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Test 2 Key Pdrt 7

Reading and Use oÍ English il hu.'. 15 n.rinutes)
Part 2
Pdrt 1 9 teircht
7^ 8C 14 scier
1B 2D 3D 4A .5D 6B
Part 3
Part 2
19 L)
9 One 10 far 11 it 12 every/each L3 because 14 iike
15 which/rhat l6 AS
Part 4
Part 3 24C
17 unbelievable 18 considerably 19 limiting 20 minimise/minimize
21 identified 22 efficient 23 possibility 24 charactei-istics
Part 4
25 was I the FIRST time (that)
26 cduld NOT I have
27 has been I no INCREASE OR has not/hasn't been :lny/an ÏNCREASE
28 is not/isn't BIG I enough to
29 (that) he would/could AVOID I spilling OR as to AVOID I sPilling
30 PREVTNTED me (from)/ mY I getting

Part 5
31 l) 32C 33D 348 35C 364
Part 6
37F 38C 39D 404 41 G 428
Pdrt 7
43C 44 A. 458 46D 478 48A 49D 508 51 C 524

Writing (1 hour 2o minutes)

Candiclate responses are marked using the assessment scale on pages 107-108.

Test 2 KeY

Listening (approximatelY 40 minutes)

Part 1

3A 4B 5L 6B 7B 8C
1B 2C
Part 2
12 airports 13 passengers
9 teacher 10 3,000 / three thousand 11 travel writer 18 night
14 science 15 controls 16 monitor 17 tePott

Part 3
19D 20 21. G 22C 23F.

Part 4
268 271' 28C 298 304
24C 25

TranscriPt This is the Cambridge English: First'Test
test' I shall introduce each
I am going tct giue you the instructions for this
the questions. At the start of
nart of the test ona gírr"io'í tí*, t; t'"ok at
iorh Pinrn You wil! hear this sound: .

You will hear each Piece twice'
your dnswers on the question
Remember, while you are listening' write
end of tbe test to copv \our dnswers
;*e;;.ï;;;iilt hiue fiue minutes at the
the se\arãte answer sheet'
not sPeak during the test'
at Part One'
Now open your question paper and look'
s1 C 524

Test 1 Kny Liste
Reading and Use of English 11 ho.,r.l5 minutes) 1B
Pdrt 1 Part 2

1A 2C 3A 4B 5C 6D 7B 8D 9 geo
10 (st
Part 2 1-1 mr
12 hc
9 carr/rnay 10 so 11 with 12 notlhardly/scarcely 13 and 14 have 13 wi
15 where 16 if
15 fis
Part 3
17 unknown 18 reference 19 popularity 20 marriage 21 fashionable 17 In
22 illnesses 23 labourers 24 energetic 18 fa

Pdrt I Part ,
25 FE\í programmes I were sold -t9 F.
26 .INSTEAD of I taking/catching/gettingo
27 'hàdl'd N EVER I l,re"p"n Part'
28 would ILOOK into/at
29 wasigot postponcd I BECAUSE it rained :ou
30 to CARRY on I rvorking
Part .í Tran
318 32D 33D 34B 35A 36C
Part 6
37D 38G 39F 40A 41C 42 F,

Part 7
43C 41C 45A 468 47A 4BC 49B 50D 51 B .52t)

Writing (1 hor-rr 20 minutes)

candidate responses are marked using the assessment scale on pages 107-10g.

Test 1 Key

LiSten i ng (approximately 40 minutes)

Part 1

1B 2B 3C 4B ,5C 6^ 7B BB
Part 2
9 geography
10 (street) markets
11 magazíne
12 horses
I have 13 winter
14 motor(-)bike
15 fishing
16 March
rnable 17 Images
18 farming

Part 3
198 20H 2tB 22G 23

Pprt 4
248 251' 26C 27A 28 29F. 30c

Transcript This is the Cambrìdge Englìsh: First,Test One.

I am going to gìue you tbe instructìons for tbìs test. I shall introduce each
part of tbe test and giue you tìme to look at the qwestions. At the start of
eacb pìece you wìll hear this sound:

You wìll bear eacb pìece twice.
Remember, while you are listening, write your dnswers on tbe question
1B 52D paper. Yow will haue fiue minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers
onto the sepdrate answer sheet.
There will now be a pause. Please ask any questions now, because you must
not speak during the test.
Ipause] your questìon pdper and look at Part One.



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