effects of
Eternity, because it is not what pertinent for this
moment in which we try to clarify this meadow full
of topazes and this leafy tree whose fruits are
emeralds. Ibn 'Abbās, may God be pleased with him,
said: “'Alī b. Abī Æālib grabbed me by the
night early in the morning, he took me to al-Baqī' 1 ,
and he said: “Recite, O Ibn 'Abbās!”, and I recited: “
Bismi-Llāh al-Raman al-Raim ”. Then the spoke to
me on the ba' until the arrival of Sunrise".
Try to understand that, because God grants Wisdom to whom he wants, God is Immense, Omniscient.

p. 319
Said [the Prophet], God it bless Y Hail!: “ The fatia of Book I it was granted of under of the Throne
” 2 . Y said, God it bless Y Hail!: “ A who arrives a its House Y recites the fatia Y the sura of worship, god
you pound of the poverty Y increases the right of its home ” 3 . Y said, the peace be with the!: “ The fatia of
book is the healing of all disease ” 4 .

Y you should to know that who understands the secret of the Praise ( al-©amd ), that it is the a

beginning of the Sublime Book, which in turn are the seven ayahs ( al-ma£ānī ), understands the secret of
Praise in Paradise, since the Praise of the Book is united to the Praise of the Paradise.
Said 'Ali b. Abī Æālib: “If I wanted to heavily load seventy camels with the interpretation of the
fati¬a , _ could do it". Said certain wise: "In is sura reside one thousand peculiarities ( jā ½½ i yy a ) _ visible
and a thousand hides”.

Said Maslama b. Qāsim b. Ibrāhīm 5 : “The Fāti¬a is the main part ( ra's ) of the Qur'an and its
pillar. It contains five Names, which are those with which God distinguished this surah above the rest of
them. And in it resides the Supreme Name of God, the Name with which when you invoke you are attended
and when you ask you are granted. The people of Science say that the Fāti¬a is found at the head of the
preserved Tablet, in the same way that they are found at the beginning of the sublime Qur'an, and that it is
written on the pavilions of the Throne and the Footstool. The number of its words is equal to the number of
the letters of the

Baqī' al-Garqad , either simply al-Baqī' , it is the Name of graveyard of Medina, the first graveyard where the
tombs of numerous descendants of the Prophet.
Variant that I cannot find of the sayings collected by A¬mad (nº 20382-3, etc.), in which what is granted to the
Prophet are the letters that open the sura of La Vaca, or its last two verses (nº 16686, 16803, etc.), or la la ¬awqala (nº
7625, 8398).
It is not found in the cited collections either.
Al-Dārimī, no. 3236.
maslama b. al-Qāsim b. Ibrāhīm al - QurÐubī (m. 303 h.) traditionist Andalusian (I SMĀ ' ĪL PASHA , _ H a di yy a t
a l - 'Ārifīna , ii, p. 432).

aliphato and that of the letters that open the suras ( fawāti¬ al-suwar ) 1 . And its letters are 132, and that
is precisely the value of the name of the Prophet, God bless him and save!, since Mu¬ammad is the alif and
the hamza of the prophets, since Mu¬ammad is 'Abd Allah and A ¬mad is 'Abd al-Ra¬mān 2 .

The month is twenty-nine days, and sometimes it reaches thirty and other times it does not, and
that is because it corresponds to “ Āmīn ” 3 , since its recitation is not obligatory.

Y you should to know that the wāw of the Union in ﴾ al-¬amdu li-llah ﴿ it is the center of its orbit c

Y the axis of its circumference, since it supposes the division in two of the number of its letters and that of
its words 4 . and symbolizes the degree spiritual of the Friendship with God ( al-wilāya ) 5 , by how much
that it is the plus high of the spiritual degrees and is the interior essence of the prophets.

And [the Fāti¬a] is composed of 21 different letters, these seven letters being absent from it: £ ŷ j
z š Þ f , that are calls "the missing ( a ls a w ā qi Ð ) of the Fātiṣa ” . Y God he has done descend in the Book
the principle that whoever recites a sura free of these seven letters that are inferior, God frees him from
entering Hell. They are found together in two noble verses of the sura of Los Rebaños 6 ; and you should
know that the absent letters are the protection against evil.

certain Gnostic said: whoever writes the Fāti¬a in a crystal bowl in the first hour of Friday, with d
a gold pen and with musk and camphor, then erases it with rose water, puts the filter in a jar ( qārūrā ) .
and he wets his face with it when going to see kings, princes, ministers and notables, because he will really
obtain their acceptance, affection and respect, God willing. If it is written in a clean container, it is erased
with water and the sick person cleans his face with it, he is cured, God willing. And if the forgetful person
writes it in a glass container, erases it with rose water and drinks from it for several days, his forgetfulness
decreases, God willing.

And in a trustworthy tradition it is said 7 : whoever wishes to recover from any weakness or injury and
that affects his sight, then let him contemplate the crescent on the first night. And if it is hidden by the
clouds, then try to contemplate it a second or a third night. When he sees her, let him rub his eyes with his
right hand and recite the Fāti¬a ten times, pronouncing the Basmala at the beginning and “ Āmīn ” at the p. 320
end. Then he will recite the surah of Worship three times, he will say "the healing of all illness is in Your
Mercy, oh the

The number of words contained in the Fāti¬a is 29, the same number of the letters of the aliphato - counting the

hamza - and of the suras beginning with the enigmatic letters called fawāti¬ al-suwar .
The letters of Mu¬ammad added (40 + 8 + 40 + 40 + 4 = 132) plus the sum of the names of his letters (90 + 10
+ 90 + 90 + 35 = 315) equals 447 (132 + 315), which is equivalent to 'abd (76) plus the names of the letters of
Allah (111 + 71 + 71 + 111 + 7 = 371; 371 + 76 = 447); and the letters of 'A¬mad' (53) plus the sum of the names of
its letters (246) add up to 299, which is equivalent to the Name Ram¬mān.
Word that is sometimes recited at the end of the Fāti¬a (on its translation and interpretation, see EW L ANE ,
Lexicon , i, p. 102c), so the total number of his words would then be thirty.
That is, the wāw of ' al-¬amdu li-Llāh ' separates, on the one hand, al-¬amd , which is worth 58, twice the
number of words in the Fāti¬a (29), and on the other hand to Allāh , which is worth 66, half the number of letters
of the Fāti¬a (132).
On this occasion, it simply alludes to said spiritual degree since the term that designates it begins with wāw .
Cor . saw. We do not know the verses referred to.
The base manuscript attributes these words to the Prophet, which we do not find in the different collections of

Most Gracious of the Merciful” seven times, and he will say “O Lord ( yā Rabb )” five times, for indeed
his eyesight will be strengthened thanks to God, exalted be he!

According to Anas, said the Delivery courier of God, God it bless Y Hail!: “ When tea graves of
side in your litter Y you recite the fatia Y the sura of Worship, well tea have you Market Stall a except of
any misfortune safe from the death [until the sunrise] ”.

We have shown you the beautiful and prodigious envelopes that we know of these gems hidden and to

these hidden rubies: attract to you the good that is in Your Lord and Your Protector, and bring to you the
good guidance and the goodness that it instills through the reading of the seven verses and the sublime
Qur'an, whose recitation tea he has been prescribed in each prayer Y I know tea he has tidy repeat in each

[Ŷa'far] Al-¼ādiq, may God's blessings and peace be upon him! has informed us of that b
there is nothing in the Torah, nor in the Gospel, nor in the Psalms that resembles it. And in it there is a warning,
nay, a proclamation that there are many more blessings from its recitation than the
that I mentioned, and more treasures and singularities than those that I indicated, and if they were put in
writing, they would fill the heavy loads of the camels 1 .

Said 'Abd Allah b. Mas'ūd, may God be pleased with him!: My eyes ached, and the Prophet said
to me: “ Look at the Quran ”.

Abū Bakr al-¼iddīq said, May God be pleased with him!: In each book lies a mystery, and the
mystery of God is found in the Qur'an, in the headings of the suras.

I said _ 'A l ī, oh god _ _ this is it s to this date _ _ d e he !: _ every day _ book _ _ _ you e n e one to qu i
n t a e s e n c i a ( ½ a f w a ), Y he to Fāti¬a _ _ _ _ d the c
Book has the letters of the aliphato”.

Ibn 'Abbās was asked about ﴾ Alif-lām-rā' ﴿ , of ﴾ ©ā'-mīm ﴿ and of ﴾ Nūn ﴿ , and said: It is the
Name of the Merciful ( al-Ra¬mān ) spelled. And it has been said that they are the Names of the Koran -
said al-Suddī 2 , al-Kalbī 3 and Qattāda 4 -. They have also been said to be the letters by which God swears,
according to Ibn 'Abbas and 'Ikrima. And it is said that each letter corresponds to the sign of one of the
Names of God and one of His attributes.

Ibn 'Abbās, may God be pleased with him, said about ﴾ Alif-lām-mīm ﴿ , that the alif is a sign what of

The it is first _ _ _ _ ( Awwāl ) ; _ _ he to l ā m it is yes gn or d e what _ _ it is su ti l _ ( L a Ð ī f ); Y he to m ī m d e

what _ it is G l o r i o s o ( M a ŷ ī d ) .

Alluding to the words of 'Alī (above, p. 406).
'Abd al-Ra¬mān al-Suddī (d. 745 AD), noted traditionist and preacher in Kūfa, author of a tafsīr .
See above, p. 105.
Qattada b. Di'āma (d. 735 AD), one of the successors ( tābi'ūn ) of the Companions of the Prophet. Blind from
birth, his teachings were written down by Sa'īd b. Bašīr (d. 784 -5 AD).

It is said that some of these letters symbolize Names of the Divine Essence, and others symbolize
the Names of the attributes. Y I know He says that the a li f are Their favors ( ālā ' ) , _ the l ā m Their
amiability ( lu Ð f ) Y la mīm His glory ( majd ).

Said al-¾a¬¬āq 1 : the alif is from Allāh, the lām from Ŷibrīl, and the mīm from Mu¬ammad. And
a certain Gnostic scholar mentioned that the alif means 'I', the lām means 'by Me' ( lī ), and the mīm 'of Me'
( minnī ). And it is said that some letters allude to the Names of God and others do not.

A certain teacher in the divine realities said that God put these letters as protection of the Qur'an
against addition and omission, and that is what He alludes to with His words, exalted be He:
﴾ We have sent down the Memory and we are its custodians ﴿ .

A certain wise man said that the letters that are pronounced are twenty-eight. Half of them are the and
letters d e he to light , _ Y he to otra _ _ half _ _ he does letters behind _ _ d e he to Darkness . _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ The letters behind _ _ d e he to light _ _ sound : _ ali f , _ ¬ā ' , _ ½ād , _ _ yes n , _ kāf , ' a and n , _ _ Ð
ā ' , hā ' , _ rā ' , _ n ūn , m m , _ what f , _ lām , _ _ and ā ' 3 . The re st o d e letters behind _ _ yes or no
he s _ d e he to Darkness . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L or s wise _ _ _ _ _ and they wrote some of these letters on the
foreheads of the idols, so that the people humbled themselves before them by worshiping them, thus being
their custom. F

Whoever engraves these Luminous Letters and Qur'anic sigils on the first Thursday of the Rajab
month in the stone set in a ring of noble material and puts it on when they are frightened, because they will
be safe from whatever they fear. Who goes to see a governor with him, he treats him generously and meets
his needs. Whoever rubs it on the head of whoever is angry, is pleased and his anger calms down. Whoever
puts it in his mouth when thirsty quenches his thirst. Whoever puts it in rainwater and drinks from it p. 321
strengthens their understanding and improves their memory. Whoever puts it on finding himself helpless,
fends for himself. If it is carried by a single woman, she gets married. If it is placed on the head of an
epileptic, it is restored. And if the heart of a divorced woman is rubbed with it, she gives birth. And if the
seal is engraved on some incense and the person who is under a spell ( al-mas¬ūr ) perfumes himself with
it, his spell disappears. Try to understand that and value it in its proper measure, because therein lies the
most sublime Mystery of God.

These are the noble Names and the magic square made with them, and they are: ALM, ALR ,
KHY'¼ , Æ© , ÆS, ÆSM, YS, ¼, ©M, Q, N .


Nāfi‘ Ra¬mān Malīk Mu‘àfī A¬ad Malik

Allāh Kafīl Mālik Rabb ¼amad Mukarram fig. 204

¾a¬¬āq b. Muzā¬im (d. 103 a.h.) unknown author of a tafsīr (I SMĀ ' ĪL PASHA , Hadiyyat al -'Ārifīna , i, p.

Cor . xv:9.
These are the fourteen letters that appear at the beginning of some Qur'anic surahs.

Said the šayj Muyi al-Din b. al-'Arabi, God have in Their glory!: Who record in a ring from to
silver the letters friends ( al-muta¬abba ) 1 of Book Following the order divine -Y are ALR , KHY'¼ , ÆS,
©M, Q, N- , being the zodiacal ascendant Taurus and the Moon being in that sign, if you take it with you
all your needs are solved, God willing, exalted! be!
And this is the way they will be arranged. Try to understand, for it is one of the hidden secrets and
preserved treasures.

fig. 205

Said the Shaykh Abū-l-©asan al-©arrānī, God rest His glory!: “To annul the poisons we b
the lowered letters at the beginning of the suras will suffice.”

A certain scholar mentioned that he had found in a writing that 'Abd al-Ra¬mān b. 'Awf al-Zuhrī
, God be pleased with him!, wrote these letters on those goods and properties that he wanted to preserve,
and they were protected.

I know narrates of U£mān b. 'Affan, God East satisfied of the!, that He said: "God Own, protects
the c
community _ _ _ _ _ d e M u ¬ a mm ad through _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he to to and you to Y the to ux ili o , why _ _ ﴾ A li f
- l ā m - m ī m - ½ ā d ﴿ , ﴾ Kā f - hā ' - yā ' - ' a and n - _
½ād ﴿ and ﴾ ©ā'-mīm 'ayn-sīn-qāf ﴿ , by ﴾ Qāf and the Glorious Qur'an ﴿ , and by ﴾ Nūn and the Pen and
what they write ”.

When al-Kayyāl 3 , God have mercy on him!, was sailing on the Tigris, he would recite these letters
which are found at the beginning of suras. They asked him about them and he said: "Whenever they are
arranged [or

It refers to the fourteen luminous letters.
Companion of the Prophet, he participated in the main battles of the incipient Islam, and according to tradition,
he was one of the ten companions to whom the Prophet promised Paradise. He died in the year 652.
A-mad b. Zakariyya' al-Kayyāl or Ibn al-Kayyāl (9th century), Shiite Gnostic close to the doctrines of the Ismā'īliya, and
about which not much information is known.

they recite] somewhere, on land or at sea, whoever recites them is protected as well as their goods, and is I

safe from having to caulk the ship and from sinking. t will
And when the sages ( al-'ulamā' ), may God be pleased with them, wanted to travel, one of them
sed on
would write on his sheet ( dustūr ) the letters that appear at the beginning of suras. And when the sea was
rough, he would write them on a piece of pottery and throw it into the water from the boat, so that the sea
calmed down, thank God, praise him!
g, in
A certain virtuous man was traveling carrying with him these letters that are at the beginning of
the first
the suras, and when asked about this, he said: "The blessing of these letters has been shown to me by God
hour, a
protecting me with them, expanding my livelihood and moving away from my the enemy, the thief, the
5 x 5
serpent, the wild beast and the insect, and protecting myself with them until I return to mine”.
A certain virtuous person is reported to have said: “A slave girl during the night had an enormous
ed in a
desire to urinate, she urinated in a place where it is not usually done, and then she had an epileptic fit. Yes
_ _ what _ s u sir _ _ _ recited : _ _ ﴾ B i s m i - L l ā h al - Ra¬mān _ _ _ _ _ _ al - R a¬īm _ _ _ _ ﴿ , ﴾ A s metal
li f - l ā m - m ī m - ½ ā d ﴿ , ﴾ Æā ' - sīn - mīm _ _ _ _ ﴿ , such as
﴾ K ā f - h ā '- y ā '-' a y n - ½ ā d ﴿ , ﴾ Yā ' - sīn _ why _ _ the wise _ _ _ _ Quran ! _ _ _ _ ﴿ , ﴾ © ā ' - mīm gold or
_ ' a y n - s ī n - q ā f ﴿ , ﴾ n ū n why _ _ e l Cálamo and what they write! ﴿ ”, and freed her from what silver,
affected her, not suffering another epileptic attack again. or in
And a certain teacher said: "Whoever writes the Luminous Letters in a circular figure of silver, skin
being Taurus the zodiacal ascendant and the moon being in said sign, if he carries it with him he will never parchm
lack silver." It is not possible for us to elaborate on it in this place: God, praised and exalted be He, tells the ent, it

Truth and He shows the Road. will be

I know bill of 'Ali b. Abī Æālib, that God have in Their glory!, that said: "Saw a al-JiÅr a day ﴾ Kāf-
before the battle of Badr, and I said to him: "Show me something with which I can defeat the enemies." hā'-
And said: “Recite: yā'-
﴾ bismi-llah al-Raman al-Raim ﴿ , God Own, by the TRUE of ﴾ Alif-lām-mīm ﴿ , ﴾ Alif-lām-mīm-rā' ﴿ ,
﴾ K ā f - h ā ' - y ā ' -' a y n - ½ ā d ﴿ , ﴾ A l i f - l ā m - m ī m - ½ ā d ﴿ , ﴾ A li f - lām - mīm - rā ' _ _ _ _ _ ﴿ , ﴾
Ali f - lām - rā ' _ _ _ _ ﴿ , ﴾ A li f - lām - mīm - rā ' _ _ _ ﴿ , ﴾ Alif-lām-mīm-rā' ﴿ , ﴾ Alif-lām-rā' ﴿ , ﴾ Æā'-hā'
﴿ , ﴾ Æā'-sīn-mīm ﴿ , ﴾ Æā'-sīn-mīm ﴿ , ﴾ Yā'-sīn ﴿ ,
﴾ ¼ad ﴿ , ﴾ ©ā'-mīm ﴿ , ﴾ ©ā'-mīm ﴿ , ﴾ ©ā'-mīm-'ayn-sīn-qāf ﴿ , ﴾ ©ā'-mīm ﴿ , ﴾ ©ā'-mīm ﴿ , ﴾ ©ā'-mīm ﴿ ,
﴾ Qāf ﴿ and ﴾ Nūn ﴿ . Oh He, oh Whom there is no “he” but He. Lord, forgive me and help me in victory.
Truly You are Almighty.” Try to understand, for God, praised and exalted, speaks the Truth and He shows
the Way.

NAMES AND THE SECRETS OF LETTERS [ ﴾ K ā f -h ā '- y ā '-' a y n- ½ ā d ﴿ ].

p. 322

' a and n- ½ ā d ﴿ five times, Y after will tell: "God Own, oh Noble, oh Guide, oh Living, oh Knowledgest,
oh Sincere, oh my God, solve my problem, which is such a thing or such a thing”, in search of good and
what is related to good religion.

your _ said : _ _ _ ﴾ K ā f - h ā '- y ā '-' a y n - ½ ā d ﴿ , it is one to word _ _ _ _ _ e n he to what _ _

re yes d e u n m ist er i o pre - reserved _ _ _ _ Y an occult knowledge, for the kāf is for 'Sufficient' ( Kāfī
) , the hā ' for 'Guide' ( Hādī ), the yā' for 'Creator' ( Bārī' ), the 'ayn of 'Knowledgest' ( 'alim ), Y the ½ād
of 'Sincere' ( ¼ādiq ). Y it according to 'Abd Allah b. 'Umar,
God be pleased with him!

And it is told of 'Abd Allāh b. 'Abbās, God be pleased with him!, who in his prayers said: "O
Guide, oh Creator, oh Patient, oh Sincere One, do such and such for me", and said: "this is the most sublime
Name of God".

You should know that if you want to be well received by a governor, authority or boss, and you
want him not to upset you and to solve your problem, then also take a gazelle skin parchment and write this y 'Alī
noble square on it, scenting it with mastic, cherry Santa Rosa ( ma¬lab ) and Indian aloe. Then put the to his
square on your forehead under the turban, for you will really get whatever you ask for, Thank you a God, previou
exalted be!, Y God tea will grant the victory against your enemy. account
s page).
On it has composed the Prince of the Believers, our lord 'Alī b. Abī Æālib, God be pleased with So the
him!, these verses: referred
to is al-
Ten letters of ten meanings that I gather, five Y and the
five, a two figures I I mean. of these
You will see in both a secret, that I asked a teacher. were
Then some meanings that I already commented on will be shown to you in them. proven
in the
In them is the solution to problems, and their recitation has already been mentioned. battle of
And in them is the defeat of the adversary, they have already been proven 1 .
Science people talk about them with their knowledge,
Y they say: "by East secret tea you distinguish Y tea
advantages, then are the good guide Y are of a virtue
And its science is the secret that I have included.

Whoever draws this noble word on the stone of a silver ring, on Friday with the full moon, and
puts it on his finger, there will be light for him, a good reception, a treatment
¼ ‘ Y H K
affectionate, kindness and a pillow. And it is plotted like this: Y H K ¼ ‘
K ¼ ¼ Y H
‘ Y H K ¼
fig. 206 H K Y ‘ Y


p. 323

Y is it is the figure of ﴾ K ā f -h ā '- y ā '-' a y n- ½ ā d ﴿ that composed abu Ya'qub al-Kindi 1 for b

obtain the acceptance of all creatures. Thursday is to be written in Jupiter time on a piece of yellow silk,
Jupiter being the ascendant. This is his image:
‘ H ¼ Y K
K ¼ ‘ H Y
H K Y ¼ ‘
Y ‘ H K ¼
¼ Y K ‘ H fig. 207

Said al-Badawī 2 , God have mercy on him!: “Whoever writes this word of sublime essence on a
silver ring when Venus is in her moment of exaltation, obtains respect and God provides its owner with the
affection of the hearts of all the people. And whoever gets into the ring when having a hemorrhage, it stops
thank God, exalted be he!

A sublime harmony resides in its lyrics, and this entails an extraordinary secret for those who are
prisoners or incarcerated. So consider its value, for it is the shining proof and the shining pearl. And
whoever places it on their finger and meets the rulers, they agree to what is given to them. ask.

And whoever harmonizes his literal square

and his numerical square in a single square, because
it is more effective and convenient to obtain the
answer, and God is the One who grants success with
His favor, His generosity and His kindness.
Understand this preserved secret and hidden gem.
And this is the figure, as you can see:

fig. 208

Said one of the virtuous, God be pleased with them!: “When the Messenger was sent and
p. 324
descended on him: ﴾ ©ā-mīm-'ayn-sīn-qāf. Thus inspires you, as those who were before you, God, the
Mighty, the Wise ﴿ 3 , I knew that a divine secret resided in that, so I adopted it as protection against
difficulties and terrifying situations, and through them I was provided and protected”. And he said: Ali

It must be Abū Yūsuf Ya'qūb b. Is¬āq al-Kindī (d. 866 AD) the famous "Philosopher of the Arabs", also the
author of works on astrology, medicine, optics or mathematics.
It is probably about A¬mad al-Badawī (d. 1276 AD), one of the most famous Sufi saints to whom numerous
legends and miracles are attributed, especially in Egypt.
Cor . xlii:1.

b . A b ī Æā li b , _ oh god _ _ have _ _ _ e n your _ glory ! _ _ _ _ _ , r o g a b a with or without she is _ Y he
said : _ “ Oh oh ﴾ K ā f - h ā ' - y ā ' -' a y n - ½ ā d ﴿ . oh
﴾ ©ā-mīm-'ayn sīn qāf ﴿ ! Grant me Your forgiveness . "

A certain wise man said: None of you will pray with this sublime Name and sacred recitation
without God answering your prayer and solving your need, and it is: "In the Name of God ﴾ Kāf-hā'-yā'- '
a and n - ½ ā d ﴿ , and or you _ I beg _ _ _ why _ _ You sub li me _ _ Name _ _ what _ me _ e vi t is _ all _
_ unluckily ” . _ _ _ _

Y what in _ harmonizes _ _ _ _ _ ﴾ K ā f - h ā '- y ā '-' a y n - ½ ā d ﴿ Y ﴾ © ā - m ī m -' a y n - s ī n - q ā f ﴿

in u n square _ _ _ _ _ _ _ literal _ from to _
10 x 10, writing it when the moon is at its zenith and in its mansion on a silver plate, see by the grace of
God, exalted be He, that which cannot be described, for it is one of the preserved secrets. And its bearer
continues to be loved and treated splendidly by kings and notables, so an extraordinary secret resides in it
to solve problems: value it in its fair measure, since it is part of the Supreme Lodestone.
And this is how it will be arranged:

Q S ‘ M © ¼ ‘ Y H K

Y ‘ K ¼ ‘ S © M Q H

H Q Y © M K ‘ S ‘ ¼

K ‘ ¼ H Q © M ‘ Y S

‘ M Q K ¼ Y H © S ‘

¼ H S Y ‘ ‘ K Q M ©

M K © ‘ Y Q S H ¼ ‘

‘ © H Q S M ¼ K ‘ Y

S ¼ M ‘ K H Y ‘ © Q

© Y ‘ S H ‘ Q ¼ K M fig. 209

The sublime verses that correspond to this square in terms of literal correspondence Y the b
numerical harmony are as follows:
﴾ What the Water that we make fall of darling, with the that I know mix the floors of the Earth Y
then I know convert in herb dry Y broken that the wind scatters ﴿ 1 .
﴾ He is God, Who there is no god but He, Knower of the Unseen and the Apparent. He is the
Gracious, the Merciful ﴿ 2 .
﴾ The day imminent in that the hearts they will arrive a the throat distressed. The unfair they will
have no dude fervent neither no intercessor that can be accepted ﴿ 3 .

Cor . xviii:44.
Cor . lix:22.
Cor . XL:17-18.
﴾ Each soul will know it that presents. I swear by the stars when I know they hide, when follow its
course and disappear, by the night when brings its darkness, Y by the dawn when breathe! ﴿ 1 .
﴾ ¼ād. By the Koran that contains the Memory! Without embargo the that I know deny a believe
show your arrogance Y rebellion ﴿ 2 .

Shaykh Zakī al-Dīn 'Abd al-'AÞīm 3 said , God have mercy on him!, that these letters bring out
prisoners and prisoners, and have many other uses.

And the blessed square that harmonizes with them is that of Venus, which is a 5 x 5 square, in its c
numerical bond with them . So we have it for these ayahs of sublime essence, since Venus is a star of good
omen that follows Jupiter ( al-sa'd al-akbar ) 5 in prosperity and balance, and indicates with its nature the
growth and increase. It is indicated for love, affection, placidity, joy, friends, brothers and relatives. And
since Venus is the fifth ascendant 6 , that's why we attribute the 5 x 5 magic square to Venus.

It is to be written when Venus is in her exaltation or in her zodiacal mansion and the moon is in
conjunction with one of the zodiacal signs that are appropriate to her, for this celestial bond is in harmony
with the noble divine bond [of letters], of so that the celestial and numerical secret is sustained in the
preserved and hidden mystery of divinity and its perfect and sacred light.

And we add to them ten of the most beautiful Names of God, of which five are found in the Fāti¬
and five in the sura of The Flocks 7 . Try to understand this sublime secret and this correct figure,
﴾ God grants His Sovereignty to whomever He wants. God is Immense, Omniscient ﴿ .
p. 325

And this is the way it will be composed. Try to understand and you will prosper, God willing,
exalted be he!

Cor . lxxxi:14-18.
Cor . xxxviii:1. Note that each of the Qur'anic quotations begins in Arabic with the letters KHY'¼
respectively and in that order.
Zakī al-Dīn 'Abd al-'AÞīm al-Mun²irì (d. 656 h.) traditionist and jurist who was a teacher of Ibn Jallikān (
Wafayāt al-'Ayān , trans. from Slane, Paris, 1842, i, p. 89, No. 4).
However, at the beginning of the work, the 7 x 7 square is attributed to Venus ( Zu¬ra ), due to its letter zay
, which is equivalent to seven ( supra , p. 10).
While Venus is called al-sa'd al-a½gar.
We believe that it refers to the fact that it is the fifth planet counting from the furthest from the earth,
according to the order established by Ptolemy, which is as follows: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and
Cor . v.
Cor . ii:245.

` BÍ j »A ÊËi h M B À Î r Ç \ JuD¯ _ _ ~ i Þ A P BJ à E I ¡ ¼N to B¯ _ _ Õ B À oh ¿ Ê B Ä » l à C Õ B À _
n »A
ÁÎ Yj »A Å ÀYj »A Ì Ç Ñe B È r » AË K Î ¬ »A Á»B§ Ì Ç ÜG _ E » G OR Ð h » A " to Ì Ç

ª Bñ Í © Î ° q ÜË ÁÎÀY Å¿ ” B ¤ ¼» b . ” À £ B _ j U B ć A o f » L Ì ¼ g g Ò¯k à A ÂÌ Í
´ »A
or ° ÄM _ A g G \ J v or¨n§ _ _ _ A g G or Ä ¸ » A i A Ì † A or Ä ˆ B I A n ³ C P j z Y C b. o ° Ã
» AË ½ Î » AË Ý¯ OR ¼ §
¶ B ´ q Ë Ñl § Y AË j ° _ Å Í h »A ½ I j h » A _ Ðg _ Æ Ej ´ » AË x

j Ç B³ ¹ ¼¿ j Î J a ÁÎ Yi ± Î ñ » Å ÀYi i e B³ L i j B ¯ " to

~ i Þ A P BJ à E I ¡ ¼N to B¯ _ _ Õ B À oh ¿ Ê B Ä » l à C Õ B À _ ` BÍ j »A ÊËi h M B À Î r Ç \ JuD¯ _ _
n »A
K Î ¬ »A Á»B§ Ì Ç ÜG _ E » G OR Ð h » A " to Ì Ç ÁÎ Yj »A Å ÀYj »A Ì Ç Ñe B È r » AË

” B ¤ ¼» b . ” À £ B _ j U B ć A o f » L Ì ¼ g g Ò¯k à A ÂÌ Í ª Bñ Í © Î ° q ÜË ÁÎÀY Å¿
´ »A
or Ä ¸ » A i A Ì † A or Ä ˆ B I A n ³ C P j z Y C b. o ° Ã or ° ÄM _ A g G \ J v or¨n§ _ _ _ A g G
ݯ OR ¼ § » AË ½ Î » AË
Å Í h »A ½ I j h » A _ Ðg _ Æ Ej ´ » AË x ¶ B ´ q Ë Ñl § Y AË j ° _

± Î ñ » Å ÀYi i e B³ L i j B ¯ " to j Ç B³ ¹ ¼¿ j Î J a ÁÎ Yi

oh ¿ Ê B Ä » l à C Õ B À _ ` BÍ j »A ÊËi h M B À Î r Ç \ JuD¯ _ _ ~ i Þ A P BJ à E I ¡ ¼N to B¯ _ _ Õ B À
n »A
Ð h » A " to Ì Ç ÁÎ Yj »A Å ÀYj »A Ì Ç Ñe B È r » AË K Î ¬ »A Á»B§ Ì Ç ÜG _ E » G OR

g g Ò¯k à A ÂÌ Í ª Bñ Í © Î ° q ÜË ÁÎÀY Å¿ ” B ¤ ¼» b . ” À £ B _ j U B ć A o f » L Ì ¼
´ »A
P j z Y C b. o ° Ã or ° ÄM _ A g G \ J v or¨n§ _ _ _ A g G or Ä ¸ » A i A Ì † A or Ä ˆ B I A n ³ C
OR ¼ § » AË ½ Î » AË Ý¯
Æ Ej ´ » AË x ¶ B ´ q Ë Ñl § Y AË j ° _ Å Í h »A ½ I j h » A _ Ðg _

j B ¯ " to j Ç B³ ¹ ¼¿ j Î J a ÁÎ Yi ± Î ñ » Å ÀYi i e B³ L i

B À Î r Ç \ JuD¯ _ _ ~ i Þ A P BJ à E I ¡ ¼N to B¯ _ _ Õ B À oh ¿ Ê B Ä » l à C Õ B À _ ` BÍ j »A ÊËi h M
n »A
Ì Ç Ñe B È r » AË K Î ¬ »A Á»B§ Ì Ç ÜG _ E » G OR Ð h » A " to Ì Ç ÁÎ Yj »A Å ÀYj »A

ÜË ÁÎÀY Å¿ ” B ¤ ¼» b . ” À £ B _ j U B ć A o f » L Ì ¼ g g Ò¯k à A ÂÌ Í ª Bñ Í © Î ° q
´ »A
or¨n§ _ _ _ A g G or Ä ¸ » A i A Ì † A or Ä ˆ B I A n ³ C P j z Y C b. o ° Ã or ° ÄM _ A g G \ J v
½ Î » AË Ý¯ OR ¼ § » AË
Y AË j ° _ Å Í h »A ½ I j h » A _ Ðg _ Æ Ej ´ » AË x ¶ B ´ q Ë Ñl §

j Î J a ÁÎ Yi ± Î ñ » Å ÀYi i e B³ L i j B ¯ " to j Ç B³ ¹ ¼¿

E I ¡ ¼N to B¯ _ _ Õ B À oh ¿ Ê B Ä » l à C Õ B À _ ` BÍ j »A ÊËi h M B À Î r Ç \ JuD¯ _ _ ~ i Þ A P BJ Ã
n »A
Ì Ç ÜG _ E » G OR Ð h » A " to Ì Ç ÁÎ Yj »A Å ÀYj »A Ì Ç Ñe B È r » AË K Î ¬ »A Á»B§

j U B ć A o f » L Ì ¼ g g Ò¯k à A ÂÌ Í ª Bñ Í © Î ° q ÜË ÁÎÀY Å¿ ” B ¤ ¼» b . ” À £ B _
´ »A
or Ä ˆ B I A n ³ C P j z Y C b. o ° Ã or ° ÄM _ A g G \ J v or¨n§ _ _ _ A g G or Ä ¸ » A i A Ì † A
ݯ OR ¼ § » AË ½ Î » AË
j h » A _ Ðg _ Æ Ej ´ » AË x ¶ B ´ q Ë Ñl § Y AË j ° _ Å Í h »A ½ I

i e B³ L i j B ¯ " to j Ç B³ ¹ ¼¿ j Î J a ÁÎ Yi ± Î ñ » Å ÀYi

fig. 210

A certain wise man said: when you look for a certain person, whether or not he is in the region p. 326
where you are, recite these five verses sixty times, for you will really find him or someone who tells you
his whereabouts, by the power of God! praised and exalted be! And when you have difficulty

Solve a need or a debt is claimed, recite these ayahs the mentioned number of times, because your
problem will really be solved with the corresponding person.

Said a prominent sage: as for ﴾ Æā'-hā' ﴿ , since it has the number fourteen, which it is the a
number of days of light on the moon, and is a superior amulet ( ¬ijab ).

And one of the masters of the essences said: when you are afraid of some tyrannical ruler or some
evil and oppressive person, then take five stones from the ground saying with the first " Kāf ", with the
second “ Hā' ”, with the third "Already'", with the quarter “ 'Ayn ” Y with the fifth “ ¼ād ”. After you will
throw the first stone to your right saying ﴾ His word ﴿ , you will throw the second one to your left saying ﴾
is the Truth ﴿ , you will throw the third behind you saying ﴾ and His is ﴿ , you will throw the fourth in
front of you saying
﴾ the Sovereignty ﴿ , Y you will hold the fifth on your head saying ﴾ Kāf - Hā'-Yā-'Ayn-¼ād ﴿ , ﴾ ©ā'-Mīm-

'Ayn-Sīn-Qāf ﴿ Hold your tongue, oh So-and-so son of So-and-so, regarding So-and-so son of So-and-so
by the right of the Supreme Name, by the right of these noble Names, ﴾ Kāf - Hā'-Yā-'Ayn-¼ād ﴿ ,
﴾ ©ā'-Mīm-'Ayn-Sīn-Qāf ﴿ , ﴾ Deaf, dumb and blind, they will not be able to return ﴿ . For truly God

will knot his tongue with respect to you, God willing, exalted be He!, for it is one of the preserved secrets.

You should to know, God us help a obey him Y a understand the secrets of Their Names!, what b
who arranges in a square these fourteen noble Names and subtle secrets, each crowned with a of the Letters
luminous -Y are these Names: Allah, Subtle ( L a Ð ī f ), Sovereign ( M a li k ), Sincere ( ¼ādiq ), Sufficient
( Kāfī ), Guide ( Hādī ), Knower ( 'Alīm ), Facilitator ( Muyassir ) 3 , Gracious ( Ra¬mān ), Healer ( Æabīb
), Peaceful ( Salām ), Living ( ©ayy ) , Subsistent ( Qayyum ), Light ( Nūr )-, on a golden plate while the
sun is at its zenith or in its mansion, for that person rises in rank, increases in power, widens his interior,
and opens his heart, since it is one of the preserved secrets 4 . And if he who is endowed with an elevated
spiritual condition constantly recites these Names of sublime essence, he sees by the work of God, blessed
and exalted be he, what cannot be described.

Y Yes tea you find in some place that tea infuse fear, Sit down in the I usually Y recites the five
aleyas, of which the first is: ﴾ Like the water that we make fall from the sky, with which the plants mix of the
Earth Y later I know convert in herb dry Y broken that the wind scatters ﴿ 5 , until the last
five o'clock You will recite them eleven times after you have drawn a line around yourself with your finger.
You will begin to trace the line on the ground with your finger behind your back while you recite, until you
close the circle in front of you. Then you will complete your recitation ten times, and in the recitation of
the first [ayah] you will

Cor . saw:74.
Cor . ii:17.
This Name corresponds to the letter yā' , since no Name of God is known to begin with that letter.
The magic square will appear on page 419.
Cor . xviii:44. It refers to the five verses quoted shortly before (pp. 414-5)

you will keep reciting eleven times 1 . Then you will be silent and you will not speak to anyone, because truly God,
exalted be! He will hide you from the eyes of the people, and even if all men and geniuses were to meet
you, they would not see you, God willing, exalted be!

A certain Gnostic said: you will recite these five verses sixty times when you go to see some d
authority, like a judge or another person, and when you reach the last of the sixty, you will say " Kāf " and
you will close a finger of your right hand, then you will say “ Hā' ” and you will close the second, you will
say “ Yā' ” closing the third, you will say “ 'Ayn ” and you will close the fourth, and you will say “ ¼ād ”
closing the fifth and the hand will be closed. Then you will do the same with your left hand, reciting ﴾ ©ā'
Mīm 'Ayn Sīn Qāf ﴿ , a letter with each finger to close the hand. And when you find yourself in front of
said person, you will open both hands in his face, because you will see a prodigy.

A certain Gnostic said, God be pleased with them!, that whoever recites these [five] ayahs sitting
on the ground and then moves his hands around him until placing them behind his back, placing one index p. 327
finger on the other, and begins the recitation ten times as he traces the line with his finger from behind him
to close the circle in front of him, [and at the end he says]: "Answer, O Servants of these Names, by the
right they hold over you, that you hide me from the eyes of all the people and in the eyes of the enemies”.
Then he will be silent and will not speak to anyone, because in this way he will be hidden from all eyes,
God willing, exalted be he!, while he remains silent, and when he speaks he will make himself visible.
Check it out, it's certain.

And whoever recites these illuminating secrets and these divine lights 256 times 2 and then prays a

for the Prophet, God bless him and save him!, 132 times 3 , because every need that he asks of God will be
solved, having in it an extraordinary secret for the kings and rulers, and for those who wish to achieve high
rank. If a king constantly recites it, his kingdom is enlarged, the number of his subjects increases, his
opinions are obeyed and people submit to him, for in him resides the hidden Supreme Name of God and
His most preserved treasure. magnificent.

And this is the way they will be arranged:

It seems to say that the first of the five ayats mentioned above will be recited eleven times, after having traced
the circle while reciting the other four ten times. The circle will be traced with both index fingers from behind the back
to close in front, as suggested in a similar ritual below.
We believe that it refers to the fourteen Names of God listed on the previous page, corresponding to
to the Luminous Letters, and that are harmonized in the following square. The number 256 is equivalent to 'Light' (
Nūr ), last of the fourteen Names.
Equivalent to Muammad.

fig. 211

And you should know that each of these fourteen Names corresponds to a specific disposition
when it is harmonized in a square or in another type of talisman. Try to understand that, for God speaks the
Truth and He shows the Way.

You should know that each Name corresponds to letters and numbers, and to each number p. 328
corresponds to a magic square. Whoever harmonizes in a square the letters and numbers of each Name,
reveals the secret [of the Name] before him. As long as the number of a Name is odd, then all its influences
point to what singularity implies. And whenever the number is even, its influence works in union and the
like. When a Name is harmonized in a square with its letters and numerical values, separating them and
displaying them harmoniously, since that Name is essentially the Supreme Name, producing the same
effects as the Supreme and Absolute Name. And to every divine subtlety ( l a Ð ī f a ) 1
that resides in the
Names correspond nail verses of Koran, of the that depend Y with which they are linked.

I have ready these Names of way different Y the I have called subtleties ( l a Ð ā 'i f ), by How much
will we mention below:

Also “divine gift” or “beneficial effect”, according to T. Fahd (“La magie comme “source” de la sagesse”, p.

FIRST UTILITY : there are ten Names that suppose the security of the frightened, the calming

of the sorrowful and the liberation of the imprisoned: the Merciful ( al-Ra¬mān ), the Merciful ( al-Ra¬īm ), the
Pious ( al-Ra'ūf ), the Forgiving ( al-'Afū ), the Benefactor ( al-Manān ), the Generous ( al-Karim ),
One who gives generously ( ®ū-l-Æawl ), and Lord of Majesty and Bounty ( ®ū-l-Jalāl wa-l-Ikrām ).

SECOND UTILITY : it is the redoubt of the beautiful Sciences and the subtle wisdoms that reside
in the glorious Names. And it is the best of the Names in the internal dialogue ( al-munājat ) who makes
use of them and undertakes his ²ikr , because the mystery really opens and is revealed before him, he is
blessed and the Sciences and the Divine favour, thereby obtaining the visionary unveiling of Truth ( kašf ).
There are six Names: the Sublime ( al- ' AÞīm ), the Wise ( al-©akīm ), the Shrewd ( al-Jabīr ),
Unbreakable ( al-Matin ), the Guide ( al-Hādī ), Knowledgest of the stuff hidden ( 'Allam al-guyub ).

THIRD _ ITS USE : It is a streak of Name Supreme preserved Y hidden, Y in they resides rejection of
diabolical suggestions, control of desires and passions, and protection from misfortunes
painful. Them corresponds the moment of Sunrise of each day, Y have a virtue magnificent.
There are eight Names: the King ( al-Malik ), the Most High ( al-'Alī ), the Sublime ( al- ' AÞīm ), the
Sufficient ( al-Ganī ), the Exalted ( al-Muta'ālī ), Lord of the Majesty and the Generosity ( ®ū-l-Ŷalāl
wa-l-Ikrām ), the Custodian ( al-Muhaymin ), the Great ( al-Kabīr ).

FOURTH UTILITY : they are to obtain respect and for big confrontations. In them there is a part of
the Supreme Name hidden, and with them one can influence all creatures, especially to disperse what is
gathered and reunite what is dispersed. To those who constantly recite them, God removes them from all
hardship and helps them to overcome those who oppress them. It is very profitable if they are recited in
front of tyrants, the greatest creatures and the most powerful lords, because whoever does so will remain
safe, will be treated with generosity and the most precious animals and the most impregnable hearts will
submit before him. Are ten Names: the Powerful ( al-'Azīz ), the Strong ( al-Qawi ), the Capable ( al-Qādir
), lord of Power ( ®ū - l-Quwwa ), the Unwavering ( al-Matin ), the Almighty ( al-Muqtadir ), the
( al-Jabbār ), the Great ( al-Mutakabbir ), the Mighty ( al-Šadīd ), the Affluent ( al-Qadīr ) 1 .

FIFTH UTILITY : In them resides the Supreme Name of God, the one with which if you beg You are
ared for and if you ask, it is granted. The masters of visionary revelations have special knowledge of it and it is
one of the most sublime recitations. Everyone who undertakes his ²ikr obtains the unveiling visionary Y I know
you facilitate all the stuff important that need Y want. Who the
recites in the middle of the night witnesses prodigious things, and whoever persists in his invocation, the
secrets of the angelic Kingdom ( malakūt ) are revealed [before him]. In them resides the preservation of
the soul and the body against what causes pain and against the oppression of enemies, as it is one of the
occult recitations. No one perseveres in their recitation without coming to perceive the things of the
heavenly world and seeing secrets of the universe, making each world available to them, for they are the

perfect words . Y or N ten _ _ Names : _ _ _ Who in _ _ he or to boat _ all _ _ ( a l - M u ¬ ī Ð ), Erud it o _
( a l -' Ā li m ), the sir _ _ _ ( a l - R a bb ), the

1 We
correct the original, which repeats al-Qādir .

Witness ( al-Šahīd ), Who calculate all ( al-©asib ), the Effective ( al-Fa''āl ), the Creative ( al-Jallaq ),
the Creator ( a l - B ā r ī' ), the T o r m a d o r ( a l - M u ½ a ww i r ).

SIXTH UTILITY : they have a peculiar virtue for memorizing Sciences and for those who write d
fatwas. The people of Gnostic knowledge have in them an internal dialogue with God and a Remembrance,
and in them resides the purification of the hearts of those who practice asceticism, cleansing the weakness
( i'yā' ) 1 of their soul, since they seek the rejoicing of the soul through the conduits that make possible its
ascent spiritual. Are ten Names: the Innovative ( al-Badī' ), the Hidden ( al - Bā Ð i n ), the Guardian _ _ _
_ _ ( a l - © a f ī Þ ), the perfect _ _ _ ( al - Kām il ) , _ _ the Initiator _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a l - M u b d i ' ), Who
in _ _ h ago vo l see _ ( al - Mu'īd ) , the helper ( al-Mugī£ ), the Glorious ( al-Majid ), the Sincere ( al-
¼ādiq ), the Immense ( al-Wāsi' ), the su ti l _ ( a l - L a Ð ī f ).

