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NAME: Hadia Javed

DEPARTMENT: Gender studies


COURSE: Disaster Management



DATE: 2-04-2024
Title: Case Study: Management Effectiveness in the Aftermath of the 2019 Australian Bushfires

Introduction: The Australian bushfires in 2019-2020 were really bad. They affected a huge part
of the country and caused a lot of damage to homes, animals, and nature. How the government
and other organizations dealt with these fires shows us how good they are at handling big
problems like this.

Management Response: Lots of different groups like the government, emergency services, and
volunteers worked together to fight the fires and help people who were affected. They tried to get
people out of dangerous areas, sent firefighters from all over Australia, and even got help from
other countries like the United States and Canada. They also used military planes and people to
help stop the fires and get people to safety. But it wasn't all smooth sailing. Some people said it
took too long to get help, there wasn't enough money for firefighting, and sometimes the
different parts of the government didn't talk to each other well. The fires were so big that it was
hard for emergency services to keep up, and they had to decide where to send help first.

Effectiveness of Management Efforts: Overall, the way they handled the fires had some good
points and some not-so-good ones. On the good side, they managed to work together to stop the
fires from spreading too much and to save lives. People in the communities also helped each
other out a lot, providing food, shelter, and medical help. But there were problems too. They
could have done a better job preparing for the fires and making sure they were ready to fight
them. After the fires, they realized they needed to do more to stop them from happening in the
first place. They should have been doing things like burning old plants and trees before the fires
started, and they needed to teach people how to stay safe. They also should have thought more
about what to do before the fires happened, instead of just reacting to them when they started.
Investing in better ways to warn people when there's a fire, finding fires faster, and teaching
people how to stay safe could have made a big difference.

Lessons Learned and Recommendations: The bushfires taught us some important lessons. We
need to be ready for disasters like this by preventing them and having plans in place to deal with
them. That means doing things like burning old plants and trees before fires start, and making
sure everyone knows what to do if there's a fire. We also need to take better care of our planet.
Climate change is making fires worse, so we need to do more to stop it. That means using less
fossil fuels, protecting forests, and looking after the environment. And finally, we need to work
together better when disasters happen. Governments, emergency services, and communities all
need to talk to each other and help each other out.

Conclusion: Dealing with the Australian bushfires was really hard, but it showed us what we
need to do better in the future. We need to be ready for disasters, take care of our planet, and
work together to keep each other safe. If we learn from what happened, we can be better
prepared for the next big challenge that comes our way.

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