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EKOMAKS : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi; ISSN: 2302 - 4747

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Alfi Nur Aini1, Kusni Ingsih2, Yuventius Tyas Catur Pramudi3
Program Magister Manajemen, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Jl. Imam Bonjol No.207, Semarang, 50131
Corespondent E-mail:

Abstract— Human resources are an important factor in the company and need to be managed properly. Important factors in
managing human resources are employee motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. These three factors
will affect the level of turnover intention. The purpose of this study is to partially analyze the effect of motivation and job
satisfaction on the turnover intention of generation X and Y employees. The methods used are multiple regression analysis,
path diagrams, and hypothesis testing. The results obtained are that work motivation has no significant effect on turnover
intention, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment has a significant and negative effect on (turnover intention),
work motivation, and job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, organizational
commitment is not able to mediate work motivation. towards turnover intention, but can mediate job satisfaction with
turnover intention.

Keywords—: Classical Assumption Test; Job Satisfaction; Motivation; Turnover Intention.

The industrial world is currently growing rapidly thus directly demanding companies be able to compete and maintain their
existence. One important component for a company to be able to compete and maintain its existence is the effective and
efficient use of human resources. Human Resources (HR) is one of the important assets in the company, which is a driver of
other resources. Human resources indirectly influence the efficiency and effectiveness of the company. Most companies have
realized how important it is to maintain human resources to determine success, but they often experience difficulties in
managing human resources properly. HR with good performance will be able to survive for a long time, and vice versa HR with
poor performance will not be able to survive for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to have HR management to ensure the
company's success in managing its workforce (Harsuko, 2016).
HR management is an important activity to create comfortable working conditions to work efficiently. HR is the biggest and
most important asset in the company, so the company needs to optimize its management. Currently, most companies do not
only view employees as capital or costs but as a form of organizational resource that can increase the value of the company.
According to Rismayanti (2018), HR is valuable for companies, because they are the main actors in achieving organizational
goals. The existence of employees needs to be managed properly and carefully so that they can make a positive contribution to
the progress of the organization. Conversely, if employees are not managed carefully, employees will have low work motivation
so they eventually resign or leave the workplace (turnover). In addition to work motivation, job dissatisfaction is also often
identified as an important reason that causes (turnover).
(Turnover) refers to the final reality faced by the organization in the form of the number of employees who leave the
organization in a certain period, while 3 (turnover intention) refers to the results of individual evaluations regarding the
continuation of relationships with the organization and have not yet been realized in definite actions leaving the organization.
(Turnover) can be in the form of resignation, moving out of the organizational unit, dismissal , or death of members of the
organization (Witasari, 2009), whereas (voluntary turnover) is a decision made by employees to leave the company voluntarily
caused by how attractive the current job is. , as well as the availability of other alternative jobs. A high employee turnover rate
is a measure that is often used as an indicator of underlying problems in an organization. (Turnover) employees can create
instability in the conditions of employees and can lead to increased costs for the recruitment of new employees.
A McKinsey & Company survey (Axelrod et al., 2001) found that 90% of companies surveyed said it is more difficult to
maintain talented individuals today than in previous years. Mathias and Jackson (2009) in Krisetya (2013) explain that efforts to
retain 4 employees have become a major problem in many organizations for several reasons, including lower turnover. Every
individual kept means one less person who has to be recruited, selected, and trained. The challenge in today's companies is to
keep employees engaged and able to commit to the organization. According to research conducted by Hayes (2015), the
characteristics of work age have a negative relationship with (turnover intention), so it can lead to differences in outcomes
(turnover intention) at different ages, namely the older the employee's age the lower (turnover intention) ( Ng & Feldman,
2009). Likewise, other experts argue that the generational difference factor also has a relationship with turnover behavior
(Almalki, 2012; Park & Gursoy, 2012).

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EKOMAKS : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi; ISSN: 2302 - 4747
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Generations, according to Cogin (2012), are defined as a group of people who have the same birth span and experience and
witness relatively the same social changes or historical events during their life development. Each generation has its
characteristics based on certain historical and social events that it has experienced or witnessed. According to Oblinger &
Oblinger (2005), there are five classifications or differences in generations based on year of birth, namely (matures) (<1946),
(baby boomers) (1947–1964), (generation X-ers) (1965–1980), (generation Y-Millennials) (1981 – 1995), and (post-
millennials) (1996 – present). The research was conducted by targeting generations X and Y because in reality, generation Y
tends to be more unstable in making decisions and it can be seen from the high turnover rate in generation X compared to
generation Y. The current workforce is dominated by generations X and Y. where the X and Y generations are included in the
generation at an age that is still productive as a workforce. Intergenerational differences can be a potential problem. This is
caused by a lack of knowledge regarding the advantages and disadvantages of each generation as well as treatment in
organizations/institutions which tends to be the same or average for each person or generation (Tolbize, 2008 and Cogin 2012).
Based on the results of the preliminary studies that have been conducted, it is known that most of the employees in the
company are generation X and generation Y employees, which can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1 Employees of Generation X and Generation Y

