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Module II: Theories, Principles, and Approaches related to
Pedagogical Process
By Ms. Anny Salazar

1. Raul works in a public school and his students are very clever and have a good attitude
toward learning English so his students have been doing different activities in order to
develop their skills in English. In this context, Raul wants his students to develop their
communicative competence through mental operations.
Which of the following activities and/or tasks presents a high cognitive demand?
a. Write the meaning of some words, as it appears in the dictionary, to write
b. Read a text aloud for 15 minutes in front of the whole class.
c. Develop a questionnaire on literary figures with the information of the school text.
d. Create a poem applying consonant and assonance rhyme.

2. Now Raul is with his first-year school students, he has detected that many of his 1st-grade
students have little knowledge of the English language; therefore, he has devised different
activities, so that, he can start without complications. He has to be very careful that these
students do not get stressed and lower their anxiety levels and don't damage the affective
filter either.
In the following example, Raul indicates that students develop a low cognitive demand.
Which of them corresponds to lower cognitive demand?
a. Find important ideas in a text and write a summary.
b. Answer questions from a statistical graph
c. Sorts a list of given words alphabetically.
d. Issues a judgment based on the resolution of a problem
3. The principal of a public school in ¨San Juan de Lurigancho¨, has realized that the grades in
the area of English of the students in the first grade of high school have dropped in the last
two months and, in some cases, they do not want to be at English classes. Then, he talks
with the teacher in charge to find out what is happening and he tells him that the students
do not work on the activities in class and they are very lazy.
However, the principal is worried about these results, the next day he visits the classroom
and interviewed some of these students, who tell him that the type of tasks left by the area
teacher bores them. When checking their notebooks, the director realizes that the
activities formulated by the teacher are only to apply exercises repetitively.
According to the situation described, what is the pedagogical limitation shown by the
teacher in the area?

a. Poor use of strategies to develop group dynamics, harming the promotion of

cooperative learning.
b. Deficient monitoring in the review of tasks left to students, since the portfolio
technique is not properly used.
c. Deficiencies in the proposal of relevant learning activities of high cognitive demand
that challenge students according to their needs and interests.
d. Poor updating of thematic content related to their specialty and level.

4. Teacher Raul after doing various activities using the cognates technique, in a class related to
reading comprehension about ¨computers¨, a student of first-year comments:
"I did not know that there are several types of cognates (knowledge) that help to understand
better about reading. Now I realize that this technique is very important to use constantly!
(conscious) I found that it is not necessary to use a dictionary the first time! (control) It is very
interesting, but I still have some doubts about it, so I will continue to investigate¨.
What is the cognitive process that is mainly evidenced in the student's comment?
a. Cognitive conflict.
b. Metacognition.
c. Transfer.
d. Prior knowledge

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