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Reading Comprehension:
1. Discursive Passage
2. Case-based Passage

1. Descriptive Paragraph Writing- person, event, situation

2. Diary Entry

1. Reported Speech
2. Tenses

3. Subject-verb Concord

4. Gap Filling Exercises

5. Editing Exercises

6. Modals

7. Determiners

8. Transformation Exercises

Literature Reader (Beehive):


1. The Fun They Had

2. The Sound of Music-I and II

3. A Truly Beautiful Mind

4. The Snake and the Mirror

5. My Childhood

6. Reach for the Top- I and II

7. Kathmandu

8. If I Were You


1. The Road Not Taken

2. The Lake Isle of Innisfree

3. Wind

4. Rain on the Roof

5. A Legend of the Northland

6. No Men Are Foreign

7. On Killing a Tree

8. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

Supplementary Reader (Moments)

1. The Lost Child

2. The Adventures of Toto

3. Iswaran the Storyteller

4. In the Kingdom of Fools

5. The Happy Prince

6. The Last Leaf

7. A House is not a Home

8. The Beggar
संस्कृत पाठ्यक्रमः

1.अविवेकः परमापदां पदम ्
2.पाथेयम ्
3.विजयतां स्वदे शः
4.विद्यया भान्ति सद्गण ु ाः
5.कर्मणा याति संसिद्धिम ्
6.तत ् त्वम ् असि
7.तरवे नमोऽस्तु
8.न धर्मवद्ृ धेषु वयः समीक्ष्यते
9.कवयामि वयामि यामि

व्याकरणम ्
1. अपठित -अवबोधनम ्
2. औपचारिकम ् अथवा अनौपचारिकं पत्रलेखनम ्
3. चित्रवर्णनम ् अथवा अनच् ु छे दलेखनम ्
4. संवादपर्ति
ू ः/ कथापर्ति
ू ः
5. उच्चारणस्थानानि
6. संधिकार्यम ् - स्वरसंधि(दीर्घ, गणु , वद्
ृ धि ,यण ्,अयादि)
व्यंजन संधि-प्रथम वर्णस्य तत ृ ीय वर्णे परिवर्तनम ्,

म ् को अनस् ु वार,
विसर्ग संधि- उत्वम ्,शत्वम ्,सत्वम ्,षत्वम ्
7. प्रत्ययाः वाक्येषु प्रयोगः- क्त्वा, तम ु न
ु ्, ल्यप ् , शत ृ
8. शब्दरूप- बाल, लता,फल, कवि,साध,ु नदी, भवत ्,अस्मद्, यष्ु मद्,तत ्,किम ्
9. धातरू ु प- लट्, लट् ृ , लङ्,लोट्, विधिलिङ्ग लकार
(भ,ू नम ्,गम ्,अस ्, प्रच्छ्,कृ,ज्ञा, क्षाल ्,नी)
आत्मनेपद- लट्, लट् ृ लकार (सेव ्,लभ ्,रुच ्)
10. उपपद विभक्ति -
द्वितीया -प्रति, विना, परितः,उभयतः, निकषा/समया
ततृ ीया -विना, अलम,हीन, सह/समम ्/सार्धम ्
ु -कुप ्, नमः, रूच ्, दा(यच्छ्),अलम ्
पंचमी- विना, बहिः, भी, रक्ष्
षष्ठी - उपरि,अधः,परु तः,पष्ृ ठतः,वामतः,दक्षिणतः
सप्तमी - स्निह्,विश्वस ्,निपण ु ,कुशल
11. संख्या- 1-100(1-4 त्रिषु लिङ्गेष)ु 12.अव्यय-
अत्र,तत्र,यत्र,अन्यत्र,सर्वत्र,एकत्र,उभयत्र,कुत्र,यदा,तदा,कदा,सर्वदा,एकदा,परु ा, अधन
ु ा,ह्यः, श्वः, अद्य,
यदि- तर्हि, च, अपि, कुतः, किम ्,कति,कथम ्, किमर्थम ् ,यथा,तथा,सम्यक् ,एव
विषय- हिंदी


गद्य खंड)

1. दख
ु का अधिकार
2. एवरे स्ट: मेरी शिखर यात्रा
3. तम ु कब जाओगे, अतिथि
4. वैज्ञानिक चेतना के वाहक चंद्रशेखर वें कटरमन
5. शक्रु तारे के समान
(काव्य खंड)
1. रै दास
2. रहीम
3. रामधारी सिंह दिनकर
4. हरिवंश राय बच्चन
5. अरुण कमल


1. गिल्लू
2. स्मति

3. कल्लू कुम्हार की उनाकोटी
4. मेरा छोटा- सा निजी पस्
ु तकालय


1. शब्द और पद
2. अनस्ु वार- अनन ु ासिक
3. उपसर्ग- प्रत्यय
4. स्वर संधि
5. विराम- चिन्ह
6. वाक्य- भेद (अर्थ की दृष्टि से)

लेखन एवं भाषा- शैली

1. अपठित गद्यांश
2. अनच्
ु छे द- लेखन
3. पत्र- लेखन (अनौपचारिक)
4. चित्र- वर्णन
5. संवाद- लेखन