2017 2018 2019
Generation Number of Rate Number of Rate Number of Rate
employees (turnover) employees (turnover) employees (turnover)
X (1965-1980) 38 1.5% 0.98% 38 1.7% 0.4% 36 1.3% 0.1%
Y (1981-1994) 1519 59.9% 23.09% 1481 65.4% 18.7% 1424 53.3% 8.7%

Based on Table 1, it can be seen that in 2017 with a total of up to 1557 employees, there were 1.5% of generation X
employees, while generation Y employees were 59.9%. In 2018 the total number of employees was 1519, with the percentage
of employees from generation X and generation Y of 1.7% and 65.4%, respectively. In 2019 the number of employees was
1460 people, the percentage of generation X employees was 1.3% and generation Y was 53.3%. During the three years from
2017 to 2019, the highest (turnover) rate occurred in 2017 and was carried out by generation Y. This happened again in 2018,
the rate (of turnover) by generation Y was 18.7%.
Based on the description in the background of the problem, (turnover intention) provides an overview regarding the existence
of fundamental problems in the organization. (Turnover) employees can create instability in employee conditions, as well as
increase costs for recruiting new employees. Because of this, the high number (turnover) of employees will be very detrimental
to the company. Because of this, researchers are interested in conducting research with the formulation of the problem "How do
motivation and job satisfaction influence (turnover intention) in generation X and generation Y employees with organizational
commitment as a variable (intervening)".


A. Human Resources
Human Resources (HR) can be distinguished in terms of macro and micro. The definition of human resources at a macro
level is all human beings as residents or citizens of a country or within certain regional boundaries who have entered the age of
the workforce, both those who entered the age of the workforce, both who have or have gotten a job. Besides that, human
resources at a macro level also mean people who are at productive age, although due to various reasons and problems there are
still those who are not yet productive because they have not entered the workforce in their community (Dewi, 2012).
Human resources in a simple micro sense are humans or people who work or are members of an organization called
personnel, employees, employees, workers, labor, and others. Meanwhile, more specifically HR in the micro sense within an
organization or company can be seen from three angles (Melayu, 2010):
a. Human resources are people who work and function as organizational assets that can be counted.
b. HR is the potential that drives the organization.
c. Humans as resources are living creatures created by God Almighty, as the driving force of the organization is different
from other resources. Its human values require that human resources be treated differently from other resources.

B. Turnover intention
(Turnover intention) can be defined as the employee's desire to leave the company and try to find another job that is better
than before. Both in the next three months, the next six months, the next year, and the next two years. (Waspodo, Nurul, and
Widya (2013) and Dharma (2013:1)). Icek Ajzen and Martin Fishbein in Brehm and Kassin (1990) put forward a theory of
reasoned action which states that attitudes affect behavior through careful and reasoned decision-making and the impact is
limited to only three things:
a. Behavior is not much determined by general attitudes but by specific attitudes towards something
b. Behavior is not only influenced by attitudes but also by objective norms, namely our beliefs about what other people want
us to do
c. Attitudes towards a behavior together with subjective norms form an intention or intention to behave in a certain way.

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EKOMAKS : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi; ISSN: 2302 - 4747
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C. Work Motivation
Maslow, who is famous for his theory of motivation, explained that humans need status, recognition, and acceptance, want an
equal distribution of authority to develop their potential and apply all their abilities and get satisfaction in carrying out tasks.
Maslow compiled a hierarchy of human needs from the most basic to the highest, namely (Riniwati, Harsuko, 2016):
a. Physiological needs such as eating, drinking, clothing, and shelter
b. Social needs such as interacting with fellow human beings
c. The need for security such as a decent salary, insurance, adequate facilities, and others
d. Awards such as praise for good work, good performance incentives, bonuses, championship trophies, championship
certificates, championship medals, classy facilities, and so on
e. Self-actualization is like playing an active role in many activities both as chairman, administrator, and member

D. Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is a positive emotional state that comes from evaluating one's work or experience. It is further said that job
satisfaction reflects a person's feelings towards his work, which can be seen from the positive attitude of workers towards their
work and everything that is encountered in the work environment. (Luthans in Witasari (2009)). In addition, job satisfaction can
be defined as the effectiveness or emotional response to various aspects of work. Each individual has a different level of
satisfaction. A person can be relatively satisfied with one aspect of his work and dissatisfied with one or more other aspects
(Kreitner and Kinicki (2003: 271)).

