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In this presentation, we will explore the power and importance of SQL

in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). Get ready to
dive deep into the world of data manipulation and retrieval.
What is SQL and Importance of SQL in
SQL, or Structured Query SQL is crucial for interacting
Language, is a programming with data stored in RDBMS. It
language used for managing allows for efficient data
and manipulating relational retrieval, manipulation, and
databases. RDBMS, or analysis, enabling businesses to
Relational Database make informed decisions based
Management Systems, are on their data.
software systems that manage
structured data.
SQL Basics
1 Syntax and keywords
Learn the fundamental structure of
SQL statements and the key terms
Data retrieval using SELECT 2 used in the language.
Explore the power of the SELECT

3 Data manipulation using

statement to retrieve specific data


from your database.

DELETE statements

Creating and modifying 4

Discover how to insert, update, and

database objects
delete data in your database.

Master the art of creating and

modifying tables, indexes, views, and
other objects in your database.
Advanced SQL
Joins and table Aggregate functions Subqueries and views
relationships Discover powerful Take your SQL skills to the
Learn how to combine functions such as SUM, next level by learning how
data from multiple tables AVG, COUNT, and others to use subqueries and
using different types of for performing views to simplify complex
joins and establish calculations on sets of queries and improve
relationships between data. overall performance.
SQL Importance
SQL is not just a skill for data professionals. It is an essential tool for
businesses of all sizes to unlock the potential of their data, drive
decision-making, and gain a competitive edge.
In conclusion, SQL plays a vital role in managing and interacting with
structured data in RDBMS.The breadth and scope of the SQL
commands provide the capability to create and manipulate a wide
variety of database objects using the various CREATE , ALTER , and
DROP commands. Those database objects then can be loaded with
data using commands such as INSERT

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