SEVENTH UTILITY : it is one of the most sublime recitations that provides visionary revelation to
the one who recites them. In them resides the Supreme Name of God, and whoever invokes them
continuously, the Veil is removed in the middle of the night and he witnesses prodigious things. And if he
knows the way to invoke with them, he obtains with them the wealth of Eternity and has in them a means
to approach the Truth. There are ten Names: the Giver ( al - Wahhāb ) , Who extends sustenance ( a l - B ā
si Ð ), the living _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a l - © a y y ), the Subsisting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a l -Q a yy u m ) , he to light _ _
( al - Nūr ) , _ _ Who in _ _ reveals _ _ _ _ _ ( a l - F a tt ā ¬ ), the seer _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a l - B a ½ ī r ), the Mighty
_ _ _ _ _ ( a l - ' A z ī z ), the lover _ _ _ _ _ ( al - Wadūd ) , _ _ the I n m e n s o ( a l - W ā si ' ).
p. 329

EIGHTH UTILITY : It has an immediate influence for those who ask for their means of subsistence,
to feed the cattle and bring back the lost animals. Its virtue is to solve the difficulties when it comes to
obtaining the means of life and subsistence, putting in front of her faces the blessing of the good obtained
by the acts, and obtaining everything she needs. It is a very profitable recitation for those who are in the
lower spiritual grades, since they are sublime Names. Y are nine Names: Who you accept the repentance (
al-Tawwāb ), Who sorry ( al-Gāfir ), Who calculates everything ( al-©asīb ), the Organizer ( al-Wakīl ),
the Sufficient ( al-Kāfī ), the Provider ( al-Razzāq ), the Peaceful ( al-Salām ), the Guardian of the faith (
al-Mu'min ), the Presto ( al-Sari' ).
NINTH UTILITY : There are fifteen Names about the knowledge of the Visible World and the
Spiritual World, of the Mystery of the predestined and of the positions occupied by the superior World and
the inferior World. Whoever makes continuous use of its recitation in a state of abstinence 2 , witnesses the
high aspiration and impulse of his soul towards hidden things, which he could not know by himself. And
souls approach him, influencing hearts in a subtle way. And if you are afraid, you will be safe and protected
from those who oppress you. These are the Names: The Giver of Life ( al-Mu¬yī ), the Giver of Death (
al-Mumīt ), the Restrainer ( al-QābiÅ ), the Resurrecter ( al-Bā'i£ ), the Heir ( al - W ā r i £ ), the Curator
_ _ _ _ ( al - Šāfī ) , _ _ _ the B ond a s o _ ( a l - B a rr ), the first _ _ _ _ ( a l - A w w a l ), the last _ _ _ (
al - Ājir ) , _ _ _ the V isible _ _ _

The term also means "weariness, exhaustion."
Lit. "on an empty stomach."

( a l- Ý ā hi r ), the Hidden ( a l- B ā Ð in ), the most holy ( to l-Quddus ), ﴾ No h a engendered , _ _ No h a
been engendered , _ _ and there is no one quite like Him ﴿ 1 .

And you should know that these divine Subtleties are quick in their influence and prosperous. in the b
acceptance of prayers. It is recommended that each Subtlety be engraved on a gold seal of a gold ring, or on the
silver seal set in a gold ring, or on the silver seal of a ring
of the same matter. And when he wishes to undertake the ²ikr of some Subtlety, he will put on his
corresponding ring and recite them.


His words, praised and exalted!: ﴾ And if you are stirred up by an incitement of Satan, seek c
refuge in God -as far as he says- and then they clearly perceive ﴿ . These ayahs are for devilish suggestions,

for fear, shudder, bad feeling, nightmares and fear. terror.

Whoever is affected by any of these situations, write the ayahs on seven sheets with rose water and saffron
on Friday at sunrise, and every day swallow a sheet with a little water, because they will really be cured of
it, God willing, exalted be!

I know transmit in the ¼a¬ī¬ of al-Bujārī Y of muslim that according to grandma Hurayra, God
East satisfied with the!, said the Prophet: “ Satan comes a any of you Y He says: "Who I think such stuff?,
Y who created such stuff? -until tell- Y, who I think a You Mister?", Y to the get a this Question, well
must seek refuge in God and His Prophet ” 3 . And in another version of the ¼a¬ī¬ it says: “ Men
continually ask each other until they say: God created all things, but who created God? who is found
in such circumstance, that say: I think in God Y in Their Messenger ” 4 .

Al-Tirmi²ī says that according to 'Ā'iša, may Allah be pleased with her! The Prophet said: “ who I know

in front a some of these whispers devilish, that say: “We believe in God Y in Their Prophet" three times,
well that I know will drive away of he ” 5 .

Muslim narrates that he said 'U£mān b. Abī al-'Ā½ 6 : "O Messenger of God, Satan has placed
himself between me and my prayer and my recitation, confusing me." And the Messenger of God said, God
bless you and save you!: “ That one it is the Devil to the that I know call janzab, Y when it feel close, search
shelter in God Y spit

Cor . cxii:3-4. Each of the three affirmations that these verses contain would form a Name, thus making a total
of fifteen, as stated at the beginning of the paragraph.
Cor . vii:200-201.
Bujārī, no. 3034; Muslim, no. 191; Amad 20864.
Muslim, no. 190.
I cannot find this ¬adī£ in the al-Tirmi²ī collection, and it seems to be a version of the previous one.
Companion of the Prophet who died in the year 50 of the hijra ('A LĀ ' AL -D ĪN MUGULTAY , Ikmāl tah ² īb al-
kamāl fī asmā' al-rijāl , ix, p. 158).

three times to your left ”. So I did that, and God took him away from me” 1 . And the šayj Mu¬yī al-Dīn
al-Nawawī said in his Šar¬ Muslim 2 that Janzab is with a jā' punctuated 3 , a nūn with sukūn , then a zay
with a vowel , and finally a bā' with a single diacritic point. And scholars disagree on the vocalization of
the letter jā' , since some pronounce it with a vowel a , and others with a vowel i , these two being the best-
known variants, and still others pronounce it with a vowel u . This is recounted by Ibn al-A£īr in his Nihāya
al-Garīb 4 , and what is known is that it is pronounced with a vowel a or i .

And Abū Dawūd narrates that Abū Zumayl 5 said: “I asked Ibn 'Abbās: “What do I find inside and

me?”; and said, "What is it?" I said, "I swear to God I can't talk about it." then i said: "perhaps some
Doubts?", Y I know river. After said: "No one could get away of they until that God,
exalted be!, made descend: ﴾ Y Yes are in doubt of it that tea we have done descend ... ﴿ - the rest of the
ayah-” 6 . And then he told me: “If you find some doubts inside you, say: ﴾ He is the First and the Last,
the Visible Y the Hidden, Y it is Knowledgest of all the stuff ﴿ 7 .

Saying "There is no god but Allah" is recommended for those who are victims of Satan's whispers
during ablutions, prayers and similar things, because when the Devil hears the Remembrance, he slips away
, that is, he backs off and away, and "There is no god but Allah" is the main part of the Remembrance.
That is why the Lords of Creation ( sādat al-jalq ) 9 , quintessence of the Ummah , chose that the path of
the well-guided and the discipline of the disciples be in the diction of "There is no god but Allah" at the
time of his spiritual retreat. They ordered them to recite it constantly and said: The most effective way to
avoid devilish suggestions is to indulge in the Remembrance of God constantly.

Shaykh A¬mad b. al-Jwārizmī 10 : “I lamented to Sulayman al-Dārānī 11 about the whispers of the
devil that were disturbing me, and he said: If you want to take him away from you the moment you feel p. 330
them, then feel joy, since when you are happy he moves away of you. There is nothing more hateful to the
Devil than happiness of Believer, while that when you feel sadness intensifies their whispers.

Muslim, no. 4083.
A famous jurist and traditionist born in Damascus (1233 AD), author of the main commentary on the ¼a¬ī¬

of Muslim ( Šar¬ Muslim , Cairo, 1283 h.). He died in the year 1277 AD. c.
That is, it is not a ¬ā' .
Majd al-Dīn Ibn al-Atīr (d. 1210 AD), his dictionary on unusual terms in the sayings of the Prophet, entitled
Al-nihāya fī garīb al-hadīt wa-l-atar , has been edited in 5 volumes in Cairo, 1963-5.
Simak b. al-Walīd Abū Zumayl, a little-known character who appears as a trustworthy transmitter ( £iqat ) of
some prophetic sayings in the collections of Muslim al-Tirmi²ī and other traditionists ('A LĀ ' AL -D ĪN M UGULTAY ,
Ikmāl tah²īb al-kamāl , vi, p. 112).
Cor . x:94.
Cor . lvii:3. The anecdote appears collected in Abū Dawūd, nº 4446.
See Cor . cxiv:4, where the Devil is called "the slinking whisperer" ( al-waswās al-jannās ).
In the original we read sādat al-julla , “lords of sincere love”, and we corrected that in the text they are described
as “quintessence of the Umma ”, relying on the definition of the Lords of Creation given by J. Nurbakhsh ( Sufi
Symbolism , iii, p.238): “Those friends of God who possess the nature of the prophets [...]. Says a tradition: In this
community ( Umma ) there are forty people of the nature of Abraham, seven of the nature of Moses, three of the nature
of Jesus and one of the nature of Mu¬ammad. All of them, each according to their rank, are the Lords of Creation”.
Unidentified, could refer to Ahmad b. JaÅruyah (d. AD 864) celebrated saint of the city of Balkh (A. J, A
RBERRY , Muslim Saints and Mystics , p. 227).
Abū Sulaymān al-Dārānī (d. 830 AD), a Sufi authority cited by authors such as Ibn 'Arabī or al-Sarrāj.

Shaykh Muyyi al-Din said [b. al-'Arabī] -and with this he corroborates what some sages say- that
only those whose faith is full are freed from the suggestions of the Devil, since the thief will not propose to
enter an empty building”.

According to abu al-Darda' 1 , [said the Prophet]: “ to who recites each day seven times: ﴾ But Yes tea
give the a
back, gave: God I Enough, No there are god otherwise The, a The I I trust Y The it is the Mister of
Throne Immense ﴿ 2 , God you pound of that that you distress relative a is life Y a the Other, be sincere either
liar ” 3 , Y in another version He says: “ no go dead crushed, neither drowned, neither Burned, neither by
iron ” 4 .

And count al-Lay£ b. Sa'd 5 that according to Abū Ma'šar 6 a man had broken his leg, so he you
approached a person Y you said: put your hand where tea hurts Y gave: ﴾ But Yes tea give the back, gave:
God is enough for me, there is no god but Him, I entrust myself to Him and He is the Lord of the
Immense Throne ﴿ . And his leg was recovered and healed by virtue of this ayah
And whoever writes it, wears it hanging and meets a powerful person, solves his problem, God
willing, exalted be he!


write: “O Allāh ” seven times, “O Gracious” ( Ra¬mān ) seven times, O Merciful ( Ra¬īm ) seven
times, and then you shall write: “My God, soften the heart of So-and-so towards So-and-so and infuse into
him pity, compassion, esteem, sympathy and acceptance, ﴾ But if they turn their back on you, say: God I
Enough, No there are god otherwise The, a The I I trust Y The it is the Mister of Throne Immense ﴿ , ﴾ Y
when Ibrāhīm said: Mister Own! Let me watch What you resurrect it that this dead. Said: Perhaps No do
you think? Y said:
Of course yes , -until- Powerful, Wise ﴿ 7 . In this way, come So-and-so before So-and-so, complacent
and submissive, ﴾ we have removed the veil from you so that your sight today is sharp ﴿ 8 ”. You will write it with
saffron, c
pepper and lead, and you will spin it seven times over the head of whomever you want and in the way that
is easiest for you, either while sleeping or while awake, in a closeness like that of husband and wife, or in
the manner to be. And if you can't get to their head, then make it turn away from that person, where you
can see them and they can't see you. You will say at every turn “ Allāhu akbar! ” seven times and you will
take him with you, because God will really push him to continue submitting to you. God is the One who
grants success. “ The acts only they are worth with the intentions, Y each one will be gainful by it that I
know proposed ”. Y It has been of to write the Thursday a the exit of sun in its amulet ( al-¬irz ).

Companion of the Prophet, died in Damascus in the year 652 AD. c.
Cor . ix:130.
Abū Dawūd, no. 4418, where it says “who recites it seven times every sunrise and sunset”.
Version we can't find.

Well-known Egyptian traditionist and jurist. He died in the year 791 AD. c.
It would be about Abū Ma'šar al-Sindī (d. 787 AD), traditionist and author of a K. al-Magāzī .
Cor . ii:259.
Cor . 1:22.

ADDITION : And this is the Name presto [in the answer]: AHL , AHLA , 'LH , the Essence, the Spirit

Y the Science, oh Benign, oh Who it joins all ( W to ½½ ūl ), make get a so-and-so together a so-and-so, And
make affection between them , BHLæīf , Šlīæ · , asthmaæūn , Aæn Hkš , Brqš , Hyūrš , Bhlhlyūr ,
Alaryā¼ , Hyūrš , Yarūš , Alšq , Alšqūm , Mhraqš , Yšl p. 331
B'RNQŪŠ , QLŠAQŪM , 'LŠAQŠ , MHRAQŠ . Answer, oh servants!, by the Preserved and Hidden
Name. Answer, O Salim. Answer, O Mīmūn.”
You will write it on Wednesday on reed leaves with clinopodium water, saffron and rose water,
along with the name of whoever you want. Then you will hang it in the wind and perfume it with olibanum
incense. Your food during the spiritual retreat will be bread and oil, and you will retire for seven days to a a

place where there are no people, carrying out an appropriate retreat in which you will fast for the day and
break the fast with what we already mentioned without staying completely sated. You will recite them at
the end of each of the five prayers and you will use them for whatever you want: for your partner's epileptic
attack, to attract the absent person, to turn paper into gold or silver and whatever you want. So feel lucky
and don't reveal your secret to no one, well you'll get it that you wait Y I know will fulfill it that you want
in your benefit.
This is the Seal of Obedience, and in it is found the Prompt Name and the elevated ascendant. You
will write in 1180 a name, and that is what you will write the ascendant in; this number is found in three
letters, and in it there is anticipation and delay. Try to understand, because the walls have ears and listen
carefully 1 . East it is the stamp:

fig. 212

SECTION [ ABOUT THE NAMES OF U MM M ÙSÀ ]: You will write these names on the pillow of the
spouses who are quarreling, and they are the names of Umm Mūsà 2 , peace be upon him! You will write
them on Friday when the imām sits in the minbar and having begun the call to prayer, with saffron

Cor . lxix:12. The meaning of the paragraph is uncertain, and the manifest secrecy of its words does not help its
interpretation. It seems to suggest that in the following figure the name of the planetary ascendant should be written in
the place in that occur three letters whose worth it is 1180, the which No with him to identify (Y would have that be a
gayn-qāf - fā ' either g a and n - ½ ā d - ½ ā d , either good _ _ _ substituting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the g a and n why _ shin
, _ _ what _ e n and he or laugh _ _ _ i s l a m i c v a lía thousand ). Neither _ _ _ _ We are sure that the number 1180
is correct, or that the names of the figure are correct, which in general coincide with some of the previous invocation.
On the other hand, if the number were 1081 (altering the order of the figures is a common mistake), it would be
equivalent to Mars ( al-Marrīj ). In any case, it is noteworthy that manuscript D (before ms. base) No contain that
paragraph Y Yes the figure, with some variants (v. Exhibit II, p. 511).
Although the expression “peace be upon him!” suggests that she is the mother of Moses, we wonder if she could
refer to the mother of the Shiite caliph Mu¬ammad al-Mahdī (AD 756-788), a powerful woman to whom a certain
blessing was attributed (v. E. Honigmann* “Karbala'”, in EI 2 ).

aromatic, rose water, cloves and crushed yellow frankincense, and cloves rubbed in the aromatic rose water. p. 332

Then fold the writing, smear it with aromatic civet and put the writing inside the pillow on which they sleep,
because they will truly love each other, God willing, exalted be He!

And this is what you will write: “ ÆSŪM ÆSŪM , 'YŠŪM 'YŠŪM , 'LŪM 'LŪM , KLŪM a
¼YŪM ¼YŪM , QYŪM QYŪM , DYŪM DYŪM . Praised be He by Whose mention hearts are reassured
. Calm down, oh heart of Fulano son of Fulana for the love of Fulano son of Fulana. My God, reconcile
So-and-so son of So-and-so and So-and-so son of So-and-so, just as you reconciled Mu-ammad and his
companions 2 . O Who brought love to Yūsuf into the heart of Zulayja 3 , O Who brought love to Mūsà into
the heart of Āsiya bint Muzā¬im 4 , O Who brought love to Mu¬ammad into the heart of Jadīja bint Juwaylid
and ' Ā'iša bint Abī Bakr al-¼iddīq 5 , introduce love for such a person into the heart of such a person, just
as you introduce night into day, day into night Y the gender male in the feminine, ﴾ though you would have
spent all how much there are in the Earth you would not have got link their hearts, without embargo
God the joined. The Really it is Powerful, Wise ﴿ 6 .
There is no power or strength except in God, the Sublime, the
Most High!” And if you want, write them after sunrise on
Friday. b

A PART : They asked ®ū-l-Nūn al-Mi½rī, God have mercy on him!, for the names of Umm Mūsà,
peace be upon him!, and he said: there are many stories we have about them , and what I have found to be
true is that when you want to use them, you will fast seven days and not talk to anyone. Each of these days
you will give alms to three poor people and you will perfume your place of prayer in the morning and at
night with frankincense and aloe stick, and you will recite the names at the end of each prayer seven times.
When the term is complete, you will recite them internally, and you will not invoke with them before a
padlock, chain or lock without it opening before you in the twinkling of an eye, thank God, exalted be He!
This is what you will say: “In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Lord of Halbā bint
Ragbā, the believing, the sincere, Umm Mūsà, peace be upon him!, by God, the Mighty, the Wise, H L Y
A , the grandiose , _ _ _ _ _ the big , _ _ the Custody , _ _ _ _ _ the Sublime , _ _ _ _ why _ Who in _ _
I know a bren _ he or s c i e l o s ( a l - a Ð b ā q ) , s and the horizons light up and the confines are revealed.
Open this lock and this tie, -and if you wish, you will say "to So-and-so son of So-and-so to love to So-and-
so son of So-and-so." By God, the Mighty, the Great, the Great, the Keeper, the Sublime".

And in another narration it is said that the names of Umm Mūsà, peace be upon him!, with which
locks and bonds are undone are: “ ÆSŪM ÆSŪM , AYŪM AYŪM , ©YŪM ©YŪM , QYŪM QYŪM ,
DYŪM DYŪM . My God, oh who opens the sky with torrential rain 7 , open such and such -and you will
mention the locks, shackles or hearts you want-. You really can do everything. OMG

Allusion to Cor . xiii:29.
Allusion to Cor . ix:118-119.
V. Cor . xii:20-34. Wife of the Biblical Potiphar.
Name that tradition gives to Pharaoh's wife (cf. A¬mad, nº 2536 and 2751), who is mentioned in Cor . xviii:9
and lxvi:11.

Muhammad's first and third wife.
Cor . viii:64.
Cf. Cor . liv:11.


, ÆFF , LFF , KFF , SHF , F'ĪL , YĀLĪÆĀ , WÆĀYA , DBĀ , LKRĪRH . [Me you incantation] for
respond, turn to and obey God, His Messenger, His Power and His Dominion. Open this bolt: if it is iron,
make it jump, and if it is brass, copper or wood, break it. By the right of these Names over you, -and if you
wish, say: open So-and-so's heart to love and affection towards So-and-so-”.
Finished thank God, exalted be!


You should know that God protects the one who wears this ring, as long as he keeps himself from
committing sins, is in a state of purity and with clean clothes, and is quiet and fearful of God, for in this
way he will be promptly cared for. And it is the Seal of Obedience that only the strong in God ( al-'azīz )
can attain.

Said Wahb b. Munabbih 1 , God be pleased with him!, that the Seal of Sulaymān was written on
four pillars, found on the right side "I am God, I do not cease to be"; on the left side "I am God, the Living,
the Subsistent"; on the third side "I am God, the Mighty One, there is no Mighty One except Me and the
one whom I cover with my Seal"; and in the side room is written the verse of the Throne, surrounding
"Mu¬ammad is the Messenger of God", God bless and save you!

AWAY : and it is said that the Names that were on the Seal of Sulaymān, peace be upon him!, are
these: “There is no god but Allah, only He, without associate. I am God, I am Unique in Sovereignty and
Dominion, AYL AYL AYL . I am God, I am Strong in Power and Omnipotence, YĀH YĀH YĀH . I am God,
Living, Subsistent, I do not sleep, AYH AYH AYH . I am God, Shrewd, Capable, everything obeys me,
ANŪJ ANŪJ ANŪJ . I am God, the Gracious, the Merciful, DĀ'ŪŶ FY'ŪŶ MĀ'ŪŶ . There is no god but
Allah is my fortress, whoever enters it is safe from my punishment. I protect myself by the Names of this
Seal and by the Lord of Might and of the Imperative. I take refuge from my enemies in the Lord of Power,
Strength and Kingdom. I entrust myself to the Living One, Who does not die. I inflict damage on whoever
wishes me with ﴾ there is no power or strength except in God, the Most High, the Sublime . God us
Enough, what Excellent Protective! ﴿ two ﴾ Gave: Allah, King of the Sovereignty! -until Their said- without
limitation ﴿ 3 .
p. 334

ADDITION : It has been said that these Names were found in the embroidery of Sulaymān's tunic 4 ,
peace be upon him!, and they are an enormous blessing, particularly for royalty and government. They are:
“ AYL AYL AYL . I am God, I am Unique in Power, Strength and Omnipotence, YĀH YĀH

Yemeni traditionist who lived in the first half of the 8th century, and to whom some work on the prophets of
Islam is attributed with a marked Judeo-Christian influence.
Cor . iii:173.
Cor . iii:26-7.
According to manuscripts B and D, they were found in the embroidery of the prophet Yūsuf's robe, and in the
ring or seal of Sulaymān.

YĀH . I am God, the Living, the Subsisting, Subsisting that does not sleep, AH AH AH . I am God, the
Only One, the Dominator, Living, Capable, nothing makes me perish, ANŪJ ANŪJ ANŪJ . I am God, the
Mighty One, there is no mighty one except Me, My Might is above the comparable and the equivalent,
DĀ'ŪŶ FY'ŪŶ DĀ'ŪŶ . There is no god but Allah is my fortress, whoever enters it is safe from God's
punishment. I protect myself in the Lord of Power and the Kingdom, I take refuge in the Lord of Force and
Imperative, I entrust myself to the Living One, the one who does not die 1 , I hit those who hit me and wish
to harm me, deceive me, betray me either accuse me in fake with Nope there are power neither strength
except in God, the Soaring, the Sublime . I seek refuge in God and entrust myself to God and His sacred
Names preserved, hidden and glorious, AH AH AH , LŪ'ĀLYH , DĀYŪM , ÆASŪM , QYŪM , for the
truth of ﴾ ©ā'-Mīm-'Ayn-Sīn-Qāf ﴿ , by the truth of ﴾ Kāf-Hā'-Yā'-'Ayn-¼ād ﴿ , and for the truth of the
©awāmīm and the noble verses they contain. In them I take refuge and in the Power of God, with whom
he created Muammad, God bless him and Hail!".

ADDITION : And it is said that these Names are some of the Names of the Shining Light, whose a
light predominates over all light. And when Sulaymān, peace be upon him!, took his seat, the jinn trembled
out of respect and fear of these Names, which are: ﴾ There is no god but Allah , the decree belongs by
whole a God ﴿ 2 , no one can overcome a God, Light, Light, Light. Praised be He whose Light predominates
over all light. There is no power or strength except in God, the Most High, the Sublime. KHY'¼ , ŶHLĀS ,
WA©¼LĪ , R©SMĀ , KSÆSÆĪ , MÆÆHÆÆ , HÆĀHÆ , HYF . Reply, ﴾ Nope
there is more god than Allah ﴿ shines and I look for light. ÆŪB , ÆŪB , Most Pure, Most Pure ( Subbū
¬ ), HYÆŪB, HYÆŪB , most holy, most holy ( Qaddus ), Mister of the angels Y of Spirit. I know nods
on the Throne and to Him belongs the Sovereignty. He has the most beautiful Names, no one can prevent
what he decrees or hinder what he grants, doing in His Kingdom what he wants and decreeing in His
creation what he wants, because He can do it. all".
It will be written on a gazelle or sheep skin parchment with musk and saffron, and it will be
perfumed with the most aromatic incense.

And this chapter is derived in 71 sections indicated for going to see the sovereigns and rulers, to p. 335
meet the authorities, for the imprisoned and the bewitched, for deserted roads , for difficulties in childbirth,
for fever, for the repudiated, for the slap, for the love between a man and his wife, for the love of brothers,
sisters and mothers, and for buying and selling, since its provisions are numerous. So conceive of their
power, strive to preserve it and beware of committing sin, for in them resides the Supreme Name of God,
and they are the Names just mentioned and the seals that were on Sulaymān's pendant, peace be upon them!

Paraphrasing Cor . xxv:58.
Cor . iii:154.
That is, the paths that inspire fear.

And al-©iŷrī 1 narrates
that Ka'b al-A¬bār 2 , God be pleased with him!, said: “On the carpet of a

Sulaymān, peace be upon him!, there were some names with which the geniuses were struck down and
frightened, to which they obeyed and with which they were punished. And in the center of the carpet there
were four names in the Hebrew language forming a square 3 , by virtue of which the geniuses and demons
submitted without disobeying for a single moment. The spirits in charge of holding up the carpet were four
powerful jinn ( 'afārīt ) 4 , who were Sulaymān's most important ministers among the jinn. Sulaymān's
ministers, peace be upon him!, numbered three hundred men, the most important of them being Āaf b. b
Barajyā, and three hundred geniuses, of which the most important are these four: ÝMRYĀÆ ,
¼N'YQ , HDLYĀŶ and ŠŪGĀL . Geniuses and demons owe great obedience to these names, so conceive
their dignity and virtue, do not despise them and do not reveal them to any of God's creatures. Beware of
ordering the four geniuses to submit, and instead you will say: “O the four revered servant spirits and
ministers, [I invoke you] so that you may ordain and designate whoever solves my need and whatever
pleases me, for the sake of right of the Prophet of God Sulaymān, and by the right of Whom said: ﴾ Said a
genius 'Ifrit: me tea it I'll bring before of that tea get up of your seat, me I've got strength for it and I am
trustworthy ﴿ 5 , ﴾ It is from Sulaymān, and it is “in the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Nope
you get up against my, come a my subjected ﴿ 6 , ready, in Calm down Y with serenity".

You will write each name on its corresponding day, in a state of ritual purity, with clean clothes c

and in a place without impurity. You will write it in the hour of its corresponding planet and you will
perfume it with the most aromatic and best incense. Later, at night, you will expose it to the air under the
stars reciting the surah Yā' Sīn and the surah of Sovereignty 7 . Each of these four names corresponds to a
To the first, which is ÆAYŪM, on Sunday. His hour is the first, with the rising of the sun, and his
servant is the 'ifrīt ¾MRYĀÆ . The owner of the hour is al-Mu²hib al-Kibrīt, and this is his name:
HŠÆŠLHKŪŠ , nine letters.
p. 336
The second corresponds to Tuesday and its first hour. His servant is the 'ifrīt ŠWGĀL and the
owner of the hour is al-A¬mar Abū al-Tawābi' 8 , and this is his name: KŠKŠLY'ŪŠ , nine letters.
The third corresponds to Wednesday and its first hour. His servant is the 'ifrīt DYBĀŶ 9 . The
owner of the hour is Burqān, his planet is Mercury, and this is his name: B©ŠHŠLÆŪŠ , nine letters.
And the fourth corresponds to Saturday and its first hour. His servant is the 'ifrīt ¼N'YQ. The
owner of the hour is Mīmūn Abū Nūj, and this is his name: ŠÆLÆÆLKŪŠ , nine letters. And they take
place in every name nine letters because it is the number plus high, the plus powerful Y the latest of they.

Yemeni Jew converted to Islam around the year 638 (year 16 of the Hijra), and a great authority on Judeo-Islamic
Lit. "four closed names."
Plural of 'ifrīt , a name by which an evil and rebellious genius is usually referred to, although in this case it is
distinguished from jinn by its greater power.
Cor . xxvii:40.
Cor . xxvii:30-31.
Cor . xxxvi and lxvii.
Lit. "Father of the female geniuses", who accompany women.
Shortly before called HDLYAŶ .

And this is the figure of the seal:

fig. 213

And it is said that this is his incantation and the words to be pronounced: "My God, O Strong One, a
there is no one strong but You, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Creator of night and day, Who sends the
clouds and the winds. Oh Lord of lords, Who emancipates the slaves, the Capable One for what he desires
and wants, nothing is hidden from Him, He does not fear any consequence, nor does he expect any reward.
The Dominator in His Power, the Merciful in His Mercy. I implore you, by the verses of God, the Merciful,
the Merciful, Lord of the Faithful Spirit, Ŷibrīl, of the sublime and elevated angel, Mīkā'il, of the angel in
charge of blowing the horn, Isrāfīl, and of the angel feared by whom the hearts tremble, 'Azrā'īl, and of all
the bearers of the Throne, so that you may order whoever solves my need and what pleases me. By the truth
of the prophet of God, Solomon, peace be upon him!, and by the Truth of whom said:
﴾ Who of you I will bring its throne before of that come a my subjected? Said a genius 'Ifrit -until His
saying- trustworthy ﴿ 1 , ﴾ It is from Sulaymān -as far as he says- subjected ﴿ 2 . My God, I pray for these
spiritual beings who honor You, to subordinate to me the four 'ifrīt with Your Power and Your Majesty, by
Obey and do what I order.

AWAY : and it is said that the seal that Sulaymān carried in his hand, in which his sovereignty p. 337
resided, in which was the Supreme Name of God and which was written in the heart of Ādam, peace be
upon him! , it was like this:

Cor . xxvii:39-40.
Cor . xxvii:30-31.

fig. 214


Among the virtues peculiar of the glorious verses, this Their saying, exalted be!: ﴾ He said: to
embark in she! Y that be in the Name of God its course Y its arrival. It is certain that me Mister is
Forgiving and Compassionate ﴿ 1 . This ayah is for those who have a ship that is in the sea and want to
save it from sinking into the depths. That ayah will be engraved on a teak wood plate and it will be nailed
to the front of the boat -and in another copy it says: on the back of the boat-, well Really will have in it a
amulet ( ¬irz ) Y a protection, Yes God wants, exalted be!

Y in the book of ibn al-Sinni I know He says that, according to al-©asan b. 'Ali, said the Delivery
courier of God, b
that God you bless Y Hail!: “ The security of me community when embark in a ship this in that they recite
: ﴾ May their course and arrival be in the name of God. It is true that my Lord is Forgiving and
Compassionate ﴿ , ﴾ They have not appreciated God in His true magnitude ﴿ 3 -until the end of the verse;
and in this way in other copies: when embarking and not [...], let them recite ﴾ Be in the name of God
your course Y its arrival. It is certain that me Mister it is Indulgent Y Compassionate ﴿ , ﴾ Nope they have
appreciated a God in its true magnitude ﴿ -. I know will put in the Stern Y looking at towards the bow
point to ( yumī' ) a the left Already the right Y will tell: abu Bakr Y 'Umar. After point to towards the
Stern Y will tell: 'U£mān. Y by latest

Cor . xi:41.
Cor. xxxix:64.

he will point towards the bow and say: 'Alī. Then he will say: “In the Name of God we beg you, with ﴾ Kāf-
hā'-yā'- ' a and n- ½ ā d ﴿ us enough, Y with ﴾ © ā '- M ī m -' A and n- S īn-Q ā f ﴿ us we protect, ﴾ God
behind _ _ _ of they surrounds them . This is a glorious Recitation, on a Tablet preserved ﴿ 1 .

Ibn 'Abbās said to his companions: "Whoever recites when riding on his mount or on a ship: "In c
the Name of God, the King, ﴾ Nope they have appreciated a God in Their true magnitude, when the whole
earth East in Their fist the Day of the Resurrection -until- of it that associate ﴿ 2 . ﴾ Said: embark in she! p. 338
And may their course and arrival be in the name of God. It is true that my Lord is Forgiving and
Compassionate ﴿ , -and then he turned to his companions and said- if he perishes or his ship sinks, then the
responsibility falls on me. responsibility.

Said Ibn Šabak 3 : “I arrived at the coast of Barabarš 4 and found twelve ships loaded with food in
the port. I entered one of them, said the words and recited the verses. Then the ships began to sail with a
favorable wind late at night 5 , and then the wind blew strong and a great swell rose, but that wind did not
reach the coast because it deviated from the ship in which I was, while of the remaining ships not a trace

And he said 'Abd Allah b. 'Umar: “The security of not perishing or sinking for those who navigate a
the sea is that they recite: “In the Name of God, the Sovereign, the Merciful, the Merciful. ﴾ they have not
appreciated a God in Their true magnitude ﴿ -the ayah until the end- . ﴾ Said: embark in she! Y that are
in the Name of God its course Y its arrival. It is certain that me Mister it is Indulgent Y Compassionate
﴾ When your Y who be with you you have uploaded a the ship, gave: Praised be God!, that us he has saved

from unjust people ﴿ 6 . ﴾ Truly God holds the heavens and the earth so that they do not fall ﴿ -the aleya to
the final-".

And in another version, said Ibn 'Abbās, May God be pleased with both!: “Who says when
embarking on the sea: “In the Name of God, Sovereignty belongs to God, O He to Whom the seven fearful
heavens belong , the seven shamed lands, the imposing submissive mountains, and the immense seas
humiliated before Him. Protect me, You are the best Protector and you are the most Merciful of the merciful.
﴾ They have not appreciated God in His true magnitude - even His words, praised and exalted! be!- of it
that associate ﴿ . That God bless Y Hail a our mister Muammad, a its family and to his companions, and to
all the prophets, to the Envoys and the close angels. ﴾ He said: Embark on it! And may their course and
arrival be in the name of God. It is true that my Lord is Forgiving and Compassionate ﴿ . Then Ibn
'Abbās turned to his companions and said: If he is shipwrecked, then the debt of his death.

Cor . lxxxv:20-22.
Cor . xxxix:64.
Uncertain reading.
Lit. “towards the third of the night”.
Cor . xxiii:28.



!, that the Names have allusive meanings , and one of the most virtuous gave an account of the most
sublime Names ( a l - ½ ā li ¬ ūn a ) masters _ _ _ _ _ d e he or s you are _ _ _ mystics , _ _ _ _ d e he to I
n f o r m a t i o n Y d e he or s Names _ _ saying that the most sublime ayah of the Book of God is the great
and revered ayah of the Throne , by His saying: ﴾ His Throne spans the heavens and the earth ﴿ . And that
in ﴾ Alif-lām-mīm ﴿ there is a great meaning, since the alif is from “ Allāh ”, the lām from ﴾ to Him (la-hu)
belong the heavens and the earth ﴿ , and the mim of ﴾ King of the Sovereignty ﴿ .

And you must know that when this ayah descended on the Prophet, God bless him and save!, forty
thousand angels descended next to her for glory and greatness of their power. So conceive the value of what a
came before you, because it is the saving, protective, defending and preserving ayah. She really is the
mistress ( sayyida ) of the Qur'an, and is one third of it. That is what has been transmitted in some reliable
traditions, in which it is said that whoever recites it at the beginning of the night does not come near any
demon, and in the same way whoever recites it at the beginning of the day. And the Lord, the Obeyed ( al-
M u Ð ā ' ) 1 it mentioned for that I know understood the sense hidden of the ayah of Throne.

The ayah of Throne contains hundred seventy letters, fifty words Y seven sections ( f u ½ ūl ).
Whoever recites it the number of times of its letters -one hundred and seventy-, wanting to be interceded
for him before a powerful man, whoever he may be, finds his intercessor.

Whoever finds himself in an adverse situation recites it one hundred and seventy times in the
middle of the night, in a state of ritual purity and oriented towards the Qibla, God promptly consoles him. b

Whoever recites it the number of times of his words to understand something in which your light
is insufficient [...] and is protected from diabolical inspirations.

Who the recites the number of times of their sections the Friday after the prayer of the afternoon (
a l-' a ½ r ) in a place without noise, in a state of ritual purity and oriented towards the qibla, and finds in his
heart a condition that he does not recognize and a feeling of baseness, so he prays to God, that he will be
cared for in everything concerning this life and the Other.

Whoever recites it in the middle of the night 225 times gets rid of his enemy because God, exalted
be he! destroy. c

Both epithets of the Prophet.

Whoever recites it 313 times to seek and attract sustenance obtains it and is loved by all creatures.

And to those who are anguished by some matter and recite it 313 times, God frees them from what
worries them, be it related to this life or the Hereafter, and opens before them the door of blessings as long
as they continue to recite it.

Whoever recites this noble ayah and writes it with the letters separated in a glass bowl with saffron, d

rose water and musk, and drinks from it the number of days of its letters, during which he will make a fast
that will break it, God grants him the power to speak with mastery of the genres of Wisdom. The beginning
of this work will take place in the month of Nīsān 1 , and if some water is added to it it is better. When you
want to break the fast with the ayah, as we mentioned, you will recite the ayah of the Throne seven times
and say: "My God, I beg you for the Truth of this noble ayah, that you inspire me with Your divine Science,
I beg you grant a knowledge”, and you will mention it, for indeed God will grant you your knowledge.
I indicated this to one of the brothers, so he made use of it, and had hardly completed the number and
of recitations mentioned when God revealed all kinds of knowledge to him, he obtained what he had
requested and much more. God guides who he wants.

And one of its peculiar virtues is that when you wear new clothes, you will recite it over a seam of
the garment and when you put it on you will say: "My God, in the same way that you dress me in new
clothes, I beg you to make me live happily." and grant me a long life”, because really the servant angels of
this noble ayah ask for the forgiveness of the one who wears that garment until they take it off. And if the
sura of Decree 2 is added to this , then it is more cash.

Another of the peculiar virtues of this noble ayah is that when you go to visit a sick person, ask p. 340
him about his illness, and if that is a headache or another pain, you will write the ayah with the letters
separated and you will hang it on him in the pain area. And if the patient tells you that his condition is inside
or throughout his body, then draw the well-known magic square of the verse in a glass bowl, writing it with
musk, saffron and rose water. Then write the noble ayat also with the letters separated, and next to it write
the ayats of healing, which are: ﴾ He will heal the breasts of people believers ﴿ 3 . ﴾ A healing for it that
there are in the breasts, a guide Y a mercy for believers ﴿ 4 . ﴾ Contains a healing for the mens ﴿ 5 . ﴾ With
the Koran we make descend a healing Y a mercy for the believers ﴿ 6 . ﴾ Y when am sick I healing ﴿ 7 . ﴾ Gave:
for the that believe it is a

Corresponds to the month of April.
Cor . xcvii.
Cor . ix:14..
Cor . x:57.
Cor . xvi:69.
Cor . xvii:82.
Cor . xxvi:80.

guide and a cure ﴿ 1 . Then you will erase the writing with bee honey, you will recite the noble ayah seven
times over it and you will give it to the sick person to drink, for he will certainly be cured, God willing,
exalted be he!

Another peculiar virtue of this verse is that whoever has a phlegmatic condition, well He will take
even pinches of white salt, reciting the noble verse seven times with each of them, and he will take them fasting.
during seven days counted, well Really God will that disappear that that you it affects.

And it is told of a certain person who saw horrible things in his dreams that terrified him, so he
went to see one of the teachers of spiritual disposition and complained to him about what was happening to
him in his dreams. Then the šayj said to him : “When you go to bed, seek refuge in God from the Demon
stoned three times 2 , then recite the ayat of the Throne three times, and when you get to where it says ﴾ and
it does not cause him fatigue to maintain them. He is the Most High, the Sublime ﴿ , repeat it three times
and sleep, because you will really get rid of what happens to you. That person did the same and after that
nothing disturbed him again.

Other virtue peculiar of the ayah of Throne it is that when you want to go a watch a some ruler or b
powerful and fear his wickedness, for you will say when you go to him “May the faces be distorted ( šāhat al-
wujūh )” 3 three times, you will recite the verse of the Throne three times and then you will say: “My God, bring
down through Your beauty, Your affection, Your generosity and the traits of Your Lordship that with which
hearts are overwhelmed, souls humiliated, eyes dazzled and minds stupefied, and that in view of it that I know
humble all person pride Y oppressive. oh Powerful, oh Indulgent, oh Allah,
oh Unique, oh One. My God, protect me from what you have decreed, prolong my existence with one of
the subtleties of Your Name 'the Guardian' ( al-©afīÞ ) so that the eyes of creatures are dazzled. Dress me
with the breastplate of Your protection and Your custody. Hang on my shoulder the sword of Your victory,
Your dignity and Your defense. Put on me the crown of Your Glory and Your Nobility. Cover me with the
mantle grace and your vigor. Embark me on the ship of salvation until the moment of death, and prolong
my existence with one of the subtleties of Your coercive Name. Drive away from me with them those who
wish me ill from among all Your creatures, in the same way that you subjected the sea to Muse
b. 'Imran. Soften hearts before me, as you softened iron for Dawud 4 , peace be upon him!
m a n was what _ no _ speak in _ _ _ yes no _ with or without You excuse me , _ _ _ well it is s u s fre
n t is ( nawā ½ ī ) 5 _ _ _ they are here grab d ace _ _ in You fist , turning to where you want. O Who
transforms hearts, O Knower of hidden things, I appease the gonna of so-and-so son of so-and-so -either
Yes you want: appease the gonna of the people- with Nope there are plus god may Allāh , and I attract
their hearts with Mu¬ammad is the Messenger of Allāh , God bless him and Hail!
﴾ When they saw it, they were amazed and inadvertently cut their hands. They said:

Cor . xli:43.
It is say go , d will go three s _ times : _ “ I shelter _ _ _ _ _ e n god _ _ _ of him _ Dem on io the p i d a o _ _ ( a'ū²u _ _
_ _ b i - L l ā h my n _ a l- Š a and Ð ā n a l- R a ŷ ī m ).
According to a tradition, when the Muslims were about to be defeated in the battle of ©unayn, the Prophet
uttered these words Y after daring a handful of Earth in the faces of the enemies, of way that
they were blinded and fled (cf. Muslim no. 3328; al-Dārimī, no. 2344).
In allusion to Cor . xxxiv:10.
Lit. “the locks of hair that fall on the forehead”, alluding to Cor . xi:55, etc.

God us save! This No it is a be human otherwise a Angel noble! ﴿ 1 . Nope there are power neither strength
except in God, the Most High, the Sublime ﴾ as protection against all rebellious demon ﴿ 2 , ﴾ protection:
Decree of the Powerful, the Knowledgest ﴿ 3 . ﴾ The we have protected of everybody the demons stoned
﴿ , ﴾ We have sent down the Memory and we are its guardians ﴿ , ﴾ man has angels that take turns in
4 5

front of Y behind yours saving it by the decree of God ﴿ 6 , ﴾ God behind of they the surrounds. This it is a
Preaching glorious, in a Table preserved ﴿ 7 , ﴾ Us are their guardians ﴿ 8 . ﴾ We free him from anguish.
This is how we save believers ﴿ 9 , ﴾ I am not a protector for you ﴿ 10 , ﴾ Each soul have a protective ﴿ 11 ,
﴾ but Yes tea give the back, gave: God I Enough, No There is no god but Him, I entrust myself to Him,
He is the Lord of the Sublime Throne! ﴿ 12
, ﴾ God watches them, you are not their guardian ﴿ 13 . p. 341
Guardian, Guardian, Guardian ( ©afīÞ ), oh Custodian ( ©āfiÞ ), oh Guardian, protect us My God, watch
over us with Your gaze that does not sleep, protect us in Your shadow that does not go away, oh Allah, oh
Allah, oh Lord of the worlds”.
Then you and those who are with you will be silent without speaking a single word, because even
if a large group comes to meet you with the intention of harming you, they will not harm you or bother you,
and God will hide you from them. I have tried it numerous times myself, try to understand and you will

You must know brother, may God guide us to the understanding of His mysteries!, that this noble a
ayah and the sublime Names descended from under one leg of the Throne, and when it descended on the
Messenger of God, God bless him and save!, seventy thousand angels 14 descended beside her , glorifying
and exalting her. It is the saving ayah from terror, fear, the evil of men and jinn, and whoever recites it in a
place that inspires fear is safe, protected and guarded, because it is the ayah of Custody ( al-¬aras ) . . And
it has seventy-two possible provisions, whose mention I will omit for fear that they fall into the hands of
the ignorant who are unaware of their power, so that reprehensible acts are committed and what is
appropriate is not done with it. We have opened a door for whoever wants to enter a East treasure of sublime
essence: ﴾ God guide a who wants towards the right path ﴿ 15 .

Among the peculiar virtues of the verse of the Throne, when a person goes on a trip, when leaving b
his house, he should say: “ Alif alif alif , with ﴾ Say: He is God, One ﴿ and the ayah of the Throne I protect
the goods, the family and the children. Alif alif , ﴾ Say: He is God, One ﴿ and the verse of the Throne to
my right and to my

Cor . xii:31.
Cor . xxxvii:7.
Cor . xli:11.
Cor . xv:17.
Cor . xv:9.
Cor . xiii:12.
Cor . lxxxv:20-22.
Cor . xxii:12; xxii:63.
Cor . xxi:87.
Cor . saw:105; xi:86.
Cor . lxxxvi:4.
Cor . ix:130.
Cor . xlii:4.
Compare what was said at the beginning of the chapter.

Cor . ii:213; xxiv:44.

left, with them I guard myself from any person. I cover myself with the sublime veil of God that surrounds
everything. I take refuge in the eternal strength of God. I defend myself with the sword of the Prince of
believers, 'Alī. I cover myself with the mantle of 'Ā'iša, mother of believers. I enter the chambers of ﴾ In the
Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful ﴿ , whose locks are ﴾ Praised be God, Lord of the worlds ﴿ .
Then he will recite the verse of the Throne and ﴾ Say: He is God, One ﴿ 1 three times and he will spit to his
right and to his left 2 . And if you want to shorten it, then you will recite what we have mentioned and then
you will spit into the palms of your hands and rub your head, face and whole body with them, because God
will really save you from everything that frightens you and worry until you get home.