E. Organizational Commitment
Organizational commitment is defined as the relative strength of individual identification and involvement in the
organization, including trust, support for organizational goals and values, a strong desire to work for the benefit of the
organization, and a strong will to maintain membership in the organization. (Mowday et. al., 1982) In addition, organizational
commitment is also defined as an attitude that shows employee loyalty and is an ongoing process of how a member of the
organization expresses their concern for the success and goodness of the organization. (Luthans, 1995)
According to Luthans (2005: 219), the existence of organizational commitment has several influences including:
a. High performance
Organizational commitment influences high performance. The higher the employee's commitment to the organization, the
higher the employee's performance.
b. (Turnover) is low
Organizational commitment effects (turnover) are low. The higher the worker's commitment to the organization, the lower
the tendency of the worker to leave.
c. Low absenteeism
Organizational commitment affects low absenteeism. The higher the employee's commitment to the organization, the lower the
tendency for worker absenteeism.


This research was conducted on employees of PT. Mas Sumbiri, Kendal, Central Java. This research was conducted for three
months from February to April 2020. This research uses primary and secondary sources involving four variables including the
(dependent) variable (turnover intention), the (intervening) variable is organizational commitment, and the (independent)
variable ) are motivation and job satisfaction.
The population in this study were all employees of PT. Mas Sumbiri from the production department, both those who have a
contract term of less than one year or more than one year. The population in this study amounted to 2582 employees. The
sampling technique in this study is using a non-probability sampling technique using purposive sampling, namely a non-
probability sampling technique which is of higher quality and is a development or refinement of the previous methods, where
researchers have made boundaries based on the characteristics of the subjects to be studied. used as a research sample. Sampling
was used in this study using several criteria as follows: a. Generation X and Generation Y employees, b. Willing to be a
research respondent.
Data were collected using the questionnaire method, namely by providing a list of questions or questionnaires directly to the
respondents. The questionnaire is a closed questionnaire consisting of two parts, namely the first part which consists of
questions to obtain the personal data of respondents, and the second part which is used to obtain data related to this research.
The results of the questionnaire were then tested for validity and reliability.
A. Classical assumption test
A classical assumption test needs to be done before performing multiple linear regression analysis. A classical assumption
test is done to know the variables that deviate from the classical assumptions. Classical assumption tests include:
a. Normality test

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EKOMAKS : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi; ISSN: 2302 - 4747
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The data normality test can be done using the One-Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov test, the results of the One-Sample
Kolmogorov Smirnov test produce a significant value below 5% or 0.05, so the data does not have a normal
distribution (Ghozali, 2016).
b. Multicollinearity test
The multicollinearity test aims to test whether the regression model found a correlation between the independent
variables (independent).
c. Autocorrelation test
According to Ghozali (2016), autocorrelation can arise because consecutive observations over time are related to each
other. To detect the presence or absence of autocorrelation is to do a Run Test test. The run test is part of non-
parametric statistics that can be used to test whether there is a high correlation between residuals.
d. Heteroscedasticity test
Aims to find out whether or not there is a similarity between the variances of the residuals in the regression model
used. If the result of the significance probability value is more than 0.05, then the model does not occur
heteroscedasticity (Wibowo, 2012).
B. Metode Analisis Data
Data analysis methods in this study are:
a. Descriptive analysis
This descriptive analysis method is a method to describe the research data that has been collected using tabulations
without testing the hypothesis. The aim is to provide an overview of PT. Mas Sumbiri and the characteristics of the
b. Multiple linear regression analysis
Regression analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis where there is one dependent variable, namely (turnover
intention), two independent variables, namely work motivation and job satisfaction, and one variable (intervening)
namely organizational commitment. The statistical equations used in the test are (Liana, 2009):

Y : Dependent variable
X1, X2, Xk : Independent variable
β0, β1, β2, βk : Regression coefficient

c. Coefficient of determination
The coefficient of determination (R2) measures the model's ability to explain variations in the dependent variable, where
the value is between zero – one. A small value of R2 means that the ability of the independent variable in explaining the
dependent variable is very limited. Meanwhile, if it is close to one, it means that the independent variable in explaining
the dependent variable provides almost all the information needed to predict the variation of the dependent variable. The
small value of the delta coefficient of determination (ΔR2) is due to the larger error variance. The error variance
describes the data variation directly. The greater the variety of research data will have an impact on the greater the error
d. Path analysis
(Path analysis) or path analysis is a method used to analyze the influence of variables in research. The multiple linear
regression test has never studied the relationship between the variables, so path analysis is needed to study the
relationship between the variables. According to Ghozali (2009), path analysis aims to explain the direct and indirect
effects of a set of variables, as causal variables, to a set of other variables which are effect variables. In analyzing the
path, SPSS software can be used by looking at the results of SPSS and the coefficient of determination. From the results
of the coefficient of determination, the error value will be found and the path diagram can be drawn. The next step is to
calculate the direct and indirect effects of the path diagram. The path diagram in this study can be seen in Figure 3.1. The
error calculation formula (ℇ) is:

ℇ : Error
r2 : Coefficient of determination
e. Hypothesis test
The hypothesis test uses the t-statistic test which shows how far the influence between the independent variable and the
dependent variable is.
i. The null hypothesis (Ho) that will be tested is whether a parameter is equal to zero (Ho = 0) which means that the
independent variable is not a significant explanatory factor for the dependent variable.
ii. The alternative hypothesis (HA) to be tested is whether a parameter is not equal to zero (HA 0) which means that
The independent variable is a significant explanation of the dependent variable.

