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Dia 1 “ The power of Persistence”

-(bemutatkozás) Today Id like to look at a force that propels as forward and turns obstacles into
opportunities and has been the cornerstone of many successes: The power of persistence

Dia 2 „Content”
-First of all We will begin by understanding persistence
-Next we will explore the myth of Sisyphus a story that reflect our own struggles
-The we’ll look at how Camu saw Aysiphus as the absurd hero and the Syimbol of resilience
-And lastly we’ll take a look at a few historical examples

Dia 3 „The Definition of Persistence”

Visualize life as a seedling pushing through the soil reaching for the sunlight. Each obstacle we face is
like the dirt above challenging us to grow stronger roots and reach higher.
In this metaphorical journey think of persistence as the fuel that keeps us going through tough times.
Like a seedling pushing through the soil to reach sunlight we also need to keep pushing towards our
goals using each challenge to make us stronger and move us ahead.

Dia 4” Sisyphus”
Albert Camus (Álber Kámü(?)) the existentialist philosopher, explore the story of Sisyphus in his
book. He saw him as the „Absurd Hero” who finds meaning in the absurdity of life itself.
Camus believed that Sisyphus finds meaning in the act of pushing the boulder, rather than reaching
the top of the hiil.Despite the rock rolling back down each time Sysiphus embraces the challenge. In
this never ending trying and facing challenges, he finds a feeling of satisfaction.

Dia 5 „How Does This Relate to Us”

Now let’s reflect on how the story of Sysiphus resonates with our own lives. Just as Sysiphus found
purpose in his meaningless task, we too can find mening in the strugle we face. On our way to
achieving our goals, it’s not just about reaching the end, but also about the personal growth and the
new things we learn along the way. It is through the challenges and setbacks that we uncover our true
strength and resilience.

Dia 6 „Thomas Edison”

Consider the story of Thomas Edison, the brilliant inventor behind the light bulb.Edison famously said
„I have not failed I’ve just found 10,000ways that wont’t work” His determination in the face of
countless failures is a testament to the power of persistence.
Like Sisyphus rolling his boulder up the hill Edison persisted despite setbacks and disappointments He
saw each failure as a lesson, bringing him closer to his ultimate succes and illuminating the world
with his invention.

Dia 7 „ Winston Churchill”

Before we wrap up Let’s talk about Winston Churchill The British Prime minister during WW2. Even
when things seemed impossible, he kepst Britan’s spirit high, famously saying “We shall fight on the
beaches….” His determination inspired people everywhere in Europe,changing the course of the war.

Dia7/8- Lezárás
In the stories of Sisyphus, Edison and Churchill we see how important it is to keep going despite
difficulties. They show us that determination helps us face life’s challenges, whether it’s the endless
task of Sisyphus, the many failures of Edison or the leadership of Churchill during wartimes.(valami

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