Another of its peculiar virtues is that whoever recites it at dawn God keeps him safe until nightfall, c

and whoever recites it at nightfall keeps him safe until dawn. If you recite it on the head of a epileptic ( m
to ½ rū ' ) eleven times, I know resets in the act; Y Yes the cause resist Y No comes out of body, it will be
consumed ( itaraqa ) 3 .

Another of its peculiar virtues is that if it is recited at the end of the prayers, all the sins and faults
of the person who made the prayer are erased.

If it is recited when facing a tyrant or some oppressive ruler, and then it is said: "My God, oh
Living, oh Subsisting, oh Creator of heaven and earth, oh Lord of Majesty and Generosity, I ask you for
the Truth of this noble ayah and the mysteries for the comprehension that they contain, that you cover his
mouth and mute his tongue with respect to me, so that he can only say well or be silent. Your good is in
front of you, oh So-and-so, and your evil is under your feet. Then he will go before him, for really God will
cover his mouth and will not cause him any harm, God willing, exalted be he!

Another of its virtues is that if you fear the evil of someone who has caused you harm, then pray d

after the sunset prayer ( al-magrib ) two rak'at with the Fāti¬a and the ayah of the Throne, Whenever it is
the last prostration, recite the verse of the Throne three times while prostrating, and when you come to
where it says: ﴾ and it does not cause him fatigue to maintain them. He is the Most High, the Sublime ﴿
, repeat it three times or seven times, and you will say in the middle of your recitation: “My God, stand
between me and So-and-so son of So-and-so in the same way that you stand between heaven and earth, and
cover his mouth with respect to me , just as you held back the beasts in front of Dāniyāl, peace be upon
him! By the right of these noble Names”. Then you will see yourself safe from his wickedness and his
mouth will be closed against you, so that he will not be able to say anything about you that is not Okay.

Another of its virtues is that when you find yourself in a crowd and want to save yourself from p. 342

their wickedness and offenses, recite the noble ayah three times, spit into your hands three times and rub

That is, the surah of the Worship.
The verb _ _ _ _ n a f a £ a too _ _ _ _ _ it means _ _ _ _ _ ' soplar ' . _ _
In medieval folk medicine, epilepsy was nothing more than being possessed by a jinn , so in this
case I know about of the practice known What ¬arch al-jinn , "burn down the geniuses”, Y that it was object of chapters
integers in some treatises on the so-called popular medicine, although it used to consist of some kind of inhalation or
incense (see D OUTTÉ , magic et Religion , p. 222-224).

with your hand your face and your whole body while you say: "My God, deliver me from the evil of these
people, oh Protector, and save me from their offenses, oh Preserver", for truly God will save you from them
and they will not harm you some, God willing, exalted be! And if you recite this sublime verse at night,
you are safe until dawn; and if you recite during the day you are safe until nightfall.

I know bill of a men that I know shelter in a House abandoned, Y when it got dark the night to
heard [...] and a jingle, so the man looked up and saw a black figure with fire coming out of its nostrils,
crawling across the ground directly towards him. He said: “When I saw him I was very scared, so I had the
inspiration to recite the verse of the Throne, and every word that I said he said with me, until I got to where
it says ﴾ and it does not cause him fatigue to maintain them. He is the Most High, the Sublime ﴿ , and
then he didn't recite it, so I repeated it several times and he disappeared without seeing him again for the
rest of the night. When dawn came I saw that in one of the corners of the house there was ash. I was
astonished by this and went to tell one of my brother devotees what had happened, and he told me, “He
really was an 'ifrīt who wanted to harm you, and this noble ayah set him on fire, because you were inspired
to recite it.” When I heard that, I adopted the recitation of the ayah as wird and as ²ikr night and day, and
by his blessing I saw things wonderful”.

Other of their virtues peculiar it is for the geniuses female Y the she-devils ( al-quranā' wa-l- b
tawābi' ), because whoever wears it is safe from that. And [it is better] if His words are added to it:
﴾ God behind of they the surrounds. This it is a Preaching glorious, in a Table preserved ﴿ , ﴾ God is better

protection, The it is the plus Gracious of the merciful ﴿ 2 , ﴾ The men have angels that I know they take
turns in front of Y behind yours saving it by the decree of God ” 3 , ﴾ But Yes tea give the back, gave: Oh my
God Enough, No there are god otherwise The, a The I I trust, The it is the Mister of Throne Sublime! ﴿ 4
, ﴾ What protection against all evil rebel ﴿ 5 . ﴾ The we have protected of everybody the demons stoned ﴿ 6 , ﴾
Protection: Decree of the Mighty, the Knowing ﴿ 7 . And you will write next to it the sura of the Cult and
the two protective suras ( al-mu'awwi²atān ), because it really is a magnificent talisman ( ¬ijāb ) for the
female jinn and other jinn, God willing, exalted! be!

Y Come in their virtues peculiar, Yes I know places in the estate, remain protected Y its owner this to
safe from thieves etc. And if the noble ayah is traced in the magic square of the sun, whether numerical or
literal, and in the hour of the sun, and then it is placed in the bundles of merchandise, then they really
increase and produce great benefits. And if said square is placed in the money box, it is protected and the
money in it will not run out as long as the noble continues to be there. square.

Cor . lxxxv:20-22.
Cor . xxi:64.
Cor . xiii:12.
Cor . ix:130.
Cor . xxxvii:7.
Cor . xv:17.

Cor . xli:11.

And one of the peculiar virtues of this noble verse which is: ﴾ Alif-lam-mim. Allah, there is no d

god but He, the Living, the Subsisting ﴿ 1 , since it is that the Supreme Name of God resides in it, and it
has the number 483. Whoever arranges it in a square through the secret of harmonic lace, engraving the
square in a noble material the first hour of Friday, well, if he wears it with himself, he sees by the wonders
of God's work that which cannot be described, in terms of acquiring glory, magnificence and respect in the
eyes of people. So in him resides a wonderful secret to go see the judges, kings, notables and ministers, and
ask for needs. This is how it will be arranged:

lā ilāh illa
al-Qayyūm al-©ayy ALM Allāh
109 138 186 50

139 112 47 185

48 184 140 Kāfī fig. 215

Said al-©asan b. 'Alī, may God rest in His glory!: “I attest that whoever recites this noble verse and
and twenty other verses, God, exalted be He, protects him from every rebellious demon, from every wicked
person, from every thief traitor and every dangerous beast. They are the ayat of the Throne and three ayats
of the sura of the Wall, [from] ﴾ Truly your Lord is God ﴿ 2 , ten verses from the beginning of the sura The p. 343
Rows , three verses from the sura El Clemente [from] ﴾ Geniuses and men together! If you can get out

of the confines of heaven and earth... ﴿ 4 , the last [three] ayats of the sura Gathering 5 , and the end of the
sura “Perish!” 6 .

Another of the peculiar virtues of the noble ayah of the Throne is that when one of you is distressed
by something, well, make ablutions in the dark of night and pray two rak'at , in each one with the Fāti¬ay
the verse of the Throne three times. And when he utters the taslīma , he will recite the noble verse seven
times, and after that he will say this blessed prayer: “My God, truly You hear my words, You see the place
where I am, You know the inner and the outer in me, and nothing what concerns me is hidden from you. I
invoke you with the prayer of the unfortunate, the poor, the one who asks for help, the one who implores
help and the one who recognizes his sins and faults. I make you the plea of the unfortunate, I make you the
plea of the despicable sinner, plea of the one whose neck bows before You, his lesson is due to you, his
cheek falls before You, and his nose falls before You sticking to the ground, so that you invigorate our
hearts, open our chests, and make our efforts to improve pure before Your noble face and the means to
achieve bliss ( al-na'īm ). Guide us, our Lord, towards what only brings Your pleasure, make us reach a
good ending, and place us tomorrow among those whom you have favored from among the prophets, the
truthful, the martyrs and the virtuous, what excellent companions! 7 Deliver us, God

Cor . iii:1.
Cor . vii:53.
Cor . xxxvii.
Cor . lv:31.
Cor . lix.
Cor . cxi.
Cor . iv:68.

Do not make our enemies or envious people rejoice in our misfortune, do not put misfortune in our faith,
do not let earthly life be our greatest concern or the sum of our knowledge, and do not give the authority to
punish our faults to those who do not fear You and do not take pity on us. Fill our ears and eyes with joy,
revitalize us, open for us the doors of the goods you bestow and ﴾ Provide us, You are the Best of providers
﴿ . ﴾ Our Lord, forgive us and forgive our brothers who preceded us in the faith, Y No put in our hearts

no resentment towards the that believe , forgive us,

Our Lord! Truly You are Gracious and Compassionate ﴿ 2 . ﴾ Our Lord, forgive us our faults and
that let's have gone plus there of the boundaries in that that it is of our incumbency; it states our steps and
help us against the village incredulous ﴿ 3 . ﴾ Mister our! damage it Okay in is life Y it Okay in the Last, and
deliver us from the punishment of Fire ﴿ 4 . By Your Mercy, oh Most Merciful of the Merciful!

Another of the peculiar virtues of this noble verse is that if it is written on the shroud of the dead in c
three places, next to his head, in the middle and next to the feet, because really that deceased person will not be
tormented in his grave, and the two angels 5 will treat him with benevolence at the time of the interrogation, well
it is the ayah plus sublime of Koran Y have beginning with the Name hallowed,
exalted and glorified be He Who says!: ﴾ Allah, there is no god but He, the Living, the Subsisting ﴿ . So
conceive her power, and pray with her for important things and to solve needs.

It is also told of a certain virtuoso who was in a ship against which he I know a n i m p e t u o u s w i n d

isen , and with which hardly anyone could be saved from death. So he wrote the verse of the Throne on a piece of
paper, hung it in the wind and stretched out his hands towards God saying this prayer: “My God, I pray for Your
sublime Name ﴾ Allah, there is no god but He, the Living, the
subsistent ﴿ -until the end of the ayah-. I beg you, my God, for Your blessing, that you free us from the
misfortune that afflicts us, You are the Knower of hidden things and the One Who removes worries. And I
ask you, my God, for the salvation of Your most noble beloved, Muammad, God bless him and save him!
And as soon as he finished his prayer, God, exalted be He, relieved them and gave them a favorable wind,
so that they sailed in peace and insurance.

And among the virtues of this noble verse, whoever wants God to cure him of all illness that is
ound in his body and all pains and sufferings, [so write it in a container with musk, saffron and rose water], and
write next to it His saying ﴾ if we had done descend
East Koran a a mountain, the you would have viewed humiliated Y departure in two, by fear of God ﴿ until
the end of the sura 6 . Y Their saying ﴾ By what No it is a recitation that does that the mountains platform
either that the Earth I know

Cor . v:116.
Cor . lix:10.
Cor . iii:147.
Cor . ii:199.

The angels Munkar and Nakīr.
Cor . lix:21-24.

open or speak the dead? On the contrary, God has the Mandate of everything ﴿ 1 . And when it is finished
writing, the ayat of the Throne will be recited seven times, the writing will be vaporized with everything
that has a pleasant smell and [the filter made with the writing] will be drunk for three days in the morning
and in the evening, for truly God, exalted be He, will heal you and restore you from everything that affects
you. And also if it is written and it is hung, it is more appropriate and effective: God is the one who heals,
the Sufficient One, the one who heals.

Another of its virtues is for ophthalmia and eye disease, if it is written and worn. will be written p. 344

the ayah of Throne three times Y Their saying: ﴾ God it is the light of the Heavens Y the Earth. Their light
it is What
-as far as it says- God knows all things ﴿ 2 . And you will write: ﴾ Say: He is God, One ﴿ 3 , in the eye there
is redness, God is enough for me, the Eternal. Oh my Help in adversity, for Your Glory exempt from
offspring, for there is no doubt about God, and no one equals him. I adjure you, oh inflammation ( ramad
) of one who suffers from ophthalmia, which persists in the veins and on the skin, verily I adjure you by
Yūsuf b. Ya'qūb and his torn robe 4 , by the right of the Torah of Mūsà, the Gospel of 'Īsà and the Psalms
of Dawūd, and by the right of the sublime Qur'an and Mu¬ammad, God bless and save you!, lamp of
Existence and Messenger of the Revered Lord. Disappear, oh inflammation!, from the bearer of this writing,
for the law of Nope there are plus God that Allah, Muammad it is the Delivery courier of Allah . By one
thousand alif , No There is no power or strength except in God, the Most High, the Sublime. God bless and
save our lord Muammad, his family and his companions".

And among the virtues of this noble ayah, you will write it for the crying of children and you will
make them hang it: You will write the noble Fāti¬a with the letters separated and in the same way the ayah
of the Throne three times. And you will write: ﴾ God is Invincible in His Command ﴿ 5 , ﴾ But if they turn
their back on you, say:
God I Enough, No there are god otherwise The, a The I I trust, The it is the Mister of Throne Sublime! ﴿ 6 .
¼R ¼R ¼R ¼R
¼H ¼H ¼H ¼H , silence, oh creature, be silent for the holiness of the Venerable Lord. ﴾ All voices will
humble themselves in view of the Merciful. Single they will listen a murmur ﴿ 7 . ﴾ All the faces I know
they will humiliate before the Living, the Subsisting, and he who bears injustice will have lost ﴿ 8 . ﴾
That day there will be shining faces that they will laugh joyful ﴿ 9 . ﴾ Perhaps you you amaze of it that I
know you recounts? Y you laugh in time to cry, while you are distracted ﴿ 10 -and are you silent? Be silent,
oh creature, by the right of the Revered King and the Lord Lover. KHY '¼ © M ' S Q. ﴾ And God surrounds
them from behind. However, it is a sublime Recitation contained in a Protected Tablet ﴿ 11 , Protected,
Protected. I protect 12 whoever hangs this writing God willing, exalted be he!, from the evil of what he has
created, and I immunize him by God,

Cor . xiii:32.
Cor . xxiv:35.
Cor . cxii:1.
Cor . xii:25.
Cor . xii:21.
Cor . ix:130.

Cor . xx:105.
Cor . xx:108.
Cor . lxxx:38-39.
Cor . liii:58-60.
Cor . lxxxv:20-22.
It uses the verb a'ā²a , which means “to protect with an amulet or talisman”.

the Living, the one who does not die. Alleviate, my God, the affliction and damage of the bearer of this
writing, protecting him with Nope there are plus god that Allah, Muammad it is the Delivery courier of
Allah , Y by the TRUE of
﴾ In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful ﴿ . ﴾ Gave: I shelter in the Mister of Sunrise. Of ill of it
that he has created. Of wrong of the night when I know does dark. Y of wrong of the that they blow in the
knots. And from the evil of the envious when he envy ﴿ 1 . For a thousand alif, there is no might or strength
except in God, the Most High, the Sublime.

Another of its virtues is to tie tongues: the verse of the Throne will be written on a Hindu parchment b
with the letters separated, and next to it these Names will be written: “ NŪŪ , then FŪŪ , and then NŪŪĀ
, ﴾ and they will not speak ﴿ 2 . Every king is a slave ( mamlūk ) before God, every rich man is poor and
beggar before God, every powerful man is insignificant before God and has no escape from God. I implore
help against you, oh So-and-so son of So-and-so, to God, the Sublime. ﴾ All voices will humble themselves
before the Merciful. Single they will listen a murmur ﴿ 3 . ﴾ Y I know them hill the step a it that they wished
﴿ . ﴾ That not day they will talk neither I know them will allow apologize ﴿ . God is enough for you
4 5

against them, He it is the listener, the Omniscient.

'MY 'MY 'MY 'MY . ﴾ They can't see ﴿ . ﴾ And they will not speak ﴿ 7 . ﴾ We have put a barrier in front

of they Y other by behind Y them we have veiled, No they can watch ﴿ 8 . Me knot your language, oh So-
and-so son of So-and-so, because of what God binds the heavens with so that they do not fall on the earth,
unless it is with His permission 9 ; for that with which God contained the beasts in front of Dāniyāl, peace
be upon him!; for what God prevents the [...] from having offspring, and for what God restrains the
devastating wind: ﴾ Of the things that it whips it leaves nothing, except woodworm ﴿ 10 . And I knot all
the teeth of creatures and people, of every female and male being of the sons of Adam and the daughters of
Eve, regard to the carrier of East written, of way that No talk of the otherwise right, either shut up ¼M BKM
'MY ﴾ And they won't talk. God has returned those who refuse to believe its
own self hatred; No they have got no right. God them Enough a the believers in the combat. God it is
Strong, Powerful ﴿ 11 .
p. 3. 4.
Another of its virtues is that when you have an enemy or a tenacious adversary, or you fear the
malice of an unjust ruler or a tyrannical evil, and you want to curb his wickedness or make him perish if he
is deserving of it, then when it is the night of the Friday, get up in the middle of the night or in the last third
of the night, perform ablutions and pray two rak'at with the intention you want from those mentioned. In
the first you will recite the Fāti¬a once and the Throne ayat nine times, and in the same way in the second,
and when you pronounce the taslīma , you will say the Throne ayat nine times also. Then you will say:

Cor . cxiii.
Cor . xxvii:87.
Cor . xx:105.
Cor . xxxiv:54.
Cor . lxxvii:35-36.
Cor . xxxvi:8.
Cor . xxvii:87.
Cor . xxxvi:8.

Cor . xxii:63.
Cor . li:42.
Cor . xxxiii:25.

“My God, You are the Intense in violence, the Severe in punishment, the Sublime, Lord of Dominion, the
Exalted above opponents and adversaries, the free from companions and descendants. I ask you for the
oppression of the enemies and the repression of the tyrants, you plot against whom you want, you are the
best plotter. I beg you by Your Name before which they bow their heads, with which you make them come
down from their fortifications, strike terror into the hearts of enemies 1 and fill them with unhappiness a
the Miserables. I ask you to reinforce me through one of the subtle essences of this Name that
Invade my enemies, in the elements of their whole and their parts, so that I can be able to do what I want
with those who do me harm, so that no evildoer can harm me, nor can any oppressive tyrant harm me. Make
my anger yours, united with Your own anger, weaken the eyes of my enemies on me, tighten their hearts
and put between them and me a wall in which there is a door, inside which is Mercy, and outside of it is
torment. You are really energetic in the lesson, Harmful in the punishment. ﴾ So it is What You Mister
rebukes when punishes a a city that it is unfair. It is certain that Their punishment it is painful Y severe ﴿
. -Y of the verses of Koran that are own- ﴾ But God punished them because of their transgressions and
there was no one to protect them from God. ﴿ 3 . ﴾ Really the violence of You Mister it is great ﴿ 4 . ﴾ The
the chided with a punishment each greater time ﴿ 5 . ﴾ So it was cut the root of village of the unfair.
Y praised be God, Mister of the
worlds! ﴿ 6 . -And you will say:- My God, I ask you for the blessing and the secret of that with which I beg you, b
that you oppress my enemies and me who wishes evil, ﴾ Who is the Dominator over His servants ﴿ 7 ,
repress So-and-so son of So-and-so, because I really demand his slitting. Deliver me from their wickedness
and keep away from me their perfidy and their malice, oh Lord of the worlds”. Well, really God will protect
you and defend you from him, being safe from his evil. And if he tries to attack you, he dies immediately.
And if the person making the prayer is endowed with an appropriate spiritual state, as soon as he gets up
from his place, his problems will be solved. About of to understand, ﴾ Y who sorry Y I know reconcile, well
its reward depends of God ﴿ 8 .
﴾ God helps with His help whom He wants ﴿ . Every servant who implores God with this invocation in the

first thing in the morning on Saturday and conjures up whoever does him wrong, he gets him to be punished on the

Other virtue peculiar of is noble ayah it is that when have need of some of the things c
basic, well you will enter in some mosque Y you will pray two rak'at : the first with the fatia a time Y the
verse of the Throne seven times, and in the same way in the second. And when you utter the taslīma , stand
up, go up to the mi¬rab , grab it with your hands by the sides, shake it and say “O Lord” seven times, “O
Exalted” seven times, “O Patient, O Patient, O Generous , O Merciful” seven times, and “O Who meets
needs” seven times. Then you will say this blessed prayer: “Lord, make me able to do without what is not
You, with wealth above all fortune that requires the visible part of a created being or the hidden part of
something. Make me reach my intimate essence, elevate me towards the Lotus

Cor . xxxiii:26.
Cor . xi:102.
Cor . xl:21.
Cor . lxxxv:12.
Cor . lxix:9.
Cor . saw:46.
Cor . I saw: 19.
Cor . xlii:37.
Cor . iii:13.

of my limit 1 , make me witness the Existence ( al-wujud ) through the vision ( al-ru'ya ) Y the joy by the
secret of the descent to the last spiritual degrees and the perfection towards the first ones, so that the speech
is interrupted, the activity of the creatures is calmed, the point of the gayn is erased and the one replaces
the two. My God, make me part of the secret that you facilitated to many of Your servants, support me with d
it through a resplendent light that dazzles the sight of all envious among geniuses and men. Grant me a lofty
ladder to every spiritual abode and make me dispense with all that is not You, with a wealth that reaffirms
my need for You, while You are the Rich, the Praiseworthy 2 . My God, I ask you to solve my need, to
facilitate my affairs, to restore my fracture, to fix my disorder and my mediocrity, and to solve my problem,
which is such and such a thing." And you will ask what you want regarding getting out of poverty,
facilitating something or clarifying some worrying or distressing matter and everything you want, for He is
the Most Generous of all those who are asked and the Best of those who grant. Be straight your thought
and your intention, and thus you will obtain what you want. And the ayah of Koran that corresponds with is
prayer it is ﴾ Perhaps No tea found orphan Y tea protection?, Y Did he not find you lost and guide you? p. 346
And did he not find you poor and make you rich? ﴿ 3 . Try to understand this extraordinary allusion, for
God speaks the Truth and He shows the road.

Another of the peculiar virtues of the noble verse of the Throne is when you need something from a
a powerful person and you want to obtain it, then you will refrain that day from eating food with fat, or if
you prefer, you will fast all day, being that way better; and when the time comes to break your fast, you
will take something that is sweet. Then you will do the sunset prayer ( al-magrib ), and at the end you will
be seated in the place of your prayer and you will begin with the recitation of the ayah of the Throne. You
will not speak at any time to anyone and will remain in this manner until the evening prayer ( al-'išā' ).
Then you will sit and recite the verse of the Throne seventeen times, saying after each one: "My God,
submit to me the heart of So-and-so son of So-and-so or So-and-so son of So-and-so." You will do this until
you complete the number of times mentioned, and you will say: “My God, oh Living, oh Perpetual, oh
Eternal, oh Lover, I ask you to send affection and love to the heart of Fulano son of Fulana, that you solve
my problem, that you constrict his heart through affection and affection towards me, and increase your
efforts until he is obedient to me and does not contradict me in what concerns me. By the right of Your
Name 'the Lover', and by the right of the secrets of this noble verse. Take care, oh servant spirits of the
verse of the Throne, to attract the heart of So-and-so son of So-and-so to the heart of So-and-so, son of So-
and-so, stimulate spirituality of affected Y the love Come in the Y me. ﴾ I know love What I know loves a
God; but the love by God of those who believe is stronger ﴿ 4 . ﴾ Even if you had spent everything on
earth you would not have gotten link their hearts, without embargo God the joined ﴿ 5 . ﴾ I deposited in
you a love coming from of My for that tea you will breed bass Me look ﴿ 6 .
Then you will write on a clean paper what we will explain next, being the writing with musk,
saffron and rose water. You will write ﴾ In the Name of God, the Merciful, the

Cor . liii:14-16.
Cor . xxxv:15.
Cor . xciii:6-8.
Cor . ii:164.
Cor . viii:64.
Cor . xx:38-39.

Merciful ﴿ , and under it three verses. Y escribirás: “ ÆMŪŠ ÆMŪŠ YĀÆŪŠ YŠÆŪŠ YSÆŪŠ S'ĀB
meanings of the letters and the harmony of the blessings of the Revered King and the existing Good. Oh
servant spirits of these names and these letters, stimulate the spirituality of affection and love between So-
and-so son of So-and-so and So-and-so son of So-and-so, by the right of those sublime Names of God with
which I invoke you, and take the places where his heart and his mind ( lubb ) meet, so that he can only
pronounce my name, see only my figure and hear only my voice and my words. ﴾ Come and do not fear,
you are one of those who are safe ﴿ 1 . ﴾ I deposited in you a love from Me ﴿ 2 . WD©B WD©B , Wudd
Wudd Wudd , love is drawn, drawn ( majlūb ), like drunkenness in hearts. Attract, approach, make want c

and make love. Offer the garment of affection, the crown of respect and the light of Gnosis through the
glorious Names and the sublime spells HYHYŪH ĀHYĀHYŪH , every tyrant humbles himself out of
respect for the Glory of God, and every powerful man debases himself before the Mandate of God. ﴾ Nope
fear, Me I will be with you hearing Y seeing ﴿ 3 . ﴾ Nope have fear of that tea reach don't even feel fear ﴿
. ﴾ Y when it they saw, I know were left amazed Y I know they cut in the hands without realize. They
said: help us God! This No it is a be human otherwise a Angel noble ﴿ 5 . get busy, oh servant spirits of these
Names, to resolve the need that So-and-so has for So-and-so. ﴾ They will not disobey God in it that them
order, otherwise that they will it that I know them order ﴿ 6 . Beam, oh so-and-so son of Tart, it that I order
you to solve my need, which is such and such a thing. By the right of Who said to the heavens and the
Earth: ﴾ come a My of good degree either a the strength; Y they said: we come a You obedient ﴿ 7 . Of is In d
this way, Fulano son of Fulana will obey Fulano son of Fulana in what he asks of him, without upsetting
him at all. Obey, oh angel owner of this day and of this hour, you and your assistants, and be all of you help
So-and-so son of So-and-so to solve the need he has for So-and-so son of So-and-so. By the right of these
sublime verses and these noble spells and by the right of the King, the All-Knowing. Listen and obey, oh
So-and-so son of So-and-so, and solve the problem of So-and-so son of So-and-so, and you will only speak
well of So-and-so son of So-and-so or you will remain silent. ﴾ That day they will not speak or be allowed p. 347

to excuse themselves ﴿ 8 . Excuse yourself, oh So-and-so son of So-and-so, and resolve for him whatever
he requests and desires, by the right of Allāh, the Worthy of praise, the Glorious, Y by the law of ÆHÆHŪB
ÆHÆHŪB LHŪB LHŪB , life of all things, no servant offends you without being burned in flames, nor a
powerful one without being debased and perishing, HYD HYD WHĀ WHĀ Huwa Huwa Huwa ĀH ĀH
YH BYH WH WH , ﴾ He is the Dominator over His servants ﴿ 9 . To Him belong haughty Sovereignty and
haughty Glory. You are He, He, and You are Capable of everything. I ask you, my God, to put at my service
your noble servant angels of these Names Y obedient a these spells. obey Y abide by it that I know you
order relative a help a

Cor . xxviii:31.
Cor . xx:38-39.
Cor . xx:45.
Cor . xx:76.
Cor . xxii:31.
Cor . lxvi:6.
Cor . xli:10.
Cor . lxxvii:35-36.
Cor . I saw: 19.

So-and-so son of So-and-so to So-and-so, son of So-and-so, solve everything he requests and be at his
entire disposal without upsetting him in any matter. Hayya al-wa¬ā al-'ajal al-sā'a. And may God bless

And you will write this noble square that we mentioned below. then you will fumigate the paper a
with Indian aloe stick of good color, benzoin, mastic, pepper, unpowdered saffron, nadd wood , marshmallow
seeds, seven grains of acerolo ( tuffāh al-jabal ) 1 , seven grains of agenuz and seven grain
of the incense of the churches. And when you fumigate the paper, you will fold it by rolling it up with the
name of whoever you want and you will say: "I will roll up your tongue, oh So-and-so son of So-and-so, in
the same way that I fold this paper." Then you will spin the paper around the head of whoever you want
three times, and if this is not possible, then you will spin the sheet away from him in any case. Then the
applicant will put the writing under the turban, between the eyes, and will go to see whoever they want, in
the event that the name of only one person has been written. But if it is desired for all human beings, both
male and female, then he will fumigate himself with the mentioned incense and put himself under the
turban, because he will really see the amazing affection that all creatures will show him. The indispensable
condition for this is to persist in reciting the ayah of the Throne seventeen times every day, thus seeing what
And this is the square:

fig. 216

Other of the virtues of the ayah of Throne it is for the love Y the Union of who I know they hate. For
ou will begin the work at an hour that is a good omen for what we have just mentioned, and you will write the
names of those who hate each other on a sheet that you will place in front of you. then you will drink Fourty
grains of olibanum incense that are the size of pepper, and forty grains of mandrake. Then you will divide
the incense into two halves, having twenty grains of each incense in each half, and you will burn two grains
at a time until you complete the forty times, while reciting the ayah of the Throne [each time]. And every
five times you recite it, you will say: "Take care, oh servant spirits of this noble ayah, to make love and
affection reach between So-and-so son of So-and-so and So-and-so son of So-and-so, for the right that
exercises is sura on you Y its blessing in you, Y by the law of who said a
the heavens and the earth: ﴾ Come to Me willingly or by force; and they said: we come to You obediently ﴿ 2 .
When you finish the recitation, you will write the square that we will mention next on one of those c
leaves, and you will write next to the square these noble verses and these sublime Names: "My God, I ask
you, oh Living, oh Subsistent, oh Whom eyes do not see nor categories determine, describers do not

describe nor qualify those who attribute adjectives. O He Whose Command is between the kāf
V. D OZY , Takmīla , ii, n. 177.
Cor . xli:10.

and the nūn of ﴾ Really when he wants something His order is to say: Be (kun), and it is ﴿ 1 . I ask you,
my God, to send love and affection between Fulano son of Fulana and Fulano son of Fulana, for the right
of these nobles verses: ﴾ I know love What I know loves a God; but the love by God of the that believe it's
more strong ﴿ 2 . ﴾ Though you would have spent all how much there are in the Earth No you would have
got link their hearts, yet God united them. He is Powerful, Wise ﴿ 3 . ﴾ And he is tenacious in his love
for goods ﴿ 4 . ﴾ I deposited in you a love coming from of My for that tea you will breed bass Me look ﴿ 5 .
God Own, oh Who created in the fourth heaven an angel half ice and half fire, without fire melting ice nor
ice quenching fire, and the angel proclaims with the tongue of Capacity "Most Pure ( Sabbū ), Most Holy
( Qaddūs ), Lord of the angels and the Spirit! My God, oh Who united the snow and the fire, put harmony p. 348
between the heart of Your servant So-and-so son of So-and-so and So-and-so son of So-and-so, Truly You
are Capable of what you want".
And this is the square:

fig. 217

And you must know, God help me to obey Him and understand the secrets of His Names!, that a
another of the peculiar virtues of the noble verse of the Throne is for love, acceptance and respect before
the powerful. When you want that, draw this square that I will show you next on a gazelle skin parchment,
and it will be written with
musk, saffron and rose water. You will
write around the square the verse of
the Throne and you will perfume it
with incense when writing it and when
carrying it with you, with a stick of
Hindu aloe, benzoin and peony.

fig. 218

Cor . xxxvii:81.
Cor . ii:164.
Cor . viii:64.
Cor . c:8.
Cor . xx:38-39.

You must know, God help me to obey Him and understand the secrets of His Names!, that I will b

also mention a peculiar virtue of the Throne verse related to matters of affection and harmony with the
powerful, and to instill respect in their hearts . It is beneficial to go to see kings and ministers when it is
carried with it and is recited, and it is these verses and Names with which you will say this blessed
invocation: "My God, I ask you, oh Deity of the first and last !, oh Who attends the prayer of the needy! I
ask you, my God, for the right of ﴾ Allah, there is no god but He, the Living, the Subsisting , that you
keep me safe from So-and-so son of So-and-so and make him fall in love with So-and-so son of So-and-so.
﴾ Neither drowsiness nor sleep affects it ﴿ , that in the same way neither drowsiness nor sleep affects
Fulano son of Fulana, and so he spends the whole night delirious for love a so-and-so son of Tart. ﴾ Yours
it is how much there are in the Heavens Y how much there are in the Earth ﴿ , that of In this way the
heavens and the earth oppress So-and-so son of So-and-so, to the point that he does not see anything in his
dreams except his figure accompanying him and the mention of him in his mouth, due to the intensity of
the perpetual love that the joins. ﴾ Who can intercede by someone in view of The otherwise it is with Their
permission? ﴿ That of is way intercede for Fulano son of Fulana this noble and sacred verse before Fulano p. 349

son of Fulana, not with the intercession of the creatures otherwise with the of the word of the TRUE. ﴾
Knows it that there are in view of the mens Y what is behind them ﴿ , that in this way Fulano son of Fulana
knows that Fulano son of Fulana is before him, and not behind his back, obedient to his order, willing to
his call, attentive to his words, accommodating in his requests, harboring in his heart a solid affection for
him. ﴾ They encompass nothing of His knowledge a less that The want . The footstool of Their Throne I
know extends by the Heavens Y the Earth ﴿ , so that the heart of Fulano son of Fulana encompasses the
love for Fulano son of Fulana, in the same way that His Throne encompasses the heavens and the earth. I
extend your heart and its beat, oh So-and-so son of So-and-so, over So-and-so son of So-and-so, in the same
way that His Throne extends through heaven and earth, until it cannot contain itself. I submit to you, oh a
Fulano son of Fulana, to the will of Fulano son of Fulana, so that you resolve all his affairs, what he asks
and what he wants without asking questions or putting obstacles. ﴾ And it does not cause Him fatigue to
maintain them, He is Most High, the Sublime ﴿ , My God, I ask you, oh Allāh, oh Allāh, oh Allāh, that
you make love for So-and-so the son of So-and-so live in the heart of So-and-so the son of So-and-so, so
that he obeys him and does not refuse to obey him at all , by the right of this noble verse. Take care of So-
and-so son of So-and-so, oh servant spirits of this noble verse, move his heart and soften all his members
for the love of So-and-so son of So-and-so, by the right of this noble verse. ﴾ I know love What I know loves
a God; but the love by God of the that believe it is plus strong ﴿ 1 . ﴾ Though
you would have spent all how much there are in the Earth No you would have got link their hearts, without
embargo God joined. The it is Powerful, Wise ﴿ 2 . ﴾ I deposited in you a love coming from of My for that
tea you will breed bass my look ﴿ 3 , oh so-and-so son of Tart, by the law of these nobles verses”.
It is said of a certain virtuous that when the night grew dark, he went to his mi¬rāb and prayed
what God wanted. And at the end of his prayer he said this blessed prayer with this noble ayah: "[My God],
You are You, hope ends except in You, goods are exhausted except in You and the roads are lengthened
except those that lead to You , Oh Security of those who have no more confidence than the one deposited
in You! I. .. you

Cor . ii:164.
Cor . viii:64.
Cor . xx:38-39.

I ask, my God, by Your sublime supreme Name, ﴾ Allah, there is no god but He, the Living, the Subsisting
﴿ , You are the Living, the Perpetual in Eternity. ﴾ Neither drowsiness nor sleep affect it ﴿ , well the
drowsiness Y the sleep are for the beings created, No for the Creator. ﴾ Yours it is what is in heaven and
what is onearth , You are the Deity of the heavens and the earth and You are the One Who sustains (
Qayyūm ) the heavens, there is no god but You. ﴾ Who can intercede for someone before Him except
with His permission? ﴿ Who is capable of what You are capable of? Subdue all creatures to Your greatness.
Oh who ﴾ knows what is before men and what is behind them , and they do not cover anything of Their
knowledge a less that The want . The footstool of Their Throne I know extends by the Heavens Y the
earth ﴿ . You are the All-Embracing with Mercy and Wisdom 1 , All-Knowing, ﴾ and no You c
it causes fatigue to maintain them, He is Most High, the Sublime ﴿ . Our Lord, our Lord, our Master, our
Master, our Protector, our Protector, You are the One who grants and the one who denies, You are the One
who takes away and the one who puts, and You are the One who listens and the One who sees, nothing of
what is on earth and in heaven it is hidden from you. I ask You, by the hidden essence of Your kindness
and by the majesty of Your might, to bless and save our lord Muammad, the greatest Beloved, the revered
Prophet and the glorified Messenger, our lord and our prophet Mu ¬ammad, God bless and save you! And
I beg you for the dignity of the good and pure people of his house, for the dignity of all his companions,
and for the dignity of the followers and those who follow them in doing good until Judgment Day. I ask
you to put me in their group, under their banners, and to help me with the help they receive. Amen,
oh Lord of the Worlds!
Whoever prays to God in a low voice and in the middle of the night with this blessed prayer, and
asks God for something, is granted whatever he asks for, since God is the Owner of the immense Favor.
Try to understand.

Another virtue of this noble ayah is that when one of you has some earthly or otherworldly need,
well, get up in the middle of the night and pray four rak'at , reciting the Fāti¬a once in each one of them.
and the verse of the Throne ten times. Then he will raise his hands and face to the sky and invoke with this
prayer: "My God, I ask you, oh Allah, oh Allah, oh Allah, oh Living, oh Subsisting, oh He Who is not
affected by drowsiness or the dream. I ask you, my God, by the sanctity of the ayah of the Throne, that you
do such and such a thing for me, and that you make me achieve all my desires, my objectives and what I
ask of You ". Then you will make your request and you will name it, because God will really find it fair to p. 350
solve it. And finally you will pray for the Prophet, God bless him and save!, at the beginning and at the end
finish your worked, well So will be prosperous, Yes God wants: God it is Who concedes the success.
Another property of the verse of the Throne is that whoever recites it during the day, God protects
him during that day, and whoever recites it at night, God protects him during that night.
And to the one who recites the ayah of the Throne at the end of each prayer, God forgives all his
Another of its virtues is that to those who recite it at the end of each prayer, God forgives their sins
and erases the faults they have made since the previous one. prayer.
Whoever recites it when going to sleep, thus obtains protection against the stoned Demon.

Cf. Cor . xl:6.

Whoever recites it when he is enraged and spits to his left, the Devil withdraws along with his
bad influence, and anger disappears from him by God's command, exalted be he!

We will mention this blessed invocation below with the verse of the Throne, and we have omitted b
His explanation and what is related to it so that it does not fall into the hands of those who do not know
Him, and invoke with it being attended, since it is a sublime invocation of enormous power and wonderful
essence. You will say: “ ﴾ Allah, there is no god but He . He is Unique in perpetuity and eternity, and the
essence of the created beings themselves does not subsist together with His essence, nor their attributes
together with His attributes, nor their names together with His Names, nor their actions together with His
actions. No one equals Him, and in reality there is no more beauty than His beauty, nor more glory than
His, nor more perfection than His, for He eternally perseveres in His perfection. The Living, the Subsistent,
the Eternal on His Throne in the eternity of His Sovereignty, and all creatures are guided towards the
knowledge of Him, and know that He is Unique in His Sovereignty, One in His Perpetuity. Exalted be His
Perpetuity, along with the diversity of understandings and religions of men, for all of them will return to
the true essence of His knowledge, and will know that He is the Creator, the Sustainer, the Giver of Life
and the Giver of Death, and the entire Mandate depends on Him. Y
in how much a the gnostics Y a the made ( al-mu¬aqqiqūna ), well in TRUE they I know find perplexed in
lass _ _ true _ _ _ d the knowledge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ what _ _ il um i n a s u s heart _ _ _ _ _ Y s u s looks , _ _ _
_ _ why _ he to I n f o r m a t i o n ( a l - i ÐÐ il ā ' ) d e He the knowable realities of His creations. They are
perplexed in the seas of His love and of that that
It fills them, submerged in the waves of the depths of the seas of the agitated waters of His Power, and they
recognize the inability to rationally perceive the Knowledge of Him. They submerge in the seas of His
Kingdom and then they know and recognize that there is no more god than He, and that indicates that He
is Living, Subsistent, that fills their hearts with life and illuminates their perceptions and their minds, and
they see nothing in the universe except Him, nor more Lord than Him, so they remain incapacitated . ﴾
Neither drowsiness nor sleep affects it ﴿ , that is, it is not affected by weakness when creating beings, nor
by sleep a the hour of perceive the knowable. ﴾ Really when wants something Their order consists in tell:
I know (kun), and it is ﴿ 1 . ﴾ Praised be He in Whose hands is the dominion of all things and Whom
you will have of to return! ﴿ 2 . All the beings you sanctify recognizing it exempt of dwelling, of equivalent, of d
association, beginning and end, union and separation. ﴾ There is nothing that resembles Him ﴿ , makes things

possible, the return of creatures and what guides them towards Him, since He is the First and the Most Extensive
[in His existence], Unique, One, Alone by Himself in what remains hidden from others. eyes and intellects. ﴾ His
is all that is in heaven and all that is on earth ﴿ , and all existing things are witnesses of The Y of their
creations, knowing of that The it is the God of the Heavens Y the land. ﴾ Who
can intercede by someone in view of The otherwise it is with Their permission? ﴿ A The glorify the
inhabitants of the heavens and earths, ﴾ there is nothing that does not glorify Him by praising Him,
however you do not understand His glorification ﴿ 4 . And everyone who is endowed with speech is then
with His permission, and everyone who speaks is then with His knowledge. Knower of all things and Rich
above needing nothing, for all needs to of The Y I know submit a The, being insignificant front a The. ﴾
Knows it that there are in view of the

Cor . xxxvii:81.
Cor . xxxvi:82.
Cor . xlii:11.
Cor . xvii:44.

mens Y it that there are after they , Y they No span any of Their knowledge . Glory a You! Nope we have
more knowledge that the that You us have you taught ﴿ 1 . ﴾ Knows it that there are in the Earth Y in the
sea. Nope one falls alone sheet without that The No it know, neither there are seed in the depth of the
Earth, neither any wet either dry than No East in a Book Sure ﴿ 2 . ﴾ They No span any of Their knowledge
a less that The want . He encompasses everything with His knowledge ﴿ 3 . ﴾ And God behind them
surrounds them. Yet it is a Recitation glorious in a Table preserved ﴿ 4 . Their can encompasses the p. 351
Kingdom of Their Glory, Y all carries a The.
﴾ Our Lord!, Your mercy and knowledge encompass all things ﴿ . The spirits vanish, their faces are

deformed, they remain perplexed in the shapes of their confused figures, since they dispose of created things
and their effects, and they are formed in the molds of spiritual essences, witnessing the variety of forms
existing in the molds of the composition and in the circular form of the intermediate worlds; when the
Authority ( al-¬ukm ) becomes visible in the sign that is shown to it, -being the external part of what is
visible in Science the Capacity, and its hidden part the Mandate and the mystery of divine support-; and a
upon receiving the means of the Authority and being able to dispose of it. ﴾ The footstool of His Throne
extends through the heavens and the earth , and it does not cause Him fatigue to maintain them, He is
Most High, the Sublime ﴿ . Extend over us through Your eternal subsistence a knowledge and an
understanding with which we can freely dispose of beings. There is no power or strength except in You.
They have increased my need for You and my poverty before You, do not frustrate the hope that I have
deposited in You. You are the Immense, the Generous, the Magnificent Lord.

I ask you, for the source of life of spiritual beings and for the lights of the secrets of Your sublime
supreme Name, the one with whose visible appearance you dispel the longing of the hearts of those who
receive the Love of manifest proof, and remain perplexed. in the medicines that seek the healing of their
consciences ( sarā'ir ) and in the lights of their essences, so they proclaim: O Who ﴾ The footstool of His
Throne extends through the heavens and the earth , and it does not cause Him fatigue to maintain
them, He is Most High, the Sublime ﴿ .

I ask you, my God, oh Immense, the Knowing, oh Most High, oh Sublime, oh Generous, oh
Merciful, oh Pious, oh Patient, oh Who is ﴾ Allah, there is no god but He, the Living, the Subsisting .
Neither the drowsiness neither the sleep you affect . Yours it is how much there are in the Heavens Y how
much there are in the earth , and it does not cause Him fatigue to maintain them, He is Most High, the
Sublime ﴿ . I ask you, my God, by the right of these sublime verses and noble Names, that you enlighten
our hearts, that you broaden our livelihoods and cleanse our behavior. Oh Who pleases hearts, oh Who
hides defects, oh Who removes worries, oh Who forgives sins, oh Knower of hidden things, You already
know what concerns my prayer, the repentance in my solitude, the forgiveness of my error and indulgence
with my sin, for You are, my God, Who best knows my longing , Who is informed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d e my
i intent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y who _ _ _ _ c or not c my i i n t e r i o r ( Ð a w ī y a ), sir _ _ _ _ d e he to
Sovereignty , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Me sir , _ _

Cor . ii:31.
Cor . saw:60.

Cor . lxv:12.
Cor . lxxxv:21-22.
Cor . xl:6.

Who grabs me by the lock of my forehead 1 , Goal of my search, Hope in my adversity, Who accompanies
me in my solitude, Who takes pity on my lesson, Who exempts me from my mistake and Who answers my
prayer. And if I have failed to do what you ordered me and I have committed what you prohibited me, then
with Your Glory you protect me and with Your veil you cover me. Oh the Noblest of the generous, oh Goal
of the seekers, oh King of Judgment Day, You know what is hidden in intimacy and you are the one who
arranges the affairs of insignificant Y of powerful, well Yes with him solve me need, it is by You favour.

I ask you to intercede for me, to have mercy on me with Your Mercy, oh the most Clement of the
merciful. I ask you, my God, by the right of this noble ayah and these understandable Names, to bless and
save our lord Muammad and the family of Muammad, and to grant me my prayers and what I ask of You,
oh Allah, oh Allah, oh Allah, oh Lord of the Worlds!”

Another virtue of the noble ayah of the Throne is that when the servant of God is very sinful and c
wants to stop committing faults and sinning, he should get up on the nights of the full moon of the month,
which are those of the 13th, On the 14th and 15th of the month, clean your clothes and your room and get
up in the middle of the night. Then he will do the ritual ablutions and pray four rak'ats , reciting the Fāti¬a
once in the first one and the Throne verse seven times, and he will do the others as in the first. And when I
utter the taslīma , I know will remain seated, will ask sorry a God seventy times Y beg to by the Prophet,
God you bless and hail!, seventy times in the following way: "My God, grant our lord Mu-ammad a blessing
and a salvation with which you free us from all catastrophes and misfortunes, with which you solve all our
needs, erase our doubts , elevate us to the highest of the steps and make us reach the most extreme limits of
goods in life and in death, with a blessing that I keep for the day of the Great Fright 2 and the fear of that
day . And bless and save his family, his relatives and companions".

