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Particles in English vs.

A Particle is the auxiliary part of speech that
introduces into the sentence various shades of
meaning or serves to form the forms of a word.

Particles in English and Ukrainian are

unchangeable words specifying some
component in a phrase or the whole phrase
(a sentence/clause). Unlike conjunctions or
prepositions, particles do not express any
syntactic relations.
The main features of the
• The Particle is characterized by the following
• lexico-grammatical meaning of emphatic
specification; unilateral
• combinability with words of different classes
as well as clauses; function of a specifier.
• Particles have no power of nomination, they
merely render different emotional and
evaluative attitude of the speaker to the
content of an element of a sentence or to the
whole utterance.
The particles can be
classified into:
• As to their morphological structure,
particles in the contrasted languages may

• • Simple:all, else, even, just, too, yet, not,

а, і/й, так, ну, не, ж, еге and others;

• • Derivative:alone, merely, scarcely, simply,

нумо, було, воно, та, те, це, оце, а, чи;

• • Compound:almost, also (невже, якраз).

Isomorphic is the homonymy of many
particles in English and Ukrainian with the
following parts of speech:
• Isomorphic is the homonymy of many particles in English and Ukrainian
with the following parts of speech:

• with adverbs: exactly, precisely, never, simply, still, просто, лиш, там,
ще, вже;

• with adjectives (in English): even, right, just;

• with pronouns: all, either, все, воно, собі, те, то;

• with conjunctions (very few in English): but they are in Ukrainian (а, і,
та, чи);

• with articles (in English only): themore, the better; the longer, the
The semantic groups of particles are:

English language Ukrainian language

• Particles of emphatic precision: absolutely,
exactly, precisely, right. • Емфатичного уточнення:
справді, просто.
• Demonstrative particles: here, there.
• Affirmative particlesі: well, now, yes.
• Вказівні: це, оце, онде, ген,
• Intensifying particles are rather numerous in
• Стверджувальні: так, гаразд,
English and Ukrainian: all, but, just, even,
simply, yet, still, etc. еге, еге ж, атож.
• Підсилювальні: і, й, та, аж,
• Negative or form-building particles: not,
never, no.. These particles are used for the навіть, вже, ж, бо, же.
following purposes: a) to make a predicate • Заперечні й формотворні: не, ні,
verb in both languages negative. ані.
• Interrogative particles: well, really, no, why, • Запитальні частки: га, ну,
why not. невже, хіба, та ну, що за.
• Connecting or linking particles: also, too,
there. • Приєднувальні частки: тож,
також/теж, до того ж, ще й.
A word-forming
Particles in both contrasted languages can perform not only
form-building but also word-forming functions.
Word-forming are the following English particles: else-, not-,
no more-, -most (elsewhere, notwithstanding, forget-me-not,
nothingness, moreover, almost, altogether, although,
nothing, nowhere).

Ukrainian has a considerably larger number of word-

forming particles, eg: -будь, -небудь, казна-, хтозна-,
-сь, аби-, де-, не-, ні-, би-, б-, -же-, -ж and others:
хто-небудь, декуди, де-небудь, якийсь, мовби,
ніби, начеб, щоб, ніколи, недбальство, ніде, ніщо,
кознащо, немов, адже, отже, також, теж, ніж, etc.
A form-building
• Form-building particles are used in English in the
following functions:

• a) as an infinitival identifier: to ask, to be reading;

• b) as a representation specifier (he'll come if asked to);

• c) as a specifier of degree (the larger part, he's the

quickest, more quickly);

• d) as a negator of a word (eg: cannot) or a phrase (not

he, certainly not, no reading practice).
English Particles are often homogeneous with adverbs and
even adjectives, e.g. a just person (A), just now (particle), thus
some grammarians speak of less developed particle system in it or
even about treating it as separate part of the sentence
(prof. B.Ilyish, B.Khaimovich, B.Rogovskaya). While the
Ukrainian language is characterized by a developed and more or
less stable
multicomponent system of particles.
A distinguishing feature of present day Ukrainian is a more
extensive use of particles in speech, e.g.: мовби, бодай, хай,
нехай, нумо та інш.
The English language in its turn has more practical nature; an
action itself is in the foreground but not modal attitude towards it.
The speech system has a limited set of tools to render emotional
and expressive shades. These meanings are rendered by
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