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Первое рассылочное (Ирина):

Hello, Myjchina! Would you like to be stuck with me?

I'm very afraid of elevators! Every time I get in an elevator, I'm afraid of being stuck there. ONE! ONLY

There is a call button, but will they let me out quickly? Have you had an experience like this before?

My friend Lena was stuck in an elevator for two hours once!!! It was nighttime. The elevator was brand
new!!! It wasn't even a month old. But she was with her boyfriend...

Good thing there was a light. Maybe that's why she came out of there in a good mood. She didn't tell
me anything. And we're friends!

How would you cheer me up if we were stuck? Could I not be afraid that you would nail me to the wall?

Very interesting your answer.


Первое рассылочное (Яна):

Hi, Myjchina! Do you want to drink me too?

These mosquitoes are driving me crazy! Not only do they keep me awake at night, but they've
started bothering me in the mornings, too!
I have netting on my windows that should keep them out, but they're still flying in somehow.
Even my parents checked to see if the netting was okay. It's intact!!!
How do they do that? Maybe I bring them in my hair after work?
I can't get them out. They're so nasty!!!
Maybe it's me? Taste...
Do you think I'm sweet? Will you drink me down?
I'm waiting for a greedy answer.


Проработочные письма:

Hello, Myjchina! Are you always so hard to find?

I want to organize a hunt for you... Will I need volunteers?

I'd like to use my strong arms.

Can you handle them?

They carried a lot of weight before they dragged you away!

May I consider myself a cunning woman?

Would you belong only to me? Or should I use my secret trick?

Waiting for your letter.


Heey, Myjchina! Do you only have young girls in your head? Maybe blondes?

I believe everyone here is ready to throw themselves into your arms and not let you out. Do you need to
be held like that?

I can do better than that!

I have much experience at it. Would you believe I ever held back a big tiger with my hands?

Are you just as disobedient?

I'm waiting for an obedient letter.


Dear Myjchina! Would you talk me out of doing THIS?

For example, looking for you... here... everywhere...

I have a very good nose for you. How did this happen?

I don't know, I guess I spent too much time on your profile... It's very fascinating...

What's so special about her?

Did you put the bait in here?

I'm waiting for a frank letter.


Myjchina. Would you save yourself for me?

There are men who promise nothing to girls...

Until the moment of their meeting. They are comfortable with the others and see nothing wrong with it.
Do they have the bait on every woman?

Do you think they're doing the right thing?

I'm waiting for an honest letter.


My Myjchina. Does my persistence bother you?

What can I do? You do not see me! Do not notice at all. I'm getting very lonely here.
Are you infatuated with someone else?

Yes, I'm like a fire at times like this. Nothing can put me out. Even if you pour a huge bucket of cold
water on me.

Do you know how to put me out? Or do you want that fire to get brighter and bigger?

Waiting for a fiery letter


Myjchina… Why are you inflaming me like this?

I am too fiery now... As I think of you...

And the other women here. Do you have many of them?

Are they going to come and live with you?

You must have a big house, but they won't be good hostesses.

You want a very GOOD hostess for your house?

I'm waiting for a letter.


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