Then you will begin to recite this blessed prayer saying: “My God, You are the Forgiving One
who turns to You in repentance, You are the One Who approaches the one who repents and who removes d
the darkness of the veil. You know the treacherous glances and what is contained in the breasts , You can
do everything, matters depend on you and evils are prevented by You. My God, I ask You through the
mystery of Your Name, a mystery of Your Mystery, a light from Your Light and a breath of Your Decree p. 352
to calm me down for what You have predestined, help me with a grace from You that puts me on guard
when I neglect and let me know when I ignore, show me the way to You, and be my travel companion in
this life and in return. For You is my effort, in You resides my support, to You is my return and in front of
You the place where
I prostrate You know the truth of my problem and my request, next to You is my secret and my exterior,
you rise above the created features, you are oblivious to the shortcomings and defects and Your Science is
free of doubts. I ask you, my God, an indulgence with which you erase my failure, ponder my act, improve a
my visible actions, clean my interior, undo my disorder, purify my intimate conscience, facilitate my
purification, bless my soul and with which you cleanse me of my vileness. Grant me the light from You

Cor . xi:55.
Cor . xxi:102.
Cor . xl:19.

with which I can walk among the people, in truth You are the Giver, Who gives the lights and discovers the
secrets, next to You everything has a measure , oh Living, oh Subsistent, oh Lord of Majesty and
Generosity ! May God bless and save our lord Muammad, his family and companions."

Other virtue of the noble ayah of Throne that who theme the impact of some affair, and b
wants to know them and know how to avoid them, so wash and wear clean clothes. He will also clean the room
in which he retires, and when he has prayed the evening prayer ( al-'išā' ), he will pray two rak'at before
of the witr prayer , reciting in each one the Fāti¬a once and the ayat of the Throne eleven times. And after
pronouncing the taslīma he will recite the verse of the Throne twenty-one times, the surah of the Decree 2
once, the surah of Worship 3 three times and the two protective surahs 4 once. Then he will say: “My God,
I see a good omen in Your eternal word, make me see what is hidden. My God, make me see tonight what
I ask of you and what I have not asked of you, clarify for me the way out of this matter that I fear and of
which I distrust. God
my dear, if there is good for me in it, make me see white and green, and if there is evil in it for me, make me see
black and red. Send me one of the servant spirits of this ayah, the ayah of the Throne, to make known to me in
my dreams what remains hidden from me. My God, You are the Truth, clarify the truth for me, oh Truth of
Truth! Truly You can do everything”. And you will name what you want and what you request.

Then you will pray witr , lie on your right side and pray for our lord Muammad,
God bless you and save you!, everything that is possible, and you will sleep with your mind set on your
problem, because really God, blessed and exalted be!, will send you one of the servant spirits of this ayah
who will inform you of everything whatever you want, ask, and it will clarify your problem, what is good
for you and what is bad. And if you didn't see that night what you want and ask for, then repeat the work a
second night and a third, because you will really see what you request. Try to keep your intention pure,
because the intention precedes the act, and God guides whom he wants along a straight path, so recognize
the power of what is given to you, because it will really allow you to do without much knowledge.

Another virtue of the noble verse of the Throne is that when someone is harmed by passion, the honey d
and the love he feels for a person, and he fears that people or his family will find out, he will write the ayat
of the Throne five times in a glass container with sukk of musk, saffron and rose water. Then you will put
it on the air under the stars after having written the name of the person whose love you want to forget. And
when it has dawned, the writing will be dissolved in rose water and the filter will be drunk on an empty
stomach, doing that [...] times for three days, because really God will make him forget that person and will
tear the love from his heart. The intention precedes the act, and whoever has a pure intention, obtains what
is desired.

Y you should to know, God I help a obey him Y a understand Their mysteries! that the ayah of the
Throne has many peculiar virtues and sublime blessings that are of benefit to the fearful

Cor . xiii:9.

Cor . xcvii.
Cor . cxii.
Cor . cxiii, cxiv.

when he finds himself trembling and shaken, because really that passes by God's order,
exalted be he!

It will also be written for pain in the heart, palpitations, pain in the liver and pain in the stomach.
You shall write [the ayah of the Throne] as we mentioned before on a clean container three times, and
whoever suffers from evil will drink from it, saying to the drink: "I seek the cure of such a disease", and
the disease will say, for indeed God, exalted be He, by the blessing of the noble ayah will cure and heal
him, p. 353

God willing, for God is the Healer and the Healer.

And it is also helpful in making the pain of the spleen disappear. For this, the noble verse will be
written and hung over the spleen, for God will cure and heal it with the blessing of the noble Names.
Another peculiar virtue of the verse of the Throne is for headache and migraine. The verse of the
Throne will be written on a gazelle-skin parchment if possible, or on clean paper, and next to it His saying:
﴾ Yes we would have done descend East Koran a a mountain, the you would have viewed humiliated Y
departure in two, by fear of God. These are the examples with the that we call the attention of the mens
what for they can reflect ﴿ 1 , until the final of the sura. Y Their saying: ﴾ A The belongs it that inhabits in
the night and in the day. The it is Who hears Y Who knows ﴿ 2 . calm down, oh disease, migraine, headache
Y pain stinging!, in the bearer of this writing, how calm is the Throne of Clement, and by the secret of these
noble, blessed and sublime letters Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ Æ LKLMN ' ¼ ¼ DY , make the anguish of that one to calm down.
who recites these Names. By the truth of these Names: Allāh is the Healer, Allāh is the Healer. Allāh is
enough for you against them, He is the Hearing, the All-Knowing 3 . There is no power or strength except
in God, the Most High, the Sublime”. This virtue is one of those that have been purchased and is true.
And you must know, brother, may God help me to obey Him and discover the secrets of His
Names! That this noble ayah - the ayah of the Throne - has innumerable virtues, because it is the most
sublime ayah in the Book of God, and a One of the most magnificent is the one that I will mention below:

I was sitting in front of my teacher Abū 'Abd Allāh al-Andalusī 4 , and we were discussing some
knowledge when a man came before us trembling like a leaf in the wind. Then he saluted and fell to the
ground kissing the shaykh 's hand and weeping. Then the šayj said to him : “What is the matter with you,
what makes you cry?” And the man said: “My lord, I am afraid of a certain enemy who is trying to do me
harm, and I cannot prevent him. So I have come before you, my lord, thinking that you could ease my
restlessness and make my anguish go away. When the shaykh heard the words of that man, he told him:
"Rejoice, because God willing, after today you will not be afraid of anyone." Then he went for a piece of
paper and wrote in the:

Cor . lix:21.
Cor . saw:14.
Cor . ii:136.

“He took refuge in God from the stoned Devil. In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. c

God bless and save our lord Muammad, his family and his companions with a great blessing." Later he
wrote the Fāti¬a of the Book, the verse of the Throne, the sura of the Worship and the two protective suras
. After wrote: ﴾ Nope topics, your are of the that is it so a except ﴿ 2 . ﴾ Nope have fear of that they reach
you and do not be afraid ﴿ 3 . ﴾ Do not fear, I will be with you listening and seeing ﴿ 4 . ﴾ Do not fear,
you are safe from unfair people ﴿ 5 . ﴾ Two men who feared God and whom He had favored they said:
appear in view of they by the gate, Y when you have entered by she, you will be winners. And abandon
yourselves in God, if you are believers ﴿ 6 . ﴾ Do not be afraid, you are the highest ﴿ 7 . My God, guard
me with Your gaze that does not sleep, surround me with Your immovable protection and cover me with
Your power over me, so that I do not perish, for You are my hope. Lord, how many blessings have you
favored me with, my gratitude to You being insufficient and you have continued without denying me Your
favors. Oh Who observes my faults without making me ashamed, oh Lord of kindness that never ceases,
oh Who gives favors that are never counted. I ask you, my God, to bless our lord Muammad and the family
of our lord Muammad, and to preserve me and protect me from my enemies. Y
whoever wants to cause me harm or harm: return his harm against him, put his goodness in front of my
eyes and his wickedness under my feet, and so whoever wishes me harm, betray me or intrigue against me,
then make that become against him affecting him. ﴾ God has returned to those who refuse to believe their
own hatred; they have achieved no good. God is enough for believers in combat. God is Strong,
Irresistible ﴿ 8 . ¼M BKM 'MY , ﴾ they won't be ableto see 9 , ﴾ they won't be ableto talk 10 , they will not
speak, ﴾ the day in that No they will talk neither I know them will allow apologize ﴿ 11 , ﴾ ¼ad ﴿ , ﴾ Qaf ﴿ , ﴾
nun ﴿ . ﴾ God tea Enough against them, He is the Hearing, the All-Knowing ﴿ 12 . There is no power or
strength except in God, the Most High, the Sublime”.
Then the shaykh folded the sheet, handed it to the man and said: “Put it on your turban, then you
will be safe from all misfortune”, and the man was not seen again with any ill.

p. 354
And you should know, brother, that God saves everyone who carries these Names of sublime
power from everything they fear. If you are going to see an unjust judge with them, you are safe from his
wickedness, he defeats everyone who disputes with him and dominates him with his blessing and his
virtues, well known by the wise and by those who are aware of His power, because God grants His Help to
whom He wants and God is the Lord of Favor immense.

Cor . cxiii, cxiv.
Cor . xxviii:31.
Cor . xx:76.
Cor . xx:45.
Cor . xxviii:25.
Cor . v:25.
Cor . xx:67.
Cor . xxxiii:25.
Cor . xxxvi:8.
Cor . xxvii:87.
Cor . lxxvii:35-36.
Cor . ii:136.


Said a certain virtuous man, God have mercy on him!: “On a certain trip we stopped by a river.
Then some people came and told us that everyone who stands here is looted, so my companions moved out
of fear, while I stayed because of a tradition I heard from [ Abd Allāh ] Ibn 'Umar, God be satisfied with
him!, according to which the Prophet said, God bless him and save!: “ A who recites thirty Y three verses of
Book of God, No you hurts this night none beast savage nor no thief pertinacious, Y is it so a except the, its
family Y their estate until the dawn ” 1 . When I know it was late, even No slept when saw a cluster of
people brandishing their swords Y Approaching, but No
they came before me. When I woke up I started walking, and then an old man on horseback overtook me
and said: "are you a genius or a man?" I told him: "I am a man of the sons of Adam." Then he said to me:
"how is it that tonight we have come for you more than seventy times, and we always found an iron wall
between us and you blocking our way?" I said to him: "Ibn 'Umar related to me that the Messenger of God
said: ' Whoever recites thirty-three verses from the Book of God, he is not harmed that night by any
wild beast, nor by any obstinate thief, and he is under the protection of of God until dawn ”. When the
old man heard that, he got off the horse, kissed my head and made a promise to God never to do that again.
And these are the verses that you will say:

Four verses since the beginning of the sura of the Cow until where He says ﴾ the that they will
have b
success ﴿ 2 . The noble verse of the Throne. Two verses after it, as far as it says ﴾ immortals ﴿ 3 . And three
verses from the end of the Surah of the Cow from where it says ﴾ to God belongs all that is in heaven and
in the Earth; so much Yes you manifest it that there are in you themselves What Yes it you hide... ﴿ , until
the final of surah 4 . Three verses of the sura of the Wall, since ﴾ Really your Mister it is God, Who I think
the Heavens and the Earth in six days ﴿ , until where He says ﴾ a the benefactors ﴿ 5 . Ten verses since the
beginning of the Surah of the Rows as far as it says ﴾ viscous ﴿ 6 . The end of the Night Journey surah, from
﴾ Say: call on God either call to the Merciful, What want that You you invoke ﴿ until the final of the sura

. Two verses of the sura of Gracious, since: ﴾ geniuses Y mens together! Yes you can get out of the confines
of darling Y of the Earth, do it... But No you will have exit Yes No it is with a can ﴿ , until where He says ﴾
help you some to others ﴿ 8 . The verses finals of the sura of the Meeting, since ﴾ Yes we would have done
descend East Koran to one mountain, the you would have viewed humiliated Y departure in two, by fear
of God. These are the examples with the that we call the attention of the mens for that they can reflect ﴿ ,
until the final of the sura 9 . And [three] ayats from the surah of the Jinn, ﴾ Temples belong to God ﴿ 10 , and
﴾ He really, extolled

It is not found in the cited collections.
Cor . ii:1-4.
Cor . ii:255-256.
Cor . ii:283-285.
Cor . vii:53-55.
Cor . xxxvii:1-11.
Cor . xvii:109-110.
Cor . lv:31-34.
Cor . lix:21-24.

Cor . lxxii:18.

be the Majesty of our Lord has not taken a partner or son ﴿ as far as it says ﴾ huge lie ﴿ 1 .

Y you should to know that these verses are calls "the verses of the guard" ( al-¬aras ), Y I know c
He says that in them resides the cure of a hundred diseases, such as tuberous leprosy, albarazo and others.
And it is told of Muammad b. 'Alī 2 , God be pleased with him!, who said: “I recited them for an old man
suffering from a hemiplegic attack, and God caused it to cease on him, by His command, exalted be He,
and by blessing of His eternal word. Try to to understand.

And whoever writes this noble magic square on a silver seal or plate in the first hour of Friday,
which is from sunrise until the shadow measures twenty-eight feet, for whoever does that sees miracles in
his person, and it is for the love, acceptance, respect and enlargement of livelihood. This is his image:

294 294 237 223 263 251 250 210 197 p. 355

209 199 249 236 226 263 262 253 222

292 269 249 264 198 248 225 297 228

206 221 264 22 207 203 247 230 291

222 290 256 258 219 259 205 246 206

248 28 223 289 225 231 218 261 257

23 244 204 227 288 24 254 712 266

216 265 265 223 212 202 287 339 229

fig. 219
241 228 286 267 255 215 214 201 242
﴾ Wherever you are, God will gather you all. God is Powerful over all things ﴿


It will be composed in the exaltation of the sun or in that of Jupiter on a gold, silver or copper
plate, and it must be engraved in a fasting state, and it must be perfumed at the moment of being engraved,
at the moment of being carried with oneself. and in which it is used, with Indian aloe stick, benzoin, mastic,
nadd and saffron. Try to understand and you will prosper, God willing, exalted be!

And this is the way they will be composed:

Cor . lxxii:3-4. See the original text, from which we do this reading so that we count thirty-three verses.
We believe that it is Mu¬ammad b. 'Alī al-Bāqir ( 8th century ), fifth Imām of Twelver Shi'ism, to whom several
miracles are attributed.

fig. 220

A certain virtuous man is reported to have said: “I needed God and I spent thirty years begging a b
God by she. I weighed a it, never I quit a she, Y certain night I lay down in me litter ( maÅja' ) and I fell
asleep, when suddenly someone said: “Take these spells that are under your head and pray with them for
your need, because it will really be solved for you”. Then I woke up and found these spells written on a p. 356
sheet with the letters separated: I put them together, and here is what you will see. Everyone who prays
with them for a need is solved thanks to God, exalted! be!
And they are these verses:

For the submission of hearts to prostrate

themselves before You without
denying, oh my Lord!
For You, Allah, oh Dear!, for nothing
equals you in the solemnity of promises.
By Your Footstool crowned by light
next to Your sublime and glorious Throne.
As there is under Your existing Throne
before the creation of the sky and the sound of thunder.
So because you never stop being
a God known for Oneness.
And after concluding these verses you will say: "I ask you, my God, to bless and save our lord
Mu-ammad and the family of our lord Mu-ammad, and to solve my problem, such and such a thing",
because really God will solve it, if He wishes, exalted be He!

Y follow a it this blessed invocation with the ayah of Throne in the that you will say: "Oh Living, oh b
Subsisting, You are Allah, who has no god but You, and I have been one of the unjust 1 . I ask you for Your
eternal subsistence to sustain me in You and together with You. I ask for Your life, life for my heart and
peace in it in this world, in the Other and in what is in between. Keep all that in me, oh Who does not tire
of keeping anything, oh Most High, oh Sublime!, until I find You and You are satisfied with me, finding
myself in the best of situations and in the sweetest calm, without affliction or punishment in reward, neither
in this world nor in the Hereafter. By Your Mercy, oh the most Merciful of the merciful!

And you should know, brother, may God guide me to His obedience and enlighten our hearts! with the c
light of knowledge!, that I myself often undertook the continuous recitation of the ayat of the Throne and
the last ayats of the sura of the Cow, from where it says ﴾ The messenger believes ﴿ 2 to the end of the surah.
Then the first verses of the surah of the family of 'Imrān as far as it says ﴾ the Wise, the Mighty ﴿ 3 , plus
the two verses from ﴾ Say: My God, King of Sovereignty ﴿ as far as it says ﴾ without limitation ﴿ 4 .

Then you will say: "God, I ask you for health against fear, the domain of wishes, the d
reception of Science and the continuity of reflection ( al-fikr ). I ask you, my God, the secret of secrets that
protects of the ills, of way that No be constant our sin Y our flaw.
Give us life and guide our actions with these words that You expounded before us in the language of Your
Messenger, and with which You tested Ibrāhīm, Your friend, which he fulfilled, and said: ﴾ I'm going to
do you a leader Y a example for the mens". Said: "Y it you will do also with my decendents?", and said: "Me
covenant No achieves a the unfair ﴿ 5 . So that put us Come in the fair of their decendents Y of the
descendants of Adam and Noah, and guide us in the paths of those who lead the God-fearing. My God, I
have done enormous harm to myself, and only You forgive sins: forgive me, have mercy of my Y you accept
me repentance, ﴾ Nope there are plus god that You, praised be! Truly I have been one of the unjust ﴿ 6 . O
Allah, O Most High, O Sublime, O Patient, O All-Knowing, O Hearing, oh
Seer, O Willing, O Capable, O Subsisting, O Gracious, O Merciful, O Who is YĀH e
YĀH . Oh First, oh Last, oh Visible, oh Hidden, blessed be Your Name, Lord of Majesty and Generosity.
My God, bless me with Your sublime Name, He with Whose Name nothing can harm on earth or in heaven,
He the Hearing, the All-Knowing. Grant me a secret from You with which sins do not cause any harm, and
put in it for me a direction by which the needs of the heart, mind, spirit, longing, soul and body are resolved.
Inscribe our names under Your names, our attributes under Your attributes, and our actions under Yours on
the path of peace, of the fall of repentance, of the descent of grace, and of the manifestation of leadership.
find yourself together my in those leaders that me I choose of Come in Your connoisseurs for that I

Cor . xxi:86.
Cor . ii:284.
Cor . iii:6.
Cor . iii:26-27.
Cor . ii:123.
Cor . xxi:86.

guide. Enrich me in such a way that you give wealth for me to whomever you wish. Give me life in such a p. 357

way that you give life through me whomever you want from Your servants. Make me the treasure of forty
[days] and one of the most precious fearful, and forgive me, for that is not achieved by the unjust. ﴾ Æā sin
mīm ﴿ . ﴾ ©ā' mīm 'ayn sīn qāf ﴿ . ﴾ He has let the two seas meet freely. Between them there is a space
that they do not cross ﴿ 1 .

Then [you will recite] the Fāti¬a to the end and the surah of Worship three times. Whoever recites
these verses and spells and asks for any need they have in this world or in the Other. We have only opened
the door for whoever wants to enter the treasury of longing sighs, and God grants His favor to whoever

And after that you will say: “O Allah , oh Truth, oh Light, oh Manifest, open my heart with Your
light, instruct me in Your science, protect me with Your custody, make me hear, make me understand,
make me perceive You and create by Your grace a means with which you can solve my poverty, with
which you strengthen me for above vileness, with which you make me prosper in this world and in the
Other, and with which you make me reach the contemplation of Your noble face in the Garden of delight.
Truly You are Capable of everything, there is no power or strength except in God, the Most High, the
Sublime”. And whoever recites these verses and incantations, as we just said, you get what you ask for
from God, praised be He, by His grace and generosity.
And another of the virtues of invoking with the noble verse of the Throne according to some
virtuous ones, God be satisfied with them!, is that whoever invokes with it for all their problems and worries
is attended, and it is this blessed prayer in which you will say: “Praise be to God, Who appoints in the
worlds the chief sages of the sciences, and makes bearers of the Qur'an to His most intimate and companions
among the common people. Relieve the spirits of the poor from fatigue, efforts and hardships. It makes the
world like a dark blue robe, and the devotees are its embroidery. Whoever obeys him is praised and whoever
disobeys him is execrated. Whither will the wicked flee when the oppressed invokes against him, and
accuses him before a Sovereign of enormous dignity, before whom kings rise? For by His wrath the water
and the air, the night and the day, the sun, the moon and the stars, the heat and the cold, the clouds, the
trees, the rainy clouds and the mists are filled with anger, and they find death and life standing at His door,
as the servant stands before the master. ﴾ Allah, there is no god but He, the Living, the Subsisting ﴿ . He c
directs existence one day after another, makes the centuries pass disappearing
one town after another. It silences the vowels of those on earth and in heaven without there being an allusion
( išāra ) or an obscure pronunciation ( rawm ) for them 2 . He satisfies those who overindulge and gives
hunger to those who fast, and causes all such people to perish while He is the Eternal, the Everlasting in
eternity. Y the perpetuity. ﴾ Neither the drowsiness neither the sleep you affect ﴿ . Owner of it that there
are by above the highest and what is below the lowest, the length and the breadth. He decides the salvation,
the appearance, the commission and the duty imposed on His servants, and demands that duty from them.
﴾ Yours is how much

Cor . lv:17-18.
On these two terms in relation to the pronunciation of the Arabic vowels, v. L ANE , Lexicon , sv šwr y
rwm .

there are in the Heavens Y how much there are in the Earth ﴿ . All the creatures they recur a That Whose
support for it is strong 1 : the one who is confident in his castle and the one who is hypocritical ( al-munāfiq
) in his cell, for when the Day of Resurrection comes each of them will be too busy to care about his father
and son, without anyone interceding before Him, except whom He approves by His grace ﴾ Who can
by someone before Him except with His permission? ﴿ Creator of water, fire, earth and air, creating d
for the elements four essences. And what are water, fire, earth and air but like a grain in the water? What
are water, fire, earth, air and the Footstool but like a star in the sky? , what are the water, the fire, the earth,
the air, the Footstool and the Throne but about fourteen dirhams?, since all of these are in His hand, like a
speck of dust that contains the knowledge of the Beginning and the End . ﴾ knows what that there are in
view of the mens Y it that there are after they , Y they No span any of Their knowledge a unless He wants
to ﴿ . He created the four Throne Bearers, who have risen in greatness, raising their heads above the rocks
forever, resembling in their faces a lion, an eagle, a rooster or an ostrich, without being asked by a
companion to another for what is in the graces of God. ﴾ The footstool of His Throne extends through the
heavens and the earth , and it does not cause Him toil to maintain them ﴿ . With the ayah from the
2 did not listen like
Throne, he sent down fifty of the most sublime words of the Noble Qur'an: the Interlocutor
. They protect the souls, the spirit and the goods, the child, the one who travels and the one who stays
in his place. They heal the blind and the leper, the healthy and the sick. His dwelling is glorious, and of a
King eternal Whose path it is right: it is the God of the Heavens Y the Earth. ﴾ The it is the Soaring, the
Sublime ﴿ .

Cor . xi:79.
Epithet of Moses.



You must know, God help us to obey Him and understand the secrets of His Names!, that each
verse of God's book has letters and numerical values, and each number corresponds to a magic square. And
whoever harmonizes in a square the letters and numerical values of each ayah, obtains the revelation of the
Mystery [of that ayah].

And you should know that each verse has a figure for the masters of secrets, and a harmonic square
for those endowed with mystical illuminations. Whoever knows which spiritual being corresponds to that a

figure is cared for, and whoever knows the secret of harmonic fit ( al-tadājul ) gains influence over things.
Don't you see how those who know the secrets, when they understand what concerns the harmonic fit,
harmonize the verses and other expressions, thus curing chronic diseases? and it is why _ the it 's almost _
_ knowledge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d e he does c u a l ity is _ _ n a t u ra l es ( a l - Ð a b ā ' i ' ) Y d the secret
_ _ _ d the in cashier _ harmonic reason why those who walk the Path ( al -sālikūna ) fail in their journey,
because they have the bases on the water and they do not hold up, they put the heavy on the light and find
no stability, since it is essential that what sustains is stronger than what supported.

And you must know that these letters have extraordinary virtues and marvelous properties, which
no one gets to know except the most outstanding Gnostic sages and the few rooted in Science ( al-rāsijūna
), and with which one manages to dispose of the power of the attraction of hearts and spirits and the affinity
of souls and forms. The letters are divided into igneous, terrestrial, aerial, and aquatic, according to the
masters of natural qualities; and in igneous, aerial, terrestrial and aquatic following the doctrine of the wise
_ _ _ _ _ do t a do s d e he does confidentiality _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ divine _ _ _ _ _ ( a ½ ¬ ā b al - n awāmīs )
. _ _ _ _ _ We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so still s o l o I do n't know p r o n e m o s Give a classification of the letters that
will serve as a basis for this chapter. And in this way you will know the letters of the water, of the earth,
[of the air and of the fire]:
- Alif , ba' , ta' , £ā' , jim , ¬ā' Y ha' are of fire.
- Dāl , _ _ ²āl , _ _ rā ' , _ zāy , _ _ Ð ā ' , Þ ā ' Y k ā f yes or no d the to go _ _ _
- L ā m , mīn , _ _ n ū n , ½ād , _ _ Å ā d , ' a and n Y g a and n yes or no d the water _ _ _
- fa' , qāf , without , šin , hā' , wāw Y Already' are of the Earth.

And in the classification of letters according to

those who know the secrets, the letters of fire precede
those of earth, attributing them to water, because air
cannot be covered 1 . We have already explained
everything fig. 221
this, so do not give up, search, strive and be as the šayj
said in these verses:

Uncertain translation.

Seek and do not be frustrated in the search,
for the seeker's plague is frustration.
Nope you see What the string with its
insistence has left fingerprint in
the deaf stone?

Whoever works hard gets, and whoever doesn't work hard doesn't get.
And it is related to Imām 'Alī, God rest his soul!, that a Jew asked him for a number in which ten
exact fractions from half to one-tenth were gathered, and Imām 'Alī told him: “ If I teach you that, will you
submit to Islam?" and the Jew said yes. Then Imām 'Alī told him, God rest his soul: "Multiply the number p. 359

of days of the week that have elapsed by the number of days of the month that have elapsed, and this by the
number of months of the year that have elapsed, obtaining the answer to what you ask”. and got a total of
/10 /9 /8 /7 /6 /5 /4 /3 /two
252 280 315 360 420 504 630 840 1260
And this belongs to the Divine Science that proceeds from the Favor of God, and God grants His a
favor to whomever He desires, He the Lord of immense Favor.
As for the dark letters ( al-Þulmāniyya ), they are fourteen [...], and they come together in your
saying: G¾ ŠŶ B¢ J® WZD TFÝ . And in turn they are divided into minors ( danī ) and inferiors ( adnà
). The minor ones are seven grouped in your saying: ®W T¾D GB . And the inferior ones are also seven
gathered in your saying: JŠFŶ
¢ÝZ .

To each luminous letter there corresponds one of the dark letters, and the luminous letters come
together in your words “ ÆRQ SM'K ALN¼Y©H ” 1 , and also in this way: “ MN QÆ'K ¼LH S©YRA
” 2.

Y you should to know, oh seeker, that when shots the letters BÆ of the letters dark Y the b
mixes with the letters of the name of the person in a piece of unfired pottery, being the waning moon, and then
you bury it in an abandoned grave, because really the sorrows and sadness will instigate the heart of this person
without reason some, Yes God wants, exalted be!
And a certain virtuous said: when you want to solve a need that you have for any of the creatures,
then write the total numerical value of your name, the name of the mother and the name of what is desired,
and when you obtain a number with the sum of all of them, then write it in an hour of good omen, take it
with you and use it to ask for your need, because it will really be solved for you, God willing, exalted be

Y you should to know, oh seeker, that when you want look a a person, well write the letters c
his name, his mother's name and the letters of his zodiacal ascendant. Then combine the letters of the
ascendant with those of the two names, make them reach his food or his drink and pronounce the word over
it, which is BÆ . In this way you will constrain that predominant natural quality in him and you will be
able to influence him in the way you wish. This is one of God's enigmatic secrets, exalted be He!

Mnemonic phrase, whose translation would be: "The advice reached your ear."
It could be translated as: "Whoever hinders you, go before him before dawn."

And said the šayj , the imām, the scholar, the excellent, the perfect, the realized, the exact, the Pole d

of divine Help, the detached, the absolute, symbol of his era and incomparable in his time, the Imām Ŷa'far
al-¼ādiq, may God be pleased with him!: “When you want to do a job, then take the name of the person
who requests it, the name of the person who is the object of the ritual, and add to both the numbers of RK
RFD 1 , which are the numbers of the predominant, and it is a cubic name -and the method of acting in the
rest of the works-. Then count the name of the one who requests with the al-Jummal al-kabīr method , the
name of the one who is requested, and observe the number that results from it. For example: the applicant's
name is A¬mad and the applicant's name is Mu¬ammad. You will count in this way: A¬mad 53 and
p. 360
Mu¬ammad 92. Add the numbers of RK RFD , and the name of the applicant turns out to be 273, and the
name of the requested 376 2 . You add both results and you get 649. Then you subtract 30 from it and there
are 619 left. You divide it into four parts and there is 154 in each one plus three remainders. And what
results from the sum arrange it in the square in this way, thus obtaining your purpose, God willing, praised
8 11 14 1
and 162 165 168 154 a
exalted be! 13 2 7 12
167 155 161 166
When three remains, one is skipped in the five box. If there is a 3 16 9 6

remainder of two, skip one in the ten box. And if there is one remaining, 156 170 163 160
10 5 4 15
one jumps on the thirteen square, obtaining the objective, God willing, 3 164 159 157 169

fig. 222


Their saying, exalted be!: ﴾ God put to the discovered it that you concealed We said: play it with a b
member of it [the cow]. This is how God makes the dead live and shows His signs so that you can
understand ﴿ 4 . This ayah makes the sleeper speak, letting you know what he hides in his intimate consciousness.
And this is the way it has to be arranged, as you can see. Try to understand and you will prosper, Yes
God willing, exalted be!
And if you want that, write it on the palm of
your hand, put it on the chest of the sleeper and ask him
what you want, because in truth he will make known to
you, God willing, everything you ask him. And it is
specific to the masters of mystical perceptions.

fig. 223

1 Nonsense
words that are equivalent to the numbers 220 and 284, friendly numbers (see T. CANAAN , “The
Decipherment of Arabic Talismans”, p. 93).
Add to each name the previous numbers 220 and 284 respectively.
Note that the following square is arranged from the number 154 obtained. With three left remaining in the
division, a number is skipped in the sequence from 154 to 170, in the box that appears numbered five, as indicated,
then omitting 158 in the sequence.
Cor . ii:71-72.

Regarding His saying: ﴾ This is how Your Lord rebukes when he punishes a city that is c
unfair. It is certain that Their punishment it is painful Y severe ﴿ 1 . Always that I know throws in the
House of a evil is destroyed, writing it on the bone of a slaughtered owl, which has been hunted with
weapons or animals of prey. This is how it will be arranged. Try to to understand.

fig. 224

And you should know that when God wants something, he makes you carry it out, since truly the p. 361
servants are the instrument of God, exalted be He!, and God is the One Who works with total freedom in
Sovereignty, there is no other god than The.
And whoever writes the ternary square on a lead sheet on the first hour of Saturday, then recites
this verse mentioned 45 times while staring at the square, and then curses some wicked person, he is
punished on the spot. And that is one of the wonderful provisions of divine sources ( awrād ). This is the
form of the ternary square, and we have already mentioned it in the book The illuminating shine on the
divine sources 2 , among others.
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2 fig. 225

Y in how much a Their saying: ﴾ Y tea they ask about of the mountains, gave: Me Mister the will a
pulverize by complete. Y the will leave What plains smooth, without that go to S no up and down in they
﴿ , Y the Name which is located in the south of Los Rebaños, because with it the wind calms down and with

it you discover what is in the darkness, Y are Their words: ﴾ The looks No You reach but The achieves the
looks, The it is the Subtle, the Knowledgest of it recondite ﴿ 4 .
The sura of the Poets 5 , if it hangs around the neck of a white rooster, you will see the
The sura of the Hypocrites 6 is for the disunity of the groups.
The first verses of the Surah of Conquest 7 are for victory and for defeating enemies, for the flow
of waters and the blessing of crops. They are not constantly recited by a miserable person without gaining
power, nor by a weak person without gaining strength, nor by a defeated person without rising up.

Cor . xi:102.
Al-Lum'a al-Nūrāniyya fī-l-awrād al-rabbaniyya . On this work see what was said in the preliminary study
Cor . xx:103-104.
Cor . saw:104.
Cor . xxvi.
Cor . lxiii.

Cor . xlviii.

victorious, nor anyone in difficulties without God paving the way for him, exalted be he!, from where he
cannot perceive it. Whoever writes them on a clean parchment with saffron, rose water and musk and hangs
it on his right arm gains strength and respect before the people, and has victory over his enemies. Therefore
it is appropriate for the generals of armies and for those in command of troops, and God,
praised and exalted be he, he knows better. Whoever writes them on a banner and takes them into battle, God,
praised and exalted!, it provides you with strength and help for victory over your enemies. And whoever
writes them in a wooden cup, erases it with water and washes his face with it, is well reputed, honored,
loved, protected and guarded wherever he is, by God's order, exalted be he!, and God says the Truth and
He shows the way. This is how it will be arranged, as you can see:

fig. 226

Said al-Mas'ūdī: “It has come to my attention that whoever recites the surah of Conquest 1 on the p. 362
first night of month of Rama Å ān, in the prayer supererogatory ( a lt a Ð a ww u' ), God, exalted be!, you
protects all that year”.

And Ibn Qutayba 2 said : “I spoke with a man from Mecca who told me: I was affected by a problem
and I went to see a virtuous man who told me: Write on a patch ( ruq'a ): ﴾ We have given you a manifest
victory ” 3 , ﴾ If you sought to win, you have already had your victory ﴿ 4 , ﴾ Can be what God tea bring
the victory either a order Hers ﴿ 5 , ﴾ The have the keys of it hidden, Y single The it known ﴿ 6 ,
﴾ Mister our!, judge Come in us Y our people with the TRUE; You are the better of the judges ﴿ ,

﴾ If the people of the cities had believed and kept, we would have opened the blessings of heaven and
earth to them ﴿ 8 , ﴾ And when they opened their saddlebags they found that they had been returned the
goods ﴿ 9 , ﴾ they asked aid, but all the that it is a tyrant rebel fails ﴿ 1 , ﴾ Even Yes

Cor . xlviii.
Famous polygraph from the 9th century, especially recognized for his works on adab and theology.
Cor . xlviii:1.
Cor . viii:19.
Cor . v:54.
Cor . saw:60.
Cor . vii:88.
Cor . vii:95.
Cor . xii:65.

Yes them we would open a part of darling by the that could go up ﴿ 2 , ﴾ Really me people I he has denied.
dictates a judgment Come in they Y me Y save me a my Y a the believers that is it so with me ﴿ 3 , ﴾ The
mercy that God dispensation a the mens No there are who the prevent, Y the that The retains, No there
are, after of The, who frees her He is the Mighty, the Wise ﴿ 4 . ﴾ And when they reach it [Garden] its
gates will open and its guardians will say to them: Peace be with you, you were good, enter it to be
immortal ﴿ 5 , ﴾ He rewarded them with a close victory and much loot to be had ﴿ 6 , ﴾ And we open the
gates of heaven with torrential water ﴿ 7 , ﴾ A help from God and a near victory ﴿ 8 , ﴾ When arrive the
victory of God Y the conquest, Y go to S a the people get in by groups in the worship of God, glorify
your Lord and ask him for forgiveness. He always accepts whoever turns to Him ﴿ 9 . Write them down
and carry them hanging on your right arm. I did that and God helped me and made the problem easier for
me where I did not foresee it.

Their saying, exalted be!, ﴾ You you will agree of it that say. I trust me affair a God. It is certain what to
God sees the servants ﴿ 10 . Whoever engraves this noble verse on a ring and wears it is well treated in all
circumstances. And if he goes before an evil person and recites it, he deafens him and prevents his evil by
power Y the strength of God, praised Y exalted be!. Y is it is the way in that I know will have:

fig. 227

Said certain wise: "Who want attain the wealth supreme Y the fortune elderly, that dispose b
harmonically His words ﴾ Say: God, King of Sovereignty! You give the Dominion to whoever you want
-as far as it says- without limitation ﴿ 11
, on a gold or silver plaque, in the early hours of Thursday. And
whoever wants to reach the supreme mystery and the talismanic treasure must fast for forty days in which
they will not eat any food. animal neither any coming from of a animal. will break the fast with foods allowed
( ¬alāl ), Y if possible with what can be taken freely without belonging to anyone, because that is more
convenient. And every day at sunrise he will recite the Morning Surah times, and at the end he will
say: "My God, provide me with the secret that You have provided to many of Your servants and enrich me
with Your favor, being able to do without anyone other than You." . He will also recite the surah after sunset
on the same number

Cor . xiv:18.
Cor . xv:14.
Cor . xxvi:117-118.
Cor . xxxv:2.
Cor . xxxix:70.
Cor . xlviii:18-19.
Cor . liv:11.
Cor . lxi:13.
Cor . cx:1-3.
Cor . xl:44.
Cor . iii:26-27.
Cor . xciii.

times. And he shall put the written figure in a clean bag on the first day [of the forty], and next to the figure
there will be forty dirham. And when he wants to spend something, he will recite the sura the number of
dirhams that he will spend, leaving the bag the same during that period of days, without changing and no
longer having forty dirhams in it. That is specific to the masters of the spiritual states. Try to understand,
because I have opened the door of supreme wealth for whoever wants to access it, and God tells the truth
and He shows the road.

You must know, God help us to obey Him and understand the secrets of His Names!, that for p. 363

sovereignty and government it is ﴾ Say: God, King of Sovereignty! You give the Dominion to whom you
want - as far as it says - without limitation ﴿ 1 . For ministers and princes it is ﴾ Give me someone from my
family to assist me. To my brother Harun. Strengthen my back with it ﴿ 2 , ﴾ and we assigned to his
brother Harūn What attendee ﴿ . For the love Y the obedience ﴾ I deposited in You love coming from of My
for that you will grow up bass Me look ﴿ 3 , ﴾ Though you would have spent all how much there are in the
Earth No you would have managed to unite their hearts, without embargo God the joined. Truly The it is
the Powerful, Wise ﴿ 4 , ﴾ Y it is tenacious in His love for goods ﴿ 5 , ﴾ They love each other as God is
loved; but the love for God of those who believe it is plus strong ﴿ 6 . Y for the aid Y the victory: ﴾ The
aid victorious only comes of God ﴿ 7 , ﴾ So that God tea help to with a help powerful ﴿ 8 , ﴾ appear in view
of they by the gate, Y when you have entered by she, you will be winners. Y abandon yourselves in God
Yes you are believers ﴿ 9 . About of understand, for it is not possible to go into more detail, and he calculates
that the number of comprehensible ayahs is the same as the number of ayahs incomprehensible 10 .

And you must know that whoever constantly recites the Morning Surah for forty days, saying a
each day at the conclusion of his ²ikr and his recitation: “My God, oh Rich, oh Enricher, grant me wealth
with which I fear no poverty . Guide me, for indeed I am lost. Instruct me, for I am truly ignorant”, for God
sends the one who teaches him Wisdom ( al-¬ikma ) in his dreams or in his waking life.

Their words ﴾ But Muammad it is single a delivery courier before of which Already there was
others messengers. Yes die either it they will kill, would you give the back? Who gives the back, No will b
hurt a God in absolute. And God will reward a the grateful ﴿ 12
, Yes I know they write of the Next
form, I know write in turnstile to the
name of Mu¬ammad the names “Isrāfīl, Ŷabrā'īl, Mīkā'īl and 'Azrā'īl” and is carried by a person, he is
safe from the evil of jinn and men, from the dangers of night and day, and lies

Cor . iii:26-27.
Cor . xx:28-30.
Cor . xx:38-39.
Cor . viii:64.
Cor . c:8.
Cor . ii:164.
Cor . iii:126; viii:10.
Cor . xlviii:3.
Cor . v:25.
Perhaps referring to the verses with a specific meaning or argument that can be applied in this type of ritual.
Cor . xciii.
Cor . iii:144.

protected and guarded by order of God, praised and exalted be!, for God is the One who grants success.
And this is the way it should be arranged. Try to understand and you will prosper, God willing,
Exalted be He, for God speaks the truth and He shows the way.

fig. 228

You must know that whoever writes the surah of Muammad 1 in a glass cup, erases the writing c

with water from the well of Zamzam and drinks it, is well reputed by the people, his words are heard and
he does not hear anything from any person. that he does not memorize, God willing, praise and exalt him!

Their words ﴾ Y when I know blow in the horn a time, Y the Earth Y the mountains be elevations d
in the air Y pulverized of a time. That day will have place the Event. The darling I know will rip Y No will
have that day consistency ﴿ 2 , because this ayah is written to shed blood in the place you want. Who
he wants that, he traces the Names on a sheet of lead when the Moon is in Scorpio. And write next to it the p. 364
name of the one you want to bleed to death and the name of his mother. The writing will be done with
Byzantine cinnabar ( zunŷufr rūmī ), and then all of it will be hidden inside a ditch whose water runs to the
east, having deposited the writing inside a reed to which a red thread will be hooked, thus being tied next
to the ditch. Be careful not to let go of the reed, because the person subjected to it will die, and you will be
responsible for it before God. And do not let more than seven days elapse, because the person subject to it
will die. When you want to undo it, take out what you wrote, erase it with water, and then write for the
person who was subjected to it the ayah of the Throne, the sura of Worship, the two protective suras and
the Fāti¬a in a clean container, and give it to him to drink, because he will really recover, God willing,
praise and exalt him! 3
And this is the way it is to be arranged, as you can see. Try to understand and you will prosper,
God willing, exalted be He, for God is the One who grants success.

Cor . xlvii.
Cor . lxix:12-15.
When the writing is inserted inside a reed, it seems clear that the verses should be written on paper, and not on
a lead plate, as we read in the text.

fig. 229

His saying, exalted be he!, ﴾ Perhaps if he divorced them, his Lord would give him better wives a
in return. that they. Muslims, believers, obedient, of easy repentance, adoring fervent and fasting,
Already they would have condition married before either were virgins ﴿ 1 . Is ayah it is for cause the
repudiation Women's. It will be written in a dark colored bowl ( zubdiyya azraq ) with ink and tar and their
names will be written. Later you will erase the writing with water from the drain and you will spill it in the
house where they live, because they will truly separate and will not remain together in it. And this is the
figure you will write:

fig. 230

His saying, exalted be he!, ﴾ That is because they have reneged after having believed and their p. 365
hearts they have been sealed, of way that No they understand. When the you see, tea like its appearance Y
Yes speak, their words they capture your attention. Are What lumber that No hold any. believe that any
scream It is aimed against they. They are the enemy, have watch out. kill them God! How they lie! ﴿ 2 . Is
ayah is for knot the languages, mute to the enemy Y let him without words in the litigation Y in the
quarrel. I know

Cor . lxvi:5.
Cor . lxiii:3-4.

write on an iron plate, Libra being the zodiacal ascendant, with Mars situated on it and the first decan (
wajh ) of Scorpio. And whoever wants to sue or appear before whoever they want will take it with them,
because it will really silence the language of their rival and will prevail over him. This is his figure:

fig. 231

Their words ﴾ Mister our! A You us we trust, a You us we return Y a You we have of return.
Our Lord! Do not test those who refuse to believe by giving them power over us, and forgive us Lord.
Truly You are the Mighty, the Wise ﴿ 1 . If this ayah is written on an iron ring and someone puts it in his
hand, God, exalted be He, helps him, supports him and gives him power, even if it is a person weak; you
gives a know the science of that that No knew Y you does get its support
with an abundance coming from God, in Whom you will have a Helper and Helper, because in her resides
the Name of unconditional Trust, Power and Authority, and God guides whoever he wants along a straight
path. This is the figure you will write:

fig. 232

Their saying, exalted be!, ﴾ Y said: ask sorry a your Mister, The it is very Indulgent. will send b
Above you the sky with abundant rains and will give you more wealth and children, as well as gardens and
rivers ﴿ 2 .
Cor. lx:4-5.
Cor. lxxi:10-12.

This ayah serves to increase goods, prosper in trade and obtain great benefits. Whoever writes it on a white
silver ring and puts it on his finger, will not be able to explain the way in which God will provide his p. 366
livelihood, this being one of the prodigious things that no one is able to describe due to the many blessings
and goods that it provides. , with the help of God, exalted be! This is the figure that you have to write, try
to understand and you will prosper:

fig. 233

Their saying, exalted be!, ﴾ You Mister knows that you remain by the night praying during a

something less of two thirds, of the half either of a third of the night, So What a part of the that is it so with
you. God, that measure the night Y the day, knows that No you can be constants in it Y I know he has
turned a you indulgently ﴿ 1 . This ayah is for whoever wants to increase the worship of God and the
repentant return to Him. Whoever wants that will take a copper basin and write the noble ayah on Friday
while people are performing in community prayer. And say: "May God turn leniently towards So-and-so."
After delete it with Water clear, recites [the ayah] one hundred times Y baby of it three nights when
go to sleep, because really God will guide that person to do good, facilitating the acts of worship and
obedience to God, through His power and strength, praised and exalted be!
This is how the squares will be arranged. Try to understand and you will prosper, God willing,
exalted be He, for God tells the truth and He shows the way:

fig. 2. 3. 4

Cor. lxxiii:18.