Compréhension Ecrite
Expression Ecrite
La carte postale
La lettre
Le message
La carte d’invitation/ le refus
Mettez le dialogue en ordre
Décrivez l’image
Grammaire :
Les temps (présent, futur simple, futur proche, passé composé, imparfait, conditionnel présent,
passé récent )
L’impératif, il faut, le verbe devoir
La négation
Le pronom relatif (qui, que, où, dont)
Posez des questions
Les pronoms personnels
(compléments d’objet direct/ indirect/ tonique/ y / en)
Les adjectifs et pronoms interrogatifs
Règle de « Si »
Culture et civilisation :
L. 5 – Les voyages
L. 6 - Les loisirs et les sports
L. 7 – L’argent de poche
L. 8 – Faire des achats


1. Real Numbers
2. Polynomials
3. Linear Equations in two Variable
4. Coordinate Geometry
5. Euclid's Geometry
6. Lines and Angles
7. Triangles
8. Quadrilaterals
9. Circles
10. Heron's Formula
11. Surface Area and Volumes
12. Statistics


Unit I: Matter- Its Nature and Behaviour

Chapter-1 Matter In Our Surroundings

Definition of matter; solid, liquid and gas; characteristics - shape, volume, density; change of
state melting (absorption of heat), freezing, evaporation (cooling by evaporation),
condensation, sublimation.

Chapter-2 Is Matter Around Us Pure?

Nature of matter: Elements, compounds and mixtures. Heterogeneous and homogeneous

mixtures, colloids and suspensions. Physical and chemical changes (excluding separating the
components of a mixture)

Chapter-3: Atoms and molecules, Law of Chemical Combination, Chemical formula of

common compounds, Atomic and molecular masses.

Chapter-4: Structure of atoms: Electrons, protons and neutrons, Valency, Atomic Number and
Mass Number, Isotopes and Isobars.

Theme: The World of the Living

Unit II: Organization in the Living World

Chapter – 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life

Cell - Basic Unit of life: Cell as a basic unit of life; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, multicellular
organisms; cell membrane and cell wall, cell organelles and cell inclusions; chloroplast,
mitochondria, vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus; nucleus, chromosomes - basic
structure, number.
Chapter – 6 Tissues

Tissues, Organs, Organ System, Organism:

Structure and functions of animal and plant tissues (only four types of tissues in animals;

Meristematic and Permanent tissues in plants).

Theme: Moving Things, People and Ideas

Unit III: Motion, Force and Work

Chapter – 7 Motion

Distance and displacement, velocity- uniform and non-uniform motion along a straight

line, acceleration, distance-time and velocity-time graphs for uniform motion and uniformly

accelerated motion, elementary idea of uniform circular motion.

Chapter – 8 Force and Laws of Motion

Force and Motion, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Action and Reaction forces, Inertia of a body,
Inertia and mass, Momentum, Force and Acceleration.

Chapter – 9 Gravitation

Universal law of gravitation, free fall, mass and weight, weight of an object on moon Thrust and
Pressure, Archimedes’ Principle; Buoyancy

Chapter-10: Work, Energy and Power

Work done by a Force, Energy, Power; Kinetic and Potential energy; Law of conservation of

Chapter-11: Sound: Nature of sound and its propagation in various media, speed of sound,
range of hearing in humans; ultrasound; reflection of sound; echo.

Theme: Food

Unit IV: Food Production

Chapter 12: Improvement In Food Resources

Plant and animal breeding and selection for quality improvement and management; Use of
fertilizers and manures; Protection from pests and diseases; Organic farming.

Social Science


1.The French Revolution

2. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

3.Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

Map Work

1.French Revolution:

Outline political map of France Locate/label/identify;

Bordeaux, Nantes, Paris and Marseille

2. Socialism in Europe: Outline political map of world locate/label/identify major countries of

World War:

- Central powers - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (Ottoman Empire)

- Allied Powers-France, England, Russia and USA

Political Science

1.What is Democracy?Why Democracy?

2 Constitutional Design

3 Electoral Politics

4 Working of Institutions

5 Democratic Rights

1. India – Size and location

2. India- physical features: Relief, structure, major physiographic unit

3. Drainage- Major rivers and tributaries, lakes and seas, role of rivers in the economy,
pollution of rivers, measures to control river pollution.

4. Climate

5. Population

Map Work

India: size & location ● India - States with Capitals ● Tropic of Cancer, Standard Meridian
(Location and Labelling) ● Neighbouring countries

India physical features ● Mountain Ranges: The Karakoram, The Zasker, The Shivalik, The
Aravali, The Vindhya, The Satpura, Western & Eastern Ghats ● Mountain Peaks – K2, Kanchan
Junga, Anai Mudi ● Plateau - Deccan Plateau, Chota Nagpur Plateau, Malwa Plateau ● Coastal
Plains - Konkan, Malabar, Coromandel & Northern Circar (Location and Labelling)

Drainage system Rivers: (Identification only) ● The Himalayan River Systems-The Indus, The
Ganges, and The Sutlej ● The Peninsular Rivers-The Narmada, The Tapi, The Kaveri, The Krishna,
The Godavari, The Mahanadi ● Lakes: Wular, Pulicat, Sambhar, Chilika

Climate ● Annual rainfall in India, Monsoon wind directions .

Natural Vegetation ● Types of vegetation (Identification only)

Population ● density of all states · The state having highest and lowest density of population


1. Story of Palampur

2. People as a resource

3. Poverty

4. Food Security

Information Technology

Employability skills
1. Communication Skills

2. Self- Management Skills

3. ICT skills

4. Entrepreneurial skills

5. Green Skills

Subject Specific Skills

1. IT and ITes

2.Data Entry and keyboarding skills

3.Digital documentation

4.Electronic Spreadsheet

5.Digital Presentation


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