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In the depths of fear, where shadows breed hate,

Xenophobia lurks, sealing mankind's fate.
It's a poison that seeps through the cracks of the mind,
Blinding our hearts, leaving empathy behind.

In lands near and far, its venom does spread,

Fueling division, and leaving souls misled.
For what is a stranger but a friend unknown?
Yet xenophobia thrives, in seeds of ignorance sown.

In the tapestry of humanity, each thread has its place,

Yet xenophobia tears, leaving scars we can't erase.
It whispers lies of superiority and fear,
But beneath the surface, we're all kin, far and near.

From every corner of the earth, we hail,

Different languages, cultures, yet in unity, we prevail.
For diversity is our strength, our beacon of light,
Against the darkness of xenophobia, we must fight.

Let us embrace the beauty in our diversity's dance,

And shun the hatred, give compassion a chance.
For in the end, we're all passengers on this cosmic ride,
United in our humanity, side by side.

So let love be our anthem, let understanding be our guide,

And together, let's stand, with hearts open wide.
For against the tide of xenophobia, we'll rise,
In the embrace of unity, where true freedom lies.

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