Their saying, exalted be!, ﴾ When I arrived the victory of God Y the conquest, Y go to S a the b

people enter by groups in the worship of God, glorifies a your Mister Y ask him sorry. The forever you
accept a who to The I know Come back ﴿ 1 . Who write is sura in a shred of cloth ( jirqa ) blue the Saturday
in the hour of Mercury, with the Moon in position of good augury, Y it places in its head, well with the
aid of God, exalted p. 367
Be it!, he overcomes everyone who disputes with him. If it is written with the apogee of the sun and Mars
opposite it, it defeats its rival with the help of God, praise and exalt be! And whoever carries it with him
cannot be hurt, by order of God, praise and exalt be!
This is the way it will be arranged as you see. Try to understand and you will prosper:

fig. 235

His saying, exalted be he!, ﴾ And we put pity, mercy in the hearts of those who followed him [ ..
.” until the end of the ayah, and " We gave support ] -as far as it says- the victors ﴿ , because these verses
are for disputes, lawsuits and discussions, to dominate enemies and defeat adversaries. Whoever wants that,
write these verses on a gazelle skin parchment with myrtle water on Friday, when the people disperse after
prayer. Perfume it with an aloe and amber stick, place the writing in the inside of a tubule ( q a ½ a b a ) of
silver that You will put on your head, Y carries a lawsuit a whoever you want from your enemies or go to
the judge you want, because you will win with the help of God, praise and exalt be! This is what you will

fig. 236

Cor . cx:1-3.
You must know, God help us to comply with His obedience and understand the secrets of His b

Names!, that whoever wants to appear before a ruler, a minister, a judge or before some authority and wants
to tie his tongue and avoid the evil that may cause him , even if it is about death, then write the names that
we will mention below on a gazelle skin parchment with musk, saffron and rose water. He will perfume the
writing with the best perfumes, such as aloe stick, nadd , amber and musk, and put it on the front of his
turban. It will have to be written on Sunday in the hour of the sun, and if the sun is at its peak it is better.
And if you doubt it and want to put it to the test first, hang it on a sheep that is going to be sacrificed,
p. 368
because it will not be slaughtered while it is hanging. and if you enter in the bath wearing with you the
written, the bath I know cools by order of God, exalted be!
This is the figure of the talisman and the noble verses:

fig. 237

﴾ Come and do not fear, you are one of those who are safe ﴿ , ﴾ Do not fear, you are safe from

unfair people ﴿ 2 , ﴾ The envoys do not fear before Me ﴿ 3 , ﴾ Two men who feared God and whom He
had favored they said: appear in view of they by the gate, Y when you have entered by she, you will be
winners And abandon yourselves in God if you are believers ﴿ 4 . Advance, oh Fulano son of Fulana, in
the same way that the preacher goes towards the minimbar and in which the sultan approaches his troops. I
knot the tongue of everyone who disputes with him, and the tongue of every being endowed with speech,
so that they can only speak right to the carrier of East me written, either to silence. ¼M ¼M ¼M bkm bkm
bkm 'MÀ 'MÀ 'MÀ
﴾ They can't see ﴿ 5 . I make the bearer of this writing be helped and supported against all
person, in the same way that God, exalted be He!, helped His Prophet Mu¬ammad, God bless him and
save!, the day of the battle of Badr. I support you with the Names of God, as God, exalted be He, supported
His Prophet Mu¬ammad, God bless him and save!, with the angels Ŷabra'īl on his right, Mīkā'īl on his left
and Isrāfīl behind his back, and the Names of God surrounding him on all sides. Faces will be distorted by
terror, ﴾ and all faces will be humbled before the Living, the Subsisting, Y there will be lost who I carried
injustice ﴿ 6 . By one thousand alif , No there are power neither strength except in God, the Most High, the
Sublime. ﴾ God will suffice you against them, He is the Hearer, the Wise ﴿ 7 . The faces are deformed, the
faces are deformed, the faces are deformed 8 , the faces are humbled before the Living One , the Subsistent , Māh
a t , _ _ Bāh a t , _ _ T ā h a t , © a t , M a ¬ a t , I n Ð il ā ¬ a n , M a ¬ l a n , A h l a n . Advance _ _ _ _ a
s al vo , _ a u x ili a d _ Y

Cor . xxviii:31.
Cor . xxviii:25.
Cor . xxvii:10.
Cor . v:25.
Cor . xxxvi:8.

Cor . xx:108.
Cor . ii:136.
See above, p. 435, no.3.

supported by the Unique, the One, the Singular, the Eternal, the One who ﴾ He has not begotten nor has he
been begotten, and there is no one like Him ﴿ .

You must know, brother, that the following is a wonderful talisman and an extraordinary secret b
that the wise have preserved and hidden for fear that it might fall into the hands of the ignorant, and thereby
dishonor the chaste and Muslim women. So, by God, oh he in whose hands this book is found!, do not use
it except to do what is permitted, because on the Day of Resurrection you will be asked to account for it.
When you want to use it, write [the talisman] on the palm of your right hand with sukk of musk, saffron
and rose water and perfume it with some fragrance. It will have to be written on Wednesday in the first
hour, and recite over it the incantation whose beginning is: "In the Name of God, the Most Holy, the Pure...".
Then hide your hand inside the sleeve and open it in the face of whoever you want so that they can see the
writing. And then keep walking and do not turn back, because the person who is the object of it will follow
you wherever you want. This is the shape of the talisman:

fig. 238

SECTION : when go to S a someone affected by the pain of spleen, write for the East blessed
talisman on a sheet and place the sheet on the spleen, above the shirt. Then take a new spoon, put a little p. 369
ash in it and put a burning ember on top of the ash. Then put the spoon on the talisman, and then the patient
will feel that the fire penetrates inside him: keep it like this for as long as the patient can stand it, even if it
is two minutes, and raise the spoon, because really it will hardly be necessary to wait for the pain to subside.
The spleen ceases and disappears with the excrement, the patient recovering, God willing, exalted be he!
And this is the shape of the talisman:

fig. 239

PARTY : when you want to memorize everything you hear and never forget it, write are you at
letters in a glass cup and drink them with clear water for three days, for in truth you will see the miraculous in the

sharpness of your understanding. And you will recite when drinking them ﴾ But we gave understanding of it to
Sulaymān ﴿ 1
until the end of the verse. This is the shape of the talisman:

fig. 240

AWAY : when you have an enemy or a bad neighbor and you want to get him away from you, b
write this talisman on a piece of unfired ceramic or on a lead plate and bury it under the threshold of the
door of whoever you want, because really that person will leave that place. And by God, you should not
use it against someone who is not deserving of it. it.

fig. 241

A PART : when you want to tie someone's tongue with respect to you, or the tongue of all people, p. 370
you will write this talisman and put it on the front of your turban, because you will see something
miraculous. And this is what you will write as you can see. Try to understand and you will prosper:

“Enmudezco la lengua de todo ser dotado de habla, o hable con bien. DYWRH MH
‘LMH. Anuda, oh ‘Unqūd, y ata las lenguas, por el derecho de al-Wadū, ‘aŷal, ‘aŷalan

AWAY : whoever is disturbed by diabolical suggestions in his soul, when performing ritual a
ablutions or in his prayer, and wants them to disappear, write these names on a piece of paper and take them
with him, because he will really be safe from whispering of the devil This is what you will write as you can
see; try to understand that and you will prosper, God willing, exalted be he:

Cor . xxi:78.

fig. 242

ADDITION : Whoever fears that their money or their merchandise could be stolen by a thief or an
assailant, draw these noble names on a piece of paper and put them in the money drawer, with the
merchandise or wherever they wish, well truly God,! praised and exalted be!, it will protect you from
everything you fear. And this is his figure as you see; try to understand and you will prosper, God willing,
praised and exalted be! God tells the truth and He shows the way.

fig. 243

AWAY : When you are frightened by an enemy or by someone who wishes you harm and you want c
to be a except of its evil, pray two rak'at after the prayer of the put of sun ( al-maghrib ), reciting in the first
the Fāti¬ay the Surah of the Unbelievers 1 and in the second the Fāti¬ay the Dawn Surah 2 . Then you will
say: “Oh Enough, protect me from the evil of So-and-so son of So-and-so”, and you will mention whatever p. 371

you want. And then you will write these names that you will put on your turban, because God will truly
prevent you from the evil of what you fear and what you distrust. This way is what you will write:

fig. 244

Cor . cix.
Cor . cxiii.

Their saying, exalted be!: ﴾ It is certain that tea we have given the Abundance. By it's pray a your Lord
and offer sacrifices. Because it is the one who hates you who will not have posterity ﴿ . Whoever wants to

make a person unable to urinate 2 , let him write this noble surah at an ominous hour on the shell of an egg, after
having written the person's name and his mother's name on a sheet of red or blue color, to be buried by the fire.
Then the person subjected to it will not be able to urinate, God willing, praise and exalt be! Have fear of God and
do not allow more than seven days to elapse, because the person subjected to of
it will die, and you will be responsible for it on the day of Resurrection. This is what you will write; try to
understand and you will prosper, God willing, praised and exalted be! God tells the truth and He shows the

fig. 245

And the appropriate incense for it is ammonia salt, cypress nut and pepper.

Blessing to reconcile those who hate each other: this talisman [will be written] and made to it Take

whoever you want to hang, or it will be placed under the pillow in which both people sleep, because they will
truly reconcile, even if there is a sword between them. It will be written on Friday when the preacher is in the
minbar, and it will be perfumed with aloe stick, mastic, dark bdellium and aromatic calamus. And this is what
you will write as you can see; try to understand and you will prosper, God willing, exalted be!

fig. 246

Cor . cviii:1-3.
In Arabic we read 'aqd al-bawl , that is, 'to tie the ability to urinate'.

“Take care, oh servant spirits of these Names, to convey love and affection between So-and-so son p. 372

of So-and-so and So-and-so daughter of So-and-so, for the right of these Names over you. I ask you, oh
Who unites the hearts, that you unite the heart of Fulano son of Fulana and that of Fulana daughter of
Fulana. By the right of Whom said to the heavens and the earth: ﴾ Come to Me willingly or by force; they
said: We come a You obedient ﴿ 1 . ﴾ I deposited in you love coming from of My for that tea you will breed
bass My gaze ﴿ 2 . Take care, O 'Unqūd, to bring love and affection between the hearts of those who hate
each other, through the love of these Names, by the right of Ayūš , Ayūš , Budū¬ , ©ubb , Wudd ,
Wudd¬ubb . Oh Budū , make love come after hate , and the union of what is separated, by right d e A h y
ā , Ša rāh yā , _ _ _ _ A dūnāy , _ _ A ½ b ā ū t , he , _ Š a dd a y . ﴾ It is u n oath , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yes _
he or you know , _ _ _ big _ _ _ _ ﴿ 3 . Hayya , al-wa¬ā , al-'ajal , al-sa'a ”.

I say: whoever puts the following talisman on the wall [of the house] of an evil person and invokes
against him with the incantation that we will show next, because the wall collapses, the owner of the house
perishes and the group that disperses is in it. Be afraid of God and do not do it except against the evil person
who harms people with his actions and his words 4 . Beware of using it against those who do not deserve it,
because you will be responsible for it on the day of the Resurrection: whoever forgives is a better person
and has his reward with God. This is what you will write; try to understand and you will prosper:

fig. 247

"Take care, oh Sarī' , oh Bariq , oh Jandas , oh Lazib al-Amar , of throw a so-and-so of East
place, by
the right of these Names. Do as I command you, by the might of KRYĀRŪŠ , 'BKWALKYĀRŪŠ ,
MHLLKYŪŠ , HLKYŪHLYS , ¼ĀRŠ , ¼L¼ĀRŠ . tremble the angels by fear to Him, and creatures
submit before His glory. HYĀ , HYĀ , HFÆYĀ , HLYĀ , ŠLYĀ , 'LYĀ , HWRŠ , AÆŪR , KYĀKRWR
, HYĀ , KWRĀ¢Ā . The fugitive trembles, the earth trembles, hearts shake Y I know come back a Their
obedience. Reply, oh love, Y your, oh WFĀLK , Y your followers, by the light of ŠGYŪR, FYĀR ,
HĀRLŪR , HFÆŪR , HYÆŪR , HŪR , al-'ajal , al-wa¬ā , al-sā'a .

Have fear of God, because that causes the destruction of towns, localities and cities. And it is
convenient to separate those who are together in disobedience to God, writing it on a piece of unfired
pottery, on the day and time of Mars, and perfuming the pottery with peach leaves, vine leaves and
frankincense. Then you will dissolve the piece of ceramic in red vinegar, a little tar and hot oil, and you
will pour the resulting liquid on the entrance of the house of whoever you want. The spell is the that we
mentioned before, Y who sorry it is better person Y have its reward together a God.

Cor . xli:10.
Cor . xx:38-9.
Cor . lvi:79.
Lit. "with his hand and his tongue."

TO PARTY : when you want to shoot with the bow and not miss your shot, write these names on a d

gazelle parchment with ink, fresh saffron and hoopoe gall. The calamus will be a vulture or eagle feather,
and you will write it in an hour of good omen, when the moon is in an aerial zodiac constellation. And the
incense will be olibanum incense. This is what you will write, and you must know, brother, God guide us!,
that this talisman is prodigious:

fig. 248
You must know, brother, God guide us to His obedience!, that this noble letter that is the šīn , p. 373
it is an Arabic, Syriac and [...] letter, and it is a letter of fire, hot and dry in the third degree. Its peculiar
virtues are to stop ships in their journey through the sea, to stop the traveler on land, etc. Write [the talisman]
on a lead plate at an ominous hour and bury it on the road, seeing something prodigious. The incense will
be ash and bat head. This is what you will write, as you can see:

fig. 249

AWAY : when you want a person to love you, that his love for you take root in his heart until death,
and never be separated, [write] these names on seven white sheets, write next to it your name and that of
your mother , the name of the person who is the object of the work and the name of his mother, and you
will burn a sheet every day. You will write it in rayānī script with ink and some musk, for you will really
see the miraculous in the arrival of love and affection.
The first is for Sunday: "I incline the heart of So-and-so son of So-and-so towards So-and-so, son
of So-and-so, for the right of these Names".

fig. 250

The second is for Monday: "I make the heart of Fulano son of Fulana burn for love a b
Fulano son of Fulana, and I convey the love and affection between them, by the right of these names:

fig. 251

The third is for Tuesday: “I inflame the heart of Fulano son of Fulana, I take it and attract love to
Fulano son of Fulana, and I burn it with fire in the same way that these names burn. obey, oh spirits servants
of these Names, in it that you order, haya , al-wa¬ā , by the right of these Names:
fig. 252

The fourth is for Wednesday, you will say: "Take care, oh servant spirits of these names Y magical c

_ _ _ _ _ _ ( q a l f a Ð r i y y ā t ) d e deposit _ _ _ _ the to love _ Y the affection _ _ in the heart _ _ _ _ d e

so and so _ _ _ h i j o d e Fulana , _ _ _ _ and moved its spirituality to the love of so-and-so son of Tart,
without that I know separate of the neither by the night neither
for the day, without offending him with words or upsetting him in anything. By the right of these names
and the
respect they
fig. 253
command you.

The fifth is for Thursday, you will say: "Obey, oh servant spirits of these names, by the right of the p. 374
angel whose command you obey obediently":

fig. 254
The sixth is for Friday: “Take care, oh servant spirits of these names, to attract and wear
the heart of Fulano son of Fulana to the love of Fulano son of Fulana, and send sympathy and affection
between the two, by the right of these names ":

fig. 255

The seventh is for Saturday: “Obey, oh servant spirits of these blessed names, and provoke the
spirituality of love, union and affection between Fulano son of Fulana, with full and eternal love. By the
right that these names exercise over you and the obedience that you owe to them:

fig. 256

His saying, praised and exalted!: ﴾ He it is Who created you from a single being, giving you a b

settlement Y a Deposit. We have done clear the signs for the that understand ﴿ 1 . Yes traces this noble
ayah on a clean parchment and carry it with you with the name of a person, for that person does not may
break away of you while the parchment East with you. Y is it is the way in that I know will write:

fig. 257

A PART : To make the escaped slave return, even if he is chained and in shackles, you will write c
this square that we will show below. Then you will take a male or female beetle, you will tie it in the middle
of the circle with a fine thread, you will drive a nail into the axis of the circle and you will tie the beetle to
it, because every time the beetle goes around the circle trying to free itself, from The fugitive will go around p. 375
in the same way, returning to the place where this talisman is located. And even if he is chained, God will
make it possible for him to return with the blessing of this talisman. This is what you will write as you see.
Try to understand and you will reach your goal, God willing, exalted be!

fig. 258

Cor . saw:99.

AWAY : when you want to make whoever you want to sleep, like a sick person, someone who is in a

pain or another person, trace these names for him and put them under his pillow, because he will really fall
asleep instantly, and he will not wake up until you remove the names from under his head. These names
are helpful for toddlers who cry a lot, and this is what you'll write:

fig. 259

﴾ they had condition in its cavern three hundred years Y nine plus ﴿ , ﴾ Tea there would be similar

that they were awake, without embargo they slept The we changed of position, a the right Y a the
left ﴿ 2 ,
﴾ Do you perceive any of them or do you hear a murmur? ﴿ .

A PART : when you want to attract to you an absent person or that you love, write what we will
show you next on a copper plate, in ray¬ānī writing and with ink, saffron and rose water. It will have to
be written in the day and the first hour of Venus. If the person is far away, hide the plate under weak fire,
and if he is close, under neither weak nor strong fire. His spell is that of the quarter _ ( £ a qū f a ) d e he to
station _ _ _ _ _ d the year _ _ in he to what _ you _ I found , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y h az also _ _ _ _ what _
you _ obey _ _ _ the servants of the quarter , because it will be better for your work, safer and faster. This
will bring before you the person who is three months away from your place. Try to understand that and you
will reach your goal, God willing, exalted be he! And this is what you will write: p. 376

fig. 260

Cor . xviii:25.
Cor . xviii:18.
Cor . 19:99.
"By the right of these names , Hayya , al-wa¬ā , al-'ajal , to the-
sā'a , obedience to Him, His Messenger and Their Names. I am a created being and you are created beings.
We only owe obedience to God and His Names. By the right of who said to the heavens Y the Earth ﴾ come
a Me of good degree either a the strength; they said: We come a You obedient ﴿ 1 . Al-wa¬ā , al-'ajal , al-
sa'a , do that I know Present so-and-so son of Tart either Tart daughter of Tart".


You must know, brother, may God help us to understand the secrets of His Names and to obey b
Him! One day I was sitting in front of the Shayj 'Abd Allah al-Andalusī, may God be pleased with him!,
when suddenly a man he approached the shaykh and greeted him. The shaykh returned his greeting in the
best possible way, and then the man came up to him and spoke to him privately about some matter that
concerned them. The shaykh did not give him any answer, so the man insisted with his words, and when
he stopped insisting, the shaykh raised his face towards him and said: “If you want that, fast three weeks in
which you will not eat anything anywhere. moment, and then I will grant you what you ask for. The man
agreed and left. When the mentioned time had elapsed, he came before the shaykh and said: “My lord, I
did what you ordered me”. Then the shaykh said to him : "Go away, complete forty more days of fasting,
come before me and I will grant you what you ask for." The man left and completed the fasting period.
Then he came before the shaykh and said: "My lord, I have completed the forty days of fasting." Then the
šayj told him : “Now you are worthy of the distinction ( al-faÅīla )”. Then the shaykh withdrew alone, and
when he came out he had a patch ( ruq'a ) with him. He opened it, looked at it for a long time, kissed it,
shook his head in shock, and handed it over to that man. Then he gave him a series of orders that the man
complied with, kissed the shayj 's hand and left. marched

That man having moved away from us, I approached the shayj , kissed his hand and said: “My
p. 377
lord, what was that paper that you gave to that man?” And he told me: "Amad, in him is the secret of God
that is not revealed to anyone except the few whom God wants to favor." I said: "My lord, will you let me
know?", and he did not answer anything. I put effort into it by asking the shaykh a second time. I persisted
in it for several days and asked him about it but he did not let me know, and I did not stop reminding him
of it for a year without giving me any answer. After a year had passed, the shayj told me without my having
asked him: “A¬mad, what do you want to ask me?” And he said to him: “My teacher, I want you to make
me know these blessed names and the way to operate with them. Then the shayj told me : “O A¬mad, if
you want that, fast for forty days in which you do not eat or drink anything. If you do that, I will inform
you as far as they are concerned.” I obeyed and began the fast. With the help of God, exalted be He, I
completed the forty days, and I went before the shaykh , kissed his hand, and told him so. Then he told me:
“Now you have the right to distinction ( al-faÅīla )”. Then he withdrew to himself and was absent for a
long time. Finally he came out carrying a patch ( ruq'a ) with him. He kissed it and said: "O A-mad, do you
know what is in it?" I said, "I don't know." Then he said: “You must know that these names were found

Cor . xli:10.

written on the staff of Mūsà and on the staff of Šu'ayb 1 , peace be upon both!; they were stamped on Yūsuf's
robe and engraved on Dāniyāl's sword. They were next to Ibrāhīm, peace be upon him!, when he was thrown
into the fire, and they were next to 'Isà, peace be upon him!, he made them known to the apostles, the last
of whom was Šim 'ūn the Apostle ( al-¬awārī ) 2 , and invoked with them God, exalted be He, so that he
cured with them all diseases and illnesses. Its bearer is respected by beasts and by all creatures, he is
protected from the wickedness of geniuses and men, tongues are knotted before him and iron cannot harm
him, so that even if he is in battle fighting in a crowd, no one can do him any harm, and armies and enemies
flee before him.

Anyone who has a condition, such as a headache, ophthalmia or any illness, what b
Write these names on a bird or gazelle scroll and hang them. You will write 3 the Fāti¬a, the sura of Worship
and the two protective suras in a glass bowl with sukk of musk, saffron and rose water, because really God
will heal him of everything that harms him.

And whoever writes them as we mentioned, wears them and goes to see a ruler, a minister or some
authority with them, and says inside himself at the moment of entering before him: "My God, I ask you for
the right to these names that tie the tongue of Fulano son of Fulano”. You will say "That the faces are
deformed!" three times, and ﴾ all faces will be humbled before the Living, the Subsisting, and there will
be lost who I carried injustice ﴿ 4 . you will spit three times of the way that tea turn out plus convenient, and
you will enter before him, because you will really be safe from his evil and you will solve all your problems.
and the bearer of these Names will be right looked by all the people Y you will respect all the that it see”.

And they have many more virtues that we have summarized for fear of lengthening ourselves
excessively, and that they fall into the hands of those who are not worthy of them and do not know their
true value. These are the names:

One of the prophets of Islam, mentioned in Cor . vii:83; xii:83-95, etc., and to whom some miracles are
Apparently it refers to the apostle Saint Peter, originally called Simeon bar Jona.
In the original "you shall recite."
Cor . xx:108.
p. 378

fig. 261

SECTION in which I will mention the names that were on Mūsà's cane, the peace
be with him, and with those who performed miracles and wonders.
One of their peculiar virtues is that if they are written at the peak of the sun or Jupiter with Water
of myrtle, Water of mastranzo ( ¬abaq nahri ), Water of maidenhair of well, Water of salix Aegyptia , rose
water [...] and fresh saffron, in a gazelle parchment, you will perfume it when writing it with a pleasant
aroma, you will pierce the staff and you will introduce the names in it, and you will seal it with wax from
the wedding candle of a virgin girl And if you find yourself in a place that inspires fear, and thieves and
highwaymen appear before you, or some dangerous and ferocious beast appears before you, then strike the
stick on the ground three times and say: "My God, I I ask you for the blessing of these sublime names that
I know

found on the staff of Mūsà b. 'Imrān, peace be upon him!, and with him who struck the sea ﴾ and it opened
up, and each side was like a huge mountain ﴿ 1 . [I ask you] to remove such and such from us”, and you
will mention what you want concerning stopping people, beasts, etc. And following your words, you will
say: ﴾ Stop them, they are going to be questioned ﴿ 2 , for they will certainly stop by order of God, exalted p. 379
be he!, and they will not cause you any harm or harm, God willing, exalted be he!
This is what you will write:

fig. 262

There is no power or strength except in God, the Most High, the Sublime. May God bless and save

Mr. Muammad, his family and colleagues.

A PART : When my teacher šayj Abū 'Abd Allāh al-Sabtī 3 passed away and was stripped of his clothes,
I found on his muraqqa'a 4 a folded patch ( ruq'a ). I took it and when the shaykh was buried I opened that
paper and found in it some sublime names that I myself had already asked the shaykh in life. He refused
and told me: "A¬mad, do not feel upset, for surely you will get to know them without any effort or fatigue."
When I looked at them at that time, I remembered the words of the Shaykh , prayed to God for his soul and
said to myself: These are the last breaths of sincere people who stand with God, may He be exalted! And
his words really said: "After my death you will get them without question or effort." Then I contemplated
them carefully, and behold, it said: "Let the person in whose hand these names be found know that he must
hide them from those who are not worthy of knowing them, because they descended with Adam, the peace
be with the!, Y each day the watched Y He said: Praised be! How
sublime is Your essence, and how powerful Your authority!
And he mentioned many other of his virtues that, if he revealed them to you, you could walk on
water without sinking your feet, and if you wanted to fly through the air from one place to another, you
would do so thanks to the blessing of these noble names. With them the Men of the Invisible ( rijāl al-gayb
) 5 hide from the eyes of creatures and fly; and if you recite them and say: "O servant spirits of these names,
take me to Mecca", then they will take you and bring you back in a single hour, so it is excellent for the trip
and the return. They have many other virtues, but if there was no fear of divulging the secret and they fell

Cor . xxvi:63.
Cor . xxxvii:24.
It could be Abū-l-'Abbās al-Sabtī, a saint who died in Marrakech in 1205 AD. C. (see above, p. 209).

Tattered costume typical of the Sufis, so called because of its numerous patches and patches.
This nickname is known in the Sufi doctrines to some men and spiritual beings who are counted among the
favored friends of God, and who have the ability to be invisible to the rest of the creatures (N URBAKHSH , Sufi
Symbolism , iii, p. 223-4).

hands of those who are not worthy of them, miracles and prodigies would be exposed. So be very cautious
and do not reveal them to someone who is not worthy of them. The noble names are like this:
“In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. My God, I beg You, for the breaths of the c
mysteries of the light of Your Names and the light of the brilliance of the splendor of the perfection of Your
Throne; for the glory of the mysteries of Your Names that You deposited on the Table Preserved next to
You; for what you inspired in Ādam, father of men, and declared with Your illuminating words, that they
descended on your most pure beloved. ﴾ And taught Ādam all the names ﴿ 1 . I beg you, by Your holy
Majesty, for the beauty of the perfection of the splendor of the light of Your sublime, noble, radiant and
most holy face, for Your mysteries and Your lights that You deposited in the heart of the sun and the moon,
and by the right of these noble, sublime and glorious names

fig. 263

Æ Æ Æ , h h h , D. D. D , Huwa Huwa Huwa , yah Yah , ﴾ Mister our! A You us we trust, a you us
we return Y a You we have of return ﴿ 2 . ﴾ Mister our! Nope divert our hearts after if we had guided Y
grant us mercy coming from of You. Certainly You are the Generous ﴿ 3 .

ABOUT the names that were written on the tunic of our lord Yūsuf, p. 380
peace be upon him!, when he went to see the 'Azīz in Egypt. They serve to obtain respect, acceptance and

affection, and to go before kings, ministers and important people; try to understand that. And the names are
as follows, try to understand and you will reach your goal, God willing, for God, praised and exalted, tells
the truth and shows the way.

fig. 264

Cor . II:30.
Cor . lx:4.
Cor . iii:8.
It is about the biblical Potiphar, mentioned in the Koran (xii: 30, 51), where he appears as a person with
power, being responsible for the granaries of the kingdom Egyptian.


Once I went into a mosque to pray, when I found one of my brothers with whom I had been
congregating with our teacher Abū 'Abd Allāh el šayj 'Abd al-©aqq al-Sabtī, and with whom I had studied
. When I saw him that day in the mosque and went to greet him, I found him facing the Qibla and looking
up at the sky and then at the palms of his hands repeatedly. Then I came closer and heard him say: “My
God, oh Who answers prayers, oh Who solves needs, oh Who eases worries above seven heavens. Oh Who
opens the treasures of generous gifts, oh Who solves the problems of those who pray and His ear hears the
voices. Oh Who forgets faults, oh Who forgives mistakes, oh Pious in reprimand. O Who brings down
blessings, O Who encompasses all with His knowledge. I ask you. My God, may you bless and save our
lord Muammad and his family, and may you solve my problem, which is such and such. By the right of
these names: Hā Hā, Hà Hà , Huwa Huwa , Yāh Yāh , Āh Āh . Glorious ( Sabbū¬ ), Most Pure ( Qaddūs
), Lord of the angels and the Spirit. I ask you, O Lord, by the names found on this patch ( ruq'a ) and the
blessings that reside in these invocations, to resolve my need".
And hardly had he finished his prayer when his problem was already solved. Then be b
He came back and saw me, came up to me and greeted me. Then he excused himself and said: "I was
praying to God to solve a problem for me, and my Lord listened to me and granted me His favor." I said to
him, “Brother, I have heard your prayer, but I also noticed that you were looking at that patch, what is on
it?” Then he told me: “I will tell you what is in it: I have been in the service of our teacher, with whom you
and I have been studying, for a long time. Once he told me: do you need something? I told him yes and he
asked me what it was. I said: "I want you to teach me a prayer with which I can ask God for my most
important matters and he will take care of me." And he replied: “Okay. You are already deserving of it for
the service you have provided us for so long.” Then he gave me this prayer and these names, and whenever
I pray to God with them he attends to me. immediately".
Then he gave me that patch, and on it were these noble names, which are as you can see. Try to
understand and you will prosper:

fig. 265

﴾ Y you we responded Y it we free of the distress. So it is What we save a the believers ﴿ .


So go, brothers, to this invocation and do not forget it in your most important affairs, because it is p. 381
really quick in response; and do not invoke with it except for the works of good, otherwise you will not be

Cor . xxi:87.



You must know, God help us to obey Him and understand the secrets of His Names!, that among
the peculiar virtues of the sura Yā'-Sīn, according to Anas b. Mālik, said the Messenger of God, may God
bless him and save!: “Everything has a heart ( qalb ), and the heart of the Qur'an is surah Yā'-Sīn” 1 . And
he said: "The sura Yā'-Sīn it is call "the of turban" ( al-mu'ammama ) 2 . You they said: oh Delivery courier
of God, what is al-mu'ammama ?. And he said: “Extend ( 'amma ) good in this life and in the Hereafter to
the one who recites it. And she is called "the defender" ( al-dāfi'a ) and "the solicitor" ( al-qāÅiya ), because
she defends the one who recites it from all evil, solves all their needs, makes all hardships in this life
bearable, and avoid the torments of Other" 3 .
And with a correct chain of transmission, it is narrated according to Abū Bakr and Ibn 'Abbās that a
[the Prophet] said: “ who recites the sura Yā'-Sīn until where He says ﴾ call them the attention with the
example of the habitants of the city ﴿ 4 , Y after beg a God by something, it is attended safe ” 5 . This checked
Y has proven true in many occasions.

Whoever writes the sura Yā'-Sīn and drinks it, a thousand medicines, a thousand lights, a thousand b
blessings, a thousand wisdoms and a thousand clemencies enter his interior, and all illness and disease
disappear from him. And [for the disease of the spleen] it will be written on a gazelle scroll, on Thursday
in the hour of Jupiter and with the waxing moon, and it will be hung over the left arm, thus being safe from
the disease of the spleen.

And it is said that when someone recites the sura Yā'-Sīn in the cemeteries, God alleviates the
suffering of those who died that day, and as many good deeds ( ¬asanāt ) are told to him as people are
buried in them. And that whoever recites it in the afternoon does not stop being happy until dawn, and vice
Whoever recites it together with a Muslim over whom death hovers, God causes as many angels
to descend as the numerical value of each letter of it, appearing in rows in front of him, arriving before him,
asking for his forgiveness, celebrating his funeral and witnessing his funeral.
Any Muslim who recites it in front of what he needs is granted. And if he recites it when he is
scared, he is safe; if he is hungry, he is satisfied; and if he is thirsty, he quenches his thirst.
Any Muslim who recites the sura Yā'-Sīn finding himself dying, because the angel of death does
not seize his spirit until he sees the guardian angel of Paradise and incites him to love him.

Y said the Prophet, the peace Y the blessing be with the!: “ in the Koran there are a sura that it
is called “the precious (al-'azīza) together a God", Y its follower (½ā¬ib) it is called "the distinguished (al-
sharif ) together a

Al-Tirmi²ī, no. 2812; Al-Dārimī, no. 3282.
The term mu'ammam means “wearing a turban”, and hence it also designates a chief or lord invested with the
power to rule over people, and to whom his subjects turn to solve their affairs.

We do not find this ¬adī£ in any of the cited collections.
Cor . xxxvi:12.
We do not find this saying in the cited collections.

God", well intercede in the Day of the Resurrection by who the recites in elderly measure that by the
Rabī'ay MuÅar 1 . Y it is the sura Yā'-Sīn, the part final of the sura of the Meeting two of Y the two suras
protective 3 ”.
Y said, the peace Y the blessing be with the!: “ in the Koran there are a sura that intercede by
who He recites it and forgives those who listen to it. It is Surah Yā'-Sīn, and whoever recites it on
Friday wakes up forgiven ” 4 .
And according to al-©asan [al-Ba½rī] the Messenger of God said, God bless him and save!:
“Whoever recites Yā'-Sīn and the sura of Smoke 5 on Friday night with faith and seeking the reward of God
your sins are forgiven past” 6 .

For combat and other situations, the return formula ( al-istirjā' ) will be recited three times: “We and
belong to God and we return to Him”, and the surah Yā'-Sīn. And whoever finds himself a prisoner,
frightened, lost, absent from his place or in debt, let him recite Surah Yā'-Sīn three times, and he will be
released, safe, guided, returned to his place and his debt resolved.
In the same way for all important matters, for fear or misguidance, the Yā'-Sīn sura will be recited
seventy times and after each one of them you will recite this invocation seven times: “O servant and
obedient spirits to this blessed sura, by the right of the prophets of God and His saints, by the right of your
Creator: make my words influential, heard and accepted. Satisfy my main needs promptly, provide and help p. 383
me in all general and specific matters. By the right of ﴾ It is from Sulaymān, and it is In the Name of God,
the Gracious, the Merciful ﴿ 7 . Al-wa¬ā , al-'ajal , al-sa'a . Really The it is Capable of it that want Y it is
own self of The the answer".

For the evil adversary: whoever has an enemy who has caused him some harm and wishes to
destroy him, take an adobe and place it in front of him on the edge of a stream or a pond. He will be oriented a

towards the qiblah, and will recite surah Yā'-Sīn forty-one times, each time drawing a line in the adobe.
When the recitation is over, he will recite the funeral oration on the adobe, he will mold it into the shape of
his enemy, and then he will throw it into the river or pond, since the person will really perish quickly. This
is a protection that should not be used except after taking heavy damage and great evil. Have respect to
God, praise and exalt him! Have mercy on His servant and be afraid that God may take revenge on you.

In order to make the affliction disappear and [...], a certain Gnostic mentioned that when a person
is in anguish, he will recite surah Yā'-Sīn, and when he finishes he will recite this blessed prayer: “[Praise
be] Who consoles all the who is afflicted Praised be He Who relieves everyone who is in debt. Praised be
He Who frees all who are imprisoned, He Whose treasures reside in His Omnipotence

Name given to two important groups of tribes in northern pre-Islamic Arabia.
Cor . lix.
Cor . cxiii, cxiv. We do not find this ¬adi£ in the cited collections.
4 I ca
n't find this ¬adi£ either , although I do find a very similar version that talks about the sura El Smoke (Cor.
xliv), to be recited on Friday night, in al-Dārimī, nº 3286-7.
Cor . xliv.
It is not found in the cited collections.
Cor . xxvii:30.

Come in the kaf Y the nūn of ﴾ Really when wants something Their order No it is otherwise tell him: HE,
Y it is. praise be That in Whose hands this the domain of all the stuff Y a Who you will have of to return! ﴿
. oh Who alleviates the anguish, alleviates my anguish”. you will recite it three times.

Another of the peculiar virtues of this noble sura, for protection ( al-¬ifÞ ) 2 , whoever writes sura c
Yā'-Sīn with rose water and saffron, writing it for seven consecutive days each day once, remembers
everything that He listens, overcomes those who dispute with him and magnifies himself in the eyes of the
And another of its peculiar virtues is that it will be drunk for diuresis. And whoever gives it to a
woman who is breastfeeding a baby to drink, well, there will be a healthy diet for the baby and full health,
God willing, praised and exalted! be!
And whoever writes it and hangs it around his neck is safe from evil beings, geniuses, reptiles and
Among the peculiar virtues of this noble surah to avoid the evil person, al-Kalbī mentioned that a
man had killed by mistake, and a relative of the deceased accused him of having killed him deliberately, so
he sought him out to kill him. Then a certain devotee told him, “If you really tell the truth, recite surah Yā'-
Sīn before you leave your house and go out to him, for by God he will not see you, since that person is
treating you unfairly.” And that man recited it before leaving his house without seeing who was looking for
him on his way.
And it is true that our lord the Messenger of God, may God bless him and save him, recited the
beginning of the sura as he went out to Quraysh, when they had planned to kill him, and he went out before
them without their seeing him and put earth in their eyes.
And a certain virtuous man said, God have mercy on him for his words!, “Among what
distinguishes it and accounts for its blessing, whoever is frightened by a despotic governor, or is claimed
without reason or [...] or his mount gets lost, let him recite sura Yā'-Sīn and then say: “In the Name of God,
the Merciful, the Merciful. In the Name of God, Who there is no god but He, the Living, the Subsisting. In
the Name of God, Who there is no god but He, Lord of Majesty and Generosity. In the Name of God, He
who by mentioning His Name can cause no harm on earth or in heaven, He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
My God, I seek refuge in You from the wickedness of So-and-so son of So-and-so”. And it will really
prevent it's.
And you should know that if the heavens covered the earth and the world went up in flames from
revolts ( al-fitan ), and then the servant turned inwardly obedient to His Lord and sincerely sought His
refuge, God would save him to the extent of his sincerity.
p. 384

In how much a Their saying, exalted be!: ﴾ Peace: Word of a Mister Merciful ﴿ 1 , I know will recite
to solve needs and avoid worries 1499 times, obtaining what you want, God willing, exalted! be!

Cor . xxxvi:81-82.
Also “for memorization or retention”.

To protect himself from misfortune and epidemic, whoever writes ﴾ Peace: Word of a Merciful
Lord ﴿ five times and wears it hanging, it is safe from the night and day misfortunes. And whoever recites
it twenty-eight times on epidemic days will be safe from the ravages of the epidemic.

I said _ 'A Ð ā' b . A b ī R ab ¬ : _ _ "I heard say i r _ what _ the I do n't know d e God , _ _ _ oh god _ _
he and bless _ _ _ _ _ Y s a l v e ! , he said : a
“ Whoever recites the sura Yā'-Sīn solves his needs ”, is collected by al-Dārimī 2 as a mursal tradition 3 .
Y He said Prophet, God you bless and hail!: “ who recites Yā'-Sīn by the night either by the day,
will not be offended at that day ”.
Y said, God you bless Y Hail!: “ Praised be God, Who I honored Y honored a me community
with the sura Yā'-Sīn, with the ayah of Throne Y the sura of cult ” 4 .

Said Sahl b. 'Abd Allāh al-Tustarī: A man came before Ibrāhīm b. adham and him I ask: what b
you say about surah Yā'-Sīn? And he said to him: In Yā'-Sīn there is a name that whoever knows it and
prays to God with it, is attended, whether he is pious or impious, if he prays for what is proper to that name.
The man said to him: Do you think -God guide you!- that it could be worth me if I recite the entire
surah? And he replied: Not until you invoke God with that precise Name that is specific to what you are
praying for. If you went to the pharmacist's pharmacy with an illness, knowing that your medicine is there
but without knowing what it is specifically, and you took everything that is in the pharmacy and drank it,
do you think that would benefit you until you could know that specific medicine and use it in its proper
way? Just as God created the disease, he also created its own remedy; and in the same way for each of the
Names of God there is a specific matter for which to pray with him, and with which he is attended 5 .

Said the Send of God, God you bless Y Hail!: “ Every stuff have a heart Y the heart of the c
Qur'an is Yā'-Sīn ” 6 , This is enough for you to understand its excellence and the greatness of the Names
it contains, since God, exalted be He, made them the heart of the Qur'an, and the noblest of organs of the
body of the living being is the heart. And the virtue that is amalgamated in the heart is the noblest of virtues,
since it gives life to the body and generates vitality, spirit and natural heat. So the heart is to the body of
man as the sun is to the world, whose life is sustained in it, because when its light spreads [over the earth,
it gives life to everything in it and sets it in motion, but if its light moves away of her] 7 the horizon darkens
and all living things fall silent and sleep.
These two forces are similar to the two blows with which the angel Isrāfīl, peace be upon him, will
blow the horn 8 . And in the sun resides the life of everything that grows on earth and in the air, the light of
the moon and the splendor of the sky.

Cor . xxxvi:57.
Al-Dārimī, no. 3284, where the Prophet says: “ Whoever recites Surah Yā'-Sīn at dawn, solves his needs ”.
That tradition whose chain of transmission goes back to the second generation after the Prophet.
These last two traditions are not found in the cited collections.
Cf. supra p. 132, no. 6.
Al-Tirmi²ī, no. 2812; Al-Dārimī, no. 3282.
We complete the gap through the translation of Pilar Garrido, Study, edition and translation of the work of
Ibn Masarra , pp. 125-6 .
Cor . xxxix:65-66.

Everyone who recites Surah Yā'-Sīn and prays to God with it, if he is worried God relieves his
anguish, if he is drowning God saves him from drowning, if he is a prisoner he is released, if he is hungry
he is satisfied, if he is thirsty quenches his thirst, if he is scared he finds safety, and if it is recited over a
dead man God lightens his storm. All this is due to the excellence of the Name found in she 1 .

It is said that in Yā'-Sīn there is one of the Names of God, praised and exalted be He! Whoever d

discovers it with the mystery of the letters, writes it down, erases it with clean water facing the Qibla, and
drinks it. the same number of days as the numerical value of the names, God grants him the power to speak
with Wisdom, and clearly reveals to him the mystery of the worlds. It is found towards the middle of the
sura and there are five words that gather sixteen letters, of which four have diacritical points, two have them
below and two above, and that is because of the secret of the natural world, that of the combination and that
of the quaternary 2 . In the same way, if you multiply four by itself, you get sixteen, which is the total result
of the names, that is, of the sum of their names. letters.

Through this secret, the Names in heaven, on earth, the Footstool and Paradise ( Firdaws ) are
made manifest, and through it it is possible to verify the soul in the world of the sensible. Through him the
mystery is propagated in the world of the higher angelic Kingdom. Through it the form is ennobled essential
that resides in the awareness. Y that secret No I know find in Æā'-Sīn, Already that the meaning of Æā'-Sīn
this bound to the of the lyrics without , it which No it is So in Yā'-Sīn, because the Already' I know find
Present in the sense hidden. Y this it is it that Can I resume of the doctrines of Gnostic 3 .

To thwart the plans of the enemy, His saying ﴾ We will really put rings on their necks -as far as p. 385
it says- they will not be able to see ﴿ . These verses serve to avoid the traps of the enemies, to return their

damage, destroy them, avert their faces, blind their eyes and sow discord among them. Whoever writes
them on a shield, or engraves them on a copper or gold sheet and sticks it into the hilt of the shield, and
meets with him the enemies and adversaries of religion, because really they will see their plans frustrated
and they will will turn against them trap.
Who recites them when getting into bed, is safe that night from thieves and corrupt. And whoever
recites them during the dispute of two people, dissuades the person of both who is unfair.

To be free from fear is His saying, exalted be He!, ﴾ Peace: Word of a Merciful Lord ﴿ 5 . Is it is a
a ayah of enormous can, well in she resides the Name Supreme of God. If it is arranged harmoniously in a
literal 4 x 4 square, then it gives protection to all who are in fear. This will be available way:

Cf. P ILAR G ARRIDO , loc. cit.
It refers to the quaternary associations of the four elements and the four natural qualities that are combined in
them, among others.
He probably continues to quote al-Tustarī, although I do not find these latter ideas in his Risālat al-©urūf .
Cor . xxxvi:7-8.
Cor . xxxvi:57.

fig. 266

Y is noble ayah, that it is ﴾ Peace: Word of a Mister Merciful ﴿ , it is a glorious ayah in b

which resides the Supreme Name of God. Its numerical value is 820, and if it is arranged harmoniously in
a square, it gives confidence to everyone who is frightened. I myself have tried it on several occasions, and
I have not seen any work that is more prosperous than East.

It has also been said that a man came before Ibrāhīm b. Adham and asked him: What do you say
about surah Yā'-Sīn? And he said to him: In Yā'-Sīn there are some names that whoever knows them and
prays to God with them, does not ask God for anything that is not granted.

And this is the way the ayah will be arranged:

Ra¬īm min Rabb Qawlan Salām

132 136 295 257

296 260 129 135

134 130 259 297 fig. 267

Y I know He says that are fourteen letters that who the has in a square sixfold Recorded in a c
seal of pure gold ( al-²ahab al-a¬mar ), at the moment of exaltation of the sun and with the crescent moon,
since its bearer you will see by effect of Don of God that that will increase its conviction religious Y will get all it
what to ask And if it is written with its eight accessory letters and is carried with it, God, exalted be He,
grants its bearer power, leadership, glory and enriches him during his poverty.

Its properties are numerous, and if someone who suffers from pain or has been stung by a
scorpion or bitten by a snake wears it engraved on a ring, it is restored immediately by order of God,
exalted be he! Its properties are valid for everything you ask for to alleviate a concern, seek sustenance,
acceptance, respect and everything you want, God willing, exalted be!
And this is how it will be arranged:

p. 386
m Yo ¬ r b r no m the or wh m th yes
m no th r or b what r m ¬ the Yo yes m
r what m b ¬ or th r Yo the yes no m m
r th Yo or the ¬ yes b no m m what m r
b yes no ¬ m the m or wh Yo m the r r
or m what the Yo m m ¬ the no r yes r b
¬ m th m no Yo r th yes wh r m b or
the r yes Yo wh no r m m the b m or ¬
m r m no the wh b Yo m yes or r ¬ the
Yo b m wh yes the or no r m ¬ r th m
no or r the m yes ¬ what r m the b m Yo
wh ¬ r yes m m th th b r m or Yo no
the th b m r m m yes or r Yo ¬ no wh
yes m or m r r Yo m ¬ b no the what the

fig. 268

Said one of the masters of the spiritual disposition: Whoever writes this noble ayah sixty times in a
a glass container in the first hour of the first Monday of the month, erases it with rainwater and drinks it
with the object of whatever he wishes to erase from his mind, for God rips that thing out of his heart, makes
him forget it, dissuades him from thinking about it, opens his chest, grants him what he desires and makes
what he has invested his heart in come true. hope.