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EKOMAKS : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi; ISSN: 2302 - 4747
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The decision-making criteria is based on the hypothesis test using the t statistical test, if the p-value t test <0.05
then the hypothesis is rejected and the independent variable affects the dependent variable. This hypothesis test is a
decision made from the results of data analysis.


A. Validity test
Table 2. Validity test
Variable Indicator Value rtabel Annotation
Interest in assignments (X11) 0.637 Valid
Efficiency (X12) 0.643 Valid
Work motivation
Evaluation (X13) 0.650 Valid
Money and other rewards (X14) 0.557 Valid
Avoid punishment from superiors (X15) 0.687 Valid
Satisfaction with the salary (X21) 0.697 Valid
Job satisfaction Satisfaction with the promotion (X22) 0.774 Valid
(X2) Satisfaction with colleagues (X23) 0.750 Valid
Satisfaction with superiors (X24) 0.771 0.105 Valid
Strong belief in a career in the company (Y1) 0.692 Valid
Level of involvement in company matters (Y2) 0.597 Valid
Level of interest in the company (Y3) 0.725 Valid
Commitment (Y)
Perusahaan sebagai bagian dari perusahaan (Y4) 0.701 Valid
What the company means to employees(Y5) 0.717 Valid
Thoughts to leave (Z1) 0.823 Valid
Desire to find other job vacancies (Z2) 0.873 Valid
intention) (Z)
Desire to leave the organization in the coming months (Z3) 0.857 Valid
Berdasarkan uji dari SPSS dan dapat dilihat pada tabel 2 bahwa semua instrument memiliki nilai r hitung lebih tinggi
dibandingkan rtabel, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa kuesioner yang digunakan valid.

B. Reliability test
A reliability test is a test of the accuracy or consistency of research instruments. A research instrument is said to be reliable if
the Cronbach alpha value is > 0.6 (Ghozali 2009). The results of the reliability test can be seen in Table 3.

Table 3. Reliability test

Variable Cronbach Alpha
Work motivation (X1) 0.606
Job satisfaction (X2) 0.730
Organizational Commitment (Y) 0.703
(Turnover Intention) (Z) 0.807

Based on the results that can be seen in Table 3 the Cronbach alpha value of each variable is greater than 0.6, it can be said
that the research instrument used is reliable.

C. Normality test
The results of the normality test for each variable can be seen in Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5.

Figure 2 QQ Plot Work Motivation Figure 3 QQ Plot Job Satisfaction

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EKOMAKS : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi; ISSN: 2302 - 4747
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Figure 4 QQ Plot Organizational Commitment Figure 5 QQ Plot (Turnover Intention)

Based on the results (outputs) shown in Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5, it can be concluded that the data is spread
along the diagonal line. Therefore, the data in this study are normally distributed and can be continued for multiple linear
regression tests.

D. Multicollinearity Test
The multicollinearity test aims to determine whether there is a correlation between the independent variables in the multiple
linear regression model. The data is said to have no multicollinearity if the tolerance value is greater than 0.1 or the VIF value is
less than 10.00. The results of the multicollinearity test can be seen in Table 4.

Tabel 4 Multicollinearity test

Dependent Variable: Dependent Variable:
Model Organizational Commitment (Turnover Intention)
Tolerance VIF Tolerance VIF
Work motivation 0.684 1.463 0.656 1.526
Job satisfaction 0.684 1.463 0.520 1.924
Organizational Commitment 0.583 1.715

Based on the results in Table 4, the tolerance value of all variables is greater than 0.10, and the value of the variance inflation
factor (VIF) of the three variables is less than 10, so it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity.

E. Autocorrelation test
The autocorrelation test was carried out using a run test with the SPSS tool. The results are seen from the SPSS (output) on
the (runs test) on the asymp value. Sig (2-tailed). The basis for decision-making is if the value of asymp. Sig (2-tailed) is less
than 0.05, then there is a symptom of autocorrelation, whereas if it is greater than 0.05, then there is no autocorrelation. The
results of the autocorrelation test can be seen in Table 5

Table 5 Autocorrelation Test Results

Dependent Variable Asymp. Sig (2-Tailed) Decision
Organizational Commitment 0.554 There is no autocorrelation
(Turnover Intention) 0.060 There is no autocorrelation

Based on the results from Table 5, it can be seen that the Asymp value. Sig (2-Tailed) is more than 0.05, so it can be
concluded that there is no autocorrelation on the variables in the regression equation. Therefore, the model can be continued for
multiple linear regression tests.

