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Bai 7

1. Juu juj jjj juj jju juj uuj; juu uuu jju uuj;
2. Ur ut us ud uf ul un ru su du fu cu lu ou hu;
3. Us use our out cut fun run sun just such full
4. Sure fuel rule ruin used dual cult unit studs

5. Fgg fgf fff fgf ffg fgf ggf; fgg ggg ffg ggf;

6. Fe fr fa fs fu sh fo gn gl eg ng ag ug ig og;

7. Got get afe agojog goes sign good gone gain;

8. Sign sang grant rough light large thing again

9. J7j j7 j77 j77j; j7j j7j j77 j77j; j7j j7 j77j

10. 7 jugs 77 jags; 777 glues; 77 gulls; 7 gusts

11. 7 chairs; 77 stars; 777 designs; 77 articles;

12. Settle 7; heat 77 cook; 777; fold 77; case 77

13. Sag gas lug gin fog rug rut gel hut fug egos;
14. Usual under house should going thing against;
15. T think he caught 759 fish at 8.37 on 4 June.
16. He did 35 48 hours ago. I gound 873 at 9.47.
17. Gold is great fun; or so Gretel thought until she
sliced into the rough grass at the fourth hole on the
South Leagues Course at Greenock. I had to laugh. She
groaned. Then her anger changed to a grin as I struck
into that rough ground also. Golf and laughter go

Bai 8
1. Sww sws www sws ssw sws wws; sww www ssw
2. We wa wf wu wi wo wh wn ew tw aw ow we wa wh;
3. Was win few two how who owe awe low law news;
4. We saw where Lew wed. wes knows what we own.

5. Jmm jmj mmm jmj jjm jmj mmj; jmm mmm jjm mmj;

6. Me ma ms mu mi mo em rm am sm um im om lm me;

7. Him met man aim jam come same home time milk;

8. Most men made music. More women manage them.

9. S2s s2 s22 s22s;s2s s2 s22 s22s; s2s s2 s22s

10. 2 laws; 22 firms; 222 wags; 22 arms; 22 wins;
11. 22 locks; 2 canes; 22 deeds; 2 nights; 2 jigs
12. Catch 22; make 222; sort 22; watch 22; aid 22
13. Mar alm mat ham maf ohm dew owl sew won
14. Mare came form from firm when with will known
15. Model claim metre maeant which while would wit
16. New formula Grime adds scum to washing. With
Grime in their water home makers wonder where the
ehite went. Some men and womenjnow claim new
Grime smears their washing much more than most
other known makes on the market. Demand in the
month of March as a whole was aswesome

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