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Computer Awareness MCQs and Quiz for Banking, IBPS, RRB - GKToday

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Computer Awareness Questions and Quiz for Banking, IBPS,

RRB, RBI, SBI, NABARD examinations of 2020-2021. Computer
Awareness MCQs for Competitive Exams. GKToday Computer
Awareness for IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, Bank PO, Bank Clerk and
other entrance / competitive examinations.
61. What do we call the process of limiting bandwidth consumption
by users?
[A] Bandwidth Shaping
[B] Downstreaming
[C] Net Neutrality
[D] Walling

62. Which among the following is the cheapest type of internet

[A] Dial-up
[D] Wireless Internet

63. Which of these is a connection-oriented network protocol?

1 of 7 10-11-2021, 18:38
Computer Awareness MCQs and Quiz for Banking, IBPS, RRB - GKToday

[B] IP
[D] All of the above

64. Which of the following layer of the OSI model is used by the
TCP for its operation?
[A] Network layer
[B] Transport layer
[C] Data Link layer
[D] Presentation layer

65. Which of these protocols is used to querying and modifying

directory services running over a network?
[D] None of the above

66. With which of the following websites is Jimmy Wales

[A] Wikipedia
[B] Microsoft
[C] Amazon
[D] Tumblr

2 of 7 10-11-2021, 18:38
Computer Awareness MCQs and Quiz for Banking, IBPS, RRB - GKToday

67. Which of the following language is designed specifically for

Web site animation?
[B] Actionscript
[D] None of the above

68. In which year Google search engine was launched?

[A] 1996
[B] 1998
[C] 1999
[D] 2001

69. Where is the headquarters of Facebook located?

[A] Chicago
[B] California
[C] New York
[D] Miami

70. Which was the first smartphone launched by Nokia?

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