F. Heteroscedasticity Test
The heteroscedasticity test aims to see whether there is a similarity of variance in the regression model. In this study, SPSS
(output) was used, namely (scatterplots). In the decision making there are rules to state whether or not heteroscedasticity occurs
(Wijaya & Andreani 2015):
a. The data points spread above and below or around the number 0.
b. The dots don't just collect above or below
c. The spread of data points is not patterned
(Output) (scatterplots) in Figure 6 and Figure 7. It can be seen in both figures that the data is not patterned, the data is spread
above and below the number 0, the data does not gather at one point, and the pattern does not widen, narrow, or widen. It can be
concluded that the regression model is good and there is no heteroscedasticity in it.

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EKOMAKS : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi; ISSN: 2302 - 4747
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Figure 7 (Scatterplots) with Dependent Variable

Figure 6 (Scatterplots) with Dependent Variable
Organizational Commitment
Organizational Commitment

G. Characteristics of Respondents
Descriptive analysis is useful for showing how the statistics of the respondent's data are. The statistical data displayed
consists of two pieces of information, namely the percentage of education level and the respondent belongs to which generation
category. The total number of respondents is 347 people. Characteristics of respondents based on education level can be seen in
Table 6 and characteristics of respondents based on generation can be seen in Table 7.

Table 6 Characteristics of Respondents by Education Level

Level of education Number (person) Percentage (%)
Middle school/ equivalent 176 50.72
High school/ equivalent 165 47.55
Diploma/ Bachelor/ equivalent 6 1.73
Total 347 100

Tabel 7 Karakteristik Responden berdasarkan Generasi

Generation Number (person) Percentage (%)
Generation X (1965-1980) 2 0.58
Generation Y (1981-1995) 345 99.42
Total 347

It can be seen in Table 5.5 that from a total of 347 respondents, there are 176 people with Middle school/ equivalent
education level or about 50.72% of the total number of respondents. The number of High school/ equivalent graduates is 165
people or about 47.55% of the total. The rest is with a diploma/bachelor/ equivalent education level with a total of 6 people or
around 1.73%. In Table 5.6 it can be seen that from a total of 347 respondents, the number of respondents belonging to
generation X is 2 people or about 0.58% of the total, while respondents belonging to generation Y are 345 people or about

H. Regression Analysis
The regression analysis used in this study is multiple linear regression in the presence of variables (intervening). The results
of the equation in the regression can be seen in the results below. There are two regression analysis test results consisting of:
1. The effect of motivation and job satisfaction on organizational commitment
It can be seen in Table 8, the significance value of the independent variables of work motivation and job satisfaction is
0.000, which means below 0.05. This shows that the independent variables of work motivation and job satisfaction have a
significant positive effect on the organizational commitment variable.

Table 8 (Output) SPSS Effect of Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment as a Variable (Intervening)
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Model T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 7.227 1.361 5.309 .000
Work motivation .213 .055 .191 3.833 .000
Job satisfaction .627 .060 .519 10.416 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Organizational Commitment

Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS, maka dapat diperoleh persamaan regresi linear berganda sebagai
berikut: Komitmen Organisasi = 7.227 + 0.213 X MotivasiKerja + 0.627 X KepuasanKerja + e

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EKOMAKS : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi; ISSN: 2302 - 4747
Website :

a. Konstanta (α): 7.227 menunjukkan konstanta bernilai positif dan memiliki arti bahwa variabel motivasi kerja dan kepuasan
kerja dianggap konstan dengan komitmen organisasi sebesar 7.227 atau apabila motivasi kerja dan kepuasan kerja bernilai
tetap maka komitmen organisasi sebesar 7.227 satuan.
b. Koefisien β1 : 0.213. Variabel motivasi kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.213. Ini
memiliki arti bahwa setiap peningkatan variabel motivasi kerja setiap 1 satuan, maka komitmen organisasi akan meningkat
sebesar 0.213 dengan asumsi variabel yang lain tetap.
c. Koefisien β2 : 0.627. Variabel kepuasan kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.627. Ini
memiliki arti bahwa setiap peningkatan variabel kepuasan kerja setiap 1 satuan, maka komitmen organisasi akan
meningkat sebesar 0.627 dengan asumsi variabel yang lain tetap.

1. The influence of motivation and job satisfaction, as well as the organizational commitment to (turnover intention)
It can be seen in Table 9, the significance value of the independent variables of job satisfaction and organizational
commitment is 0.000, which means below 0.05. This shows that the independent variables of job satisfaction and
organizational commitment have a significant negative effect on the dependent variable (turnover intention). The
independent variable of work motivation has a significance value of 0.783 which means it is greater than 0.05, this
indicates that the independent variable of work motivation has no significant effect on the dependent variable (turnover

Table 9 (Output) SPSS The Effect of Motivation and Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment as a Variable
(Intervening) on (Turnover Intention)
Unstandardized Coefficients Std. Coefficients
Model t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 14.469 1.355 10.679 .000
Work motivation .015 .054 .017 .275 .783
Job satisfaction -.211 .066 -.226 -3.199 .002
Organizational Commitment -.118 .052 -.153 -2.294 .022
a. Dependent Variable: Turnover intention

Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS, maka dapat diperoleh persamaan regresi linear berganda sebagai
berikut: Turnover intention = 14.469 + 0.015 XMotivasiKerja – 0.211 XKepuasanKerja – 0.118 XKomitmenOrganisasi + e
a. Konstanta (α): 14.469 menunjukkan konstanta bernilai positif dan memiliki arti bahwa variabel motivasi kerja, kepuasan
kerja, dan komitmen organisasi dianggap konstan dengan (turnover intention) sebesar 14.469 atau apabila motivasi kerja,
kepuasan kerja, dan komitmen organisasi bernilai tetap maka (turnover intention) sebesar 14.469 satuan.
b. Koefisien β1 : 0.015. Variabel motivasi kerja terhadap (turnover intention) dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.015. Ini
memiliki arti bahwa setiap peningkatan variabel motivasi kerja setiap 1 satuan, maka (turnover intention) akan meningkat
sebesar 0.015 dengan asumsi variabel yang lain tetap.
c. Koefisien β2 : -0.211. Variabel kepuasan kerja terhadap (turnover intention) dengan koefisien regresi sebesar -0.211. Ini
memiliki arti bahwa setiap peningkatan variabel kepuasan kerja setiap 1 satuan, maka (turnover intention) akan menurun
sebesar 0.211 dengan asumsi variabel yang lain tetap.
d. Koefisien β3 : -0.118. Variabel komitmen organisasi terhadap (turnover intention) dengan koefisien regresi sebesar -0.118.
Ini memiliki arti bahwa setiap peningkatan variabel komitmen organisasi setiap 1 satuan, maka (turnover intention) akan
menurun sebesar 0.118 dengan asumsi variabel yang lain tetap.

I. Coefficient of Determination
The coefficient of determination is the magnitude of the independent variable explaining the dependent variable (Putianti et
al. 2014). In this study, there are two models of regression equations. The first equation is three independent variables,
namely work motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment with the dependent variable (turnover intention).
The second equation is with two independent variables namely work motivation and job satisfaction with the dependent
variable being organizational commitment. There are two models because organizational commitment functions as a
variable (intervening), so to perform data processing, this variable can be the dependent and independent variable depending
on the regression model being analyzed. The results of the coefficient of determination (R 2) can be seen in Table 10.

Table 10 Coefficient of Determination

Dependent Variable R R2
(Turnover Intention) 0.333 0.111
Organizational Commitment 0.646 0.417

Based on the results that can be seen in Table 4.9, in the first regression model which has the dependent variable of
organizational commitment, R2 is obtained by 0.111, meaning that the dependent variable (turnover intention) can be explained

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by the independent variables of work motivation and job satisfaction, as well as the variable (intervening) commitment.
organization of 11.1%, while the remaining 88.9% is explained by other variables that are not in the model.
In the second regression model which has the dependent variable of organizational commitment, the value of R 2 is 0.417,
which means that the variable of organizational commitment intention can be explained by the variables of work motivation and
job satisfaction of 41.7%, while the remaining 58.3% is explained by other variables that are not in the model.

J. (Path Analysis)
(Path analysis) or path analysis is an analysis that aims to explain the direct and indirect effects of a variable, from the
independent variable to the dependent variable (Ghozali 2010). The results of the errors in the two equations can be seen in
Table 11. Based on the calculation of the error value and output from SPSS, the regression path diagram can also be described
as shown in Figure 8.
Table 11 Error results of the two regression models
Dependent Variable ℇ
(Turnover intention) 0.943
Organizational Commitment 0.764

Figure 8 Regression Path Analysis

Based on Figure 4.7, it can be calculated the direct effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable, as well as
the indirect effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Two path coefficients need to be calculated to
determine the effect, including:
I. Work Motivation through Organizational Commitment to (Turnover Intention)
a. The magnitude of the direct influence = 0.017
b. The magnitude of the indirect effect = 0.191 × (-0.153) = (-0.029)
c. The total effect of work motivation on turnover intention = 0.017 + (-0.029) = -0.012
II. Job Satisfaction through Organizational Commitment to (Turnover Intention)
a. The magnitude of the direct influence = -0.226
b. The magnitude of the indirect effect = 0.519× (-0.153) = -0.079
c. The total effect of organizational commitment on (turnover intention) = (-0.226) + (-0.079) = -0.305

