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Computer Awareness MCQs and Quiz for Banking, IBPS, RRB, RBI, SBI
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Computer Awareness Questions and Quiz for Banking, IBPS, RRB, RBI,
SBI, NABARD examinations of 2020-2021. Computer Awareness MCQs
for Competitive Exams. GKToday Computer Awareness for IBPS PO,
IBPS Clerk, Bank PO, Bank Clerk and other entrance / competitive
21. Which of the following is the final step when it has determined that a
transaction has been completed successfully?
[A] Rollback
[B] Commit
[C] Transit
[D] None of the Above
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Correct Answer: B [Commit]

A commit is the final step in the successful completion of a previously
started database change as part of handling a transaction in a computing

22. Which of the following is used to represent a Weak entity set?

[A] Line
[B] Diamond
[C] Double Diamond
[D] Double Rectangle
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Correct Answer: C [Double Diamond]

In a relational database, a weak entity is an entity that cannot be uniquely
identified by its attributes alone. It must use a foreign key in conjunction
with its attributes to create a primary key.

23. What is the full form of NIC?

[A] Network Interface Card
[B] Network Interface Censorship
[C] Node in Connection
[D] All of the Above
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Correct Answer: A [Network Interface Card]

NIC stands for Network Interface Card. It is used to connect the computer
to the external network. It will normally have a PCI connector to connect to
one of the PC expansion slots.
24. Which of the following represents Latency?
[A] propagation time +transmission time +queuing time + processing delay
[B] propagation time – transmission time +queuing time + processing delay
[C] propagation time +transmission time +queuing time – processing delay
[D] (propagation time +transmission time) – (queuing time + processing
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25. Which of the following represents the Transmission time?
[A] Message size/Bandwidth
[B] Message size *Bandwidth
[C] 1/2 (Message size/Bandwidth)
[D] 2 *(Message size/Bandwidth)
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Correct Answer: A [Message size/Bandwidth]

The transmission time, is the amount of time from the beginning until the
end of a message transmission. It depends on the size of the message and
the bandwidth of the channel. Transmission time =Message size /

26. What is the maximum data transfer speed offered by Bluetooth 4.0?
[A] 10 Mbps
[B] 5 Mbps
[C] 24 Mbps
[D] 50 Mbps
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Correct Answer: C [24 Mbps]

The maximum data transfer speed offered by Bluetooth 4.0 is 24 Mbps. It
is same as the speed offered by Bluetooth 3.0.

27. Which of these factors affect the line of sight communication?

[A] line of sight distance
[B] curvature of the earth
[C] Both a and b
[D] None
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Correct Answer: C [Both a and b]

The line of sight communication is affected by (a) the line of sight distance
(b) the curvature of the earth. The space waves are used for line of sight
communication such as television broadcast, microwave link and satellite
28. Which of the following switching methods was used by ARPANET?
[A] Message-switching
[B] Packet-switching
[C] Circuit-switching
[D] None of the above
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Correct Answer: B [Packet-switching]

The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network or as it is called as
ARPANET was an early packet-switching network and the first network to
implement the TCP/IP protocol suite.
29. Which of these is known as the first search engine?
[A] Archie
[C] Gopher
[D] Google
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Correct Answer: A [Archie]

The Archie search engine is known to be the first search engine. It was
developed in 1991 and was followed by WAIS and Gopher.

30. Which of these protocols is considered as the effective predecessor of

the World Wide Web?
[B] Gopher
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Correct Answer: B [Gopher]

The Gopher protocol is an application layer protocol which is designed for
distributing, searching, and retrieving documents over the Internet. The

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