And you must know that this sublime Name and glorious secret has a square of magnificent essence
that must be composed by means of the secret of harmonic lace, when Venus is in her exaltation or in her
mansion, in the first or eighth hour of Friday. Its bearer will see by the work of God what cannot be
described, so be careful with it, because it is one of the hidden secrets. If you wish, you will write instead
of 136 His Name 'the Faithful' ( al-Mu'min ) 1 , since it is one of the most proper attributes of the Prophet
our lord Mu¬ammad, God bless him and save him! And if you want, write instead of 135 Your Name,
exalted be!, 'Who facilitates' ( Musahhil ) , _ _ in place of 129 Their Name, exalted be!, 'Subtle' ( L a Ð ī f ),
and instead of 130 His Name, exalted be He, 'Who seeks good' ( Munīl ), which is one of the most
characteristic attributes of Ibrāhīm, peace be upon him!
And this is how it will be arranged:

It refers to the place that the number 136 occupies in the previous square of this verse (fig. 267), and that can
be replaced by the name Mu'min as it is equivalent to that number.

p. 387

fig. 269

You must know, brother, may God help us to obey Him and understand the secrets of His Names!, a

that the Yā'-Sīn sura is a sublime sura that has innumerable peculiar virtues, because it is the heart of sublime
Koran, Y the heart of is sura it is ﴾ Peace: Word of a Mister Merciful ﴿ . We have already mentioned some
of its virtues. Next I will mention some of its properties and some of the things that are related to it, may
God benefit us with it! it!

PART : to subdue hearts and unite those who hate each other, you will write it as I will explain to
you on a piece of paper with musk sukk , saffron and rose water. It must be written at an hour of good
omen, and whoever wants to take it with them, with the name of whoever they want and the name of their
mother. He will recite the noble sura seven times and say: "O servant spirits of this noble sura!" seven times,
and then he will say: "Take care, oh servant spirits of this noble sura!, to attract and bring the heart of So-
and-so son of So-and-so closer to the love of So-and-so, son of So-and-so." Then he will take the sheet with
him and see how amazing is the love and perpetual affection between the two people, God willing, exalted!

In the same way, to free the prisoner, the noble sura and the Names of God are written,
exalted be He, who reside therein in a clean garment. It will have to be recited three times, and at the end
of the recitation he will say: "Take care, oh servant spirits of this noble sura!, to attract So-and-so son of
So-and-so, for the right that the noble sura exercises over you and for the obedience that it you must”.
Afterwards I know will cover _ _ _ with or without he to you are wrong some _ _ _ _ _ p re n a li mp i a how
_ _ u n cloth _ _ _ ( fū Ð a ) , I know e xt e n d e r he to ti e r ra Y will pray know about _ he to him _ prisoner
two rak'at , the first with the fatia a time Y the sura of Worship fourteen times. Y after to pronounce the
taslim will tell: "God Own, me tea I ask, oh Allah, oh High, oh Mister of seven Heavens". Y will tell:
"Praised be the One who relieves everyone who is grieved! Praise be to the One who comforts everyone
who is imprisoned! Praised be the Knower of all that is hidden! Praised be He Whose Decree lies between
the kāf and the nūn ! Praised be He who, when he desires something, it is enough for him to say "Be!", and
it is! Praised be He in Whose hand is the Dominion of all things and to Whom you shall return!” Afterwards,
that land will be hidden in a place where it cannot be stepped on, since the prisoner will really be released
quickly, God willing, exalted! be!
Another of its virtues is to cure diseases and ailments: Write the noble sura and the names it p. 388

contains in a glass container with sukk of musk, saffron and rose water. It will be dissolved with rainwater
and the person suffering from the disease will drink it, saying while drinking: "I seek healing through the
sublime verses of God and His sacred Names", for truly God, exalted be He, will heal and restore you from
that disease and ailment, God willing, praise and exalt be! In the same way, it is beneficial for palpitations
of the heart and shock from a blow or grief, doing as we mentioned.

AWAY : one of its peculiar virtues is to prevent the effects of malefic magic ( si¬r ), harmful acts,
what is feared and what may result from that . When you want to be protected from that, you will write the a
noble sura and the Names it contains in a glass container with a myrtle pen, and the ink with a little rose
water, sweet pomegranate water, myrtle water, water of jasmine, vine water, and a little rainwater and carrot
leaf water, taking a small quantity of each. It will be written, the writing will be dissolved with rainwater
and whoever is under a spell will wash with it ( mas¬ūr ) either who theme be affected by the Magic
maleficent, together a a stream of Water either next to a ditch whose water runs in the direction of the qibla,
rubbing his entire body with it except the private parts and the behind, which he will never touch with his
hands. And he will recite while washing: ﴾ Said
Muse: It that have you brought it is Magic, Y God it will vanish. God No places right in the action of those
who corrupt ﴿ 1 . God Own, me tea I ask by the law of the noble sura Yā'-Sīn, that move away of my the
magic of sorcerers ( al-sa¬ara ) and the evil of schemers. For a thousand alif , there is no power or strength
except in God, the Most High, the Sublime." And really God will make away from him what he fears and
what he mistrusts, if He wants, exalted! be!

A PART : one of its virtues is to memorize the Koran and the rest of religious sciences, if you write
the noble sura and the Names that it includes in a glass container with musk sukk , saffron and rose water.
Then it will be exposed under the stars and it will be drunk on an empty stomach, doing that for seven
consecutive days in which acid or salty foods will be avoided. And after drinking it he will say: “My God,
I ask you, O Allah, for the blessing of this noble surah and these blessed and exalted Names, that you make
me memorize the Qur'an and the noble Science and everything that you taught your beloved ones. Put me
among them and teach me what you taught them, oh Allah, oh All-Knowing, oh Wise One”; for truly God
will teach you the Qur'an and whatever you want from the sciences, if He wants, exalted be He!

A PART : another of its virtues is that whoever wants to obtain the respect of kings, ministers and
rulers, write the noble sura and the Names it contains in a glass container with lily oil, jasmine oil, eglantine c
and balsam oil; and if there was no oil, then with his Water Y a little bit of oil of Palestine. Y what's more
of the sura I know will recite ﴾ When it they saw, I know they were amazed and cut their hands without
realizing it. They said: Good God! This is not a human otherwise a Angel noble ﴿ 2 ; Y Their saying ﴾
The I had in view of God a position of great esteem ﴿ 1 , the ayah

Cor . x:81.
Cor . xii:31.

of the Throne 2 , the sura of Help, the sura of Worship and the two protective suras 3 . Then put the writing
[after having dissolved it in water] in a jar ( qārūra ), and when you want to go before a king, a ruler or a
minister to ask for something, then smear your face with some of the oil that will be in the jar , recite the
sura Yā'-Sīn and the suras and ayahs that you wrote, and then go before the ruler you want, because you
will really obtain in his presence a great dignity, respect and solemnity, so that he will solve all your affairs
and everything that ask without any effort, God willing, exalted be!

SECTION : Another of the virtues of this noble ayah is that it will be recited out loud to increase d

supplies and goods. If someone thirsty recites it, it quenches his thirst; and if he is scared, he finds safety
and protection. Another of his virtues is that which was revealed by a certain virtuous person, who had
many sheep, and every night he drew a circle around the sheep and recited Surah Yā'-Sīn. Then the thieves
would come to steal some sheep but they found an iron wall around them, so they returned frustrated. In
this way, one night he recited the sura Yā'-Sīn but did not finish it, and when the thieves arrived they found
an open door in the wall, so they had the option of seizing the flock. The next morning the man looked at
the sheep and noticed that a few were missing, so he thought that he had fallen asleep without completing p. 389
the recitation of the noble surah. Since then the man persevered in his recitation and nothing bad ever
happened to him again.

Another of its peculiar virtues is that if a person is traveling and strays from the road fearing to a

lose himself in the desert, he will recite the noble sura Yā'-Sīn, and at the end of the recitation he will say:
"O servant spirits of this noble sura, guide me toward the road" and name the place you want to go, because
really God will send someone to show you the way to your destination.

And another of its virtues is that if you are afraid of some ruler or authority and you want to be b
safe from their wickedness, recite the noble sura and every time you get to where it says “Evident” ( Mubīn
) 4 , you will say: “My God, I ask you, O God of heaven and earth, God of Mūsà, 'Isà and Ibrāhīm al-Jalīl,
by the right of Allāh, the Glorious Lord, to appease the wrath of this king or ruler against me. By the right
of the blessed and noble sura Yā'-Sīn”. And you will say: "Take care, oh servant spirits of this surah, to
annul their tongue with respect to me." If you know his name and that of his mother, mention them,
otherwise you will say "this ruler", for really God through His favor and His generosity will calm his anger
and quench his ardor, so that he will not be able to procure anything but good for you, if God wants, praise
and exalt be!

The virtues of this surah are countless. I have been concise about them for fear of going too long.
Ponder what we have omitted considering what has already been mentioned, and you will be right, God
willing, exalted be He!

Cor . xxxiii:69.
Cor . ii:254.
Cor . cx, xcii, and cxiii-cxiv.
Word that appears at the end of verses 11, 23, 46, 59, 68, 76 of Surah Yā'-Sīn.


“In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. My God, I pray and seek refuge in You, oh
Allah, You are Allah, there is no god but You, only You without partner. O Allah, You are Allah, the
Sovereign, the Manifest Truth. O Allah, You are Allah, the Fixed in existence. O Allah, You are Allah, the
Known for Generosity. O Allah, You are Allah, the Visible who is not seen. O Allah, You are Allah, the
Hidden One who does not hide. O Allah, You are Allah, the Maker, the Inventor. O Allah, You are Allah,
Light of the heavens and the earth. O Allah, You are Allah, Light of this world and the next. O Allah, You
are Allah, the One, the One. O Allah, You are Allah, the Living, the Subsisting. O Allah, You are Allah,
the Mighty, the Compassionate. O Allah, You are Allah, the One in Eternity. O Allah, You are Allah, the
Most High, the Benefactor. O Allah, You are Allah, the Manifest in His words. O Allah, You are Allah, the
Free from all defects. O Allāh, You are Allāh, Who has not begotten nor has been begotten, and there is no
one like Him. O Allah, You are Allah, Who has no opposite or equal. O Allah, You are Allah, the First
without limit. O Allāh, You are Allāh, the Last without end. O Allah, You are Allah, the Eternal without
time. O Allāh, You are Allāh, the Permanent without restriction. O Allah, You are Allah, the Living, the
Subsisting, Who never dies. O Allah, You are Allah, the Everlasting, the Worshipful. O Allah, You are
Allah, the Revered, the Pleaser. O Allah, You are Allah, My Lord, Lord of Majesty and Generosity.

My God I ask you for the sanctity of surah Yā'-Sīn and the sanctity of this blessed prayer that you
make me see Your sanctuary ( ¬aram ) 1 for Your generosity and allow me to visit the grave of Your d
Prophet Mu¬ammad, God bless and save you! May you make every difficult situation easy for me, and
may you subordinate to me the servant spirits of this noble sura, so that they may be of help to me for all
the good that I desire. My God, make Your creatures and Your sustenance available to me. My God, unite
the hearts of Your servants, male and female, free and slave, small and large, in love, care and affection for
me. Grant me the immense fortune and impose pity and mercy towards me in the hearts of Your servants.
Grant me a free sustenance ( ¬alāl ) 2 and good and be for me a support and a help for the good that I desire.
My God, make Your creatures and Your sustenance available to me. My God, unite the hearts of Your
servants, male and female, and be for me a Custodian, a Helper and a Protector. Praised be He who relieves
those who are in debt. Praised be He who consoles the one who is grieved. Praised be He Who possesses
the treasures of His Sovereignty between the kāf and the nūn . Praised be He who when He decrees
something, only says "Be!" forks. Oh who comforts -seven times-. O Who resolves needs, O Who answers
prayers, make every difficulty easy for me, by the blessing of surah Yā'-Sīn.

In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. ﴾ Yā'-Sīn By the wise Qur'an! ﴿ 3 -you will say it
seven times, and you will say- ﴾ I entrust my matter to God, it is true that God sees the servants ﴿ 4 -you
p. 390
will repeat it seven times Y you will beg by the Prophet, God you bless Y Hail!, ten times, Y you will recite-
﴾ You are one of the

Word that designates the sacred territory of Mecca.
The term designates that which is acquired legally or free of charge.
Cor . xxxvi:1.
Cor . xl:44.

sent in a road right. Revelation that he has done descend the Powerful, the Compassionate, for that you
notice a a people whose fathers No were warned Y is it so careless I know he has done reality the word
dictated against the most Y they No believe. Certain that them we will put in the neck rings that they will
arrive until the chin Y No will be able move ” 1 . -Y will you say- ﴾ I trust me affair a God, it is certain that
God sees the servants ﴿ -You will repeat it seven times and you will pray for the Prophet, God bless him
and save!, ten times, and you will say- ﴾ We have Market Stall a barrier by in front of of they Y other by
behind Y them we have veiled, No you can see. It is Same for they that them warn either that No them
warn, No they will believe. Single admits the warning who follow the Memory Y fear to the Merciful
though No It see. advertise sorry Y a generous reward ﴿ 2 . -And you will say- ﴾ I entrust my matter to
God, it is true that God sees the servants ﴿ -You will repeat it seven times and you will pray for the
Prophet, God bless him and save!, ten times, and you will say- ﴾ Truly We give the life a the dead Y we
wrote the plays that they advanced Y the footprints that They left. Each thing we collect it in a clear
record ﴿ 3 . -And you will say- ﴾ I entrust my matter to God, it is true that God sees the servants ﴿ -You
will repeat it seven times and you will pray for the Prophet, God bless him and save!, ten times, and you
will say- Praise be Who relieves those who are in debt. Praised be He who consoles the one who is grieved.
Praised be He Who deposits His treasures between the kāf and the nūn . Praised be He who when decree
something, so single He says "HE!" Y it is. oh Who comforts -seven times, Y you will beg by the Prophet,
God bless him and save him, ten times, and you will say- O Who solves the needs, O Who answers the
prayers, subordinate to me the servants of this noble sura so that they obey me and abide by my order,
provide me to visit the grave of Your Prophet Muammad, may God bless him and save him! Make every
difficulty easy for me. My God, unite the hearts of all Your servants in love for me, the free and the slave,
the small and the great, the male and the female. Incline your hearts to me in love, care and affection. Grant
me the immense fortune and a long life. Open before me the doors of Your Mercy. Open before me the
hearts of all Your creatures in goodness, compassion and mercy. Grant me a free livelihood, and be to me
a helper, an assistant, a custodian, a helper, and a helper. protective.

God Own, me tea I ask, oh God of the first Y the last, that submit a my a all your
creatures in love, affection and affection, as you subdued the sea for Mūsà b. 'Imrān, peace be upon him!,
and soften their hearts, their spirits, their minds, their limbs and their members for me, as you softened iron
for Dāwūd, peace be upon him! For they do not speak save by Your decree, their locks are in Your fist and
their hearts in Your hand. Exalted be Your praise! Hallowed be Your Names! There is no god but You, no
one is worshiped except You. O Most Gracious of the Merciful, I ask You by the right of this noble surah
to bring me closer to my livelihood and attract the hearts of Your servants in love, affection and sympathy
for me, in the same way that attracts the magnet to iron My God, incline to me their spirits, their bodies and
all their members, by Your right, by the right of Your dignity and the light of Your face. By the right of
Your Prophets, the Messengers and the nearby angels. By the law of the sura ﴾ Yā'-Sīn By the Koran wise!
﴿ 4 . By the law of ﴾ Alif-Lām-Mīm.

Cor . xxxvi:2-7.
Cor . xxxvi:8-10.
Cor . xxxvi:11.
Cor . xxxvi:1.

That Book, without doubt, contains a guide for the fearful ﴿ 1 . By the law of ﴾ Alif-Lām-Mīm. Allah, no
there are god otherwise The, the Living, the Subsisting ﴿ 2 . By the law of ﴾ Alif-Lām-Mīn-Sād ﴿ , ﴾ Alif-
Lām-Mīm-Rā' ﴿ , ﴾ Kāf-Hā'-Yā'-'Ayn-¼ād ﴿ , ﴾ ©ā-Mīm-'Ayn-Sīn-Qāf ﴿ , and ﴾ ©ā-Mīm By the clarifying
Book! ﴿ 3 . By the law of ﴾ ¼ād. By the Koran that contains the Memory! ﴿ 4 , by the law of
﴾ Qāf. By the glorious Quran ﴿ 5 , by the right of ﴾ By the Mount! For a Book written on parchment
unrolled! By the House visited! By the the ceiling high! By the sea overflowing! ﴿ 6 , by the right of ﴾ Nūn.
By the quill Y it that they write! ﴿ 7 , Y by the law of all the Koran noble, sublime and eternal, healing for
the believers Y light manifest, such What said, Y are the plus Truthful of the saying:
﴾ With the Koran we make descend a healing Y a mercy for the believers ﴿ 8 . By your Most beautiful,
sublime, sacred, holy, pure and illuminating names, by the right of the Throne, the Footstool, the Table and
the Pen, by the right of Ŷabrā'īl and Mīkā'īl, by the right of Isrāfīl and 'Azrā' him, the throne bearers and p. 391
the nearby angels. For the sanctity of the heavens, the earths and the planets, ﴾ For him darling that have
the constellations! By the day fiance! By a witness Y a attested! ﴿ 9 , Y ﴾ By heaven and he who comes at
night! And how to let you know what is coming at night? It is the shining star. Y each soul have a
protective ﴿ 10 . By the law of ﴾ By the dawn! By ten nights! For the pair Y it odd! By the night when elapses!
﴿ 11 . By the law of ﴾ By the fruit of the fig tree and of the olive! By the mountain Sinin! By is Earth safe!
That in TRUE we create to the men in perfect harmony ﴿ 12
. For the holiness of the Ka'aba and of
Jerusalem, and for the holiness of Your Prophets, Your chosen ones and Your servants devotees.

Oh Lord of the worlds, oh Best of Helpers, oh Who attends to those who ask, oh Who meets needs,
oh Who answers prayers, oh Who forgives faults, oh Benefactor, oh Who avoids misfortunes, oh Who a

forgives the offenses, oh Who removes the worries. Make me see Your sanctuary ( ¬aram ) with Your
generosity allow me to visit the grave of Your Prophet Mu ¬ammad, God bless and save him! Make your
creatures submit to me and soften their hearts and spirits with love, affection and sympathy for me. Make
my sustenance available to me and make all difficulties easy for me, for the sanctity of ﴾ Yā'-Sīn By the
wise Qur'an! ﴿ ; free me from my debts, relieve my anguish, gift me with Your immense treasures; when
you want something Your order is just to say "Be!", and it is. By the right of sura Yā'-Sīn -you will repeat
it seven times, and you will say- ﴾ I entrust my matter to God, it is true that God sees the servants ﴿ -you
will repeat it seven times and pray for the Prophet, God bless him Y Hail!, ten times, Y will you say- ﴾ call
them the attention with the example of the population of the city,

Cor . ii:1.
Cor . iii:1.
Cor . xliii:1; xliv:1.
Cor . xxxviii:1.
Cor . l:1.
Cor . lii:1-5.
Cor . lxviii:1.
Cor . xvii:82.
Cor . lxxxv:1-3.
Cor . lxxxvi:1-4.
Cor . lxxxix:1-4.
Cor . xcv:1-4.

when they arrived the sent ﴿ 1 -it you will repeat seven times Y will you say- ﴾ I trust me affair a God, it is
certain that God sees the servants ﴿ -You will repeat it seven times and you will pray for the Prophet, God
bless him and save!, ten times, and you will say- ﴾ When we sent two and they were denied; and then we
reinforced them with a third party and they said: We have been sent to you. They said: You are but
human beings like us and the Merciful No he has done descend any, single you are lying. They said: Our
Mister knows right What have we been sent a you, but No us corresponds otherwise do get the message with
clarity ﴿ 2 .

My God, praise be to the One who relieves the one in debt and comforts the one in distress, [I ask b
You] to bestow upon me through Your treasures, O Allah, O Who comforts, O God of the first and the last.
Make my livelihood available to me, ease my affairs, ease my difficulties and make the difficult easy for
me. Instill love in all Your creatures and incline their hearts, their spirits Y their looks towards my. oh
Mister of the worlds, oh Who comforts -seven times, Y will you say-
﴾ I entrust my matter to God, it is true that God sees the servants ﴿ -you will repeat it seven times and
pray for the Prophet, God you bless Y Hail!, ten times, Y will you say- ﴾ They said: Really we have a
wrong omen yours, Y Yes No you give up, you we will stone Y you will receive of our part a painful
punishment. They said: be for you your omen. It is that No you go a reconsider? But No, you are people
that I know exceeds. Y from the extreme of the city came a men in a hurry that said: People mine! follow a
the sent! follow to whom No you they ask any a change Y is it so guided! How could No to adore a Who I I
think Y a Who will you return? Are you going to take, apart from Him, gods, whose intercession would
be of no use to me if the Merciful I would like cause me some damage Y that either could save me? Yes
it did, would be clearly lost. Me I think Really in your Mister, listen to me well ﴿ 3 .

My God, I beg you, oh Allah, oh God of the first and the last, oh Allah, I ask you to make all Your c
creatures available to me, to relieve everyone who is in debt, to comfort everyone who is in debt. be sorry,
that you make it easy for me to deal with all your creatures and that you make every complicated situation
easy for me. -And you will say- ﴾ I entrust my matter to God, it is true that God sees the servants ﴿ -
seven times and you will pray for the Prophet, God bless him and save!, ten times, and you will say- ﴾ I
really believe in your Mister, listen to me well. I know said: Enters in the Yard! Said: Poor of me people!
Yes they knew that my Mister I he has forgiven Y I he has Market Stall Come in the that The he has
honored. Y No we sent against them, after of the, no army gone down of darling, neither it we have
errand never. Coarse with a single scream and went annihilated. What grief of serfs! Nope there was
delivery courier that them reach of that No I know they will mock Is that No come how many generations,
that Already No they will return, we have destroyed before that they? All there will be to appear in view
of Us. Have a sign in the Earth dead a the that we revive Y we make that in she sprout seeds of the that
you eat In she we have Market Stall gardens of palms Y vines, Y we have done that they were born springs. p. 392
For that could to eat of their fruits Y of worked of their hands. It is that No go to thank? Glory a That that I
think all the species!, the of the Earth, they themselves Y others that they don't know Y have a sign in the
night, when we make vanish the light of day Y remain a dark. Y

Cor . xxxvi:12.
Cor . xxxvi:13-16.
Cor . xxxvi:17-24.

the sun, that runs towards a place of repose that have. That it is the decree of Powerful, the Wise. Y a the
moon we have fixed nail mansions, until that I know does What a branch of palm old woman. Nope
proceeds that Sun scope a the Moon, neither that the night I know ahead to the day. Each a goes in a
orbit. Y there are a sign for them in how we embark their parents in the swollen ship. And we have
created for them, other (ships) similar in the that embark. Y Yes we want can do that I know drown
without that have someone them help neither be saved. A No be by a mercy of Our part Y for grant them an
enjoyment by a weather. Y when I know them He says: fear it that there are after you Y it that he has of
to come, what for So I know you can to have mercy. Nope there are no sign of the signs of your Mister
that them I arrived, of which No I know move away Y when I know them He says: spend of the provision
that God you he has given, the that I know deny to believe they say a the believers: It is that we go a feed
us a who God, Yes I would like, would feed? Single you are in a Sure loss ﴿ 1 .

My God, I ask you, oh God of the first and the last, I ask you to cover my debts and to
that you ease my worries and concerns, that you fill me with your treasures. O Alleviator, make my
sustenance available to me, relieve me of all difficulties, fill the hearts of Your servants with compassion
towards me and soften their hearts and minds in the same way that You softened iron for Dāwūd,
Peace be with him! My God, put the servant spirits of this noble sura at my service so that they solve my
problems, [and I ask you] to give me the means to visit the grave of Your Prophet Muhammad,
God bless and save you! -And you will say- ﴾ And they say: When will this promise be fulfilled if what
you say is true? They do not expect but a single shout that will surprise them while they argue. And
they will not be able to make a will or return to their family. It will be blown into the horn, and then
they will quickly come out of the graves, coming a its Mister. They will say: Oh of us! Who us he has
gotten up of our beds? This it is it that there was fiance the Merciful, the sent they were saying the TRUE.
Nope there will be plus that a single scream Y everybody will appear in view of Us. That day no one will
be treaty unfairly in any. Single I know will pay you by it that you did. Truly the companions of Yard they
will be, that day, engrossed in it what to them occupy, delighting. They Y their wives they will be a the
shade Y their beds reclining In the they will have fruit Y all it that ask. Peace: Word of a Mister
Compassionate ﴿ two -you will repeat the ayah sixteen times-.

My Lord, Peace with you from me, You are my Owner, in Your hand are my ears, me view b
and my heart, you possess my whole being, you ennoble my humility, you extol my mention and elevate
my capacity. Blessed are you, oh Light of lights, oh Giver of lives, Your Excellence is above attributes of
the innovations ( al-mu¬da£āt ) Y You dignity I know raises by over of the defects Y the damage. The earths
and the heavens are witnesses of this, to You belongs the highest Glory, the most immense Excellence and
the most impregnable Power. Most Pure, Most Holy, Lord of the angels and the Spirit, Illuminator of the
[...] gloomy and dark nights, Savior of those who drown in the seas of destruction and terror. I take refuge
in You from the evil of the night when it becomes dark and from the envious when he envies and waits 3 .
My lord, I make you the confidence of the humiliated servant, the one who knows that you listen Y wait
that You answer. Me am who asks Market Stall in foot Y hopeful, well No meeting

Cor . xxxvi:24-46.

Cor . xxxvi:46-57.
Cf. Cor . cxiii:3-5.

more protector than you. My God, I ask You for the Name with which You spread goods, with which You
make blessings descend, with which You bring [Your servants] out of darkness and with which You give
rise to reward with abundant goods. I ask you to bless and save our lord Muammad and the family of our
lord Muammad, and spread over me the coverings of Your lights that return the evil from the glances of the
envious and the evil from their hands. Make my fortune an irradiation of light that illuminates everything
hidden for me and discovers everything secret before me. O Light of all things, all light comes from Your
Light. Oh Who discovers everything that is veiled, all things depend on You, evils are avoided by You, oh
Living, oh Subsistent, oh Most Gracious of the merciful, in Your Mercy I seek help and through it I ask
that you preserve me from Your punishment. My God, I seek refuge in You of their wickedness Y tea daring
a their necks, ﴾ Yes we would like, we would descend on they a sign of darling Y their necks I know they
would stay in view of the humiliated ﴿ 1 .

My God, O Who brings down the clouds and Who defeats the bound ( al-a¬zāb ), defeat my
enemies, their armies and their followers, grant me victory over them and soften their hearts before me Y
you we

spirits. God Own, allow me watch You sanctuary ( ¬aram ) with You generosity Y make that visit the grave decrea

of Your Prophet Muammad, God bless and save you! Submit before me all Your creatures and soften their sed in

hearts and spirits with love and affection for me. Be for me a Helper, a Custodian, a Helper and a Protector. its
My God, make every difficulty easy for me and make every difficult situation easy for me. My God, help Constit
me with powerful help, grant me manifest victory and provide me with a free and good livelihood. By the ution.
holiness of “ Yā'-Sīn By the wise Qur'an! ”. O Lord of the worlds, ﴾ Peace: Word of a Merciful Lord ﴿ Nope
-you will repeat it seven times and say-
﴾ I entrust my matter to God, it is true that God sees the servants ﴿ -seven times and you will pray for
the Prophet,
God you bless Y Hail!, ten times, Y will you say- ﴾ But the that you did the wrong stay away today.
Perhaps No i did a n p a c t o with or without you , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sons _ _ _ _ d e Adam , _ _ _ d e what
_ no _ a o r a r a i s _ to him Š a and Ð ā n ? Really _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the it is u n e n e m i g e declared to
you ﴿ 2 .

My God, O God of the first and last, O Comforter, O Allah, pay my debt, ease my anguish, fill me
with Your treasures, soften all Your creatures before me, allay me from all difficulties and make the difficult
easy. for me, because really for You it is easy is to smooth out all difficulties. - And you will say- ﴾ I entrust
my matter to God, it is true that God sees the servants ﴿ -seven times and you will pray for the Prophet,
God you bless Y Hail!, ten times, Y will you say- ﴾ Y that I you will adore a my. This it is a road right. The
he has lost a many communities of you. Nope you go a to understand? This it is jahannam, the that I know
you there was fiance. Come in today in the by have you denied a believe. Today them we will seal the
mouth Y will be their hands will speak to us and their feet will bear witness to what they have earned ﴿
. -Y will you say-
﴾ I trust me affair a God, it is certain that God go a the serfs ﴿ -repeating it seven times, Y you will beg by
the profit, God you bless Y Hail!, ten times, Y will you say- ﴾ [Yes we would like them we would erase the
eyes Y even if they came to the road, how could they see? And if we wanted to, we would leave them
paralyzed on the spot and they could not neither move along neither back.] To the that you we give a life


p. 393 a

Cor . xxvi:3.
Cor . xxxvi:58-59.
Cor . xxxvi:60-64.

you go a to understand? Nope you we have taught poetry neither it is own self of the; No it is otherwise a
Memory Y a Clear recitation . For warn to the that East live Y for that I know make reality the word dictated
against the disbelievers ﴿ 1 .

My God, I beg you, oh God of the first and the last, I ask you to submit to me all your b
creatures in love and perpetual affection, that you grant me a free and good livelihood, that you smooth out
all difficulties, and that you make everything difficult easy for me, because it is really easy for you to
smooth out all difficulties. -And you will say- ﴾ I entrust my matter to God, it is true that God sees the
servants ﴿ -repeating it seven times, and you will pray for the Prophet, God bless him and save!, ten times,
and you will say- ﴾ Can't they see that we've created for they, What part of it that our hands they have
done, animals of herd on those who have dominion? We have subordinated them and they ride on them
and eat from them. And in them you have utilities Y beverage. Nope will you thank? They have taken,
besides of God, gods for that the help. But they can not assistants, though are for they a army a its
provision. But that No tea sadden it what do they say, Really we know it that keep in secret Y it that
declare. It is that No go the men that We have created of a drop of sperm? Y without embargo it is a pure
argumentative ﴿ .

God Own, me tea I beg, oh God of the first Y the last, that put a me provision my
ustenance and that you allay all difficulties for me. -And you will say- ﴾ I entrust my matter to God, it is true
that God sees the servants ﴿ -repeating it seven times, and you will pray for the Prophet, God bless him and
save!, ten times, and will you say-
﴾ He gives us an example forgetting that he himself has been created and says: Who will give life to
the bones when Already be gnawed? Gave: Them give to life Who the originated by first time, that it is Who
known to all creature. The that you gives fire of the wood green of tree, making that with she ignite who I
think the Heavens Y the Earth No I was going a be Capable of to create something What you? Of course
that Yes, The it is the creator, the Knowledgest. Really when wants something, Their order No it is
otherwise tell: HE!, Y it is. Glory well, to That in Whose hands this the domain of all the stuff Y a Who you
will have of to return! ﴿ two -repeating it seven times-.

In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. My God, bless and save our mr d
Muammad, his family and his companions. My God, I ask you, by the right of sura Yā'-Sīn, and by the wise
Qur'an. -And you will say- O Who sends the messengers, O Who guides the strays to the right path, and
gives time to the wrongdoers, O Who exterminates the rebels and all will appear before Him. O Who gives
life to the dead and write the works they carried out and the traces they left, and ﴾ We collect everything
in a clear record ﴿ 3 . O Who gives life to the dead earth and makes it sprout seeds from which you eat. O
Who put in it gardens of palm trees and vines,
﴾ Y we have done that were born springs. For that could to eat of their fruits Y of worked of her hands.
It is that No go a to thank? ﴿ 4 . oh Who it is praised by all the languages, oh Who I think all species, ﴾ the
of the Earth, they themselves Y others that No know ﴿ 5 . oh Who does that elapse the

Cor . xxxvi:65-69.
Cor . xxxvi:77-82.
Cor . xxxvi:11.
Cor . xxxvi:33-34.
Cor . xxxvi:35.

night and day, ﴾ and they areleft in the dark 1 . O Who decreed mansions for the sun, ﴾ and runs to a p. 394

place of repose that have ﴿ 2 . oh Powerful, oh Wise. oh Who permanent for the Moon nail mansions,
﴾ until that I know does What a branch of palm old woman. Nope proceeds that the sun scope a the Moon,
neither that the night I know ahead to the day. Each a goes in a orbit ﴿ 3 . oh Who us embarked in the ship
swollen, Y created for us others ships similar in the that embark. Y Yes I would like, could do that I
know will drown,
﴾ without that have who them help neither be saved, a No be by a Mercy of Our part, Y to grant them
enjoyment for a while ﴿ 4 , but there is no escape from Him. O Merciful, O Who created for us herds, ﴾ Y I
know the we have subordinate Y in they they ride Y in they eat ﴿ 5 . Y put in them utilities and drink for
us. O Who created man from a drop of sperm, ﴾ and yet it is a pure argumentative ﴿ 6 . oh Who gives
life a the bones when Already is it so gnawed, oh
﴾ Who the originated by first time, Y it is Who known a each creature ﴿ 7 . oh Who us he has given ﴾ fire of
the wood green, making that with she ignite ﴿ 8 . oh Who I think the Heavens Y the Earth, oh Capable, oh
Creator, oh Wise, oh Who ﴾ when wants something Their order No it is otherwise tell: HE!, Y it is ﴿ 9 . oh
Most Pure, oh Most Holy, oh ﴾ The One in Whose hands is the dominion of all things and to Whom you
shall return ﴿ 10 .
My God, praise belongs to You, my God, there is no god but You. Praise belongs to You, my God,
there is no Lord but You. Praise belongs to You, my God, there is no more praiseworthy than You. Praise
belongs to You, my God, there is no Sovereign but You. Praise belongs to You, my God, there is no Finder
but You. Praise belongs to You, my God, there is no Creator but You. Praise belongs to You, my God, there
is no more Proof than You. Praise belongs to You, my God, there is no more Almighty than You. Praise
belongs to You, my God, there is no Dominator but You. Praise belongs to You, my God, there is no
Provider but You. Praise belongs to You, my God, there is no more Capable than You. Praise belongs to
You, my God, there is no other Listener than You. Praise belongs to You, my God, there is no Seer but
You. Praise belongs to You, my God, God of heaven and earth. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are
the One Who takes away worries. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Merciful, the Merciful.
Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Best of creators. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the
Best of the indulgent. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Best of mercy. Praise belongs to You,
my God, You are the Best of providers. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the One who turns hearts.
Praise belongs to You, my god, You are the Sufficient, the Healer. Praise belongs to You, my God, You
are the Giver, the Initiator. Praise belongs to you, my god, you make the night penetrate in the day. A You
belongs the praise, me god, You are the Near, Who attends. A You

Cor . xxxvi:36.
Cor . xxxvi:37.
Cor . xxxvi:38-39.
Cor . xxxvi:42-43.
Cor . xxxvi:71.
Cor . xxxvi:76.
Cor . xxxvi:78.
Cor . xxxvi:79.
Cor . xxxvi:81.
Cor . xxxvi:82.

praise belongs, my god, You are the Accepter of repentance, the Giver. Praise belongs to You, my God,
You are the Chief of Chiefs. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Causer of causes. Praise belongs
to You, my God, You are the Lord of lords. Praise belongs to You, my god, You are Allah, Who raises in
degrees. Praise belongs to You, my God, Creator of the earth and the heavens. Praise belongs to You, my
God, You are the Resuscitator, the Heir. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Help of those who
ask for help. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Creator, the Producer. Praise belongs to You, my
God, You are the One who leads on the right path. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Patient, the
My God, praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Capable, the Dominator. Praise belongs to
You, my God, You are the One, the Everlasting. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Only One,
the Full of Glory. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Light, the Guide. Praise belongs to You, my
God, You are the Grateful, the Glorious. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Sublime, the Decree.
Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the King, the Most Holy. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are
Peace, the Guardian of Faith. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Compassionate, the Benefactor.
Praise belongs to You, my god, You are the Innovator, the Exalted. Praise belongs to You, my God, You
are the Owner of Sovereignty. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are the Judge, the Just. Praise belongs
to You, my god, You are Allah, the Most Holy. Praise belongs to You, my God, You are ﴾ Peace, the
Guardian of the Faith, the Custodian, the Powerful, the Omnipotent, the Great.
Praised be God by over of it that you associate! The it is Allah, the Creator, the Producer, the Trainer. To
the belong the Names plus beautiful. A The glorifies all how much there are in the Heavens Y the Earth.
The it is the Mighty, the Wise ﴿ 1 . ﴾ And when you have decided to entrust yourself to God. It is true
that God loves those who put its confidence in The ﴿ 2 . ﴾ But Yes tea give the back, gave: God I Enough,
No there are god otherwise The, The it is the Lord of the Immense Throne! ﴿ 3 ﴾ And whoever abandons
himself in God, He will be enough for him. It is true that God's order arrives until where The wants.
God you he has given a each stuff a finished Y a measure ﴿ 4 .

p. 395
My God, incline towards me the hearts of Your servants from among the sons of Adam and the
daughters of Eve, male and female, free and slave, great and small, in perpetual love, affection, mercy,
mercy. Attract their hearts to me and protect me from the evil of all those who wish me harm, away from
me their intrigue, their offense and the evil that they hide from me. I ask you for the sanctity of what I have
recited that I allow watch You sanctuary with You nobility Y that allow visit the tomb of Muammad,
God bless and save you! O Who solves the needs, O Who answers the prayers, O Allah, O Lord of the
worlds. I ask you, oh Gracious, oh Merciful, oh Peace, oh Guardian of the Faith, oh Custodian, oh Mighty,
oh Almighty, oh Great, oh Creator, oh Producer, oh Provider, oh Victorious, oh Knower, oh Who Extends
the sustenance, oh Elevating in dignity, oh Mighty Giver, oh Humiliating, oh Listener, oh Seer, oh Subtle,
oh Patient, oh Sublime, oh Grateful, oh Protector, oh Who grants nourishment, oh Who calculates
everything, oh Generous, oh Guardian, oh Who attends, oh Immense, oh Grouper, oh Sufficient, oh
Enricher, oh Perpetual, oh Light and Guide of all

Cor . lix:23-24.
Cor . iii:159.
Cor . ix:130.
Cor . lxv:3.

things. You are the One Whose light cleaves the darkness, Most High that above all things in greatness
and elevation.

My God, I ask you to make the servant spirits of this noble woman available to me. sura for to
that they be of help to me in everything that asks and desires. Answer, oh servant spirits of this noble sura
and be of help to me in everything I ask and desire, by the right [of this verse] over you and the respect that
you owe it. Come, answer and obey, by the right of how many secrets reside in it, and burn in the flames
who of you I know oppose. Is, al-wa¬ā, al-'ajal, a-sā'a . ﴾ Who No answer to the that summons to God he
will have no way to escape on earth, and apart from Him, he will have no one to protect him ﴿ 1 .
Respond and abide by all that I command you, by the right of this noble sura upon you and the respect that
the you must, al-wa¬ā, al-'ajal, a-sā'a ” .
Finished and completed this noble prayer. Be aware of its power and what it holds for you, and
fear God, exalted be He!, for you must know that God is with the fearful.

Said the Messenger of God, God bless him and save!: " When you recite Yā-Sīn don't worry ” 2 . b
And he said: “ Whoever recites surah Yā-Sīn sincerely before God, God, exalted be He, forgives him his past
sins ” 3 . And he said: “ The mysteries of God in the Qur'an are found in Surah Yā-Sīn, and the mysteries of
Yā-Sīn reside in four verses: Since ﴾ Truly the companions of Yard they will be,
that day, absorbed in what occupies them, delighting ” until His saying ﴾ Peace: Word of a
Compassionate Lord ﴿ 4 . So meditate on these secrets and be cautious with them, for God, exalted be He,
is the One Who grants success.


You should to know, God us help a obey him Y a understand the secrets of Their Names!, that I will

mention a second invocation with this noble sura, as well as its virtues, its properties and its lofty mysteries. You
will say:
“In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Yā-Sīn Yā-Sīn Yā-Sīn Yā-Sīn Yā-Sīn Yā-Sīn ﴾
Yā-Sīn. By the Koran wise! that your are one of the sent in a road right. Revelation that the Mighty, the
Compassionate has sent down, so that you warn a people whose parents were not warned Y is it so
careless I know he has done reality the word dictated against the most Y they do not believe. Certain that
them we will put in the neck rings that them they will arrive until the chin Y No they will be able to move
We have Market Stall a barrier by in front of of they Y other by behind Y them we have veiled, No you can
see. It is Same for they that them warn either that No them warn, No they will believe. Single admits the
warning who follow the Memory Y fear to the Merciful though No It see. advertise sorry Y a generous

Cor . xlvi:31.
It is not found in the cited collections.
Cor . xxxvi:54-57.
reward . In TRUE Us we give the life a the dead Y we wrote the plays that they advanced Y fingerprints that
They left. Each stuff the we collect in a Registration Sure ﴿ 1 . Praised be Who comforts a who is sorry Praised
be He who relieves the one who is locked up. Praised be He Who gives prosperity to those who are in debt.
Praised be He Who frees the one who is imprisoned. Praised be He Who knows all that is hidden. Praised
be He Who deposited the treasures of His Sovereignty among the kaf Y the nūn . Praised be That that ﴾
when wants something Their order No it is otherwise tell him: HE, Y it is. p. 396
Praised be That in Whose hands this the domain of all the stuff Y a Who you will have of to return! ﴿ . 2

Praised be, praised be, ﴾ Praised Y exalted be by over of it that you attribute ” 3 . ﴾ Peace on the envoys, Y
the praise a God, Mister of the worlds ﴿ 4 .

﴾ In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Praises to God, Lord of the worlds. The a
Gracious, the Merciful. King of Day of Judgment. A You we adore Y a You we ask aid ﴿ 5 .
-And you will say three times- Oh King of Judgment Day, We adore You and We ask You for help. -You
will make your request and you will say seven times- Oh Guide of the lost ones, there is no other Guide
apart from You. ﴾ Guide us on the straight path, the road of the that have you favored ﴿ 6 . -Y will you
say- God Own, put a me provision [the world of] Sovereignty and the Kingdom. There is no god but You,
oh Lord of Majesty and Generosity, oh Living, oh Subsistent, I ask You for help, oh Helper, help me - forty
times, being attended on the spot. And you will say thirty-seven times- Oh Who answers, answer my prayer
and solve my need, by Your mercy, oh the most Gracious of the merciful. -And you will say- My God, put
me among those whom you have favored, and are not the cause of Your wrath, and among those whom you
have made possessors of the secrets of Your Names. O Lord, O Merciful of those who fear their Lord in
what is unseen, ﴾ Announce him a pardon and a generous reward ﴿ 7 . My God, announce to me on the
Day of Your meeting a pardon and a generous reward -and you will make your request being attended to
on the spot-, ﴾ not the one of those who are the reason for Your wrath nor the one of the lost ones ﴿ 8 . -
And you will say- Oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto,
oh Manifesto. -And you will say- I ask you, by Your sublime supreme Name and Your chosen Prophet,
Muammad, God bless and save him!, the noble, the revered, that you do with me what you are Worthy of,
and do not do with me what I am deserving of. Truly You are the Worthy to be feared and the Worthy to
forgive 9 -and you will make your request being heard on the spot. And you will say- ﴾ Call their attention
with the example of the inhabitants of the city, when they arrived the sent . When we send a two Y the
they denied; Y then the we reinforce with a third Y they said: We have been sent a you. They said: Nope
you are otherwise beings humans What us and the Merciful No he has done descend any, single you are
lying. They said: Our Mister knows good that we have been sent a you, but No us corresponds otherwise
do get the message with clarity ﴿ 1 .

Cor . xxxvi:1-11.
Cor . xxxvi:81-82.
Cor . saw:101.
Cor . xxxvii:181-182.
Cor . i:1-4.
Cor . i:5-6.
Cor . xxxvi:10.
Cor . i:7.
Cor . lxxiv:55.

clarity ﴿ 1 . Praised be Who comforts a who this sorry. Praised be Who relieves a who is locked up. Praised
be He Who gives prosperity to those who are in debt. Praised be He Who frees the one who is imprisoned.
Praised be He Who knows all that is hidden. Praised be He Who holds the treasures of His Sovereignty
between the kāf and the nūn . Praised be He who ﴾ when you want something Their order No it is otherwise
tell him: HE, Y it is. Praised be That in Whose hands this the domain of all things and to Whom shall
you return! ﴿ . Praise be, praise be, ﴾ Praise and exalt be above of it that you attribute ﴿ . ﴾ Peace on the
sent, Y the praise a God, Mister of the worlds ﴿ .

