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ROLL NO : 19108

The ABC (antecedents, behavior, consequences) model is a main component of rational
emotive behavior therapy (REBT), a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).1 It is based
on the idea that emotions and behaviors are not determined by external events but by our
beliefs about them.

Definition of the ABC Model

The ABC model, also sometimes considered the ABCDE model, is a simplified framework
used in REBT to change irrational beliefs into rational ones, thus prompting healthier
reactions to situations.3

The idea behind the ABC model is that a person doesn't necessarily have to change their
environment to feel better; instead, they can acknowledge and change their reactions to their


The "A" in the ABC model stands for antecedents. This is an event that prompts the start of
the reaction process. It can be a major event, but often it's much simpler, like someone
speaking to you rudely.


The "B" stands for beliefs. This is where the work in the ABC model is performed and what
determines the outcome of the event.

In the ABC model, beliefs are separated into two categories, as follows:4

Irrational Beliefs

 Rigid, extreme, and illogical

 Primary belief is "demandingness" (requires help or attention)
 Secondary beliefs are "awfulizing" (assuming bad or negative things will happen),
low frustration tolerance, self-depreciation

Examples of irrational beliefs include:5

 "Susan was rude to me this morning, so she must hate me."

 "Susan was rude to me, so I must be an unlikable person."
 "Susan was rude to me. She is a terrible person."
Rational Beliefs

 Flexible, nonextreme, and logical

 Primary belief is preferences
 Secondary beliefs include "anti-awfulizing", high frustration tolerance, self-
acceptance, and acceptance of others

Examples of rational beliefs might include:

 "Susan was rude to me. She must be having a bad day."

 "Susan was rude to me this morning. Maybe she was in rush or running late and didn't
have time for a chat."

Rational, healthy, and adaptive emotions are not always positive emotions. Some negative
emotions are necessary, such as:

 Concern
 Annoyance
 Sadness
 Disappointment
 Regret/remorse

The goal of ABC is not to banish negative emotions, but rather to view them in a rational,
healthy manner.6


"C" stands for consequences. This is how you feel or what you do in response to the
antecedent event.

In the ABC model, consequences are determined by your beliefs in the "B" step. Using the
example above, if you believe Susan was rude because of something negative in her own life,
your behaviour may be to not internalize it and give Susan some space.

The ABCDE Model

The ABC model often extends to an ABCDE model, with "D" standing for "disputation of
beliefs," and "E" standing for a "new effect." These mean learning to dispute irrational and
unhealthy beliefs when they arise to change the outcome to a positive one.

How the ABC Model Works

CBT helps people understand how their thoughts and feelings influence their behavior. ABC
is a tool used in CBT to highlight this connection.

This strategy helps people identify unhealthy thoughts and emotions and learn to change
them into more constructive ones. It can help simplify an otherwise complex concept and
allow people to examine their personal reactions to specific situations.5

Benefits of the ABC Model

The effectiveness of the ABC model has been demonstrated widely in studies. It has been
shown to help with conditions and symptoms such as:6

 Depression
 Anxiety
 Dysfunctional thinking
 Anger issues
 Substance use disorders
 Eating disorders

The ABC model has also been shown to facilitate therapy by helping people understand the
antecedents (or triggers) of their emotions and behaviors, and to realize that they cannot
always control what happens, but they can control how they respond.4

One of the biggest benefits of the ABC model is its simplicity. It can be implemented with
minimal instruction and can even be posted as a reminder or guide in schools or workplaces.

What to Expect From the ABC Model

The ABC model is used in several therapeutic formats, with people of different backgrounds,
in different settings, and for a wide variety of conditions and purposes. How ABC will be
applied depends on these factors and more.6

Generally, the ABC model will involve answering questions that relate to each stage to better
understand your triggers, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors.

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