K. Hypothesis Test
The conclusion of the hypothesis can be done by looking at the value of the pValue t-test If the pValue t-test value is <0.05,
then the hypothesis can be accepted. There are seven hypotheses tested in this study, including:
 H1: Work motivation has a significant effect on (turnover intention)
The significance value is 0.783, which means the value is above 0.05, then H1 is rejected. It means that it can be
concluded that work motivation has no significant effect on (turnover intention).
 H2: Job satisfaction has a significant effect on (turnover intention)
The significance value is 0.002, which means the value is below 0.05, then H2 is accepted. It means that it can be
concluded that job satisfaction has a significant effect on (turnover intention). The effect of job satisfaction on
(turnover intention) is a negative influence, which means that every increase in job satisfaction means that the level of
(turnover intention) is getting smaller.
 H3: Organizational Commitment has a significant effect on (turnover intention)
The significance value is 0.022, which means the value is below 0.05, then H3 is accepted. It means that it can be
concluded that organizational commitment has a significant effect on (turnover intention). The effect of organizational
commitment on (turnover intention) is a negative influence, which means that if there is an increase in organizational
commitment, then (turnover intention) will decrease.
 H4: Work motivation has a significant effect on organizational commitment
The significance value is 0.000, which means the value is below 0.05, then H4 is accepted. It means that it can be
concluded that work motivation has a significant effect on organizational commitment. The effect of work motivation

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on organizational commitment is a positive influence, which means that when work motivation increases,
organizational commitment also increases.

 H5: Job satisfaction has a significant effect on organizational commitment

The significance value is 0.000, which means the value is below 0.05, then H5 is accepted. It can be concluded that job
satisfaction has a significant effect on organizational commitment. The effect of job satisfaction on organizational
commitment is a positive influence, which means that when job satisfaction increases, organizational commitment also
 H6: Work motivation has a significant effect on (turnover intention) with organizational commitment as a variable
The value of direct influence is 0.017, while the indirect effect is (-0.029), this indicates that the value of direct
influence is greater than the value of indirect influence. This means that H6 is rejected, and it can be concluded that
organizational commitment does not mediate the relationship between work motivation and (turnover intention).
 H7: Job satisfaction has a significant effect on (turnover intention) with organizational commitment as a variable
The value of direct influence is (-0.226), while the indirect effect is (-0.079), this indicates that the value of indirect
influence is greater than the value of direct influence. This means that H7 is accepted, and it can be concluded that
organizational commitment mediates the relationship between job satisfaction and (turnover intention).

L. Study
L 1. The effect of work motivation on (Turnover Intention)
Work motivation according to Robbins (2008) can be defined as a process that explains the intensity, direction, and
persistence of an individual to achieve a goal, while (turnover intention) can be defined as a condition where an
employee/individual tends to quit their job (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Based on the results of the hypothesis test, work
motivation does not affect (turnover intention), this is obtained from the significance value which is above 0.05. This is
in line with research conducted by Putri & Rumangkit (2017), which states that work motivation has no significant effect
on (turnover intention). According to Bramantara (2015), the more influencing factors (turnover intention) are job
satisfaction and organizational commitment.

L 2. The Effect of Job Satisfaction on (Turnover Intention)

Job satisfaction is an attitude displayed by individuals to provide an affective or emotional response to one's work
(Kreitner & Kinicki, 2009). Job satisfaction is usually individual and depends on each individual. Job satisfaction is one
of the factors that influence employee turnover (Ratnawati, 2002). In this study, the results obtained that job satisfaction
has a significant and negative effect on (turnover intention) as seen from hypothesis testing where the significance value
is less than 0.05. An employee who is satisfied with the organization he is currently participating in usually has no
thoughts of doing it (turnover intention). Based on the statement from Robbins & Coulter (2009), satisfied employees
have a low level (turnover intention), while dissatisfied employees will have a high level (turnover intention).

L 3. The Effect of Organizational Commitment on (Turnover Intention)

Organizational commitment is a situation in which an individual or employee sided with an organization and its goals
and has the desire to maintain themselves as part of the organization (Robbins & Judge, 2008). Based on the results of
the hypothesis test, organizational commitment has a significant and negative effect on (turnover intention), this can be
seen from the significance test value which has a value below 0.05. This result is in line with the research conducted by
Kharismawati & Dewi (2016), that organizational commitment has a significant influence on (turnover intention).
Organizational commitment is the desire of every individual to become a part of the organization/company, so if a
person/individual has a commitment or has a goal in an organization, then this individual will try to stay and not leave
the organization.
According to Bramantara (2015), one of the factors that influence the high level of (turnover intention) is the low
organizational commitment by employees to the organization where they work. High organizational commitment will
make employees have a long service period and work optimally. Internal problems have been the cause of the highest
occurrence (turnover intention), therefore the company must do as much as possible to make employees commit so that
every employee/individual does not have thoughts of leaving the company.

L 4. The Effect of Work Motivation on Organizational Commitment

Work motivation is how to give passion to someone. The purpose of employee motivation is to create morale and
increase productivity. Employees who have high work motivation will be able to do their work effectively and
efficiently. Employees who have high work motivation will have a high organizational commitment as well. Based on
the results of the hypothesis test, work motivation has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment,

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EKOMAKS : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi; ISSN: 2302 - 4747
Website :

which means that when work motivation increases, organizational commitment increases. According to Mar'at (2000),
individual commitment is determined by motivation, compensation, training, the function of the leader, climate of
cooperation, morale, and conflict in the office. Employees who have high organizational commitment will work as well
as possible so that their performance increases and is able to survive the organization. The results of this study are in line
with the research conducted by Purnama et al (2016), which states that there is a significant influence between work
motivation and organizational commitment for employees at Bank BRI Kawi Malang branch.

