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Computer Awareness MCQs and Quiz for Banking, IBPS, RRB, RBI, SBI
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Computer Awareness Questions and Quiz for Banking, IBPS, RRB, RBI,
SBI, NABARD examinations of 2020-2021. Computer Awareness MCQs
for Competitive Exams. GKToday Computer Awareness for IBPS PO,
IBPS Clerk, Bank PO, Bank Clerk and other entrance / competitive
31. Who was the first head of the state to send an email?
[A] George Washington
[B] Queen Elizabeth II
[C] Jimmy Carter
[D] None of the above
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Correct Answer: B [Queen Elizabeth II]

In 1976 Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom sent an email on Arpanet,
becoming the first head of state to do so.

32. In which year the Domain Name System was invented?

[A] 1985
[B] 1984
[C] 1983
[D] 1982
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33. Which of these protocols is used to querying and modifying directory

services running over a network?
[D] None of the above
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34. Which of these is known as India’s first web browser?

[A] Chakra
[B] Galeon
[C] Amaya
[D] Epic
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35. Which of these was the first browser to display images inline with text?
[A] Nexus
[B] Safari
[C] Internet Explorer
[D] Mosaic
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Correct Answer: D [Mosaic]

Mosaic was the first web browser to display images inline with text instead
of displaying images in a separate window.
36. Which of these is an Indian smartphone manufacturer?
[A] Karbonn
[B] Xiaomi
[C] Oppo
[D] Vivo
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Correct Answer: A [Karbonn]

Karbonn Mobiles is an Indian mobile device manufacturing company. It
was founded in March 2009. It sells feature phones, smartphones, tablets
and mobile phone accessories.

37. Which key combination can make the Windows operating system
[A] Ctrl + F10
[B] Ctrl + Alt
[C] Ctrl + Alt + Del
[D] Ctrl + F12
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Correct Answer: C [Ctrl + Alt + Del]

Ctrl-Alt-Delete is the combination of keyboard keys in MS Windows that the
computer user can press at the same time to terminate an application task
or to reboot the operating system.
38. Where is the Insert function button located in MS Excel?
[A] Under Formulas Menu
[B] Under Insert Menu

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