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Battlemap 1 - Dirt Track

Battlemap 1 - Dirt Track
Battlemap and Cover: Azukail Games

Page Backgrounds: Lord Zsezse Works

Published by Azukail Games, a trading style of eGDC Ltd

Copyright Information
The contents are copyright © 2018 Azukail Games. All rights reserved. As a purchaser of
this product your are entitled to print one copy for personal use. Reproduction, reselling
and redistribution of this work are strictly and expressly forbidden without written per-
mission from Azukail Games.

This product is designed to be system agnostic and usable with any pen
and paper role playing game system.

This PDF uses Adobe layers and the backgrounds and images can be disabled for a print-
er friendly version.


This is an experimental, small battlemap that depicts a muddy dirt track along which
a horse and wagon have recently travelled. The area to the right is higher ground; the
rocks provide a degree of cover from the road below, and this could be a potential am-
bush spot. In the upper left, there are some young trees at the very edge of a wood
which provide fairly minimal cover.

The battlemap comes in pieces which can be printed out and assembled as well as in
four jpeg variations. The jpegs come in 300 dpi and 72 dpi resolutions, one of each with
a grid and one without.

Assembly Instructions

The map has been divided into four segments to fit the format of the PDF and allow it
to be printed. The four individual sections are on the following pages. They are ordered
from A1 to B2. Print out the pages and cut out the map segments. There is no overlap
between the sections so allow whitespace on one or two of the sides of most of the map
segments as appropriate. Once cut out, assemble using the following illustration and
tape or glue together. A light card stock will probably produce better results in terms of
durability than paper stock when printing.

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