L 5. The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment

Job satisfaction is the attitude possessed by a worker or a person towards a job as a response to the difference between
the amount of compensation received and the amount of ability that should be issued (Robbins 2008). Organizational
commitment can be defined as a strong desire of employees to stay in an organization and strive to fulfill the wishes of
the organization, with certain beliefs, and acceptance of the values and goals of the organization (Luthans 2009). Based
on the results of hypothesis testing, the results obtained are job satisfaction affects organizational commitment. This
result is obtained because the significance value is less than 0.05.
This is in line with research conducted by Rosita (2016), which states that job satisfaction has a significant and positive
effect on organizational commitment at PT Pharos Indonesia. The higher the level of job satisfaction possessed by an
employee in his company, the employee will provide optimal results to the company/organization to create
organizational commitment. According to Khan (2014), the declining level of job satisfaction is caused by the
weakening of employee commitment to the organization. Therefore, job satisfaction is one of the factors that must be
maintained by the company so that individuals still have a strong organizational commitment. Job satisfaction can be
influenced by several things such as timely salary, bonus/ (reward), and good relations between employees and their

L 6. The Effect of Work Motivation on (Turnover Intention) with Organizational Commitment as a Variable
Work motivation is the provision of a driving force that can create a person's or individual's work enthusiasm so that they
want to work together, work effectively, and work in an integrated manner with all their efforts to achieve satisfaction
(Hasibuan, 2007). Each individual's work motivation arises because he is aware of his work in an organization. Based on
the results of the hypothesis test, the value of the direct influence of work motivation on (turnover intention) is greater
than the indirect effect of work motivation on (turnover intention) with organizational commitment as a variable
(intervening), this means that organizational commitment is not able to mediate the relationship between work
motivation and (turnover intention). Organizational commitment itself, if it stands alone, greatly influences (turnover
intention), but when it is a mediating variable, it is unable to exert influence. This can be caused because motivation is an
attitude that arises within each individual, and the motivation to survive in a company is not necessarily caused because
an individual commits to his current organization. Many factors influence why someone still stays in the company, one
of which is the unavailability of other jobs if the individual leaves his current organization.

L 7. The Effect of Job Satisfaction on (Turnover Intention) with Organizational Commitment as a Variable
Organizational commitment is a bond for the entire company and not for the job, work group, or belief in the importance
of the work itself (Lambert et al, 2012). Based on the results of the hypothesis test, the indirect effect of job satisfaction
on (turnover intention) is higher than the direct effect. This means that organizational commitment can mediate the
relationship between job satisfaction and (turnover intention). These results are in line with research conducted by Putra
& Wibawa (2015), which states that organizational commitment is ablecane job satisfaction (turnover intention).
Individuals/someone who is satisfied with an organization will last a long time in an organization, so he commits to their
organization. According to Mowday et al (1982), employees who have high organizational commitment will be
motivated to attend and help the organization achieve its goals.


A. Conclusion
Conclusions that can be drawn from this research include:
a. Work motivation has no significant effect on the (turnover intention) of employees of generation X and generation Y
seen from the significance value which is above 0.05.
b. Job satisfaction has a significant and negative effect on (turnover intention) in employees of generation X and
generation Y seen from the significance value which is below 0.05. This shows that if the value of job satisfaction
increases, it will decrease the level of (turnover intention).

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EKOMAKS : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi; ISSN: 2302 - 4747
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c. Work motivation has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment to Generation X and Generation
Y employees. The higher one's work motivation, the higher one's organizational commitment will be.
d. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment to employees of generation X and
generation Y. This means that the higher job satisfaction of employees will make the employee have a high
organizational commitment as well.
e. Organizational commitment has a negative and significant effect on (turnover intention) in generation X and
generation Y. This means that the higher the level of organizational commitment of an employee will decrease the
level of (turnover intention).
f. Organizational commitment is not able to mediate the relationship between work motivation (turnover intention) in
generations X and Y seen from the value of the direct influence which is higher than the indirect effect. This can be
due to the presence of high work motivation does not necessarily lead to organizational commitment and reduce the
level of (turnover intention).
g. Organizational commitment can mediate the relationship between job satisfaction (turnover intention) in Generations
X and Y seen from the value of the indirect influence which is higher than the direct influence. This is because job
satisfaction will create a desire to stay in the organization.

B. Suggestion
Suggestions that can be given from this research are:
a. The research is still testing the variables partially but not as a whole, the following research can test the variables as a
b. The number of respondents from generation X and generation Y has not been balanced due to the unbalanced condition
and number of employees of generation X and generation Y at the research site, therefore in future studies, the number of
respondents can be more balanced. Apart from the number of respondents, the variables of generation X and generation Y
can be taken into consideration by using methods other than regression such as PLS or GSCA.

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