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Advocacy for Policy Changes to Address

Barriers to Collaboration:

1. Funding Constraints:
- Proposal: Advocate for increased
government funding and grants specifically
earmarked for collaborative projects across
diverse sectors.

- Reference: "Government Funding for

Collaborative Initiatives: A Key Driver for
Innovation and Progress" (Jones et al., 2020).

2. Communication Gaps:
- Proposal: Implement training programs and
workshops focusing on effective communication
strategies tailored for diverse teams.
- Reference: "Effective Communication
Strategies for Cross-Cultural Collaborations"
(Smith & Patel, 2018).

3. Cultural Differences:
- Proposal: Develop cultural competency
training modules for stakeholders involved in
collaborative projects.
- Reference: "Cultural Competency in
Collaborative Settings: Building Bridges Across
Differences" (Garcia & Lee, 2019).

4. Bureaucratic Hurdles:
- Proposal: Advocate for streamlined
bureaucratic processes and the establishment
of dedicated liaison offices to facilitate
collaboration across organizations.
- Reference: "Overcoming Bureaucratic
Barriers to Collaboration: Lessons from
Successful Public-Private Partnerships"
(Johnson et al., 2021).

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