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Tools that will help you loose weight!

1. Start by self monitoring: one study found that people who recorded
what they ate every day, lost twice as much weight as people who
didn’t. The more information you record, the better. This will help you
pinpoint areas where you can improve. You can use an App to monitor:
ex. MyFoodDiary or MyNetDiary.
2. Revamp your refrigerator: arrange foods that you’d like to eat more of-
fruits, veggies, lean meats, eggs, hummus, low fat milk, cottage cheese
and Greek yogourt. This helps you cotrol what you eat.
3. Upgrade your pantry: restock it with these staples for quick and easy
-quinoa, brown rice or combined with white rice, whole-wheat pasta.
-canned beans: whether they are black, pinto beans or chickpeas, beans
are a speedy way to add protein and fiber to your salads, soups, pasta.
-dried red lentils: they offer up the same health benefits as beans, plus
they cook in only 15 mins.
-canned tuna, salmon, sardines.
-marinara sauce: you can use it for pasta, over grilled veggies.
4. Include Vinegar in your routine, it has been shown to smooth out spikes
in postmeal blood sugar than can lead to hunger, plus It’s calorie free.
Use 1 tablespoon with 20ml of sparkling water, it tastes better. Drink it
before a meal that has carbs.
5. Use smaller dishes: bigger plates, glasses and bowls almost always lead
you to eat too much. Simply using a bowl that is 50 % larger encourages
you to eat 20% more.
6. Eat foods in the right order. The right order to eat your food to minimize
a meal’s glucose spike is: 1. Fiber (salad/veggies) 2.protein and fats
3.carbs. NB: after a meal if the glucose goes high in a spike, it is followed
by a big spike of Insuline-a hormone that promotes lipogenesis-the
synthesis of fat. Also stimulating Insuline spikes over and over again can
lead to Insuline resistance and we will lose weight harder, also can lead
to type 2 Diabetes.
7. Veggie starters: it reduces the glucose spike after a meal. The veggies
starter will make up about 30% of the meal.
8. Savoury breakfast is always better: composed of protein, fat and fiber (if
possible), your can also eat a whole fruit after the breakfast. Ex: 2 eggs,
beans, greens and avocado.
9. If you want to eat something sweet, it’s better for our glucose to have it
as a dessert after a meal than as a snack between meals. In this way the
meal before dessert will be smaller as we will already know that a
dessert is coming.
10.After you eat, MOVE- if possible. Use your muscles for 10 mins to reduce
the glucose spike of the meal. Examples: walk.
11.Put “clothes” on your carbs- means adding protein, fat and fiber to
starches. This reduces the speed of the glucose abdorbtion in our body
and keeps you full longer and reduces the cravings.

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