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1.Lab 01: Create an AWS Free Trial Account

2.Lab 02: CloudWatch – Create Billing Alarm & Service Limits.

3.Lab 03: Create And Connect To Windows EC2 Machine

4.Lab 04: Create And Connect To Linux EC2 Machine.
5.Lab 05: Working with AWS IAM
6.Lab 06: Enable Multi-Factor Authentication
7.Lab 07: IAM Power User
8.Lab 08: Create S3 Bucket, Upload and access Files, And Host the Website
9.Lab 09: Create and mount Elastic File System (EFS) on EC2 Instances
10.Lab 10: Create and Manage EBS Volumes & Snapshots
11.Lab 11: Host Website On Windows EC2 Instance Using IIS
12.Lab 12: Configure Apache Webserver on AWS Linux EC2 Machine
13.Lab 13: Network Load Balancer
14.Lab 14: Configure a Load Balancer And Autoscaling on EC2 Instances
15.Lab 15: Create Launch Template For Auto Scaling Group
16.Lab 16: Create a Custom Virtual Private Cloud.
17.Lab 17: Work with VPC Peering Connection
18.Lab 18: AWS Elastic IP


19.Lab 19: Establish a Client Side VPN
20.Lab 20: Get Started with AWS X-Ray
21.Lab 21: Configure Amazon CloudWatch to Notify Change In EC2 CPU
22.Lab 22: Enable CloudTrail and Store Logs In S3
23.Lab 23: Setting Up AWS Config to Assess Audit & Evaluate AWS Resources
24.Lab 24: Create & Query with Amazon DynamoDB
25.Lab 25: Configure a MySQL DB Instance via Relational Database Service
26.Lab 26: Create A Redis Cache and connect It To EC2 Instance
27.Lab 27: Amazon Athena
28.Lab 28: Introduction to AWS Glue
29.Lab 29: Visualize Web Traffic Using Kinesis Data Streams
30.Lab 30: Send An E-mail Through AWS SES
31.Lab 31: Event-Driven Architectures Using AWS Lambda, SES, SNS and SQS

32.Lab 32: Build API Gateway with Lambda Integration

33.Lab 33: Create and Update Stacks using CloudFormation

34.Lab 34: Create S3 Bucket Using CloudFormation

35.Lab 35: Create & Configure EC2 with Helper-Scripts

36.Lab 36: Deploy An Application In Beanstalk Using Docker

37.Lab 37: Immutable Deployment on Beanstalk Environment

38.Lab 38: Blue-Green Deployments Using Elastic Beanstalk

39.Lab 39: AWS Serverless Application Model

40.Lab 40: AWS KMS Create & Use

41.Lab 41: Block Web Traffic with WAF in AWS

42.Lab 42: Amazon Inspector

43.Lab 43: Working with AWS CodeCommit

44.Lab 44: Build Application with AWS CodeBuild

45.Lab 45: Deploy Sample Application using AWS CodeDeploy


46.Lab 46: Create a Simple Pipeline (CodePipeline)

47.Lab 47: Build Application with AWS CodeStar

48.Lab 48: Create ECR, Install Docker, Create Image, and Push Image To ECR

49.Lab 49: Create Task Definitions, Scheduling Tasks, Configuring Services

and Cluster using EC2 Launch Types
50.Lab 50: Create Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Cluster on AWS

51.Lab 51: Application Migration to AWS

52.Lab 52: Database Migration To AWS

53.Lab 53: AWS Data Transfer Acceleration

54.Lab 54: Migrating a Monolithic Application to AWS with Docker



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