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Grade: 7 Max. Marks: 10

Date: Time: 30 Mins
Name of Student: ___________________________________________________ Section: ____

General Instructions:
Part A – Multiple Choice Questions
Choose the most suitable response from the given options for each of the questions


Read the passage on silver and answer the questions from 1-5:
Silver has always had an inferior role to other elements. In sports, it is the symbol for second
place, giving way to gold in the medals. In jewelry and credit cards too, silver is topped by gold
and platinum. However, in the world of useful elements, silver should be on top.
Silver is long known for its antibacterial property. The Phoenicians lined clay vessels with silver
to preserve liquids (around 1300 BCE), the Persians and Greeks used silver containers to store
drinking water (around 500- 300 BCE) and Americans travelling west during the 1880s added
silver coins into water barrels. More recently, both American and Russian space programs,
including the International Space Station, have used ionic silver to purify water.
Silver has found widespread use as a popular home remedy for a range of ailments. However, it
has often been marketed with dubious claims which are not supported by the scientific
Some websites claim the use of silver cutlery and dinnerware by wealthy Europeans in the
Middle Ages may have helped favor their survival during the plague, though evidence
supporting this is scarce. One version of the origin of the term "blue blood" to describe the
wealthy is based on their use of silver dinnerware. This is because ingestion of significant silver
is known to cause argyria, or purple-grey skin.
Despite these non-scientific associations, silver has found sufficient acceptance in the medical
community for specific applications of its antibacterial properties.
While this may sound like a good idea, there are concerns that widespread use of silver could
cause bacteria to become resistant, not only to silver but also to our important antibiotics.
Historically, the major use of silver has been as coinage and in jewellery. Silver has the highest
reflectivity of any metal — and also is the best at conducting electricity and heat. So silver really
does deserve top of the podium — a gold for silver!

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1. Silver in large amounts in our body leads to a medical condition known as___ (0.5 Points)
a) Argyria
b) Anemia
c) Beriberi
d) Scurvy

2. According to the passage, which of these people used silver as a material to make vessels to
store water? (0.5 Points)

a) The Greeks and the Persians

b) The Norwegians
c) The Americans
d) The Phoenicians

3. According to the passage, which of these were the leading purposes for which silver was
used in the past? (0.5 Points)

a) As a lubricant.
b) Blood purification.
c) Jewellery and coin making.
d) Making of medals.

4. Silver has always had an inferior role to other elements.

Select the option that correctly replaces the underlined phrase in the above sentence. (0.5

a) Silver has always had a paramount role to other elements.

b) Silver has always played second fiddle to other elements.
c) Silver has always played the key role to other elements.
d) Silver has always had a primary role to other elements.

5. The synonym of the word 'dubious’ as given in the paragraph is: (0.5 Points)
a) certain
b) definite
c) uncertain
d) sure


Read the poem ‘Qualities of Voice’ and answer questions 6-10.

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“It’s not so much what you say
As the manner in which you say it;
It’s not so much the language you use As the tone in which you convey it;

“Come here!” I sharply said,

And the child cowered and wept.
“Come here”, I cooed – He looked and smiled And straight to my lap he crept.

Words may be mild and fair And the tone may pierce like a dart;
Words may be soft as the summer air
But the tone may break my heart;

For words come from the mind Grow by study and art –
But tone leaps from the inner self Revealing the state of the heart.

6. In the poem which word conveys POSITIVE feelings? (0.5 Points)

a) cooed
b) sharply
c) manner
d) cowered

7. Which is the best summary of the poem? (0.5 Points)

a) Be yourself at all times
b) Pattern your lives to please others.
c) Words we use, talk a lot about our personality.
d) The way we say things are true indicators of what we feel.

8. According to the poet, what is most pleasing to a listener? (0.5 Points)

a) The content of the language.
b) The quality of the language used.
c) The caring note in the language used.
d) The striking words in the language used.

9. In which stanza do we find a practical example of what the poet is trying to convey to us?
(0.5 Points)
a) Stanza 1
b) Stanza 2
c) Stanza 3
d) Stanza 4

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10.What is compared to a 'dart' in the poem? (0.5 Points)
a) A harsh attitude
b) An indifferent look
c) Painful thoughts
d) Brutal statements.


11. Which of the following words is OPPOSITE in meaning to “uninhabited”. (0.5 Points)

a) ignored
b) cultivated
c) populated
d) unexplored

12.Choose an option that provides the CORRECT MEANING for the word 'incident.' (0.5 Points)

a) clash
b) event
c) disaster
d) accident

13.Choose the option that has the SAME MEANING as the word 'unvarnished.’ (0.5 Points)

a) plain
b) harsh
c) biggest
d) popular

14.In which of these sentences is an underlined word spelled WRONGLY? (0.5 Points)

a) I do not know the height and weight of my niece.

b) Does your friend believe that I handed over the reciept to her?
c) My neighbour said that the paint from her ceiling was peeling off.
d) They told me that they had received neither my mail nor my phone call.

15. Choose the option with the correct order of words to complete the sentence meaningfully.
When she finishes listening to her favourite music programme, she ___________
to reading the chapter that__________the exercise given for homework. (0.5 Points)

a) proceeds… precedes
b) precedes…. Proceeds
c) appraises…. apprises
d) apprises… appraises

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16.'After a lot of______________ , I finally agreed to spend the day at her house.'
Choose the option with the correct spelling that would complete the sentence meaningfully.
(0.5 Points)

a) persuation
b) persuasion
c) pursuation
d) perssuasion

17.Choose the GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT sentence. * (0.5 Points)

a) Some of the tools of the in this heavy box is difficult to use.

b) The failure of most of his friends have made Sachin unhappy.
c) Rohit and his parents were fast asleep when their car entered Chennai.
d) The number of Indian movies released every year are more than Hollywood.

18. Choose the GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT sentence. * (0.5 Points)

a) The candidate and her supporters leaves the building.

b) The candidate, along with her supporters, leave the building.
c) The employees of the organization, as well as the CEO, has an interest in the project’s
d) Twelve organizations, each of which is an expert in its field and a key stakeholder in the
negotiation process, are participating in the conference.

19. Which of the following sentences is written correctly? * (0.5 Points)

a) My parents found from school full of the roads traffic when they arrived to pick me up.
b) My parents arrived to pick me from school full of traffic when they found the roads.
c) When they pick me from school, my parents arrived to found the roads full of traffic.
d) When my parents arrived to pick me from school, they found the roads full of traffic.

20. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? * (0.5 Points)

a) Sara did not eaten the pizza for dinner.

b) Soma did not took the long route while travelling home.
c) Menaaz did not receive a big bunch of flowers yesterday.
d) Tapan did not said that he was going to attend the party

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