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Secondary 2

1. 50 000 has four terminal zeroes. How many terminal zeroes are there in the
standard form of 202!?

A. 502 B. 503 C. 504 D. 480

2. If XY = 20, YZ = 80, and XZ = 16. What is (Y – Z)( Z2 + YZ + Z2) ?

A. 488 B. 512 C. 1000 D. 2021

3. Somchai selects numbers with exactly three divisors. Which of the following
numbers did he select?

A. 9604 B. 7921 C. 2500 D.1547

4. If (x – y + z)2 = 2021 x 2021 – 42 x 2021 + 16 x 2021 + 441 – 16 x 21 + 64, what

is x + y + z?

A. 2021 B. 2008 C. 2025 D. 2050

5. The remainder when 4x2 + 6x – 7 is divided by A is -9. What is A?

A. x -1 B. 2x + 1 C. 2x - 1 D. 3x + 4
6. The value of x that gives the least value of y in y = Ax2 + Bx – 4 is . What is
A + B?

A. 1 B. -1 C. 5 D. 7

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7. What is the integral part of ?

A. 29 B. 31 C. 32 D. 34

8. The average of the 5 natural numbers is 17. If three of the numbers are 8
15, and 24, what is the maximum difference of the two remaining

A. 1 B. 28 C. 30 D.36

9. Chomsai got 50% more correct than wrong answers in the mathematics
competition. There are 50 questions in the test and 5 points will be given to
every correct answer and 0 if otherwise. If she answered all the questions,
what was her score?

A. 150 B. 100 C. 60 D. 90

10. Find x, if x + y = -246, xy > 0, and x is a fifth root of y.

A. -3 B. -9 C. 3 D. 9
11. If the angles A and B of the triangle below are each increased by 13
degrees, by how much does angle BCD increased?


A. 6° B. 18° C. 26° D. 56°

12. In the figure, line q is parallel to line p and A, G, B, and E are points on line
p, while C, D and F are points on line q. Segments AD and CB meet at a
right angles. If the measure of angles EBC and ACF are 160° and 110°,
respectively, what is the measure of angle ADC?

p D C

q B G

A. 40° B. 50° C. 75° D. 70°

13. In the figure, ∠𝐸 ≅ ∠𝑅, segment MV bisects angle EVR. If MV = 10, RV = 8

and VE = 2 . What is MO?


A. 7.5 B. 6.75 C. 7.75 D. 8.25

14. A circle is inscribed in a square whose endpoints of the adjacent vertices
are ( -3, 6) and (1, 3). What is the area of the circle?

# $#
A. 16𝜋 B. 25𝜋 C. "
𝜋 D. "

15. A 3 x 3 square has a perimeter 48 cm. It is composed of 9 congruent

squares. The shortest distance from the center of circle T to the center of
circle A passing through center R is in the form x + x&𝑦. What is x + y?

.A .R


A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10

16. How many 9-letter words can be formed using the letters of the word
SIMSO MATH only once?

A. 30240 B. 90720 C. 181 440 D. 15 120

17. Four girls, namely, Bussaba, Chaem, Charoen, and Chanea and 2 boys
namely, Aran and Atid form a circle. How many ways could they
arrange themselves on the circle such that Chaem and Atid stay beside
each other?

A. 60 B. 48 C. 64 D.24

18. How many numbers that are divisible by 9 can be formed using the digits
4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 without repetition?

A. 30 B. 32 C. 35 D. 39

19. The sum (X + Y) is odd. If -10 < X < 0 and -2 < Y < 6, how many different
values of (X+Y) are there?

A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 4

20. How many ways are there to go from B to C passing through A, following
the direction of the arrowheads?


A. 16 B. 32 C. 64 D. 4
21. In the parking area, there are 28 tuktuk (3-wheeled vehicle) and Cạkryān
(bicycle). Charoen counted 68 wheels in all in the area. How many tuktuk
are there in the parking area?

A. 12 B. 16 C. 18 D. 20

22. The magic square below shows the number of squares at the can be
seen at the top, front, and side view oftopthe figures
front side .
What does the figure look like given the magic square below.

9 7 10

23. To open the pad lock, the 4-digit code XYZX should be used. Each letter
represents a distinct number. In addition, the following information about
the code are given.

XYZX has exactly 3 factors.

YZX is divisible by 227.
What is the value of XYZ?

A. 286 B. 168 C. 681 D. 862

24. Chakrae wanted to create a cube as tall as the figure below. If she used
all the unit cubes in the figure, how many more cubes does she need?

A. 48 B. 52 C. 54 D. 58

25. What number represents the letter R in the table below?

13 17 51
8 34 21
11 4 R
6 41 30
9 11 12

A. 5 B. 8 C. 7 D. 10
PART II – Every question is worth 5 marks.

1. Chaiso invented the algorithm of prime numbers. Every prime number is

coded AB where A stands for the number of digits of the numbers and B
stands for its position. For example, 13 is coded as 22 because it has 2
digits and is the 2nd two-digit prime number, while 101 is coded as 31
because it has 3 digits and is the 1st 3-digit prime. What is the sum of the
prime numbers coded as 14, 24, and 32?

2. What is the value of a + b if √𝑎 − √𝑏 = ! ?
√$ &√'

3. The height of the square prism shown below is twice the measure of the
edge of its square base. If a 112 cm red ribbon will be used to cover all
the edges of the prism, what could be the volume of the prism?

4. Looping numbers are numbers with repeated digits in between two other
digits. Numbers at the middle are different from the first and the last digits.
The numbers 3005 and 45554 are looping numbers. How many 4-digit
even looping numbers are there such that the first and last digits are
different and the middle digits are zeros?
5. What is the height of 2 tables stack on top of each other given the
following below?

120 cm
140 cm

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