Preset For Multi-Vitamins and Minerals - Spooky2

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Home  Health & Fitness  Preset for Multi-vitamins and Minerals


Preset for Multi-vitamins and Minerals

Health & Fitness, Molecular Weight Frequencies, Presets  October 20, 2023 


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Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients for maintaining our health, and
they participate in many inevitable metabolic processes in the human body.
Different vitamins play their respective roles in the human body to keep the
body healthy and strong. What’s more, minerals can regulate various
physiological functions of the body. An adult requires at least 100mg macro-
minerals and less than 15mg micro-minerals per day to support body needs.
Before, we could only absorb a sufficient daily intake of vitamins and minerals
through food and supplement. Since we introduced the Molecular Weight
frequencies, we are adding more and more frequencies of vitamins and
minerals into our database. Now, you can also get these nutrients for “free”
using Spooky2.

Spooky2 Multi-vitamin and Mineral (R) – JW

Multi-vitamin and mineral (R) – JW preset is a remote preset for all essential
micronutrients vitamins and minerals which meet your daily needs. The
preset is scheduled for 4 hours from 1:00 am to 5:00 am so that you can
easily take these vitamins and minerals during your sleep.

To load the preset to your generator, open your Spooky2 software and select

Heal under the preset tab. Then, select Remote.


Next, select and double click to choose Multi-vitamin and Mineral (R) – JW

Click Start under the Control tab in the evening. The preset will
automatically start at 1:00 am when connected to a computer.

Please connect Spooky2 Remote to the BN port of Spooky2 Boost.

You can run this preset in GX Pro standalone mode, but you need to click
Start each day manually and make sure not to loop it.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Should the red LED lights on the Spooky2 Remote be flashing when it is
running the Multi-vitamin and mineral preset?

Whether the LED Remote light flashes or not depend on the frequency
number. This preset contains frequencies that have extremely big numbers,
which according to the working theory of the Remote, the light will not seem
to be on when the frequency number is over 5MHz. Therefore, it is
completely normal if your Remote light is “OFF” when running the Multi-
vitamin and mineral preset.

2. How does GX Pro know the time and start the preset at 1:00 AM?
The GX Pro does not know the time. It is the Spooky2 software that is
responsible for scheduling a preset or program. If you want to start the preset
at a particular time, you can connect your GX Pro to a computer and use the
schedule function in the Spooky2 software.

Start running this preset from today and let Spooky2 help keep your body

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If I set the vitamin and minerals program to run from 1:00 to 5:00 a.m., and I
am running another program continuously on that generator, will it interrupt
that program to run the vitamin and minerals program at the scheduled

janetawells October 24, 2023 Reply


Dear Janetawells, when you run different Programs on the two ports of

GX/GXPro, the port that is set to run the preset from 01:00 am to
05:00am will run during that time, and the other port that you use to run
the other program will not be interrupted. Please note that you cannot
run different programs on the same port. Hope this explanation is useful
for you, feel free to contact us at our email:
if you have any questions. Our customer service will help you to solve
the problem.

Spooky2  October 25, 2023 Reply

Some of the supplements that I take contain some of these ingredients. Can
we get too much of these elements by using this program?

Bonnie F October 25, 2023 Reply

Dear Bonnie, this should be unaffected, but everyone’s condition is
different, so if you are feeling any discomfort, please adjust promptly.
Any questions, feel free to contcat us by email: support@spooky2-

Spooky2  October 25, 2023 Reply


I really want the device but not sure if I could figure it out with the computer n
stuff. Could I look over directions before I purchase one? Or is it pretty basic?
What do new users say? Any new users out there?

Jan October 25, 2023 Reply

Dear Jan, please don’t worry, we have a lot of resources to help you, such
as blogs, videos training courses, etc. These URLs will help you:,
list=PLyBlPgYV4wN2B1PbayEo9OX_FzWDiNY9D, https://www.spooky2- There is also an electronic version of the manual for you
to learn about our products: https://www.spooky2- If you have any
questions you can also contact us at: and
our customer service will do their best to help you with your questions.
Spooky2  October 25, 2023 Reply

Jan, you can even download the software and play with it as you watch the
videos before you purchase. Best of luck!

Sharon Denomme November 16, 2023 Reply

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