﴾ In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Praises to God, Lord of the worlds. The b
Gracious, the Merciful. King of Day of Judgment. A You we adore Y a You we ask aid ﴿ .
-And you will say three times- Oh King of Judgment Day, We adore You and We ask You for help. -You
will make your request and you will say seven times- Oh Guide of the lost ones, there is no other Guide
apart from You. ﴾ Guide us on the straight path, the road of the that have you favored ﴿ . God Own, put
me on Come in those a the that have you favored and among those whom you have made possessors of the
secrets of Your Names. O Lord, O Gracious, O Merciful of those who fear their Lord in what is not seen, ﴾
Announce him a pardon and a generous reward ﴿ 2 . My God, announce to me on the Day of Your meeting
a pardon and a generous reward -and you will make your request being attended to on the spot-, ﴾ not the
one of those who are the reason for Your wrath nor the one of the lost ones ﴿ 3 . -And you will say- Oh
Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto. -And
you will say four times- I ask you, by Your sublime supreme Name and Your chosen Prophet, Muammad,
God bless and save you!, the noble, the revered, to do with me what you are Worthy of, and not do with me p. 397
what I am deserving of. Truly You are the Worthy to be feared and the Worthy to forgive -and you will
make your request being attended on the spot-. My God, make available to me [the world of] Sovereignty
and the Kingdom. There is no god but You, oh Lord of Majesty and Generosity, oh Living, oh Subsistent,
I ask You for help, oh Helper, help me
-Fourty times, being attended in the act. ﴾ They said: Really we have a wrong omen of you, and yes No you
give up, you we will stone Y you will receive of our part a painful punishment ﴿ . -In is part resides a
magnificent secret against the enemy, if you trace a figure on the ground and have in your hand a blunt steel
knife, and say seventeen times [the above ayah] while hitting the mentioned figure, then you will see it
miraculous, Y God it knows better-. ﴾ They said: Be for you your omen. It is that No are you going to
reconsider? But no, you are people who exceed. And from the edge of town came a man running that
said: People mine! follow a the sent! follow a who No you they ask any a change and they are guided!
How could No to adore a Who I I think Y a Who have you of return? are you going a take apart of The,
gods, whose intercession No I it would be worth of any Yes the Merciful I would like cause me some
damage and that they could not save me either? ﴿ My God, preserve me from all misfortune in this life
and from all torment in the Hereafter, do not change my name, do not alter my body and do not make a
distinction between me and Your beloved Prophet, Muammad, God bless and save him! ﴾ And god created
every living thing from water; and of them some they walk crawling on its belly, others on two paws Y
others on four; God creates it

Cor . xxxvi:12-16.
Cor . xxxvi:10.
Cor . i:7.

who wants, it is true that God has power over all things ﴿ 1 . –Then he will prostrate himself and make
his request; This ayah is to make pain and illness disappear and to heal the sick. if it did, It would clearly
lost. oh Manifest, oh Manifest, oh Manifest, oh Manifest, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto. Praised
be He who consoles the one who is grieved. Praised be He who relieves the one who is locked up. Praised
be He Who gives prosperity to those who are in debt. Praised be He Who frees the one who is imprisoned.
Praised be He Who knows all that is hidden. Praised be He Who holds the treasures of His Sovereignty
between the kāf and the nūn . praise be That that ﴾ when wants something Their order No it is otherwise
tell him: HE, Y it is. Praised be That in Whose hands is the dominion of all things and to whom you
shall return! ﴿ . Praise, praise be,
﴾ Praised Y exalted be by over of it that you attribute ﴿ . ﴾ Peace on the sent, Y the praises to God, Mister
of the worlds ﴿ .

﴾ In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Praises to God, Lord of the worlds. The a

Gracious, the Merciful. King of Day of Judgment. A You we adore Y a You we ask aid ﴿ .
-And you will say three times- Oh King of Judgment Day, We adore You and We ask You for help. -You
will make your request and you will say seven times- Oh Guide of the lost ones, there is no other Guide
apart from You. ﴾ Guide us on the straight path, the road of the that have you favored ﴿ . God Own, put
me on Come in those a the that have you favored and among those whom you have made possessors of the
secrets of Your Names. O Lord, O Gracious, O Merciful of those who fear their Lord in what is not seen, ﴾
Announce him a pardon and a generous reward ﴿ 2 . My God, announce to me on the Day of Your meeting
a pardon and a generous reward -and you will make your request being attended to on the spot-. ﴾ I really
believe in your Lord, listen to me well . I know said: Enters in the Yard! Said: Poor of me people! Yes they
knew that me Mister I He has forgiven and has placed me among those He has honored ﴿ . -And he will
say eleven times- O Who honors His believing servants, honor me with the dignity of Your close friends (
karāma al-awliyā' ) and Your virtuous servants, those who ﴾ they will not have to fear nor will they be
sad ﴿ 3 . My God, honor me with the resolution of my problems through the magnanimity of Your Grace,
O Who solves needs, O Who answers prayers, by the right of this noble sura, O Lord of Majesty and
Generosity - thirty-seven times -. Oh our God and Unique God of all things, there is no god but You, oh
Living, oh Subsistent -forty-one times-. Oh Creator of heaven and earth, oh Lord
Majesty and Generosity. My God, honor me through the magnanimity of Your Favor and Your Generosity
with what you are Worthy of in both Mansions, truly You can do everything -then he will make his request
naming her-. Oh Living, oh Subsistent, I ask You for help, oh Helper, help me, do not abandon me to my
fate, nor entrust my destiny to anyone other than You for a single moment; and guide me on Your straight
p. 398
path, ﴾ The way of God, to Whom belongs everything in heaven and on earth. Do not all things return
to God? ﴿ 4 -eleven times-. Solve my need, oh Who solves problems -three times-, oh Who answers, oh
Who answers, oh Who answers, hear my prayer, oh Who answers prayers, oh Most Merciful of the merciful

Cor . xxiv:43.
Cor . xxxvi:10.
Cor . x:62.
Cor . xlii:50.

times-. My God, bless and save our lord Mu¬ammad, his family, his companions and his tribe ( 'itra )
completely, for “There is no power or glory except in God, the Most High, the Sublime” a million times .
Oh Who solves the problems, solves my need -seventeen times, and then he will make his request being
listened to on the spot-. ﴾ And we did not send against them, after him, any army come down from
heaven, nor have we ever sent it. A single cry was enough and they were annihilated ﴿ 1 -here will name
a its enemy-. ﴾ Each time that turn on a fire for the war, God it will turn off I know strive for corrupt in
the Earth, but God No loves a the corrupters ﴿ 2 . God Own, extinguishes its evil against me, annihilate his
malice, undo his knot, annul his being and shorten his life. ﴾ If we wanted, we would bring down on they
a sign of darling Y their necks I know they would stay in view of the humiliated ﴿ 3 -three times, and
striking the earth three times with his hand, after having drawn his figure with his right hand, and he will
strike it with its right handed saying- annihilated, annihilated, annihilated. ﴾ What grief of serfs! Nope there
was messenger that them reach of that No I know they will mock ﴿ 4 . ﴾ God I know will mock of they Y the
will leave wander wandering off limits ﴿ 5 . ﴾ Certainly we are enough for you in front of those who
mock ﴿ 6 . You are enough against the evil of Fulano -you will say it three times-. ﴾ Do they not see how
many generations, which will never come back, we have destroyed before them? ﴿ 7 . Oh Destroyer of
past generations in past nations, not excluding So-and-so son of So-and-so. O Destroyer of evildoers, O
Exterminator of sinners, destroy my enemies with the condemnation of those whom you annihilate for their
wickedness. O Destroyer of the tyrants ancestors in the generations that have passed, destroy my enemy
So-and-so son of So-and-so, for the One Whom the unjust perish. ﴾ Truly we have power to show you
what we have promised them ﴿ 8 -three times-. ﴾ Do they not see how many generations, which will
never come back, we have destroyed before them? ﴿ 9 -three times-. ﴾ All shall appear before Us ﴿ 10
My God, bring before me the heart of So-and-so, his hearing, his sight and his mind for his love for me, so
that he does not hear or see neither I talked except by love a my. oh ﴾ Who will gather a the mens in a day
on the that No there are doubt. God does not break the promise ﴿ 11 , gather the senses of Fulano son of
Fulana around love for me, and sow harmony between us in the same way that you unite ice and fire. My
God, make him occupy an important place for him, for the determination of the alif gathered before the
dispersal 46468642 -you will say it twenty times-. ﴾ All shall appear before Us ﴿ 12 . ﴾ I deposited in you
love from of My for that tea you will breed bass Me look ﴿ 13 . ﴾ love What I know loves a God; but the love
by God of those who believe is stronger ﴿ 14
. ﴾ Even if you had spent everything on earth you would
not have been able to unite their hearts, nevertheless God united them. Truly He is Powerful,

Cor . xxxvi:27-28.
Cor . v:66.
Cor . xxvi:3.
Cor . xxxvi:29.
Cor . ii:14.
Cor . xv:95.
Cor . xxxvi:30.
Cor . xxiii:96.
Cor . xxxvi:30.
Cor . xxxvi:31.
Cor . iii:9.
Cor . xxxvi:31.
Cor . xx:38-39.
Cor . ii:164.

wise ﴿ 1 . Oh Who unites snow and fire, unites the hearts of So-and-so son of So-and-so and So-and-so son
of So-and-so, oh Mighty One, oh Almighty. ﴾ They have a sign in the dead land that we give life to and
make seeds sprout from which you eat. In it we have put gardens of palm trees and vines, Y we have
done that were born springs. For that could to eat of their fruits Y of worked his hands. It is that No go a to
thank? Glory a That that I think all the species!, the of the Earth, themselves Y others that No know. Y have
a sign in the night, when we make vanish the light of day and remain a dark ﴿ 2 . -Y will tell- Me hit the neck
of so-and-so son of Tart, God it is plus great!, I cut off the head of Fulano son of Fulana with the sword of
God, the Dominator, ﴾ Thus he was exterminated to the last of the people unfair. The praise belong a God,
the Mister of the worlds ﴿ 3 .

Y you will recite the invocation of Extermination ( a lq a Ð ' ) saying: God Own, You are Who known p. 399
the unseen of every witness, Who has under his power everything hidden and visible. I ask you, O Allah,
O Allah, O Most Gracious of the Merciful, O Allah, O Most Gracious in Punishments, O Who Removes
Worries, You are Allah, Who Removes the Clouds of Trials ( al-mi ¬an ) when they have become very
heavy and raises the fog of grudges when they have brought consequences 4 , you turn their
field in dry grass and you make their bones rotten. You turn the defeated into a winner and the sought into
a seeker. My God, how many servants implored you: ﴾ They have defeated me, help me! And we opened
the gates of heaven with torrential water, and caused the earth to open up into springs and they met
the waters by a mandate that there was been decreed. Y it we carry in a boat made of boards and nails ﴿ 5 .
Oh Lord, oh Lord, I have been defeated, help me, Allah is greater!, - and you will hit the ground three times
with your hand saying- Allah is greater!, Allah is greater!, Allah is greater ! O He Whose Power is
irresistible, His ayats dazzling, His punishments conclusive
and for all hurtful tyrants. I ask you for the power with which you are Owner of their souls, and if you
grabbed them they would be extinguished, because in Your fist is the base of their breath, and if you
withdrew it they would be paralyzed. What will prevent You from stopping their fury, extinguishing their
breath, stripping them of the garments of Your protection and depriving them of the peace that comes from
You, since they boast on earth and are arrogant with Your servants in the field of rebellion? My God, bless
and save Muammad and his family. Where, where is your protection against those who mistreat me? O
Who destroys the proud and arrogant and exterminates even the last of the tyrants ( al-farā'ina ) who mock.
How swift is the descent of Thy violent onslaught, how swift is the arrival of Thy glorious dominion over
every obstinate transgressor and every rebellious demon that oppresses servants, commits abuses on earth
and spreads corruption therein. Truly You are Allah, in You I seek help, O my God, from those who mistreat
me. a
My Lord, I beg you to grant me victory over those who fight against me, defeat those who
challenge me, defeat those who try to kill me, frustrate my enemies and make them flee. Give them plenty
of water to drink and turn them into firewood for Hell 6 . He sends over his gardens ﴾ a punishment

Cor . viii:64.
Cor . xxxvi:32-36.
Cor . saw:46.
Lit. "When they have dragged their tails."
Cor . Fri:10-12.

Cor . lxxii:16-17.

of darling that the leave What Earth smooth, either that its Water I know lose bass the Earth without that
you can find her ﴿ 1 . Thou art the Almighty, the Great, the Restraint, the Helper, the Strong, the Victorious,
the Dominator, oh the Abaser, the Avenger, the Destroyer, the Forceful, the Frustrating, the Impeding, the
Forbidding, the Shortening, the Extending , the Protector, the Harmful, the Hitter, Lord of Unyielding
Strength. -Then he will hit the ground three times saying- Allah is greater. ﴾ Thus was exterminated to the
last of the unjust people. Praises belong to God, the Lord of the worlds ﴿ . help me against who I mistreats,
﴾ God the grab a cause of their transgressions Y No there was no one to protect them from God ﴿ 2 . ﴾
And they woke up in their houses fallen on their faces ﴿ 3 . My God, grab him, destroy his wickedness
and destroy him, Allah is greater. ﴾ God's decree arrives, do not want to rush it ﴿ 4 . ﴾ Y the sun, that runs
towards a place of repose that have. That it is the decree of Powerful, the wise. Y a the Moon you we have
fixed nail mansions, until that I know does What a branch of palm old woman. not applicable that the sun
scope a the Moon, neither that the night I know ahead to the day. Each a goes in a orbit. Y there's a sign
for they in What we embark a their parents in the ship swollen Y we have created for them, other similar
(ships) in which they embark ﴿ 5 . -[These verses ] will be written on one of the tablets d the b arc what _
I know what was it hund i r , I 'm writing _ _ _ _ _ _ new _ _ _ _ letters _ _ _ _ Ð ā ' , Y d i nu e ve _ times :
_ _ or h letter _ _ _ Ð ā ' , d e s t r uy e ( u Ð m u s ) - 6 .

﴾ And if we want we can make them drown without anyone to help them or be saved. A No be b
by a mercy of Our part Y for grant them a enjoyment by a weather ﴿ 7 .
-It will be written on a piece of tar that will be stuck to the keel of the ship, because if it sails that day, it
either sinks or cracks. And it will be written on a new red ceramic helmet that will be thrown inside the
ship, because in truth no misfortune will ever happen to that ship.

﴾ Y when I know them He says: fear it that there are after you Y it that he has of to come, for p. 400
that So I know I can to have mercy. Nope there are no sign of the signs of your Mister that them I
arrived, of that No they move away Y when I know them He says: spend of the provision that God you he
has given, the that I know deny a believe say to the believers: It is that we go a feed us a who God, Yes I
would like, would feed? Single you are in a clear astray ﴿ 8 . -These verses are to easily obtain the means
of subsistence if they are recited thirty-seven times, being attended on the spot. And you will say- Praise be
to the One who comforts the one who is grieved. Praised be He who relieves the one who is locked up.
Praised be He Who gives prosperity to those who are in debt. Praised be He Who frees the one who is
imprisoned. Praised be He Who knows all that is hidden. Praised be He Who deposited the treasures of His
Sovereignty between the kāf and the nūn . ﴾ Praised be He in Whose hands is dominion over all things
and whom

Cor . xviii:39-40.
Cor . xl:21.
Cor . xi:66.
Cor . xvi:1.
Cor . xxxvi:37-41.
Without any indication in the text, we believe that the Invocation of Extermination ends here, and continues
with the second prayer of the sura Yā'-Sīn, indicating separately some of the properties of its verses.
Cor . xxxvi:42-43.
Cor . xxxvi:24-46.

you will have of to return! ﴿ 1 . ﴾ Praised Y exalted be by over of it that you attribute ﴿ 2 . ﴾ Peace on the envoys,
Y the praise a God, Mister of the worlds ﴿ 3 .

﴾ In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Praises to God, Lord of the to
worlds. The Merciful, the Merciful. King of Judgment Day. We adore You and We ask for help ﴿ . 4

-Then he will make his request being heard on the spot, and he will say seven times- Oh Guide of the lost,
there is no plus Guide that You, ﴾ Guide us by the road right, the road of the that have you favored ﴿ 5 .
God my dear, put me among those whom you have favored and made possessors of the secrets of Your
Names. oh Lord of the worlds, oh Gracious, ﴾ not the one of those who are the reason for Your wrath
nor the one of the lost ones. Amen ﴿ 6 . Oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh
Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto -seven times-. My God, make [the world of] Sovereignty and
Kingdom available to me, oh God, there is no god but You, oh Lord of Majesty and Generosity, oh Living,
oh Subsistent, I ask You for help, oh Helper , help me -four times, and he will make his request, being
attended to on the spot-. I ask you by Your sublime Supreme Name and Your revered Prophet, our lord
Muammad, God bless him and save!, that you do with me what you are Worthy of, and do not do with me
what I am deserving of. Truly You are the Worthy to be feared and the Worthy to forgive. ﴾ And they say:
I know will fulfill is promise Yes it is TRUE it that you say? Nope are waiting otherwise a unique scream
that the will surprise while they argue. Y No will be able do will neither return a its family ﴿ 7 . -Is ayah it
is for expel to the enemy of the territory, if it is recited conjuring his names and that of his mother, then he
will really go to another region-.

﴾ It will be blown into the horn, and then they will quickly come out of the graves, coming a your b
Lord. They will say: Woe to us! Who has raised us from our beds? This is what the Merciful had promised,
the envoys spoke the truth. There will be no more than a single cry and all will appear in view of Us ﴿ 8 . -Is
ayah it is for do appear a the Kings of the geniuses when I know
recite continuously, for there will really be enormous coercion for them, and besides that you will say
﴾ The geniuses know well that they will have to appear ﴿ 9 -.

﴾ This is Jahannam, the one promised to you. Enter into it today for having denied to c
believe _ _ _ ﴿ 10
. - I know he will write _ _ _ _ this is it to him and to _ in he to fre n t e d the de m e n t
_ _ ( a l - m a ½ ā b ) well it is I know rec up er a ra, Y in he to of the epileptic _ _ _ _ _ ( a l - m a ½ r ū ' )
, well it is truly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ will speak _ _ _ with or without the demon _ _ _ _ possessor _ _ _ _
_ ( a l - q ar ī n ) _ why _ bo ca of that one- .

Cor . xxxvi: 82.
Cor . saw:101.
Cor . xxxvii:181-182.
Cor . i:1-4.
Cor . i:5.
Cor . i:7.
Cor . xxxvi:47-49.
Cor . xxxvi:50-52.
Cor . xxxvii:158. The original text omits verses 53 to 61 from the body of the invocation.
Cor . xxxvi:62.
Both terms had a diabolic connotation at the time.

﴾ Today them we will seal the mouth Y will be their hands the that us talk Y will be their feet the
that bear witness of it that I know they won. Yes we would like them we would erase the eyes Y though
come to the road,
how would they see? And if we wanted to, we would leave them paralyzed on the spot and they could
neither move forward nor go back ﴿ 1 . ﴾ EITHER are What darkness in a sea deep to the that cover waves
on the that there are others waves that a its time is it so covers by clouds. Darkness on darkness. When
pulls out the hands barely the go. Whom God No you gives light, No will have none light ﴿ 2 . -These verses
are for do return to the slave fugitive: you will recite the sura Yā'-Sīn until where He says ﴾ No could neither
move along neither back ﴿ , you will recite ﴾ EITHER are like darkness ﴿ , until the final of the ayah Y also
will you say three times ﴾ The have can for do it return. The Day in that the secrets stay to the discovered,
No will have strength neither no one that it help ﴿ 3 , that its confusion be that of the caged bird and p. 401

﴾ To the that you we give a life long you we decreased in its Constitution. Nope you go a to
understand? ﴿ 4 . My God, I ask you, oh Allāh, for the glory of Your Prophet Mu¬ammad, God bless him
and save!, that you solve my need and that you grant me my request and my wish -being attended to on the
spot-. ﴾ we have not taught poetry neither it is own self of the; No it is otherwise a Memory Y a Recitation
clear ﴿ 5 . Praised Be the one who comforts the one who is grieved. Praised be He who relieves the one who
is locked up. Praised be He Who gives prosperity to those who are in debt. Praised be He Who frees the
one who is imprisoned. Praised be He Who knows all that is hidden. Praised be He Who deposited the
treasures of His Sovereignty between the kāf and the nūn . Praised be He who ﴾ when he wants something
His order is nothing but to tell him: Be, and it is. Praised be He in Whose hands is the dominion of all
things and to Whom shall you return! ﴿ 6 . Praise be, praise be, ﴾ Praised and exalted be above what is
attributed to him ﴿ 7 . ﴾ Peace on the sent, Y the praise a God, Mister of the worlds ﴿ 8 .

﴾ In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Praises to God, Lord of the worlds. The
Gracious, the Merciful. King of Day of Judgment. A You we adore Y a You we ask help . Guide us by
the road right, the road of the that have you favored, No the of the that are reason of You anger nor the
of the missing ﴿ 9 . -Y will tell three times- oh King of Day of Judgment, ﴾ a You we adore Y a You we ask
for help ﴿ -and he will make his request being attended to on the spot, and will say seven times-, oh Guide
of the lost, there is no guide but You, ﴾ guide us on the straight path, the path of those you have favored
﴿ . My God, put me among those whom you have favored and made possessors of the secrets of Your
Names. Oh Lord of the worlds, oh Clemente – three times, and he will make his request being attended to
on the spot. ﴾ Nope the
of those who are the cause of Your wrath nor of those who are lost ﴿ . Oh Manifesto -seven times-. My
God, put a

Cor . xxxvi:64-66.
Cor . xxiv:39.
Cor . lxxxvi:8-10.

Cor . xxxvi: 67.
Cor . xxxvi: 68.
Cor . xxxvi: 81-82.
Cor . saw:101.
Cor . xxxvii:181-182.
Cor . i:1-7.

my disposition [the world of] Sovereignty and Kingdom, there is no god but You, oh Lord of Majesty and
Generosity, oh Living, oh Subsistent, I ask You for help, oh Helper, help me - forty times, and it will your
request, being attended on the spot; and he will say thirty-seven times- Oh Who answers, oh Who answers,
oh Who answers... answer my prayer and solve my need, by Your Mercy, oh the most Merciful of the
merciful. I ask you by Your sublime Supreme Name and Your honored and revered Prophet, our lord
Muammad, God bless him and save!, that you do with me what you are Worthy of, and do not do with me
what I am deserving of. Truly You are the Worthy to be feared Y the Worthy for forgive. -Y will tell- ﴾ For
warn to the that East live Y for that I know make reality the word dictated against the disbelievers. It is
that No come that we have created for they, What part of it that our hands they have done, animals of herd
on the that have domain? I know the we have subordinate and they ride on them and eat from them. And
in them you have utilities and drink. Won't you thank? ﴿ 1 . -Is
Ayah is for the mount, the pack animal or any livestock animal, when it does not allow itself to be dominated
by you, and you will say [in addition to it]: “In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Merciful. ﴾ Praise be
to Him who subordinated this to us, as we would not have been able to do so ﴿ 2 . ﴾ If we wanted to, we
would descend on they a sign of darling Y their necks I know they would stay in view of the humiliated
﴿ 3 . ﴾ And by the way, you have an example in herd animals. We give you drink of what is in their
bellies, Come in chyme Y blood: a milk pure, easy of ingest for who the baby ﴿ 4 . ﴾ Y a tree that grows in
the mountain sinai that produces fat Y dressing for enjoyment of the that it eat ﴿ 5 . ﴾ God tea enough against
they, The it is the Listener, the Omniscient ﴿ 6 -.

-Y will tell- ﴾ They have taken, besides of God, gods for that the help. But No they can help them,
ven though they are an army at their disposal. But don't be saddened by what they say, we really know what
they keep secret and what they declare ﴿ 7 . Lord, I ask you for Your Name with which you inaugurated the
world of Creation and that of the Mandate through the theophany of Truth, symbol
manifested from the links with the divinity of the descended Revelation, and exalted in authority, being and
hidden essence, being that perceived by those to whom you give certainty, known by those to whom you
make witnesses, and unknown by those whom you desire through those signs that they are ambiguous, a
large number that does not detract from the value of only one of the unequivocal signs that you consolidated
. O Knower, O Wise, O Victorious, O Allah, O Lord. I ask you, my God, for the mystery of the attribution
that links the existence of the necessary and the possible, necessary for the manifestation of the Supreme
Trait in the unintelligible Name, to reaffirm to the divine subjects in general and in particular a and again,
by virtue of the breadth of the general in Acts of Clemency which does not have
final; firmly and solidly by the abundance of the particular that resides in the Acts of Mercy that elevate the
soul; and for the vision of the confirmation of the Approach through the Nearness of Essence

Cor . xxxvi: 69-72.
Cor . xliii:12.
Cor . xxvi:3.
Cor . xvi:66.
Cor . xxiii:20.
Cor . ii:136.
Cor . xxxvi:73-75.

Cf. Cor . iii:7. “ He it is Who he has done descend on You the Book, in the that there are signs (ayah)
unequivocal What are they the mother of Book Y others ambiguous. The that have a deviation in the heart follow it
ambiguous... ”

unknown from Ti 1 . O Gracious, O Merciful, O Victorious, O Omniscient, I ask you for enlightenment,
prosperity, support, distinction, perfection, the attainment of livelihoods, the blessing in them, trust and the p. 402
good concept of You, and the resignation to someone other than You. In the Name of God, the Gracious,
the Merciful. Creation of Your Mandate, execution of Your Generosity, Blessing from You, blessed be
Your Name and exalted be Your Generosity! There is no god but You, we believe in You, we submit to
You and trust in You. Realize us, my God, with Your Light, the light of Your community and remove from
our sight everything that is not You, remaining absorbed in You, oh Allāh, witnesses of You, oh Gracious,
oh Merciful.
Whoever has any need, may he persevere in the continuous recitation of this blessed prayer, a

because his problem will really be solved, God willing, exalted be he! Whoever wants that, let him pray
two rak'at , reciting in the first the Fatia, the sura of help 2 , after they will recite the sura Yā'-Sīn Y will
conclude with is blessed invocation, Y will ask by it that need being attended in the act, Yes God
exalted be he!
Y will tell: ﴾ It is that No go the men that it we have created of a drop of sperm? Y without
embargo is a pure argumentative ” 3 . Praised be Who comforts a who this distressed. Praised be Who
relieves who is locked up. Praised be He Who gives prosperity to those who are in debt. Praised be He Who
knows all that is hidden. Praised be He Who holds the treasures of His Sovereignty among the kaf Y the
nūn . Praised be That that ﴾ when wants something Their order No it is otherwise tell him: HE, Y it is.
Praised be That in Whose hands this the domain of all the stuff Y a Who you will have of to return! ﴿ 4 . Praise
be, praise be, ﴾ Praise and exalt be above what is attributed to him ﴿ 5 . ﴾ Peace over the sent, Y the praise
a God, Mister of the worlds ﴿ 6 .

﴾ In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Praises to God, Lord of the worlds. The
Gracious, the Merciful. King of Day of Judgment. A You we adore Y a You we ask help . Guide us by
the road right, the road of the that have you favored, No the of the that are reason of You anger nor the
of the missing ﴿ . -Y will tell three times- oh King of Day of Judgment, ﴾ a You we adore Y a You we ask
for help ﴿ -and he will make his request being attended to on the spot, and will say seven times-, oh Guide
of the lost, there is no guide but You, ﴾ guide us on the straight path, the path of those you have favored
﴿ . My God, put me among those whom you have favored and made possessors of the secrets of Your
Names. Oh Lord, oh Clemente - three times, and he will make his request being attended to on the spot -. ﴾
Not the one of those who are reason of You gonna neither the of the missing ﴿ . oh I manifest, oh Manifest,
oh Manifest, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto. My God, make available to me [the
world of] Sovereignty and the Kingdom, oh there is no god but You, oh Lord of Majesty and Generosity,
oh Living, oh Subsistent, I ask You for help, oh Who helps those who implore help, oh Helper, help me -
forty times, Y will its petition, being attended in the act; Y will tell thirty Y seven times- oh Who

Uncertain translation.
Cor . cx.
Cor . xxxvi:76.
Cor . xxxvi: 81-82.
Cor . saw:101.
Cor . xxxvii:181-182.

respond, answer my prayer and solve my need, oh the most Clement of the merciful - four times; and will
say- I ask you by Your sublime Supreme Name and Your honored and revered Prophet, our lord Muammad,
God bless him and save!, that you do with me what you are Worthy of, and do not do with me what I am
deserving of. Truly You are the Worthy to be feared and the Worthy to forgive - and you will make your
request being heard immediately; and will say- ﴾ He gives us an example forgetting that the same he has
been created Y He says: Who give to life a the bones when Already be gnawed? Gave: Give them life Who
the originated by first time, that it is Who known a all creature. The that you gives fire of timber green of
tree, making that with she ignite Perhaps Who I think the Heavens Y the Earth No I was going To be
Capable of to create something What you? Of course that Yes, The it is the Creator, the Knowledgest ﴿ 1 .
God Own, lighten the weight of our burdens, grant us the sustenance of the virtuous, deliver us and drive
away from us the diabolical suggestions of night and day, deliver us and deliver our fathers and mothers
from the captivity of the flames, by Your Mercy, O Mighty One, oh Forgiving, oh Generous, oh Pardoner
-and he will make his request, being heard on the spot, and he will say- ﴾ Really when he wants something
His order is nothing but to tell him: Be, and it is. Praise be to Him in Whose hands is dominion of all
things and to Whom you will have of to return! ﴿ 2 . Praised be, praised be, praised be, ﴾ Praised Y exalted
be by over of the that you attribute ﴿ 3 . ﴾ Peace on the sent, Y the praise a God, Mister of the worlds ﴿ 4 .

﴾ In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Praises to God, Lord of the worlds. The p. 403
Gracious, the Merciful. King of Day of Judgment. A You we adore Y a You we ask help . Guide us by
the road right, the road of the that have you favored, No the of the that are reason of You anger nor the
of the missing ﴿ . -Y will tell three times- oh King of Day of Judgment, ﴾ a You we adore Y a You we ask
for help ﴿ -and he will make his request being attended to on the spot, and will say seven times-, oh Guide
of the lost, there is no guide but You, ﴾ guide us on the straight path, the path of those you have favored
﴿ . My God, put me among those whom you have favored and made possessors of the secrets of Your
Names. O Lord, O Clement, place me among those who fear their Lord in what is unseen, ﴾ announce a
pardon Y a generous reward ﴿ 5 . -After will its petition being attended in the act-. ﴾ Nope the of the that
are reason of You gonna neither the of the missing ﴿ . oh Manifest, oh Manifest, oh Manifest, oh Manifesto,
oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto, oh Manifesto. My God, make available to me [the world of] Sovereignty and
the Kingdom, oh there is no god but You, oh Lord of Majesty and Generosity, oh Living, oh Subsistent -
three times-. I ask You for help, my God, oh Helper, help me - forty times, and he will make his request,
being attended to on the spot; and he will say thirty-seven times- Oh Who Answers, answer my prayer,
solve my need and make me reach my goal. Oh the most Clement of the merciful -four times-. I ask you by
Your sublime Supreme Name and Your honored and revered Prophet, our lord Muammad, God bless him
and save!, that you do with me what you are Worthy of, and do not do with me what I am deserving of.
Truly You are the Worthy to be feared and the Worthy to forgive - and you will make your request being
attended immediately; and will say- God Own,

Cor . xxxvi:77-80.
Cor . xxxvi:81-82.
Cor . saw:101.
Cor . xxxvii:181-182.
Cor . xxxvi:10.

grant us the good of this world and delight ( al-na'īm ) in the Other, deliver us from the evil of this world
and the torments of the Other, make us turn to You in repentance before death, do not punish us after death
her and lighten our moments of agony. Oh, Who hears every voice, my God, preserve us from sickness far
from home, from incapacity in moments of adversity and from unhappiness in final moments. My God,
save us and save our religion, do not strip us of our faith at the moment of agony and do not test us at the
moment of our death. My God, make me be continually with Your Memory, supported by Your Truth,
hopeful for Your promise, fearful of Your threat and pleased at all times by You. Relieve my anguish, erase
my affliction, meet my need, O Whoever meets needs, hear my prayer, O Who hears prayers, for the truth
of this noble sura and this noble incantation. [And I ask you] to forgive me and all Muslims and Muslims
and all believers, those who are alive and those who are dead, truly You are Listener, Closer, Attentive to
prayers. By Your Mercy, oh the most Merciful of the merciful”.

Then he will be sure of the speed of God's response, exalted be he!, before you get up from the a
place where he was reciting. By God who has been tried by an innumerable multitude of people, and they
all said: We have prayed with the noble sura and the holy Name, -which is ﴾ Peace: Word of a
Compassionate Lord ﴿ 1 - reciting it for its full numerical value 818 times, and we had not gotten up from
the place when our needs had already been met. So I swear to God that it's been proven numerous times
that they didn't have any particularity, but it's all circumstances you want. Practice so that the Science of
Certainty is in you the Vision of Certainty 2 . And this is all that is important, along with sincere purpose
and purity in the worship of God, exalted and glorified be He, in performing the prayer. It is transmitted in
the noble ¬adī£ that God, exalted Y glorified be!, said: “ I am in the thought of Me servant when think In b
Myself. That think in my it that want ” .
And when God finishes solving his problem, he will recite all the praises to God that are found in
the sublime Qur'an 4 and give thanks to God, praise and exalt him!

And whoever wants to increase his livelihood, let him recite it seven times a day. If he perseveres
in it, God opens for him seventy doors of sustenance, and along with it he will recite the conquest sura
seven times, the Event sura 6 seven times, the sura ﴾ Have we not opened you? ﴿ 7 seven times and the sura
of Help seven times 8 , occurring that. God is the one who guides Right. p. 404

Cor . xxxvi:46-57.
In Sufi terminology, the Science of certainty ( 'ilm al-yaqīn ) is the certainty confirmed by intellectual arguments,
while the Vision of certainty ( 'ayn al-yaqīn ) is that certainty achieved through disclosure and visionary contemplation
(cf. N URBAKHSH , Symbolism , ii, p. 198).
A-mad, nº 15442, 16365; Al-Dārimī, no. 2615.
That is, all those verses in which it is said "Praise belongs to God" ( al-¬amdu li-llāh ), a phrase that appears
23 times in the Koranic text.
Cor . xlviii.
Cor . lvi.
Cor . xciv.
Cor . cx.

have you of to know, God us guide!, that in East point i will mention the exercise ascetic of ﴾
Peace: to
word of a Compassionate Lord ﴿ . You will begin with the help of God, praise and exalt be, a forty-day

fast beginning on a Sunday, when the first day of the month falls on a Sunday, reciting the Name 2 at the
end of each prayer four hundred and thirty-two times, and as you will only sleep a little at night. You will
find yourself in a proper spiritual retreat where you hear neither the barking of a dog nor the braying of a
donkey. Your food and drink will be based on sugar loaves ( qulūbat al-sukkar ) 3 and oil, and refrain from
taking anything that has the breath of life or comes from a living being. In the morning and in the afternoon
the incense will be [incense] such as aloe stick, nadd , civet and grains of benzoin incense. Your clothes
and your body will be clean, and every three days you will bathe 4 and perfume your clothes with a musky
perfume. And you will recite the incantation mentioned below after the dawn prayer once, after the morning
prayer once, and before sunset again. When twenty days have elapsed, one of the servant spirits will come
before you and say: “O son of Adam, stop reciting this Name and take as much money as is enough for
you”, trying to influence and dissuade you with words. Do not believe it Y
persevere in your recitation until completing the forty days, having very pleasant dreams every day. And
when the forty days are complete, a light will fill your room, and you will see writing on the walls of the
place and room in which you find yourself ﴾ Peace: word of a Compassionate Lord ﴿ . Then an angel
riding on an animal will enter and with him a large number of servants, and he will say to you: Peace be
with you. Stand up and wave back and say, “May God honor you, oh angel, as you honor me, and may God
love you as you love me right now. Oh angel, I want from you a sign by which I can make you appear ".
Then he will take the promise and impose the conditions that you do not lie or fall into sin. And when you
need something, you will get it even if it is in the extreme of Yemen, in the extreme of Iraq or in India;
either some money, being transported from one place to another faraway place, or whatever you need, will
be solved God willing,
exalted be he!

This sublime spell is the one that you will recite three times every day. You will say: [My God], there is
no in heaven b
rotations ( dawrāt ), nor oceans ( gamrāt ) on earth, nor populated mountains, nor drops in the seas, nor
movements in the clouds, nor glances in the eyes, nor thoughts in the souls that do not humble themselves
before You, that they are not witnesses of You, that they do not allude to You and that they are not subject
to Your Sovereignty. By Your submission of all things, make Your servants and Your angels available to
me, so that I can turn to them for whatever pleases You. You are the One Whom is called upon. There is
no power or strength except in God, the Most High, the Sublime. God bless and save our lord Muammad,
his family and companions!

Other of the virtues peculiar of the sura Yā'-Sīn it is that in she resides the Name Supreme of
God, with whom 'Isà, peace be upon him!, raised the dead thanks to God, exalted be he!, and the one who

Cor . xxxvi: 57.
That is, the verse.
And in the original it says al-qulūbāt wa-l-sukkar .
Or “you will do major ablutions”.
It is written in the heart of the sun. Whoever recites the noble sura, God raises him above what he wishes,
and if he conjured a dead man, he would rise alive by God's command, may he be exalted! and this is the
“My God, I ask you, O Allah, for the truth of the surah ﴾ Yā'-Sīn, By the wise Qur'an! ”. O Who p. 405
sends the Messengers, O Who guides whomever He wants along a straight path, Destroyer of transgressors,
Exterminator of the wicked, for all will appear before Him. Who gives life to the dead and writes the works
they accomplished and the traces they left , and ﴾ we collect everything in a register Sure ﴿ 1 . oh Who
gives life a the Earth dead Y does that in she sprout seeds of the that you eat oh Who put in she ﴾ gardens of
palms Y vines , Y we have done that were born springs. For that they could to eat of their fruits Y of worked
of their hands. It is that No go a to thank? ﴿ 2
. oh Creator of all the species: ﴾ the of the Earth, they
themselves Y others that No know ﴿ . oh Who does disappear the night Y the day, ﴾ Y remain a dark. Y

the sun, that runs towards a place of repose that have. That it is the decree of Powerful, the Wise ﴿ 4 . oh
Who permanent for the Moon nail mansions moles, ﴾ until that I know does as a branch of palm old woman.
Nope proceeds that the sun scope a the Moon, neither that the night I know ahead up to date. Each one
goes in an orbit ﴿ 5 . O Who embarked us in the swollen ship, ﴾ and we have created for them others
(ships) similar in the that embark. Y Yes we want can do that I know drown without that they have someone
to help them or be saved. Except for a mercy on Our part and to grant them a enjoyment by a weather
﴿ 6 . ﴾ Peace: word of a Mister Compassionate ﴿ . oh Who I think for us animals of livestock, ﴾ I know the
we have subordinate Y in they they ride Y of they eat ﴿ 7 , Y put in they for us ﴾ utilities Y beverage, No
will you thank? ﴿ 8 . oh Who I think to the men of a drop of sperm, and yet he is a pure argumentative ﴿ 9
. Oh Who gives life to the bones when they are already eaten away, oh Who ﴾ created for the first time,
who is the One Who knows each creature ﴿ 10
. O Who arranged for us ﴾ fire of the green wood of the
tree, causing you to kindle with it ﴿ 11
. oh who I think the Heavens Y the Earth, oh Creator, oh Wise, oh
That that ﴾ when wants something Their order No it is but tell him: HE, Y it is ﴿ 12 . oh purest, oh most
holy, oh ﴾ That in Whose hand this the domain of all things and to Whom shall you return ﴿ 13 . Forgive
me, take pity on me and do not punish me, oh most Merciful of merciful.

Whoever wants the blessing of this prayer will stand in front of the qibla at the beginning of the
new moon, then wash their clothes and body and perfume themselves if possible. After he fasts on Friday a
and Saturday, days in which he will not have obscene thoughts, he will not eat animal meat or anything

Cor . xxxvi:11.
Cor . xxxvi:33-34.
Cor . xxxvi:35.
Cor . xxxvi:36-37.
Cor . xxxvi:38-39.
Cor . xxxvi:40-43.
Cor . xxxvi:71.
Cor . xxxvi:72.
Cor . xxxvi:76.
Cor . xxxvi:78.
Cor . xxxvi:79.
Cor . xxxvi:81.
Cor . xxxvi:82.

that comes from a living being, and will only sit in a state of ritual purity ( wuÅū' ). Then he will extend
his hands and invoke with it Sunday with the sunrise three times, and will make his request to God, who
will grant him, if He wants, exalted be he! And he will make the invocation again at sunset, because God
will really attend to him, if He wants, exalted be He!

Another prayer from sura Yā'-Sīn with which some virtuous people prayed for all their important b
affairs and were attended to on the spot is this: you will recite sura Yā'-Sīn as far as it says ﴾ and they will
not be able to move ” 1 . Then he will say: "My God, O He Whose light resides in His Mystery and His
Mystery resides in His Creation, hide me from the eyes of the beholders and the hearts of the envious."
Afterwards you will continue reciting the surah until where it says ﴾ among those He has honored ﴿ 2 .
Then you will say: "My God, honor me in Your complacency and solve my need" and you will name it.
Then you will continue to where it says
﴾ That is the Decree of the Mighty, the Wise ﴿ 3 . You will repeat the ayah fourteen times and you will say:
"My God, I ask you for Your wide and immense favor that which I can do without the rest of Your creatures"
fourteen times. After you will continue reciting until where He says ﴾ Peace: word of a Mister
Compassionate ﴿ 4 , you will repeat the ayah fourteen times and after that you will say: "My God, save me
from the discord of this world and its misfortunes” four times. After you will continue the recitation until
where He says ﴾ Perhaps Who I think the heavens and the earth would not be able to create something
like you? Hell yeah, He is the Creator, the Knower ﴿ 5 . Y you will say: "Oh Capable, make for my such
Y such stuff", it you will repeat four times Y a the fifth
you will recite to the end of surah.

p. 406

You must know, God help us to obey Him and understand the secrets of His Names!, that I will
mention to you an invocation with the noble and revered sura Yā'-Sīn according to the seven days of the
week , the seven t angel he is _ _ ( m u l ū k ) s up er i o r es and i n fer i o r s , he to nobleman _ _ Fāti¬a 6
_ _ _ _ Y he or s yes you _ _ t a hā Ð īl _ 7 . I have c o m p u e s t for _ every day a recitation ( wird ) 8 , so
be aware of its value and hide it from the eyes of those who are not worthy of it.


You will say: “In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. My God, oh Who makes the Nile
flow, oh Who subdued the elephant, oh Who split the sea for the prophet of Israel. Make available to me
what I want, really You do what you want. Oh my God, oh my Lord, my help depends on You. My God,
in You I place my trust, oh Helper, oh Helper. ﴾ we already adore you You

Cor . xxxvi:7.
Cor . xxxvi:26.
Cor . xxxvi:37.
Cor . xxxvi:57.
Cor . xxxvi:80.
Composed of seven verses.

With this name he designates a series of spiritual beings in whose names the letters THÆL predominate.
The term designates a part or section of the Qur'an, which is usually the seventh part or half of the seventh part.
In this case the wird divides the sura Yā'-Sīn into seven parts for each day of the week.

we ask for help ﴿ 1 , help me in every situation with the strength of Your Omnipotence, O Gracious, O
Merciful, by the TRUE of the sura ﴾ Yā'-Sīn, By the Koran wise! that your are one of the sent in a road
right. Revelation that he has done descend the Powerful, the Compassionate, for that warn to one people
whose fathers No were warned Y is it so careless I know he has done reality the word dictated against the
most Y they No believe. Certain that them we will put in the neck rings that them they will arrive until chin
Y No will be able move . We have Market Stall a barrier by in front of of they Y other by behind Y them we
have watched, No they can watch. It is Same for they that them warn either that No them warn, No they will
believe. Single admits the caveat who follow the Memory Y fear to the Merciful though No It see.
advertise sorry and one generous reward . In TRUE Us we give the life a the dead Y we wrote the plays
that they advanced Y the footprints that They left. Each stuff the we collect in a Registration Sure ﴿ 2 .
Me you incantation, oh set of beings spiritual, by the Power of God Y Their Delivery courier, by the b
Light of the face of God, by the truth of His most beautiful Names and by the truth of ﴾ Praise belongs to
God, Lord of the Worlds ﴿ 3 . Oh Living, oh Subsistent, oh Sufficient, oh Healer, oh Guide, oh Subtle, oh

Answer, O Rūqiyā'īl, and you, O Mu²hib, attentive and obedient, for the truth of ﴾ praise belongs
a God, Mister of the worlds ﴿ , by the law of Living, the Subsisting, Y by the law of the king whose authority
predominates over you, Abjad, and by the right of LLÆHÆYL. ﴾ And say: the truth has come and
falsehood has vanished, it is true that falsehood vanishes ﴿ 4 . I conjure you, O KGÆÀ Ryā'īl, to submit
to me the angel Rūqiyā'īl and the king Mu²hib, by the right of the sanctity of your mister K©FÀ ÆF©YŪŠ.

Praise be to the One who relieves all who are in debt, praise be to the One who frees a all c
he who is imprisoned, praised be He Who consoles all who are in sorrow, praised be He who causes water
to flow in the seas and springs, praised be He who deposited by His Omnipotence their treasures Come in
the kaf Y the nūn . Praised be That that ﴾ when wants something Their order not it is otherwise tell him:
HE, Y it is. Praised be That in Whose hands this the domain of all the stuff Y To whom will you return?
﴿ 5 . My God, let love for me reach the heart of Rūqiyā'īl and the of
king Mu²hib. Submit his heart to me in the same way that you submitted the sea for Mūsà b. 'Imrān, in the
same way that you subdued the fire to Ibrāhīm al-Jalīl, peace be upon him!, in the same way that you
subdued the mountains and iron to Dāwūd, peace be upon him!, in the same way the way you subdued the
winds and the jinn to Sulayman b. Dāwūd, peace be upon him!, and in the same way that you subdued the
sun, the Moon, the stars Y all the stuff a our prophet Muammad, God you bless Y Hail! submit a me the
heart of the angel Rūqiyā'īl and that of the king Mu²hib, so that he comes before me submissive and
obedient, without sleeping or resting or having a single moment of rest for him until he comes before me
and solves my need. By the truth of Your sublime Supreme Name and by the truth of Your most beautiful
Names, oh

Cor . i:4.
Cor . xxxvi:1-11.
Cor . i:1.
Cor . xvii:81.
Cor . xxxvi:81-82.

