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This is according to the book of Gen 12:1-3, when GOD called Abraham and told him
to get out of his country and from his kindred and from his father’s house unto the
unknown land that GOD would show him. We need to go through repentance for four
generations as its written in Exodus 20:4-7 & Lamentation 5:7, this is the bloodline of
every one of us. For the source of almost all sicknesses and sins lies in the bloodline.
We need Repentance/ confession, renouncing, separation, breaking of covenants and
soul ties, being washed and being cleansed from our blood iniquity and drying the
waters of levithiathan to avoid recurrence of those sins. Being set apart for God in the
new covenant of the blood of Jesus Christ.




(1) Repentance in the family tree if possible using their names.
i. This is identifying ourselves with the sins one by one not in general. Taking
generation by generation.
ii. Renouncing and separating ourselves from them one by one.
iii. Asking GOD to wash us and cleanse us.
iv. Destroying covenants and initiations in the bloodline.
v. Destroying the familiar spirits and soul ties in the bloodline.
vi. Drying the waters of Levithiathan in every generation one by one.
vii. Asking GOD to cleanse us and separate us from all generation iniquities
viii. Covenanting ourselves to the new covenant of the blood of Jesus Christ in the
new testament covenant.
(2) After the family tree repentance, we got the clan. Identify your clan and their sins
and the same procedure follows.
(3) After the clan repentance you go to your tribe identify it and their sins repent and
the same procedure follows.
(4) After the clan you go the community where you are or stay, identify their sin sins
and repent and the same procedure follows.
(5) After the community you go to the city where you identify their sins and repent
and the same procedure follows.
(6) After the city you go the church, identify their sins and repent and the same
procedure follows.
(7) After the church now you go to the nation that you live, identify their sins, repent
and the same procedure follows.

NB: Final results of the repentance are in Rev.5:9-12

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