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First, I will start by greeting the students and giving them a tongue twister
(e.g., Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said, "This butter's bitter! But
a bit of better butter will make my batter better).

Then I will present a video (a song about types of food and drinks) to my
students, and then I will ask them questions in order to elicit the verbs used
with drinks and food, for example: What did you see in the video? What are
the verbs in the video? What’s the verb we use with food? What’s the verb
we use with drink? And then I will ask them if there is one type of food and
drink, or if there are different types. And after that, I will show them slides
of foods and ask if they know their names; if not, I will write them down and
see if they can pronounce them. If not, I will read them for them so they can
grasp how they are pronounced.

After this stage, I will design a table on the board divided into six categories:
fruits, vegetables, drinks, meat, dairy, and others. And beside the table, I
write the names of some food and drinks, and then ask students to work in
groups to classify the food and drink items mentioned according to their
types. And after they are done, we will have a whole-class correction.

In this stage, I will present another video to the student about favorite foods
and drinks, and then I will ask students in pairs to ask each other about their
favourite food and drinks using the same structure they encountered in the
video they watched. After that I asked them again to write about what they
ate today. And then some of them can read out the sentences in front of their

At the end of the lesson, I would give them some homework to keep them
thinking about what they had encountered and learned in their class.

II. The best planning frameworks that would work with LCT are POHE and
ECRIF because they give students the chance to be the ones constructing the
lesson rather than just following what the teacher is presenting them with.

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