Allah, oh Presto, oh Close, oh Who extends, oh Lover, oh Lord of the glorious Throne, oh Initiator, oh
Recreator of life, oh Maker of what he wants. I ask you for the Light of Your sublime face that floods the
pillars of Your Throne, for Your Omnipotence with which You decreed all Your creation, and for Your
Mercy that You extend to all things. O Helper, succor me, O Most Merciful of the Merciful, by Your Mercy,
O Most Merciful of the Merciful, make love for me reach the heart of the angel Rūqiyā'īl and King Mu²hib.
﴾ Love reached his heart ﴿ 1 , ﴾ They love how you love a God; but the love by God of the that believe it is
plus strong ﴿ 2 , ﴾ Them will love Y will be loved by they
﴿ 3 , ﴾ But no!, do not obey him, prostrate yourself and look for proximity ﴿ 4 .


You will say: ﴾ call them the attention with the example of the population of the city, when they
arrived the envoys . When we sent two and they were denied; and then we reinforced them with a third
party and they said: We have been sent a you. They said: Nope you are otherwise beings humans What us
Y the not merciful he has done descend any, single you are lying. They said: Our Mister knows right
that we have been sent to you, but it is not up to us but to get the message across clearly ﴿ 5 . ﴾ The
Clement, the Merciful ﴿ 6 , oh Gracious, oh Merciful, oh Allah, oh Pious, oh Comprehensive, O Majestic, O
Almighty, O Generous, O Who designates.

Answer, O Jabrā'īl, and you, O Mirrah, attentive and obedient, for the truth of ﴾ the Gracious, the
Merciful ﴿ , by the truth of the Lord, the Pious, the Understanding, and by the right of the king whose
authority predominates over you, Hawza¬, and by the right of MHÆHÆYL. ﴾ We will go to the actions
they have done and turn them into scattered dust ﴿ 7 . I conjure you, oh MHQQ'ŶĀ'ĪL, so that you subdue
to me the heart of Ŷabrā'īl and Mirrah.

Praised be He who relieves all who are in debt, praised be He who frees all who are imprisoned, a
praised be He who comforts all who are in grief, praised be He who makes water flow in seas and springs
praised be He who deposited through His Omnipotence their treasures Come in the kaf Y the nūn . Praised
be That that ﴾ when wants something Their order not it is otherwise tell him: HE, Y it is. Praised be That
in Whose hands this the domain of all the stuff Y whom you will have of to return! ﴿ 8 . God Own, make
that the love by my I arrived to the heart of jabra'il Y of Murra. Submit his heart to me in the same way that
you submitted the sea for Mūsà b. 'Imrān, in the same way that you submitted the fire a Ibrahim, the
peace be with the!, of the same way that you submitted the

Cor . xii:30.
Cor . ii:164.
Cor . v:56.
Cor . xcvi:20.
Cor . xxxvi:12-16.
Cor . i:2.
Cor . xxv:23.
Cor . xxxvi:81-82.

mountains and iron to Dāwūd, peace be upon him!, in the same way that you subdued the winds, men, jinn
and demons to Sulayman b. Dāwūd, peace be upon him!, and in the same way that you subjugated the sun,
the moon, the stars and all things to our lord and prophet Mu¬ammad, God bless and save him! Submit to
me the heart of the angel Jabrā'īl, upon him be peace! Come before me and solve my need. By the truth of
Your sublime Supreme Name and by Your most beautiful Names, oh Allah, oh Quick, oh Close, oh
Extender, oh Lover, oh Lord of the glorious Throne, oh Initiator, oh Recreator of life, oh Maker of what
wants. I ask you for the Light of Your sublime face that floods the pillars of Your Throne, for Your
Omnipotence with which You decreed all Your creation, and for Your Mercy that You extend to all things.
Oh Helper, help me and help me solve my need and carry out my work at this moment. Solve my need, oh
Allah, oh Who helps those who ask for help. By Your Mercy, O Most Gracious of the Merciful, make love
for me reach the heart of the angel Ŷabrā'īl and King Mirrah. ﴾ love came a its heart Y the we see clearly
loss ﴿ 1 , ﴾ love What I know loves a God; but the love by God of the that believe it is plus strong ﴿ 2 , “ ﴾
Them will love Y will be loved by they ﴿ 3 , ﴾ But No!, No you obey, bow down Y search proximity ﴿ 4 .


You will say: ﴾ They said: We really have a bad omen of you, and if you do not desist, we will
stone you. Y you will receive of our part a painful punishment. They said: Be for you your omen.
It is that No you go a reconsider? But No, you are people that I know exceeds. Y since the extreme of the
city came a man in a hurry that said: People mine! follow a the sent! follow a who No you they ask any
In return Y is it so guided! How could No to adore a Who I I think Y a Who have you of return? are you
going to drink, besides of The, gods, whose intercession No I it would be worth of any Yes the Merciful I
would like cause me some damage Y that either could save me? Yes it did, It would clearly lost ﴿ 5 . oh ﴾
King of Day of Judgment ﴿ 6 , oh Who upsets the hearts Y the looks 7 .

Respond, O Mīkā'īl, and you, O ABĀ M©WZ, attentive and obedient, by the right of the One Who
turns hearts and eyes, and by the right of the angel whose authority predominates over you, ÆYKL, Y by
the law of FHÆHYÆL. ﴾ When the promise of me Mister I arrived, the will reduce a dust; the promise of
me Mister it is true ﴿ 8 . Me tea incantation, sbg FQKRĀ'ĪL, submit a me Will the heart of Angel Mīkā'īl Y
ABA M©WZ al-Amar, by the law Y the holiness of KÆK©YŪŠ.

Cor . xii:30.
Cor . ii:164.
Cor . v:56.
Cor . xcvi:20.
Cor . xxxvi:17-23.
Cor . i:3.
Cor . xxiv:36.
Cor . xviii:94.

Praised be He who relieves all who are in debt, praised be He who frees all who are imprisoned, p. 408

praised be He who comforts all who are in grief, praised be He who makes water flow in seas and springs
praised be He who deposited the treasures of Their Sovereignty Come in the kaf Y the nūn . Praised be That
that ﴾ when wants something Their order No it is but tell him: HE, Y it is. Praised be That in Whose
hands this the domain of all the stuff Y a Who will you return? ﴿ . My God, make love for me reach the
heart of Mīkā'īl and ABĀ M©WZ. Submit his heart to me in the same way that you submitted the sea for
Mūsà b. 'Imrān, peace and blessings be upon him! My God, make love for me reach the hearts of Mīkā'īl
and ABĀ M©WZ and submit their hearts to my will in the same way that you subjected the fire to Ibrāhīm,
peace be upon him!, in the same way just as you subjected the mountains and iron to Dāwūd, peace be upon
him!, and in the same way as you subjected the sun, the moon, the stars and all things to our prophet
God bless and save you! Submit to my will the heart of Mīkā'īl and ABĀ M©WZ, so that he comes before
me submissive and obedient, without him sleeping or resting or having a single moment of rest for him
until he comes before me and solves my need in this moment. By the truth of Your sublime Supreme Name
and by the truth of Your most beautiful Names, oh Presto, oh Close, oh Who extends, oh Lover, oh Lord of
the glorious Throne, oh Who does what he wishes. I ask you for the Light of Your sublime face that floods
the pillars of Your Throne, for Your Omnipotence with which You decreed all Your creation, and for Your
Mercy that You extend to all things. Oh Helper, help me and help me solve my problem right now. Oh He,
oh Who helps those who ask for help, help me and help me, oh Allah, by Your Mercy, oh Most Gracious
of the merciful. My God, make love for me reach the heart of Mīkā'īl and King al-A¬mar. ﴾ Love reached
his heart ﴿ , ﴾ They love as God is loved; but the love for God of those who believe is stronger ﴿ , ﴾ He
will love them and be loved by them ﴿ ,
﴾ But no!, do not obey him, prostrate yourself and look for proximity ﴿ .


You will say: ﴾ I truly believe in your Lord, listen to me then. It was said: Enter the Garden!
Said: Poor of me people! Yes they knew that me Mister I he has forgiven Y I he has Market Stall Come in
the that The has honored And we have not commanded against them, after him, any army come down
from heaven, nor have we commanded never. Coarse with a single scream Y were annihilated. What grief
of serfs! Nope there was messenger who them reach of that No I know they will mock It is that No come
how many generations, that Already No they will return, we have destroyed before that they? All there
will be of appear in view of Us. Have a sign in the Earth dead a which we revive Y we make that in she
sprout seeds of the that you eat In she we have Market Stall gardens of palms Y vines, Y we have done
that were born springs. For that could to eat of their fruits and of the worked of their hands. It is that No
go a to thank? Glory a That that I think all the species!, the of the earth, themselves and others they do not
know. And they have a sign in the night, when we make disappear the light of day Y remain a dark. Y the
sun, that runs towards a place of repose that have. That is the decree of Powerful, the Wise. Y a the Moon
you we have fixed nail mansions, until that I know does like a branch of palm old woman. Nope proceeds
that the sun scope a the Moon, neither that the night I know ahead to the day.

Each a goes in a orbit. Y there are a sign for they in What we embark a their parents in the swollen ship.
And We have created for them, other similar (ships) in which they embark. And if we want we can
make them drown without anyone to help them or be saved. Except for a mercy of Our part Y for grant
them a enjoyment by a weather. Y when I know them He says: fear it that there are after you Y it that he
has of to come, for that So I know you can to have mercy. Nope there are no sign of the signs of your
Mister that them I arrived, of that No I know move away Y when I know them He says: spend of the
provision that God you he has given, the that I know deny a believe they say a the believers: It is that we go
a feed us a who God, Yes I would like, would feed? Single you are in a Sure loss ﴿ 1 . ﴾ A You we adore Y
to you we ask aid ﴿ 2 , oh Presto, oh Near, oh Who attends the prayers. b

Answer, oh Samsamā'īl, and you oh Burqān, attentive and obedient for the truth of ﴾ We adore
You and We ask for help ﴿ . O Allah, by the right of the Presto, the Near, the Adored, the Solicited; and by
the right of the king whose authority predominates over you, MNS', and by the right of FHÆHÆYL. ﴾ Said
Muse: it that have you brought it is Magic Y God it will vanish, God No places right on the action of the that
they corrupt. Y God confirm the TRUE with Their words though them disgust a the who do evil ﴿ 3
conjure you, oh SYD' TTRYL, submit to my will the heart of Samsamā'īl and of p. 409
Burqān, by the truth of Your lord ŠŶ' M©YŪŠ.

Praised be He who relieves all who are in debt, praised be He who frees all who are imprisoned, a
praised be He who comforts all who are in grief, praised be He who makes water flow in seas and springs
, praised be He who deposited the treasures of His Sovereignty by His decree between the kāf and the nūn
. Praised be He who ﴾ when you want something Their order No it is otherwise tell him: HE, Y it is. Praised
be That in Whose hands this the domain of all the stuff Y a Who you will have of to return! ﴿ . God Own,
make that the love by my I arrived to the heart of Samsamā'īl and Burqān. Submit his heart to my will in
the same way you subdued the sea for Mūsà b. 'Imrān, in the same way that you subdued fire to Ibrāhīm al-
Jalīl, peace be upon him!, in the same way that you subdued Dāwūd with iron, peace be upon him!, in the
same way that you subdued the winds, men, jinn and demons to Sulayman b. Dāwūd, peace be upon him!,
and in the same way that you subdued the sun, the moon, the stars and all things to our lord and prophet
God bless and save you! Submit to my will the heart of Samsamā'īl and Burqān, so that they come before
me submissive and obedient, without him sleeping or resting or having a single moment of rest for him
until he comes before me and solves my need at this moment. . Oh Nearby, oh Who attends, oh Presto, oh
Who extends, oh Lover, oh Lord of the glorious Throne, oh Initiator, oh Recreator of life, oh Who does
what he wishes. I ask you for the Light of Your sublime face that floods the pillars of Your Throne, for
Your noble Name, for Your Omnipotence with which You decreed all Your creation, and for Your Mercy
that You extend to all things. Oh Helper, help me and help me solve my problem right now. Oh Who helps
those who ask for help, help me and help me, oh Allah, by Your Mercy, oh the Most Gracious of the
merciful. My God, make love for me arrive

Cor . xxxvi:24-46.
Cor . i:4.
Cor . x:81-82.

to the heart of Samsamā'īl and Burqān. ﴾ Love reached her heart and we see her clearly lost ﴿ 1 ,
﴾ Though you would have spent all how much there are in the Earth No you would have got link their
hearts, they are however God the joined. The it is truly Powerful, Wise ﴿ 2 . ﴾ love What I know loves a
God; but love by God of the that believe it is plus strong ﴿ , ﴾ Them will love Y will be loved by they ”, ﴾
But No!, No you obey him, prostrate yourself Y search proximity ﴿ .


You will say: ﴾ Y they say: When I know will fulfill is promise Yes it is TRUE it that you say?
Nope are waiting but a unique scream that the will surprise while they argue. Y No will be able do will
neither return a its family. I know will blow in the horn, Y then they will come out quickly of the graves,
coming a its Mister. They will say:
Woe to us! Who has raised us from our beds? This is what the Merciful had promised, the sent they
were saying the TRUE. Nope there will be plus that a only scream Y everybody will appear ante Nos. That
day no one will be treated unfairly in anything. You will only be paid for what you did. Truly the
companions of Yard they will be, that day, engrossed in it that them occupy, delighting. They Y their wives
they will be a the shade Y their beds reclining In the will have fruit Y all it that ask. Peace: Word of a
Mister Compassionate. But the that you did the wrong stay away today. Perhaps No I did a pact with or
with you , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sons _ _ _ _ d e Adam , _ _ _ d e what _ no _ a do r a r a i s to him Š a and Ð ā n ?
Really _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the it is u n e n e m i g o declared _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for you _ _ _ ﴿ 3 . Me tea I beg, oh
Almighty, oh Capable, oh Subtle, oh Okay, oh Creator, oh Guide.

Answer, O Isrāfīl, and you, O Šamhūraš, answer attentive and obedient for the right of this noble
sura, for the right of these Names, ﴾ Guide us on the straight path ﴿ 4 , and by the right of LHÆÆYL. ﴾ It
is a Book without Same, to the that No you it affects the falsehood by no side. Y it is a Revelation whose
descent proceeds from one who is Wise, and in Himself Praised ﴿ 5 ﴾ I conjure you LĀWLĀD NHYĀ'ĪL,
submit to my will the heart of Isrāfīl and Šamhūraš, by the right of this noble surah and by the right of your
lord, LĀ'RFĀLYŪŠ. p. 410

Praised be He who relieves all who are in debt, praised be He who frees all who are imprisoned,
praised be He who comforts all who are in grief, praised be He who makes water flow in seas and springs
, praised be He Who created His treasures by His decree between the kāf and the nūn . Praised be He who
﴾ when he wants something his command is nothing but tell him: HE, Y it is. Praised be That in Whose
hands this the domain of all the stuff Y a who will you have of to return! ﴿ . God Own, make that the love
by my I arrived to the heart of Isrāfīl Y Šamhūraš. Submit his heart to my will in the same way you submitted
the sea to Mūsà b. 'Imrān, in the same way that you submitted the fire a Ibrāhīm al-Jalil, the peace be
with the!, of the same way that you submitted the

Cor . xii:30.
Cor . viii:64.

Cor . xxxvi:46-59.
Cor . i:5.
Cor . xli:40-41.

mountains and iron to Dāwūd, peace be upon him!, in the same way that you subdued the winds, men, jinn
and demons to Sulayman, peace be upon him!, and in the same way that you subdued [the sun], the moon,
the stars and all things to our lord and prophet Mu¬ammad, God bless and save him! Submit to my will the
heart of Isrāfīl and Šamhūraš, so that they come before me submissive and obedient and solve my need,
and I cannot sleep, rest, sit or rest for a single moment until they have come before me and have solved all
my problems right now. By the truth of Your sublime Supreme Name and by the truth of Your most
beautiful Names. O Allah, O Presto, O Close, O Extender, O Lover, O Lord of the glorious Throne, O Who
does what He wishes. I ask you for the Light of Your Name and Your face that floods the pillars of Your
Throne, for Your Omnipotence with which You decreed all Your creation, and for Your Mercy that You
extend to all things. Oh Helper, help me and help me solve my problem right now. O Who helps those who
ask for help, help me and help me, O Allah, O Merciful, O Merciful, by Your Mercy, O Most Merciful of
the Merciful. My God, let love for me reach the hearts of Isrāfīl and Šamhūraš. ﴾ The love I arrive a its
heart Y the we see clearly lost ”, “ love What I know loves a God; but the love by God of the that believe
it is plus strong ”, “ Them will love Y will be loved by they ”, “ But! No!, not him obey, prostrate yourself Y
search proximity ﴿ .


You will say: ﴾ And that you adore me. This is a straight path. He has misled many communities
of you. Nope you go a to understand? This it is jahannam, the that I know you there was fiance. come in
today in the by have you denied a believe. Today them we will seal the mouth Y will be their hands the that
us talk and they will be their feet the that give testimony of it that I know they won. Yes we would like
them we would erase the eyes and although come to the road, What were going a watch? Y Yes we would
like the we would leave paralyzed in the place and no could neither move along neither back. To the that
you we give a life long you we decreased in its Constitution.
Won't you understand? We have not taught him poetry nor is it typical of him; it is but a Recollection
and a clear Recitation ﴿ 1 . ﴾ Path of those whom you have favored ﴿ 2 . O Wise, O All-Knowing, O
Knower of hidden things, O Light, O Most High, O Subtle, O Guide.

Answer, oh 'Azrā'īl, and you, oh AbyaÅ, answer attentive and submissive for the right of “ Way
of those a the that have you favoured ”, by the law of Wise, the Omniscient, by the law of angel whose
authority prevails over you, and by the right of ŶHLÆÆYL. ﴾ The good word rises up to Him and the
right action elevates it ﴿ 3 . I conjure you, oh KŶ'LÆĀ'ĪL, so that you submit your heart to my will of
'Azrā'īl Y of king al-AbyaÅ, by the law Y the holiness of your mister ŠKMHŪRŠ.

Praise be to the One who relieves all who are in debt, praise be to the One who frees a all b
He who is in prison, praise be to Him Who comforts everyone who is in sorrow, praise
Cor . xxxvi:60-68.
Cor . i:6.
Cor . xxxv:10.

be He Who causes water to flow in the seas and in the springs, praised be He Who deposited the treasures
of His Sovereignty by His decree between the kāf and the nūn . Praised be He who ﴾ when you want
something Their order No it is otherwise tell him: HE, Y it is. Praised be That in Whose hands this the
domain of all the stuff Y a Who you will have of to return! ﴿ . God Own, make that the love by my I arrived
to the heart of 'Azrā'īl and King al-AbyaÅ. Submit his heart to my will in the same way you submitted the
sea to Mūsà b. 'Imrān, in the same way that you subdued the fire to Ibrāhīm al-Jalīl, peace be upon him!, in
the same way that you subdued the mountains and iron to Dāwūd, peace be upon him!, in the same way
Just as you subjected the winds, men, jinn and demons to Sulayman, peace be upon him!, and in the same
way you subjected the sun, moon, stars and all things to our lord and prophet Mu ¬ammad, God bless and
save you! Submit to my will the heart of 'Azrā'īl and al-AbyaÅ, so that they come before me submissive
p. 411
and obedient and solve my need. By the truth of Your sublime Supreme Name and by the truth of Your
most beautiful Names. Oh Allāh, oh Quick, oh Close, oh Who extends, oh Lover, oh Lord of the glorious
Throne, oh Who does what he wishes, oh Initiator, oh Recreator of life. I ask you for the Light of Your
noble Name and Your sublime face that floods the pillars of Your Throne, for Your Omnipotence with
which You decreed all Your creation, and for Your Mercy that You extend to all things. Oh Helper, help
me and help me solve my problem right now. Oh Who helps those who ask for help, help me and help me,
oh Allah, by Your Mercy, oh the Most Gracious of the merciful. My God, make love for me reach the heart
of 'Azrā'īl Y of al-AbyaÅ. ﴾ The love I arrive a its heart ﴿ , ﴾ love What I know loves a God; but love by
God of the that believe it is plus strong ﴿ , ﴾ Them will love Y will be loved by they ﴿ , ﴾ But No!, No you
obey him, prostrate yourself Y search proximity ﴿ .



You will say: ﴾ For warn to the that East live Y for that I know make reality the word dictated
against the disbelievers. It is that No come that we have created for they, What part of it that our hands they
have made animals of herd on the that have domain? I know the we have subordinate Y in they they ride Y
of they eat. Y in they you have utilities Y beverage. Nope will you thank? They have taken, besides of God,
gods what for the help. But No they can assistants, though are for they a army a its provision. But no tea
sadden it that they say, Really we know it that keep in secret Y it that declare. It is that does not see the men
that it we have created of a drop of sperm? Y without embargo it is a pure argumentative ﴿ 1 . ﴾ Noel of the
that are reason of You gonna neither the of the missing ﴿ 2 . O Visible, oh Powerful, O Sovereign, oh
Guardian of the faith, oh Custodian, oh Ruler, oh Magnificent.

Answer, O Kasfiyā'īl, and you, O Mīmūn, answer attentive and submissive, by the right of ﴾ Not
the one of those who are the reason for Your wrath nor the one of the lost ones ﴿ , by the right of
Dominator, the Great, the Requested, by the right of the angel under whose authority you are subordinate
®¾ÝG, by the right of

Cor . xxxvi: 69-76.
Cor . i:7.

LŶHÆÆYL LMQFNŶL. ﴾ Thus the truth prevailed and what they had done vanished ﴿ 1 . I conjure you,
O BR'ŶK©YĀ'ĪL, submit the heart of Kasfiyā'īl and King Mīmūn to my will. By the right and holiness of
your lord 'ŶKÆYŪŠ.

Praise be to the One who relieves all who are in debt, praise be to the One who frees a all b
he who is imprisoned, praised be He Who comforts all who are in sorrow, praised be He who deposited the
treasures of His Sovereignty by His decree between the kāf and the nūn . Praised be He who ﴾ when he
wants something His order is nothing but to tell him: Be, and it is. Praised be He in Whose hands this
the domain of all the stuff Y a Who you will have of to return! ﴿ . God Own, make that the love through me
I reached the heart of Kasfiyā'īl and Mīmūn. Submit his heart to my will in the same way you submitted the
sea to Mūsà b. 'Imrān, in the same way that you subdued the fire to Ibrāhīm, peace be upon him!, in the
same way that you subdued the mountains and the iron to Dāwūd, peace be upon him!, in the same way
that you subdued the winds, men, jinn and demons to Sulayman b. Dawud,
peace be upon him!, and in the same way that you subjugated the sun, the moon, the stars and all things to
our lord and prophet Mu¬ammad, God bless and save him! Submit to my will the heart of Kasfiyā'īl and
Mīmūn, so that they come before me submissive and obedient and cannot sleep or rest, without there being
a single moment of rest for him until he comes before me. By the truth of Your sublime Supreme Name
and Your most beautiful Names. Oh Allāh, oh Quick, oh Close, oh Who extends, oh Lover, oh Lord of the
glorious Throne, oh Who does what he wishes, oh Initiator, oh Recreator of life. I ask you for the Light of
Your face and the magnificence of Your Name, which fills the pillars of Your Throne, for Your
Omnipotence with which You decreed all Your creation, and for Your Mercy that You extend to all things.
Oh Helper, help me and help me solve my problem. Oh Allah, oh He, oh Who helps those who ask for help,
help me and help me, oh Allah, by Your Mercy, oh Most Gracious of the merciful. My God, make love for
me reach the heart of Kasfiyā'īl and Mīmūn. ﴾ The love I arrive a its heart ﴿ , ﴾ love What I know loves a
God; but the love by God of the What doyou think is stronger? , ﴾ He will love them and be loved by
them ﴿ , ﴾ But no! Do not obey him, prostrate yourself and search proximity ﴿ . By the TRUE Y the
holiness of Yā'Sīn, the peace Y the blessing be with the!"

And God is the One who grants help.

Cor . vii:117.

End of the twentieth chapter, thanks to God and His help. And it is the end of the first part.
Then follows the second part, beginning with the twenty-first chapter on the most beautiful of God Y
their lessons ( a n m ā Ð )
May God bless and save our lord Muammad, his family and his companions with an everlasting
Praised be God, Lord of the worlds!


- A l -'A bb as b . ' a b d a l - M u ÐÐ a li b : 54 .

- al-Araj: 209.

- 'Abd Allāh al-Andalusī: 484 (v. Abū 'Abd Allāh al-Andalusi)

- 'Abd Allah b. Abī Zayd al-Qayrawānī: 280

- 'Abd Allah Muammad b. Ismā'īl al-Ijmīmī: 195

- 'Abd Allah b. 'Umar: 67, 404, 412, 432, 456.

- 'Abd al-Qādir al-Ŷīlānī: 291.

- 'Abd al-Raman b. 'Awf al-Zuhri: 410

- 'Abd al-Raman al-Sulami: 222.

- 'Abd al-Salam b. Mašīš: 291

- 'Abd al-¼amad al-Jwārizmī: 261

- 'Abd al-Wā¬id al-Andalusī: 260-263.

- Abyssinia: 53.

- Abū-l-'Abbās al-Sabtī: 290.

- Abū-l-'Abbās al-Uqlīšī: 291

- Abū 'Abd Allah al-Andalusī: 454.

- Abū 'Abd Allāh al-'Irāqī: 260-262.

- abu 'Abd Allah al-Kūfī: 291, 369 (v. abu 'Abd Allah Šams al-Din Muammad b. Ya'qub al-Kūfī).

- Abū 'Abd Allah Muammad b. Idris al-Razī: 207, 278-9

- Abū 'Abd Allāh al-Rajrājī: 84-85.

- Abū 'Abd Allāh 'Abd al-©aqq al-Sabtī: 487, 489

- Abū 'Abd Allāh Šams al-Dīn Muammad b. Ya'qub al-Kufi: 343.

- abu 'Abd Allah al-Æarā'ifī: 392

- Abū 'Alī b. al-Daqqāq: 338

- Abū-l-'Āliya: 129, 130

- Abū Bakr Muammad al-Marwazī al-Jaraqī: 48, 58.

- abu Bakr al-¼iddīq: 408, 490

- Abū al-Dardā': 424.

- Abu Dawud: 86, 423.

- Abū-l-©ākim al-Burjānī: 291.

- Abū ©āmid al-Gazālī: 291, 388, 398.

- Abū-l-©asan al-©arrānī: 291, 410

- Abū al-©asan al-Šā²ilī: 278, 291

- Abū-l-©asan b. Salim: 277.

- Abū-l-Hu²ayl: 109

- Abu Hurayra: 55, 209, 300, 422.

- Abū Isāq al-Tūnisī: 280

- Abū Khalid: 109

- abu Man½ūr al-Jawālīqī: 48.

- Abū Ma'šar [al-Sindī]: 424

- Abū Musà al-Sadrānī: 290

- Abū-l-Najīb al-Baghdadī: 213.

- Abū-l-Qāsim b. Harun al-Qusayrī: 278, 291

- Abū Rākma: 55.

- Abū Sa'id al-Jarrāz: 218

- abu Sa'id al-Ju²rī: 404

- Abū ¼āli¬: 105.

- [Abū] Sulayman al-Dārānī: 423

- Abū Ja'far al-Barmakī: 23.

- abu ja'far al-Man½ur: 176

- Abū Ya'quub al-Kindī: 413.

- Abū-l-Yumn al-Kindī: 48.

- Abu Yunus: 207.

- Abū Zayd 'Umāra b. Zaid: 209, 210

- Abū-l-Zanād: 209.

- Abu Zumayl: 423

- Aquarius: 52, 63.

- Adam: 73, 84, 127, 221, 321, 328, 430, 487.

- Africa: 53.

- Ahl Badr: 228.

- A-mad b. al-Jwārizmī: 423.

- al-Amar: 20, 22.

- 'Ā'isa bint Abī Bakr al-¼iddīq: 422, 426

- al-Ajsaban: 95.

- Alexandria: 53.

- Aleppo: 99

- 'Ali b. Abī Æālib: 55, 56, 100, 101, 155, 179, 182, 199, 277, 278, 402, 406, 408, 411, 412, 414, 463.

- Alif-lam-mim: 117

- Alif-lam-ra': 117

- Upper Egypt: 53.

- al-'Anāq ( ζ UMa ): 59.

- Anas b. Malik: 98, 135, 195, 408, 490.

- Andrūmīdā : 61.

- Apostles: 82.
- Al-'Aqīq: 269

- 'Arafat: 207

- Aries: 23, 42, 43, 51, 53.

- Armenia: 58.

- al-Arnab ( Lepus ): 61.

- 'Arš al-Simāk ( γδεη Vir ): Four. Five.

- 'ars al-Simāk al-A'zal ( Corvus ): 62.

- Asad b. 'Ā½im al-I½fahānī: 207

- Asad b. Muse: 105

- Ā½āf b. Barajya: 8, 429.

- Āsiya bint Muzaim: 426

- 'A Ð ā' b . A b ī R ab ¬ : _ _ 4 9 3

- 'A Ð ā' al - Jurāsānī : _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 0 8

- al-'Atīq ( α Tau ): 43.

- al-'Awā'i² ( βγξν dr ): 59.

- al-'Awwā' ( βηγδε Vir ): 25, 37-38, 44, 47, 48.

- al-Awzā'ī: 405

- 'Ajuz al-Asad ( γδεη Vir ): Four. Five.

- Ayyuub: 134, 287

- al-'Ayyūq ( α Aur ): 43, 60.

- Azerbaijan: 53.

- al-AÞfār ( Leo ): 44.

- al 'Aziz: 488

- 'Azrā'īl: 69, 322, 355.

- Bāb al-Bayt: 58

- Babylon: 53.

- al-Badawi: 413

- Badr: 411. (see Ahl Badr )

- Baghdad: 53.

- Barabarš: 432

- Bahrain: 53.

- Bal'am b. Bā'ūrā: 68, 108, 111.

- al-Balda : 26, 39, 46, 48, 49.

- banat Na'š ( εζη AMU ): 57, 58.

- banat Na'šal-kubrà ( UMa ): 57, 58, 59.

- banat Na'š al-½ugrà ( UMi ): 57, 58.

- Banū-l-Najjār: 218.

- al-Baqī': 406.

- Baršāwš ( Perseus ): 60.

- Ba½ra: 225.

- al - B a Ð ¬ ā ' : 54 .

- a l - B ā Ð i yy a ( C r a t e r ): 6 2

- B a n _ a l - © ū t ( β And ) : 41 , 4 6 .

- Bilqis: 85.

- Byzantium: 53.

- al-Bujārī: 209, 422

- a l - B u Ð a y n ( δ ε ρ A r i ): 23 , 35 , 42 , 4 7 , 4 8 .

- Cancer (astr.): 52, 53.

- Capricorn: 52, 53.

- China: 53, 108.

- Christians: 83, 274.

- al-Dabarān ( α Tau ): 24, 35, 43, 47, 48, 51.

- al-¾a¬¬āq: 409

- Dahriyya: 274

- al-Dalū (4 stars of Pegasus ): 46.

- Damascus: 181.

- Daniyal: 485.

- al-Darimi: 493

- ®āt al-Kursī ( Cassiopeia ): 59.

- David: v. dawud

- al-Dajāja ( Cyg ): 59, 60.

- al-®irā' ( αβ Gem ): 24, 36, 44, 47, 48.

- al-®irā'al-MaqbūÅa ( αβ CMi ): 61.

- al-Dubb al-akbar ( AMU ) : 58, 59.

- al-Dubb al-agar ( umi ) : 58.

- ®ū l-Nūn al-Mi½rī: 195, 426.

- ®ū-l-Qarnayn: 270, 306

- ®ū l-Ŷanā¬ ( Pegasus ): 61.

- al-Dulfin ( Delphinus ): 60.

- Egypt: 53, 260, 488.

- Elements, the four: 12, 28, 32, 51.

- Footstool ( Kursī ): 54.

- Scorpio: 45, 52, 62.

- Euphrates: 53.

- Fajr al-Din al-Jwarizmi: 134, 287

- al-Fakka ( Corona Borealis ): 45, 59.

- al-Faras al-Akbar ( Pegasus ): 61, 62.

- al-Farg al-Mu'ajjar ( γ Peg + α And ): 26, 41, 46, 48, 49.

- al-Farg al-Muqaddam ( αβ Peg ): 26, 40-41, 46, 48, 49.

- al-Farqadānī ( βγ UMi ): 57, 58.

- Fir'awn: 84.

- Gabriel, angel: v. Ŷibrīl.

- al-Gafr ( ικλ Vir ): 25, 38, 45, 48, 49

- Gemini: 43, 51, 52, 61.

- al-Gurab ( Corvus ): 62.

- Hamadan: 53.

- ©amid b. Abī ¢ābit: 109

- ©āmil Ra's al-Gūl ( Perseus ): 60.

- al-Han'a ( γξ Gem ): 24, 36, 43, 47, 48.

- al-Haq'a ( λφ 1 φ 2 Ori ): 24, 35-36, 43, 47, 48.

- al-©aram al-šarīf: 194

- Harun al-Rašid: 23, 106, 207.

- al-©asan b. 'Ali: 151, 431, 439.

- al-©asan al-Ba½rī: 50, 83, 127, 129, 491.

- ©ātim al-A½amm: 317

- al-©awā' ( Ophiuchus ): 60.

- al-©awamim : 117.

- ©ayya al-©awa' ( Serpens ): 60.

- Heraclius (Byzantine Emperor): 86.

- al-©ibā' ( Corvus ): 62.

- al-©iŷrī: 429

- al-©irā': 42.

-al-©ijāz: 53, 58, 260.

- ©uma al-'Aqrab ( λυ sc ) : Four. Five.

- al-Husayn b. 'Ali: 404

- ©usayn b. Man½ūr (al-Hallāj): 233

al - Ŷanubī ( Piscis Austrinus ): 63.

- Ibn 'Abbas: 43, 51, 54, 55, 57, 66, 129, 130, 151, 272, 273, 401, 404, 406, 408, 412, 423, 432, 490.

- Ibn Abī al-Šha'bī: 151.

- Ibn 'Arabi: 291, 410, 424

- ibn al-A£ir: 423

- Ibn al-Sanafiyya: 134.

- Ibn al-Sinni: 431

- 'Abd Allah b. Mas'ud: 193, 408.

- Ibn al-Qayyim: 151.

- Ibn Qutayba: 466.

- Ibn Sab'in: 155.

- Ibn Šahriyār: 394

- Ibn 'Uyayna: 209

- Ibrāhīm: 74, 84, 85, 86, 224, 282, 485.

- Ibrahim b. Adham: 132, 493, 495.

- Ibrāhīm al-Jawwā½: 285

- Ibrahim b. Ŷārū: 90

- Idris: 65.

- ijwan al-¼afā': 273

- al-Iklīl ( βδπ Sco ): 25, 38, 45, 47, 48, 49, 63.

- al-Iklīl al-Šamālī ( Corona Borealis ): 59.

- al-Iklīl al-Ŷanubī ( Crown Australis ): 62.

- 'Ikrima: 83, 408.

- ilham : 131

- India: 53.

- Iraq: 57, 58.

- 'Īsā b. Maryam: 74, 82-83, 84, 87, 105, 108, 109, 110, 274, 276, 321, 522.

- I½fahān: 53, 154.

- Isrāfīl: 19, 69, 95, 324, 361, 366, 393, 493.

- Khadija bint Juwaylid: 426

- Khalid b. al-Wālid: 86.

- Janzab: 422-3.

- al-Jarātān ( δθ Leo ): 37.

- al-JiÅr: 132, 270, 304, 322, 411.

- Jews: 274

- Jupiter: 12, 70.

- Eastern Jurassan: 53.

- al-Jwārizmī: 108, 109

- Ka'aba: 58, 177, 195, 261, 262.

- Ka'b al-A¬bār: 429

- Al Kaff al-JaÅīb ( β Cas ): 43, 60

- Al-Kaff al-Ŷa²mā' ( α Cet ): 43.

- al-Kalb al-Akbar ( CMa ): 61, 62.

- a l - K a l b a l - A ½ g a r ( C M i ): 6 2 .

- al-Kalbi: 105, 408, 492.

- al-Karrūbiyyūn: 357

- al-Ka's ( Crater ): 62.

- al-Kattani: 367.

- al-Kayyal: 410

- al-Kirmani: 338

- Kufa: 53, 207.

- Kurds: 53.

- al-Lay£ b. Sad: 424.

- Leo: 44, 45.

- Pound: 45, 52, 53.

- Luqmān al-©akīm: 401

- Moon: 19-20, 27, 32, 34, 55-56, 58, 65, 70.

- al-Lūrā ( Lyr ): 59.

- Maghreb: 260

- Makran: 53.

- M a j Ð a a l - A s a d ( γ δ Cnc ) : _ 44 .

- Al-Maliji: 84-5.

- al-Ma'mun: 109, 178, 336.

- al-Maqām: 58.

- al-Mar'a al-Musalsala ( Andromeda ): 61.

- Mardin: 125.

- Mars: 20-23.

- Maslama b. Qāsim b. Ibrahim: 406

- al-Mas'ūdī: 152, 466

- Mecca: 134, 151, 207, 209, 260, 466, 487.

- Medina: 209

- Mercury: 70, 91.

- Mīkā'īl: 69, 316.

- al-Mirzam ( β CMa ): 61.

- Mirzamān ( β CMi + β CMa ): 62.

- al-Mijmara ( Ara ): 63.

- Moses: v. Mūsà b. 'Imran.

- Mu'ayqib al-Dawsi: 87.

- mufaal b. Yunus: 207.

- Muammad: 11-12, 14, 42, 47, 54, 55, 56, 67, 82-83, 85, 86, 87, 91, 94-5, 97, 98, 101, 132, 134, 136 ,
150, 151, 152, 159, 162, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 174, 193, 195, 208, 213, 218, 219, 222, 224,
242-3, 265, 266, 270, 271, 274, 276, 278, 282, 286, 288, 292, 300, 303, 311, 320, 321, 356, 367,
368, 398, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 422, 423, 424, 431, 433, 456, 490-1, 493.

- Muammad b. 'Ali: 457

- Muammad b. al-NaÞr al-©āri£ī: 207

- Muammad Qanbaris: 181

- Muammad b. Æal¬a: 100, 101

- al-Musabī: 97

- Muyi al-Din al-Nawawi: 423

- mumsik al-'Inan ( Charioteer ): 60.

- Munkar and Nakir: 77, 82.

- Mūqān: 53.

- Muqātil b. Sulayman: 110, 276

- Mūsà b. 'Imran: 74, 84, 95, 106, 111, 271, 292, 321, 322, 356, 426, 484-7.

- Muslim [b. al-©ajjjj]: 422.

- al-Mu£alla£ ( Triangulum ): 61.

- al-Na'ā'īm ( γδευ + ρφτζ Sgr ): 25, 39, 45-46, 48, 49.

- al-Nahr ( Eridanus ): 61.

- Namrud: 86, 224.

- al-Nasr al-Æā'ir ( αβγ aql ): 59, 60, 63.

- al-Nasr al-Wāqi' ( α lyr ): 59, 60, 63.

- A l - N a Ð ¬ ( α A r i ): 19-20 . _ _

- a l - N ā Ð i ¬ ( α A r i ): 4 2

- al-Na£ra ( ε Cnc / γδ Cnc ): 24, 36, 44, 47, 48.

- No.: 85, 86.

- muqaddam al-faras ( Equuleus ): 60.

- al-Nu'man b. 'Abd al-Salam: 207

- Oman: 53.

- Persia: 53.

- Pisces: 49, 53, 61.

- Plato: 306.

- al-Qā'id ( η AMU ): 59.

- al-Qalb / Qalb al-'Aqrab ( α Sco ): 25, 39, 45, 48, 49, 52.

- Qalb al-Assad ( α Leo ): 52, 62, 63.

- Q a n Ð ū r i s ( Centaurus ) : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 2 .

- Qārūn and Hāmān: 84.

- Qa½'a al-Masakina ( crown borealis ): 59.

- Qattāda [b. Di'āma]: 408

- Q a y Ð u s ( C e t u s ): 61 .

- Qazwin: 109

- al-Qilā½ ( Hyades ): 43.

- Q i Ð ' a a l - F a r a s ( Equuleus ) : _ _ _ _ 6 0 .

- al-Qubba ( Crown Australis ): 62.

- Quraysh: 492

- a l -Q u Ð b ( a st . ): 57 .

- Ra's al-Gul ( β per ): 60, 61.

- al-Rāzī: 398.

- al-Rišā ( β And ): 26, 41, 46, 48.

- Rijl al-'Ayyūq ( ε Aur? ): 43.

- Al-rū al-'amīn : 14.

- Al-rū al-qudus : 14.

- Rū al-'amr : 14.

- Rum¬ al-Simāk , ( η Booo ):45.

- Do you know: 274

- al-Sabu' (Lupus): 62.

- Sa'd al-Ajbiya ( γπζη Aqr ): 26, 40, 46, 48, 49.

- Sa'd al-Bāri' ( λµ Peg ): 46.

- Sa'd al-Biham ( νθ Peg ): 46.

- Sa'd Bula' ( εµν Aqr ): 26, 40, 46, 48, 49.

- Sa'd al-®ābi¬ ( αβ Cap ): 26, 39-40, 46, 48, 49.

- Sa'd al-Humam ( ζξ Peg ): 46.

- Sa'd al-Malik ( αο Aqr ): 46.

- s a'd _ M a Ð a r ( η ο P e g ): 46 .

- Sa'd Nāšira ( Cap ): 46.

- Sa'd al-Su'ūd ( βξ Aqr ): 26, 40, 46, 48, 49, 91.

- Sa'd b. Mu'ā²: 140.

- Sagittarius: 46, 52.

-Sahl b. 'Abd Allah al-Tustarī: 132, 133, 213, 293, 398, 493

- Sa'id b. Ŷubair: 57.

- al-Safina ( Argo ): 61, 62.

- al-Saffā¬: 336

- al-Sahm ( Sagitta ): 60.

- al-Salbāq ( Lyr ): 59.

- ¼āli¬ b. Mahran: 207.

- ¼āli¬iyya: 181.

- Salmān al-Fārisī: 274

- Solomon: v. Sulayman b. Dawud.

- Šamārīj ( Centaurus + lupus ): 62.

- Samsamā'il: 21, 22.

- sanam al-Nāqa ( β Cas ): 60.

- al-¼anj al-Rūmī ( Lyr ): 59.

- a l - Š a r a Ð ā n ( α β Ar i ): 34 , 42 , 43 , 4 7 , 4 8 .

- al-¼arfa ( β Leo ): 25, 37, 44, 47, 48, 52.

- Saturn: 70.

- al-Šawla ( λυ Sco ): 25, 39, 45, 48, 49.

- al-Sibli: 398

- Šihāb al-Dīn al-Suhrawardī: 152.

- al-Simāk ( α Vir ): 25, 38, 42, 45, 48, 49, 63.

- al-Simāk al-A'zal ( α Vir ): Four. Five, 52.

- al-Simāk al-Rāmi¬ ( α Booo ): Four. Five, 59.

- Šim'ūn al-©awārī: 485.

- al-Ši'rà al-'Abūr ( α CMa ): 44, 47, 61, 63.

- al - Ši'rà _ _ _ _ _ al -G u m a y ½ ā _ ( α C M i ): 44 , 61 , 62 .

- Syria: 53, 58.

- Sogdian: 53.

- Sun: 19, 20, 23, 55, 56, 58, 65, 90.

- Shu'ayb: 485.

- al-Suddi: 408

- Sufyān al-¢awrī: 209

- Sufis: 96.

- al-Suha : 57, 59.

-Suhayl : 44 , 58, 62.

- al-Sula¬fā ( Lyr ): 59.

- Sulayman b. Dawud: 67, 74, 84, 85, 134, 224, 287, 404, 427, 428, 429, 430.

- al-Šujā' ( Hydra ): 62.

- Æabaristan: 53.

- Al-¢a'labi: 55.

- Æal¬a b. 'Ubayd Allah: 87.

- Æalūt: 228.

- ¢anawiyya: 274

- ¢āqūfa: 108, 113-117.

- al-Æarā'ifī: 287 (no. 4)

- al-Æarf ( κ Cnc + λ Leo ): 24, 36-37, 44, 47, 48.

- Taurus: 51.

- Tawabi' al-'Ayyūq ( βθι aur ): 43.

- Tigris: 53, 178, 410.

- al-Tinnin ( Dr ): 58, 59.

- al-Tirmi²ī: 209, 276, 300, 422.

- al-¢urayyā (Pleiades): 23, 35, 42-3, 47, 48, 51.

- Turks: 53.

- Uud (battle of): 368

- 'u m ar b . a l - J a ÐÐ ā b : 47 , 87 , 2 18 , 3 09 , 330 .

- Umm Musa: 425, 426

- 'U£mān b. Abī al-'Ā½: 422.

- 'U£mān b. 'Affān: 247, 405, 410.

- al-'Unquud (Pleiades): 49

- al-'Uqāb ( Aquila ): 60.

- 'Uzayr: 274

- Milky Way: 45, 51, 59, 64.

- Virgo: 52.

- Wahb b. Munabbih: 427.

- al-Jabbār ( Orion ): 61.

- al-Jabha ( αηγζ Leo ): 24, 37, 44, 47, 48.

- Yad al-Jawzā' ( α ori ): 61.

- Ja'far a½-¼ādiq: 8, 284, 408, 464.

- Ya-yà: 135.

- al - Ŷ ā £ ī _ ( Hercules ) : _ _ _ _ _ 59 .

- al-jawn ( ε AMU ): 59.

- al-Jazīra: 53.

- Yemen: 53.

- Ŷibrīl / Ŷabrā'īl: 56, 69, 74, 97, 101, 266, 320, 321, 363

- Ŷīlān: 53.

- al-Juday ( α UMi ): 53, 57, 58.

- Yunus: 224, 287, 356

- Ŷurjān: 53.

- Yusuf: 108, 426, 485, 488

- Zakariyya': 135, 287

- Zamzam: 76.

-Zayd b. ©āri£a: 12, 278-9.

- Zayn al-Dīn al-Jāfī / al-©āfī / al-Kāfī / al-'Āfī: 288 (n. 2), 340, 346, 347, 351, 352, 376 (n. 1), 377, 390 ,
393, 396.
- Ziyad b. 'Abd Allah: 109
- al-Zubānā ( αβ Lib ): 25, 38, 45, 48, 49, 62.

- Zubaida: 106

- al-Zubra ( δθ Leo ): 24, 37, 44, 47, 48.

- Zulayja: 426


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