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A post of a certain Annaliza Rosales, a Filipina OFW working in

Vietnam, containing two pictures showing relief packs labelled with the
name of the House Speaker Martin G. Rumualdez, with the caption " Ka
sana all kwarta sa katilingban tas iyahang pangalan gibutang..bagaa jud
nimog nawong oi😁🤣 Tambaloslos kang daku🤮" is circulating in social
media which stirred up mixed reactions and perceptions among the
In consideration of the issue above, I come up with two points of
view- one is the motive behind relief operation, is it a genuine help or a
political stunt? Second is the stimulus that triggers the facebook owner to
post such content and caption, what does it implies to the political
landscape of the Philippines in relation to constitutionally guaranteed rights
on freedom of expression?
On the motive behind relief operation
Every time I see posts of relief operations in social media especially
when the goods are packed and labelled with names of politicians, what
instantly crossed my mind is the question of motive. Is it genuinely given?
Or there is an agenda behind it? I would be hypocrite if I would not admit to
be sometimes carried away by public opinion saying that the real score of
distributing relief packs is political advancement. Some think that there are
politicians who take advantage of the desperate situation of the citizens in
order to push their political stunt in guise of help and assistance. Although
without concrete basis but their comments are based on actual
observations with the political landscape of the country.
Furthermore, when political officials initiate actions responding to the
needs of the citizens especially in times of calamities and emergencies, the
public inevitably presume that funds used are coming from the purse of the
nation. The concerned officials might acting as Good Samaritan, taking
fund from their own pockets but the general public would hardly believe it
because of trust issues which I would further discuss and incorporate on
my second point of view.
On the stimulus that triggers the facebook owner to post such
content and caption, what does it implies to the political landscape of
the Philippines in relation to constitutionally guaranteed rights on
freedom of expression?

In the exercise of her freedom of expression, the facebook owner,

certain Annaliza Rosales, might be triggered by the default belief and mind
condition of distrust in the country’s political system – a system of
corruption; corruption not merely with money but with morals and
trustworthiness. Our leaders especially those form the national office are
oftentimes involved with controversies – throwing each other’s trashes and
shits. Although issues are pending verifications and still subject for
investigation, the very fact that almost everyone is involved in whatever
scandal undermines the trust and confidence of every Juan and Juana
Dela Cruz to any of them. This might be the very reason why every efforts
and actions of our government no matter how genuine the motives are,
doubt still reigns over the heart of every citizen like Annaliza Rosales. The
Philippine political atmosphere is wrapped with withered trust.

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